Fifth Sunday of Easter May 3, 2015 Daniel A

Fifth Sunday of Easter
May 3, 2015
In Your Prayers Please Remember The Sick and
Hospitalized Members Of Our Parish Community
Matthew Amarante, Carmel Carleo, Theresa Carlisi,
Michael Falcone, Barbara Kretkowski, Peter Levantino,
Kevin Ledwith, Dino Marchese, Philomena O’Donnell,
Thomas Palmieri, Claire Parisi, Marguerite Quinn, Joan Thomson
The names will remain for six consecutive weeks unless the
Rectory Office is notified.
Monday, May 4th ~ Easter Weekday
9:00 am
Joseph Murtha (d)
Tuesday, May 5th ~ Easter Weekday
9:00 am
Kathleen Bradley (d)
Our Parishioners Serving In The Military
Wednesday, May 6th ~ Easter Weekday
9:00 am
Mary & Frank Skelly (d)
Please keep all our Military and Support Personnel
in your prayers especially:
United States Air Force
1st Lt. William F. Cosgrove
United States Navy
LT Michael Annunziata
Lt. Geoff Hendrick
IC2 Bryanne Heim Iddings
LTJG Ryan Patrick Mahon
Thursday, May 7th ~ Easter Weekday
9:00 am
Anna Lentini (d)
Friday, May 8th ~ Easter Weekday
9:00 am
Vincenza Florentino (d)
United States Army
Spc Andrew J. Baez
Major Thomas Barrett
Spc Lotachukwu Okoye
United States Marine Corps
L Cpl Kristofer Katzenberger
CWO-4 Kris Kurrus
“Lord, hold our troops in Your loving hands. Protect them as they
protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they
perform for us in our time of need. We ask this in the name of
Jesus, Our Lord and Savior. Amen.”
Saturday, May 9th ~ Easter Weekday
9:00 am
Alfred T. Berna (d)
5:00 pm
For all Mother’s Living & Deceased
Angelina Iadevaio (d)
Please let us know if any of our Military and Support Personnel
have returned home safely, so that we may update our prayer list.
Sunday, May 10th ~ Sixth Sunday of Easter
7:30 am
Michael Dougherty (d)
9:30 am
Marie DeVita (d)
11:00 am
Thomas J. McGarry (d)
12:30 pm
For Our Parishioners
For all Mothers Living & Deceased
Joan Shields (d)
Martin Griffin (d)
5:00 pm
Anna Lusardi (d)
Pray for Priests
God, our Father, please send us holy priests, all for the
Sacred and Eucharistic Heart of Jesus, all for the Sorrowful
and Immaculate Heart of Mary, in union with St. Joseph. We
pray that the Blessed Mother wrap her mantle around your
priests, and through her intercession strengthen them for
their ministry. We pray that Mary will guide your priests to follow her
own words, “Do whatever He tells you.” (Jn 2:5) May your priests be
holy, filled with the fire of your love, seeking nothing but your greater
glory and the salvation of souls. Amen.
The Sanctuary Lamp burns
In Memory of
All Deceased members of
Our Lady of Lourdes
Requested by
Malverne Walsh Funeral Home
Rev. John McCarthy
Rev. John McCartney
Rev. Brian McQuade
Rev. Hugo Medellin
Rev. Janusz Mocarski
Rev. Stephen Nash
For all priests and deacons
We offer opportunities for donations to be made on special
occasions in memory of loved ones both living and deceased
through the placement of Altar Flowers in the sanctuary or by
memorializing the Sanctuary Lamp that burns near the Tabernacle,
the Altar Bread, and the Altar Wine for the week.
Main Altar Flowers: $80
Tabernacle Bouquet: $30 each
Sanctuary Lamp: $25
Altar Bread: $25
Altar Wine: $25
An acknowledgement of your memorial will appear in the
Sunday bulletin.
Please come to the Rectory Office to make arrangements!
