News from Advent Lutheran Church June/July 2015 STAFF Rev. Jason Peterson Rev. Andrea Peterson Pastors Ginny Sweeton Director of Music/ Admin. Assistant COUNCIL Mary Filpus-Luyckx President Scott Fiegen Secretary Heather Herrmann Vice President Debbie Merzlak Treasurer Ann Simon Member At-Large “...this is what was spoken through the prophet Joel: “In the last days it will be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams. (Acts 2: 16-17) On May 24th 2015, Pentecost Sunday, we, along with the whole Christian church, celebrated the gift of the Holy Spirit. We heard the wonderful story of how the Holy Spirit blew into the lives of the first disciples, and forever fueled their direction and passion for ministry. The Holy Spirit filled the room where the disciples were sitting; divided tongues, as of fire, rested on their heads, and they themselves were filled with the Spirit. They began to speak in other languages God’s deeds of power, so that everyone who witnessed these things were amazed and astonished. In response to the people’s bewilderment, Peter called those around him to remember the words of the prophet Joel, where God promised to send His Spirit upon all flesh, and in response the people prophesied, saw visions, and dreamed dreams. At our last ministry night we welcomed Pastor Gary Soop, our conference representative on the Southeastern Synod Council. Pastor Soop made a presentation on behalf of the synod and asked us here at Advent: “How are we the Church?” and “How can we be Church together for the sake of the world?” Scott Fiegen, our Church council secretary, took notes from that meeting based upon these questions. You will find the answers those present offered on the next page. As we move into the summer months and we pause to take some time for rest and renewal, let us also use that time to dream, and to envision the future God has in store for us at Advent. Take some time to read the responses given and discern how you might have answered. Think about how we can build on our responses to these great questions as the Holy Spirit fuels and directs our mission and ministry in this place and community. Then take some time to explore how you prophesy about what God is doing in your life. What visions do you have in your life and in the life and ministry of Advent Lutheran Church? What dreams do we have for this generation and generations to come? Let us wrestle with these questions this summer. Then, on August 4th, let us come back together for ministry night and explore together how we can be Church together for the sake of the world. In Christ’s love, Pastor Andrea and Pastor Jason Ministry Night Question and Answer What is going well for Advent? 1. Spirit leadership provided by the pastors 2. Stephen Ministry is growing—6 new Stephen Ministers will be installed may 24 3. Seven youth going to Detroit for Rise Up 4. Reach out to community 5. Both contemporary and traditional worship services 6. Just a big family What energizes/excites you about God’s work here at Advent? 1. Many opportunities to serve God A. Trans-generational 2. Welcoming of all people 3. Try new things 4. Opportunity to learn more about God A. Prayer ministries What is Advent known for? 1. Our yellow shirts A. God’s Work/Our hands 2. Welcoming What are two or three concerns for the current ministry? 1. Keeping youth involved A. Technology up-to-date for the younger people at church 2. Age of the congregation 3. How do we bring the “nones” back to church How can the Southeastern Synod help? 1. Ideas as to how to attract the “nones” 2. Shared best practices A. Example: shared youth training opportunities How might Advent be a helpful resource to other congregations? 1. Improved communications 2. Shared fellowship ideas Do you have questions for Pastor Gary Soop/Synod? 