AMVETS DEPARTMENT OF MASSACHUSETTS April 2015 NEWSLETTER WEB SITE: AMVETS-MA.ORG AMVETS, Department of MA State House, Room 546-3 Boston, MA 02133 617-727-2972 Office Hours M-F 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Commander’s Message: Fellow AMVETS, As this term is on the wind down with a lot of miles behind me, let us all step forward with our resolve to do more with assisting our veterans. I appointed a new State Legislative Officer this year and he is doing a great job in keeping us up to date with the happenings in the State House. We needed to do this to keep abreast to the situation on the hill which is one that is always changing and shifting. The times are always changing and the way the elected officials view the veterans is always a complex one. Let us all due our due diligence in contacting our own officials when asked to for our brothers and sisters in arms. AMVETS needs to be a leader on the hill to make our voices heard loud and strong. We must also stand with our comrades in the VFW, American Legion and all the other groups that are working for the same end. It will be by the strength of our voices that AMVETS will be one of the ones in front of these battles. Be sure to read the entire newsletter and be prepared to take that stand on the hill. I will be right E-MAIL by your side making sure that we are moving forward. As always, be sure to contact me with any questions or concerns. Commander Peacey 1st Vice Commander’s Message THERE IS STILL TIME. You could win a free cell phone. Just enlist 5 new members and contact 1st Vice Don McLean with the information. He will help you fill out the form for National and get you entered into the drawing. Good luck. The second round of renewal notices have gone out. Please check your posts e-roster on line and see where you stand. Some posts are paying the renewal now so that the numbers are in for the delegate count. REMEMBER ....the renewals must be into the State House by April 25 so we can figure your delegate strength. LET'S GO... Nominations are starting around the state. Let's get some new green hats to fill a position at your post. The more a member owns a stake, the more they will try to do. Let's work together. We have so much we can do for our veterans and our community. HEY. When you are entered into the FREE PHONE drawing, you also get entered into the drawing for a FREE WEEK in CARLSBAD CA. What a deal. Try to recruit a member today. I have a tri-fold display panel for your recruiting efforts. It needs a 6 foot long table for display. It goes out on a first come/first served basis. CONTACT ME: or 617-943-4337. Make sure you have your rooms for convention. The time fast approaches. The "Moving Wall" is coming to Gloucester in July. Let's support it all we can. Oh.......By the way......Don McLean has been nominated for the position of DEPARTMENT COMMANDER 2015-2016 I ask for your support. Thank you Don McLean ( Sick Call: Agop John Dulgarian Post 2008 recovering at home TAP S John Hamilton Post 208 Dates to Remember: Apr16- Service Foundation Meeting @7:00 P.M, Post 79 in Natick Convention Corp meeting @7:30 P.M., Post 79 in Natick Apr 22- Americanism Judging @ 7:00 P.M., Post 38 in Leominster Apr 24- Honors & Awards Meeting @7:00 P.M. in Natick Post 79 Apr 30 National Commander’s Tour of Massachusetts VAVS Activities Bedford - Richard Burnell Amvets and Sad Sacks Bingo Party @ Bedford VA-10:00 A.M. Apr.11, Brockton - James Campbell District 6 Ice Cream Party @ Brockton VA Apr 9 &29. @ 7:00 P.M. Jamaica Plains -Tom Davitt AMVETS and Sad Sacks Bingo Party @ Bedford VA Apr 28 @7:00 P.M. Manchester -Gerry Marchand Manchester VA Bingo Party Apr 23 @ 7:30 P.M. Northampton - Bud Garrant Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner Post 12 Chicopee Apr 15 Legislative Officer Submitted by Eric Segundo March 23, 2015 AMVETS Department of Massachusetts strongly stands in opposition to a proposed Bill, HD1590 “An Act relative to Veteran’s Agents”. The bill restructures Mass General Law Chapter 115, as it relates to the provision of veterans’ benefits by veterans’ agents and the Commissioner removing the local Veterans agent in your community. This bill in its current form is not in the best interest of our Veterans, their families and the long-standing traditions of taking care of Veterans Locally. The bill comes from a select few who no longer want to fund Veterans’ Services, and wish it to become a strictly state operated and financed program. Essentially, Districting would do away with the intent of Chapter 115 – having local Veterans and their families assisted locally. Each city and town has unique individual needs and traditions which their Veteran populations hold dear. This bill if passed will not be looked on favorably by the Veterans’ Community and its supporters, as it is not in our best interest; our families members’ tradition of taking care of Veterans, locally. I respectfully request that this administration take a firm stance against HD1590, and encourage members of the General Court to do the same, immediately. Most importantly, we must ensure that MGL Ch. 115 continues to keep VSO in the cities and towns, and not remove them to further grow the State Government. We need to call all of our Representatives and Senators at the State House in Boston. Please also forward this to all Veterans in Massachusetts and tell them to also call their Representatives and Senators on Beacon Hill best interest; and in the long-standing State Service Officer (Submitted by Eric Segundo SSO) STEP VA Works to Expand Choice Program Eligibility Eligibility criteria for 40 miles calculation would change to driving distance Washington -- In order to expand eligibility for the Veterans Choice Program, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) today announced that it will change the calculation used to determine the distance between a Veteran’s residence and the nearest VA medical facility from a straight line distance to driving distance. The policy change will be made through regulatory action in the coming weeks. The Veterans Choice Program was authorized by the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA). “VA has worked very quickly to implement the Veterans Choice Program and we appreciate the constructive feedback shared by Veterans and our partners to help us improve service to Veterans,” said Secretary Robert McDonald. “We’ve determined that changing the distance calculation will help ensure more Veterans have access to care when and where they want it. VA looks forward to the ongoing support of our partners as we continue to make improvements to this new program.” The method of determining driving distance will be through distance as calculated by using a commercial product. The change is expected to roughly double the number of eligible Veterans. The Veterans Choice Program is a new, temporary benefit that allows eligible Veterans to receive health care in their communities rather than waiting for a VA appointment or traveling to a VA facility. Veterans seeking to use the Veterans Choice Program should call 1-866-606-8198 FREE to confirm their eligibility and to schedule an appointment. Since the Choice Program went into effect on November 5, 2014, more than 45,000 medical appointments have been scheduled. Using expanded authorities from VACAA, VA continues to expand access to care through increased staffing and enhanced collaboration with both the Indian Health Service and Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems. See the VACAA progress fact sheet here: VA is enhancing its health care system and improving service delivery to better serve Veterans and set the course for long-term excellence and reform. VA has made significant progress in various areas of the legislation, such as extending the Assisted Living/Traumatic Brain Injury Pilot program and Project Arch, to expand timely access to highquality health care for Veterans. Name the Newsletter Contest Now that the newsletter has changed its format I think we should have a name that is appropriate for Massachusetts. I have been given permission from the Finance Committee and the Convention Corporation to hold a Name the Newsletter Contest. This contest will be open to all AMVETS in Massachusetts, There will be two prizes, and the first place winner will receive a two night stay at the Sturbridge Host Hotel at the time of our State Convention in June 2015. The runner up will receive a one night stay the same hotel at the same time. All submissions for this contest will be e-mailed to 1) Leon Proctor at Janice Jordan at 3) Stephen Garner at The three of us will then meet in April to make a decision on who submitted the best names for the contest and the winners will be announced in the May 2015 Newsletter. So let’s put some thoughts into this and make the name unique to Massachusetts Good Luck to every one AMVETS Riders Chapter Events 2015 Saturday May 2nd 2nd Annual PTSD/TBI Awareness Ride AMVEST Chapter 12 Chicopee $20.00 Registration 9:00AM Kickstands Up 11:00AM 750 Montgomery St. Chicopee, MA Sunday June 28th Annual Poker Run AMVETS Charities AMVETS Post 51 Randolph $20.00/$10.00 Registration 10:00AM Kickstands Up 12:00AM 9 AMVETS Lane Randolph, MA. Tuesday July 7th Moving Wall Escort MASP & AMVETS Riders AMVETS Chapter 32 Gloucester T.B.D. MA Stateline to Gloucester Center 14 Prospect St Gloucester, MA. Sept 12th 6th Annual Warrior Thunder Fisher House Ride AMERICAN LEGION Post 110 $20.00/$15.00 Registration 9:15AM Kickstands Up 11:30 AM 110 Peter Kristoff Way