ur k yo M a re n d a rs Cal April 11th St. Joseph’s Hall Assumption Centre Door Open @ 5:45pm The sign up sheets will be in all churches’ vestibules soon. Sponsored by the Catholic Women’s League. Word Among Us Missal Subscription The next copy is here. Please pick up at Rectory office or make arrangements. Thank you. Grade 12 Students This year, the Knights of Columbus are offering two $500 scholarships to 12 students who are going directly to an approved institution (e.g., college, university, trade school, bible college) this fall. Preference may be given to practising Catholic students who attend the Church of the Assumption, who are children of a Knight and /or to those who may need financial assistance. Please include the following with your application: 1. Cover letter the name of the institution you will be attending 2. Level of involvement in church activities and other extracurricular activities (school/community) 3. Previous job experience 4. First semester grades; 5. Reference letter Please submit your application to the Brooks School Office by Thursday, April 2nd, 2015, and ask for it to be place in Mr. Anderson’s box. PARISH GIFT SHOP Watch for Special Holy Card of the Week! This selected card will be on Special for 10 cents for one week. Also you may ENTER: “Guess the Holy Card” contest. See info on the Church Store window. Sharon Sacrificial Offerings March 22nd, 2015—4th Sunday of Lent Envelope Donations $ 3,367.50 Loose $ 213.90 Envelopes Used 215 Average Donation $ 15.66 March 22nd, 2015—Share Lent-CCODP Envelope Donations $ 3,289.00 Loose $ 49.50 Envelopes Used 160 Average Donation $ 20.56 PARISH GROUPS ALTAR SERVERS COORDINATOR Cathy Infanti 485-4142 ASSUMPTION - GIFT SHOP HOURS Sundays 10am—11am Sharon Stedman 485-5072 CATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE President Karen Prentice 485-7421 Funeral Catering Midge Strueby 485-5009 Bookrack Margaret Colman 485-3036 Meetings held the first Thursday of the month in the Conference Room, A. Centre after 7pm Mass in Assumption Church. CHOIR DIRECTORS 10am Mass Donna Beauchesne 485-7579 7pm Mass Fran Schweitzer 485-4990 FAITH & LIGHT Lu Wuthrich 483-4587 KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Grand Knight Rolland Desilets 485-4442 Website: www.kofc5417.com Meetings are held 2nd Monday of the month Conference Room, Assumption Centre at 7:10pm K. OF C. 4TH DEGREE Faithful Navigator Ron Beaulieu 485-2411 MARANATHA PRAYER GROUP Meets on Wednesday at 7:30pm in the Conference Room, A. Centre. All welcome. Don & Charlene Bourcier 485-9595 PARISH LIBRARY Check bulletin notice for details. PREP COORDINATOR Noeleen Owton noeleen.owton@yahoo.ca PRO LIFE SOCIETY 483-1891 email: prprolife@gmail.com SAFE ENVIRONMENT COORDINATOR Nadine Desilets YOUTH COORDINATORS Sr. Youth Anne & Joshua Schweitzer 413-0725 Email: asickavish@gmail.com God Squad Brendan Maguire 485-1242 Email: bmag@shaw.ca SECOND COLLECTIONS FOR APRIL April 3rd—Good Friday-Holy Land April 12th—Parish Maintenance/Boiler Fund April 26th—Work of Vocations rs’ a Siste ss: ddr e Jesus of Nazareth Institute, 105 Saint Gregory Street, Zejtun ZTN1038 Malta, Europe Church of the Assumption 7109 Glacier Street Powell River, British Columbia V8A 1R8 Phone: 604-485-5300 Fax: 604-485-5460 Pager: 604-414-9225 Email: parish.cassump@rcav.org Parish Website: www.assumptionchurch.homestead.com Pastor: Fr. Patrick Tepoorten Email: ptepoorten@rcav.org TODAY’S READINGS Sunday, March 29th, 2015 Palm Sunday Page 256 Mark 11: 1-10 / Isa 50: 4-7 / Phil 2: 6-11 / Mark 14: 1—15: 47 HOLY SACRIFICE OF THE MASS SUNDAY