Volume 60, Issue 5 The ECHO April 29, 2015 Aldersgate United Methodist Church “sharing the Living Christ through life -changing service and love” Youth Sunday Graduate Recognition Service Sunday, May 3 After many years of hard work and determination, the Senior Class of 2015 will be graduating soon. Sunday Morning Worship on May 3rd will be led by members of our youth group and graduates, as a way of celebrating their many achievements and rejoicing in how they are moving on their journey of faith. During both services, youth will lead music, serve as ushers and communion stewards, and graduates will share reflections on their experiences at Aldersgate. Our graduating Seniors will be presented and recognized at the 11:00 am worship service! Following the 11:00 am service, everyone is invited to attend a luncheon in the John Wesley Center in honor of the Class of 2015. Please make plans to celebrate and share this day with our group of graduates! Confirmation Sunday May 17 One Service at 10am Come celebrate on May 17th when 12 youth and 2 adults affirm their faith in Jesus Christ, acknowledge what God is doing for them, and make a commitment to Christ’s church and this congregation of Aldersgate UMC. These confirmands have studied, prayed, served together and talked about what it means to make this commitment to minister in the name of Jesus with their prayers, presence, gifts, service and witness. In addition, we have two other adults who will be joining the church through a reaffirmation of their faith. All stand ready to take their places alongside you as full members of our congregation. We will celebrate together as one congregation in one service at 10 am. Join us for this exciting service and plan to stay after for a covered dish lunch. Please bring a dish to share. Last Name — A-F: Salad M-S: Vegetable G-L: Main Dish T-Z: Dessert Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 10th Annual Pancake Breakfast sponsored by the Aldersgate Do-Dats! The breakfast will take place in the John Wesley Center from 7:30 am to 10:30 am. Women eat FREE! $5 for everyone else. Music shared by our Children’s Choirs during the Sunday School hour. Evangelism Is a Four Letter Word A rather colorful discussion erupts between an older member of the church and a much younger, relatively new member over the topic of evangelism. Just then the pastor turns the corner coming up the hall toward them. “Hi Chuck” says the younger member. “What do you think of the ‘E’ word?” Chuck replies, “Emu – I’m strangely ok with that!” I suppose that’s one way of dodging the question. Seriously though, when we think of evangelism our minds immediately go to the “in your face – “Repent! Hell awaits” passerby that mugs you as you’re simply trying to get a breath of fresh air away from the office. Or, thumbing through the channels we catch the end of the show hearing this soft, melodic voice inviting us to place our hands on the TV and on what we need healed followed by “… and please don’t forget Holy Ghost ministries as you write your check this week!” I may be a pastor but I’m not dead! I see and experience the same things you do. We don’t need anyone to tell us there is something terribly wrong with this picture of evangelism and there is. But, why is this the image many have – even if this isn’t our teaching or practice here at Aldersgate? Evangelism isn’t inviting someone by “telling them” anything. Evangelism isn’t something we have to do. It should be something we can’t help doing. Evangelism isn’t telling others how wonderful your “religion” is by tearing down all other’s beliefs. Evangelism is about trust and love. Evangelism is about relationship. Evangelism is what breaks out when we truly strive to live into the love that is the cross of Jesus. You see that kind of love is what the Holy Spirit brings to each of us in the form of God’s grace. Evangelism is sharing that love by sharing our experiences – experiences of being transformed from the inside out! Evangelism is an authentic “I want the very best for you” attitude expressed to everyone we meet – wherever we meet them! You see, evangelism is a four letter word – L-O-V-E. It is one way that we respond to the Holy Spirit living in our hearts. Evangelism is being a light in dark places. It is bringing peace to a noisy world. Evangelism is seeing people the rest of the world has cast aside. This side of heaven, evangelism is “sharing the living Christ through