The Chronicle - Ainsworth United Church of Christ

Ainsworth United Church of Christ - June 2015
June: A Month of Pride and Love
Second Amendment rights—the right to free
speech and the right to bear arms. "They were
there bearing arms, tearing up the Quran,
shouting filthy obscenities about Arabs and
Muslims,” Dorhauer said.
June. A month of for fun and summer. It is
also a month of love-a love for our flag and
our fathers. But it is also a month for love and
support for everyone, regardless of sexual and
racial orientation. Our church is full of love,
and shares it each day. We will celebrate love
through our support on Gay Pride Day,
Father’s Day, and through our Loving
Decision Sunday. Meanwhile, love is being
shared around the nation, including Arizona.
Facing verbal threats while standing across
from 250 armed bikers targeting a local
mosque, the Rev. John C. Dorhauer, nominee
for United Church of Christ general minister
and president, took his place alongside 250
inter-religious supporters from Christian,
Jewish and Muslim faiths opposing the
protest outside the Islamic Center of Phoenix.
Dorhauer described witnessing many tense
moments between the groups, divided by a
long row of police in riot gear on Friday, May
29, but there were no injuries and no arrests.
In the end, peace prevailed and love won.
The gathering was organized by a group of
bikers who alerted local media and the public
about their intent to protest in front of the
Islamic Center, and to express their First and
"Local businesses shut down for the evening,
and families in the neighborhood kept their
children indoors as tensions mounted,” he
continued, adding that the protesters used
repeated threats and intimidating, offensive
The harmful language even stung Dorhauer
himself, as he was brought to tears more than
once. In one of the photos taken by Dorhauer,
a protestor wore a SS shirt with the phrase,
"support your local white guy." The man
carried the American flag in his right hand.
Despite the tension, many Muslim leaders
were present to remind the gathering that their
religion is one of peace, asking their
supporters to respond to the violent threats
through only peaceful words and actions
Muslim men and women embraced each other
and sang songs of peace, often joining hands
with Jewish and Christian clergy to form a
circle around the Islamic Center. Dorhauer
said that several of the officers at the scene
quietly expressed their gratitude for the men,
women and children who came to stand in
solidarity with the worshippers at the Islamic
Center. He was proud to represent the
Southwest Conference and UCC at the rally.
When asked by a reporter from the Arizona
Republic asked about his message for the
evening, Dorhauer replied, "Love wins."
from the UCC website,
Ainsworth United Church of Christ
A Multiracial, Multicultural, Open and Affirming Community
2 AUCC Chronicle
online at
From the Pastor:
We welcomed the Holy
Spirit at Pentecost with
languages, flames and
spirit! Now what do we
do with that gift? The
Holy Spirit is a gift that
is available to all people, everywhere, and we are
called to welcome it in and let it transform us- as
people, as church, as community. This month as
we celebrate the Loving Decision which
remembers the Supreme Court decision to legalize
interracial marriage, Gay Pride and marriage
equality and fathers and men who have been like
fathers, may we be aware of the workings of the
Spirit in all that has gone on in the past to make
these events possible.
As we remember and celebrate the past, may we
also recognize the Holy Spirit is still working, still
moving and having her being in us. As we
celebrate graduates and fathers we recognize the
Holy Spirit continues to transform. As we watch
our children and youth grow, we see the Holy
Spirit alive in their questions, their answers, their
giving and their modeling of their understanding
of discipleship. As we hear the wisdom from our
elders we recognize the fire of the Holy Spirit
burns within. As we experience callings to serve,
to share, to speak out for justice, to witness, the
Holy Spirit comes with those callings, engaging
and accompanying us.
On June 23rd I will leave on the largest part of my
sabbatical and will return August 19th. This
sabbatical was long overdue for a number of
reasons (mostly my own decisions). It certainly
was and is needed, so I am thankful that I have this
time off and had time off earlier in the year. I will
be attending General Synod, and as part of the
Pentecost Leadership Initiative will be observing
and meeting with leaders. We are seeking to open
wide the gates of our denomination to receive a
greater diversity of leaders into wider UCC
positions and to equip diverse leaders to take the
vision and lead. I expect this work to also inform
my work on a book on leadership which is still in
its infancy.
June 2015
I will also stay in Ohio to spend more time with
my parents who are preparing to sell our house
that they built and lived in for almost 50
years. They have decided to move into senior
living where as their abilities change, they can
receive the care they need. It is a huge step, one
we siblings are grateful that they are making. So
I thank you for the opportunity to assist with their
transition. A special sabbatical treat will come the
last week of July when Héctor and I will go on a
cruise to Alaska, a place I have yearned to
see. We are able, thanks to Rowan Borgerding
who is going with her dad Doug Trotter and
because of her work on the cruise line, she can
include us for a discounted rate. We are excited!