MASSES SCHEDULE Assumption Church Saturday 4:30 pm Sunday 10 am, 7 pm Sacred Heart Church—Sliammon Sunday—12 noon St. Gerard’s Church, Wildwood Sunday—4:00pm WEEKDAY MASSES Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 am—Stat holidays @ 9am Friday 9:00 am Saturday 9:00 am First Fridays Assumption Church 9 am & 7 pm EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Wednesday after 8:00 am Mass First Fridays Assumption Church after 9am Mass till 10pm. Concluding with Benediction at 9:50pm. Assistant: Fr. Dass Email: arokiadass.lazer@yahoo.com RECTORY & OFFICE Office Hours: Monday - Friday from 9 am - 3 pm Closed from 12:30-1:00pm OFFICE CLOSED—Good Friday & Easter Monday Statutory Holidays—OFFICE CLOSED PARISH CENTRE—Manager Alan Lacourciere 485-5126 For bookings, please call rectory office ASSUMPTION SCHOOL (K - Gr. 9) 7091 Glacier Street, P.R., BC V8A 1R8 485-9894 485-7984 Website: assumpschool.com Principal Mrs. Mimi Richardson PEC Chair Bruce Anderson 485-2279 ASSUMPTION PRE-SCHOOL for registration or information Sherry Pagani 414-5470 SACRAMENT OF PENANCE Saturday 11:00 am—12 noon Sunday 6:30 pm—6:50 pm 15 mins before Weekday Masses ROSARY Before each Weekday Mass Living Rosary Betty Hoy 485-6850 Seniors’ Rosary Thursdays 2 pm, Assumption Church BAPTISMS By appointment, please call Rectory Office MARRIAGE Parishioners planning to be married must contact a priest at least four months in advance. WELCOME NEW PARISHIONERS Please come & register at the office which is the building above the school. Or call 485-5300. Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Sunday, March 29th, 2015—Palm Sunday Assumption Church—Saturday (Anticipated) 4:30pm † Lorne Villani Assumption Church—Sunday 10:00am † Luigi Pagani 7:00pm For the Parishioners Sacred Heart Church—Sunday 12noon † Albert Wison St. Gerard’s Church—Sunday 4:00pm For Fr. Dass MASS SCHEDULE FOR THE WEEK OF March 23rd—March 29th, 2015 Monday, March 30th—Monday of Holy Week (Isaiah 42: 1-7 / John 12: 1-11) 8:00am For Dr. Jeff Zorn Tuesday, March 31st —Tuesday of Holy Week (Isaiah 49: 1-6 / John 13: 21-33, 36-38) 8:00am † Domenic Devita Wednesday, April 1st—Wednesday of Holy Week (Isaiah 50: 4-9a / Matthew 26: 14-26) 8:00am † Janet Fisher Thursday, April 2nd—Holy Thursday—The Lord’s Supper (Ex 12: 1-8, 11-14 / 1 Cor 11: 23-26 / Jn 13: 1-15) Page 283 7:00pm † Phillip Boechler Friday, April 3rd—Good Friday—Passion of the Lord (Isa 52: 13—53: 12 / Heb 4: 14-16; 5: 7-9 / Jn 18: 1—19: 42) 3:00pm Passion of the Lord Page 297 7:00pm Stations of the Cross Saturday, April 4th—Holy Saturday The Resurrection of the Lord—Easter Vigil Page 331 (Gen 1: 1—2: 2 / Ex 14: 15-31; 15: 20 / Isa 55: 1-11 / Ez 36: 16-17a, 18-28 / Rom 6: 3-11 / Mark 16: 1-8) 9:00pm For Fr. Harrison Ayre Sunday, April 5th, 2015— 8 (Acts 10: 34a, 37-43 / Col 3: 1-4 / John 20: 1-18) Page 387 Assumption Church—Sunday 10:00am For the parishioners 7:00pm † Josef Wrotny Sacred Heart Church—Sunday 12noon † Jo-Ann Lee St. Gerard’s Church—Sunday 4:00pm For Theresa & Tony Vautour & Family Starts on Friday, April 10th From 12 to 1pm St. Joseph’s Hall, Assumption Centre Email Christine Behan at cnbehan@gmail.com to see if there is something you can help with. Or give her a call, 485-7230. Thank you very much. P RAY for the suffering, sick & deceased in our parish. If you know of anyone in the parish who needs our prayers and wishes their name on the list, please call the rectory. Remember in your prayers—The Sick: Allan Behan, Carol Behan, Isobel Behan, Bridget Bigold, Peter Bernard, Landi Bledsoe, Liliana Bombardir, Geraldine