1. Bring in the “nones” A. Website B. Neighbors inviting neighbors C. Worship needs to be engaging D. Other types/times of services, i.e., Saturday night candlelight supper with a reading and service June Worship Schedule Sunday, June 7 2nd Sunday of Pentecost Pastor Glander, guest pastor Worship & Holy Communion 9:15am Sunday, June 21 4th Sunday of Pentecost Worship & Holy Communion 9:15am Sunday, June 14 3rd Sunday of Pentecost Worship & Holy Communion 9:15am Sunday, June 28 5th Sunday of Pentecost Worship & Holy Communion 9:15am Nursery Volunteer Needed: Brandi will not be able to be in the nursery on June 14th, June 21st, or July 12th. If you would be able to volunteer, please contact the church office. July Worship Schedule Sunday, July 5 6th Sunday of Pentecost Worship & Holy Communion 9:15am Sunday, July 12 7th Sunday of Pentecost Worship & Holy Communion 9:15am Sunday, July 19 8th Sunday of Pentecost Pastor Boliek, guest pastor Worship & Holy Communion 9:15am Sunday, July 26 9th Sunday of Pentecost Pastor Boliek, guest pastor Worship & Holy Communion 9:15am Fellowship & Events Fellowship Coffee Hour We will continue throughout the summer with coffee only, unless you decide to bring some goodies to share. Join us following the 9:15am worship service in the Fellowship Hall! Advent Women’s Breakfast The women of Advent will provide breakfast on Father’s Day, June 21st, and will resume in the Fall on the first Sunday of each month. Men’s Fellowship Breakfast There will not be a Men’s Pancake Breakfast during the months of June or July. Catch the Spirit Dinner There will not be a “Catch the Spirit” Dinner in June or July. Enjoy your summer! Book Club Advent’s Book Club will not be meeting during Summer months. Enjoy your summer! Family Promise (Interfaith) - June 14-20. This month we come upon another chance to serve homeless families through our commitment to Family Promise/Interfaith. There is a sign-up board in the Narthex if you can help. Many times it only involves 1/2 to 1 hour, such as helping to set up, unloading the truck on Sunday afternoon, or helping to make up the beds for the families. It is easy to bring things like cereal, eggs, milk, bread, or fruit ahead of the Sunday they arrive. We have dinners divided into preparing the meal or dessert. Overnight involves a little more time, but it is so needed. Many people helping make the load lighter. Southeastern Synod Assembly Members of the congregations from Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama & Mississippi will gather for the annual assembly of the synod starting on Friday, June 5th, and continuing through Sunday, June 7th in Birmingham, AL. Those attending from Advent are Pastor Jason & Pastor Andrea, as well as Scott Fiegen and Jared Fischer. Please remember them and all those attending this annual assembly. Pray for safety in travel, and for a wise, cooperative, and mission minded spirit for this gathering. The latter half of May was a busy time for our ministry—on May 31st we recognized our Sunday School teachers with a thank you for their service and dedication, and for their willingness to return next year to continue their teaching ministry. We also recognized our high school graduates: Nikki Fiegen, Noah Smith, Bryce Boeke, and Angela Pravato. There will be no Sunday School classes, Confirmation, or Pastor’s Bible Study for June and July. Kudos to the Banner Team! Advent now has new banners for Lent, Easter, and The Day of Pentecost, and plans are underway for the Ordinary Time (green). This is the longest season of the church year, so we plan to create two pairs of banners with different symbols for this season in the church year. And we will continue to add to the existing banners to ensure there are appropriate banners for all seasons, High Festivals, and celebrations throughout the year. In the future, some older banners will be “retired” through donation to mission congregations through the ELCA. If you created one of the handmade banners in the closet, let us know. An important step that we don’t want to overlook for historical interest is documentation of these gifts to Advent. So we will affix a label with our church name and location, date and creator(s) of all banners. If you have ideas or comments, or have admired a banner in your travels, we would like to hear from you. And, if you want to