The Chronicle - Ainsworth United Church of Christ

Ainsworth United Church of Christ - -April 2015
Women’s Rights and the Sepur Zarco Trial
Join us for a special educational forum on
Sunday, April 12th at 9AM in Cambric Parlor.
Scott Pike and Pat Rumer are co-hosting our
speaker, Gabriela Rivera, a Guatemalan human
rights lawyer working to end all forms of
violence against women. Gabriela’s speaking
tour is sponsored by the Guatemalan Human
Rights Commission/USA. She speaks English.
There will be coffee, tea and some Mexican
pastels/pastries for all. Please mark this date on
your calendar for an interesting presentation that
parallels the history of sexual violence against
women in our own country. Gabriela will share
about the important legal case that is in the
Guatemalan courts presently – the Sepur Zarco
BACKGROUND: The Alliance to End Silence
and Impunity is a coalition of three feminist and
human rights organizations in Guatemala.
Founded in 2009, the alliance supports women
who were victims of sexual violence during the
internal armed conflict in their struggle for truth
and justice. Its mission is to break the prevailing
silence that has surrounded acts of sexual
violence committed against women during
Guatemala’s military dictatorships.
The Alliance works to educate women about
their rights, provide psychosocial assistance in
coordination with local communities, document
and denounce the sexual violence that occurred
during the conflict, and to support the women in
bringing cases before the national and
international courts.
The Sepur Zarco trial is a groundbreaking and
historic case for Guatemala and the rest of the
world. It is the first time that a trial for sexual
slavery during an armed conflict has been
presented in the country where the acts took
place. For the women of Sepur Zarco the trial
represents their long-awaited desire to break
through the silence and end the impunity for
crimes of sexual violence that has prevailed for
far too long in Guatemala.
Sepur Zarco is a community in the municipality
of El Curtain in Izabal. There, a military
detachment was built during the hardest years of
war and genocide, in 1982 [1]. There, crimes
against humanity were committed, rape and
sexual slavery of about 20 women amongst them.
Some of these women had their husbands and
relatives killed or disappeared too.
Women who dared not to allow these crimes to
go unpunished, who dared to speak and go
through a series of difficult moments and
cumbersome procedures, encourage us to reflect
and defend truth and memory.
From the first hearing, the women covered
themselves in colorful fabrics to face their
perpetrators. They did not come alone, but
accompanied by several people, by community
organizations that
Alliance Breaking
the Silence and
Impunity. In the last
three hearings only
their representative
arrived to court.
--from Pat Rumer and the website:
Ainsworth United Church of Christ
A Multiracial, Multicultural, Open and Affirming Community
2 AUCC Chronicle
online at
Easter is coming!
For pastors, that usually
brings panic- Holy
children it may bring
excitement- yes, for
Easter egg hunts and baskets, new clothes. But
what does it mean for all of us? All who call
ourselves disciples of Jesus, Christians, members
of Ainsworth UCC and other Christian
communities? No matter what one believes
about the resurrection: whether it was bodily,
spiritual or a myth, Easter and resurrection
reminds us that there is new life, and that God
has the last say. Spring makes new life very
clear, very visible and beautiful.
The part about “God has the last say” is probably
tougher for all of us to grasp. I doubt I could
even really explain it in a book or sermon. Who
really knows and understands what that
means? But to simply put it, I have to believe
that it means no matter what evil pervades our
lives, what suffering we might endure, that
God’s promise of presence and of love can never
be destroyed. God so loved the world that God
gave the One Jesus to us. Jesus showed us that
God’s love is unending, extravagant and
unconditional. That even though someone
makes bad choices, mistakes or worse, that God
loves him or her. That means that God loves me
and not just me, but my community, my church,
my city and my/the world- all of us!
It also means, and this is really important for me,
that no matter how we suffer- sickness, tragedy,
horrible circumstances, confronting evil, that
God is with us. Somehow, some way, God will
strengthen and uphold us. It is my prayer that we
all feel God’s presence at Easter service and
beyond. I pray that we all experience the gift of
new life in the opportunities we have for change,
growth, for experience. I pray that we can all
rest in the understanding that God is holding us
in God’s hands. We are claimed and loved by
--Pastor Lynne
April 2015
Pastor’s New Address
Pastor Lynne & Rev. Hector López
905 N. Harbour Dr., #17
Portland, OR
No more land line, so please use: Pastor’s cell503-358-5627; Héctor’s -503-705-1613.