Braak, John Braak, Jean Bychek, Carlo Castagnoli, Mary Castellerin, Eva Cserey, Maria Ciarniello, Katerina Cusin, Barry Cutler, Chris Cutts, Mary Dobie, Anna Fiore, Reine-Aimee Garneau, Victor Grech, Davina Grundle, Mabel Harry, Shirley Harry, Lily Hill, Betty & Simon Hoy, Dean Jantz, Muriel Kinahan, Margaret Kovacs, Sandra Lahey, Jacques Leblanc, Arlene Louie, Edda Martinig, David Mastrodonato, Kathleen McCarthy, Elizabeth McDonnell, Patricia McDonough, Brian Mendieta, Sylvia Miller, Lucille Mirrlees, Sylvia Moreau, Walter Nassichuk, Marcel Nadeau, Antoinettia & Dino Palloto, Jacques Perron, Hermine Pfister, Frank Rigby, Gertrude Rivest, Ida Rumley, Barbara Schmidt, Guido Sciberras, Rollande Simard, Paul Stroomer, Sandy Therrien, Michelle Twiggs, Lina Vallee, Dorothy & Ken Wate, Harry Wikman, Jody Zuccato. The Deceased—Mary Gillen, Rita Cody SURVEY Please encourage family members to read over the survey carefully and answer it and return it by mail or dropping in collection basket before April 15th. Altar Servers March 30th—April 1st, 2015 Weekday Mornings 8:00am Joseph and Owen Clark April 2nd, 2015 Holy Thursday—Practice @ 3:45pm 7:00pm Justin Auclair, Vaihau & Rehia Castagnoli, Keaton Fougere, Garrison & Austin Franklin April 3rd, 2015 Good Friday—Practice @ 10:30am 3:00pm Justin Auclair, Markus & Stephen Anderson, David Infanti, Christian Pedersen, Daniel Schweitzer. Stations of the Cross 7:00pm April 4th, 2015 Holy Saturday Easter Vigil— Practice @ 1:30pm 9:00pm Justin Auclair, Markus & Stephen Anderson, Daniel Schweitzer, Vaihau Castagnoli April 5th, 2015 Easter Sunday 10:00am David Infanti, Garrison & Austin Franklin, Etienne LaFrance, Dustin Fair 7:00pm Blaise and Joseph Clark March 29th, 2015 ACTIVITIES FOR THE WEEK of March 30th, 2015 ASSUMPTION BINGO Monday, March 30th, 2015 SCHOOL RESUMES Wednesdays in Assumption Gym 9:00am School Confessions, Assumption Church 7:00pm 10am Mass Choir Practice, Assumption Church Doors open at 5:00pm. Games start at 6:15pm. 7:00pm CWL Executive Meeting, Board Room, A. C. Come with a friend and have fun! Tuesday, March 31st, 2015 8:30am Mary’s Maidens, Church Meeting Room 9:00am Stations of the Cross, Assumption Church A Lifeline for Marriage Followed by School Confessions 7:00pm RCIA Class, Lounge, Assumption Centre Retrouvaille helps couples through difficult times in Wednesday, April 1st, 2015 their marriages. It provides the tools you need to 6:15pm Parish Bingo, Assumption Gym get your marriage back on track. You will rediscov7:30pm Maranatha, Conference Room, A. Centre er each other and examine your lives together in a Thursday, April 2nd, 2015 new and positive way. This program has helped 9:00am Rosary for our School, Assumption Church thousands of couples experiencing all kinds of mari2:00pm Senior Rosary, Assumption Church tal problems, from simple apathy or resentment to 3:00pm 7pm Mass Choir Practice, Assumption Church infidelity or even separation. For confidential infor3:45pm PREP Classes, Assumption School mation or to register for the program in the Lower Friday, April 3rd, 2015 Good Friday Mainland commencing the weekend of April 10 – NO SCHOOL 12, 2015, call 604-530-6710, email vancou10:30am Join us for the Rosary. St. Gerard’s Church verbc@retrouvaille.org or visit 7:00pm Stations of the Cross, Assumption Church www.HelpOurMarriageBC.com. Saturday, April 4th, 2015 11:00am Confessions till 12 noon, Assumption Church CWL 7:00pm Senior Youth, St. Gerard’s Church until 9:00pm Vancouver Diocesan offers a Bursary of $1000 . to a son or daughter of a League member entering first