Progresso 15.2 Release Notes

Progresso v15.2 Release Notes
Version 1.3
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Table of Contents
Introduction ................................................................................................. 4
UI changes ................................................................................................... 5
Home page ............................................................................................. 5
Full text search ...................................................................................... 6
Navigation menu .................................................................................... 6
Dashboard widgets ................................................................................ 7
Manage dashboards ............................................................................ 8
Report widgets ................................................................................. 11
Filters .................................................................................................. 14
Advanced filter ................................................................................. 14
Column filters ................................................................................... 15
Attendance........................................................................................... 18
Roll call attendance ........................................................................... 18
Lesson by lesson attendance .............................................................. 22
Exam attendance .............................................................................. 23
Detention attendance ........................................................................ 24
Record dinners ................................................................................. 24
Behaviour Management ....................................................................... 27
Add behaviour .................................................................................. 27
Manage behaviour............................................................................. 30
Cover ................................................................................................... 32
Record absences ............................................................................... 32
Assign Cover .................................................................................... 34
Swap rooms ..................................................................................... 37
Agencies .......................................................................................... 38
Cover rota ....................................................................................... 38
Assessments ..................................................................................... 40
Manage Assessment templates ........................................................... 40
Manage Assessment screens .............................................................. 42
Widgets ........................................................................................... 47
Exam seating .................................................................................... 48
Add room ......................................................................................... 48
Add invigilator .................................................................................. 49
Seating............................................................................................ 49
Removed functionalities.................................................................... 51
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Non-UI changes .......................................................................................... 53
Progress 8 ............................................................................................ 53
Attendance........................................................................................... 54
Behaviour Management ....................................................................... 54
Neutral behaviour ............................................................................. 54
Delete detentions .............................................................................. 55
Notification settings .......................................................................... 55
Time constraints removed for detention attendance .............................. 56
Cover ................................................................................................... 56
Configure cover ................................................................................ 56
Exclude cover ................................................................................... 57
Supply accounts ............................................................................... 57
Exams .................................................................................................. 58
People .................................................................................................. 58
Timetable ............................................................................................. 59
Scheduler ........................................................................................ 59
Widgets ........................................................................................... 65
Other changes .................................................................................. 65
Version history
Section 2.4 updated.
Report widgets information added in section 2.4.2
Progress 8 information added in section 3.1
Information on On Screen Reporting (OSR) tool removed
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This document provides details of all the changes and updates within Progresso for the
latest release.
Progresso 15.2 features major changes to the user interface (UI) for improved user
experience. Changes include a new login and Home page and significant improvements
to widgets with the introduction of Dashboard management. The new UI also affects
pages in some modules such as Attendance, setting up Assessments, Cover, Behaviour
Management, external Examination Seating, and Learner and Parent portal.
There are also other changes and enhancements to existing functionalities in Progresso;
these are separate from the UI changes.
Hence, this document is divided into two main sections, one section focuses mainly on
UI-related changes, while the other covers non-UI changes.
The changes are summarised as follows:
UI changes to Attendance, Assessment (setting up only), Behaviour Management,
Cover, external Exam seating and Widgets.
Non-UI changes related to Attendance, Behaviour Management, Cover, Exams,
People, Timetable (including Scheduler) and new report available for Progress 8.
Please read through these release notes to get more information on all of the above.
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UI changes
This section covers a list of all the pages that feature the new UI. There are no major
changes to functionalities, but for some modules there may be considerable
improvements to user experience and some processes, such as adding a behaviour
entry, may seem more simplified.
All the changes to the Progresso UI are being thoroughly covered on our dedicated
Progresso 15.2 microsite. It contains detailed videos on each module as well as a range
of documentation to help you prepare your staff for the changes. It is highly
recommended that you access these resources to prepare yourself for the new UI in
Progresso 15.2.
2.1 Home page
This is the new Home page in Progresso 15.2. The navigation menu in the new UI is
moved to the left of the page and is collapsible. The Task panel is removed in the new
UI; there is now more space for the Dashboard widgets.
Other important changes on the new UI ‘Home’ page are:
Users may perform more than one role. To
simplify the choices, these roles are now
specific to the user and are selected from the
‘Role’ drop-down.
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The ‘Link Account’ functionality is moved to the ‘Manage Profile’ screen. The
‘Manage Profile’ icon is located at the top right corner of the page.
Options for communications are moved to the ‘System’ module.
Events is moved from ‘System’ to the ‘Data’ module. Document Store is also
moved under ‘Data’ module.
2.2 Full text search
Full Text Search can now be performed only for Candidates, Contacts, Learners and
Staff. The searchable fields, where applicable, are First Name, Last Name, Legal
Forename, Legal Surname, Candidate Number or Learner Code.
Note: When using Full Text Search in Internet Explorer®, an ‘X’ appears in the text box,
next to the Search icon. Clicking it does not clear the search. This is actually an issue
with IE. To clear the text box, you need to manually delete the text.
2.3 Navigation menu
The navigation menu is collapsed by default; you can expand it with a click. Modules are
denoted by quick click icons; if you’re unsure what an icon means then hovering your
cursor over it displays a tool tip for the module name. Clicking an icon displays a menu
for the module.
are not
Click to expand
The menu displays a list of links to available options under that module. Click a link to
navigate to that function. The headings in this menu (in blue) are not clickable.
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For example, now you cannot click ‘Record Assessments’ in this menu. To record
assessments, click one of the four options listed under ‘Record Assessments’.
Note: Group widgets provide shortcuts to Attendance, Behaviour Entry and Teacher
2.4 Dashboard widgets
In Progresso 15.2, the Dashboard is expanded and spreads across the page. The
Dashboard is tabbed and display up to six widgets per tab. Widgets are displayed in the
Dashboard in two formats: one across the whole width of the Dashboard or two across
half the Dashboard or combination of both.
In the screenshot above, the Dashboard contains four tabs. The first tab ‘Home’ contains
four widgets: Notifications, Staff Timetable, My Registration Groups and My Teaching
Note: If you currently have tabs containing more than six widgets, then these will be
split across two tabs; the first tab containing six widgets and the second tab
containing the remaining widgets.
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In 15.2, widgets are improved in look and feel. An example of the new widget is shown
below. This widget also contains shortcuts to take the register, add a behaviour entry
and accessing the markbook.
Each widget contains quick click options to customise the widget via icons in the top left
corner. These provide three main options for a widget: refresh the content, select widget
settings (e.g. widget name and height) and view widget in Full Screen.