life changing service and love.” For those of us who identify with being part of Aldersgate United Methodist Church, we know evangelism as “Sharing the life.” Peace, Rev. Mike Palermo The inspiration for this article comes from the Youtube series “Chuck Knows Church.” Pray Without Ceasing Christian Condolences: Susan & Bill Alexander in the passing of Susan’s mother. Family & Friends of Julie Menard. Family & Friends of Ethan. Family & Friends of Beatrice Graf. Family & Friends of Gwendolyn Ajubita. Joys: Birth of Connor Crosier, great-grandson of Connie & Clint Crosier. Mike Rich received his Certified Financial Planner Certification. Well attended Identifying Key Legal Documents meeting. Birth of healthy baby, Laurel Graves. Paula & Terry Townson expecting a grandchild in October. Gordon Greenwood was selected to be a representative of WWII and join the Veteran’s Tour. Impending Tests/Surgery: Shirley Hill, Carol Overton, prayer@aldersgate- David Long, Andy, Sara, Gwen Mascaro, Gloria Thibodeaux Hospitalized: Pat Doyle, John Occhipinti, Betty Carbonette, slidell.org Walter “Bubba” Groce, Jordan Cocran Our Care Team Recovering at Home: Jules Hillery, Bill, Carmelie Mancuso, coordinators are: Rhea Snyder, 643-3945; Harley McPeek, Mary Pecuese, Baby Maci, Gene Williams Prayers: Judy Benandi, Esther Stephens, Bobbie & Harold and Charlotte Clifford, Stephens, Arthur Arseneaux, Angie Brumfield, Ashley Eaves, 847-0966. Betty Russell, Sue Wofford, Fisher Abrams, Trudy Garpard, Our church family is our best source for names of those persons in need of care. Please contact the pastors (641-5829) or a Care Team member when you know of a need. You can also email your prayer request to Linda, Kurt, Paul, Sara & Baby Noel DeJarnette, Noah Eyraud, Carol Iennusa & Family, Kimberly Moreau, Harley Brown, Jennifer Surface, Andrea Suhor, Scott Mitchell, Stacie Ann, Jack Lynch, Pam & Paul Augustin, Stacey Boerner, Raven & Robbie Brown, Janet Gerace, Joyce Victor, Dan Alderette, Kelly, Jeff, Gary Halley, Ivy Praytor, Jeanne Aucoin, Rev. James Biedenham, Vera Beech, Sheerie Ferg, Curt Carlson, Alex Richards, Rick Pahnka, Anna Thomas, Coy Faucheux, Irene Caton, Our Country and our Military, Homebound Members, The Unemployed, Aldersgate UMC Continuing Concerns: Rusti & Ryan Wilson, Andrew Hanson, Susan Grant, Sara Delaha, Avery Watts, Debbie & John Roberts Jr., Stacey Iennusa, Helen Hughey, Camille Callais, Dot Hartman, Helen Hodge, Zachary Cheek, Dr. Bill Nelson & wife Suzanne, Hermanie Garrett, Ian Brennan and Family, Bry and Blanche Copeland, Vivian Richard, Rachel Cochrane, Derek and Lauren Whitty Webber, Pat Mancuso, Bob and Barbara Walker, Rick Saluga What you need to know! Budgeted offering for March $67,315 Actual offering from March $69,364 Actual Year-to-date Budget Year-to-date Variance to Budget $185,827 $201,944 -(16,117) April’s Communion Rail Offering supporting Safe Harbor Women’s Shelter on the Northshore, raised $340.00 Our nonperishable food collection in April for CCC weighed in at 55 lbs. Thank you for your generous gifts of time, talent & treasure. Question: What do Pentecost and Aldersgate Day have in common? I AM so We Are Jesus promised he would be with us always. More specifically, he promised to be IN us always. We say we are the body of Christ, that we are filled with his Spirit, but what does that mean? That will be our focus in our Summer Sunday studies and worship. Using the gospel of John, each week we will focus on one of the ways Jesus defines himself: the bread of life, the light of the world, the good shepherd and more. In doing so we will find that the more we know who Jesus is, the more we know who we are. The God We Can Know @ 9:45 am Summer Adult Study-John Wesley Center College Students-Cokesbury 209 Youth-Genesis Hall Children-Susanna Wesley Building Answer: A. They both involve fire and the Holy Spirit and lead to bold, unstoppable, courageous faith. B. They were both life-changing, world-changing events. C. They are both celebrated on May 24 this year. I AM so We are Worship Series @ 8:30 and 11 Beginning May 31 D. All of the above. Join us May 24th and find out more! Apple Tree Preschool Presents…. Family Movie Night And ALL are invited! When: Friday, May 8th At 6:00pm Where: The Aldersgate JWC Bldg (located next to the Apple Tree bldg.) Bring a comfy chair or blanket to sit on & watch the movie. Apple Tree will be popping popcorn & will have lemonade available. You are