AMVETS DEPARTMENT OF MASSACHUSETTS The AMVETS Informer May 2015 WEB SITE: AMVETS-MA.ORG AMVETS, Department of MA State House, Room 546-3 Boston, MA 02133 617-727-2972 Office Hours M-F 8:30 A.M. to 3:30 P.M. Commander’s Message: AMVETS, Spring is finally in the air, the sun is shining warmer and this last winter will soon be just a memory of "Remember that bad winter when." As we move forward with our busy life's and endless tasks, let us all take a moment to help our fellow man. It could be an easy task like spring raking for an elderly neighbor or fellow veteran that may be unable themselves. Or a more daunting task that may take allot more time and energy, but let us all remember that is why we volunteer with this great organization. We do this to help and assist those we care most about. Supporting our veterans and communities is not just a saying, but a way of life for most of us. So let's get out there and do the great work that we do, whatever the task may be. And please remember to report your great tasks to the National threw your second vice in your Post. This is how we can keep track of our deeds and continue to help others. See you all at convention in June. . Commander Peacey E-MAIL 1st Vice Commander’s Message Hello AMVETS. There is still time to enter to win a free cell phone and a chance for a one week stay in California. All you need to do is recruit five new members by 15 July, 2015. When you do this, contact me to fill out the entry form. You will need all the info on the new members. We then send it to National and hope they pick your name. I have a tri-fold display board for any post or district to use on their standouts. You need a good table to place it on. This is lent out on a first come/first served basis. A good recruiting tool. Let's use it. Call me. The Thursday and Friday before Memorial Day, Randolph Post 51 will once again be putting out flags and flowers on veterans graves in the Town's cemeteries. They will be assisted by students from the high school on Thursday and by the 4th grade students from the Kennedy elementary school on Friday. This is now the fifth year these students have been participating. It has become a great learning experience for them. On 27 April, 2015, I presented a check for $3150.00 to Richard Leeman, Assistant Chief Voluntary Service, VA Boston Healthcare System. The money was earmarked for the adaptive sports program. This money was raised by the owners ands patrons of Mia Regazza restaurant in Abington, MA on his annual "Fenway Opener" party. Thank you to all who participated. More money is expected as patrons who arrived to late to get in the raffles will be writing their own checks. I am seeking the position of Department Commander for the up-coming year and I ask for your support. Thank you Don McLean 617-943-4337 ( served basis. 2nd Vice Commander’s Message Greetings Fellow AMVETS. Although this fiscal year is coming to a close at a rapid pace, we are finding ourselves even busier than ever…if that’s possible. On April 22, the Americanism Committee, and I met at Post 28 Leominster. We Judged 17 entries submitted from Massachusetts students ranging from 1st grade, 3rd grade, 5th grade and 9th grade. I would like to thank the outstanding job that Chairman Larry McNeill did to coordinate this effort, as well as committee members: Donald and Shirley Isabelle, John Sheehan, and Tom Davitt. All entries submitted were definitely unique and original, more importantly, appreciated from a veteran and or veteran family member. Unfortunately, the Americanism program is not getting out to all school districts in Mass. I implore ALL members to get this program out in each city / town in the state next year. We all have children, grandchildren, and yes... some of our members even have Great Grandchildren ! I am also at fault for this, however I do intend to inform the schools that my grandchildren attend, and give information of this program. As the saying goes, our children can and will continue this legacy….but only if they are informed. Scholarships: I was recently notified by Janice Jordan that she has received approx 9 applications as of the cutoff date. So for the time being, this is in progress. I expect to meet with the Chairman and committee in the very near future. As usual the end result should conclude at the State Convention, when the scholarships are presented. Since there will be no SEC meeting in May, I conclude this report, and I definitely look forward to seeing all of you in Sturbridge. With your support, I will strive to continue