The Aldersgate Press April 2015 • Vol 20• • A Reconciling Congregation, open to all SERVING YOUR CHURCH Pastor: Rev. Roger Morimoto Words With Rev. Roger The Surprising Hope! Working by yourself is often more grueling mentally than the physical task itself. As the son of a gardener, this was one of life’s lessons that I learned as my father would leave me at a job site and head off to another. Your AUMC Staff: Send Sunday bulletin information to: Mimi Funabiki - bulletin editor Submit newsletter articles by the 15th of the month to: Brad Shirakawa - newsletter editor Lori Wong does everything else Sunday service starts at 10 am. Sunday school available for toddlers through 12th graders. Aldersgate United Methodist Church 4243 Manuela Avenue Palo Alto, CA 94306-3705 ph: 650-948-6806 building sharing aldersgate community Two-sid ed B your fr azaar flyer - g iends! S i ee pag ve to e 7-8 One particular job involved clearing junipers from a large area. It looked to be an all day affair - by myself. After an hour of this laborious task, I was ready to quit… except I worked for my dad and there was no quitting nor was there any arguing with him since he wasn’t even there. I had no option but to drudge on with little hope of relief. Then, a few minutes later, the owner popped out of the back door in his work clothes armed with shears and tools. I told him that this was my job and he didn’t need to do this work. He just waved me off and jumped right in and starting clearing the junipers. My work picked up and we were done in less than half the time I anticipated. It was a great feeling. Afterwards, he brought out cold drinks and talked as I sat on a lounge chair waiting for my dad to come. Easter morning was that type of day for the followers of Jesus. No hope, only despair and the drudgery of life ahead. Yet, as they returned to the tomb, their lives would change in a moment of surprise - a surprising hope. Often in life, we become downtrodden by the drudgery of daily living. Yet, there are small moments where the Spirit breaks into our lives with something that we did not expect. If we are paying attention, we will be open to receive the hope that is packaged in these moments. It will always be a surprise. It will always be uplifting. We have to be open to allow and to recognize the in breaking of the Spirit. This Easter, let God surprise and bring you the hope you need. Let us celebrate life! Roger 2 Easter Service Sunday, April 5 • Youth please bring a flower for the cross if possible. Families please bring two dozen filled plastic Easter eggs per youth. Breakfast • 8 to 9:30am • Easter Service at 10am, Children’s Easter egg hunt begins after service. After service will be a finger food potluck, bring a fun dish to share! Bring the whole family to join us on Easter Sunday! The flowering of the Easter cross returns, be sure your youth are in service to participate! There will be fun Sunday School activities for kids at all age levels. Don’t miss special music during service, including the Aldersgate choir, Melody King and William Copeland. For you volunteers, cooking starts around 7:30am. Saturday, April 18 • 9am • Be the Match fundraising run to cure cancer 5K/1K walk or run Arena Green East – W. Santa Clara St & N. Autumn St., San Jose. It’s a walk or run, so all abilities welcome! See Marice Shiozaki for more info. The race course runs along the Guadalupe Parkway. We will have lunch together after the race. L* Y* F* E* Into The World Hoops Fundraiser Run by Youth Group Sunday, April 19 • after service • Lunch Our Into The World fundraisers continue as our youth will shoot baskets to collect donations for Imagine No Malaria. The youth will try to make 100 baskets in 20 minutes. You can pledge per basket made or pledge a flat donation. For example, you can pledge 10 cents/basket. If the youth make 100 baskets, your donation would be $10. Contact Lauren Morimoto at to sign up or use the hallway sign up sheet. Parent volunteers are needed, contact Mimi Funabiki. Youth Challenge for the Adults After the youth complete their baskets, they are challenging the adults to match or beat their score. Expect the youth to dominate the adults! Family Night April 17 • 6:30pm • The Shift in Parenting: An Intergenerational Discussion Even if you have not joined Family Night in the past, come out for this intriguing discussion on parenting between parents whose children are now post college age and parents who have children in high school or below. Please RSVP to so we know how many to plan for