Bible Study for April
John 20:19-31
Luke 24:36b-48
John 20:11-18
John 15:1-8
We meet at Ainsworth for Bible Study at 10 am
on Tuesdays, in Cambric Parlor.
April Birthdays…
Grace Anderson
Seth Rue
Simone Parker-Dickerson
Nathan Baker
Julie Loveless
Elana Brazile
Jessica Thomas
Summer Cogburn-Frary
Brooks Nelson
David Jacob
Salome Chimuku
Ashley Cooper
George Hendrix
Stephanie Taylor
Grant Joseph
Daniel Baker
Linda Blair
Robinann Cogburn
Shawn Burchfield
Angie Harris
Jean Bucciarelli
Have a birthday in April and it is not listed here?
Let us know. Contact the church office by email
or phone.
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
3 AUCC Chronicle
April 2015
online at
April Sundays
Maundy Thursday Agape Meal
And Tenebra Service.
starts at 6:30 pm in Michel Hall
“Hold in
Easter Sunday
Choir Cantata:
“Jesus Changed Everything”
Scripture: Mark 16:1-8
Ushers: Eldon Potter, Don Parks,
Adelina Taylor, Mabel Johnson
Sermon: “Marks of Faith”
Scripture: John 20:19-31
Liturgist: Margie Holmes
en Español: Ines Campoverde
Ushers: Nick Putnam, Bruce
Poinsette, Willard Valentine,
and Beverly Perttu
Earth Sunday
Environmental Justice Task Force
to plan the service.
Liturgist: Nick Putnam
Ushers: Judi Pitre, Pearl Wilson
and Norma Godfrey
Sermon: “Enfolded by Love”
Scripture: John 10:11-18
En español: Nadia Gutierrez
Ushers: Carolyn Hinton,
Jean Scott, Nadia Gutierrez
& Tim Loveless
Quarterly Congregational Meeting
Sunday, 26 April
We will gather for our quarterly meeting on
April 26th. Please, join us after worship that
Sunday so we can take care of church business.
Brian Crosby-Payne Susan Madison
Joe Craig
Leland Lundgren
Elaine Ordal
Verlin Byers
Steve Beaman
Elaine Bates
Anita Chimuku
Peter Chimuku
Shelly Penix
Lisa Gates
Illeana Dorn
Valeriana Bandwa
Norma & Jessie Godfrey
Marcy Ross
Doug Trotter
Arnold & Judi Pitre
Michael Eagan
Ellen Yarnell
Tom West
and the UCC, in all settings.
If you want prayers said for yourself or others,
feel free to call on the Prayer Chain members.
E-mail Peggy West @ or
call her at 503-659-7922.
Cynthia’s Ainsworth Choir blog:
Ainsworth Directory Updates
Pastor Lynne & Rev. Hector
905 N. Harbour Dr., #17
Portland, OR 97211
Phone: 503-358-5627 (Pastor Lynne’s)
503-7o5-1613 (Héctor’s)
If you have a change for the directory, such as a
new home or email, let us know. Send a note to
the church office, or call us.
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
4 AUCC Chronicle
online at
Moderator Musings
Spiritual Gifts Inventory…
I want to begin with a huge thank you to all who
filled out the Spiritual Gifts Inventory. Over 30
people have shared about their gifts and
talents...what about you? There are paper copies
available on the bulletin board in the
hallway. Help us get to know you better!
Ainsworth Church Leadership Retreat…
Calling all leaders! Our Leadership Retreat will
be on Saturday, April 25th from 9am-12pm in
the fellowship hall. Members of commissions,
church officers, and anyone who is interested in
the work and life of AUCC is encouraged to
attend. The Sacred Conversations on Racism
team will help to facilitate small group
conversations on how we can better live out the
beloved community in our church life.
