SAINTS ALIVE!ONLINE VOLUME XXII, NUMBER 5 - MAY 2015 MAY HIGHLIGHTS May 3 Sunday Daughters of the King Meeting 12:45 p.m. Library Women’s Group 6:00 p.m. (see pg. 2) May 5, 12, 19, 26 Tuesdays Morning Prayer 7:30 a.m. Church May 6, 13, 20, 27 Wednesdays Morning Prayer 7:05 a.m. Church May 7 & 21 Thursdays Brown Bag Theology 12:00 p.m. Library (see page 3) May 7,14, 21, 28 Thursdays TnT(20’s & 30’s) House Church 7:00 p.m. (see pg. 2) May 10 ROGATION SUNDAY (Mother’s Day) Sr. Seminarians Farewell 10:25 a.m. Kinsolving Hall May 11-19 (UT Episcopal Student Center) Quiet Days for UT Students May 11-16, 18 &19 (Chapel of the Holy Spirit) Noon Day Prayer & Compline 10:00 p.m. May 15-19 The All Saints’ Woman to Woman Ministry received a Diocesan ECW Outreach Grant. (see story on page 15) The Rector Thinks Out Loud... About the Trinity (All Saints’ Parking Lot & UT Dorms) Mooov-Out Days UT Students May 12 Tuesday - 10:00 a.m. at St. Matthew’s Seminary of the Southwest Graduation May 13 Wednesday (see page 2) Daughters of the King Meeting 10:00 a.m. Library May 15 Friday The doctrine of the Trinity, as stated in our creeds, may seem to us brief and simple. But, have you really ever tried to explain it? Actually, the doctrine of the Trinity is the product of long and serious debate and struggle within the life of the Church. Its intention is to help us hold on to an image of God that does justice to God’s revelation of God’s self in the history of our forebears and in our own history. Men’s Group Fish Fry J. B. Phillips, a number of years ago, wrote a very popular little book called, “Your God is too Small.” It was an attempt to help people understand that their image of God might be too limited to serve them well. What really concerned J.B. Phillips, and what very likely prompted the Church’s struggle to define the nature of God, is that some people have a persistent image of God that seems to hone in on only one attribute to the exclusion – or at least the diminishment – of other important attributes. It’s as though they’ve picked up a box to show someone but describe only the surface immediately facing them self. In other words, their definition is two-dimensional when it should be three-dimensional. Vestry Meeting 7:00 p.m. Library In much the same way, some people picture God as a demanding sovereign who requires perfection from all followers. Such persons are probably absolutists in their own lives, requiring of themselves such a rigid standard of behavior that they can be hard to live with or work with. Such people are often judgmental in their everyday encounters, wearing a kind of solemn face at all times, apparently lacking in warmth and good humor. They’re the kind of people who probably, however, get a lot done and do it very well; but the pressure they put on themselves and those around them is likely to lead to loneliness. Clearly they appreciate that God expects them to be faithful, but there seems little room for God’s forgiving and accepting of those unable to measure up. Continued on page 15 6:00 p.m. (see pg. 2) May 16 Saturday 9:00 a.m. Library (see pg. 2) St. Clare’s Guild & St. Monica’s Guild May 17 YOUTH SUNDAY Reception for Graduates 10:25 a.m. Kinsolving Hall Production Co. Bible Time Machine Front Porch PARABLE 5:30 p.m. (see pg.9) May 18 Monday May 20 Wednesday Women’s Group 6:00 p.m. (see pg. 2) May 21 Thursday (see page 9) Unplugged on the Front Porch 7:30 p.m. Church May 22 Friday Day School Graduation 10:30 a.m. in the Church and Reception following in Kinsolving Parish Hall Day School Early Dismissal 11:30 a.m. (All classes) May 24 PENTECOST SUNDAY Baptisms 10:00 a.m. (Combined 9:00 & 11:30) Church Student Center Graduation Eucharist 10 a.m. Chapel Parish Picnic 11:30 a.m. (see pg.7) Front Porch PARABLE 5:30 p.m. (see pg.9) May 25 Monday (Memorial Day Holiday) Church Office Closed, NO Parents’ Day Out, Day School Closed May 30 Saturday Parish Movie Night in Kinsolving Parish Hall (see pg.7) May 31 Sunday ACOUSTIC MASS 9:00 a.m. Church CHORAL EVENSONG 5:00 p.m. Church June 1st – June 26th Weekdays (see pg 14) Day School Summer Camp for Kids Sunday, May 3rd and Wednesday, May 20th THE WOMEN’S GROUP is for all women at All Saints’. If you are interested in meeting and getting to know other women at All Saints’, this group is for you! On Sunday, May 3rd, from 6-8 p.m., we’ll meet at the All Saints’ Cottage for a Wine Study and Bible Tasting. We’ll carpool from the church parking lot at 5:45. Please bring wine or an appetizer to share if you can. We’ll have a social hour and then our curate, Cynthia Caruso, will lead the bible “tasting”. To RSVP, please contact Carolyn Croom at, and do let her know if we should wait for you at the church or if you’ll go to the “cottage” directly. We’ll also meet at Chez Zee on Wednesday, May 20th, at 6 p.m. for appetizers/supper. To RSVP, please contact Eliot Davenport at ATTENTION TWENTIES & THIRTIES (TnT): TNT’s (20s & 30s) “House Church” meets weekly on Thursdays at 7:00 PM. People bring food and discuss scriptures. Other future activities and events are being discussed. TnT Pub Night will be at the Draught House on Medical 6:00 –10:00 PM on Tuesday, June 2nd. If you’re interested in being a part of this group, contact Robert Wells at or 512.426.3304 Daughters of the King Sunday, May 3rd at 12:45 p.m. and Wednesday, May 13th at 10:00 a.m. in the Library. You may have been thinking about becoming a Daughter or want to find out who we are and what we do, contact: Jill Walker at 512-382-9917 or Jr. Daughters of the King Junior Daughters are girls and young women from 7 to 21 years of age who make a commitment to Christ through prayer, service and evangelism. We practice our faith through fellowship with each other and service to others. Membership is extended to all baptized girls. If you are interested, contact: Lee Read at Men’s Group FISH FRY! The Men’s Group will have their annual Fish Fry on Friday, May 15th at 6:00 p.m. in Kinsolving Parish Hall. Head Chef: Mike Mcchesney. Bring a side or dessert to share, come early and stay late to help set up and clean up. RSVP to Fr. Mike at ot 512-476-3589, ext 104 St. Clare’s Guild Saturday, May 16th 9:00 AM - Noon in the Library St. Clare’s Guild meets on the third Saturday of the month in a joint meeting with St. Monica’s Guild. We make prayer monkeys, knit or crochet baptismal blankets and prayer shawls, and special projects during the year, like scarves for Special Olympics - (66 last year). This is a great place to brush up on your knitting and crochet skills or to learn these skills. Our members are more than happy to help. While yarn and needles cost money, sharing in fellowship is priceless! So, won’t you please join us? For more information please contact Carroll Patterson at or by phone at 512-657-0115. Saturday, May 16th 9:00 AM - Noon in the Library We’ve got THREE projects going! Fellowship, coffee/tea, and conversation. All are welcome! #1 Community Quilt: We have the squares picked out (beginner friendly) and have fabric for you to use. Bring cutting instrument (scissors or rotary and cutting board) and a sewing machine. #2 Pillowcase Dresses for Africa: A dress from start to finish will take you about an hour to complete. We have all the supplies you need to make these precious dresses. Bring pins, scissors and sewing machine. #3 Patchwork Lap Quilts: Our ongoing project, sharing our love of fabrics that will be sent to the Shivers Cancer Center or to Dell Children’s Hospital. Questions? Contact Mary Wright at 512.451.7662 or GREEK READING GROUP A Greek Reading Group meets on Mondays at Noon. If you are interested in this group contact Steve Kinney at 512-476-3589, x105 or, or ask Lila Luce or Bert Meisenbach for more information. 