share your crafting skills and have fun playing with fabrics and paint, come join us. Linda Jaath, Banner Ministry Congratulations to our newly commissioned Stephen Ministers: Paris Fiegen, Di Hamilton, Carol Billings, Marcy Jimenez, and Jackie Voss and Ann Simon (not pictured) Property Ministry The Property Ministry meets on a monthly basis, the first Saturday of the month at 9:00am. After a short meeting, needed projects are done by members of the board. On Saturday, June 6th we will meet to wash the roof of the church. We will begin work at 7:00am in order to avoid being on the roof during the heat of the day. Gary Lawrence, Property Ministry Chair Hosting an International Student New Oasis International is looking for host families for students for the next 10 months. Two existing students, Mark and Lisa, will be in the 10th grade next year. Both are very reserved, studious, and make very good grades. Mark is very well-versed in computers, and Lisa would like to learn to play tennis. Kelly Myers, the International Coordinator, is trying to find a home before the beginning of June. If anyone is interested in hosting an international student, please contact Kelly Myers at 706-267-9302 or See the bulletin board in the Narthex for more information. Di Hamilton Prayer Ministry Pray for Healing & Provision Dee Alderson, Marge Rahn, Edgar Bollinger, Ruth Neumann, Ericka Blanchard, Ann Furlong, Art Suprek, Tania Hayes, Ron Ricklefs, Virginia Reedstrom, Joe Pravato, Elizabeth Smith, Myron Burditt, Kay Carmona, Sandy Ham, Gertrude Dix, Carole Hope, Ed Heusinger, Sheila Eastman, Laura & Danny Moran, Hilda Sullivan, Jerry Tinney Pray for Our Deployed Military Peggy Martin, Aaron Hanes-Dodd, Kristofer Nichols, Phil Lewis, Jim Coffman Pray for Comfort in Time of Grief Jackie & Ken Voss on the death of their daughter, Lisa Stodola Chris Rasmussen on the death of her sister, Candy Rogers Advent Youth Affirm 2015 is June 14-19, 2015. Three Advent youth will join other Southeastern Synod young people at Berry College for a week living in a Christian community. Affirm is centered on small groups, where participants experience spiritual and emotional growth in a positive and affirming environment of grace. Youth will develop discipleship and leadership skills while learning that they are special children of God who can have fun being a Christian. Please pray for a faith-filled week for Nikki Fiegen, Niki Whitaker, and Jeff Fiegen. Vacation Bible School needs you! June 22-26, 9am—11:30am. Sign up to be a VBS helper! ELCA Youth Gathering, July 15-19, 2015, in Detroit, MI. The Youth Gathering is an opportunity for high school-age youth to engage with peers from across the U.S. who share a common commitment and faith in Christ. The Gathering is a five-day event about faith formation, worship, study, fellowship, service, and play. Young people rotate through a variety of learning experiences where they will explore and strengthen their faith by studying God’s word, serving their neighbor, sharing bread and wine in worship, and participating in lively faith discussions. The theme for the 2015 ELCA Youth Gathering, Rise Up Together, reflects that we were meant to be together, and we are a church that believes God is calling us into the world together. Young people and adults will gather together to share their unique stories and to experience the larger story that makes up the ELCA. We will gather to be inspired, encouraged, strengthened, connected, and sent out to do God’s work in the world together. Please pray that Brent Billings, Nikki Fiegen, Jamie Jimenez, Samantha Jimenez, Ina Prescott, and Niki Whitaker will have an encounter with Jesus that energizes their faith and helps them discover their call to serve locally and globally. Please keep leaders, Sam and Marcy Jimenez, in your prayers as they guide the youth on this trip. Summer Music Calling all musicians! The Chancel Choir and Handbell Choir will be on a well-deserved vacation during this summer. Thanks for all of their hard work! But I would still like to have special music each Sunday