“ PS atrician ociety If your heart is big enough, love someone. And if it’s really big enough, love everyone. ” Neighbors Helping Neighbors — Stevie Wonder Service In 2014, the Patrician Society marked 33 years providing assistance for elderly people on fixed incomes, homeless persons, parents with children and receiving diminishing public assistance benefits, residents of boarding homes, recently unemployed and underemployed family breadwinners, and others who experience a verifiable financial need. In this past calendar year, the Patrician Society worked with 1,465 families (unduplicated) in one or more of its service programs. The Emergency Food Cupboard: provides grocery baskets for eligible families on a monthly basis. Each family is entitled to receive one grocery package providing 3 meals each day for 3 days for all family members. H.U.M.A.N. Program: Housing, Utilities, and Medical Aid for Neighbors Summer Day Camp: six one-week sessions for boys and girls ages 5-11 ervice over the S past five years 20102011 2012 2013 2014 Food Cupboard Grocery Baskets distributed 4,839 4,839 5,473 6,100 5,815 Client families (unduplicated) 1,273 1,168 1,350 1,510 1,465 H.U.M.A.N. Program Client families (unduplicated) 122 123 110 196 207 Summer Day Camp (children enrolled) 240 243 241 242 240 Eligibility for Service Assistance at the Patrician Society is awarded based upon verifiable financial need. The Patrician Society carefully reviews all prospective recipients annually and does not rely solely on Federal Poverty Guidelines and recognizes no arbitrary income cut-off. Eligibility for assistance is determined by many factors including various types of family income and assets, number of persons in the household, current financial standing, and extraordinary or unusual family circumstances which may require immediate attention. After review, the Patrician Society will allocate available aid resources as equitably and effectively as possible in order to best serve the most clients. Mission Statement The Patrician Society of Central Norristown functions as a nonprofit, nonsectarian organization designed to meet the basic human needs of economically disadvantaged adults, children and families in our community. The Patrician Society will utilize volunteer workers whenever possible and will solicit private and public monetary and in-kind resources for use in the conduct of its programs. Policy of Non-Discrimination The Patrician Society is committed to ensuring that no individual shall, on the basis of race, national original, gender, age, religion or handicap be excluded from participation in, be denied benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in any program or activity of the organization. Resources The Patrician Society receives assistance from families, individuals, service organizations, schools, churches, businesses, clubs, neighborhood groups and scouts in the form of cash donations (for program and operational expenses) and non-perishable foods including canned soups, stews, cereal, macaroni and cheese, tuna, beans, peanut butter and jelly. How You Can Help n Make a donation of non-perishable foods. n Conduct a food drive in your community. n n n n 2 Contact the Patrician Society to find out more about various fundraisers throughout the year. Offer a cash donation (checks payable to “Patrician Society”). If applicable, choose the Patrician Society as beneficiary of your United Way or workplace payroll deduction. Spread the word among others about the work of the Patrician Society. The Patrician Society… n is designated by the Internal Revenue Service as a Code 501(c)(3) charitable organization. All