Grant eternal peace to those whom
You have called unto yourself,
O Lord
Daniel A. Cassidy
Michela Minio
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From the Pastor’s Desk
The month of May is a special one for all of us in Our Lady of Lourdes. It is the month dedicated
to our Blessed Mother, the patroness of our parish. Through her intercession, we have been graced by
God. I invite you to reflect upon the many ways you have felt His goodness in your lives. Think about
all of those things that you are most grateful for.
I would encourage you to avail yourselves of the opportunities we have this month to say “thank
you” to Mary for continuing to watch over us. Try to attend the 9 am Mass Monday thru Friday before
which the Rosary is prayed every morning beginning at 8:30. If you are unable to get to Mass through
the week, you might consider praying the rosary each evening as a family.
One of the special traditions that takes place during the month of May is that of the May Crowning. The children of Our Lady of Lourdes School will participate in this ceremony during the 9 am
School Mass on Friday, May 8. The ceremony for all families in the parish will take place during the
9:30 am Family Mass on Sunday, May 10. Please make an extra effort to join us for one or both of
these services.
In your name I would like to congratulate the second grade boys and girls of our parish school
and Religious Education Program who have just received Jesus in the Eucharist for the very first time.
The joy and enthusiasm with which they entered into this special celebration can certainly be a source
of inspiration for us all. They help us to be mindful of just how special a gift is given to us each and
every time we receive the Body and Blood of Our Lord in Holy Communion. I cannot encourage you
strongly enough to be sure to celebrate Mass with us and to welcome the Lord into your hearts and
lives each and every weekend, and each and every other day as well when possible!
A big “thank you” is in order for all those who have prepared our First Communicants for this
special moment. The faith and support of their family and friends, the dedication and love of their
teachers and the administration and staff of the Religious Education Program and Our Lady of Lourdes
School have made the love of God for them something they can truly experience in their hearts. It is
my prayer that this will be the first of many, many Holy Communions for them as they continue on
their journey of faith.
Father Frank
Welcome to the Newly Baptized
Reflection for next Sunday, May 10, 2015
Sixth Sunday of Easter
Brandon Arthur Hughes
First Reading: Acts of the Apostles
10:25-26, 34-35, 44-48 (56B)
Second Reading: 1 John 4:7-10
Gospel: John 15:9-17
This is my commandment: love one another as I love you.
Bulletin Reflection
In today’s Gospel, Jesus says that God is glorified when a
disciple, grafted in Christ, produced abundantly and bears
much fruit. The disciple must then be a good steward of
that abundance.
Focus Questions
1. Describe a time when you felt God’s unconditional love.
2. How do you bring God’s love to others?
3. Describe a time when a friend sacrificed something for
Children and Family Reflections
Jesus calls His followers His friends. How will you act like a
friend of Jesus this week?
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Time, Talent & Treasure
Fostering Stewardship as a Way of Life
Parish Sacrificial Giving Summary
April 26, 2015: $11,807
Last Year:
A Special Invitation
“Let the little children come to Me . . .
for the kingdom of Heaven
belongs to such as these.”
May Crowning
Mary, Queen of Heaven!
Sunday, May 10th ~ 9:30 am Mass
First Communicants are invited to participate in the
ceremony dressed in their First Communion clothes.
Page 3
Wedding Banns
A Gift For Mom
Banns II:
Louis Enrico Del Balzo of
Our Lady of Lourdes &
Bobbi Frances Giugliano of
St. Catherine of Sienna, Franklin Square
Mothers’ Day corsages
will be available after the
5:00 pm Mass on
Saturday, May 9 and the morning Masses
on Sunday, May 10 from members of the
Human Life Committee.
Daniel Brian Johnson & Jessica Brennan,
both of St. Agnes, Rockville Centre
Rosary Altar Society
Our Lady of Lourdes Thrift Shop will be
open on Wednesdays from 9:30 am to 2:30
pm and on the first and third Saturdays
of the month from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm.
The Saturday dates are: May 2 and 16,
June 6 and 20. This is the time for spring
and summer seasonal items. Women and
children’s clothing, jewelry and household
items are here for you. Please visit soon.