While I am away, the Holy Spirit will be working
at Ainsworth United Church of Christ. It is not
dependent on any one person, a fact made clear
when we have lost members to death or moving,
when the pastor is away, etc. Rev. Cecil Prescod
will continue serving as Minister of Faith
Formation and will be the pastor on call. He will
be able to respond to questions, pastoral concerns,
etc. In addition, he has a list of people who can
assist with pastoral visitation and support, and we
are organizing a cast of preachers, so you can
“taste” the Spirit’s work through the Word and the
diverse voices of our congregation.
Thank you, Ainsworth United Church of
Christ, for this opportunity and for room
for the Holy Spirit in all that we do, even in
the summer. We definitely do not stop
doing ministry; we will continue having
fellowship and other exciting opportunities
even in the “lazy days of summer.”
---Pastor Lynne
Combined July/August Chronicle…
Due to summer vacations, we will again merge the
July and August issues, and send this issue in late
June. If you have any contributions for the July
or August Chronicle, please send them to me by
June 22nd (
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
3 AUCC Chronicle
June Sundays
June 2015
online at
Celebrate the Graduates
Sermon: “God’s Will”
Scripture: Mark 3:20-35
Liturgist: Stephanie Glazier
Ushers: Eldon Potter, Don Parks,
Adelina Taylor, Mabel Johnson
Loving Decision
Gay Pride Sunday
Sermon will be music.
Scripture: Mark 4:26-34
en Español: Ines Campoverde
Ushers: Nick Putnam, Bruce
Poinsette, Willard Valentine,
and Beverly Perttu
Fathers’ Day
Sermon: “All Aboard”
Scripture: Mark 4:35-41
Ushers: Judi Pitre, Pearl Wilson
and Norma Godfrey
Sermon: by Rev Cecil Prescod
Scripture: Mark 5:21-43
En español: Nadia Gutierrez
Ushers: Carolyn Hinton,
Jean Scott, Nadia Gutierrez
& Tim Loveless
June’s Bible Study Schedule
Mark 3:20-35
Mark 4:26-34
Mark 4:35-41
Mark 5:21-43
Mark 6:1-13
All are welcome to attend. We meet for Bible
Study at 10 am on Tuesdays, in Cambric Parlor
at Ainsworth UCC.
“Hold in
Elvira Hudson
Susan Madison
Joe Craig
Leland Lundgren
Elaine Ordal
Verlin Byers
Steve Beaman
Elaine Bates
Anita Chimuku
Peter Chimuku
Shelly Penix
Lisa Gates
Illeana Dorn
Valeriana Bandwa
Norma & Jessie Godfrey Pearl Wilson
Marcy Ross
Doug Trotter
Arnold & Judi Pitre
Michael Eagan
Lisa Gates
Doug Metz
Brian Crosby-Payne
Ellen Yarnell & nephew Jeremiah
Judy McKenzie’s nephew Seth
Rev. Hardy & Highland UCC
Those in Texas & Oklahoma affected by May’s
and the UCC, in all settings
If you want prayers said for yourself or others,
feel free to call on the Prayer Chain members.
E-mail Peggy West @ or
call her at 503-659-7922.
Four Seasons Birthday Party Results…
Many thanks to the great work of Jean Borgerding
and Beverly Perttu, all the season captains and all
who helped make our annual Four Seasons
Birthday Party a wonderful success. Again this
year, we had an abundance of great food and
fellowship in the midst of decorations to celebrate
each season. This year we raised $4,826 so far
which is over our budgeted goal of $4500. Fall
Season won again this year bringing in
$1820. Spring raised $1081, Winter - $1071 and
Summer - $854 thus far. We expect more to
come. If you didn’t get to help support this fund
raiser and still wish to, please send your check or
bring your money to church. Don’t forget to put
your name, the amount and the season it goes for
on the envelope or memo line. The money raised
goes to our general fund and particularly helps
support our mission outreach locally and globally
through Our Church Wider Mission for the UCC.
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
4 AUCC Chronicle
online at
Memory Bricks for Ainsworth Garden…
The paving stone project for the Memorial Garden
is about to begin. What an opportunity to engrave
a memory, a person, a thought in this wonderful
place of solitude and reflection. Now you can
personalize yourself and/or your loved ones by
purchasing a paving stone for $30.