as one of your voices of this great organization. Dates to Remember: Apr30 – May 3 National Commander Larry Via Visits Massachusetts May 2- Post 12 PTD Ride @11;00 A.M. May 12- Staff Meeting and Finance Meeting @ Post 79 in Natick 7:00 P.M. May 14-Convention Corp Meeting @ Post 79 in Natick 7:00 P.M. May 20- Honors & Awards Meeting @7:00 P.M. in Natick Post 79 May 22-White Cross Service @ Post 38 in Leominster 6:00 P.M. May 24- Joint Memorial Service @ Bourne Cemetery 12:00 P.M. VAVS Activities Yours in AMVETS, Bob Sick Call: Rev Don Hunt Post 2008 Agop John Dulgarian Post 2008 Jirair Papelian Post 2008 TAP S Harry Sarkisian Post 2008 Bruce Cowles Post 96 Bedford - Richard Burnell Amvets and Sad Sacks Bingo Party @ Bedford VA-10:00 A.M May, 9 Brockton - James Campbell District 6 Ice Cream Party @ Brockton VA May 14 & 27. @ 7:00 P.M. Jamaica Plains -Tom Davitt AMVETS and Sad Sacks Bingo Party @ Bedford VA May 26 @7:00 P.M. Manchester -Gerry Marchand Manchester VA Bingo Party May 28 @ 7:30 P.M. Northampton - Bud Garrant Spaghetti & Meatball Dinner Post 12 Chicopee May 20 Legislative Officer Submitted by Eric Segundo April 27, 2015 I write to you in opposition to a proposed Bill, H3319 “An Act relative to Veteran's Agents”. The bill restructures G.L. c. 115, as it relates to the provision of veterans’ benefits by veterans’ agents and the Commissioner removing the local Veterans agent in your community. The cities and towns of the Commonwealth are well-served by the dedicated members of Massachusetts Veterans’ Service Officers Association (MVSOA), who comprise the Commissioners, Directors, Officers, and Consultants, who are the City and Town Veterans’ Agents. The Commonwealth’s local municipalities have Resident Veterans and family members who have individual needs that are best served by their own local Agent, rather than State Government. Further disempowerment of the Commonwealth’s Municipalities through reorganization of MGL Chapter 115 is not prudent or timely. Each city and town has unique individual needs and traditions which their Veteran populations hold dear. I respectfully request that you contact your State Representative and Senators to take a firm stance against House bill 3319, and encourage members of the General Court to do the same, immediately. To be clear, we must support education, credentialing and certifying Veteran Service Officers in the Commonwealth through the Department of Veterans Services and the Massachusetts Veteran Service Officer Association (MVSOA). We must insist Town Agents have the most current information on Veterans’ Benefits and programs available to aid and assist the veterans in their community. Most importantly, we must ensure that MGL Ch. 115 continues to keep VSO in the cities and towns, and not remove them to further grow the State Government. This bill in its current form is not in the best interest of our Veterans, their families and the long-standing traditions of taking care of Veterans Locally. Respectfully, Eric Segundo State Service Officer (Submitted by Eric Segundo SSO) STEP VA Works to Expand Choice Program Eligibility Eligibility criteria for 40 miles calculation would change to driving distance Washington -- In order to expand eligibility for the Veterans Choice Program, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) today announced that it will change the calculation used to determine the distance between a Veteran’s residence and the nearest VA medical facility from a straight line distance to driving distance. The policy change will be made through regulatory action in the coming weeks. The Veterans Choice Program was authorized by the Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014 (VACAA). “VA has worked very quickly to implement the Veterans Choice Program and we appreciate the constructive feedback shared by Veterans and our partners to help us improve service to Veterans,” said Secretary Robert McDonald. “We’ve determined that changing the distance calculation will help ensure more Veterans have access to care when and where they want it. VA looks forward to the ongoing support of our partners as we continue to make improvements to this new program.” The method of determining driving distance will be through distance as calculated by using a commercial product. The change is expected to roughly double the number of eligible Veterans. The Veterans Choice Program is a new, temporary benefit that allows eligible Veterans to receive health care in their communities rather than waiting for a VA appointment or traveling to a