Donations gladly accepted at any time.
Proceeds will be donated to
St. Vincent de Paul
In the Gospel today, Jesus says “Whoever remains in
Me and I in him will bear much fruit, because without
Me you can do nothing.” Indeed, by helping the poor
we can “bear much fruit” and we find that with Jesus
we can do everything.
Your gift to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul will show
that you are indeed the disciple of Jesus as it will bring
your love to those who live in fear and doubt, loneliness
and dread.
Up-coming Events:
Thursday afternoon at 12:30 pm, May 21st is our next
Open Meeting in the Church Hall. Doris Laxton is planning a “Spring Picnic”. Mark your calendar.
Food Pantry:
Spaghetti, Bathroom Tissue, Tuna, grape Jelly,
Powder Potatoes, Packets of Brown Rice, Black Beans,
Soaps, Mixed Vegetables (canned), Soup Cups
Thursday evening at 7:30 pm, June 18th will be our final
meeting of the year. Plans are being made for entertainment and delicious refreshments.
Mary, Dearest Mother up above, Virgin, you gave us a gift of Love
Mary, gazing down from Heaven afar, On your head a crown of many stars.
When we are in need of consolation, We come to you in prayer and mediation,
You are the one we ask to intercede, To God, for all the help that we so need.
Mary, shining light, you are my guide, Ever, in my thoughts do you abide.
Mary, I hope to gaze on your face, Someday, in your holy dwelling place.
Mary, Dearest Mother.
Geri Lecessi
Beatitudes for Mothers
Blessed are mothers. . .who did without for us, they will be rewarded
Blessed are mothers. . .who lost sleep when we were sick, they will find rest.
Blessed are mothers. . .who taught us how to pray, they will share God’s kingdom.
Blessed are mothers. . .who comforted us, they shall be comforted.
Blessed are mothers. . .who taught us right from wrong, they will know justice.
Blessed are mothers. . .who share with us the meaning of peace, they shall know peace.
Blessed are mothers. . .who taught us the importance of loving God and each other, they shall see God.
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The challenge of peace in today’s world is multifaceted. Violence, terrorism, ethnic and religious battles are
going on all over the globe but especially in the Middle East and in Africa. It is easy to get angry and even
vengeful. But, Lord teaches us, Blessed are the peacemakers.
The Holy Father constantly calls us to be peacemakers. To all who will listen, he urges us to reach out and protect the suffering, the homeless, the victims, including our Christian brothers and sisters so often the targets of
violence and murder, along with other ethnic and religious minorities. The drama of war and its many side effects has become a daily occurrence and there seems to be no true end in sight. We will be living with violence
and threats of violence for a long time. What are we then to do? We cannot resign ourselves to indifference or
silence. We are responsible for the good of others, especially the suffering and the innocent.
For us disciples of Jesus Christ, the prince of peace, there is no choice but to follow His example and become
instruments of His peace. That demands first and foremost that we recognize that ultimately peace is a gift
from God Who alone can guarantee true and lasting peace. The sure consequence of that truth is that we
must enroll ourselves into the ranks of men and women who pray daily for peace. Prayer is God’s weapon of
choice that is always at the ready so long as we exercise it. For this reason, I am issuing a call to peace as
Bishop of this Diocese, an urgent invitation to one and all, without exception, to accept the responsibility and to
commit ourselves to daily prayer for peace.
The Holy Fathers from 1967 till today ask us to dedicate the first day of the New Year or a day near it as the
World Day of Peace. As a local Church, I wish to renew our commitment to that. The Cathedral of Saint Agnes
will designate either New Year’s Day or January 24, the Feast of Mary, Queen of Peace, to be celebrated as the
World Day of Peace every year. I invite us all to unite in the fraternal bond of prayer with our Holy Father who
offers us year after year a Message for the World Day of Peace which, taken together, have become a rich and
inspiring catechesis of peace.
