5th April (Easter) - ainsworthparish.org.uk

Vicar: Revd. Dave Thomson, The Vicarage, Ainsworth Hall Road, Ainsworth, BL2 5 5RY; Tel: 01204 398567; e-mail: vicar@ainsworthparish.org.uk
Dave Thomson @vicar_dave
Christ Church Ainsworth
Churchwardens: Andrew Lowe 01204 406949 & Jean Eddleston 0161 761 2147
News Sheet: Polly Ryder, The Vicarage, Ainswoth Hall Road, Ainsworth, BL2 5 5RY; Tel: 01204 398567; e-mail: polly.ryder@hotmail.co.uk
Child Protection & Safeguarding: Rosie McMullen 0161 317 2050
Church and Community Hall Bookings Geoff Hampson 07910 817577 www.ainsworthchurchandcommunityhall.co.uk
Web site: www.ainsworthparish.org.uk
April 5th – Easter Day
A very warm welcome to everyone joining in worship here today.
Large print versions of the Order of Service are available at the back of church
A loop system is provided for the benefit of hearing aid users. Please switch it to ‘T’. Please switch off mobile phones.
Parents with young children: don’t worry if your child makes a noise during the service – we don’t mind!
If it helps, there are some books, toys and ‘busy bags’ suitable for young children at the back of church.
5 April
Easter Day
Dawn Service followed by light refreshments
Holy Communion. Readings (p128) Colossians 3:1-7; John 20:1-10 (MV)
Family Communion.
(Lord’s Prayer: Hymn N 264)
Prayers PH
Communion Hymns: TBD
Readings: Acts10:34-43 (LH); 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 (JE); John 20:1-18
Followed by Tea and Coffee in church
1:30pm Funeral of Sandra Jackson followed by committal at Radcliffe Crematorium
2:30pm Church open for personal prayer
8:00am Holy Communion. Readings (p136) 1 John 5:4-12; John 20:19-23 (BA)
12 April
Family Communion.
(Lord’s Prayer: Hymn N 264)
Prayers DJ
The Second Sunday
10:30am Communion Hymns: TBD
of Easter
Readings: Acts 4:32-35 (AB); 1 John 1.1 - 2.2 (CW); John 20:19-31
(The First Sunday
Evensong Psalm 143:1-11 (pg 530)
Prayers DT
after Easter)
Readings: 1 John 5:4-12; John 20:19-23 (TB)
FOR OUR PRAYERS this week we pray for:
The Church: Our Bishops, (David, Chris and Mark), Archdeacon David, Area Dean Alison, our ministry team, our PCC,
our Churchwardens (Jean and Andrew). Debra as she prepares to attend a Bishops’ Advisory Panel conference to
determine whether she will be selected for ordination training. That others from within our fellowship will answer God’s
call to Ordained, ALM or Reader ministry.
Mission: We pray for those who have yet to encounter the love of God in Jesus Christ. As we continue to implement our
Mission Action Plan, we pray that we will grow numerically, in faith and in discipleship. We pray that all of us might be
good witnesses to the love of Christ in our day-to-day lives and that our footprint in the community might grow. We pray
that our uniformed organisations, ABC, and Sunday School will continue to thrive and that Messy Church will grow. We
ask for discernment as we explore additional possibilities for serving the young people of this parish.
Our finances: Future building work as we prepare to apply for Heritage Lottery Funding. That we will meet our obligation
to the Diocese to cover the cost of ministry in this parish and to support the cost of mission within the Diocese generally
through the Parish Share
Our families, friends, and our local community: Those facing financial or other difficulties. Those who are lonely or
homeless. Those struggling with addiction. Those who care for the frail and sick. Those living on Churchill Ave
Our nation & the world: The Queen, her Ministers, our MP (Ivan Lewis), our councillors (Sharon Briggs, Peter Bury &
Jane Lewis). Those affected by war and conflict. Persecuted Christians in Sudan, Kenya, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iraq and
Syria. Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian on Death Row, since being sentenced to death in 2010 for blasphemy
Those in need:Those being cared for in local hospitals, hospices and nursing homes. The sick, especially for: Louise
Singleton, Winnie Horrobin, Adrian Atkinson, Louise Rostron, Brian Martin, Margaret Bullock and Joan Langridge.
The bereaved: All who have lost loved ones, especially the family and friends of Mary Brooks, John Thompson and
Sandra Jackson. Trusting in God, may they find healing, peace, strength and courage to face the future.
“The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16)
Christ Church Ainsworth
‘Celebrating, encouraging, proclaiming and supporting faith, hope and love
in Jesus Christ our Lord...’