more than welcome to pack snacks, etc for your family to enjoy. MOVIE: Mr. Peabody & Sherman Rated PG Because we, the people of Aldersgate, believe that “the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof” we are trying to be better stewards of that Earth by recycling what we can. To that end, you may have seen some new recycle containers and informative posters on our campus. These containers look like “blue wastebaskets”. To tell them apart from wastebaskets, remember this: “If it’s blue, it’s a recycle container; If it isn’t blue, it’s not a recycle container!” There are posters near each of those blue containers; the posters explain what can and what can’t be recycled. Please “think before you toss.” Here’s a question: What happened to the newspaper recycling bin which used to be in the parking lot next to Genesis? Answer: the company which emptied that bin has stopped that service. We now use “Progressive”, the company which serves all Slidell residents. Their “big red bin” is now our collection point for all on-campus recyclable materials. Unlike the old newspaper bin, we derive no monetary benefit from this recycling. We know that some Aldersgate members (and others) are bringing recyclables to that bin. That’s fine! If the day ever comes that the bin is too small to accommodate our on-campus recyclables, and materials brought from “offsite”, we’ll deal with it. Thanks for supporting Aldersgate’s recycling efforts. Adult Ministries Mary Stokes, Director Mary@aldersgate-slidell.org The Bridge: A Small Group for College Students Starts on Sunday, May 31 Cokesbury Building, Room 209 College students are invited to gather each Sunday for discussion, prayer, reflection, scripture reading and fellowship. We will also have opportunities for fellowship at Reverend Nancy’s house and community events. For more information contact Alison and Stan Laskos, 330-608-8098 or alisonlaskos@gmail.com. MONTHLY FELLOWSHIP OPPORTUNITIES All seniors 55+ are invited to join us in May for these fellowship opportunities: First Monday Matinee Singin’ in the Rain starring Gene Kelly May 4th at 2 pm in Genesis Hall Coffee and Conversation Coming this Summer! Starting May 31 Sunday Mornings at Aldersgate! Join us on Thursday, May 28th at 10:00am as we gather in Genesis Hall and enjoy a time of fellowship and share in informative and entertaining programs provided by leaders in our community. Something’s Brewing this Summer… A time of fellowship, summer reading and Bible study for women of all ages We will be reading Jan Karon’s Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good and coupling this work of fiction with weekly Bible studies. If you enjoy laughter and the company of friends, you will enjoy spending your summer Tuesday mornings with us. A nursery is provided in our Otterbein Building. Tuesday Mornings at 9am Starting June 2 Genesis Hall "Welcome home, Mitford fans...to Karon's gift for illuminating the struggles that creep into everyday lives—along with a vividly imagined world." —People Somewhere Safe with Somebody Good conveys the sense of peace and joy brought about by the very simple things in life. Family Promise Dedicates Day Center On Friday more than 150 people representing our community and 20 churches gathered at Christ Episcopal Church to dedicate the new Family Promise Day Center and to welcome the newly appointed Executive Director of Family Promise St Tammany, Ms. Melissa Landrum. The new day center is located at 513 Michigan St., on the campus of Christ Episcopal. The day center is an essential part of the overall Family Promise program because it will provide a clearing house of resources to each family we serve. The resources available will range from financial counseling to job skills. The day center will also be the administrative hub for Family Promise as well as the office for Melissa. The hosting of families will commence the first week of May with St Luke’s being the host. Aldersgate will follow St. Luke’s and host our first families start starting May 10th. If you have not talked with Donna, Mark or Jill about how to get involved with this exciting new ministry please take a few minutes and do so. Mark and Jill Senn can be reached at msenn111@gmail.com and Donna Lew can be reached at dmnlew@charter.net. There truly is a place for everyone in our congregation to play a part with just a small block of your time and talents. God Bless, Dale Kimball All About Faith On