2 ADULT CHRISTIAN EDUCATION & SPIRITUAL FORMATION SUNDAYS: Adult Sunday School classes start at 10:30 a.m. Forum in Kinsolving Parish Hall and Lectionary Study in the Library Centering Prayer MAY SUNDAYS with Betsy Aylin Adult Ed Forum at 10:30 a.m. in Kinsolving Parish Hall (Sundays at 4:45 p.m. - Laura Corner’s Library) MAY 3rd: Anyone who wants to give the group a try is welcome. This group supports a meaningful prayer practice that deepens our awareness of God’s presence and sense of peace from that awareness. “Youth Transition Time” with Richard Ribb Contact Betsy at 512-695-4431 or Come join us while our own Richard Ribb discusses the changes that high school-ers and other young adults will go through as they mature and leave home to begin building their lives. BOOK GROUP MAY 10th: Anyone interested is encouraged to read the book selections and come to the meetings at 7:30 p.m. one Tuesday a month in the Crichlow-Ball home (3503 Laurel Ledge Lane). Farewell to Our Seminarian Interns First we will thank Daniel Strandlund and Hunter Ruffin for their outstanding internships here at All Saints’ followed by Rogation Sunday Tuesday, May 12th: “The Chosen” by Chaim Potok Tuesday, June 16th: “Sarah’s Key” by Tatiana de Rosnay NO JULY MEETING Tuesday, August 18th: “The Goldfinch” by Donna Tarrt Tuesday, September 15th: “The Round House” by Louise Erdrich “Beating the Bounds” Following a presentation on what Rogation means we will participate in a special liturgy – processing to various locations on the church grounds. YOUTH SUNDAY - MAY 17th: Graduating Seniors Reception Presentation of gifts to our High School Graduating Seniors and “Bible Time Machine” by the Production Co. PENTECOST SUNDAY - MAY 24th: Annual Parish Potluck Picnic And TONGUES-AFIRE SALSA CONTEST! (See pg. 7) MAY 31st: 1st & 3rd THURSDAYS “Trinity Sunday: The Only Doctrine of the Church that gets its own Sunday” Brown Bag Theology Bring your lunch and join Father Mike at Noon in the Library for a theological discussion of with The Rev. Mike Adams The Trinity Fr. Adams will explore an understanding of the Trinity’s relevance for today. May 7th & May 21st If anyone has an idea for an Adult Forum session, please pass that idea on to the Adult Ed Committee. FRIDAYS: MEDITATION Contact Chip Harris at The Contemplative Prayer group meets in the Sanctuary each Friday at 10:15 AM. We practice twenty minutes of meditation followed by a short period of walking meditation (optional) and another twenty minutes of meditation. Come enjoy the silence with us! Contact: Jane Shaughness at (512) 458-2952 or or Patti Woolery-Price at 512-476-7643 “MISFIT MUSES” WRITING GROUP Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m. in Kinsolving Parish Hall. If you like to write, talk about writing, support fellow writers with feedback and receive feedback on – poetry, short stories, a novel–join us. Bring a bag dinner if you wish. Please contact Christine Havens at 3 Nursery (Infants to 3 yrs.) The Nursery is located in Gregg House While infants and toddlers are welcome in church, please know that we have a loving and safe Nursery in Gregg House available from 8:30 a.m – 12:30 p.m. every Sunday. Children’s Chapel Children’s Chapel is offered at both the 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. worship services. All children who wish to attend Children's Chapel are asked to come to the Church with their parents, family members, or friends and find a seat. Children's Activity Sheets are available at the back entrance for children as they wait. When the church bell is rung, 3 year olds through 2nd Graders join the cross procession as it makes its way down the center aisle. The children together with the All Saints’ Chapel Ministers proceed out of the church to the Chapel of the Holy Spirit which is located downstairs in the Gregg House. The children return to church during the passing of The Peace and are reunited with their families and friends. For more information concerning the Nursery or Children’s Chapel, please call 512-476-3589 the Rev. Cynthia Caruso (ext. 110), or the Rev. Mike Adams (ext. 104). Children at Communion The tradition of the Episcopal Church is to welcome all who are baptized to receive communion – no matter what age! Parents should, of course, be responsible for determining how and when their child receives the bread and the wine that is offered. Children may receive the bread in their hands, eat the wafer, and then sip the wine from the chalice when it’s offered; or children may receive the bread in their hands and then dip the wafer (“intinction”) into the wine (taking care not to dip their fingers in the wine); or children may receive “in one kind” taking only the bread in their hands and then crossing their arms over their chest when the chalice passes indicating they are not receiving the wine; or children may cross their arms in front of their chests to receive a blessing. We invite all children to join us at the altar rail at communion time – even if not receiving the bread or wine. Children will be discussing in their Sunday Morning programs the symbols and the meaning of the Eucharistic Meal. Mike, Phil, or Cynthia are happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your child and communion. Sunday School (Preschool - 5th grade) 10:25 a.m. Children’ Wing (Upstairs North, Gregg House) Godly Play Students: Pre-K (4-yr. olds) -- 2nd Grade The Godly Play students will be finishing the spring term with Easter lessons. Starting May 31 (no Sunday school May 24, the day of the parish picnic), three children’s chaplains will begin a summer unit of Godly Play for all ages. This is an exciting change for summer Sunday school. The Production Company (3rd, 4th & 5th Grades) Grades 3-5 are busy preparing the Bible Time Machine, which will be offered to the congregation during the coffee hour on May 17. Be sure to mark the date! Third through fifth graders will be included in the summer Godly Play Sunday school, beginning May 31. Children’s Choir: Ms. Nora Jeffrey has begun a children’s choir. The children meet in Laura Corner after Sunday school, at 11:10 am, and rehearse. Their last performance was April 26th. If your child, 4 years through 5th grade, would like to sing, please bring him/her to Laura Corner by 11:10 Sunday mornings . Watch for news about Children’s Choir during the summer months. 