ANGLICAN PARISH OF BOKSBURG St M ichael and All Angels St Gabriel St Raphael Serving God and Serving one another A parish of the Diocese of the Highveld Anglican Church of Southern Africa BROADSHEET FOR JULY 2015 St Raphael Bell Tower A sub-committee of the Parish Council, consisting of Frans Malema, George Chaplain, Eddie Jansen, Bev and Dave Hiron and Fr Tony, are looking at how to get the bell tower completed. We have asked Aldis Riekstins to provide us with a cost breakdown of the outstanding work so that we can proceed with building on a piecemeal basis. We are investigating the acquisition of a bell and will approach the parish to assist with the purchase of material and labour. In the meantime we encourage parishioners to participate actively in the Bottle Drive for 2015 launched by Frans Malema earlier this year. Remember that the bottles are to be handed in on Spring Sunday. God bless our parish. We acknowledge with gratitude the anonymous donation of R300,000 to be used for painting St Gabriel’s, fixing the St Gabriel Hall gutters, and fencing the two street sides of the property. W e bid Deacon Barbara Godspeed as she goes (on Tuesday 30 th) to Norway to represent the Diocese at a worldwide Deacon’s conference, to W ales to visit our link parish of Bassaleg, and to England to visit her son and family. She will return in mid- August. Family News; Congratulations * on their baptisms to; Ethan Fourie, (Calvin Kunneke and Cherése Fourie) Ntando (Humphrey and Winnie Mdewa) Ziphozonke ( Phumzile Mashigo) Welcome to;Barend (Wykus) Louw (Witfield, St Michael’s), Sithabiso Ngwenya (Boksburg North, St Gabriel’s), Mapasera & Grace Moletsane (Sunward Park, St Rapahel’s), Iain & Sandy Fortuin (St Michael’s) RIP; Arthur Thomas Allen on 18th June, one of 8 children of Frank and Clarice Allen. Condolences to his children Wayne, Colin and Glynnis and son-in-law Mark O’Hara.. CURSILLO; the Cursillo long weekend for 2015 will take place at eMsini, Benoni, from 24th -27th September. Cost is R1000 for the weekend. Application forms from the Parish Office. Several of our parishioners (Fr Tom and Di, Ann and Toni Iglauer, Wilson Manganyi ) are on the team leading the weekend. ANGEL SWEEP winners for April st 1 no73 - Bryn Pretorius 2nd no 63 - Joey Nkala rd 3 no 1 - Debbie West-Mace Next draw will take place at St Gabriel’s on the 11th July and you need to be paid up to date to be eligible. Thank you for your support. DIOCESAN NEWS; Our Bishop, the Very Rev’d Charles May, will be consecrated and enthroned at St Dunstan’s College in Rynfied, Benoni, on Saturday 12th September at 11am . All welcome. The Diocesan Chancellor, Advocate Palesa Ncholo, is leading a project to spruce up Bishop’s Holme for the new bishop, who hopes to move in at the end of July. If you would like to donate to this project, please send you donations to the Parish office. POSTAL ADDRESS : Box 17991, Sunward Park, 1470 PHYSICAL ADDRESSES: St Michael’s : (& office) 150 Commissioner Str (c/o Plein Str) St Gabriel’s : cnr of 6 th Str & Gelofte Ave, Boksburg North St Raphael’s : cnr of Lotus & Korhaan Sts, Sunward Park PARISH W ARDENS: Frans Malema; 073-088-3820 Theresa Venter 071-257-3035 alternate; George Chaplin 083-300-0055 24 HR PRAYER CHAIN : Joyce Frederiksen 011-918-9316 082-673-2193 COUNSELLING: Fr Tom, Deacon Barbara , Anne MacKay 082-884-1473, Carolyn Hutcheson 083-762-8244. Brigitte Fuller 076-227-2313 Anne Dear 076 535 7232 Margaret Anderson 082-461-4764 Gwen Sibanyoni 083-755-5595 CHRONIC ILL : FOR YOUR PRAYERS W EEK1: 28 th June - 4 th July M uscular-skeletal: Gino Alberts, Marlene Britz, June Glass, Dani Kokot W EEK 2:5th - 11 th July Stress, Depression, Addiction and other needs: SP, Theresa, George, Kerry - Lee English, Hilda Keane, Margaret Maslin, Dexter Roderick th th W EEK 3: 12 - 18 July Cancer: Miguel Abrahams, Hestie Badenhorst, Rohan