Quarterly Congregational Meeting…
Please mark your calendar for our spring
congregational meeting on Sunday, April 26th
following worship. We will be voting on a
second round of proposed changes to the church
bylaws in response to requests raised at the last
congregational meeting to ensure that the work
of the Church Council and Commissions upholds
our mission statement of being a multicultural,
congregation. We will also be discussing the
30th Anniversary Celebration on May 17th, the
All Church Retreat, and Ainsworth in the
City. This is a chance for you to be involved in
the decisions of the church!
Want to Help the Church?
On a final note, we are still looking for folks to
serve as the Clerk (secretary) and on the Justice,
Nurture, Worship, Service and Ministry
Commissions. Let me or Pastor Lynne know if
you're interested.
If you have any questions or ideas, please contact
me at: or 503.706.5424
April 2015
Cambric Scholarship Luncheon…
We will have our annual Cambric Scholarship
Fund Raising Luncheon on Sunday, April 19th.
Please, come and see this year’s awardee(s) and
enjoy a lovely meal.
I want to thank
church family for
all the prayers
during my four
years at Virginia
State University. I will be graduating on May
2nd this year, with a bachelor’s degree in
computer science. Again, many thanks.
-Monterae Hill
(Norma Godfrey’s granddaughter)
28 to 29 May
All Church Retreat at Camp Adams
Are you . . .
 Looking for something fun to do
for Memorial Day weekend?
Hoping to experience fabulous
Wanting to spend an awesome time in
Seeking knowledge and wisdom about
your personal role in supporting
environmental justice?
If you answered yes to any of these questions,
then plan on attending the all church retreat at
Camp Adams, May 22nd to May 23rd.
--Elana Brazile
31 May (Sunday)
Four Seasons
Birthday Celebration…
More information both these fun-filled and
action-packed events will be coming soon.
Watch for email from Ainsworth, or information
in the Sunday bulletins and May Chronicle.
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
5 AUCC Chronicle
online at
April 2015
Equal Exchange on 2nd Sundays
Our Ainsworth Youth Group will
continue to sell coffee, tea and
assorted chocolates in Michel Hall
during fellowship hour.
Service Commission
It’s that Time of the Year
It is time to think about summer plans and
camping opportunities. This summer, you and
your family will have opportunities to participate
in wonderful camping experiences at Camp
Adams (near Molalla, Oregon).
Full Family Camp (all ages):
June 28-July 4 $183 youth/$220 adult
(maximum $888 per family)
Half-Session Family Camp
July 1 – July 4 $83 youth/$111 adult
(maximum $444 per family)
Genesis/Seekers (2nd and 3rd graders)
July 5 – July 11
Taller & Smaller (K-1st grade, with Adult)
July 8-11
$83 youth/$111adult
Discoverers (4th and 5th graders)
July 12 – July 18
Sojourners (6th, 7th and 8th graders)
July 19 – July 25
Exodus (9th, 10th, 11th and 12th graders)
July 5 – July 11
Camp registration is now open! Go to and click on the red registration
button on the home page. You may register
without paying the whole amount.
Financial assistance is available from Ainsworth
and Camp Adams. Please fill out the attached
scholarship forms and return them to me. The
deadline for camper scholarship requests is June
1, 2015.
Warm Clothing Still Needed…
Ainsworth UCC is very involved with the NE
“Food Bank.”
There is a Blue box in the
narthex for collections of food, paper and plastic
bags, and even toiletry items. They especially
need diapers and shampoo. The food items in
most demand are canned tuna and peanut butter.
Spring will bring warmer weather, but the need
for warm clothing continues. Please, consider
donating blankets, sheets, and towels.
Questions? See Barbara Rogers (503.841.5895),
or You can also talk
to me about the details at church.
--Service Commission.
Rummage Sale Update…
We are NOT accepting donations for the
rummage sale until later in the spring. We will
notify you when we begin taking any donations.
Contact Joslyn Baker
or 503-799-4749 to inquire as to whether your
items are a good match for our EBay sales.
One Great Hour of Sharing…
“Do not neglect to do good and share what you
On March 15th, we had a One Great Hour of
Sharing. Boxes were given for the children.