Each pave stone contains three lines and each line
can contain up to 18 characters including spacing.
The garden committee has created this program to
help establish or complete a paved path from the
entrance gate off the Ainsworth Street of the
garden to the paved path encircling the fountain.
Mailings will be sent out in the near future to all
members, friends, and past member families so no
one is left out of this opportunity.
Start now composing
your paving stone and
be prepared to return
your order form when
you receive it in the
near future.
June 2015
Ainsworth UCC 30th Anniversary…
This is our 30th year of being Ainsworth UCC and
to celebrate we are planning a weekend. We are
going to celebrate in Ainsworth UCC style with
Ainsworth in the City, an evening gala event on
Saturday, October 17th at the Crowne Plaza
Hotel in Northeast Portland and then on Sunday,
October 18th at our own church. We will
dedicate our 10:00am worship service to our
celebration and then share a meal while viewing
our Legacy Project video.
If you would like to be a part of this event, please
contact Norma Godfrey to assist- 503.708.5403 or If you would like to
help with the planning of our Ainsworth in the
City Gala, please contact Ashley Cooper –
Imagine how meaningful it will be for those
wandering through the Memorial Garden in the
many years ahead. Imagine the time when you
show your children and grandchildren the
Memorial Garden and you can share your paving
2015 Pride Parade: June 14th
Join in to support all of our LGBTQ family and
friends by marching with Ainsworth UCC on
Sunday, June 14, 2015 in the Portland Pride
parade. This is a super-charged, exciting event
that comes only once a year. Meet up at church
after the service, then carpool over with others to
the step-off site in the downtown Park Blocks.
We'll do our best to have cool drinks and snacks,
rainbow wands to wave and blinky sunglasses to
wear! You can even help carry our very popular
Ainsworth United Church of Christ banner!
Please thank the members of the garden
committee when you get a chance for the
wonderful work they are doing.
Don't miss out on the fun! Look for the sign-up
sheet in the church foyer. For more information,
contact Carol Pinegar.
Our goal is 400+ pavers.
If you have questions please talk to the Garden
committee: Elvira, Hudson, Ellen, Hansen, Linda
Lewis, Alice Vetter, Shannon Hillis.
Jubilee Oregon
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
5 AUCC Chronicle
online at
Wanted: Teachers
and assistants for
Sunday School Sept
2015-June 2016.
Church of Christ has a nursery and Sunday
morning classes for those in pre-k through high
school. Teach or assist one or two Sundays a
months. Our curriculum is teacher friendly for
instructor. Teacher training/orientation will be
held in August. If you would like to know more
about how you may serve in this important faith
formation ministry or have any questions please
Interfaith Immigrant Justice
“No Sanctuary: Big Business and Detention”
Film to be shown Tuesday, 16 June at 6:30 pm
St Michael’s & All Angels Episcopal Church
1704 NE 43rd Ave (Portland)
This film, a short documentary running about 30
minutes, gives a brief history of family detention
and the coalition that brought it to an end at the T.
Don Hutto family detention center. It also follows
a mother, Sara, who together with her 7-year-old
daughter was detained in the newly opened
Karnes Family Detention Center. Sara and her
daughter, Nayely, won freedom from Karnes after
their lawyer took their story to Grassroots
Leadership and the media. Nayely has brain
cancer and was not receiving medical inside the
Karnes County family detention center, which is
operated by the GEO Group.
June 2015
Ministry With Older Adults
You are invited to the monthly meetings of the
Ministry With Older Adults (MWOA). The group
meets at 11:15 a.m. in Cambric Parlor on the 4th
Tuesday of the month. The next meeting is May
26th. Light refreshments are served. Discussions
about various topics related to 'aging more
consciously' are lively and interesting. There's
lots of good humor and sharing among friends.
Ainsworth UCC's Ministry With Older Adults
was started in 1997 by Rev. Jack and Mary
Takayanagi. The focus is on people ages 55 and
over, but the group welcomes contributions from
persons of any age. Elders and youth can learn
much about life and faith and joy and love from
each other. The Statement of Purpose notes that
"Particular attention will be paid both to the
special gifts older adults have to offer, and special
needs many have as they age." One of the MWOA
goals is promoting intergenerational service and
Back at the March MWOA meeting, we had a fine
time learning much from Ricky Casias as he
shared a variety of thoughts and treasures from his
Native American (Ute and Aztec) heritage. At the
April meeting people engaged in a thoughtful
exchange of insights on "Images of Aging:
Positive and Negative."
We're NOT a group of elders that sits around
talking about the "good old days." We are
celebrating our lives and gifts and working to be
helpful to others.
