2015 Annual Gathering #AOBgathering April 17-19, 2015 Northside Drive Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA 2 WELCOME FROM ZACH BAY, CHAIR OF ANNUAL GATHERING PLANNING TEAM I attended my first Alliance of Baptists’ Annual Gathering in Monterrey, California in 2010. That year, we met at Asilomar Conference Grounds. I met kind people who believe passionately. I sat on the floor in a small room while Tere Canzoneri introduced me and a couple dozen others to Transcendental Meditation and Centering Prayer. I stood in one of the retreat center’s large halls as a big group of Baptists boldly recited a litany. I had heard that litany—or litanies like it—many times before. The exact words escape me, but they were something like: “All people are welcome in this sacred space, to full communion with this body of people and with the God of love.” They were simple words. Words I had heard before in other places. Words like others that I had mumbled through many times. And yet, there in Asilomar, as if it were the first time I had ever heard anything like that, I was greatly moved. I had heard the words said before. I had just never heard the words meant before. “All people. Full communion.” If you are new—if this is your first Gathering—welcome to a place where that’s true. Whether you are black or white, gay or straight, female or male, liberal or conservative, or somewhere in between: you are welcome among this beautiful group of Baptists. Roll up your sleeves and do faith with us. Make yourself at home. If you are a veteran—if you remember when Gatherings were Convocations and founders gathered in this very building to launch a new movement of progressive Baptists—thank you for being you, and thank you for staying connected through the years. Welcome again to the place you once dreamed of: a place where all people are welcome to full communion with one another and with God. We’ve a Story to Hear…and that’s it. Lean in and listen closely. God is still speaking. 3 WELCOME FROM MIKE CASTLE, ALLIANCE OF BAPTISTS’ PRESIDENT It is a great delight to welcome you the 28th Annual Gathering of the Alliance of Baptists meeting in Atlanta, Georgia! I hope that you find our time together alive with the Spirit of God, rich in fellowship with both new and old friends, and inspired by the Gospel of Jesus to acts of love and justice in his name! What a joy it is for us to gather and celebrate 25 years of ministry partnerships. Indeed, “We’ve a story to hear from the nations!” Listening to those stories over the years has certainly shaped us and challenged us as Alliance of Baptists. And we are grateful to God for such gifts. I pray that during our time together this weekend we will listen with attentive ears and open hearts so that we will continue to be shaped and challenged anew by these living stories. I have attended all, but one, Alliance of Baptists’ Annual Gatherings since 1997. I treasure this time together and make it a priority to attend each year. Gathering in the Easter season each year, I find my spirit resurrected among this mighty bunch of Baptists who share my commitments to thoughtful, progressive and engaging theological engagement, courageous justice work and extravagant hospitality. We share hope-filled excitement and wisdom about the work of the church in these rapidly changing times. Please join me in thanking Zach Bay and his team for their leadership in coordinating this Annual Gathering. As you will discover, they have a done a fabulous job! Let us also thank James Lamkin and all the good folks at Northside Drive Baptist Church for their warm and welcoming hospitality. We are blessed. With gratitude, Michael D. Castle President / Alliance of Baptists Senior Pastor / Harmony Creek Church, Dayton, Ohio 4 ALLIANCE OF BAPTISTS ANNUAL GATHERING 2015 SCHEDULE Friday, April 17 8:30 AM.... Registration Opens (Narthex) 9:00 AM .....Multicultural Training Workshop by RJM Community (Chapel) 11:30 AM.... Box Lunch and Community Gatherings 1:00 PM.... Workshop Session I 2:30 PM .....Break, Exhibits, Snacks 3:00 PM .....Annual Meeting: Part I (Chapel) 4:30 PM .....Worship I: Paco Rodes, preaching (Sanctuary) Saturday, April 18 8:30 AM .....Registration Opens, Children & Youth meet for trip to Berea Farm 