Please bring your child’s money box back to the
church by mid-April. Through the offering of
“One Great Hour of Sharing,”
Please feel free to contact me if you have any
–Rev. Cecil Prescod
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
6 AUCC Chronicle
online at
Urban League Advocacy Day…
You are invited to join the Urban League on
April 29th to bring our voices and votes to boost
the support of the Urban League's Legislative
Advocacy Day. Note: an RSVP is required. If
you are unable to attend, please consider filling
out the Endorsement Form attached and return it
to the Urban League. Please share widely!
"The Urban League is hosting its fourth
Legislative Action Day at the Capitol on April
29th. We are asking African American
community members
supporters to come together for Our Voices
United, a day to advocate for our community.
This event will be an opportunity to share the
concerns and priorities of the African American
community, meet with your state representatives
and senators, and make a strong presence in the
Capitol. When: Wednesday, April 29, 2015, 9:00
AM to 2:00 PM. Where: Oregon State Capitol
Building; 900 Court St. NE, Salem, OR.
Carpools and/or buses will be available from
Portland and Eugene. This event is free and
lunch will be provided. For more information,
contact the Urban League office at (503) 2802600, or visit
Interfaith Movement for Immigrant Justice:
…Because Love Has No Borders
Jubilee Oregon
April 2015
Nuns on A Bus…
You've seen her on 60
Minutes, The Colbert
Report, The Daily
Stewart as she travels
across the country
with "Nuns on a Bus"
advocating for the
least of these in
society. The Pacific University Center for Peace
and Spirituality is excited to announce that Sister
Simone Campbell will be on Pacific's Forest
Grove campus at the Taylor-Meade Performing
Arts Center on Monday, April 6, 2015 for a 7 pm
public lecture. Her talk will focus on the role
faith can play in promoting public policies that
advance the common good.
"It is an honor to host this nationally known
advocate," said Rev. Chuck Currie, director of
the Center for Peace and Spirituality and
university chaplain at Pacific University. "Sister
Simone is an inspiring leader in the effort to
create a more just nation. More people would be
living in poverty without her leadership."
Sister Simone has served as Executive Director
of NETWORK: A National Catholic Social
Justice Lobby since 2004. She is a religious
leader, attorney and poet with extensive
experience in public policy and advocacy for
systematic change. In Washington, she lobbies
on issues of peace building, immigration reform,
healthcare and economic justice. Around the
country, she is a noted speaker and educator on
these public policy issues. Her latest book is A
Nun On the Bus.
A ticket is required to attend. Seating is limited.
Doors open at 6:30 p.m.
Get tickets at:
You can Contact Rev. Currie at 503-352-2032 or
at for more info.
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
7 AUCC Chronicle
online at
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities
April 2015
8 AUCC Chronicle
United Church of Christ
2941 NE Ainsworth St.
Portland, OR 97211
Church Business E-mail
Lynne Smouse López
Minister of Faith Formation
Rev. Cecil Prescod
Office Administrator
Shawn Burchfield
online at
April 2015
The Chronicle is a publication of Ainsworth United Church of Christ, a
multiracial, multicultural, open & affirming congregation.
Mark your Calendars.
Next Submission Deadline:
Sunday, April 19
Submission is easy!
Place in the Chronicle box in Gooding Library.
e-mail to Clinton at:
Please include your name and phone number on all submissions.
Remember to support Ainsworth in your will. Consider a
bequest to ‘Ainsworth United Church of Christ.”
Office Assistant
Mary Conlow
Minister of Music
Cynthia Butts
Dan Gaynor
Doug Trotter
Ainsworth United Church of Christ
…like us on facebook
Also online at:
Ainsworth UCC is online, at
AUCC Webmaster
Ellen Yarnell
Chronicle Editor
Clinton Rockey
Health Ministries
Margaret-Ann Jones
Ainsworth United Church of Christ
2941 NE Ainsworth St.
Portland, OR 97211
Church Website
Requested in
Home by:
Apr 3
* Worshiping God
* Ministering to Each Other
* Nurturing our Spiritual Journeys
* Promoting Justice
* Serving the Local & Global Communities