contributions are fully tax-deductible. n is registered with the Pennsylvania Bureau of Charitable Organizations. For information about agency compliance, contributors are invited to contact the bureau in Harrisburg (800)732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement. n serves as an “RSVP Volunteer Station” through the Retired & Senior Volunteer Program. n is registered to receive gifts through the following federated agencies: America’s Charities; Merck Partnership for Giving; Pfizer Matching Gifts; Verizon Foundation; and the United Ways of Southeastern Pennsylvania and South Jersey, New England, Tri-State, Chester County, Delaware, Delaware County, Southeastern Delaware County, and Greater Triangle. Governance, Staff, Partners, Volunteers The Patrician Society is directed by a volunteer board which oversees the entire organization. Day-to-day activities are handled by an executive director, associate director, 20 regular volunteers, and a seasonal summer camp staff. The volunteers work approximately 60 hours each week transporting, sorting, packaging and distributing food as well as performing intake, clerical, and other services. Board of Directors President............................................................................ Marco Magdamo Vice President.................................................................. Mariann Bevenour Secretary........................................................................... Peggy Maccolini Treasurer........................................................................... Patricia Angelucci Board Drew Bilotta Eugene Giambrone Rev. Gus Puleo Robert Deckel Roger Lopata Catherine Scicchitano Barbara Drechsler (Emeritus) Helen McDonald Founder............................................................ Rev. Gerard D. McCaffrey Past Presidents Brian Sullivan Patricia Angeluccci Joseph McLaughlin Hon. Vincent Cirillo Roscoe McDowell Staff Executive Director................................................................Joseph Maccolini Summer Camp Dennis Mueller, Director Tasha Evans Maeve Rooney WAGES 20% Cullen Rota 3 Partner Volunteers 4 Mary Ann Evans Peter Lawrence Mary Lou Tague Greg Welch Dottie Lynch Steve Wheeler Suzanne Antonello Frank Lynch Dale Wilson Martaya Evans John Marberger Elaine Wilson Tasha Evans Maryann Mitchell Pius Yollong Clara Hilberts Michelle France Dave Morton Laureen Zybszinski Paul MacDonald Jeanne Gray Tom Myers Matt Zybszinski Jane Young Rudy Harrer Tony Rango Rev. Joshua Doshick Joe LeeAnn Rooney Sunny Joe Tim Rooney Linda Birochak Mariaangeles Landero Marianne Sergio Mark Noel Chris Lawrence Clare Spera Joe Zakrzewski Beal Bank: GlaxoSmithKline: R&D Finance Dept. St. John Vianney Church: Mitzvah Circle Foundation Honor Roll of Giving Please note: This Annual Report includes contributions given to the Patrician Society in calendar year 2014. Patrons Club (to $99) All Saints Episcopal Church Carmen & Joan DeStefano Anonymous Joan Detwiler Nancy Albrecht Clementine Deverant Judy Annatone Ronal & Nancy Dobson Art & Mark’s Auto Mary Anne & Charles Dobson Baker Construction Hugh Donlin Mary Bak Mary Donnelly Joseph & Anna Marie Barone Mike Dotson Margaret Battaglia Anne Dozer William & Mary Alice Battista Kate & Eric Dunn Chris & Mimi Beane Andy & Noel Dzuryachko Susan Beebe Margaret Earnest Eugene & Theresa Berti Benjamin Enters Gwen Blaylock Deborah Farrington Maryanne Bondi Jen Ferrell Mike & Rose Boneck Robert & Flora Firely Nancy Boyd James Fitzsimmons Janice Boyer Elsie Forcione Veronica Bradley Diane Franzoni Priscilla Brandon Angeline & Eugene Fusco Bruce Broser Christine Gaeto Dolores Burton Joan & Joseph Gallagher Carollynn & Joseph Butler Robert & Karen Ganley Virginia Chiodo Rosemary Gardner Samuel & Dale Chiodo Maryann & Raymond Gardner Paul Cipollini Viola Geiger Carolyn Coal Richard & Rose Marie Griffith Bob & Betty Conner Karen & Michael Gwin Thomas & Karen Connor Christina Haciski Amber Cormency Maria Heckmann Mary Beth Cusack Donna Hegge John & Joyce D’Lauro Frances Heidel Michael & Judith Daley Jeanne Hermley Alice Deegan Robert & Dorothy Hoffman Adam & Kathleen DePietro David & Mary Ann Hoffman 5 Patrons Club (to $99) (cont’d) Robert & Dorothy Hoffman David & Catharine Maxey Mary Jean & Robert O’Byrne William Skowronski David & Mary Ann Hoffman Ann & Dave McCarraher Jack & Tina O’Doherty Bernadette Smotrys Marianne & Craig Houston Carol McCartney Germaine O’Hara Clare Spera Renee Hultin Matthew & Donna McCloskey Minnie Olearsky Salvatore Spera Joan Johnson Maria McCracken MaryBeth Ormsby Sheila Steiner Andrea Kalacznik Andrew McGlincey Jane Owens William & Kathleen Straub Shannon Kastor Joe & Eleanor McGonigle Margaret Owens Anne Tague Therese Kehoe John & Dot McGuigan Greta Pellegrino Sharon Tarr Kathleen Kennedy Helen McLaughlin Lisa & Ralph Picard Marie & Peter Torrence Anna King Patrick & Lucia McLaughlin Michael Ragusa Laura & Stephen Valentin Brian & Kim Kirwan Patricia McNamee Charles Ragusa Joseph Vargo Patricia Langan Anne McVeigh Gloria Romano Alice Voegelin Louise Larkin Harvey & Suzan McWhorter Barbara Rorick Josephine & Francis Volpe Chris Lawrence Anthony & Mary Lou Melle Joan Rosania Arthur Wade Lindsey Insurance Group Donna Melle & Gary McCabe Rose Mary Roux Dolores Wainwright Eleanor Lundy Felicia Mickie Susan & Tom Royston Robert & Mary Ann Walsh Rev. John Lyons Rosemary & Jeffrey Moller Patricia Russell Pat Walsh Peggy & Joe Maccolini Montg. Bucks Dental Susan Saldutti Wegman’s Elena Santangelo Jack & Doris Wolper Patricia Magdamo Hygienists Herman & Maryanne Marks Anthony & Frances Mortelliti Sague Bus Service Linda Yovanovich Joe & Camilla Matozzo Dora Mueller Joseph & Kathleen Saxon Anne Zajac & family Mary Mauceri Dennis & Carol Murray Marianne & Gus Sergio Norma Zarfoss Perry Mauceri Francis & Robin Norris Mark & Diane Shellenberger Laureen & Matt Zbyszinski Campbell Rocco Law, LLC John & Dorothy DiMino Advanced Staging Productions Bill Boyd Nancy Carlin Gloria DiMino Gloria & Michael Alba Vivian & George Boyd Thomas & Kathleen Catagnus Shari Donath Ancient Order of Hibernians BPW, CMC Sally Christ Monica & Robert Donnelly Linda & Al Angello Edward & Rosemary Brandt Patricia Ciaccio John & Kathryn Donnelly Betty Angelucci Eleanor Brennan Clairmont Paciello & Co. Maureen Dougherty Hollie Annatone Michael & Maryann Brophy Gerry Clark Kathleen Dougherty Anonymous Family of Joe & Elinor Brophy Alvin & Elizabeth Coleman Barbara Drechsler Samuel & Debra Augustine Maureen Bungay Ann Corbo Timothy & Patricia Driscoll Michael & Mary Ann Ball Kevin & Catherine Burke Bob Deckel Colleen Duffy Michael & Sarah Bass Frances Butler Bonnie Dettore Nicole Echevarria Mariann & Paul Bevenour Eileen Cain Diliberto Plumbing & Heating Elks Lodge #714 Debbie Block Alice Campbell Christine Dillon Contributions ($100 –$499) A.M.C. 6 Emily Bosler Contributions ($100 –$499) (cont’d) Elizabeth Leibert Joseph & Karen Pinder Mary Watters-Smith Mary Ann & Michael Leigh Lorraine Posobiec David Weigel Mark & Lauren Eyer Rev. Msgr. Donald E. Leighton William Procyson Richard & Mary Williams Hilary Fennell Edward Loughlin Prudential Matching Gifts Elaine & Dale Wilson Kenneth & Joan Fichtner Catherine Lukesh Beverly Reichenbach Denise Wisniewski Thomas & Julia Fisher Frank & Mary Lutz Lisa Roberts Stephen & Gloria Wolfhope Jo-Ann Fletcher John & Sara Lyman Thomas Romano Patrice Wright Tina & Brian Foley Frank & Dorothy Lynch Glyn Rowlands Lorrie & Ron Frame Robert Mack Rudolph Clarke, LLC Michelle Francl-Donnay Robert & Mary MacNeel Michael & Kimberly Ryan Paul Frank Dr. Josy Malebranche Diana Sabol Raimondo Garcia Elizabeth Marberger Saint Patrick R.C. Church Helen Getzfread John & Bernadette McDonald Gerry & Paul Schmidt Albert Gibbons Ellen McDowell Joyce Scott Mary Gildea Gertrude & Patrick McGee Vincent Scott Marianne Given Thomas & Patricia McKittrick Howard & Sherri Sellers Maria Greco Deborah & Fred McQuiston Karen Shanoski & Brad Levan Denise Greco Robert Miller James & Susan Shelton Robert Grossi Laurence & Cynthia Miller Shreiner Tree Care Elizabeth Hallman Peter & Kathy Moore Sue & Gary Simmons Health Partners Foundation Mother Teresa Reg. Jean Spera Ericsson (co-workers of Hollie Annatone) Anne & David Helenski Rosalie Hetrick Lynn & Jeff Hoag Catholic School Delia Mullaney & John Hermann Kathryn Spergel St. Luke Youth Group Linda & Domenico Stabile Marcia & Joe Howell Teresa Murphy Glenn & Linda Stahl HVAC Answering Service, Inc. Rev. Msgr. Thomas Murray Marilyn Steinbright J.P. Mascaro & Sons James & Patricia Myers Brian Sullivan Eleanor Jackson Rev. John Nevins Susan Tague James Beerer Real Estate Mary Nickler Rozanne Tarlecky John DiRosato Plumbing Conrad Ogletree Eric Toburen Pabec Systems, Inc. Amy & Samuel Treichler Brian Kilmartin Judy & Richard Paolucci Treisbach Family Party Bernard & Jane Kranicka Beverly Pelliciotti Matthew & Donna Trotter Walter & Catherine Kunda Francis & Immaculata Pelone Jim & Tiffany Volovich Cathy & Mike Kunsch Edward Peterson Florence Waite Patricia Moran LaManna Barbara & Paul Petroske Carol Walsh Debbie & Bill Laumann John & Joan Phelan Kathleen Walsh Laureate Rho Marty & Stephanie Phelan Gabrielle Watters-Smith & Heating 7 Founders’ Club ($500 –$999) Claire Carson Mary Maguire Stewardship Council Saint David Damiani Marilyn & Thomas Mscisz Thomas of Villanova Church Carmel & Charles Diliberto NALC, Branch 542 SEI Wade & Pam Farrior Michele & Robert Peffle Kevin & Karen Shields Teresa Anne Ferrier Pfizer U.W. Campaign Dr. Robert Smith James & Linda Glasgow George & Mary Ann Pinchock Philip Stonier Mary & Stephen Hinds Saint Philip Neri R.C. Church Theresa Cahill USM L. A.O.H.,Notre Dame Div. II Saint Philip Neri Religious Ed. John Williams Patricia Angelucci Carl & Monica Fox Concetta Migliarese & Dale Gibson Dee & Drew Bilotta Kathleen & Francis Hunt Harry & Sharon Otto Dr. Roman Bish John & Nancy Kelley John & Catherine Poynton Corpus Christi School Mannington Jeanette & Vincent Torno Michael Donahue & Mary, Mother of the Redeemer Mary & Alan Treisbach Liberty Belles Benefactors ($1,000 –$1,499) Jacqueline Morrill Patty & Pete Duffy R.C. Church Philip & Ellen McKenna Leadership Club ($1,500 –$2,499) Continental Bank Foundation Terrence & Judith McKenna Lee Ann & Tim Rooney GlaxoSmithKline Mr. Paul McKittrick Ms. Mary Lou Tague Macy’s Foundation Our Lady of the Assumption R.C. Church Visitation B.V.M. R.C. Church Michael & Mary McGuire Dr. Bernard Prusak Presidents Associates ($2,500 –$9,999) Silvana Battaglia Emmett & Joan Hammond Roscoe’s Charitable Raiders James Brock Leo & Peggy Pierce Family Foundation Saint John Vianney R.C. Church Connelly Foundation Michael Petrone Foundation CSL Behring J. Edmund Mullin Presidents’s Circle ($10,000+) 8 Genuardi Family Foundation Stanley and Lucy Lopata Foundation Roger & Cynthia Lopata Dan & Margo Polett Gifts of Food (In-Kind) Regular Ongoing Food Donations Gladwyne Market St. Alphonsus R.C. Church Good Shepherd