Medfield, MA Police Escorted Ride 45 Miles National Rallies: 28th Annual Rolling Thunder Ride for Freedom May 24th 92nd Annual Laconia Bike Week June 13th -21st Please Post this on your Post Bulletin Boards. Make Copies and pass them out to your members If you want a copy sent to you send e-mail to to get on the newsletter list Convention 2015 GLOUCESTER UNITED VETERANS COUNCIL Place: The Sturbridge Host Hotel, Sturbridge, Ma. AND THE CITY OF GLOUCESTER ARE PROUD TO SPONSOR THE WALL THAT HEALS THE TRAVELING VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL WALL AND MUSEUM "WE MUST NEVER FORGET" DATES: JULY 9-12, 2015TIMES: OPENING 10:00 A.M. JULY 9th -5:00 P.M. JULY 12th LOCATION: FULLER SCHOOL 4 SCHOOLHOUSE ROAD (OFF RTE 128 at BLACKBURN CIRCLE) GLOUCESTER, MA FREE ADMISSION All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast Sat. Apr 11, 20157- 11:30 a.m. Sat. Apr 11, 20157- 11:30 a.m. Italian American Veterans Club 4 Hayward Field, Milford, MA $6.00/adults; $4.00 8 yrs and under Pay at the door. Comedy Night Sat. May 16, 2015 7-10:00 p.m. Italian American Veterans Club 4 Hayward Field, Milford, MA Tickets $20 p/p for tickets email or call 508-523-6682. Cash Bar, Door Prizes, Bring your own snacks/appetizers/food for more information on Thanks To Yanks and upcoming events visit our website Convention Corp. 2015 State Convention Pin design was selected at the February meeting. Order and request for quote has been submitted by A. Temple to the supplier in R.I. WHEN: Wednesday June 10 to Sunday June 14, 2015 RESERVATIONS: Call the Hotel and ask for Catherine the Reservationist between 8am-2pm Monday thru Friday 508 347 7393 RATE OF ROOM: $106.47 INCLUSIVE OF TAX, THE CUTOFF DATE FOR THIS RATE IS MAY 15TH. Delegate Registration? Adjutant Steve Garner has put out many notices and I'm sure he will follow this with more. Thursday night SAD SACK/SACKETTE function: In the Commons (behind the large fire place as you come in) A donation of $3.01 is requested at the door. REMEMBER!!!! This has never been a Dinner Meal. If you need a full meal we suggest that you eat before arriving. We will have finger food to accompany the beverage that you purchase. This will be put out in two phases, the first part of the evening and then half way through the night. Function time: 501pm to 10:01pm. The entertainment is being looked at for booking. FRIDAY NIGHT: The Blues Brothers are back!! Excellent show band to sing with, dance with, and raise hell with. For tickets please Call Jay Cassie at 508 655 6985 or Steve Garner at 978 618 1883 these will be tables of eight (8). Price: after the March SEC, you will be paying $35.00 per person. The meal will be a multi entrée one. I have not got the exact meal, yet. As Saturday, the soft drinks are complimentary. Saturday Night’s Commander’s Banquet: THE PLACE TO BE TO SEE THE MEMBERS OF OUR AMVET FAMILY RECEIVE THEIR AWARDS FOR THE WORK THAT THEY DO FOR THE AMVETS, SAD SACKS, AUXILIARY, SACKETTS, SONS OF AMVETS The ticket prices are the same as for Friday with the March SEC the determining factor in saving $10.00 or not. For tickets call Dick Burnell at 978 373 3216 or Tom Davitt at 508 620 1153. Tables of eight with this one also. The meal will be a prime rib with the normal starch and vegetables. PLEASE REMEMBER, SOFT DRINKS SUCH AS COKE ARE COMPLIMENTARY. QUESTIONS????? Call any member of the Convention Corporation. President Charlie Studebaker at 781 828 4156, State Commander Jim Peacey at 413 547 0119, Vice President Phil Furtado at 508 540 5121, Secretary: Steve Garner at 978 618 1883, Tom Davitt at 508 620 1153, Jay Cassie at 508 655 6985, Gerry Marchand at 603 378 2005, Dick Burnell at 978 373 3216, or Al Temple at 978 568 8492 That’s it. Let’s make this a Convention to Remember! Yours in AMVETS, Al Temple State Commander Testimonial Dinner Commander Jim Peacey Testimonial dinner will be on April 25, 2015 Post 12 in Chicopee. The prices on the tickets are approx. $30-$35 each. As of now, this is only information I have. Information on menu, hotels and final ticket cost will be forthcoming Tickets are available from Phil Furtado (508-566-5121) or Tom Davitt (508-523-9327) National Commander Visitation National Commander Larry Via is coming to visit Massachusetts on April 30 thru May 3, 2015. The tentative itinerary is printed below. Those posts that are giving him gifts his shirt size is large and his jacket size is extra large if you have any questions please contact Leon at 1-207595-1169 or National Commander Larry Via’s Visitation Thursday April 30, 20015 Commander and entourage meet the National Commander at Comfort Inn in Randolph; register Leave at 2:00 P.M. to go to Post 2012 at 3 Eaton St in Westminister. Return to hotel for the night whenever the Commander wishes FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 Depart from the Hotel at 8:30 A.M. for President John F. Kennedy Library Tour on Columbia Point in Dorchester. Leave the Library for Gloucester Post 32 at 14 Prospect St in Gloucester MA by 11:00 A.M. Arrive at Post 32 around 12:30 P.M. for lunch. Leave Post 32 for Haverhill Post 147 on 576 Primrose St in Haverhill MA at 2:00 P.M. Arrive at Post 147 around 3:00P.M. Meet and greet the members and light snack. Leave Post 147 at 5:00 P.M. Arrive at McKeon Post 146 on 4 Hilltop St in Dorchester MA around 6:30 P.M. For supper and the Commander to work the bar. Leave the post whenever the Commander wishes SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015 Depart Hotel at 7am Arrive at Post 79, Natick for breakfast at 8:00A.M. Meet and Greet Leave Post 79 at 9:00 A.M. Arrive at Post 12 at 11:00 Chicopee for Riders send off on a bike run. Meet and Greet and lunch Arrive 2:00 Northampton VA at 421 N. Main St in Northampton for tour. Leave Northampton VA at 3:30 P.M. Arrive Post 1977, 1591 Central St., Stoughton at 5:00 P.M. For meet and greet Arrive Post 51, 9 AMVETS Lane, Randolph at approx. 6:30 P.M. Dinner and meet and leave for the hotel whenever the Commander wishes Sunday May 3, 2015 Arrive at Post 208 for Sad Sack golf Tournament?? Still up in the air THIS WILL CONCLUDE THE NATIONAL COMMANDER'S VISITATION. THANK YOU TO ALL. EVERYONE IS INVITED ON THIS VISITATION, AMVETS, SAD SACKS, LADIES AUX., SACKETTS, SONS OF AMVETS, and AMVET RIDERS Hotel Information Comfort Inn, 1374 North Main St., Randolph. Rate will be around $99.00 + tax per night, 1 781 961 1000, mention AMVETS Due to the late confirmation on travel arrangements, please book ASAP. Cutoff date for the hotel room is April 10, 2015 to receive this rate a full continental breakfast is included with eggs, breakfast meat, and much more. Sad Sacks Mini Golf: breakfast, mini golf, barbecues (all included) $12.51 for adults and Children $7.51 Call 978 568 8178 for tickets. You must pay all fees to the Sad Sacks in Post 208 See Billy Rivers.??????? Still working on this PLEASE MAKE IT EASY FOR ALL INVOLVED BY NOT WAITING FOR THE LAST MINUTE TO DECIDE. THANKS, YOUR NEC, Leon Proctor This Agenda is Tentative as times may change due to the traffic and length of the posts visits. Please remember that the National Commander is here for a visit and not for business thank you for your consideration and let’s make this a good visit for the National Commander March SEC Officer Nominations Commander Don McLean – Accept 1st Vice Commander Joseph Kenyon – Accept 2nd Vice Commander Bob Boulay – Accept Dean Thayer – Accept 3rd Vice Commander Tom Norton – Accept Adjutant Stephen Garner - Accept (Ltr) Finance Officer Tom Davitt – Accept Judge Advocate Joseph Dineen – Accept Gerard Marchand – Accept Ken Montgomery - Decline Provost Marshal John Pasierbiak - Accept Wayne Anthony - Accept Service Foundation Richard Burnell – Accept Tom Davitt – Accept Don McLean - Accept Convention Corporation (*) Tom Davitt – Accept Gerard Marchand – Accept Al Temple – Decline (*) Vacancy due to passing of Jim Blake. Cdr Peacey called for an election to be held at the June Convention to fill remaining 2 years of this 3 year position. The nation’s oldest woman veteran has died. She was 108. Lucy Coffey was found dead in her bed in San Antonio Thursday morning. Her friend, Queta Marquez of the Bexar County Veterans Service Office said Coffey had been sick for about a week and had a chronic cough. “It is with great sadness we learned that our beloved Ms. Lucy Coffey, our nation's oldest female veteran who served in WWII, passed away,” Marquez said in a Facebook post. “She was an incredible lady who will be missed dearly. Her contributions to our country and community will never be forgotten.” The Indiana-born farm girl was working at a Dallas A&P supermarket on the day Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. The San Antonio Express-News reports she quit her job in 1943 and joined the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps. During her service she was stationed around the Pacific and earned two Bronx stars. She continued to serve her country after the war as an Army civilian on Okinawa. “When Vice President Biden and I had the honor of meeting Sgt. Coffey at the White House last year, she was America’s oldest living woman veteran, and it was clear that the passage of time never dampened her patriotic love of country or her pioneering spirit,” President Obama said in a statement Friday. The Express said Coffey met Biden and Obama as part of a final visit she wanted to make to Washington. A group in Austin organized her all-expenses-paid honor flight. In Washington she visited the World War II memorial, Arlington Cemetery and the Women’s