4 SUNDAY MORNINGS: Grades 6-8 - Journey to Adulthood, led by Cynthia Caruso, Olivia Pope and Betsy Sammon. Junior High/Middle School students will will continue to learn about praying— there are lots of different ways, including silence. Senior High Sunday School students continue to discuss current news stories through May, led by Jonathan Lustri and Pierce Burns are the leaders of this class. If you are in Grades 9-12, you are invited to come and see. YOUTH CONFIRMATION will be on JUNE 7, 2015 with Bishop Doyle here at All Saints’ Teenagers 15 and older who are interested in confirmation, please contact Olivia Pope at ASAP! Younger students who feel they are ready to be confirmed members of the Episcopal Church may make an appointment to speak with Fr. Mike to discuss joining the class. Lunch and lesson on Sundays from 1:00-2:30 p.m., upstairs in the Youth Wing in Gregg House. EPISCOPAL YOUTH COMMUNITY: MIDDLE SCHOOL EYC May will be another month of FUN for the middle school EYC! Send your e-mail address to Olivia Pope at SR. EYC JULY 7-14 Have you heard about our youth road trip to North Carolina this summer? July 7th – July 14th, Fr. Mike Adams, Fr. Steve Kinney, Front Porch Assistant Riley Webb, and others will be accompanying any interested youth ages 12-19 on a cross-country journey to North Carolina. The focus of this trip will be a three-day, music/social justice festival called Wild Goose, but the journey will also include some pretty spectacular hikes in the Appalachians, as well as stops at both Graceland and The Civil Rights Museum in Memphis. Check out the festival at to learn more. We’re asking all interested folks to get in touch with Stephen Kinney ( or 512-656-6594) by May 1st so that we can get to planning this trip. We’re estimating cost to be somewhere between $150 and $300 per person, but that number could decrease if we get down to fundraising in upcoming months. We’ll also work with anyone struggling to meet this cost who wants to join us– don’t let the numbers deter you. This journey will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience for those who decide to join in, and we hope that you’ll pass along the invitation to any middle or high schoolers you may know! 5 Curate’s Corner — The Rev. Cynthia Caruso There were five of us this morning. We greeted each other as one got out the prayer books, one lit the floor candles, and another opened the front door of the church. Then Daniel began by reading the brief biographies of Father Damien and Sister Marianne, the holy man and woman for the day. When he finished, we opened the prayer books and began Morning Prayer. I am one of the regulars now, but I remember the first time I attended Wednesday Morning Prayer at All Saints’. We interns had been assigned to officiate, and I, the first one on the schedule, showed up in a cassock and surplice (black floor-length robe and white choir top), the way we did when we officiated at seminary. The two men who always did Morning Prayer looked at me in amazement. They graciously allowed me to lead as I knew—which was not the way they did Morning Prayer at all—and when I finished, they invited me to breakfast. I had to decline because I had an 8 am class, but I attended Morning Prayer again the following week and watched how the two men “did” it. I still attend. One treat is singing a hymn. Someone picks a hymn, just before we do intercessory prayers, and we sing without accompaniment. If the holy person of the day was a writer of hymns—say Thomas Aquinas or Ambrose—we try to sing one of his hymns. Then we pray, each one taking a turn to pray aloud. It is that sharing of needs and joys that made me come back weekly. What would be too time consuming in a congregation of 20, is moving in a group of three to six. We conclude with the Prayer of Thanksgiving, and rise to put all the books away, enter the service in the record book, extinguish the candles, and walk to breakfast at Kerbey Lane Café, where a few other All Saints’ members sometimes join us. I never intended to add Morning Prayer to my schedule, back in 2012. But that lay-led service has become central to my spiritual life. The friendships that have developed are important to me. Something happened. Something good. If you are in the neighborhood some Wednesday morning, come join us. Something good may happen to you, too. Madre Cynthia + Bridge Ministry ( An Addiction Recovery Ministry) — The Rev. Deacon Ed Woolery-Price Hi, I am Deacon Ed, and I am a Sinner. I found the below article in Beyond Words, by Frederick Buechner, to be like a breath of fresh air that feeds my spirit. So, I thought I’d pass it along. Alcoholics Anonymous, or A.A., is the name of a group of men and women who acknowledge that addiction to alcohol is ruining their lives. Their purpose in coming together is to give it up and help others do the same. They realize they can’t pull this off by themselves. They believe they need each other, and they believe they need God. The ones who aren’t so sure about God speak instead of their Higher Power. When they first start talking at a meeting, they introduce themselves by saying, “I am John. I am an alcoholic,” “I am Mary. I am an alcoholic,” to which the rest of the group answers each time in unison, “Hi, John,” “Hi, Mary.” They are apt to end with the Lord’s Prayer or the Serenity Prayer. Apart from that they have no ritual. Nobody lectures them, and they do not lecture each other. They simply tell their own stories with the candor that anonymity makes possible. They tell where they went wrong and how day by day they are trying to go right. They tell where they find the strength and understanding and hope to keep trying. Sometimes one of them will take special responsibility for another—to be available at any hour of day or night if the need arises. There’s not much more to it than that, and it seems to be enough. Healing happens. Miracles are made. You can’t help thinking that something like this is what the church is meant to be.... “I can will what is right but I cannot do it,” is the way Saint Paul put it, speaking for all of us. “For I do not do the good I want, but the evil I do not want is what I do” (Romans 7:19). “I am me. I am a sinner.” “Hi, you.” Hi, every Sadie and Sal. Hi, every Tom, Dick, and Harry. It is the forgiveness of sins, of course. It is what the church is all about. No matter what far place alcoholics end up in, either in this country or virtually anywhere else, they know that there will be an A.A. meeting nearby to go to and that at that meeting they will find strangers who are not strangers to help and to heal, to listen to the truth and to tell it. That is what the Body of Christ is all about. Would it ever occur to Christians in a far place to turn to a church nearby in hope of finding the same? Would they find it? What would the response be at the Adult Forum at All Saints’ if Saint Paul were to drop in, and begin speaking to us by saying. “Hi, I am Paul, thought to be a Saint, and I am a sinner.” Hi, I am Deacon Ed, and I am a sinner. I approve this message........ Peace and Blessings...Deacon Ed The Bridge Team provides a compassionate ministry to engage the hurting, point to direct help, nurture personal growth, and celebrate recovery. Team members: Bruce Bennett, Ross Hindman, Ed Myers, Beverly Pond, with guidance from Deacon Ed Woolery-Price and support from Father Mike Adams. 6 ANNUAL PARISH POTLUCK PICNIC PENTECOST SUNDAY - MAY 24th May 24th Schedule: 7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I 10:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II with Baptism 11:30 a.m. PARISH POTLUCK PICNIC in Kinsolving Parish Hall and on the Church Lawn 5:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I 5:30 p.m. PARABLE at Scholz Garten The Annual Parish Picnic will be May 24th at All Saints’. A great Sunday to bring friends! Attend worship services at the Church dressed casually for the picnic.This year we will again celebrate the beginning of Pentecost, by having our Tongues Afire Salsa Contest! Even though salsa is not necessarily HOT, it IS made with peppers. For some, it is all about the heat and others it is about the flavor. We all have our favorite recipe, some inherited, some sought out, and yet others that have evolved over time. Contact Fr. Mike at to enter your own personal best or, if you are interested in judging. Most importantly join us at the picnic and judge them for yourself! The Church will provide the main dish, paper goods, water, and lemonade. You will need to bring sides (potato salad, cole slaw, chips, veggies, etc.), and desserts for your family and to share. We hope you will join us in this wonderful chance for fellowship. And, the Jugglers will be here! LET’S GET. . . ALL SAINTS’ ALL TOGETHER SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, May 30th Join us for our inaugural PARISH MOVIE NIGHT! Bring a picnic for your family to enjoy on the lawn at All Saints’ on May 30th! ThenADVENTURE B enjoy a blockbuster movie Adventure to Bib be shown in Kinsolving Parish Hall. Stay tuned for more vice for childre information. Save the date.grades (those Nursery available, if you let us know ahead of time. THE WHOLE FAMILY IS INVITED Schedule: If you are interested in attending and/or helping with the event, please contact July 6-10, 2015 Jane Shaughness at or (512) 458-2952 7 Mon., Tues., a 9:00 a.m. to 2: ONE-DAY DISCOVERY CLASS SATURDAY, MAY 9th with The Rev. Mike Adams, The Rev. A. Phillips Nazro, and The Rev. Cynthia Caruso “What Does it Mean to Be an Episcopalian?” Realizing that for many it is impossible to make once a week Discovery Classes, we are offering a one day opportunity! Mike, Phil and Cynthia will conduct a “One-Day Discovery Class” for anyone interested in learning more about the Episcopal Church on Saturday, May 9th! This one day class is designed for newcomers, the curious, and those Episcopalians who would like a “refresher course.” It’s also a great occasion to bring a friend or relative who’s been “wondering” about the Episcopal Church. We’ll gather at 8:30 a.m. and begin our Day of Discovery at 9:00 a.m. We’ll have lunch together and end at 3:30 p.m. If interested, please contact Marvin Jones at 476-3589, ext. 107, or at For more information, contact Fr. Mike at Importantly, the Class will serve as the required instruction for Confirmation or Reception into the Episcopal Church (one is “Received” if one has already been Confirmed in another Church). However, one need not be Confirmed or Received if attending the class. Please prayerfully consider if it’s time to be confirmed or received – or as some would say, “become an official Episcopalian.” The Rt. Rev. Andy Doyle (Bishop of the Diocese of Texas) will be at All Saints’ at the 9:00 a.m. service on Sunday, June 7, 2015. Mike, Phil, or Cynthia would be glad to talk with you or anyone about the Sacrament of Confirmation and Reception. GIFTS FOR OUR GRADUATES Bring your gifts for our graduating seniors. An annual happening you’ll surely want to participate in. Bring a wrapped gift for the seniors (high school and our seminarians). We’ll bundle them all into a laundry basket and give each graduate his/her special gathering of gifts of love. (Ideas: gift cards for eateries, bookstores, music, movies. Practical gifts for next phases of life. Inspirational books and movies). Wrap them, put a name on them and bring them to the Church office. We will say good by to our Sr. Seminarians, Hunter Ruffin & Daniel Strandlund on Sunday, May 10th. Then on Youth Sunday (May 17th), hear one of our high schoolers preach, then come to Kinsolving Parish Hall and learn where they’ll be spending next year and see them enjoy their gifts from all of us. This year’s seniors: Aaron Adams, Holly Brookhart, Will Deleery, Cameron Dowell, Colin Hancock, Genevieve Ketcham, Grace Moore, Taylor Thomas, Ben Thurman, Sam Thurman and Lucy Tiblier. (If we’ve left anyone off, please call the Church office. BLE SCHOOL 2015 REGISTER NOW! School is a week of worship, fun and ser- ADVENTURE BIBLE SCHOOL: who have completed 1st through 4thSarah Peet at sarah@ Contact or 512-837-4104 ho will be 2nd to 5th gradersRegistration in the fall). forms available or in church office. Adventure Bible School is a week of worship, fun, and service for children who have completed 1st through 4th grades (those who will be 2nd to 5th graders in the fall). Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday is a different adventure each day, with a Thursday 2:00 p.m. to Friday 2:00 p.m. overnight camping trip at Krause Springs. $60 per child for a week — limited financial assistance available. Parents needed for driving and supervision of activities; $20 discount to parents who participate for 2 days. REGISTER NOW! Wed.: p.m. 8 so much more than a concert Each month on The Front Porch, we get to meet a few more of our community's standout individuals. Two Parable gatherings this past month introduced our pub-church congregation to both former Austin mayor, Lee Leffingwell, and rabbi/ jazz activist, Neil Blumofe. In addition, April featured an amazing performance from Austin-based musician and two-time Grammy nominee, Eliza Gilkyson. Both Parables packed our room at Scholz’ with the same thoughtful conversation we’ve come to expect from our growing community, and bearing witness as Eliza’s voice echoed into the ancient acoustics of All Saints’ Sanctuary made it hard to ignore the qualities that make Unplugged on The Front Porch such a one-of-a-kind listening experience for Austin’s citizens. We're proud to announce the season finale of Unplugged, two more Parables, and a summer road trip to North Carolina with The Window. Hope to see you all on The Front Porch sometime soon! Here’s what’s happening in May: 5:30-7:00 p.m. May 3rd, 17th & 24th at Scholz Garten, 1607 San Jacinto Blvd, Austin, TX Sunday, May 3rd, Front Porch thinker-in-residence Pittman McGehee will return to PARABLE for another in-depth exploration of the ways in which our brains process the spiritual. Both a Jungian psychoanalyst and Episcopal priest, Pittman’s perspective combines these two areas of expertise with a slew of additional wisdom, offering pub-churchgoers a fresh perspective on the world that surrounds us. If you’ve been to any of Pittman’s Parables this year, you’ll know not to squander this chance to interact once again with one of the universe’s most compelling minds. Sunday, May 24th, we’ll continue our pub-church tradition with Marla Camp, owner/editor of Edible Austin. With a decorated career in publishing spanning over three decades, Marla Camp’s devotion to food led her to create the Austin foodie publication in 2007. Soon after, the Austin City Council invited Marla to help create and shape our city’s Sustainable Food Policy Board in 2009. A guest lecturer across the nation and a consultant for food journalists everywhere, Marla believes that the power of print can be still be harnessed to effect positive change in the world. And we think that’s pretty cool. Come to Scholz Garten on May 24th to join in her conversation with NPR’s John Burnett, enjoy the food and drink, and listen to Dave Madden play incredible tunes. Sunday, May 17th, we’ll host an additional PARABLE gathering. Stay tuned for details on Once a month, Unplugged unites The Front Porch unites our non-profit and The Live Music Capital Foundation in an effort to transform the All Saints’ Sanctuary into a perfect listening room for the Austin music community, one characterized by mutual respect from audience and musician alike. We'll close out our 2014-2015 season of Unplugged on The Front Porch with Woody Russell. An Austin-based guitarist/vocalist/composer, Russell has released 9 albums since his recording debut in 1996, earning recent recognition in 2013 when he was selected as Bugle Boy Foundation’s Talent Trust Award recipient. Critically acclaimed not only for his lyricism and songwriting but also for his stellar guitar playing and electric live performances, Russell will bring along his full band to really shake up All Saints' for our season finale. This won't be one to miss. The Front Porch’s gathering for High School teens. See page 5 and stayed tuned to our website. The Front Porch is a Texas nonprofit corporation with 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status. The Front Porch is constituted as a mission of All Saints’ Episcopal Church, Austin. 9 Notes from the Console First, I want to encourage you to mark your calendars for three important musical events in May: May 10th: At the 9:00 am service, we will be joined by member’s of the UT Episcopal Student Center music ensemble. May 24th (Pentecost): A combined worship service at 10 am, with members of both choirs singing together, followed by the Parish Picnic. May 31st: Our second monthly service of Evensong at 5 pm. The main bulk of this month’s article is about hymns and hymnals. Among other things, the Episcopal Church is known for its use of music in worship. This is one of the things which has always made us distinct from other denominations. Music in worship takes the form of settings of the service itself, anthems, psalms and hymns. This has been a tradition in the Anglican Communion since the publication of The Booke of Common Praier Noted of 1550, which comprised settings of the service by the composer John Merbecke. In America, this tradition of singing the service in the Anglican Church merged with the Psalter tradition of the Protestant denominations in New England. Before the American Revolution, the Church in America included in its worship the singing of hymns which were taken from devotional booklets. These booklets could and did vary widely in their contents from place to place. In an attempt at unity, the first American Book of Common Prayer in 1789 included a section of hymn texts at the back of the prayer book. These were designed to be sung to any tunes familiar to the local congregation. These texts were few enough in number that they needed to be supplemented still by other texts known to the local congregation, in order to supply the needs of an entire liturgical year. It was not until 1870, when S. B. Whiteley became organist of the Church of the Holy Trinity in Brooklyn, that anyone undertook to prepare a single book for the use of the entire Episcopal Church. Working together with the Rev. Charles Hall, the church’s Rector, Whiteley put together a book of texts and tunes for the worship of Holy Trinity. Confident that their work could be of benefit to the whole church, Hall and Whiteley presented the book to the House of Bishops for their approval. Following a vote by the bishops, the Holy Trinity hymnal was published as the Hymnal According to the Use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America and released in 1872. Thus began the tradition of a single book approved as the hymnal for the entire church in America. Following this, the first official hymnal to be produced by the church itself was approved by the General convention of 1892 and was the first hymnal to be named for the year of its approval. This was followed by The New Hymnal of 1917, The Hymnal 1940, and finally by our current hymnal, The Hymnal 1982. What is the importance of any of this to us at All Saints’ Church in the year 2015? St. Augustine defined a hymn as: “Praise; Praise of God; and that sung.” Our hymns are a way for the congregation to come together as one in the praise of God. As an adjunct to the Scripture we hear and the prayers in our prayer book, the hymnal is a compendium of sacred and inspirational texts devoted to the praise of God and the wonders of salvation. As we lift our voices in song, it is the intention of the Church to inspire its people, to worship as the Body of Christ, and to