March 8th, Faith Nakaiywa, her mother Margaret, and interpreter Christine arrived in Slidell from Kampala, Uganda. Faith, only 2 years old, arrived with a heart condition, but thanks to the partnership formed between Children’s Heart Project, HeartGift of Louisiana, and Aldersgate UMC, she was able to receive the surgery she needed to close a hole in her heart and remove scar tissue in one of the ventricles. Children’s Heart Project, a ministry of Samaritan’s Purse International, arranges for life-saving operations for hundreds of children who live in countries where the required medical expertise and equipment are not available. Through their Ugandan office, they worked with the Nakaiywa family, provided for a translator, and coordinated medical care, housing and travel needs. HeartGift of Louisiana secured funding for the needed surgery and follow-up care at NOLA Children’s Hospital. Aldersgate hosted the family while they were in Louisiana, providing meals, housing and surrounding them with loving care. Special thanks to Sarah and Larry Tester who opened their home and their heart to Faith, Margaret and Christine. They provided a safe, comfortable place to wait and heal, as well as accompaniment and care throughout the process. The CareTeam surrounded them with prayer and food, and the Lost and Found Sunday School class along with so many others in the congregation brought gifts, supplies and donations to help meet their needs. Over and over, through your prayers, gifts and companionship you helped Faith, Margaret and Christine experience the love of God in a tangible way. Sarah Tester writes: Christine the Interpreter is a devout Christian and has been a very long time. Mother Margaret is new to the faith. Her mother and sisters are not Christians, which makes it difficult for her. The week of quarantine pre-surgery and the long quarantine postop was tough on them. Nancy brought Communion to the house and all took part, including Faith. The next night on a Thursday, is when Margaret and Larry attended the service in the chapel. Larry said it was very moving experience for the Care Team to pray for and lay hands on Margaret for her blessing. She needed that, again to help her understand that the Church Universal brought them here, and was with them through the entirety of the journey. We sent Margaret home with an Aldersgate keepsake: a little wooden replica of the church that was made for the church’s 20th anniversary. We hope that it will help to make the story of people in Louisiana seem real to friends and family. Faith and her family returned home on April 10th. Samaritan’s Purse has an annual Ugandan Heart Camp attended by children who have gone through cardiac surgery. In a culture where few receive this medical intervention, the kids love meeting others who like them, “got their hearts fixed.” As HeartGift’s Stephanie Berault says, “there’s a lot that needs fixing that we cannot approach. But, we can get a heart fixed! In the process, our hearts over-flow with God’s blessings.” Youth Ministry- AUMY! Eric O’Quinn, Director Eric@aldersgate-slidell.org Music Ministry Scott Clausen, Director scott@aldersgate-slidell.org You are invited to Prime Time’s A celebration of our year! Sunday, May 10th at 10am in JWC During the Mother’s Day Breakfast *Reminder parents, Children’s Bells and Choirs will sing in church the next Sunday, May 17th, for the Confirmation Service at 10am. Please bring your child to the Sanctuary by 9:15am that morning. Welcome Home! Concert by Reflections Choir, Bell Choir, and Nameless Youth Praise band Sunday May 24th at 7pm Sanctuary The youth will be returning from a tour to Baton Rouge and Alexandria, and will share their concert with us. Come support these “mission musicians” and join us for a great concert! Children’s Ministry Vicki Frick, Director Vicki@aldersgate-slidell.org SUMMER SUNDAY SCHOOL Starts May 31st We are in need of Sunday School Teachers & Assistants for the Summer. Beginning, May 31st, we will once again be combining the children’s classes for the summer term and we will need AT LEAST 2 adults for each class. The children will be divided into the following groups: Preschool - for 3-yr olds thru 5-yr olds Early Elementary - for K thru 2nd Older Elementary - for 3rd thru 5th Our exiting 6th Graders will be joining the Jr. High Sunday School class in Genesis Hall (next to the church office). Please remember that Promotion Sunday is in the Fall (August 9th). At that time, the children will “promote” to their new grade. If you can help, please give Vicki a shout and come Share the Life with us this summer! Camp Istrouma, our overnight church camp, is filling up quickly! Register TODAY thru their website: Vacation Bible School June 15-19, 9am-12noon Calling All 3-yr olds thru 5th Graders!! Get ready to see God’s Love in Action! Non Refundable Registration Fee: Early Bird (By May 15th): $15/child ($40/family max) Late Registration (After May 15th): $20/child (no max) *Preschoolers must be 3 and potty-trained in order to participate; however, we will have a nursery and a 2-year old class available to Volunteers—and, we do need LOTS of Volunteers to PUT God’s Love in Action! SUMMER SONshine! For Preschoolers thru Exiting 1st Graders June 2 - July 16 Tues/Wed/Thurs 9am—12noon (excluding VBS week-June 15th) This 6-week summer program is designed specifically for our younger friends. Our mornings will be filled with Chapel, crafts, music, play and lots of adventure. We’ll even have some in-house “field trips.” We want them to know that, no matter how young or small, they are loved and they, too, can put God’s Love in Action! Program Cost: $150 per child (family discount: $125/each additional child) *Children must be 3 and potty-trained at the start of the program. The family discount is available for siblings only. Registration Forms for our Summer Programs can be found in the Church Office, the Welcome Center, the Preschool Bldg. and on our website: www:aldersgate-slidell.org Registration for Camp Istrouma must be done on THEIR website. For Camp Scholarship information, call or email Vicki at the church. THE ECHO ALDERSGATE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH aumc@aldersgate-slidell.org Pub. No. 023968 Published bi-weekly Periodical-Paid Slidell, LA 70458 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Aldersgate United Methodist Church, 360 Robert Blvd, Slidell, LA 70458. Return Service Requested th May 7 at Heritage , y a d s hur ering r, T gath ayo munity lead by the M tes in m o c a 0 minu is day, will be There t 12:00 on th share about 3 d. Park a mmunity to vited to atten in co for the rayer. All are p Sunday Worship Times AND NOW A WORD FROM OUR SPONSORS... Cindy Alberts, Realtor Coldwell Banker TEC Realtors ~ 2040 E. Gause, #4 “I’ll Go The Extra Mile For You!” C: 707-7676 W: 649-6300 x208 Homes, Vacant Land, Commercial Michael Guevara, DDS Specialist in Orthodontics “Achieving a healthy, beautiful smile together” 1251 7th Street, 641-3587 Peffley Constuction, LLC Andrew Peffley, 504-512-0276/fax 985-649-3851 Email: andrew@peffleyconstruction.com www.peffleyconstruction.com Honaker Funeral Home Forest Lawn Cemetery “Dedicated To Those We Serve” 641-1900 ~ Hwy 190 West Terry Tranchina and Kevin Tranchina Lowry-Dunham, Case, and Vivien Group Insurance since 1901 643-1234 ~ 1-800-200-1258 ACCU-TEMP Air Conditioning~Heating~Refrigeration “We guarantee your comfort!” 985-726-9984 Mike Rich Pontchartrain Investment Management Financial Services and Insurance 2242 Carey St., Olde Towne, Slidell 985-605-5064 ~ mikerich@mypontchartrain.com Securities offered through LPL Financial, Member FINRA/SIPC CHRIS WHITTY CONSTRUCTION Residential New Homes Commercial Renovations 985-960-1484 ~ 985-847-9417 See our FB page ~ www.chriswhitty.com We are looking for a new sponsor to fill this space. Is your company the “MISSING PIECE” that Aldersgate needs to help support our church? Please call or email our office for more information. 8:30 am • Traditional Worship 9:45 am-10:45 am • Sunday School (for all ages) 11:00 am • Contemporary Worship Staff Email: Pastor Nancy Wofford: Nancy@aldersgate-slidell.org Pastor Mike Palermo: Mike@aldersgate-slidell.org Music Ministry: Scott@aldersgate-slidell.org Children’s Ministry: Vicki@aldersgate-slidell.org Youth Ministry Eric@aldersgate-slidell.org Adult Ministry: Mary@aldersgate-slidell.org Facilities: Dkimball@Epworthproject.com Membership/Finance: Karen@aldersgate-slidell.org Church Secretary: Robyn@aldersgate-slidell.org Office Information: Erin@aldersgate-slidell.org Prayer Concerns: Prayer@aldersgate-slidell.org Louisiana Conference Website: www.la-umc.org Apple Tree Preschool Director: appletree-cheryl@charter.net General Information: Church Website: Church office: AUMC@aldersgate-slidell.org www.aldersgate-slidell.org 985-641-5829
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