during the summer. And that's where you come in. If you would be interested in singing a solo, a duet, or playing an instrument, please let me know. I would like to work out a schedule so that we have some kind of anthem/solo/instrumental piece each Sunday this summer. This is the time to use your talents for God's glory! Please contact me at the church office. ~Ginny Advent Lutheran Church June 22 - 26, 2015 9:00am to 11:30am 3232 Washington Road Augusta, GA 30907 Register at: Planning for VBS—”Everest”—has begun. Heather Herrmann and Jamie Sadenwasser have been very busy getting sponsors and volunteers, organizing Saturday work days to paint props, gathering supplies. Etc. Come join us—it will be an awesome week! If you are unable to come for the morning VBS, come help with the Saturday painting sessions—also great fun! Check the calendar for dates. A New Road 33 Coping with Grief Seminar—October 2-4, 2015 A weekend of support for men and women who have been widowed within the past three years is being offered at Camp Kinard near Batesburg-Leesville, SC on October 2-4, 2015. A New Road 33 is sponsored by The Community Engagement Table: Community Outreach Network of the SC Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church and is assisted in funding by friends and former participants of A New Road weekends. The seminar is designed for participants to receive help with the transition to a new way of living. Professional counselors and presenters will be available with information on financial and coping skills. Ruther Strait-Ellis, Grief and Trauma Counselor, will speak on “Keys to Coping for Adults and Children” and other grief related topics. James Caulder, Informed Decisions, Inc., will share information on Social Security and Financial Issues. Attorney Matthew J. Myers will present a session on Wills, Trusts, and Probate. The Reverend Tommy Lineberger, Jr., Head Chaplain, will present a session on “The Healing Element of Sharing our Stories.” Jane and Craig Duensing will share “Songs for the Journey.” There will be a series of panel discussions that include young adults, who at various ages, experienced the death of a parent. Another panel consists of team members discussing “Plan B for My Life.” Other chaplains include The Reverends David Coffman, Lisa Isenhower, Hank Moody, Christine Stoxen and Andrea Rice. Dee Snelgrove Camp and Ann Simon (co-facilitators) and Carol Ann Green (founder) are assisted by many other team members who have attended previous A New Road weekends. For more information and a brochure, please contact by email or or by phone (864) 706-6596 or (706) 910-7534 or (803) 892-2556. Please visit our website at and our Facebook page. Registration deadline for A New Road 33 is September 1. Donations are appreciated and can be mailed to: Paul Grantham, ANR Treasurer, 1344 Royal Oak Drive, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466. S M T W T F S Worship & Holy Communion Sundays at 9:15am 1 2 AA 8-9am 7 8 3 AA 8-9am 4 5 6 Property 7am VBS Decorating 9:00am AA 8-9am 9 10 Stephen Minis- AA 8-9am 11 AA 8-9am 12 13 Women’s Small Group 9:30am Week 9 try Supervision 6:30 9:15am Worship AA 8-9am 14 15 AA 8-9am 16 AA 8-9am 17 AA 8-9am 18 AA 8-9am 19 20 Chinese Fellowship 9:15am Worship 21 AA 8-9am AA 8-9am 22 24 Stephen Minis- 24 AA 8-9am 25 26 try Supervision 6:30 9:15am Worship 28 9:15am Worship AA 8-9am 29 AA 8-9am AA 8-9am 30 AA 8-9am AA 8-9am AA 8-9am AA 8-9am 27 Assistant Ministers 6/7 Francesca Furlong 6/14 Ingrid Zamecnik 6/21 Bobby Bisbee 6/28 Mary Filpus-Luyckx Lectors/Lay Readers 6/7 Anita Fiedler 6/14 Scott Fiegen 6/21 Ken Furlong 6/28 Tim Sadenwasser Communion Assistants 6/7 Dee Glander 6/14 Di Hamilton 6/21 Patty Williams 6/28 Daisy Morgan Acolytes 6/7 Max Van Bladel 6/14 Stormi Hubble 6/21 Kate Peterson 6/28 Niki Whitaker Crucifers 6/7 Sophie Van Bladel 6/14 Zachary Hubble 6/21 Holly Sadenwasser 6/28 Ina Prescott Eternal Candles *Sign up in the Narthex* Ushers *Joe Pravato 706-447-4308* *Steve Merzlak 706-855-8006* 6/7 Eric Jablonski, Jim Plumley 6/14 Don Plueger, Linda Lawrence 6/21 Scott Fiegen, Nikki Fiegen 6/28 Steve Merzlak, Bobby Bisbee Greeters *Ron Ricklefs 706-738-2166* 6/7 Carole Hope, Patty Williams 6/14 Gary & Linda Lawrence 6/21 Shirley Chipman, Alice Glisson 6/28 Julie Fillgrove, Judy McQueen Altar Flowers *Sign up in the Narthex* 6/7 6/14 6/21Carole Hope in memory of Gene Cast 6/28 Hospital/Shut-In Visitor *Martha Ostendorff 706-736-8673* 6/7 Gayle Ricklefs 6/14 Jackie Voss 6/21 Danny Moran 6/28 Patty Williams Visitor of Visitors *Ron Ricklefs 706-738-2166* 6/7 Linda Lawrence, Shirley Chipman 6/14 Donna Meisner, Patty Williams 6/21 Di Hamilton 6/28 Scott & Paris Fiegen Fellowship Coffee Hour 6/7 Coffee only 6/14 Coffee only 6/21 Advent Women 6/28 Coffee only Missionary Support *Sign up in the Narthex* Altar Guild *Maria Pravato 706-447-4308* (Saturday) Maria Pravato (Late) Heather Herrmann S M T W 1 T 2 F S 3 4 10 11 AA 8-9am AA 8-9am AA 8-9am 5 6 7 AA 8-9am 12 13 8 AA 8-9am 9 AA 8-9am 14 15 Stephen Minis- AA 8-9am 16 AA 8-9am 17 try Supervision 6:30 AA 8-9am 19 20 AA 8-9am 26 27 AA 8-9am 21 AA 8-9am 28 AA 8-9am 18 Chinese Fellowship AA 8-9am 22 AA 8-9am 29 AA 8-9am 23 AA 8-9am 31 Stephen Ministry Supervision 6:30 AA 8-9am Women’s Small Group 9:30am Final Class— Bring a breakfast item AA 8-9am AA 8-9am AA 8-9am 24 AA 8-9am 25 Assistant Ministers 7/5 Heather Herrmann 7/12 Pam Tipler 7/19 Mary Filpus-Luyckx 7/26 Karen Smith Lectors/Lay Readers 7/5 Jamie Sadenwasser 7/11 Diana Perry 7/19 Paris Fiegen 7/26 Paul Filpus-Luyckx Communion Assistants 7/5 Maria Pravato 7/12 Gayle Ricklefs 7/19 Maggie Heaney 7/26 Gayle Ricklefs Acolytes 7/5 Jamie Jimenez 7/12 Stormi Hubble 7/19 Jamie Jimenez 7/26 Kate Peterson Ushers *Joe Pravato 706-447-4308* *Steve Merzlak 706-855-8006* 7/5 Jim Williams, Art Rahn 7/12 Steve Merzlak, Sam Jimenez 7/19 Bobby Bisbee, Joe Pravato 7/26 Dieter & Ulrike Beck Visitor of Visitors *Ron Ricklefs 706-738-2166* 7/5 Don & Mable Plueger 7/12 Ron & Gayle Ricklefs 7/19 Jim & Barbara Plumley 7/26 Linda Lawrence, Shirley Chipman Greeters *Ron Ricklefs 706-738-2166* 7/5 Gary & Linda Lawrence 7/12 Angie Hubble, Carole Hope 7/19 Patty Williams, Robin Keller 7/26 Maria Pravato, Jim Plumley Fellowship Coffee Hour *Sign up in the Narthex* 7/5 Coffee only 7/12 Coffee only 7/19 Coffee only 7/27 Coffee only Altar Flowers *Sign up in the Narthex* 7/5 Lynn Reed in memory of George & Jane Janson 7/12 7/19 7/26 Missionary Support *Sign up in the Narthex* Hospital/Shut-In Visitor Crucifers 7/5 Nikki Fiegen 7/12 Zachary Hubble 7/19 Samantha Jimenez 7/26 Holly Sadenwasser Eternal Candles *Sign up in the Narthex* *Martha Ostendorff 706-736-8673* 7/5 Martha Ostendorff 7/12 Hilda Sullivan 7/19 Alice Glisson 7/26 Gayle Ricklefs Altar Guild *Maria Pravato 706-447-4308* (Saturday) Diane Aizcorbe (Late) Julie Fillgrove 6-1 6-2 6-5 6-6 6-9 6-12 6-15 6-16 6-17 6-18 6-19 6-20 6-22 6-25 6-26 HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Darla Summers Janice Richardson Di Hamilton Dieter Beck Candy Jablonski Zachary Hubble Pastor Jason Ramona Galloway Dylan Anderson Donna Meisner Helen Schuneman Frank Easton Kim Aiello Donna Carlson Emma Fischer Robert Rankin Mary Suprek Tania Hayes Pastor Andrea Eric Jablonski Dawn Bowers Amy Boeke 7-2 7-4 7-5 7-7 7-8 7-10 7-11 7-12 7-13 7-15 7-17 7-23 7-24 7-26 7-30 3232 Washington Road Augusta, GA 30907 Phone: 706-860-0439 Web: Email: DATED MATERIAL ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED Final Deadline For August Newsletter Entries is July 24rd! Jeff Keller Emily Jimenez Taylor Cromer Terrie Beacham Steve Merzlak Scott Boeke Lee Hoops Barbara Plumley Jeff Fiegen Edgar Bollinger Ann Simon Aaron Zamecnik Vanessa Miller Patrick Hoops Jackie Shouse Karleen Fillgrove Robert Bisbee HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! 6-6 Scott & Amy Boeke 6-8 Fred & Anita Fiedler 6-23 Sister Barbara Lee’s life profession anniversary 6-25 David & Kara Roth 6-26 Art & Mary Suprek Jim & Barbara Williams 7-5 Tim & Jamie Sadenwasser 7-8 Dieter & Ulrike Beck 7-10 Rick & Lynn Reed 7-12 Eric & Candy Jablonski
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