praise God in song. In a very real way, we are a continuing part of the tradition inherited, strengthened, renewed, and passed on to us since Merbecke in 1550. We are privileged to be among the many inheritors of that tradition. While we honor our past, we look ahead in many ways. I would encourage you to think about what All Saints’, as a congregation, will pass on to future generations as a gift from our tradition to their future. This parish has an important part in the history of Austin, and the prayer and praise of God in this city. It is our desire to preserve these and pass them on. May those who receive these gifts in the future know that the work in this place has been done as a part of our worship, and is an expression of our praise to God through the ages. And may we find new ways in which to express our love of God and to pass that on to future ages, now and in the years to come. Gregory Eaton Organist/Choirmaster SAINTS ON CALL! SAINTS ON CALL! SAINTS ON CALL! Saints On Call provides one or several meals to a parishioner who is just home from the hospital or who has had a death in the family. Saints On Call has a list of people who have indicated a willingness to cook a meal and deliver it to a fellow parishioner in need. Using this list, the Saints On Call captain of the week finds someone who lives near the parishioner to take care of meal preparation and delivery. This same offer also pertains to other needs, such as rides to medical or other appointments at those times when your usual resources seem to be out of pocket. If you would like to be called upon occasionally to help with this vital part of the Saints On Call ministry, contact: Joyce Edwinson, 512-288-0754 or Milton Bell, 512-454-2395 Remember, you never know when you may need to be on the receiving end of this deal! 10 Thursday 2:00 O U T R E A C H A T A L L S A I N TForS’ more infor Carolyn T. Smith Loaves & Fishes Ministry — Lila Luce & Josephine Sarah Sherfy Peet 51 Don’t judge a book by the cover! sarah@edpeet Church Some of our Loaves & Fishes guests in need of assistance share their life experiences with us. Gary Office wears clean conservative clothing and, always, a Richmond Symphony baseball cap. He has impeccable See the churc hands and fingers. He is a cellist! Gary came to Austin to check on his 70 year old mother who had suffered a minor stroke. He decided to stay. She was not really able to be alone anymore. They could http://allsaints live together in her small house. Life was good, he figured. He could continue his solo cello opportunities in Texas, a state with some good mid size to large cities. Well, his mother’s health declined and life became more expensive as she needed more care. He sold $60 per child f her car. He sold his car. Those mid to large size cities in America are losing their city orchestra funding. Few hire special cello soloists. When he gets a gig outside of Austin, he simply rides Greyhound or Mega Bus. Recently he took the bus to Los Angeles to play with the Oscar Awards Night Orchestra. Parents He pays neede a caregiver to check on his Mom in his absence. 2 days. Regis Gary appears every six months respectfully requesting a 31 day city bus pass. This helps him get around Austin to give private lessons or to participate in special music events. If you see a man with a cello waiting at a bus stop, it may just be our Gary! ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Thanks to all of you who bring hygiene donations to our Loaves & Fishes drawer in the Gregg House Lobby or our Hygiene Box in the office. They are so needed and appreciated! ______________________________________________________________________________________ Loaves & Fishes operates every Tuesday morning at the Parish Hall between 7am and 10am. If you are interested in becoming part of this wonderful organization, please call Robin Edmonds, L&F Volunteer Coordinator, at 512-231-1333 or email to L& Micah 6 Austin — Brian Hopper MAY MICAH 6 CHALLENGE ITEMS: CANNED VEGETABLES AND CANNED MEAT FOOD PANTRY UPDATE: In March the food pantry received 1189 shoppers and gave out 38,648 lbs. of food (about 32 pounds per shopper). We also received 936 lbs. of food from Micah 6 congregations and other local donors – Thank You! We have volunteer opportunities including drivers for Food Rescue (Thursdays & Fridays), volunteers to host in the great hall, and data entry. Also, please remember us during the summer months while students are away. If interested, please contact Brian Hopper at Micah 6 Drop In Center Kitchen Support: All Saints’ volunteers! Please join us in supporting the worthy mission of Micah 6 in providing a weekly home-cooked meal for Austin’s street youth. It’s a fun, somewhat easy, and definitely rewarding adventure. If you have any interest in helping, please contact Kelly Barnhill at Terry Cole, Missionary and Founder of Street Youth Ministry of Austin HABITAT FOR HUMANITY: No “SPRING BUILD” this year. Stay tuned for details on “FALL BUILD”. 11 m. to Friday 2:00 p.m. Overnight campout at Krause Springs. ation contact: EPISCOPAL DAY SCHOOL 37-4104 om The Episcopal Student Center 2-476-3589 Serving Colleges and Universities in the Austin Area Hey, What’s Going On Over There At The Day School? website for registration forms. Going Back to our Roots “A pilgrimage is a ritual journey with a hallowed purpose. Every step along the way has meaning. The pilgrim knows that life-giving challenges the week—limited financialisassistance available will emerge. A pilgrimage not a vacation; it is a transformational journey during which for driving andchange supervision ofNew activities; $20 discount to parents who participate significant takes place. insights are given. Deeper understanding is attained. New now!!and old places in the heart are visited. Blessings are received and healing takes place. On return from the pilgrimage, life is seen with different eyes. Nothing will ever be quite the same again.” — Macrina Wiederkehr Once graduation has concluded, the parking lots have emptied, and the dorms are hauntingly quiet, a group of us will embark on a pilgrimage to England. We will return to the place where it all started. We will return to the place where the collective “we” started. Our goal is simple, and yet undefined: to enter fully into the journey of a pilgrim. We will visit the spot where Cranmer, Latimer, and Ridley were burned at the stake. We will walk the halls of Canterbury Cathedral and familiarize ourselves with the stones that have given way over the years. We will participate in the ancient worship that formed the liturgy we now know as our own. We will take time to wonder about all those who have come before us, and all those who will come after us. We seek to be formed by the journey. Please keep