PCC News
The PCC met on 24 March and worked through a full agenda. It was decided to pull the plug on the Flower Festival
as insufficient progress has been made and, instead, to celebrate our 500th with a ceilidh plus an exhibition later this
year. Venitia is also making a new cloth for the Communion Table. We have been left a substantial legacy in Allan
Rogerson’s will. Revd Dave is forming a small working party to update our Mission Action Plan and is looking for
volunteers. Concern was expressed about an unauthorised attachment to one of the churchyard trees and also
breaches of churchyard rules regarding unacceptable items placed on graves.
We are planning to submit a bid to the Heritage Lottery Fund to cover about 70-75% of the cost of remedial work to
our church building. The overall cost of the project is significantly higher than first envisaged; of about £120k plus VAT
plus the cost (as yet unknown) of promoting the building’s heritage (a condition of receiving a grant from HLF). If our
bid is successful we will need to apply for grants and engage in fundraising to cover the shortfall. The PCC has
engaged an architect to help prepare the bid.
[Since the meeting we have received some encouraging news from the Archdeacon: the proposed Ainsworth &
Radcliffe Team will be supported by three full time clergy (a Team Rector & two Team Vicars) plus a part time unpaid
Team Vicar at St Thomas.]
NOTICES – 5th April 2015
Confirmations: The next Confirmation service will be here at Christ Church at 7.30pm on Monday 29 June.
Confirmation is open to all those (adults and children in year 6 and above) who wish to commit as disciples of
Jesus Christ. Confirmation is therefore an important milestone in Christian discipleship and the expectation is that
those preparing for Confirmation will already be regular worshippers at Christ Church (in the case of children, that
they attend Sunday School and/or Church regularly). Those who have not yet been baptised, but who wish to take
this important step of faith, can be baptised during the Confirmation Service itself. The adult Confirmation course
will run on Wednesday evenings in May and June and those who wish to be confirmed should register their
interest with Revd Dave. Details of the Junior training day (for year 6 and above) will follow in due course. In the
meantime parents should register their child’s interest with Revd Dave
 Easter Flowers 2015. Anyone wishing to donate towards the Easter flowers can hand their contribution to
Marilyn Wildin, Beryl Sixsmith or Rev’d Dave.
 The Church Electoral Roll is being updated in time for our Annual Parochial Church meeting on 28 April. If you
attend Christ Church regularly, are baptised and are over 16 you should consider registering. The conditions for
eligibility are detailed in the Church magazine, otherwise please see Lillian Haworth. Registration isn’t just about
belonging (important though that is); it confers a number of rights, including the rights to vote at the APCM and
stand for office in the Church. You can apply at any time but application forms received by Lillian Haworth after
today (5th April) will not be processed before the APCM. If you completed a form last year there is no need to
complete another.
 Jigsaw Library: Next Sunday in ACCH (approx. 11:45 to 12:15). It will cost £2 to borrow a jigsaw, with £1 being
returned when the jigsaw is brought back (with £1 going to Church Funds)
 Mothers' Union will be meeting this Tuesday (7 April) with a social night, including an Easter bonnet parade.
Everyone welcome at 7.30 in the Church hall. If you don't wish to make a bonnet, judges will be needed!
 Porch Boxes are in very short supply of tins of "meaty meals e.g. Spaghetti Bolognese, Ravioli, Chilli con Carne,
meatballs and Irish stew. Please can we help them? Donations placed in the large plastic box in the church porch
will be gratefully accepted. This request for the tins will run until the end of April. Thank you.
 500 anniversary: as part of the festivities (and for your comfort in the years to come) the PCC has decided to
introduce Pew Cushions for all downstairs pews. The cost will be just over £4,000 and we are now seeking
donations (no matter how small). Please place your donations in an envelope marked ‘pew cushions’, add your
name and hand it to the Vicar, one of the Churchwardens or a Sidesman. Please Gift Aid if possible.
To receive the Pew Sheet by e-mail, send an e-mail to vicar@ainsworthparish.org.uk with ‘send pew sheet’ in the
subject. Otherwise download from http://www.ainsworthparish.org.uk/pewsheets.html
Common Worship
God of glory,
by the raising of your Son
you have broken the chains of death and hell:
fill your Church with faith and hope;
for a new day has dawned
and the way to life stands open
in our Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen
Book of Common Prayer
ALMIGHTY God, who through thine only-begotten Son
Jesus Christ hast overcome death, and opened unto us the
gate of everlasting life: We humbly beseech thee, that as by
thy special grace preventing us thou dost put into our minds
good desires, so by thy continual help we may bring the
same to good effect; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who
liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, ever one
God, world without end.. Amen.
If you pay tax, please Gift Aid your offering(s). This enables us to claim back the tax paid on offerings and in 2014
this boosted our funds by £ 8035. Envelopes for occasional givers are in the pews and forms for regular givers are in
the porch. The only details that need to be given, are your full name, address and post code and an
acknowledgement that you pay tax to the value of the amount to be claimed. Bank Standing Order forms are also
available in the Church porch. Completed forms can be put on the collection plate with your offering.