Afterwards, join us for a facilitated discussion
with the Immigrant Law Group legal staff and
Portland law students who volunteered at the
Dilley Detention Center in Texas.
Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice:
…Because Love Has No Borders
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
6 AUCC Chronicle
online at
Service Commission
Strengthen the Church Offering…
On Sunday, June 28th, we will be collecting an
offering for the work of the National United
Church of Christ and the local Conference:
Strengthen the Church. The offering monies are
used to support youth ministries and fulltime
leaders for new churches, in parts of the country
where the UCC voice has not been heard.
Your generosity will start new churches, support
new ideas in existing churches, and develop the
spiritual life in our youth and young adults.
Ainsworth and the NE Food Bank…
Ainsworth UCC is very involved with the NE
"Food Bank." There ia a blue box in the narthex
for the collection of donations. If there are large
containers, please take them to the top of the
stairs, on the left, to avoid crowding the narthex.
The need is for different foods, especially tuna
and peanut butter. Also, paper and plastic bags,
and egg cartons are useful.
Toiletry items, like shampoo and even diapers are
greatly appreciated. Even clothing, bed linens,
and towels are needed.
Questions? See Barbara Rogers (503.841.5895),
or You can also talk
to me about the details at church.
--Service Commission.
Ainsworth Directory Updates
If you have a change for the directory, such as a
new home or email, let us know. Send a note to
the church office, or call us.
June Birthdays
1 Elisabeth Goodling
5 Elaine Ordal
6 Joel Fischer
6 Catherine Potter
6 Beatrice Singleton
7 Judy Eichler
Carol Pinegar
Sharon Nelson
Cynthia Taylor
Andrea Cano
Illeana Dorn
Shealynn Davis
June 2015
Ainsworth UCC Rummage Sale…
The AUCC rummage
sale continues to thrive
thanks to the donations
many of you make.
consideration we have
decided not to accept
donations of items larger than a small microwave
oven (this includes furniture, household items,
paintings, etc.) due to our limited storage space.
Thank you for your understanding. We are still
accepting many other items and ask that you leave
them on the stage on the second floor of the
church. Please take the time to make sure your
items are in good condition, clean, and not in need
of repair. We've had particular success selling
clothing items with the tags on or in new
condition, books, and sports/outdoor equipment in
very good condition. If you have questions about
the sale, or are interested in helping sort or price
goods, please contact Stephanie Glazier
For questions about eBay sales please contact
Joslyn Baker at or talk to
us at church. Thanks again for all your support.
Got Talent?
The Ainsworth music department is looking for
music makers and talent for our summer services
in July, August and the first few Sundays of
September. We are looking for singers, rappers,
dancers, instrumentalists, big and/or small groups,
young and old. Come, and share your gifts with
your Ainsworth family. Contact Cynthia if you
can help (
Let’s do music!
Dan Ryan
27 Larry Stephens
Larissa Hagman
27 Maya Puggarana
Nancy Hatch
28 Jacquelyn Billingsley
Salome Bunyoli
28 Rachel Pinegar
Odessa Hendrix 28 Rev. Jack Takayanagi
Judith Youngman 29 Arika Bunyoli
Maurice Davis
29 Clinton Rockey
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
7 AUCC Chronicle
online at
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
June 2015
8 AUCC Chronicle
United Church of Christ
2941 NE Ainsworth St.
Portland, OR 97211
Church Business E-mail
Lynne Smouse López
Minister of Faith Formation
Rev. Cecil Prescod
Office Administrator
Shawn Burchfield
Office Assistant
Mary Conlow
Minister of Music
Cynthia Butts
online at
June 2015
The Chronicle is a publication of Ainsworth United Church of Christ, a
multiracial, multicultural, open & affirming congregation.
Mark your Calendars.
Next Submission Deadline:
Sunday, June 21
Submission is easy!
Place in the Chronicle box in Gooding Library.
e-mail to Clinton at:
Please include your name and phone number on all submissions.
Remember to support Ainsworth in your will. Consider a
bequest to ‘Ainsworth United Church of Christ.”
Ainsworth United Church of Christ
…like us on facebook
Dan Gaynor
Also online at:
Doug Trotter
Ainsworth UCC is online, at
AUCC Webmaster
Ellen Yarnell
Chronicle Editor
Clinton Rockey
Health Ministries
Margaret-Ann Jones
Ainsworth United Church of Christ
2941 NE Ainsworth St.
Portland, OR 97211
Church Website
Requested in
Home by:
Jun 6
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities