bulletin insert

The Sixth!
Sunday of Easter!
May 10, 2015!
Cathedral Prayer List
Please use this prayer list as your resource and guide as you pray
throughout the week for those in our beloved Cathedral family
requesting prayer.
We pray for those who have died: John DeVries (son-in-law of Sheila Crawford)
We pray for the family members and friends of the Cathedral: John Allen (brother of
Bubba Allen); Wyatt Aiken (friend of Gene and Gail Woods); Mary Tipton Carter (niece
of Jean Fisher); Susan & Ed Chazal (parents of Aimee McMillin); J.D. Fleming (friend of
Julie Reinbold); Mary Gentry; Susan Graham (daughter of Buddy Chapman); Chris KitePowell (brother of Steve Kite-Powell); Ghana Leigh; Mary McCall (Marcia Wunderlich’s
stepmother); Joan Moore (mother of Warner Moore); Isinell Newbill (mother of Pat
Geelan); Cliff Plunk (father of Ainslie Plunk); Tom Shuller (friend of Helen Hiatt); Ann
Smith (mother of Ann-Margaret Hedges); Melchior Oiguin; The Shaw family (friends of
Ainslie Plunk); Lee Stewart (son of Jackie Stewart); Martha Taylor (sister of Billy
Pullen); Donald Vistica, Sr. (father of Don Vistica); Kate Watson (sister of Madeleine
Edwards and Robert Watson); Florence and James Woolfork (friends of Eulah Clarke);
and those who care for them.
We pray for Cathedral members: Scottie Brafford, Frances Britt, Sara Frey, Mark
Henderson, Carol Jones, Lib Lea, Jenks McCrory, Babs Moore, Carmen Phillipy, Lee
Stewart, Jimmy Maynor, Gene Woods, and those who care for them.
We pray for those serving in the armed forces: Aaron Rozovsky (friend of Marilyn
Dunavant); Robert Renquist (brother-in-law of Nelson Griffin)
We pray for those celebrating birthdays this week: May 10-Carsten Martin & Babs
Moore; 12th-Bill Hickman & Anna Ratton; 14-Sasha McIndoo; 15-Garland Sullivan &
Barry White; 16-Robin Horton & Errol Moses
We pray for those with Great Expectations: Libby Meyer & Dania Watson
We pray for those being Confirmed today, May 10, 2015.
! !
! Welcome! We know
you could be anywhere today. So, thank
you for blessing us with your presence
and celebrating your life in Christ with us.!
At St. Mary’s, we are a house of
prayer for all people, committed to
changing the world by changing
ourselves first. Scripture, music, and the
Sacraments are at the heart of our
worship as a faith community. We affirm
the dignity, sanctity, and equality of every
human being.
All are welcome,
regardless of racial and ethnic heritage,
sexual orientation, or faith perspective.!
You are invited to share with us in
our commitment to create a more hopefilled and just world. We hope today’s
celebration nourishes your soul, invites
you more deeply into the life of Christ,
and sends you out into the world
renewed for the journey ahead.
May 17!
10 am- Christian Formation!
Dean Andy, “Sabbath”, MH!
Scottie Brafford, “Soul Stretching,
Reflecting on Sunday's Gospel with
Contemplative Spiritual Practices”,
11 am-Youth Sunday!
May 24—Pentecost Sunday!
Bishop Johnson!!
Congratulations to
the 2015
confirmation class! !
Answers to St Mary’s Prayers this Easter Season!
Honor a loved one—MOM?!?!— in a unique way.
Want to make a gift in honor of someone you love? Looking for something extra to do for St.
Mary’s? Here are some ways to help. Check the bubble next to the item you wish to donate &
place in enclosed envelope with “Easter gift” in the memo line. Mail or place in offering plate.
For questions, contact Judy Phillips at 527-3361 or jphillips@stmarysmemphis.org.
Become a Hospitality Sponsor for St. Mary’s first-ever cookbook
come to the table with your tax-deductible gift in one of the following categories:
Cathedral Circle for gifts of $500 and above;
Dean’s Circle for gifts $101 to $499;
Canon's Circle for gifts $50 to $100.
Gifts will be recognized and published in honor of memory of your loved one in the
cookbook. Send your donation to St. Mary's Cathedral and note on your check
"Hospitality Sponsor" and enclose honorarium or memorial information. Cookbook
pre-sales in Martyrs Hall on Sundays - $25 per book.
Parish Wellness o $50 feeds 30 souls, body and spirit on a Wednesday morning. o $120 pays for two baskets of happiness and gratitude to be delivered to our homebound
o $340 sponsors a Wednesday morning Community Breakfast !
o $25 buys landscaping & >lowers to help us bloom o $75 buys paint to refresh the restrooms
o Give towards a kiosk to establish a Parishioner Communications kiosk to live in the Parish Hall (Total cost: $3,000) St. Mary’s
Summer Day Camp
Easter Season
In-Home Devotionals
June 1-4, 2015
9 am- 4 pm
Wednesdays at 6 pm
Rising Kindergarteners through rising 6th
graders are welcome to join us for music,
games, cooking, crafts, and fun at the
Cathedral! Cost is $100 per child. Rising 7th
graders and older may apply for teacher
assistant positions. Scholarships available.
Find forms online or call
901.527.3361 or email
Bring a dish and come
Wed, May 13 :
Home of
Nick French
Community Wellness o $500 purchases planters for the main entrance !
o $25 buys art supplies to give creativity and voice to the unsheltered, our most vulnerable persons of Memphis
o $150 sponsors a Pop Top Saturday breakfast Music & Worship Children & Youth !
o $200 sponsors a child to attend St. Mary’s Summer Camp this June !
o $150 pays for Nursery Care for a Special Event at the Cathedral o $100 buys supplies for Children’s Chapel activities and curriculum o $40 provides snacks for youth event
o $150 sponsors a brass section for a service !
o $600 memorializes a chapel chair in a person’s honor (includes plaque)
o $25 replaces a worn prayer book (includes a bookplate dedication)
o $50 to provide Paschal Candle Flowers. Open dates: May 3,10,17, & 24 !
o $125 adorns the altar with >lowers on Sunday. Open dates: May 3 & 24
Or Consider this…
Gifts of $1500 and above are being sought to help meet budget needs this year, sponsor the Dean’s Sabbatical, re>inish damaged Pews in the Nave, build new storage for the back of the nave, and more…