Additional Information Investor Relations and Financial Communications Overview In September 2014, Ontex established a dedicated in-house Investor Relations and Financial Communications department, with responsibility for all communications with the financial community. Our aim is to provide reliable, consistent information on a timely basis to all financial market participants such as investors and analysts. During 2014 we held investor meetings, including roadshows and conferences, in several locations in Europe. In addition to Europe, going forward we will organize investor meetings in North America and other locations depending on the level of interest. Shareholder structure Following the IPO in June, Whitehaven B S.à r.l., an entity which represents The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and certain affiliates of TPG Global, LLC, notified Ontex that on December 8 2014, as a result of the sale of shares, their shareholding was 22.0%. The shareholder structure of the Company as at December 31 2014, based on all transparency declarations received by the Company as at that date, was as follows: Shareholders (rounded) Whitehaven B S.à r.l. Former Ontex management Directors Other members current management Threadneedle Asset Management Holdings Ltd GIC Private Ltd Janus Capital Management LLC Aviva Investors Global Services Ltd AXA Investment Managers SA Remaining publicly held Total Share performance Ontex announced the final pricing of its shares on June 24 2014 at a price of €18 per share, with trading of the shares under the symbol “Ontex” on the Euronext Brussels stock exchange commencing on June 25 2014. The closing price on December 31 2014 was €23.72 per share, an increase of 31.8%. Title: Performance of the Ontex share compared with market indices and hygienic disposable manufacturers: 25 23 21 19 17 15 Number of shares held Percentage 14,941,338 1,179,111 1,139,307 963,977 22.0% 1.7% 1.7% 1.4% 2,620,726 2,600,783 2,293,433 2,080,783 2,053,236 38,182,861 68,055,555 3.9% 3.8% 3.4% 3.1% 3.0% 56.1% 100.0% On March 13 2015, the Company received a transparency declaration from The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and TPG Group Holdings (SBS) Advisors, Inc., their affiliated entity Whitehaven B S.à r.l., and former/ current members of the Executive Management Team of Ontex, acting in concert, stating that on March 10 2015, they crossed the threshold of 3% of the total number of voting rights in the Company downwards as a result of sales of shares. An actual overview of the shareholdings of Ontex reflecting the most recent transparency declarations received can be consulted on our website Jun 2014 Juy 2014 Aug 2014 Ontex Euro Stoxx 600 P&G Kimberly Clark Sept 2014 Oct 2014 Euro Stoxx HPC Nov 2014 Bel20 Dec 2014 SCA Analyst coverage Ontex was covered by 8 analysts at December 31 2014. 6 of these analysts had a positive1 rating on the Ontex share, while the recommendations of 2 analysts on the Ontex share were neutral. 1positive indicates buy, accumulate, or overweight depending on the terminology of the broker institution Financial calendar Quarter 1 2015 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders Quarter 2 2015 Quarter 3 2015 May 11, 2015 May 26, 2015 July 29, 2015 November 5, 2015 Investor contacts Philip Ludwig Head of Investor Relations and Financial Communications +32 53 333 730 Press contacts Gaëlle Vilatte Head of Corporate Communications +32 53 333 708 Ontex Annual Review 2014 103 Additional Information Glossary Adjusted basic earnings per share: profit for the period plus non-recurring expenses and tax effect on non-recurring expenses, attributable to the owners of the parent, divided by the number of ordinary shares. Adjusted EBITDA: EBITDA plus non-recurring income and expenses excluding non-recurring depreciation and amortization. Adjusted Free Cash Flow: Adjusted EBITDA less capital expenditure, change in working capital and cash taxes paid. Adjusted Net Profit: Net profit excluding non-recurring expenses and non-recurring tax expenses. Diluted adjusted basic earnings per share: In accordance with IAS 33, diluted adjusted basic earnings per share amounts have to be calculated by dividing adjusted basic earnings (after adjusting for the effects of all dilutive potential ordinary shares) by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the year, plus the weighted average number of ordinary shares that would be issued on conversion of all the dilutive potential ordinary shares into ordinary shares. Leverage: Net financial debt divided by last twelve months Adjusted EBITDA. Like for like (LFL) revenue: revenue at constant currency excluding change in perimeter or M&A. Net debt: sum of all short and long-term interest bearing debts and by deducting cash and cash equivalents. Working capital: the components of our working capital are Inventories plus Trade and other receivables and pre-paid expenses plus Trade and other payables and accrued expenses. 104 Ontex Annual Review 2014 Designed and produced by Printed by CPI Colour This Report is printed on material derived from sustainable sources, and printed using vegetable based inks. Both the manufacturing paper mill and printer are registered to the Environmental Management System ISO 14001 and are Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC) chain-of-custody certified. CPI Colour is also a Carbon Neutral Printing Company and reduces its CO2 omissions to net zero in accordance with The CarbonNeutral Protocol. This carbon offsetting supports the Uchindile Mapanda reforestation programme in Tanzania, an environmental project to establish commercial forests at two locations in Africa. 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