Some widgets also contain an additional men denoted by a blue tab in right corner,
below the quick click icons. This is the ‘Find’ menu.
The ‘Find’ menu is collapsed by default; you can expand it with a click. It enables you to
filter the data that is displayed in the widget. The filtering is temporary however and the
data displayed in the widget reverts back to the default content once a user moves away
from the Home page or logs out.
Manage dashboards
A new functionality is introduced in Progresso 15.2 for Administrators. Administrators
now manage user Dashboards and push out default widgets for specific user roles. This
is a very useful feature that enables schools to display the most relevant information for
users, by default, every time they log into Progresso. For example, teachers can view
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widgets for ‘My Registration Groups’ and ‘Teaching Groups’ by default. This enables
teachers to quickly take attendance or add behaviour entry or access the markbook.
Where Administrators have created one or more custom Dashboard tabs with widgets,
for specific user roles, their users view these by default when they log into Progresso.
Only Administrators can edit, reorder or delete the tabs.
To set up a Dashboard for a user role, log into Progresso as an Administrator. From the
navigation menu, click System. From ‘Setup Users’, select ‘Manage Dashboard’.
The ‘Manage Dashboard’ page appears. Existing custom Dashboards are displayed on the
page, categorised by user roles. A group of icons at the top right present options such as
add a tab, edit a tab, re-order tabs for a user role (see below) or delete a tab. Hovering
your cursor over the icons displays a tool tip for the function.
Add a tab
To create a custom Dashboard for a particular user role:
1. Click the icon for Add Tab. The ‘Add Tab’ page appears with the Widget Gallery.
2. Type in a title for the Dashboard tab, in the ‘Tab Title’ text box.
3. Select a user role from the ‘Role Name’ drop-down. This updates the Widget
Gallery and displays the Widgets available for the role.
4. Select a module tab to view available Widgets.
5. To add a Widget to the Dashboard tab, drag and drop the widget into the
available layout.
6. Repeat the process till you have added up to six Widgets in the Dashboard tab.
7. Click the icon for Save.
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The Dashboard tab is saved and pushed out to the selected user role. They will view the
Dashboard tab the next time they log into Progresso. You can repeat this process to add
more tabs for a user role.
Reorder tabs
If you have created more than one Dashboard tabs for a user role, you can rearrange
the order in which they are visible to a user when they log in.
To reorder Dashboard tabs:
1. Click the icon for Reorder Tabs on the ‘Manage Dashboards’ page. The ‘Reorder
Tab’ page appears.
2. Select a user role from the ‘Role Name’ drop-down. Selecting a role, updates the
section below with the Dashboard tabs available for the user role.
3. Drag and drop to rearrange the order in which they appear.
4. Click the icon for Save to save changes.
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Delete tabs
To delete a Dashboard tab for a particular user role:
1. On the ‘Manage Dashboards’ page, select the tab you want to delete.
2. Click the icon for Delete. A confirmation message is displayed.
3. Click Yes to continue deleting the tab.
The Dashboard tab is deleted and will no longer be visible to the user when they log into
Note: Users can still create their own tabs in the Dashboard. At the top-right corner of
the dashboard, there is an option for Tab Settings. Users can add their own tabs,
delete them and also re-order their arrangement in the dashboard. In the
Dashboard, user tabs are displayed after the custom tabs pushed out by
Report widgets
There are a number of changes to creating report widgets. They are as follows:
One widget per report
In the previous version of Progresso, you could create multiple widgets from one report
and define a default set of parameter values for the widget during widget creation. When
the widget appeared in the user dashboard, the report rendered is based on the default
parameter values.
In 15.2, you can only create one widget per report and you can no longer set default
parameter values during widget creation. You can define parameters for the widget only
when it appears in the user Dashboard.
Any widgets previously created from a single report are still available in the Widget
Gallery, but these will appear as duplicates. For example, shown below are duplicate
‘Student Attendance Overview’ report widgets in the Widget Gallery.
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On the ‘Edit Access Rights’ page, when Administrators assign access for reports, reports
that have multiple widgets created from them, display an icon next to them as shown
below. On clicking the icon, they can view the list of widgets created from that report.
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Widget category
When creating a widget from a report, a specific category is selected and the widget
appears under this category in the ‘Reports’ module.
It also appears under the same category in the Widget Gallery. Except for any report
widgets categorised under ‘Data’ and ‘Events’. These will appear under a different
category in the Widget Gallery.
Category in Reports
Category in Widget Gallery
So any report widgets created under the category ‘Data’ or ‘Events’, will appear under
‘Groups’ and ‘System’ categories, respectively, in the Widget Gallery.
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2.5 Filters
There are significant changes to filtering options when using the new UI in15.2. Apart
from a new UI for Advanced Filters, there is also a new way of filtering data displayed in
list views throughout the new UI. These are referred to as Column Filters and can be
used in the new UI on virtually any list view that contains columns, including widgets.
More details on the changes are documented below.
Advanced filter
Advanced filter is available in many pages in the new UI in 15.2. It is denoted by the
following icons and features the new UI as well.
Select Filter -
- Manage Filter
Manage filter
You can use manage filter to create and store frequently used Advanced Filters. These
can be selected for filtering later, by clicking the icon for Select Filter.
Click the icon for Manage Filter; a dialog box appears. To create a new filter, click the
icon for New. You can assign the filter a name and share it with other roles. Selecting
filter attributes, condition and sorting, works exactly as the previous Advanced Filter.
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Click the icon for Save. The filter is saved and added to the ‘Manage Filter’ dialog. If you
select the filter, you view options to edit, copy or delete the filter.
Select filter
To use one of your saved filters on the page, click the icon for Select Filter. This
displays a menu that contains a list of your saved filters. Select the filter you want to use
and the page is automatically updated with the selected filter.
Column filters
You can use column filters on virtually any list view in the new UI in Progresso 15.2,
including widgets. Column filters enable you to quickly filter or reorder a list. You can
also resize columns in list view and enhance the list view.
Column filters are not saved and revert back to default views when you leave and return
to the page.
Quick sort and order
You can click a column in the list view to quickly re-order the list by the column.
For example, if you are viewing the list of behaviour entries on the ‘Manage Behaviour’
page, you can click the ‘Learner’ column to reorder the list by learner names. This
refreshes the list view automatically and the list is now ordered by learners.
You can further click the icon for column options and sort the list in ascending or
descending order.
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Disable columns
You can temporarily disable columns from the list view.
You can use this for enhancing the list view and
disabling empty columns from list view.