Memorial. “I’d like to go to see things that are there that were not there before,” she told the paper, explaining why she wanted to go. “It’s been a long time since I’ve in in Washington, but I would like to go to see the things that are there.” Funeral arrangements were incomplete. There were plans to hold a memorial service in San Antonio. The Express said only one other vet was older than Coffey, Richard Overton of Texas was born three days before her in May 1906. Coffey suffered a stroke in 2013. She was confined to a wheelchair and needed oxygen to breathe. USO Submitted by Al Temple AMVETS Department of Massachusetts State House Room 546-3 Boston, MA 02133 January 31, 2015 Dear Members, On behalf of the United Service Organization Inc, I would like to thank you very much for your generous donation of $ 500.00 on December 31, 2014 to support our Yellow Ribbon Program. Your generosity provides support for the many Soldiers, Sailors, Marines, Airman, and Coast Guard we serve and their families. It allows us to reach out to them personally and let them know first-hand that someone is thinking about them and supporting them, particularly during the challenges of a deployment. The USO has been supporting service members for over 74 years, as we remain, “Always by Their Side”. We serve troops in harm’s way, military families, the wounded, ill, and injured, troops in transition and families of the fallen. Last year in New England, we served over 44,000 service members in our centers, at our events and through our ongoing programs and services, such as the Yellow Ribbon Program. It is the generous time given by our volunteers and the generous financial support from donors such as you who make it all possible each day. The continued commitment to this program by your organization is greatly appreciated. It will make quite an impact, and we thank you for supporting the USO mission. Kindest Regards, Jean Mallon Director, New England USO The USO is a 501c (3) nonprofit organization that primarily raises its own operating funds and relies mainly on volunteers and donors to support our services. Donations to USO are tax deductible to the extent provided by law. Please retain this receipt for your records. Rochester NH News Come join the Rochester Community honor the special men and women of our ARMED FORCES. •Learn the history of our freedom! •Military vehicles, Re-enactors, motorcycles, military ceremonies, VET STORE DISCOUNTS at participating stores! •Activities for the kids! Bring your camera! ARMED FORCES DAY TRIBUTE Saturday, May 16th 10AM until 3PM Lilac Mall Rochester, NH Come one, come all! “Agent Orange” as well as other VA Claims will be processed. Vets bring your DD214! Contact Dennis Sellers at 603312-2235 or Army charges Bergdahl with desertion and misbehavior The Army on Wednesday charged Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl with desertion, reigniting the debate over whether President Obama paid too high a price to secure his release from the Taliban. Bergdahl, 28, who went missing from his base in 2009 while serving in Afghanistan, could face life imprisonment for the separate charge of misbehavior before the enemy. Some suggested that other soldiers had died while looking for Bergdahl. Obama released five Taliban commandos from the Guantánamo Bay prison in Cuba in exchange for Bergdahl, the last U.S. prisoner of war in Afghanistan. Republicans have argued that was far too high a price to pay for Bergdahl, who fellow soldiers accused of walking off the job and endangering their lives. They have also pointed to a CNN report from January that said one of the five men released from Guantánamo had attempted to return to militant activity by contacting his former associates. “I have no doubt that, in the future, the ‘Taliban 5’ will return to the fight against the United States,” Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) said Wednesday in response to the news about the charges against Bergdahl. American Air Museum Website in Britain Apologies to those of you who have received this information from us through a different channel already but we didn’t want to run the risk of missing anybody out – we hope you don’t mind hearing about this again! As you may know the American Air Museum at IWM Duxford acquired World War II aviation historian, Roger Freeman’s, collection of papers, books and photographs in 2012. Since 2012, we have been scanning the photographs which Roger collected. We have made over 10,000 of these photographs available at m and the information held about them is editable by anyone who registers (freely) on the site. You can also see contemporary aerial photographs of over 120 airfields and bases, supplied by English Heritage’s aerial photography archive. Many of the people in