1. As Bishop, I am authorizing that every parish include in the Prayer of the Faithful at every Sunday Mass the
following intention: For peace in our world, an end to violence wherever people are being persecuted,
driven from their homes or put to death, that through the intercession of Mary, Queen of Peace, God’s gift
of peace might soon be attained, we pray to the Lord.
2. Every parish is to organize a Holy Hour before the Blessed Sacrament exposed at least once a month for the
intentions of peace and the restoration of peace and harmony everywhere that it is being destroyed. As
Saint Augustine wrote, Some want to make a desert and call it peace. We pray for peace that is the fruit of
justice and love. At Our Lady of Lourdes, this intention will be included in Adoration on the second Thursday of each month.
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3. While I know that many of the faithful throughout our Diocese pray the rosary every day, for some that is
more than they can reasonably do. Still, the rosary to Mary, the Queen of Peace, is one of the most powerful and effective prayers we have. For that reason, I would ask as many of you as can to commit yourself to
say the rosary once a week for the gift of peace. You do not have to say the rosary alone. Within your parish you may know people who would be willing to do this with you. We can form a rosary chain from parish
to parish that will link us to one another across the breadth of our Diocese in a fervent rosary of intercession to Mary, the Mother of God, Queen of Peace. Perhaps some may want to add this invocation at the
end of each decade: Mary, Queen of Peace, pray for us. At Our Lady of Lourdes the rosary is prayed each
morning, Monday through Saturday, before the 9:00 am Mass.
4. We have received updated information from Caritas Iraq about the plight of Christians in the area. I authorize a special collection to be taken in the summer (August 8 / 9), the proceeds to be used to assist those
who are suffering religious persecution in Syria and Iraq and wherever needed. I am sending money from
my charities account to offer immediate assistance and I invite the generosity of all Catholics.
5. Finally may I offer you a special prayer for peace written by our beloved Pope Saint John XXIII? Please use
this prayer whenever you pray privately. I authorize its use in meetings and in gatherings of the faithful. I
urge our Catholic schools to say this prayer daily at the morning home room when the Pledge of Allegiance
is recited. It would be a good prayer for CYO and school sports to use at the beginning of games. The
Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Daughters, the Rosary Societies and the many other volunteer and
apostolic groups that meet and work to advance the Kingdom of God might also include this prayer in their
gatherings or at the end of a rosary or the beginning or end of trip, a visit or a day. Telecare will find ways
to use this prayer between their television programs. Here it is and it soon will be available on a small
prayer card for your convenience.
Lord Jesus Christ, who are called the Prince of Peace,
Who are yourself our peace and our reconciliation,
Who so often said, ‘Peace to you’,
Grant us peace!
Make all men and women witnesses of truth, justice and brotherly love.
Banish from their hearts whatever might endanger peace.
Enlighten our rulers that they may guarantee and defend the great gift of peace.
May all peoples of the earth become as brothers and sisters.
May longed-for peace blossom forth and reign always over us all. AMEN
Mary, Queen of Peace, Pray for us!
(Pope Saint John XXIII)
My brothers and sisters, it is my hope and prayer that our Diocese will become a burning furnace of prayer for
peace using any and all of the ways God gives us to intercede for peace in the world. Let us be the instruments
to stir up a renewed commitment to peace. By being peacemakers, by being men and women of prayer, men
and women who call on Mary and the saints to be our protagonists, and add their pleas to ours that the God of
mercy who sent his Son to bring peace into the world may change hearts and enflame lives so that violence,
bloodshed and murder may end and the world may know true peace, which is a gift from God for all humankind.
Fraternally yours in Christ,
Page 6
Religious Education
Principal’s Corner
“I need a hand to hold, as I go on through this life, because
I’m not very strong, and want someone at my side to comfort
and sustain me, and help me if I fall, to reassure me when it
feels like no one cares at all. Someone is holding my hand;
His own hands are strong and kind. He is my Savior and
Friend, here throughout the life of mine.”