Click any icon for column options and select ‘Columns’.
A new menu appears with a list of all the columns in
the list view. By default, all columns are selected.
To disable a column from view, de-select the option for
the column in the menu. You can select any number of
columns to disable.
However, for every list view, the column displayed at
the very top of this menu is greyed out and it cannot
be de-selected.
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There is also an option for filtering where you can select to view only specific items in
the list. Such as a particular learner or particular subjects. Click the icon for column
options where you want to add a filter and from the menu select ‘Filter’. In the ‘Filter’
menu, type in values for the filter and click Filter. The list view is refreshed and displays
only those items with values as specified in the filter.
To remove the filter, go back to the ‘Filter’ menu where you set the filter and click Clear.
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2.6 Attendance
There are a number of changes to Attendance pages and these have improved the
overall user experience of taking the register as well as lesson by lesson attendance,
exam attendance and behaviour attendance.
Attendance pages that feature the new UI are:
Roll Call
Lesson by Lesson
Exam Attendance
Behaviour Attendance
Roll call attendance
To take the register, from the ‘My Registration Groups’ widget, select the Attendance
icon from the ‘Attendance’ column.
The ‘Taking Roll Call’ page appears. The Registration Group name and the day and date
of the register are clearly displayed at the top of the page.
Click to expand
now highlighted in red
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The current day view is displayed by default. The learners in the group are displayed in a
simple list view. The screen features responsive design so the number of learners
displayed on the screen automatically adapts to the user’s screen resolution.
There are options to switch to a different view of the list of learners as well view a
different day or the week. Other noticeable changes are the visual Behaviour indicators
in the first column, quick access icons to other areas such as Learner list, Behaviour and
Markbook, and the collapsed ‘Code’ fly-out menu.
Note: Attendance pages for Lesson by Lesson, Examinations and Detention are similar
to the Roll Call Attendance page.
The next few sections explore in depth the various UI changes you notice while taking
the attendance.
Photo view
To view the register in photo view, just select the option for ‘Photo’ view. In Photo view,
you can only view the attendance for one session per day, AM or PM. Select the option to
switch between ‘AM’ or ‘PM’ session of the day. You can also use the calendar to view the
register for another day in Photo view.
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Combined view
To view the register in a combined view of both ‘AM’ and ‘PM’ sessions as well as lessons
of the day, just select the option for ‘Combined’ view. In Combined view, you can view
the Attendance for the day and also for the week. You can also use the calendar to
quickly view another day or week.
Code menu
Another common feature in all views is the ‘Code’ fly-out menu. Click on the blue tab
labelled ‘Code’ to expand the fly-out menu.
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This menu displays a list of all codes you use when marking the register, categorised
into ‘Authorised’ and ‘Unauthorised’ codes. It also includes a key explaining the colours
on the register.
Quick access icons to other areas
All throughout the Attendance screens, there are a set of icons visible at the top right
corner. These icons offer quick access options that enable users to navigate to other
related areas. There are also options for saving and refreshing the register.
Click to
Click to
Click to
Click tolist
Option to add attendance information
You can also attach comments or additional information for learners, for example, in
relation to showing up late. To enter information for a learner, click the ‘AM’ or ‘PM’
session text box for the learner, where you want to add a comment. This populates an
additional icon for Attendance Information; click the icon.
A dialog appears where you can add information on lateness in the ‘Minutes Late’ text
You can also add comments in the ‘Notes’ text box. There is an option to attach
documentary proof such as lateness note. Click the ‘Document’ link and upload a file
from your computer. Once you have entered all details, click the Save icon.
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The information appears in the register, denoted by an icon as shown below. This icon is
visible to all users. Any user can click this icon to view the attached information.
Save attendance
To save the attendance, click Save. This displays a confirmation message. It confirms
how many marks have been taken for the given day and how many of each code.
Click Save again. A green success message appears on the ‘Taking Roll Call’ page.
Lesson by lesson attendance
To access the lesson by lesson attendance page, click the Attendance icon for the
teaching group from the ‘My Teaching Groups’ widget.
The ‘Taking Lesson by Lesson’ page appears. You can mark the lesson by lesson
attendance here and click the Save icon to save the attendance marks. A confirmation
message box appears, as seen in Roll Call attendance.
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Other notable changes include day or week list only show the lessons for that group.
Combined view for lesson by lesson shows the lessons for that day or week alongside the
roll call sessions for that day or week.
Exam attendance
To access the examinations attendance page, click the Attendance icon for an
examination from the ‘My Exam Attendance’ widget.
The ‘Exam Attendance’ page appears. You can mark attendance for the examination
here. You can also select the option to switch to Photo view. Click the Save icon to save
the attendance marks.
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Detention attendance
There are UI changes to detention attendance, similar to those seen in the Roll Call
Attendance pages. To access detentions attendance page, click the Attendance icon for
a detention from the ‘Detention Slip’ widget.
The ‘Detention Attendance’ page appears. You can mark attendance for the detention
here. You can also select the option to switch to Photo view. Click the Save icon to save
the attendance marks.
Record dinners
To access the new page to record dinner, log into Progresso. From the ‘My Registration
Groups’ widget, click the Attendance icon. The roll call register page for the
Registration Group is display. To record new options for dinner and over-write the
default dinner settings, click the Dinners icon.
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The new ‘Record Dinners’ page appears. A list of students belonging to the registration
group is displayed. It is possible to switch between day view and week view. A calendar
is also available so you can select a specific day or week to view.
Colour code
actual meal
to expand
choices indicating submission
or changes to default choices.
to expand
default meal choices.
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Default dinner choices are denoted with default meal colour code (yellowish beige).
While boxes where the dinner choices has been updated, the choices are denoted by the
actual meal colour code in purple. To view what the codes mean on this page, click the
blue tab labelled ‘Code’.
Once a user has overwritten default meal choices, click the Save icon to submit the
changes. A confirmation message is displayed, click Save to continue.
A confirmation message appears notifying the user that changes have been changed
successfully; the message disappears after a few seconds. Notice that the colour codes
on the page are also updated.
Enable access to user roles
Administrators can enable access to Manager Dinners feature and options for teachers or
other members of staff. Go to System and select ‘Roles & Access’. From the list of
available roles, select the user roles you want to enable the Manage Dinners options for
and click Edit Access Rights.
The new ‘Edit Access Rights’ page appears. From the ‘Module’ drop-down, type in and
select ‘Attendance’. This displays all available options and features under ‘Attendance’.