VA facility. Veterans seeking to use the Veterans Choice Program should call 1-866-606-8198 FREE to confirm their eligibility and to schedule an appointment. Since the Choice Program went into effect on November 5, 2014, more than 45,000 medical appointments have been scheduled. Using expanded authorities from VACAA, VA continues to expand access to care through increased staffing and enhanced collaboration with both the Indian Health Service and Native Hawaiian Health Care Systems. See the VACAA progress fact sheet here: VA is enhancing its health care system and improving service delivery to better serve Veterans and set the course for long-term excellence and reform. VA has made significant progress in various areas of the legislation, such as extending the Assisted Living/Traumatic Brain Injury Pilot program and Project Arch, to expand timely access to highquality health care for Veterans. Name the Newsletter Contest The newsletter does have a new name as you can see. The name that was picked is The AMVETS Informer submitted by Mickey Rowbotham and she wins the two night stay at the convention this year . The runner up was Veterans Serving Veterans! From Tim Reim Post 74 in Three Rivers and he wins a 1 night stay at this years convention AMVETS Riders Chapter Events 2015 nd nd Saturday May 2 2 Annual PTSD/TBI Awareness Ride AMVEST Chapter 12 Chicopee $20.00 Registration 9:00AM Kickstands Up 11:00AM 750 Montgomery St. Chicopee, MA GLOUCESTER UNITED VETERANS COUNCIL AND THE CITY OF GLOUCESTER ARE PROUD TO SPONSOR Sunday June 28th Annual Poker Run AMVETS Charities AMVETS Post 51 Randolph $20.00/$10.00 Registration 10:00AM Kickstands Up 12:00AM 9 AMVETS Lane Randolph, MA. Tuesday July 7th Moving Wall Escort MASP & AMVETS Riders AMVETS Chapter 32 Gloucester T.B.D. MA Stateline to Gloucester Center 14 Prospect St Gloucester, MA. Sept 12th 6th Annual Warrior Thunder Fisher House Ride AMERICAN LEGION Post 110 $20.00/$15.00 Registration 9:15AM Kickstands Up 11:30 AM 110 Peter Kristoff Way Medfield, MA Police Escorted Ride 45 Miles National Rallies: 28th Annual Rolling Thunder Ride for Freedom May 24th 92nd Annual Laconia Bike Week June 13th -21st Please Post this on your Post Bulletin Boards. Make Copies and pass them out to your members If you want a copy sent to you send e-mail to to get on the newsletter list THE WALL THAT HEALS THE TRAVELING VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL WALL AND MUSEUM "WE MUST NEVER FORGET" DATES: JULY 9-12, 2015TIMES: OPENING 10:00 A.M. JULY 9th -5:00 P.M. JULY 12th LOCATION: FULLER SCHOOL 4 SCHOOLHOUSE ROAD (OFF RTE 128 at BLACKBURN CIRCLE) GLOUCESTER, MA FREE ADMISSION Convention Corp. 2015 State Convention Pin design was selected at the February meeting. Order and request for quote has been submitted by A. Temple to the supplier in R.I. Convention 201 Place: The Sturbridge Host Hotel, Sturbridge, Ma. WHEN: Wednesday June 10 to Sunday June 14, 2015 RESERVATIONS: Call the Hotel and ask for Catherine the Reservationist between 8am-2pm Monday thru Friday 508 347 7393 or 1-508-347-2273 RATE OF ROOM: $106.47 INCLUSIVE OF TAX, THE CUT-OFF DATE FOR THIS RATE IS MAY 15TH. Delegate Registration? Adjutant Steve Garner has put out many notices and I'm sure he will follow this with more. Thursday night SAD SACK/SACKETTE function: In the Commons (behind the large fire place as you come in) A donation of $3.01 is requested at the door. REMEMBER!!!! This has never been a Dinner Meal. If you need a full meal we suggest that you eat before arriving. We will have finger food to accompany the beverage that you purchase. This will be put out in two phases, the first part of the evening and then half way through the night. Function time: 501pm to 10:01pm. The entertainment is being looked at for booking. FRIDAY NIGHT: The Blues Brothers are back!! Excellent show band to sing with, dance with, and raise hell with. For tickets please Call Jay Cassie at 508 655 6985 or Steve Garner at 978 618 1883 these will be tables of eight (8). Price: after the March SEC, you will be paying $35.00 per person. The meal will be a multi entrée one. I have not got the exact meal, yet. As Saturday, the soft drinks are complimentary. Saturday Night’s Commander’s Banquet: THE PLACE TO BE TO SEE THE MEMBERS OF OUR AMVET FAMILY RECEIVE THEIR AWARDS FOR THE WORK THAT THEY DO FOR THE AMVETS, SAD SACKS, AUXILIARY, SACKETTS, SONS OF AMVETS The ticket prices are the same as for Friday with the March SEC the determining factor in saving $10.00 or not. For tickets call Dick Burnell at 978 373 3216 or Tom