Church St. Helena R.C. Church Hope Community Church St. John Vianney R.C. Church Ancillae Assumpta Academy Cynthia & Roger Lopata St. Mary’s R. C. Church Bagelicious, KoP Lower Providence Township Patrick R.C. Church, Malvern Barry Davis Produce MMR RC Church St. Patrick R.C. Church, Norristown CADCOM New Hope Baptist Church St. Philip Religious Education Corpus Christi R.C. Church OLA R.C. Church Vince & Elaine Thompson Corpus Christi School Dan & Margo Polett Trinity U.C.C. DeKalb Thriftway Quest Diagnostics Wegman’s, Frazer Epiphany R.C. Church Mike & Kim Ryan (& neighbors) Giant, Audubon Elaine & Dale Wilson Giant, Blue Bell OMGC R.C. Church Academy of Notre Dame Parents’ Assoc. Memory Tributes - 2014 ARMOND ANGELUCCI TIM CONNOR MARIE GANLEY Joan & Joe Gallagher LeeAnn & Tim Rooney Mary Bak, Colleen Connor, Ron & Nan Dobson, Andy & Noel Dzuryachko, Jen Ferrell, Bob & Karen Ganley, Karen & Mike Gwin, Renee Hultin, Mannington, Anne McVeigh, Harvey & Suzan McWhorter, Todd & Robin Norris, Jane Owens, Susan and Tom Royston & Family, Sue & Gary Simmons, Sheila Steiner, William Skowronski, Frances Walsh, Kathleen Walsh MARY JEAN BOGGS ELEANOR DILLON SARAH & BRUCE GIBSON Linda & Domenico Stabile Christine Dillon Connie Migliarese & Dale Gibson STAN & MARIE BONECK MARGARET DOLAN ALPHONSO GRECO Rosemary & Michael Boneck Sally Christ, Helen Getzfread, Alice Voegelin Diane Franzoni, Denise Greco, Maria Greco The Family of Joe & Elinor Brophy MIKE FALCO LAURA HEILAND LeeAnn & Tim Rooney ROSE BROPHY EDITH FERENCHAK Michael & Maryann Brophy Maureen Bungay Bill & Alice Battista, David & Mary Ann Hoffman, Joe Vargo, Carol Walsh JOSEPH BURKE JOHN FICHTER Carol Walsh ALBERT CARSON Patricia Angelucci, Bob & Mary MacNeel Claire Carson JOHN & LENA FIORAVANTI FLORENCE CEDRONE Benjamin & Ellen Enters Margaret Battaglia WILLIAM FRIEL TONY CIACCIO Eleanor Brennan Judy Annatone, Betty Angelucci, Susan Beebe, Emily Bosler, Margaret Earnest, Viola Geiger, Brian & Diane Kilmartin, Anna King, Mary & Robert MacNeel, LeeAnn & Tim Rooney, Barbara Rorick, Joan Rosania, Marilyn Steinbright, Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Treichler, Mary & Alan Treisbach, Norma Zarfoss HELEN AVERSA LeeAnn & Tim Rooney ROSE & TOM BROPHY JIM & MARIE BUNGAY VINCENT CORBO Sis Corbo, Marianne & Gus Sergio, Frances Walsh, Kathleen Walsh, Robert & Mary Ann Walsh MICKEY CROCCO LeeAnn & Tim Rooney RUTH CURRIER LeeAnn & Tim Rooney ROBERTA, HENRY, MATTHEW DeMITO Nancy Albrecht, Sam & Dale Chiodo, Anderson Mechanical Corporation, Anonymous, Clementine Deverant, Elsie Forcione, Maryann & Raymond Gardner, Rosemary Gardner, Jeanne Hermley, Kathleen Kennedy, Dot & John McGuigan, Charles Ragusa, Michael Ragusa & Family, Patricia Russell, Bernadette Smotrys, Kathleen Walsh, Pat Walsh Pat Ciaccio 9 Memory Tributes - 2014 (cont’d) CYNTHIA JACKSON FLORENCE MONASTERO JOSEPHINE TORNETTA LeeAnn & Tim Rooney Rosalie Hetrick RITA JOHNSON GIACOMO MOSCARIELLO Margaret Battaglia Maryanne Bondi, Nancy Carlin, Patricia Ciaccio, Paul Cipollini, Anne Dozer, Carl & Monica Fox, Angeline & Eugene Fusco, Marilyn & Thomas Mscisz, LeeAnn & Tim Rooney, Karen Shanoski & Brad Levan, Clare Spera, Jean Spera, Salvatore Spera, Mary & Alan Treisbach, Dolores Wainwright Anonymous, Veronica Bradley, Priscilla Brandon, Dolores Burton, Alice Deegan, John & Joyce D’Lauro, Frances Heidel, Andrew McGlincey, Robert Miller, Joseph & Kathleen Saxon, Kathleen Walsh, Pat Walsh, Mark & Diane Shellenberger Margaret Battaglia ROSALIA MOSCARIELLO Margaret Battaglia KATHERINE MYERS Patricia Ciaccio, LeeAnn & Tim Rooney BARBARA TUPPER Ed & Rosemary Brandt, Nancy Carlin, Claire Carson & Family, Thomas & Kathleen Catagnus, Sally Christ, Patricia Ciaccio, Bob & Betty Conner, Vince & Sis Corbo, Anne & David Helenski, Rosalie Hetrick, Joan Johnson, Jim & Trish Langan, Montgomery Bucks Dental Hygienists’ Assoc., Mary Jean & Rob O’Byrne, LeeAnn & Tim Rooney, Karen Shanoski & Brad Levan, Clare & Jean Spera, Peter & Marie Torrence, Mary & Alan Treisbach, Denise Vargo, Kathleen Walsh, Pat Walsh, Laureen & Matt Zbyszinski ROSE & DOC NICOLA MICHAEL VARGO Joe & Carol Butler Claire Carson & Family JOSEPH O’HARA PATRICIA VARGO Germaine O’Hara JOANNE KILGARRIFF Helen Getzfread Michele & Robert Peffle RITA RANGO EVELYN KING Camilla Matozzo SUSAN WEST WASSON Robert Miller ANNE & DAN RUBERT LeeAnn & Tim Rooney PAUL LEDDY Rosemary & Jeffrey Moller MARY ZARFOSS Denise Wisniewski, Anne Tague BARBARA SEAVER BILL MacMURRAY Pam & Wade Farrior Thomas & Julia Fisher EDITH McCARRAHER SHIELDS FAMILY, Deceased Members Central Montgomery County Business & Professional Women’s Club Ann & Dave McCarraher Karen & Kevin Shields family CONOR McKENNA JOSEPH SPINA Ellen & Philip McKenna, Jr. Carol Walsh MARY ANN & PHILIP McKENNA, Sr. KATE STONIER Ellen & Philip McKenna, Jr. Philip Stonier THOMAS & JANET McKITTRICK TIM STONIER Marcia & Joe Howell, Patricia & Thomas McKittrick Philip Stonier GRACE & FRANK MIGLIARESE Connie Migliarese & Dale Gibson Ann & Dave McCarraher, Susan Tague, Karen Thorson MARGARET MILLER ELEANOR TOBIN Robert Miller Therese Kehoe THERESE KEHOE 10 ROCCO & ANTONIA MOSCARIELLO FRANK PELLEGRINO Greta Pellegrino JOSEPH PELLEGRINO Greta Pellegrino JAMES PETACCIO Nancy Carlin JUDE PIERCE LeeAnn & Tim Rooney, Joseph & Kathleen Saxon, Marianne & Gus Sergio HELEN PRUSAK John Hermann & Delia Mullaney CATHERINE RAMSEY DAVID TAGUE Deborah Farrington Chris & Mimi Beane, Bill Boyd, Nancy Boyd, Amber Cormency, Monica & Robert, Donnelly, Kate & Eric Dunn, Jo-Ann Fletcher, Albert Gibbons, Richard & Rose Marie Griffith, Christina Haciski, Lynn & Jeff Hoag, Brian & Kim Kirwan, Louise Larkin, John & Sara Lyman, Carol McCartney, Patrick & Lucia McLaughlin, Patricia McNamee, Dora Mueller, Ed Mullin, Lisa & Ralph Picard, Beverly Reichenbach, Marianne & Gus Sergio, Matt & Donna Trotter, Jim & Tiffany Volovich, Arthur Wade, Mary Watters, Gabrielle Watters-Smith, Linda Yovanovich Honor Tributes - 2014 KOBY ALLEN – graduation, NAHS Class of 2014 REV. MSGR. KEVIN LAWRENCE DAN POLETT Bernadette & John McDonald John and Joan Phelan Hollie Annatone CYNTHIA & ROGER LOPATA STUDER FAMILY M/M DAVID ANNATONE The Saint Louis Kastors Mary & Alan Treisbach Patricia Angelucci M/M SAM TREICHLER PATRICIA ANGELUCCI FRANK & DOTTIE LYNCH 40th Wedding Anniversary Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Treichler Gerry & Paul Schmidt ALAN & MARY TREISBACH M/M GENE BASARA MARGARET MacMURRAY Florence Waite Patricia Angelucci Thomas & Julia Fisher PAT WALSH – 90th Birthday DONALD & PATRICIA BELLES LAURENCE MILLER Vince & Sis Corbo MaryBeth Ormsby anonymous MARY LEE & STEVE WHEELER EMILY BOSLER LeeAnn & Tim Rooney Patricia Angelucci REV. ZACHARY NAVIT 20th Anniversary of Ordination KELLY GETZFREAD birthday Donna Melle & Gary McCabe Patricia Angelucci o The Patrician Society recognizes with regret the passing in 2014 of past contributors: Armond Angelucci, Vincent Corbo, Margaret Dolan, Laura Heiland, Therese Kehoe, Joseph O’Hara, Robert Romano, Connie Stackelek o Kathleen Boyle 11 PS atrician ociety Neighbors Helping Neighbors PS atrician ociety Neighbors Helping Neighbors 121 E. Chestnut Street, Norristown, PA 19401 | P: 610.272.6316 F: 610.272.3070 www.patriciansociety.org | info@patriciansociety.org
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