Select or de-select the options to enable or disable access.
Select toClick
access for
to expand
options related to Dinners for
selected user role.
The options for ‘Dinners’ appear at the very top. Select the check box for ‘Dinners’ to
enable access to all options for Dinners for the selected user role. You can also enable
access to individual options such as ‘Record Dinners’ or ‘Manage Dinners’.
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2.8 Behaviour Management
There are a number of changes to the main Behaviour Management pages. These have
improved the overall user experience of adding a behaviour entry as well as managing
behaviour entries. The changes are aimed at making the behaviour entry process more
Behaviour Management pages that feature the new UI are:
Add Behaviour
Manage Behaviour
Add behaviour
The ‘Add Behaviour’ pages now feature a step-by-step wizard for adding a behaviour
entry. There are also a number of quick access icons available in the wizard that enable
you to quickly move to another area, such as roll call or lesson by lesson attendance,
learner list and the manage behaviour page.
There are two main steps and two optional steps in the wizard. The step-by-step process
for adding a behaviour entry is:
1. Learner selection: You begin by selecting one or more learners in this step. You
can search for learners or use the Advanced Filter to find a group and select
learners from that group. Learners are displayed in Photo view. Once you have
selected learners, click Step 2 to move to the next step.
to expand
Quick click
to attendance
and learner list.
to expand
marked in blue.
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2. Incident details: You enter the incident details in this step. You can begin by
selecting the type of incident, whether positive, negative or neutral (see the
section on Neutral behaviour for more information).
Then select the date and time of the incident. You can also select a subject if the
incident relates to a particular class. If your school uses behaviour categories,
select a category. This updates the list of behaviour types displayed below. Select
one or more behaviour types.
You can also add comments by typing in or copy pasting some text in the text
box and clicking the icon for Add. The comments can be marked as confidential.
Comments appear as threaded in the ‘Comments’ section.
Once you have entered incident details, click Step 3 to move to the next step.
Selected learner names
appear here.
Comments appear threaded, with options
to edit and delete the comment.
Note: If your school behaviour policy does not require you to record details for action
and any other additional information, you can skip steps 3 and 4 and directly click
the icon for Save and Publish to save the behaviour entry after step 2.
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3. Actions: You enter the actions to be taken, for the behaviour entry, in this step.
A list of available actions is available on the page based on the incident type(s)
selected in the previous step.
If your school uses detentions, selecting the action as ‘Detention’ displays a
section for ‘Detention Details’ at the bottom. You can select option for ‘Scheduled’
detention and select from available scheduled detentions. Or you can select
option for ‘One-Off’ detention and quickly create a one-off detention without
leaving the page.
When the action is completed, you can select the option for ‘Action Completed’.
After entering the action(s) to be taken, click Step 4 to move to the next step.
4. Additional Info: You enter any other additional information in this step such as
options to assign the behaviour entry to another staff or whether you are adding
the behaviour entry on behalf of a staff member. You can also select the location
of the incident.
Option to attach a document.
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To attach documentary proof of the incident, click the icon for Add. This displays the
dialog for ‘Document Storage’.
Once you have added all details for the behaviour entry, to save and publish the
behaviour entry, click the icon for Save & Publish. Remember, you can directly save
and publish the behaviour entry after Step 2.
Manage behaviour
The ‘Manage Behaviour’ page displays a list of all behaviour entries created by you.
There are also options available to only view Behaviour entries assigned to you or you
can also use Advanced Filter on this screen to view specific Behaviour entries on the
Selecting a Behaviour entry (entry is greyed out) displays additional options for editing
the entry or deleting the entry.
Behaviour entries where comments attached are denoted by an icon in the ‘Comments’
column. Click the
icon to view the comment.
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To export behaviour data, click the icons for Export Page and Export All. It is possible
to export the Behaviour entries listed on this page or all Behaviour entries. For exporting
all Behaviour entries, there is a limit of 2500 records.
Click tooptions
expand and
options for exporting.
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2.9 Cover
There are a number of changes to Cover pages. These have improved the overall user
experience of recording staff and group absences, as well as assigning cover. The ‘Assign
Cover’ page especially features the most significant of all changes.
Cover pages that feature the new UI are:
Cover Rota
Swap Rooms
Record Absences: Staff, Registration Group and Teaching Group.
Assign Cover
Record absences
The next sections briefly look at the changes in the ‘Record Staff Absences’ and ‘Record
Teaching Group Absences’ pages.
Record staff absences
To record a staff absence, from the navigation menu, click Cover. From ‘Record
Absences’, select ‘Staff’. The ‘Manage Absence/Late Record’ page appears where a list of
existing absences for the current date and next 7 days are displayed. To add an
absence, click Add. The new ‘Add Staff Absence and Late’ page appears.
to expand
to other areas.
Click to expand
Text box to add comments.
Select one or more period
slots for
or for a full
day leave the default start
and finish time.
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Once you have recorded all the required details for an absence, click Save. A success
message appears.
Once you have successfully recorded absences, you can stay on the page and continue
to add more absences or you can use these quick access buttons to proceed assigning
cover for the absences recorded. You can also go back to the manage staff absences
Record Teaching Group absence
To record absence for one or more teaching groups, from the navigation menu, click
Cover. From ‘Record Absences’, select ‘Teaching Group’. The ‘Manage Teaching Group’
page appears where a list of existing teaching group absences are displayed. To add an
absence, click Add. The new ‘Record Absence for Teaching Group’ page appears.
to expand
Select one or more period slots
for the day
or to
the start
and finish time for a full day
Text boxClick
to quickly
search for
to expand
teaching groups.
You can record teaching group absences in bulk from here. All teaching groups for
various years are listed on the page. There are several ways of selecting teaching
group(s) you are recording an absence for.
You can either:
Manually select from the listed teaching groups.
Type the year of the teaching group in the text box for a quick search.
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Once you have recorded all the required details for an absence, click Save. A success
message appears. You can stay on the page and continue to add more absences or you
can use the quick access button to go back to the teaching group absences page.
Assign Cover
To assign cover, from the navigation menu, click Cover and then select ‘Assign Cover’.
The ‘Assign Cover’ page appears.
The page displays a grid view of all events that require cover. Events are made up of
staff absences (at the top) and unavailable rooms (at the bottom). You can use the
options listed here to update the events displayed in the grid. So you can select to view
either staff absences or unavailable rooms. You can also select to view only those events
that require cover. By default, all options are selected.
events are
to expand
displayed in the grid.
to expand
Switch to Week view
Click to expand
with a click or change
the date
Some important options and functions on the page are:
When a teacher and teaching group are both absent, cover events are
automatically marked as ‘Group Abs’ i.e. cover not required due to group
When cover is required for both teacher and room, two separate events appear in
the grid, one for the teacher and one for the room.
