AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITIONS INSURANCE (AGIEI) PROGRAMME FINAL REPORT GENERAL INFORMATION In the Grant Agreement you signed with us, you agreed to complete and return the Final Report within 60 Business Days of the end of the Activity. The final report is divided into three sections: Section one – Activity information Section two – Financial information Section three – Certification of report This report should be forwarded electronically to the AGIEI Programme Officer. Supporting documentation may be posted or hand delivered if required. By email: By post or hand: Programme Officer AGIEI programme Ministry for the Arts Attorney-General’s Department 4 National Circuit BARTON ACT 2600 ORGANISATION INFORMATION Organisation name: Postal Address: Exhibition Title: Contact Name: Position in organisation: Telephone, including area code: Email: 2015-16 AGIEI Final Report Page 1 SECTION 1 – ACTIVITY INFORMATION 1. Provide an overview of the exhibition outcomes and highlight the benefits to your institution in undertaking the Activity. 2. What was the overall audience response to the exhibition? Please give basis for assessment (e.g. survey, visitors’ book, venue feedback). 3. Provide a breakdown of audience attendances for each venue 4. Provide a brief description of any changes to venues or dates from the final application. 5. Provide details of the exhibition content if it varied significantly from the final application. 6. Is there an indemnity scheme offered in your state? If so, how was the state scheme utilised for this exhibition? 7. Briefly outline the contribution made by exhibition partners, particularly other Australian collecting institutions and state or territory governments. 8. Were any claims made on insurance during the exhibition? 9. Was the AGIEI logo used on all publicity material? Please provide three examples only. 10. Please provide any other comments or feedback about the exhibition or AGIEI programme here. SECTION 2 – FINANCIAL INFORMATION INCOME AND EXPENDITURE In order to acquit the funding, you must provide the Department with the following documentation: Mandatory Information A certificate of currency (or other proof of insurance acceptable to the Department) including: i. ii. a summary of the scope of the insurance coverage; the period of insurance; and iii. any limits of liability for the policy. A receipt substantiating the purchase of the insurance policy. Checklist Attached Attached SECTION 3 – CERTIFICATION OF FINAL REPORT Certification of Final Report – Must be Completed I certify that: 1. The information provided in this final report: gives an accurate account of the exhibition; is true and correct; and is not misleading or deceptive in any way. ……………………………………………………… Signature Date Please print name Position in institution: Signature of the Person authorised to execute documents and legally bind you by their execution. 2. All Grant funding and any interest earned on those funds, was expended for the purposes of the Activity and in accordance with the Grant Agreement and that the Grantee has complied with the Agreement. ……………………………………………………… Signature Date Please print name Position in institution: Signature of the Chief Financial Officer / Person authorised to execute documents and legally bind you by their execution. Notes: 1) Certification may be made by a single signatory, where appropriate. 2) Any interest earned on the Grant, or additional funding provided by the Department, must be included. 3) The Department may request financial statements to be provided as evidence.
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