9:00 AM .....Bible Study with Karen Thomas Smith (Chapel) 10:15 AM .....Break: Alliance author meet & greet and book signings (Undercroft) 10:45 AM .....Workshop Session II 12:00 PM .....Box Lunch and Community Gatherings 1:30 PM.... Annual Meeting: Part II (Chapel) 3:30 PM.... Worship II, Rusudan Gotsiridze, preaching (Sanctuary) Sunday, April 19 9:30 AM.... Bible Study with Karen Thomas Smith (Chapel) 11:00 AM .....Worship III: Mahan Siler, preaching (Sanctuary) 5 PROCLAIMERS AND BIBLE STUDY LEADERS Paco Rodes, Fraternity of Baptist Churches of Cuba Paco lives in Matanzas, Cuba where he is the Executive Director of the Kairos Center and the Coordinator of the Cuban Prison Chaplaincy Project. Paco is the retired pastor of First Baptist Church Matanzas, where he served for 36 years. He is also one of the 3 founders of the Fraternity of Baptists. Paco and his wife Lila have two daughters and a grandson (Lisset, Judy and Gabriel) all of whom live in Atlanta and are members of Oakhurst Baptist. Paco will preach in the Friday evening worship service. Rusudan Gotsiridze, Evangelical Baptist Church of Georgia Rusudan is a bishop of the Evangelical Baptist Church of Georgia (EBCG). She is responsible for Central Georgia, which includes a region occupied by Russian troops since the Russian-Georgian war in 2008. She is the first woman in Georgia to be consecrated a bishop and a longtime researcher of women’s ordination practices in different Christian traditions. She holds a master’s degree in Christian Theology from Tbilisi State University. In her master’s dissertation Rusudan explored theological and ecclesial issues related to women’s ordination. In 2014 she received an “International Women of Courage” award by the U.S. State Department presented by Michelle Obama. Rusudan is married to Michael Saralishvili and has two teenage children. Her hobbies include painting, photography and tree climbing. Rusudan will preach in the Saturday evening worship service. Mahan Siler, an Alliance of Baptists’ founder Mahan's vocational life happens to fall into roughly two equal parts: 27 years as pastor; 27 years working with pastors. He and Janice, married for 56 years, are parents to Jeanine, Marshall, Julia and Mark and grandparents to six young adults. They moved to Asheville, N.C., in 2003 to be close to family. Mahan will preach in the Sunday morning worship service. Karen Thomas Smith, chaplain at Al Akhawayn University Karen has been chaplain to the Christian Community at Al Akhawayn University in Ifrane, Morocco since 1996. Karen has spoken, written and led seminars on Muslim-Christian relations in the United States, Morocco, France, Germany, Italy, and Madagascar. Karen is married to Kevin Smith, Dean of Science and Engineering at Al Akhawayn University. They have a fourteen year-old daughter, Claire Amal, who attends the Al Akhawayn School of Ifrane. Karen will lead our Bible Study times. 6 WORKSHOPS Friday Morning Workshop, 9 AM-11:30 AM Multicultural Training: Listening for Love of Justice—Building skills for listening across racial and cultural differences Location: Chapel Facilitators: Tina Lopes and Tammerie Day Whether we are working in a multiracial or multifaith coalition, whether we are crossing borders or cultures, listening is foundational for relationship and for the love we are called to embody as followers of Jesus Christ. In this workshop, we'll explore listening as an act of faith in a life of discipleship and partnerships. We'll discern together the challenges we face when we seek to hear each other into justice, in love. We'll learn how to listen as part of living into responsibility and transformation, with the humility and grace that can sustain us for the long haul together. Our work together throughout the Annual Gathering will give us opportunities to return to what we've learned, and renew our learning with practice, so that we can take our skills into our work wherever we are seeking to live into the reign of God. We are looking forward to building on the excellent and practical learning begun at last year's gathering, and adding to our capabilities for working across differences, toward justice, in love. Friday Afternoon: 1 PM-2:30 PM & Saturday Morning: 10:45 AM–12 PM 1. Developing