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The first column displays details of the absent staff or unavailable room. To
optimise the space on the screen, only teacher and room code is displayed. If you
want to view the teacher name or room name, hover the mouse over the code.
Each event in the grid contains details such as group code at the top and room
code at the bottom. Teacher code appears in the middle after cover is assigned.
Similarly, for unavailable rooms, group code appears at the top and teacher code
in the middle. Room code appears at bottom after cover is assigned.
You can bulk mark events as not requiring cover using quick access icons. For the
events marked as not requiring cover, the colour of event changes to purple and
the code ‘CNR’ appears; in case of staff absences it appears in the middle, while
in case of the rooms it appears at the bottom.
The folded fly-out menus enable you to view the colour key as well as the menus for
selecting available teachers and rooms for cover.
Code menu
This menu displays a colour key explaining the colours on the grid. Where the event
appears in red and marked as ‘Cover required’, you select the events to assign cover.
Available teachers
This fly-out menu displays available
teachers and the default selection and
order appears as set in the Cover
Settings area.
If the default is free teachers who teach
the same subject and none are
available, you can select the option for
‘Free’; this displays all free teachers.
You can also select the option for ‘All’ to
simply view all teachers. The default
values appearing in this list can be
changed at any time.
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Available rooms
This fly-out menu displays available rooms. If no rooms are available for assigning cover,
you can select the option for ‘All Rooms’ to view all rooms. The default values appearing
in this list can be set up by Administrators.
Cover for staff absences
You can now assign the same cover for multiple staff absences in bulk. To assign cover
for a staff absence:
1. Select one or more events to cover. If you selected two events that are occurring
at the same time, then they cannot be covered by the same person. So an error
message appears, prompting you to de-select one of the events before
2. Select the ‘Available Teachers’ menu. The fly-out menu displays available
teachers with the same subject.
3. Select a teacher from the list to assign the same cover for the selected events.
The staff absences are assigned the selected cover. The colour of the events changes to
green and teacher code appears for the events.
Cover for unavailable rooms
Cover for unavailable rooms is assigned just like for staff absences. You can assign the
same cover room for multiple unavailable rooms, in bulk. To assign cover for an
unavailable room:
1. Select one or more events on the grid to cover.
2. Select the ‘Available Rooms’ menu. The fly-out menu displays available, free
3. Select a room from the list to assign cover for the selected events.
The unavailable rooms are assigned the selected cover. The colour of the events changes
to green and room code appears for the events.
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Once cover is assigned for staff absences and unavailable rooms:
To save the assigned cover and send out notifications to relevant staff, click
To re-assign cover for any event, just select the period or room slot and simply
select the cover option from the fly-out menu.
To remove cover for any event, select the period or room slot and click Remove
Swap rooms
The ‘Swap Rooms’ page shown below displays list of all scheduled rooms for the day. By
default, the day view is displayed for today’s date. But you can use the option to switch
to week view or use the calendar to view another date.
To swap two rooms, click and select two rooms in the list. When two rooms with the
same period timeslot are correctly selected, the Swap Rooms icon appears. Click Swap
Rooms and save the changes.
Note: Remember you can only select and swap two rooms with the same period time
slots. If you select two rooms with different period time slots, an error message
appears. De-select one of the periods and select an event that matches the select
period time slot before proceeding to swap rooms.
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You can add agencies from the new ‘Agencies’ page. From the navigation menu, click
Cover and select ‘Agencies’ from the fly-out menu. You can also export agencies data
from here, and edit or delete existing agencies. To add an agency, click the icon for Add.
The ‘Add Agency’ page appears.
You can enter agency details here and add it to the list of agencies. You must assign an
agency code and name for the agency. You can also include other details such as agency
address and the type of agency. If you want the agency to be included for census,
ensure that select the check box for it.
To save the agency details, click the icon for Save.
Cover rota
You can view cover rota from the new ‘Cover Rota’ page. From the navigation menu,
click Cover and select ‘Cover Rota’ from the fly-out menu. A list of the cover rota for the
day, for each period, is displayed on the page.
Day view is displayed by default but you can switch to week view and view cover rota for
the whole week. You can use the calendar to view cover rota another day.
You can also export cover rota data from here using the icon for Export Page.
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To view cover rota details for a period of the day, select the link visible in the ‘Capacity’
The ‘Available Teachers’ dialog appears and displays a list of available teachers for that
period. You can also view their department and subject details.
You can use the quick access buttons, in the top-right corner, to export and print the list
of available teachers or view the list in full screen mode.
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2.10 Assessments
There are changes to some Assessments pages, namely pages related to ‘Manage
Templates’ and ‘Manage Screens’. There is no change in the overall functionality of these
features. The combined three-step Assessment Wizard for setting up templates, screens
and calendar is removed. There are now two separate wizards, one each for templates
and screens. These changes have improved the overall user experience of setting up
assessment templates and screens by streamlining the process with simplified steps for
each process.
Assessment pages for ‘Manage Template’ and ‘Manage Screens’ feature the new UI:
Manage Template:
o Template Wizard
o Formula Definition
Manage Screens:
o Screen Wizard
o Colour coding
o Define Calendar
o Link to Teacher Markbook
Manage Comments Bank
Manage Assessment templates
To access Assessment templates, from the navigation menu, click Assessments. From
‘Setup’, select ‘Templates’. The ‘Manage Template’ page appears.
Note: In the fly-out menu for Assessments, you can notice that the option for setting up
Assessment Markbook is removed from the menu. This is because it is now
integrated within Assessments templates.
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A list view of existing Assessment templates is displayed. You can use column filters on
this page to enhance or filter the list of templates displayed on the page. You can also
export template data listed on the page or all template data.
Selecting a template in the list displays additional icons for the template such as copying
the template, editing the template, deleting the template or access formula definition
page for the template. To create a new template, click the icon for Add.
Adding a new template now features a 2-step wizard. In the first step, you define the
attributes for the template, such as name, year, purpose and subjects.
In the second step, you define the columns selecting their order, column name, column
type, list scale and weightage to name a few.
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Click the icon for Save to add a new template. It also saves changes while editing an
existing template.
At any point, you can click the icon for Formula Definition. This page also features a
new UI. The functionality of this feature remains unchanged although now it is possible
to select any column from the temple to define the formula for.