our pilgrims in your prayers as we make this sacred journey. Blessings, The Rev. Beth Magill Our 2015 Kindergarten students in their Easter Pageant costumes. Our Auction Party on April 8th was a big success! We netted a little more than $40,000. Day School parents Anne Wood, Shawn Cox, Kelly Sampley, Allison Bassetti, Melody McCaig, Jennifer Skloss, Matthew Davis, Brandi Johnson, Martita Fleming, Leigh Ann McGehee, and Merrilee McGehee did an outstanding job of organizing this event that helps fund tuition assistance for School families and professional development for the full Faculty. Thanks to all of you who helped by attending or by underwriting the Auction. You are cordially invited to join us on Friday, May 22nd at 10:30 a.m. for our Kindergarten Graduation in All Saints’ Episcopal Church. We begin this service with each Kindergarten student ringing the bell as he/she enters the Church. This year, the bell will ring 20 times! Then, these (almost) graduates will sing I Am A Promise, I Am A Possibility and share with us what they want to be when they grow up. This Chapel/Kindergarten Service completes our school year. We still have openings in our Summer Camp in June. You can find additional information about Camp in this newsletter on page 14. Or, you can call the School Office and we will send you the registration forms. — Cindy La Porte Parents’ Day Out Mondays & Thursdays Missioner, Episcopal Student Center at UT 512-477-6839 We are proud to announce that the UTESC music ensemble will be playing on May 10 (Rogation Sunday) at the 9:00 and 11:30 a.m. services. (9 a.m. - 2 p.m.) Ages 2 months to 3 years Registration and information: Wini Wood 512-476-3589 x101 (voicemail 512-476-3589 x153) Taking names on waiting list for June/Fall 2015. Contact Wini, ASAP! 12 Book Review — Joe Liro This is the fourthin a series of reviews by Joe Liro of a number of books that deal with the spiritual nature of gardening. The books come from a number of different of points of view: Orthodox spirituality, biblically-based Suess-like poetry, psychotherapy, lyric poetry, medieval medicine, and Celtic spirituality. Joe is a teacher, linguist, gardener, herbalist, cook. He is a retired administrator in higher education and continues to teach as a professor of Russian at Austin Community College. He is married to the Reverend Judith Liro of St. Hildegard’s in Austin. He and his family have been members of All Saints’ since 1971. There are two works that should be in a gardener’s bookcase – or on the nightstand. Both of these are jewels. The first is “Blue Iris: Poems and Essays” by Mary Oliver. (Reviewed this month) The second is Hildegard’s Healing Plants, translated by Bruce W. Hozeski. (Reviewed next month) Blue Iris: Poems & Essays, by Mary Oliver The blurb says most of it: Mary Oliver, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry and the National Book Award, is one of the most celebrated poets in America. In “Blue Iris,” she offers ten new (in 2004) poems, two dozen of her poems written over the last two decades, and two previously unpublished essays on the beauty and wonder of plants. She considers roses, of course, as well as poppies and peonies; lilies and morning glories; the thick-bodied black oak and the fragrant white pine; the tall sunflower and the slender bean. Her instinct for images and the lyricism with which she reveals them to us shine, in line after line… “Come with me into the field of sunflowers. Their faces are burnished disks, their dry spines creak like ship masts, their green leaves so heavy and many, fill all day with the sticky sugars of the sun…” “I have been thinking about living like the lilies that blow in the fields. They rise and fall in the wedge of the wind, and have no shelter from the tongues of the cattle, and have no closets or cupboards, and have no legs. Still I would like to be as wonderful as that old idea. But if I were a lily I think I would wait all day for the green face of the hummingbird to touch me.” ALL SAINTS’ ENVIRONMENTAL GUILD Anyone interested in being part of a low-key, fun group focusing on environmental activities that would benefit our church and our fellow parishioners is welcome. Our group is small, and will meet as we can. To get on the e-mail list, please contact Carolyn Croom at 512-459-8063 or or 512-459-8063. Treasurer’s Report $150,000 Jan. Feb. 2015 Mar. Apr. May June — Scott Brookhart July Aug. Sept. Oct. $125,000 $100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 $98,651 $59,923 $85,534 It takes $74,000 every month to meet the minimum of our monthly bills. Please call Jan Lindemann at 512-476-3589, ext.103 if you have any questions on your pledge balance. 13 Nov. Dec. The BEST place in town for your child during the hot summer days is with us! We have 4 weeks packed full of fun and learning. WEEK 1: June 1st – June 5th (9am–2pm) Eat Healthy and Be Fit! • Students help prep, cook and eat yummy, kid-friendly, healthy food • Games and activities to learn about food groups and nutrition • Yoga, Zumba, exercise, and Stretch & Grow • Visits and presentations from local food experts and chefs • Wednesday Splash Day WEEK 2: June 8th – June 12th (9am–2pm) Building Our Dreams • Blocks, Legos, Magna-Tiles for building homes, castles, bridges, towers Visit from Snapology ( • Science activities to explore the use of simple machines • Visits and presentations from local builders and architects • Recycled materials for building “green” structures • iPad use for children’s apps on construction and for photos of creations • Wednesday Splash Day WEEK 3: June 15th – 19th (9am–2pm) Let’s Rock • Daily music class with singing, dancing, rhythm and rhyme activities, and playing musical instruments to develop basic musical competence • Demonstrations of different kinds of instruments • Art activities to make instruments • Visits and “concerts” from local musicians • Wednesday Splash Day WEEK 4: June 22nd – June 26th (9am–2pm) Backyard Safari • Science and art based exploration of local insects, birds, reptiles, and small mammals • Neighborhood nature walk and/or field trip to the UT turtle pond • Art activities to create masks, habitats, and animals • Visit from Not So Creepy Critters ( • Wednesday Splash Day • Visit from Tiny Tails Petting Zoo ( $240 per week. To register or FMI contact Cindy LaPorte at 512.472.8866 or 14 The Rector Thinks Out Loud...About the Trinity Continued from page 1 There are also people, however, more likely to think of God as so accepting of our behavior and so forgiving that there are no standards for which to reach. Such people are likely to paint God with a soft and gentle face, reaching out always to embrace, requiring nothing in response – as one might love a pet who is expected to always be there, play occasionally, and look pretty. To such people, the prophetic demands of God seem to have disappeared and they can imagine no personal act or intention that would bother God. And then there are still others who see God as a living presence, always close – in a kind of intimate cozy way. For them, there is little sense of the past or the future; they’re likely not to feel tied to any church community, but rather they rejoice in their opportunity to experience God in God’s fullness wherever they are, whatever they may be doing. For them, God seems interested most of all in whatever they may be doing. Indeed, God is perceived as the leader of what we might describe as a new theological fad or fancy. Now, lest any of us begin to feel smug, I think we should all admit that each one of us has been in these positions at one time or another: sometimes knowing God only as a demanding sovereign expecting perfection; at other times knowing God only as a forgiving lover who requires nothing; and at still other times satisfied of God’s ultimate concern in what we are presently engaged in as if it were first and foremost on God’s eternal agenda. Therefore, my guess is that the doctrine of the Trinity speaks to us with words of counsel. What the doctrine of the Trinity proclaims for all of us to hear is that God is one. In each experience, we encounter the same God. We may perceive God primarily as the demanding Lord of creation, calling us into account; or as the long-suffering redeemer, reaching out to claim us (though we rebel against him); or as the sustaining spirit which reaches out to buoy us up when we can find no resolve or strength of our own. Yet, in each experience it is the same God – not three, but one – one divine presence, comprehending and completing and fulfilling. Is your God too small and is my God too small? In all likelihood, yes SHE is; because you and I are apt at any moment to focus on that aspect of God that most meets our needs. The doctrine of the Trinity serves, then, as a test of that image. Is our God big enough for all the experiences of this ambiguous life? Does our image of God enable us to respond with assurance to the issues of the world as well as to the struggles within us? Does our image of God call us regularly to account for what we do and don’t do? Is it challenging us to claim our God-given talents and resources and to become more truly what we are capable of being? Is it accepting of our failures, of our self-centeredness and willingness to hurt other people? Does our image of God help us to see the one who has hurt us as a human being of ultimate worth to God and to all of us? Is the God we worship seen as capable of affecting our life in such a way to bring change even to habitual patterns? Is ours a God of promise, calling us into new life? Your Servant in Christ, Fr. Mike + Woman to Woman Ministry Receives Diocesan ECW Outreach Grant On Palm Sunday, representatives from the Diocese of Texas Episcopal Church Women (ECW) attended the 9 a.m. service to present their 2015 Outreach grant check of $1,000 to the All Saints’ new Woman to Woman released female prisoner mentoring ministry. (Pictured on front page photo, left to right, are Carolyn Powers, Diocesan ECW president Lisa Martin, Austin Convocation Coordinator Susan Gezana, Jill Walker, Patti Woolery-Price, mentee Brenda Whittington, Charlotte Frazier and Ann Swingler. Not pictured are WTW team members: Carol Brookhart, Harriett Choffel who wrote the successful application, Robin Edmonds, and advisors: the Rev. Cynthia Caruso, Joan Burnham and Nancy Castleberry.) ECW Outreach Grants are awarded up to three times per year based on the applications received The criteria are as follows: ● The focus of all ECW grant applications must be on women’s issues or related family/children needs. ● There must be a documented connection between your outreach ministry and the Episcopal Church. ● Grant awards are designated primarily to provide seed money to support new programs or to grow existing ministries. Woman to Woman’s mission is to provide practical, emotional, and spiritual guidance to women on parole, one woman at a time, for a limited period of time to assist her in becoming a self-sustaining, emotionally stable, and spiritually whole person, with appropriate life skills to successfully achieve her goals. The ECW grant provides diocesan validation of our efforts as well as a strong boost to our resources. Part of our vision is expansion of Woman to Woman with additional teams to help more women and to become a model for other churches. 15 ALL SAINTS’ SCHEDULE OF SERVICES Next Evensong May 31st * Nursery Available EPISCOPAL CHURCH MAY BIRTHDAYS 1 Tom Hill Kaira Quick John Allensworth Karen Reifel Peter Reyer Camille Sunshine 2 Diane Hendrickson 13 Mark Ball Will Herrington Jay Barnes Aviya Chang Alex Price Louise Lee 3 Cindy Albach Charles Wahlers 14 Jeff Harper Liam Read 4 Kate Clark Hallie Cook William Allensworth Genevieve Ketcham Catherine Verdict Brady Whipple 15 Brant Pope O.G. Wellborn Skip Clemons Isabel Oria Maddy Finney William McWhorter Eva Miles Marcus Anderson Logan Bendele 16 Dawne Ellis Quinnie Sunshine Jaron Neihart 5 6 7 Mark Kilpatrick Genevieve Nelson George Trimble Annie Weiser Janine Melton Emily Zipp Sherry Hill Lynne Hohlfeld 8 David Saenz John Prewitt 9 Polly Moore Millie Pierce 22 Sam Fason Kevin Flahive Erin Ivy 11 Mary Lipman Smith 23 Doris Scott Richard Ribb Jordan Brosseau 24 Patricia Goubil-Gambrell Lizzie Kohout Robert Wells Peyton Shaw 25 Charlotte Sullivan Robert Hopper 26 George Shipley Sharon Arnoult Leslie Davies Lucy Willcott 27 Josemaria Gonzalez Stan Coppinger Benjamin Culbert 17 Kelly Walton Cameron Dowell William Spong Thomas Wood 28 Evvie Nazro Mai Schotz Rebekah Albach 18 Glenn Chandler Michael Neibergall Mary White 29 Ben Geneser Allison Taylor 19 Julian Jeffords Pam Lynch Jackson Prewitt 30 Marvin Jones Anna Lee Jenny Ljungqvist 20 Judy Morris Colin Hancock Eliza Miller 10 Sharon Justice 31 Vanita Trippe Merrit Guerrero 21 Alicia Denney Jennifer Fadal Alice Best Vanessa Woliver 11 Cindy La Porte Karen Mihalick Have a May Birthday and not listed here? Call 512-476-3589 and give us your birthdate! We only publish your birthday not your age! Baptisms Vivienne Lee Funk Lily Catherine Percer April 12, 2015 - Parents: Rachael & Richard A. Funk Dylan Quinn Massey April 12, 2015 - Parents: Jessica Percer & Anson Quinn Massey April 12, 2015 - Parents: Jessica & Joe Percer Paul Rhys Massey April 12, 2015 - Parents: Jessica Percer & Anson Quinn Massey In Memoriam Syble Hunter April 2015 Shannon Harris’ grandmother Joan Jones April 2015 May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace, and may light perpetual shine upon them.
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