May 6, 2015 Dear Parents, The month of May is dedicated to Mary, Our Blessed Mother. The Catholic Church reminds us to think and to speak in a special way to Our Blessed Mother during May. The month of May is a spiritual invitation for us to open our hearts to Mary. Our Catholic faith sees Mary as a sign of God's love. Mary tells us about the security, depth and warmth of God’s love for us. Please take the time to spend time with Mary, Our blessed Mother through prayer, rosary, or researching her appearances worldwide. Mary is waiting to hear from us. The “Crowning of Mary” will be held on Thursday, May 14th. Students are encouraged to bring fresh cut flowers to their classrooms in the morning and the flowers will be put into arrangements for the May Crowning. The students will crown our Blessed Mother immediately following the 8:30 A.M. Mass. Please join us in this special celebration for Mary. Holy Mary, Mother of God pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death PLEASE PRAY FOR OLQA School Community and in thanksgiving for the safe return of our Eighth Graders and chaperones. 50th ANNIVERSARY WEEKEND We will celebrate with Bishop Vann at the 12 Noon Mass on May 17, 2015. Please join with us for this very special occasion. FIVE ON FIVE Yesterday, our five brave faculty members and five (at a time) fantastic sixth graders participated in a 5 on 5 basketball game during the last period of the school day. This fun event was a gift from the Saedi family that was purchased at the Auction. Tons of fun and school spirit was evident during the challenge. We can’t wait until next year!! STUDENT COUNCIL 2015 -2016 Election results will be announced on Friday, May 8. SAVE THE DATE The 25th Annual Golf Tournament is tomorrow - May 7th, Strawberry Farms Golf Club. Thank you to Mrs. Swatsek and Mr. Fanticola for spearheading this annual fun event. Thank you to all the volunteers who make this day so special. CONGRATULATIONS Congratulations are extended to our second grade students who received their First Eucharist last weekend and also this upcoming weekend. We pray they continue to grow in the Love of Jesus Christ. THE RECORDER CONCERT: SUNDAY, MAY 31st at 4:00 PM IN THE HALL On Sunday, May 31st, we will be hosting the Laguna Youth Recorder Ensemble for a concert in the Annex. OLQA 5th and 6th grade students are invited to join the Ensemble on some of their musical selections and perform some of their own music. All School families are invited to attend the concert and enjoy a fun musical hour. We especially would like to encourage our 4th graders and their families to come and see what they will be learning next year in music. If you are a 5th or 6th grader, please arrive at 2:30 for a combined rehearsal with the Laguna ensemble. We will also have a refreshment time so you can get to know the visiting players. Don’t forget your recorder and music binder. 5th graders, please RSVP to Ms. Landis at . 6th graders, please RSVP to Ms. Hwang at We need to know how many chairs to set up and how many refreshments to provide. If you are willing to assist with refreshments, please notify Ms. Landis. Thank you! UPCOMING EVENTS May 9, 10 Second Grade - First Holy Communion May 11 Fourth Grade – Walk through California May 14 May Crowning May 15, 16, 17 OLQA Jubilee Celebration Weekend May 11 IN N OUT May 21 Free Dress – an auction item May 22 Pastor Holiday – no school May 25 Memorial Day – no school August 31 First Day of School 2015 -2016 Thank you for your continued support, Eileen Ryan Our Lady Queen of Angels Pray for Us
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