Confirmation News
All 7th and 8th grade students in the Confirmation Preparation Program will continue writing in their Mass Journal
booklets for Saturday evening or Sunday Mass. Check to
see each week if one or two pages are to be completed and
fill in all the answers. The books must be turned into the
rectory and may be picked up the following Wednesday or
The book must be completed until the end of May.
The Sacrament of Confirmation will be administered on
Wednesday, May 20th at 1:00 pm and 3:30 pm
by Bishop Brennan.
Confirmation Practices:
 Those being confirmed at 1:00 pm ~ practice on Monday, May 11th, 6:00 pm in the Church with your
 Revision: Those being confirmed at 3:30 pm ~ practice on Monday, May 18th at 6:00 pm in the Church
with your Sponsor.
3:30 PM.
Our second graders received their First Holy Communion on Saturday and will help lead us in Mass on
Friday, May 8, along with our Student Council. We
will also crown Mary during Mass. Let us continue
with our devotions to Mary during this month of May
which is dedicated to her.
Our fourth and fifth graders will be visiting the Cradle of Aviation this week. Our Mother’s Day Teas for
nursery and pre-k are scheduled for this week also.
Looking ahead, May 13 will be an early dismissal and
school will be closed for Ascension Thursday (holy
day of obligation) on Thursday, May 14. We will be
celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation on
Wednesday, May 20. That will also be an early dismissal day. Our Band Concert is May 12.
Please continue to consult our website for further information regarding our school:
Let us be people of peace in prayer and deed.
Our Lady of Lourdes Youth Ministry
Presents . . .
“Follow the Signs of Peace”
June 29th to July 10th
A Summer Bible Camp for Ages 4 to 9
When: weekdays from 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Where: At OLL School and Church
Cost: $110 for two weeks
Chaminade High School
Second trimester Honor Roll
Liam P. Furlong
Paul J. Ariola
Gage J. Campbell
*See Parish Website for Registration Form
For additional information call:
Linda Baldacchino at 241-1896
Page 7
Join us for the
OLL Men’s Club
53rd Annual Golf Outing
“May today there be peace within. May you
trust God that you are exactly where you
are meant to be. May you not forget the
infinite possibilities that are born of faith.
May you use those gifts that you have
received, and pass on the love that has been given to
you. May you be content knowing you are a child of
God. Let this presence settle into your bones, and
allow your soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and
love. It is there for each and every one of us.”
~ St.Therese of Lisieux
**New Location**
June 15th
Rockville Centre Links Club
$250.00 includes:
Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, and
Cocktails . . . Prizes, Giveaways,
Live Auctions
12:00 pm Shotgun Start
Prayer to be recited after Mass on the 1st Thursday of
the Month until October 2015
(by Pope Francis)
Contact: or
Greg Miller: 516-449-2400 or
John McNierney: 516-398-4019
Synod of the Family
Understanding Medicare Health Insurance and Benefits
Saturday, May 9th ~ 9 am to 10:30 am
Long Island State Veterans Home
100 Patriots Road, Stony Brook
Multi-Purpose Room ~ Continental Breakfast served
Topics include: selecting a Prescription Drug Benefit Plan
(Medicare Part D); Medicare Savings Programs; Elderly Pharmaceutical Insurance Coverage; Understanding Medicare Advantage Plans including Health Maintenance Organizations,
Preferred Provider Organizations, Private Fee for Service and
Special Needs Plans; The Medicare Gap. Event free, open to
public. 444-8606;
All Parish & School Volunteers
At the insistence of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, please be aware that No
Group or Organization will be able to schedule their events until we have an
updated roster of volunteers from each group.
Every parish & school volunteer must have completed the following:
 Background check
 Virtus Workshop
 Code of Conduct
To register for VIRTUS go to: or website at:
If you or someone you know has experienced an incident of sexual abuse by
clergy, employee or volunteer of the Diocese of Rockville Centre, please contact
the office for the Protection of Children and Young People. The office maintains a
special phone for these situations: 516-594-9063.