Davitt at 508 620 1153. Tables of eight with this one also. The meal will be a prime rib with the normal starch and vegetables. PLEASE REMEMBER, SOFT DRINKS SUCH AS COKE ARE COMPLIMENTARY. QUESTIONS????? Call any member of the Convention Corporation. President Charlie Studebaker at 781 828 4156, State Commander Jim Peacey at 413 547 0119, Vice President Phil Furtado at 508 540 5121, Secretary: Steve Garner at 978 618 1883, Tom Davitt at 508 620 1153, Jay Cassie at 508 655 6985, Gerry Marchand at 603 378 2005, Dick Burnell at 978 373 3216, or Al Temple at 978 568 8492 That’s it. Let’s make this a Convention to Remember! Yours in AMVETS, Al Temple The Convention Corporation have been working diligently to put together your Convention for this year. The contract has been finalized and signed. The committee approved the pin designed and it has been sent for production. Cost of the pins will be $1.00 per pin with a minimum of 10 pins per order. Al Temple will be taking orders for the pins. The Convention book is completed and has been sent to the publisher for printing. The books will be delivered to the hotel the weekend before the Convention. I am having 10 copies delivered to my house as soon as they are printed so the committee can review them. The next Convention Corporation meeting will be on Thursday May 14th at 7:00 PM in Natick. This will be the last meeting to finalize everything for the Convention. I will be expecting everyone on the Convention Corporation Committee including the I.P.C to attend this meeting and bring all information pertaining to their assignments. I expect the Thursday night band to be decided on by then. I will have the upper and lower tiers of the head table seating at the meeting. Charles Studebaker National Commander Visitation National Commander Larry Via is coming to visit Massachusetts on April 30 thru May 3, 2015. The tentative itinerary is printed below. Those posts that are giving him gifts his shirt size is large and his jacket size is extra large if you have any questions please contact Leon at 1-207595-1169 or National Commander Larry Via’s Visitation Thursday April 30, 20015 Commander and entourage meet the National Commander at Comfort Inn in Randolph; register Leave at 2:00 P.M. to go to Post 2012 at 3 Eaton St in Westminister. Return to hotel for the night whenever the Commander wishes FRIDAY, MAY 1, 2015 Depart from the Hotel at 8:30 A.M. for President John F. Kennedy Library Tour on Columbia Point in Dorchester. Leave the Library for Gloucester Post 32 at 14 Prospect St in Gloucester MA by 11:00 A.M. Arrive at Post 208 for breakfast and Post 208 presentation Arrive at Post 147 around 3:00P.M. Meet and greet the members and light snack. THIS WILL CONCLUDE THE NATIONAL COMMANDER'S VISITATION. THANK YOU TO ALL. EVERYONE IS INVITED ON THIS VISITATION, AMVETS, SAD SACKS, LADIES AUX., SACKETTS, SONS OF AMVETS, and AMVET RIDERS Leave Post 147 at 5:00 P.M. Hotel Information Arrive at McKeon Post 146 on 4 Hilltop St in Dorchester MA around 6:30 P.M. For supper and the Commander to work the bar. Leave the post whenever the Commander wishes Comfort Inn, 1374 North Main St., Randolph. Rate will be around $99.00 + tax per night, 1 781 961 1000, mention AMVETS Due to the late confirmation on travel arrangements, please book ASAP. Cutoff date for the hotel room is April 10, 2015 to receive this rate a full continental breakfast is included with eggs, breakfast meat, and much more. Arrive at Post 32 around 12:30 P.M. for lunch. Leave Post 32 for Haverhill Post 147 on 576 Primrose St in Haverhill MA at 2:00 P.M. SATURDAY, MAY 2, 2015 Depart Hotel at 7am Arrive at Post 79, Natick for breakfast at 8:00A.M. Meet and Greet Leave Post 79 at 9:00 A.M. Arrive at Post 12 at 11:00 Chicopee for Riders send off on a bike run. Meet and Greet and lunch PLEASE MAKE IT EASY FOR ALL INVOLVED BY NOT WAITING FOR THE LAST MINUTE TO DECIDE. THANKS, YOUR NEC, Leave Post 12 at 2:30 P.M. Leon Proctor Arrive Post 1977, 1591 Central St., Stoughton at 4:15 P.M. For meet and greet Arrive Post 51, 9 AMVETS Lane, Randolph at approx. 