Compassionate Conversation: What the ARCUS Grant means for Congregational Dialogue on LGBTQ Inclusion and Racial Justice Location: Room 105 This workshop provides information about the scope of the ARCUS grant and how a congregation might benefit from the grant as it relates to developing compassionate dialogue around LGBTQ inclusion and racial justice. Opportunity will be given for dialogue about how the grant’s opportunities might best be tailored to meet the needs of individual congregations. Facilitator: Michelle McClendon - Associate Pastor at Providence Baptist Church, Hendersonville, NC. Panelists: • Cody Sanders, Assistant Minister of Pastoral Care at Unitarian Universalist Church of Davis, California • Mahan Siler, an Alliance founder 7 2. The History and Mission of the Alliance: Celebrating 25 Years of Ministry Partnership Location: Chapel Partnership ministry has characterized the Alliance’s missiology since early in the organization’s history. This session seeks to address changes in the history of missiology within the Alliance and more broadly, and how this history can inform our partnership ministry in the Alliance of Baptists and local congregations. Facilitator: Andrew Gardner, student at Wake Forest School of Divinity Panelists: • Rob Nash, Professor Arnall-Mann-Thomasson Professor of Missions and World Religions and Associate Dean for the D.Min program at McAfee School of Theology • Shanta Premawardhana, President of Seminary Consortium for Urban Pastoral Education (SCUPE) • Paco Rodés, Fraternity of Baptist Churches in Cuba 3. Policy and Perspective: Ministry Partners Reflect on U.S. Governmental Policies Location: Room 203 How does the governmental policies of the United States help or hurt the work of our ministry partners? This workshop will hear from those who are doing ministry in diverse settings where American policy makes a difference. Facilitator: Steve Jolly, Secretary for the Alliance of Baptists • • • Panelists: Gustavo Yero Estrada, Fraternity of Baptist Churches of Cuba Charles Watson, Jr., Baptist Joint Committee Katie Cook, Editor of Seeds of Hope 4. LGBTQ Issues Around the Globe Location: Room 204 Attendees will have the opportunity to engage the social, political, and religious realities facing LGBTQ people in contexts beyond the United States in order to acquire better ways of understanding, relating, and supporting our brothers and sisters who are standing in solidarity, striving for justice, and affirming their communities around the world. Facilitator: Maria Swearingen, Assistant Chaplain, Furman University Panelists: • Beatriz Casal, Pastor in Cuba • Joel Zeferino, President of the Alliance of Baptist of Brazil 8 • John Blevins, Associate Research Professor in the Hubert Department of Global Health at the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University 5. Connecting Congregations and Ministry Partners Location: Room 116 This workshop will explore the nuts and bolts of church partnerships. How can congregations grow from the experience? Hear from a long-time partnerships expressed in a variety of settings. Facilitator: Tommy Justus, Pastor at Mars Hill Baptist Church, Mars Hill, NC. • • Panelists: Jonathan Freisen, Pastor at Ellis Ave. Church, Chicago Tiffany Henkel, Pastor of Metro Baptist Church and Executive Director of RMM, New York City 6. Welcoming the Stranger: Sharing God's Love with Refugees and Immigrants Location: Room 103 Attendees will hear stories from immigrants to the US and ways we can advocate for comprehensive, just and humane immigration reform. We will also learn about refugee crises in other countries around the world. Facilitator: Carol Blythe, past-President of the Alliance of Baptists • Panelists: • Representative from Latino Fellowship at Calvary DC Susan Allan, National Farm Worker Ministry 7. Leading Women: How Women Are Changing the Church Location: Room 202 A panel of ministers, scholars and activists will lead attendees in a generative conversation addressing three questions: Why do we still need a conversation about women's empowerment? How are women changing the church? What concrete examples can sharpen our understanding and motivate us to action? Facilitator: Eileen Campbell-Reed, Practical Theologian and Faculty