Page 8
“Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the
splendor of true love, to you we turn with trust. Holy
Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be
places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the
Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of
Nazareth, may families, never again experience violence,
rejection and division: may all who have been hurt or
scandalized, find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of
Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us
once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the
family, and its beauty in God’s plan. Jesus, Mary and
Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, Spouse of your One Bride, the Church,
we beg you to pour out your grace on the
Synod of the Family.
St. Therese of Lisieux, pray for us
Sts. John Paul II and John XXIII, pray for us
Sts. Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, pray for us
All Holy Angels and Saints of God, Pray for us
The Shrine of Our Lady of the Island
258 Eastport Manor Road, Manorville
Presents: A Day of Prayer in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima
Wednesday, May 13th—Free to Attend, Donations Appreciated
10 am-Outdoor Rosary Walk; 11:30 am-Mass
12:30 pm-lunch break; 1:30 pm-Conference; 3pm-Holy Hour;
Pro-Life Corner
“The extermination of millions of preborn children, in the
name of the fight against poverty, actually constitutes the
destruction of the poorest of all human beings.”
~ Pope Benedict XVI
St. Monica’s
Intercessory Group
Knights of Columbus
St. Mary’s / Maris Stella Council #2228
As we are made in God’s image,
so may we live in God’s Likeness.
78 Hempstead Avenue, Lynbrook
Atlantic City Bus Trip to
Resorts on
Monday, May 18th ~ 9:00 am
Saturday, May 16
Come pray for those you love to
“Come home to the Catholic Faith”
In the Church Hall after 9:00 am Mass
Together we will pray for the conversion of all God’s
children, by entrusting them to God our Father, through
the intercession of our Blessed Mother and St. Monica.
For further information contact: Geri Lecessi at 887-9252
Join us in prayer in the Church Hall every third Saturday or
list the names of those that you would like us to pray for.
Return to the Rectory or place in the collection basket:
Package: $25 (Subject to Change)
Cost: $40
Free parking at rear of Council
Free Continental Breakfast at 8:00 am
Call Bruno Arena: 516-507-2368 for
Reservations ASAP
St. Monica’s Intercessory Group
Please pray for:
Coming Up This Week
All parishioners are invited to volunteer to be a part of the
offertory procession at the Mass which you attend. This may
be especially appropriate if the Mass is being offered for a
relative or friend!
Please see one of the ushers before Mass begins
to make your intention known.
Malverne Historical & Preservation
Joseph L. Landers Memorial Restoration
369 Ocean Avenue, Malverne
Annual Sunday Brunch
June 7th
12:00 pm to 2:30 pm
$25.00 per person
Catered by the renowned chef from
Farm House Kitchen, Rockville Centre
Seating limited
Reservations necessary
Call: Candy at 516-599-3892
Page 9
Monday, May 4
2:30 pm .......... After School Program .....................................................School Hall
7:30 pm .......... Al-Anon .......................................................... Rectory Dining Room
7:30 pm .......... Beginner Al-Anon ................................................. Rectory Room #2
8:00 pm .......... CYO Board Meeting ........................................................School Hall
Tuesday, May 5
9:30 am .......... Cenacle Meeting ............................................. Rectory Dining Room
9:30 am .......... Legion of Mary..................................................... Rectory Room #2
1:30 pm .......... Scripture Study/Intercessory Prayer Meeting...... Rectory Dining Room
2:30 pm .......... After School Program .....................................................School Hall
7:00 pm .......... Boy Scout Committee Meeting .......................... Rectory Dining Room
Wednesday, May 6
9:30 am to 2:30 pm—RAS Thrift Shop
2:30 pm .......... After School Program .....................................................School Hall
2:00 pm .......... Daisy Troop Meeting ..................................................... Church Hall
7:00 pm .......... AA ................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