6:30 P.M. Dinner and meet and leave for the hotel whenever the Commander wishes Sunday May 3, 2015 This Agenda is Tentative as times may change due to the traffic and length of the posts visits. Please remember that the National Commander is here for a visit and not for business thank you for your consideration and let’s make this a good visit for the National Commander Department Officers Nominations Commander Don McLean – Accept 1st Vice Commander Joseph Kenyon – Accept 2nd Vice Commander Bob Boulay – Accept Dean Thayer – Accept 3rd Vice Commander Tom Norton – Accept Adjutant Stephen Garner - Accept (Ltr) Finance Officer Tom Davitt – Accept Judge Advocate Joseph Dineen – Accept Gerard Marchand – Accept Ken Montgomery - Decline Provost Marshal John Pasierbiak - Accept Wayne Anthony - Accept Service Foundation Richard Burnell – Accept Tom Davitt – Accept Don McLean - Accept Convention Corporation (*) Tom Davitt – Accept Gerard Marchand – Accept Al Temple – Decline (*) Vacancy due to passing of Jim Blake. Cdr Peacey called for an election to be held at the June Convention to fill remaining 2 years of this 3 year position. Nominations to be added or deleted at the Convention. Congratulations to Gerard Marchand on becoming the new Post Commander at Post 147. Gereard will have to take his name off the Judge Advocate list due to his new position at Post 147 At the March SEC I was not sure with my present health situation that I would be a candidate for the Department Judge Advocate Office. I have had shoulder surgery and I am fully recovered from the operation so now I can make a decision if I wish to run for the Judge advocate position. I have decided to run for Judge Advocate and will have my name put in nomination on the floor Saturday afternoon at the convention. I have asked that Leon put this information out in the newsletter so that the members who support my candidancy will know of my intentions Thank you Ken Montgomery Rochester NH News Come join the Rochester Community honor the special men and women of our ARMED FORCES. •Learn the history of our freedom! •Military vehicles, Re-enactors, motorcycles, military ceremonies, VET STORE DISCOUNTS at participating stores! •Activities for the kids! Bring your camera! ARMED FORCES DAY TRIBUTE Saturday, May 16th 10AM until 3PM Lilac Mall Rochester, NH Come one, come all! “Agent Orange” as well as other VA Claims will be processed. Vets bring your DD214! Contact Dennis Sellers at 603312-2235 or . AMVETS Sons Memorial Dedication submitted by Michael Bruno After nearly two years, our Membership has commissioned a monument to be created and installed at the Massachusetts National Cemetery at Bourne. Sons of AMVETS f will be dedicating this marker on Sunday May 24th, 2015. We have been assured and confirmed by the Director of the Cemetery we will be able to do so following Memorial Day Observances being held that day. 22...a DAY Submitted by Chrissy Peacey A recent study showed that an estimated 22 veterans commit suicide in the United States every day,about one every 65 minutes. A slightly higher number than the 18-per-day rate the Department of Veterans Affairs had indicated in years past, according to a VA study made public The analysis found that the actual number of estimated suicides per day among veterans has remained relatively stable, ranging from 20 per day in 2000 to 18 per day in 2007 and 22 per day in 2009 through 2014... the largest estimates available, according to a report on the study released. First four weeks after leaving military is a high-risk time for suicides. Vietnam and female vets need particular attention. The most common means of committing suicide by veterans — in half of the deaths — is drug overdose or poisoning, according to the VA study. The rate of suicide among veterans who use VA health care services has remained steady in recent years, at about 36 per 100,000. Americans in uniform have displayed astonishing courage over the thirteen years of continuous fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan. But a conservative estimate from researchers at New York University School of Medicine determined that 20% of the total 1.7 million men and women who served in Iraq and Afghanistan have now been diagnosed with PTSD. Such injuries can inflict lasting damage to brain regions associated with fear and anxiety. “Experiencing such acute shock and psychic injury permanently alter and restructure brain patterns and cognitive processes that even with years of extensive therapy and support can never be the same. ” Victims’ minds often develop “automatic defense mechanism operating through denial, repression, projection, and the least harmful sublimation allows PTSD victims to minimally function, but leaves them feeling empty, all too often missing and craving the adrenalin rush and camaraderie of combat, and merely going through the motions of life forever changed never for the better.” The department says it has responded to the findings by creating a task force "to provide recommendations