at Central Seminary Panelists: • Melissa Browning, Assistant Professor and Graduate Program Director in Social Justice and Community Development • Chanequa Walker-Barnes, Faculty in Pastoral Care at McAfee School of Theology • Karen Thomas Smith, Chaplain to the Christian Community at Al Akhawayn University, Ifrane, Morocco 9 8. Liturgical Reform and the Revitalization of Worship Location: Sanctuary Our interactive workshop will review the liturgical reforms that have taken place both inside and outside of the United States in the last several years and we’ll dream together of what could be next in the way of liturgy and worship in our churches today. What has been the most meaningful worship experience for you? What has renewed your church? Come to share and learn abstract and practical ideas. Facilitator: Leah Grundset Davis, Communications Specialist at Alliance of Baptists Panelists: • Brett Younger, Associate Professor of Preaching at McAfee School of Theology • Ken Sehested, Editor/Author at prayer&politiks, Founding Co-Pastor of Circle of Mercy Congregation in Asheville, NC. 9. Generating a Serious and Savvy Congregational Plan for Faith Formation Location: Room 200 Suddenly you have inspiration for faith formation at your church. But then you realize there is no plan and the practice of your inspiration is lost forever. How does such a plan come into being? Facilitator: Ken Meyers, Faith Formation Specialist at Alliance of Baptists • • Panelists: • Mike Gregg, Associate Pastor and Minister of Education at Northside Drive Baptist Church, Atlanta Elizabeth Lott, Pastor, St. Charles Avenue Baptist Church, New Orleans Karen Massey, Professor of Christian Education at McAfee School of Theology 10. Building Consensus: Engaging Diversity Location: Choir Room Consensus building techniques bring out best thinking of any group on shared concerns and generates greater commitment to decision made. Learn the attitudes, practices and skills that are essential for consensus building. Facilitator: Leslie Withers Panelists: Mary Ann Downey and Bill Holland, from Decision Bridges 10 11. Clergy Recognition and Endorsement Location: Room 201 Facilitators: Carole Collins, Director of Operations and Finance for the Alliance of Baptists and Leah Lonsbury, Clergy Care Specialist for the Alliance of Baptists COMMUNITIES Alliance communities will meet throughout the Gathering. Below is a listing of communities, contacts and times. Those communities meeting during lunch, will enjoy the lunch provided and meet in assigned areas. Please feel free to join a community that interests you and learn more! Mission and Ministry Partnership Committee* Contact: Paula Dempsey Meeting: Friday lunch Location: Room 116 Racial Justice and Multiculturalism Contacts: Michael-Ray Mathews, Marie Onwubuariri and Cody Sanders Meeting: Friday lunch Location: Room 200 Peace and Justice Contact: Carol Blythe Meeting: Friday lunch Location: Room 204 Equity for Women in the Church Contact: Jann Aldredge-Clanton Meeting: Friday and Saturday lunch Location: Room 202 Cuba Partnership Contacts: Wayne Grinstead and Mark Siler Meeting: Saturday lunch Location: Room 103 11 Justice in Palestine and Israel Contacts: Leslie Withers and G.J. Tarazi Meeting: Saturday lunch Location: Room 105 Brazil Partnership Contacts: David Gooch and Peter Carman Meeting: Saturday lunch Location: Room 116 LGBTQ Contact: D. H. Clark and Delane Tew Meeting: Saturday Location: Room 200 Abolishing the Death Penalty Contact: Jeff Hood Meeting: Saturday lunch Location: Room 204 *note: this is an Alliance committee meeting and not a community meeting INFORMATION Maps of Northside Drive Baptist Church is included in your registration packet. Shuttles from the Hotel: Friday Morning (8:15 and 8:45 at the hotel) - Phill Nall Midday (12:00 and 12:45 at hotel) - Richard West Evening (6:00 and 6:30 at the church) - Phill Nall Saturday Morning (8:15 and 8:45 at the hotel) - Jonathan Spencer Evening (5:00 and 5:30 at the church) - Bud Hidlay Sunday Morning (8:45 and 9:15 at the hotel) - Bud Hidlay Midday (12:30 and 1:00 at the church) - Jonathan Spencer Nursery Care is provided for pre-registered children age five and younger in Room 100, Nursery. The hours are 9:00 AM-6:00 PM **Parents are responsible for providing meals for their children during the weekend. Parents are asked to visit their children during scheduled breaks and to pick up their children promptly at the conclusion of each service. 