the photographs are not identified. We would love you to add to the captions if you recognize anyone and also to add your stories to the website in the ‘people’ section – we intend the website to be a permanent online record of the service of World War II veterans connected to the USAAF in the UK. It would also be brilliant if you could share your photos, as we want the website to inspire new and future generations to become interested in this history through seeing photos of the Americans and Brits who made it. We’re sharing the images for use by others in any noncommercial and attributed form and we would be asking you to do the same. For more information on image rights, check out this page of info on the site: http://www.americanairmuseu If you have any questions or feedback about the website, please do get in touch with us. With best wishes, Jenny, Carl, Lucy and Emily American Air Museum Project team Submitted by Al Temple Outrage Over Stolen Valor Prompts Bill in Massachusetts Boston Herald | Mar 23, 2015 | by Marie Szaniszlo A bill that would make it a crime to pose as an active-duty service member or a veteran for financial gain is drawing the support of veterans groups, who say those who make such false claims are an insult to those who have served, and died, for their country. The bill introduced by Westfield state Rep. John Velis, a U.S. Army Reserves captain who served in Afghanistan, would make such misrepresentations punishable by up to a year in jail and/or a $1,000 fine. "When you're doing it for financial gain, whether it's a veteran's discount at a store or a special rate on a loan, that should be a crime," Velis said. The bill -- one of the strongest versions of the federal c in the nation -- is gaining the support of local veterans, who say it addresses a growing problem documented in YouTube videos of veterans outing wannabes seeking discounts and attention. "The blood and sweat that we spent to protect our country and our freedom should not give folks the right to lie about what they did or didn't do," said Dan Magoon, an Army sergeant who served in Iraq and Afghanistan, and co-founder and executive director of Massachusetts Fallen Heroes. "I think it's a slap in the face to the men and women who've actually served in that capacity." Shortly after he returned home from Afghanistan in 2013, Velis said he was waiting to buy some popcorn at the movies when he overheard someone who wasn't in uniform asking for a veteran's discount. Retirees invited to retiree day April 24 "I struck up a conversation with him, and he said he had served in Afghanistan, but his answers clearly indicated to me he had never been there in his life," he said. "I lost three friends over there, and another lost his leg. So to lie about something like that for financial gain is just morally repugnant." HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. - The federal Stolen Valor Act, passed in 2006, barred anyone from falsely claiming they had been awarded a medal, but the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the law on the grounds that it violated free speech. In 2013, President Obama signed into law a new version prohibiting the same behavior if it was done for financial gain. Velis' bill is broader in that it would apply to anyone fraudulently claiming to be a service member or veteran -medals or not -- for financial gain. "If it prevents one person from stealing the valor of another, it's done its job," said Eric Segundo, president of the Massachusetts Veterans' Service Officers Association. "More states should follow suit." - A Military Retiree Day will be held April 24 at the Minuteman Commons. The event will begin with an Information Services Session from 10 to 11:30 a.m., followed by a luncheon. Military retirees, spouses and retirees dependent survivors of all ranks and services are invited to attend. The Information Services session will provide retirees an opportunity to browse 20 information tables staffed by representatives of both on- and off-base agencies and organizations. Those on hand will include the 66th Medical Squadron, TRICARE, US Family Health Plan, Social Security Administration, the Veterans Administration and other veteran service agencies. The luncheon will begin at 11:30 a.m. Col. Michael A. Vogel, 66th Air Base Group commander, will be the guest speaker and will provide an overview and update on Hanscom AFB and its future. The cost to attend the luncheon is $10. Organizers recommend attendees reserve early as space is limited to 150 people. For further information on Military Retiree Day, or to RSVP to the luncheon, contact the RetireeActivities Officer 781-225- 1310 or Bobby Jacques at 225-1333. 781- Submitted by Stephen Garner
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