7:30 pm .......... 8th Grade Dinner Meeting .............................................. Church Hall
8:15 pm .......... AA ................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Thursday, May 7
2:30 pm .......... After School Program .....................................................School Hall
2:45 pm .......... Girl Scout Troop # 2021 ................................................ Church Hall
2:50 pm .......... Girl Scout Troop # 2568 .................................. Rectory Dining Room
7:30 pm .......... RAS Board Meeting ......................................... Rectory Dining Room
Friday, May 8
2:30 pm .......... After School Program .....................................................School Hall
2:45 pm .......... Girl Scout Troop 2179 Meeting ....................................... Church Hall
7:00 pm .......... McHenry Dance .............................................................School Hall
8:00 pm .......... AA ................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Saturday, May 9
9:45 am .......... Human Life Committee Meeting ...................................... Church Hall
Mother’s Day Corsage Sale after 5:00 pm Mass
7:00 pm .......... AA ................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Sunday, May 10
Mother’s Day Corsage Sale after all Masses (except 5:00 pm Mass)
8:00 am .......... Folk Group Rehearsal .................................................... Church Hall
9:30 am .......... Parish May Crowning ........................................................... Church
10:30 am ........ RCIA .............................................................. Rectory Dining Room
2:00 pm .......... Baptisms ............................................................................ Church
7:15 pm .......... AA ................................................................. Rectory Dining Room
Community News
Seminary of Immaculate Conception: Graduate level courses in Theology (also offered at St. Joseph’s Seminary, Yonkers). Summer semester runs May 18 to June 30; day and evening classes available. For more
information call: 631-423-0483 ext. 147 or
Widows and Widowers, Divorced and Single Catholics of Long Island:
Our 39th year, Nassau County Chapter No. 1 (P.O. Box 2031); Publicity
Committee Newsletter, Chairperson, Lucille Ferrara; new member orientation, non-denominational, all are welcome; Tuesday, May 26th at 8
pm; meeting is held every fourth Tuesday at S. Frances de Chantal
School, 1309 Wantagh Avenue, Wantagh; please bring proof of single
status to join; refreshments served after meeting; for further information, call Carol at 516-794-4933 or Barbara at 516-798-2858.
World Youth Day: Krakow, Poland 2016; July 24, 2016 to August 2,
2016. “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy.” An ongoing pilgrimage of faith for our youth and young adults. The experiences our young people have during this pilgrimage are life changing
experiences of faith that ultimately lead them closer to Christ Jesus. It
is not a mission that lasts just a day or a week—it is part of a lifetime
journey of faith! Join the Diocese of Rockville Centre as we journey
together with 206 Tours to Krakow for WYD 2016! Please note that to
register you must be at least 15 years old on or before July 23, 2016.
For more information or to register, please contact either Marianne
Sheridan, Director for Youth and Young Adults at
or Yaritza from 206 Tours at
Dominican Village: 565 Albany Avenue, Amityville; 631-842-6091;;; independent
retirement community, assisted living residence, respite care; contact
us to schedule a tour at your convenience. Please join us for an Open
House from 1 pm to 3 pm—May: Thursday, 7th & 21st; Saturday, 16th &
Pilgrimage to Fatima, Lourdes, Santiago de Compostela and St.
Theresa of Avila: 11 days: October 30 to November 9; hosted by: Deacon Charles and Marlene Muscarnera of St. Christopher, Baldwin and
Rev. James P. Mannion of Diocese of Rockville Centre; $2,859 per person from New York (air / land tour price is $2,179 plus $680 government
taxes / airline fuel surcharges); space is limited at this very special price.
For full details call 516-223-4521 or e-mail:
Tabor Retreat Center: 60 Anchor Avenue, Oceanside; 536-3004;; “Wisdom and Healing Circle” - April 30, May 14, June 4 from 9:45 am to 12 noon. Presenter, Meredith Zelman Narissi, MS, RPP.