dinner. Reiki JAM- April 12 at 7pm Healing Arts - April 13 and 27 at 7pm Knitting Circle - Sunday, April 19, right after service Want your Aldersgate news via email? Email Lori Wong and let her know. “A place to explore the intersections among science, art, culture, healing and spirituality.” Intuitive Meditation and Grounding Workshops Tuesdays, April 14, 21, 28 & May 5 7:30pm to 8:30pm Suggested Donation $40 Proceeds support CSL Join Tammy Langowski in a four week session introducing meditation through breathing, grounding and guided imagery. Learn to release unwanted energy by replacing your aura with a loving intentional vibration and develop your intuitive abilities. The third or fourth session we will experience meditating to a background of peaceful music & sounds. Dress comfortably, bring a water bottle -and an outer wear (e.g. sweater or sweatshirt) as one can get chilly while meditating. OM GROUP Learning About Chakras Sunday, April 19 • 7pm • Here at AUMC The Open Minds group will be learning about Chakras from Alice Phipps. Alice is currently earning an M.A. in transpersonal psychology and has practiced astrology for more than 20 years, finding intersections within tarot, mythology, Jungian theory, Kabbalah and Chakras. Alice may touch upon some of these other traditions as she shares her wisdom on Chakras. 3 Art Experience Saturday, May 2 • Concurrent with our Aldersgate Spring Bazaar, free will donation • you may join any or all of the workshops* CSL presents The Experience of Art, a series of four hands on workshops in four different artistic forms: (1) A free writing/poetry workshop, movement-based practices, group drumming and group painting. Each 45 minute workshop experience is intended to give participants a taste of the particular artistic expression. The Experience of Art is an excellent opportunity for both novices and seasoned practitioners to tap into the creative side of their spiritual lives. 11am Free-Writing/Poetry: Tap into your inner poet! Learn the art of free writing to conjure stories and memories with poet, educator, and CSL director Brynn Saito. Together, we’ll engage in writing exercises to heighten and expand your poetic consciousness. 12pm Movement-Based Practices: Connect your mind, heart, body, and spirit through a series of easy experiential exercises with seasoned artist and performer, Coke Tani. Unlock the wisdom of your own body and ease stress in a playful and safe environment. 1pm Group Drumming: Drums, present in every culture's history, follow the path of rhythm in connecting to spirit, community, and the greater elements of nature. Join us in grounding our energy, releasing tension, and inviting joy to the community through drumming with composer and expressive arts therapist, Sekayi Edwards. 2pm Group Painting: Have you always wanted to paint but did not know where to start. This is your opportunity! Patti Iseke will lead the group step by step through a painting exercise. In the end you will have a finished painting, uniquely your own! *Sign-ups are being taken to help with planning but we hope to take all interested on the day of the event. To sign up, please email Rev. Roger at 4 5 Dance and Music Highlight Senior Lunch Kacey Ura’s jazz dance was part of the entertainment for the Senior Appreciation Lunch. Ura has been dancing with her studio for seven years, and this will be her third year competing. She also dances hip hop, ballet, tap and lyrical. Gordon Sasamori, Christina Sasamori, Atsuko Nelson and Gayle Uriu sing with the AUMC choir. Matthew Yu preps a note for one of the seniors. The youth bopped their way through a Japanese language tune. The Art of the District Supervisor to Retire Rev. Kristie L. Olah, District Superintendent for Aldersgate UMC, will retire on September 1. Internment "Kristie has given outstanding leadership as a District Superintendent and as Dean of the Cabinet. She has led the development of the El Camino Real District," Bishop Warner H. Brown, Jr. said. "Under her leadership, numerous new congregations and new language ministries have been developed." Olah began her service under Bishop Beverly J. Shamana in July 2008 and has been a great friend to Aldersgate over the past seven years. Olah says there are joys and challenges in supervising the 88 diverse congregations that make up the El Camino Real District. "I am passionate about helping each faith community, in its own unique context, to prayerfully seek out and live God's call to be disciples and invited others into a life of grace and hope through