Contact us: PO Box 8153, Burnt Bridge, VIC 3136 Phone: 03 9870 1566 E-mail: Web: Facebook: Ainslie Parklands Primary School The Newsletter Views over Ainslie Park Date: Thursday 5th March 2015 Past Fortnights Notices: Diary Dates th Thur 5 Mar AFL Player Visit th Friday 27 Mar Pupil Free Day FYI - Term dates for 2015 /termdates.htm Issue No.3, 2015 School Council Election Nominations for School Council membership are now open. The term of office for four of our Parent representatives and two of our teacher representatives finishes on the 24th March. School Council plays a very important role in the management of the school. The parent representatives whose term has expired are Michael Quillinan, Michelle Davies, Annette Mitchell and Melanie Lee. Mel has advised she will not be re-nominating for election to School Council. Our thanks to Mel for the role she played as School Councillor and Council President, and we wish her well in the future. If you would like further details about the role of School Councillor, please talk to one of our current Councillors or come to the Office and talk to me about your willingness to consider nominating. Nomination forms are available from the Office. School Council meets on the fourth and eighth Tuesday of each Term. School clean-up day On Friday 27th February we had a whole-school clean-up day, featuring lots of gardening and sweeping and mulching and laughing happily outside. Soft-fall mulch was spread under the play equipment at the front of the school, and many plants were planted. Thank you to Andrea for organising this activity and all Staff who participated. Pupil-free day As previously advised, our next pupil-free Day is planned for Friday 27th of March, which is the last day of Term 1. Jo Lange, Behaviour management and resilience expert, will lead our discussions during the day. The focus will be on the ability of children to deal with difficult & sensitive issues in a constructive way, coping with challenges and changes, and developing a bank of personal emotional strengths which are essential to a happy and healthy life. Please note in your Calendar that there is no school for students on this day. Please also remember that the first day of Term 2, April 13th is also a pupil-free day. AFL Gala Day A large group of very fit looking, very talented AFL footballers visited the school today to coach all of our students in the fine art of AFL football. It was a fitting sports day to follow on from our successful Coach Approach sports program. The weather was suitably cold and windy, just like real footy-season weather but in Autumn, not Winter! Alan Baker – Principal FROM THE OFFICE NEWSLETTER If you would like to receive your newsletter by email please come to the office and add your name to the list. ___________________________ STUDENT BANKING Student Banking is available every Tuesday ___________________________ AFTER SCHOOL CARE Afterschool care is running 5 nights a week. The program runs from 3.30 until 6.00 pm. ___________________________ CANTEEN The canteen will be open for lunch-orders on Mondays, Thursdays and Fridays in 2015 Canteen Roster Week 5 Mon 2nd Mar – Suzy Thur 5th Mar – Kristie Fri 6th Mar – Faye & Luisa Week 6 Mon 9th Mar PUBLIC HOLIDAY Thur 12th Mar – Carol Fri 13th Feb –Kristie & Melissa ___________________________ UNIFORM SHOP The Uniform Shop is open every Thursdays at 3:15 – 3:45pm Orders can be placed at the office any other time. ____________________________ First time players to the club will be offered free registration, this is a saving of $150! th Round 1 starts on the 12 April, so get in quick! If you have any queries, please call either: Simone Crapper on 0404 096 180 or Lynne Tull on 0409 113 879 GO DOGGIES! Sth Croydon Junior Football Club – Players Wanted Come on down and register for the upcoming season. If you know of any kids that want to play football at a family friendly club, bring them down and sign them up. This year we are planning to field sides from under 8’s to under 14’s and two under 17 sides. We particularly need more players for the Under 8’s, Under 9’s, Under 10’s & Under 11’s. . act, create, communicate Self-development through drama! Boost your child’s creativity, confidence and communication skills. Enrolling now for students aged 5 to 17. Studio Locations: Croydon : Ringwood Ferntree Gully : Lilydale Mooroolbark : Wantirna Contact the Principal Allyson Nichols 0428 982 907 or 1300 OGRADY Term 1, 2015 Newsletter Welcome Welcome back to Just Brass 2015. We all hope you had a relaxing Christmas and New Year and are looking forward to an exciting 2015. We would like to welcome all our new Just Brass children, in particular the students from our new school, Ainslie Parklands Primary in Croydon. Bradley Todd A very special welcome to our new tutor Bradley Todd. He will working on Fridays at Ainslie Parklands Primary School and along with Stephen Creek will take the Beginner Band on at rehearsals on a Friday. Bradley has a Bachelor of Music from the University of Melbourne and is currently studying his Masters of Education. 2015 Bands Advanced Band Leader: Nigel Mapes Intermediate Band Leader: Paul Smith Beginner Band Leader: Stephen Creek & Bradley Todd 2015 Term Concerts Please note the following performance dates. The end of Term Concerts will take place on the following dates, all commencing with a meal at 5.15pm followed by the concert at 6.15pm Fri 20 March Fri 19 June Fri 11 Sept Fri 11 Dec Please put these dates into your diary 2014 Award Winners Congratulations to the following children who received awards at the Term 4 Concert last year: MOST VALUABLE PLAYER 2014 Hayley Reid Just Brass Ringwood Salvation Army MOST VALUABLE PLAYER 2014 Caitlyn Daley Just Brass Ringwood Salvation Army THE NOEL JONES AWARD 2014 Most Improved Player Sinead Cassidy Just Brass Ringwood Salvation Army THE MELVILLE SMITH AWARD 2014 Most Consistent Player Zac van Peelen Tuition Scholarship Daniel Richardson Attendance It is very important that all members of the Just Brass programme do their absolute best to attend rehearsals on a Friday, as consistency in attendance will be reflected in their ability to improve and perform the music. This also applies to all performances. Afternoon Tea Please contact Robyn Smith if your child has any specific dietary requirements. You can phone her on 0414 771 376. Contacts Paul Smith 0413132881 Stephen Creek 0425850425 Just Brass is supported by
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