Manage Assessment screens
To access Assessment screens, from the navigation menu, click Assessments. From
‘Setup’, select ‘Screens’. The ‘Manage Screen’ page appears.
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A list view of existing Assessment screens is displayed. You can use column filters on this
page to enhance or filter the list of screens displayed on the page. There are now
additional columns for Data Entry and Moderation start and end date as well as Publish
Date. You can also export screen data listed on the page or all screen data.
To create a new Assessment screen, click the icon for Add. Adding a new screen now
features a 4-step wizard.
In the first step, you select the properties for the screen, such as Academic Year, Name,
who is the screen for, for which years, which roles can view it, subject entry templates,
target or pastoral templates, how the results are entered and the ability to define the
date for which the groups had to be active to enter results for.
In the second step, you select the groups you are creating the Assessment screen for.
You can select from Teaching Groups, Registration Groups or Academic House Groups.
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In the third step, you select the column properties. You can select their order, whether
to include the column or not, corresponding template, template column, display name,
width of the column and select from options for read only or mandatory. There is also a
column for ‘Colour Code’. For the columns where colour coding exists, a Delete icon
appears. You can click this icon to delete the colour coding for the column.
To define colour coding, click the icon for Define Colour Code. This page also features a
new UI. The functionality of this feature remains unchanged other than the ability to now
use a colour grid for selecting colours for conditions.
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Finally in the fourth step, you select options for learner columns.
Click the icon for Save to add a new screen. On the ‘Manage Screen’ page, selecting a
screen in the list displays additional icons for the screen such as copy the assessment
screen, edit the screen, delete the screen, link to teacher markbook, and define the
calendar or colour code.
Link to Teacher Markbook
This enables you to link the selected screen to teacher markbooks.
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Define Calendar
There are no changes to the actual functions of the screen calendar. You select the start
and end dates for data entry and moderation, as well as the publish date. You can also
enable or disable notifications for each option from here.
Notifications appear in the Notification Widget in user dashboards.
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New Assessment widgets are available within this release.
The screenshot above shows an example of the new Assessment widgets. The two
widgets shown are staff widgets. Clicking the Assessment icon in the ‘Enter Grades’
column displays the markbook for the group.
There are four Assessment widgets in all:
Assessment Recording by Teaching Group
Assessment Recording by Registration Group
Assessment Recording by Entry Screen
Contact / Learner Widget:
o School Assessments
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2.11 Exam seating
There is a new UI for external exams seating. The ‘Manage Events’ page for external
exams also contains the new UI. The options for selecting an academic year and season,
or board, series, and year work exactly as they did in the old UI. Although options for
‘Generate Events’ and ‘Release Timetable’ are now removed. External exam events are
now generated automatically.
You can use column filtering on this page and enhance the list view. You can also export
exam data using the options for exporting.
On the ‘Manage Events’ page, when you select an exam from the list (greyed out),
additional icons appear for add room, add invigilator and access exam seating. You can
view the exam seating page only when you assign a room for an exam.
Add room
To assign a room for exam seating, select the exam and click the icon for Add Room.
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A dialog appears for assigning room displaying a list of rooms; you can view available
seating in each room under the ‘Available’ column.
You can assign all candidates in the same room or in more than one rooms. There is a
candidate counter at the top where you can view how many candidates are assigned
seating and how many still require seating.
To assign seating, type in the number of candidates you want to seat in a room in the
corresponding text box in the ‘Required’ column. The candidate counter updates
automatically when you assign room to candidates.
When all candidates are seated, click the icon for Save.
Add invigilator
To assign an invigilator for the exam, select the exam and click the icon for Add
Invigilator. A dialog appears for adding an invigilator. It displays how many invigilators
are required for the exam. Click the icon for Add. This displays a list of teachers. Select
the required number of invigilators and click the icon for Save. The dialog is updated
and invigilators are assigned. Click the icon for Close to exit the dialog box.
To assign candidate seating, select the exam where you have added room(s) and click
the icon for Seating. The ‘Seating’ page appears with the new UI for exam seating.
The seating plan of the room is displayed in the centre.
Candidate list appears on the left.
Icons at the top-right enables you to automatically assign or un-assign all
candidates to all available seats in the room, view room configuration, view colour
legend for the layout, print the candidate list or the seating plan, and finally save
the exam seating changes.
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Coloured seating counter at the top shows how many candidates have been
seated in green, and how many are yet to be seated in red.
When seating for the exam is spread over more than one room, you can switch to
different room for the exam, by selecting from the ‘Room’ drop-down.
A seated candidate can be unseated. Click the icon for Remove for the seated
of the
to expand
to expand
to expand
room for
assigning seating.
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2.12 Removed functionalities
With the new UI in Progresso 15.2, a small number of functionalities are removed. A
complete list of functionalities removed for 15.2 is documented below:
The way that the subjects are linked to the templates has changed.
The subjects are now all associated with a course therefore for schools
that have created templates in a previous software version using
‘Other’ as a subject. ‘Other’ will now need to be added to the coursesubject mapping.
Subject markbook templates are now moved to assessment templates
therefore they will be seen in the templates list. This does not affect
the functionality though.
The column descriptors functionality has been removed from the
software as a short term measure. A user will not be able to add, edit
or delete the descriptions. Any column descriptors that have been
previously entered are still associated with the columns but will not be
visible on the screen.
The ‘My Registration Groups’ and ‘My Teaching Groups’ widget have
the options to enter attendance, behaviour and markbook information.
The Assessment screen link is now removed from this widget and will
be available in the new Assessment for Groups widgets.
Staff widgets for ‘Assessment Moderation’ and ‘School Assessment’
are removed; they are replaced by three new, improved widgets.
With 15.2, ways to view additional learner base data in Attendance
pages has changed. The data is presented in the learner list view
which can be accessed from the Attendance pages via the Learner
List icon in the top-right corner. This enables the user full access to
all the data in the learner record in a configuration of their choice.
However, initial feedback from users is that they would prefer some
data in the Attendance grid. This is scheduled to be delivered in a
subsequent Service Pack.
When recording lesson by lesson attendance in the Combined view,
the user will now see the AM and PM attendance marks for that day as
well as any other marks for the teaching group for that subject. On
selecting the Week view, the user will see the previous lesson marks
for the teaching group for that subject ensuring that they can see the
attendance pattern for their subject clearly.
The ‘Cluster Behaviour’ widget is now removed.