Jesus Christ," she said. Rev. Kristie Olah “As I enter the retired relationship, I look forward to continuing to serve in ministry as a volunteer, especially in the areas of leadership development, discipleship, and consulting with local churches." Prior to serving as a District Superintendent, Olah pastored St. Andrew's United Methodist Church in Palo Alto, was Minister of Discipleship at Los Altos United Methodist Church, and Senior Pastor of the Good Samaritan United Methodist Church in Cupertino. Rev. Staci Current will succeed Olah. "Staci Current is a dynamic and passionate leader," said Bishop Brown. "She will be an excellent successor to Kristie Olah. Both of them share a passion and energy for ministry with the multi-ethnic communities of this diverse district." Current is a native Californian born in Hollywood and reared in the Los Angeles suburb of Cerritos. "I am very excited to be in ministry with the people of God in The El Camino Real district! I am confident that we will continue the great kingdom work that has already begun as we grow into a bright future together," said Current. Current earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Political Science and International Relations from Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia. She is a 1998 graduate of Claremont School of Theology (CST) earning a Master of Divinity Degree. Beyond the local church, Current serves on the Faith Advisory Board of the Helen Diller Family Comprehensive Cancer Center at University of California, San Francisco, a mentor for five candidates for ordained ministry, and served as the Chairperson for the California-Nevada Annual Conference Commission on the Status and Role of Women. Aldersgate UMC Bazaar Art Gallery, featuring Shizue Matsushita’s Internment wood carvings Saturday, May 2 11am to 4pm / 4243 Manuela Ave, Palo Alto near Gunn High School Aldersgate UMC Bazaar Special Gifts up to March 15 In memory of Alice Oku Tosh Tsubakimoto Sue Nakamura M/M John Pennebaker Tomoko Ozawa Lee Ozawa Jim Nakamura M/M Mits Uchida Atsuko Nelson In memory of Aya Hyde M/M Harvey Wong Saturday, May 2 11 am to 4 pm Bento • GREAT Teri chix • Manju • Udon Collectibles • Crafts • Our Art Gallery will include Modern & Internment Art 4243 Manuela Ave Palo Alto In memory of James Shizuru Sue Nakamura M/M Steve Murata Diane Hutchinson M/M Gordon Sasamori Grace Kozen R/M Lloyd Wake M/M Barry Horowitz M/M Edward Sickel Atsuko Nelson M/M Tim Montagne Jeanne Shizuru Judith Shizuru Kimi & Mary Tsukushi Sachiyo Yamasaki B.Y. Nakano Tomoko Ozawa M/M Sam Motooka D/M Mare Shibuya M/M Chris Robinson Mary Murata M/M Larry Toy D/M Harry Hatasaka Jim Nakamura M/M Harvey Wong In memory of Harry Takamoto M/M Mits Uchida Lily’s birthday D/M Mare Shibuya Youth fund Satoko King Kitchen Fund David Nakamura Healing Arts M/M Harvey Wong Building Fund D/M Dale Uriu M/M Mits Uchida Grace Kozen *Building Fund +Youth Fund ** Koyukai Fund ARI to Visit Aldersgate John Hoover, Executive Director of the AFARI (American Friends of Asian Rural Institute) will be visiting the area from April 21-29. He will be sharing with us on Sunday, April 26. HELP NEEDED: If you can volunteer your home to host during this week, it would be greatly appreciated, preferably two consecutive nights, including breakfast. Contact Rev. Roger. An extra vehicle Hoover can use while in the area would also be helpful. ARI has been one of Aldersgate’s projects for several years and is dedicated to training grassroots rural leaders from the most marginalized parts of the world. The aim is to facilitate self-development of rural people in order to build a just and peaceful world. Phone Directory to be Updated Had a change of phone, email or address? Please contact Brad or Rev. Roger. The new directory will be out shortly. Special Thanks! Thank you to Team B for providing refreshments through the month of March. A special thanks to those who help out every week with the little things that keep the church running. Our thanks to the newsletter crew and Sunday service offering counters. FIG (Fix It Group): fixing and maintaining things at the church. Ogasawara Landscaping: keeping the grounds groomed each week. Satoko King for coffee supplies & Lori Wong for buying church supplies. Youth Summer Camps Junior High Camp (July 5-10) and Asian American Camp (July 26-31) are nearly here, go to for more info. Do it today! Bazaar Collectibles Unsure what’s collectible and what’s junk? Check with Chris Morimoto!
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