Bloom, Charonique,Terry Fell, Archie Flockhart, George Gibson, Sybil Lambrect, Louise Marais, Kenneth M cPhail, Catherine Medina, Gladys Mpulampula, Freija Nerinckx, Gareth Ornitt, Thato Setlale, Carson Stewart, Karen Theunissen, Desiree Van Burick, Graham W arren, Carol W ernigg W EEK 4: 19 th - 25 th July Frail, arthritis, asthma, diabetes, Parkinsons etc: Marika Allen, Milly Brinkley, Catelinn Burdon, Harold Cooper, Andrew Geils, Monica Howard, Jeanine Maclean, Molly Murray, Viola Nicholas, Jean Pedlar, Rose Poulter, Lou Serrurier, Angela Sutton W EEK 5; 26 th July - 1 st August Various:, Rhyno, Merrill, W endy Aitken, Rosemary Bray, Ansie Butler, Leigh Champion, Nan Cleeve, Andrea Collins, Struan Cooper, Desree Duddy, Josh Edwards, Jenny Fairley, Gail Gardener, Kenny Hutchinson, Eathan Jansen van Rensburg, Lara Klein, Francis Leicher, Kerry MacKay, Brogan Mahoney, Pinny Moonolal, Joan Sellar, Sandy Stacey, Candice van den Berge, Maritsa Van Den Berge, Merriel Van Niekerk, Lara Von Mollendorf, Sean W iltshire DIARY CONTACT DETAILS Rector: Fr Tom Amoore: 917-5065 (o) 9131752 (h) 082-950-1500 Assistant Priest: Fr Elton Madupe: 078 474 0755 Deacon Barbara Morrison: 083-242-1849 Parish Secretary: Debbie W est-Mace Parish office: 011- 917-5065 fax 086-551-5973 Office hours Mon: 10am-12 noon Tues-Fri 8.30am to 12.30pm e-mail; web- page SUNDAY M ORNING SERVICES; 7am; St Gabriel’s; Mass 8.30am; St Raphael’s. Mass &Youth W orship 8.30am; St Michael’s Morning Prayer 9am; St Michael’s; Mass & Youth W orship SUN 28 PENTECOST 5 18.00 - Evening Prayer W ed 01 Thu 02 Sat 04 SUN 05 PENTECOST 6 18.00 - Guild of St Luke Tue 07 W ed 08 Thu 09 Sat 11 W EEKDAY M ASS SERVICES W ed 6pm at St Gabriel’s Thurs 9am at St Michael’s Sat 7.30am at St Michael’s W EEKDAY DIVINE OFFICES M orning Prayer Mon, Tue, W ed and Fri; 8.15am Thurs 8.35am Sat 7am all at St Michael’s. Evening prayer W ed 5.35pm at St Gabriel’s WANTED; the tabs from cans (beer or cool-drink). Please collect and give to Sheldon Smith (Vera Fell’s grandson) at St Raphael’s. Vera Fell is selling biscuits and home made pickles. Ginger R8. Choc Rings R7. Mango Creams R3. Peanut butter wafers R4. Cheesy Bites R2. All pickles R20. Mustard Sunshine Pickles R25. Please contact Vera on 082 510 8228 No 6pm Mass. Debbie W est-Mace’s birthday. 09.00 - Mass St Michael’s Guild of St Luke 07.30 - Mass - St Michael’s 09.15 - Mass - Alan W oodrow Park 15.00 - Mass - W itfield Park 18.00 - Mass - St Gabriel’s 09.00 - Mass St Michael’s 3pm Mass Alan W oodrow Dalpark 07.30 - Mass - St Michael’s Cursillo team training day at St Michael’s SUN 26 PENTECOST 18.00 - Evening Prayer Mon 27 W ed 29 Thu 30 Sat 1 Fr Tom’s birthday 18.30 - Parish Council Meeting 18.00 - Mass - St Gabriel’s 09.00 - Mass - St Michael’s Thursday Club 07.30 - Mass - St Michael’s FR TOM will be on leave from 27th June to 4th July. AWF JUMBLE SALE - will be held at 9 am on 25th July at St Michael’s. All jumble welcome. Looking especially for children’s clothing and mens t shirts. Please contact Merrill on 083 320 7893 or the office 011 917 5065. Thank you in advance for your support and donations. SOME COMING EVENTS SUN 12 PENTECOST 7 18.00 Evening Prayer The Cursillo team will be with us for the M ass at St Raphael’s, and will have training thereafter. Tue 14 W ed 15 Thu 16 Sat 18 09.00 18.00 09.00 07.30 14.30 - Mass - Cosmos - Mass - St Gabriel’s - Mass - St Michael’s - Mass - St Michael’s AW F M ass & Meeting SUN19 PENTECOST 8 18.00 Evening Prayer W ed 22 Thu 23 Sat 25 18.00 - Mass - St Gabriel’s 09.00 - Mass - St Michael’s 07.30 - Mass St Michael’s AW F Jumble sale. 1. Yuletide celebration (otherwise known as Christmass in July), Sat 25th July 13.30 for 14.00. 2. ANNUAL BIG WALK in aid of our Wednesday morning food handouts; Monday 10th August (Women’s Day) from 9am at St Gabriel’s.
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