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On the ‘Assign Cover’ page, there is no longer an option for Progresso
to automatically assign any free teachers or rooms.
On ‘Assign Cover’ page, when assigning staff from ‘Available Teacher’
fly-out, there is no way to view their timetable for that day or week.
On the ‘Assign Cover’ page, when looking at a cover event, the hover
over has been removed so there is no way to see multiple teachers or
rooms. The period label and subject of the event are also not visible
on the main event.
In Exam Seating, the ‘Restricted Seating’ functionality is unavailable in
the new ‘Seating’ page. It is not available for schools that have
selected the configuration ‘Can normal candidates use restricted
seats’. This will be corrected in a future Release or Service Pack.
The functions ‘Generate Events’ and ‘Release Timetable’ are now
removed. External exam events are now generated automatically.
Home page
Full Text Search can now be performed only for Candidates, Contacts,
Learners and Staff.
Based on user feedback, we have planned for some functionalities to be restored in
subsequent Service Packs or Releases.
If you would like to see any of these functionalities back into Progresso, please email
your feedback to
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Non-UI changes
There are a number of improvements as well as additions to Progresso, which are
unrelated to the UI changes. These are documented below.
3.1 Progress 8
From the Academic Year 2016-17, schools will be judged using the following measures:
PROGRESS 8: The average amount of progress made by pupils compared with
others with similar prior attainment.
ATTAINMENT 8: The average grade achieved in a basket of 8 goods.
E & M: The percentage of pupils achieving a C or above in English and Maths.
EBACC: Percentage of pupils achieving a C or above in the five English
Baccalaureate subject areas.
DESTINATION: A possible unconfirmed measure of progression.
Both Progress 8 and Attainment 8 work by selecting the learner’s best subjects within
the qualifying elements/baskets.
Learners’ Progress 8 is calculated by taking their actual Attainment 8 score, minus their
estimated Attainment 8 score.
The learner’s estimated score is based on all learners nationally with the same prior
attainment level (based on KS2 English and maths fine graded levels).
An example based on a learner achieving a C grade on all contributing subjects in shown
Prior Attainment
Estimated A8 Score
Actual A8 Score
P8 = Divide by 10
A schools Progress 8 is calculated by averaging learners’ individual Progress 8 scores. The
average is then reported as a plus or minus fraction of a GCSE.
Progresso 15.2 includes a new broadsheet report to enable schools to calculate Progress
8. The body of the report shows individual learner data, current assessment data, point
scores collated for each element and Progress/Attainment 8 totals.
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Progresso users study levels to determine whether a result should be single, double or
triple weighted; these study levels are assigned to learners in teaching groups.
For more information on how to run this report in Progresso, please refer to the report
3.2 Attendance
There are a few changes to Attendance functions:
1. Attendance is now recorded directly against a learner rather than via a group. So
if a roll call absence is pre-entered and the learner moves groups, the absence
mark recorded appears in the new group slot too. This impacts the reporting
model but can be overcome with suitable workarounds.
2. The ‘# (planned whole or partial school closure)’ attendance code can be added
to individual learners for roll call. For example, Year 7 learners can be marked as
‘School not open’ or ‘Attendance not required’ at the start of an academic year.
But from Years 8 to 11, attendance is required.
3.3 Behaviour Management
There are a few improvements and additions to Behaviour Management module.
Neutral behaviour
You can now add behaviour types to record neutral behaviour in class. To enable this
new behaviour, you must add at least one behaviour type for it.
To add a behaviour type:
1. From the navigation menu, click Behaviour and select ‘Types’. The ‘Types’ page
2. Click Add. The ‘Add Behaviour Type’ page appears.
3. For the ‘Behaviour’ field, select the option for ‘Neutral’. The ‘Points’ field is
updated as per the Behaviour rules set up for neutral behaviour types.
4. Assign a code and a description for the behaviour type in the ‘Code’ and
‘Description’ text boxes.
5. Select a category from the ‘Category’ drop-down, if applicable.
6. Select the level of severity from the ‘Severity’ drop-down.
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7. Click Save.
The Behaviour Types for neutral behaviour are available for selection the next time you
add a behaviour entry.
Delete detentions
It is now possible to delete detentions from the ‘Create Detentions’ page. Just select a
scheduled detention event from the grid and click Delete Detention Event. A
confirmation dialog appears, click Yes to continue deleting. A success message appears
and the grid is refreshed. The deleted event no longer appears in the grid.
Note: You can only delete current or future detentions if the detention attendance has
not yet been marked for the learners. If a detention is deleted after attendance
has been marked, an error message appears saying that ‘The Detention Event is
Past or Future with attendance recorded and cannot be deleted’.
Notification settings
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Notification settings for behaviour management are now
simplified. Previously, it was only possible to select one mode of notification and then
select the notification criteria for different user roles.
The ‘Notification Mode’ field is now removed. You can now select notification criteria and
publish settings for each type of notification: email, SMS and notification widget. You can
selecting these settings for each type of user role.
Time constraints removed for detention attendance
Previously there were time constraints in place which stopped schools from marking
attendance early for detentions and schools had to wait until the start time of the
detention to mark a learner attendance.
These time constraints are now removed in Progresso 15.2. So schools can now record
generic attendance for scheduled detentions before the start time of the detention.
Note: There are no changes to the time constraints in place for Roll Call and Lesson by
Lesson attendance.
3.4 Cover
Configure cover
In Assign Cover, the fly-out for ‘Available Teachers’ can be sorted and filtered for any
column. However, the default settings for this menu can be set up by Administrators.
Administrators can determine the default order of the available staff list when assigning
From the navigation menu, click Cover and select ‘Configure Cover’. On the ‘Configure
Cover’ page, there are two sections for ‘Default List for Assign Teacher’ and ‘Priority
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Here, you can select option for the default list view in the ‘Available Teachers’ fly-out
menu. You can select new sort options for code, forename, surname and position.
Exclude cover
It is now possible to exclude entire year groups from Cover. When excluding a year, all
teaching groups linked to that year can be excluded from Cover. Cover events for years
excluded from cover always appear in purple with a ‘CNR’ code on the event on the
‘Assign Cover’ page.
To access and enable this feature, from the navigation menu, click Cover. From ‘Cover
Settings’, select ‘Configure Cover’. The ‘Configure Cover’ page appears. A new section
‘Exclude From Cover’ is visible on the page.
To exclude a year from cover, select the years from the list and click Add. Click Save to
save the changes. The selected years are excluded from cover.