Cenacle Retreat Office: 631-588-8366 x116;
 “Contemplative Singles” - Maude Adams House; Sundays from 10
am to 2 pm; May 17, June 21, July 12, August 9, September 20, October 18, November 15, December 20. Join other faith-based singles as we explore God’s desire for each of us and discuss our call
to action in the Ministry of Single Life. Facilitator, Joan McGovern,
Cenacle Staff Associate; offering $35 includes lunch (415 deposit
required to hold your reservation)
 “A Day to Mother Me” - Retreat Center; Sunday, May 10 from 10
am to 4 pm, arrivals and refreshments—9:30 am. This day is for
Twelve Step women only. Program includes engaging presentations, process time and opportunity for integration. Presenter,
Ann Schehr, LMHC, CRC; offering $50, lunch included ($15 deposit
required to hold your reservation).
Magnificat, a Ministry to Catholic Women, cordially invites you to attend a dinner on Wed, May 20th at The Pompeii Restaurant, West
Hempstead from 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm. Our speaker for the evening is
Sister Marie Therese, a CFR Sister of the Renewal, who will be sharing
her amazing story of conversion and God’s call to a religious vocation.
Cost $40 pp, reservations must be received by May 13th and mailed to:
Judy Murphy, 42 Pinehurst Street, Lido Beach, NY 11561. For Info call
Judy Murphy: 917-453-4750 or Angela Rizzo: 516-763-1739. Thank you!
Bereavement Support Groups: (Rockville Centre) Good Shepherd
Hospice Bereavement Services are opened to anyone in the community
who has experienced a loss through death at no charge. Upcoming
Bereavement Support Groups, led by a Bereavement Specialist, include: Spousal / Partner Loss Group: May 6 to June 24 from 5 pm to
6:30 pm; General Loss Bereavement Support Group: May 6 to June 24
from 6:45 pm to 8:15 pm; groups to be held at Mercy Medical Center,
first floor conference room, 1000 North Village Avenue, Rockville Centre. Registration required; please call Maribeth McKeever, LCSW-R at
The Voice of Catholic Women: Office of Faith Formation, Diocese of
Rockville Centre; Reflecting on “The Joy of the Gospel” (Evangelii
Gaudium), Pope Francis; 3rd Annual Women’s Conference; Elizabeth
McCaul, Gail F. Sullivan, Saturday, may 30th, registration at 9:15 am at
the Seminary of the Immaculate Conception, 440 West Neck Road,
Huntington; offering:
$25 (lunch included).
For more info:
Retrouvaille: Another marriage saving weekend is on May 29th. You
can help heal your marriage! Do you feel alone? Are you frustrated or
angry with each other? Do you argue or have you just stopped talking
to each other? Does talking about it only make it worse? Retrouvaille
helps couples through difficult times in their marriages. This program
has helped thousands of couples worldwide experiencing all types of
marital difficulties. For confidential information about the program, or
to register for the upcoming weekend, please call 1-800-470-2230 and
you will be connected directly and confidentially to a couple from Long
Island / Metro Retrouvaille who can help. Please call or go on the web
to make a reservation. Weekends get filled up very quickly.
Montfort Spiritual Center: 26 South Saxon Avenue, Bay Shore; 631666-7500. “Mary Model for Prayer” Tuesday afternoons from 1 pm to
3:30 pm. Reconciliation, Conference, The Holy Rosary, Celebration of
the Eucharist. Free will offering, registration requested.
 May 5 / Devotion to Mary, Trinity, Christ, Church—Fr. George
Werner, SMM
 May 12 / Prayer, Meditation, Imagination—Fr. George Werner,
 May 19 / Virtues of Mary: Faith and Trust—Fr. James Manning,
 May 26 / Mary—Our Intercessor with Jesus—Fr. Peter McCrann,
Family, Marriage, and Individual Therapy: provided by New York State
licensed therapists, are available to our parishioners at 148 other parishes. This program, under the direction of Dr. George Giuliani, has
been conducted in the diocese for the past 41 years for the convenience of parishioners. It is provided by the Catholic Counseling Center,
which is independent of and not controlled or supervised by the parish
or diocese. Most insurance policies, including Medicare, are honored.
For confidential information and appointments, please call 631-2432503 or
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