12 Children and Youth Programming Have you ever noticed how getting down on your hands and knees to weed is also the perfect posture for praying? Have you ever experienced God in nature, away from the distractions of modern conveniences, in a new and deeper way? Do you know how to bring peace and build community in a dying neighborhood through gardening? All these questions (and many more) will be explored during a special opportunity on Saturday, April 18th, during the Alliance of Baptists' gathering. Alliance member, Josh Cowan, is a resident at Berea Mennonite Church/Oakleaf Mennonite Farm in the East Atlanta neighborhood. Youth and children (1st grade and up) will be able to visit this church-farm during the Saturday workshops time. They will learn how God uses plants and animals to bring about peace and transformation in our lives through simple lessons and instruction, powerful hands-on experiences and meaningful times of guided reflection. Youth and Children will leave for Berea at 8:30 AM on Saturday, spend the day and have lunch together at the farm and return by 3:00 PM in time to prepare for worship. If you have any questions, please contact Josh Cowan directly: orchestraboy@yahoo.com. Friday and Saturday Evening Meals are “On Your Own.” Atlanta is known as a “Foodie City.” A listing of local eateries is provided in the registration packet and also available at the registration desk. Friday and Saturday Box Lunches will be available to all registered. Pick up your lunch in the Fellowship Hall. Social Media @ This Year’s Gathering This year, the Alliance will be making good use of social media applications like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to share about the gathering with friends old and new. So, we’d like to encourage you to use your cell phones and mobile devices to tweet and share during the gathering—except during worship. Follow the Alliance on twitter: @alliancebaptist Please use the following hashtag: #AOBgathering Post pictures on our Facebook page: facebook.com/alliancebaptists WIFI availability WIFI throughout the building may be accessed using: Network: ndbcwireless Password: password not required 13 EXHIBITS AND BOOKSTORE Please take some time to visit our Exhibit Area in the Undercroft, on the lower level of the church. In the exhibit area you will also find a Hospitality Station with café tables and chairs and a Book Table, where books by Alliance authors will be available for purchase. The following groups will be sharing resources and information: Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists Baptist Peace Fellowship of North America/ Bautistas por la Paz Educational Center: Bible Workbench and Teen Text Equity for Women in the Church Community Gardner Webb University School of Divinity JourneyPartners: Zimbabwean Jewelry Micro-enterprise project McAfee School of Theology at Mercer University Ministries and Missionaries Benefit Board Paula Buford Pottery Sabbath House Shine Curriculum The Hymn Society of the United States and Canada The Upper Room Wake Forest University’s School of Divinity GRATITUDE Thanks to the following people, without whom the 2015 Annual Gathering could not have happened. Program Planning Committee Zachary Bay, Chair, pastor at FBC Middlesboro, Ky. James Lamkin, pastor at Northside Drive Baptist Church Mike Gregg, associate pastor at Northside Drive Baptist Church Barbara Atchley, Northside Drive Baptist Church Cody Sanders, pastor-elect at Old Cambridge Baptist Church, Cambridge, Mass. Sponsoring Congregation Thanks to all the hospitable members and staff of our host congregation, Northside Drive Baptist Church, Atlanta. Alliance of Baptists’ Leadership Team and Staff Carole Collins and Paula Clayton Dempsey Sandra Blackwell, Leah Grundset Davis, Leah Lonsbury, Cathy McGaughey, Kenneth Meyers, Kristy Pullen, Jason Smith 14 15 Alliance of Baptists 3939 LaVista Road, Suite E-122 Atlanta, GA 30084 866.745.7609 allianceofbaptists.org info@allianceofbaptists.org 16
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