Supply accounts
Supply covers no longer have to be linked to a supply account. So now you can create
staff records for supply staff and use them to assign cover without having to link them to
a supply login account. Or you can create a staff record for supply and link them to a
supply login account. It is possible to create supply accounts in bulk.
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When you try and log in with a supply account, it checks if cover is assigned for today,
yesterday or in the future. If cover is assigned, you can log into Progresso. But if no
cover is assigned, you are disallowed from logging into Progresso.
Schools are now able to manage supply accounts and link them to supply staff records
as and when they wish to do so.
Other changes to supply accounts include:
Existing supply accounts are deleted; the account history button is also removed.
Supply accounts are no longer be automatically reset overnight.
When you publish cover, emails with usernames and passwords are no longer
sent to cover supervisors.
If a staff record is changed from teaching to supply, then the staff account is
deleted and a new supply account needs to be created and linked and vice versa.
In Room Unavailability, you can bulk select rooms and add absence details.
3.5 Exams
If a school performs academic progression before the exam period has been completed
(before August results day), it is now possible to perform a number of exams functions
for the previous academic year.
A school may now perform the following functions for the previous academic year:
Assign Forecast Grades
Assign Coursework Grades
Manage Exam Events (View only)
Generate Forecast File
Generate Coursework Grade File
All examination reports also work for previous academic years.
3.6 People
There are changes to the way you access Progresso Learner Transfer.
When a school receives a learner transfer, there is no longer a direct link to click, instead
you are directed to the Learner Import data screen. Here, they can select each transfer,
on a school by school basis, and accept or reject the contained learners. From there the
existing wizard is launched.
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3.7 Timetable
There are changes in Timetable related to registration groups and vertical teaching
groups. There are now two accepted combinations for groups in Scheduler:
1. Course and year present
2. No course and no year present
For both teaching and registration groups with the above combinations it is possible to:
Extract and integrate between Scheduler for timetabling Appear in Timetable
views and printouts.
Teaching groups with no course and no year now overwrite roll call if the correct
settings are in place.
There are also changes to Scheduler and Timetable widgets.
There are a number of improvements in the latest version, Scheduler 15.1. Some are
minor changes however there are also a few major changes. They are documented
below. Advanced automatic settings
In Advanced automatic settings, there are minor changes to the default values. In the
‘Placing an event’ section, practical default values now appear instead of the previous
values of no time limit and very low recursion levels.
The default value in the drop-down is also changed to ‘Skip an event if it cannot be
placed’. Automatic scheduler
There are minor improvements to list view in the Automatic Scheduler. The default view
enables all columns to appear more visible and are arranged in an order more suited for
school use. Labels are also changed so it easy to view the column contents.
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The ‘Priority’ column defaults to a numeric sort. The columns ‘Block’ and ‘Lim Link’ now
show name instead of ID number. The ‘Teaching Group’ column appears at the front. Change history
In Change History, the default values are updated. By default, you can now track a 1000
changes for both codes and names. You can also view events by course and year, and
view the teacher code and name. Configuration settings
There are a number of changes to configuration settings in scheduler.
In the ‘Clashing’ tab, the option for ‘Enforce clash checking while timetabling’ is
deselected by default. This option only affects manual scheduling and does not affect the
automatic scheduler at all. Scheduler can still check for a clash and warn you of clashes
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and constraints when manually scheduling - this setting being deselected simply enables
you to override clashes and constraints when you wish to deliberately do so.
Event details
In the ‘Event details’ tab, default values are now visible as shown below.
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Room assignment
In the ‘Room assignment’ tab, in the ‘Scheduling’ section, the option for ‘Check room
sizes while scheduling’ is deselected by default. If your school enables this option, you
must select this option manually, to remove the default selection. Options
There are changes to Automatic scheduler settings and values for days and times, under
Automatic scheduler settings
In Automatic scheduler settings, under the ‘Rooms’ tab, by default all the fields are
deselected as required during the most common uses for automatic room assignment.
Settings should always be checked and amended when automatically assigning rooms.
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Days and times
Days and times are no longer set as blank; default values are now available. The default
values are based on a 2-week timetable, with 14 days shown and the times set from
08:15 to 16:10. These still need to be updated as each school can have different day
structures and day timings but by default you now see at least something. Planning matrices
There are major changes to Planning Matrices in Scheduler. The defaults are now
changed. Matrices are now numbered and labelled with a description of what each one
There is no change to the function of the ‘Curriculum by year’ button, clicking that still
takes you to the course/year curriculum matrices it does now but the matrix has had
some minor cosmetic updates so it should look nicer For example, the font of all sections
has been changed to Arial, multiple teachers appear on the cards and there is now
background colouring to help differentiate between structures - blocks are blue and
limited links are orange.
Note: Old matrices are still available for users to import. You can import these from the
Scheduler installation folder. Printouts
With Printouts, it is now possible to enable a setting for ‘Stretch to Fill Page(s)’, in the
‘Size’ tab. This setting works in conjunction with the setting for ‘Maintain proportions
when scaling’.
For example, if you have a 1-week timetable and it takes up a corner of the page:
Selecting the option for ‘Stretch to Fill Page(s)’ expands and scales the timetable
so it fills the page.
Selecting the option for ‘Maintain proportions when scaling’ stretches the
timetable as far as it can whilst retaining proportion.
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The settings can be enabled for individual as well as master
printouts. Combining these settings with the new styles can help schools to achieve
readable printouts much more easily. Restrictions
By default, columns are ordered by visible or hidden status, which is well suited for
school use. Timetable and cell styles
New timetable and cell styles settings are available. The styles are all Arial font and
more readable than existing ones. To select a new Timetable style, right-click anywhere
and go to Configuration | Select timetable style.
There are also one week and two week versions for staff and students, so that schools
can view a two-week timetable at a time.
For master staff and class, there are separate smaller and larger versions for printout
and scheduling; so that they can see better in combined view and also take printouts
easily. Please see the screenshots below.
Non-contact activities are included on the staff printouts by default.
Some modification is likely to be required to suit individual school needs but the basic
styles to copy from should now provide a much better starting place for configuration.
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Timetable widgets are no longer graphical; they display list view. It is possible to view by
day or by week. In the widget, it is possible to sort and filter by columns. Timetable
widgets affected are:
Staff Timetable for own or other staff
Learner Timetable
Learner Timetable for Contact
Learner Timetable for School Staff
Other changes
Other changes to Timetable include changes to the fly-out menu:
Timetable settings are now found under Timetable | Setup Timetable |
Manual Event Override Settings.
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