for innovative mental health care." It has also increased staff for the VA crisis hotline, which the department says has been instrumental in 26,000 rescues. The VA has also is expanding its mental health staff by 1,600 clinicians and is training 800 peer-to-peer specialists to work with other veterans. The new analysis of veteran suicides was possible because of a nearly 20-month effort to obtain suicide data on veterans from each state. At least 34 states have cooperated and another eight are in the process of doing so. The final analysis released was based upon only a partial completion of data received from 21 states, the VA says. With 22 veterans expected to commit suicide today, developing and expanding effective veterans’ mental health and social support systems must be a priority of the Obama Administration, Veterans Administration, and Congress. These men and women have given their best for America; it is our responsibility to provide the best for our heroes. We all need to place a call to congress and tell them how we'll be voting in the next election. We hand money out to everyone but those who protect America Help us help them...attend our run and event us support PTSD /TBI Awareness SAVE THE DATE May 2,2015 AMVETS Riders Chapter 12, Chicopee MA. will be hosting this 2 nd year Event. The Springfield Vet Center will be on hand to assist and answer any questions you may have for them. Registration starts at 9:30 ,kick stands up at 11:00... The ride will start and end at AMVETS Post 12, 754 Montgomery St., Chicopee, MA. FOOD, LIVE MUSIC and RAFFLES at the after party. The ride will be approx. 50 miles. This event will benefit the Vet Center for their PTSD /TBI programs' and Ward 8 Leeds VA Hospital. Tickets $20 per person No Bike you say.... >>WALK INS' WELCOME For more information or tickets contact 2nd vice Riders MA.#12, Michelle Riverin at 413-627-1454 or 1st vice Riders MA.#12,Christine Peacey at 413-250-9552. If you or someone you know would like to make a donation please write checks or money orders to AMVETS Riders Chapter MA. #12 Chicopee, MA.,754 Montgomery Street Chicopee, MA.,01013 House Rejects Proposed Overhaul to Commissary and Tricare A series of proposed Tricare and commissary cuts have been rejected by House lawmakers, and will not be included in their version of the annual defense spending bill, lawmakers said April 22. Both the Pentagon's 2015 budget request and recommendations from a congressionally mandated panel included major overhauls to Tricare and the Defense Commissary Agency (DeCA). House lawmakers, however, chose to ignore those recommendations and instead focus their reform efforts on an overhaul of the military retirement system. Despite reports that Rep. Joe Heck, R-Nevada, head of the House Armed Service Committee's Personnel Subcommittee, favored a plan proposed by the Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission (MCRMC) to combine the commissary and exchange systems, the committee dismissed the proposal. Also rejected was a plan from the Pentagon to slash commissary funding by $1 billion over several years. Instead, the committee's version of the legislation is silent on the subject of commissary spending. The legislation also does not address plans to overhaul Tricare. While a Pentagon proposal called for combining Tricare's various plans into a single program known as "Consolidated Tricare," the MCRMC proposed dismantling Tricare and pushing users instead into a healthcare marketplace like one currently used by civilian federal employees. The committee, however, dismissed both of those options, instead opting to leave Tricare intact as it is. The legislation does, however, direct the establishment of a Pentagon level "unified medical command" designed to better facilitate medical interoperability across the services. The proposed bill also authorizes the Pentagon to conduct a pharmacy pilot program to "look at the landscape of pharmacy networks across the health care industry and identify if there are any best practices that can be piloted within the DoD health system to improve the benefit and reduce the cost," according to a committee spokesman. But changes to the commissary and Tricare are not completely off the table. Senate lawmakers will begin work on their version of the legislation in the coming weeks and overhauls could be included there. Differences between the House and Senate legislation will be worked out in a conference later this year. -- Amy Bushatz can be reached at
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