Sunday, April 5th, 2015 year of a Post-Secondary Institution. Deadline Mar 31. Easter Egg Hunt by Women’s group, following Provincial CWL offers 2 bursaries—Molly Boucher at 10am Masses, in front of St. Joseph’s Hall, A. C. $500 and Life Members Arts & Culture Award at $500. There will be NO COFFEE & MUFFINS! Go to http://www.cwl.bc.ca for more information to apply. Deadline for applications is March 31, 2015. Or contact Donna Beauchesne @ 485-7579. Lectors Assumption Church Sewing Bees—Tuesdays, 10am-12noon Board April 2nd, 2015 Holy Thursday Room, Assumption Centre 7:00pm Claude LaFrance Welcome the Pilgrim Statues, along with Mary’s April 3rd, 2015 Good Friday many blessings, into your home. Call Margherita @ 3:00pm Don Bourcier & Pia Vallee 485-6503. April 4th, 2015 Holy Saturday Vigil Please pick up receipts for CWL Dues in vestibule 9:00pm Don & Charlene Bourcier of Assumption Church. Thank you. April 5th, 2015 10:00am 7:00pm Easter Sunday Greeters Assumption Church Holy Saturday April 4th, 2015 9:00pm April 5th, 2015 10am 7pm Fr Donnelly' Mission Homilies Eden Head Easter Sunday Lionel & Rita Desilets Omer & Helen Ouelette To find recordings of Fr Donnelly's mission homilies, go to the following Internet address: https://didobonaparte.wordpress.com/powell-river-mission/ Google: A Son of St Phillip & click on the PR Mission page. check out his other homilies and blog entries. Fr Lawrence A Donnelly, Parish Priest Saint Jude's Parish & Shrine Vancouver, BC, Canada. V5M 3K6 April 2015 Church of the Assumption Parish Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Wednesday of Holy Week 2 Parish Bingo 6:15pm Assumption Gym Maranatha P. G. 7:30pm Conf. Room 7pm Mass Choir PracticeAssumption Ch 3pm PREP Classes 3:45pm Holy Thursday Fri 3 Good Friday Sat 4 Holy Saturday Confessions from 11am to 12 noon From 4pm to 5pm EASTER TRIDUUM 5 6 Easter Monday K of C Officers’ Meeting 7pm @ Board Room, A. Centre 7 Mary’s Maidens @ 8:30am Sewing Bees 10am –12noon in Board Room, A. Centre EARLY DISMISSAL 2pm RCIA Class @ 7pm Lounge 12 Second Sunday of Easter 13 St. Martin I Coffee & Muffins—Maranatha after 10am Mass, St. Joseph’s Hall, A. Centre Food for Thought 11:45am St. Joseph’s Hall, A. Centre 10am Mass Choir PracticeAssumption Ch 7:00pm K of C General Meeting 7:10pm @ Conference Room, A. Centre 19 Third Sunday of Easter Pancake Breakfast—K. of C. after 10am Mass, St. Joseph’s Hall, A. Centre 26 Fourth Sunday of Easter 20 10am Mass Choir PracticeAssumption Ch 7:00pm RCIA Class @ 7pm Lounge 21 St. Anselm Mary’s Maidens @ 8:30am Sewing Bees 10am –12noon in Board Room, A. Centre NOON DISMISSAL—Stud Led Conf Faith & Light Meeting 7pm Conference room. RCIA Class @ 7pm Lounge 27 School Confessions 9:05am Coffee & Muffins—CWL after 10am Mass, St. Joseph’s Hall, A. Centre 14 Mary’s Maidens @ 8:30am Sewing Bees 10am –12noon in Board Room, A. Centre 10am Mass Choir PracticeAssumption Ch 7:00pm CWL Feast Day Mass 11am followed by Luncheon 8 Holy Hour Parish Bingo 6:15pm Assumption Gym Maranatha P. G. 7:30pm Conf. Room 15 Holy Hour Parish Bingo 6:15pm Assumption Gym Maranatha P. G. 7:30pm Conf. Room 22 Holy Hour Parish Bingo 6:15pm Assumption Gym Maranatha P. G. 7:30pm Conf. Room 28 St. Peter Chanel; St. Lou- 29 is Grignion de Montfort Mary’s Maidens @ 8:30am School Confessions 9:05am Sewing Bees 10am –12noon in Board Room, A. Centre RCIA Class @ 7pm Lounge Parish Bingo 6:15pm Assumption Gym Maranatha P. G. 7:30pm Conf. Room 9 10 Senior Rosary 2pm A. Church 7pm Mass Choir PracticeAssumption Ch 3pm PREP Classes 3:45pm CWL Regular Meeting following Mass @ 7pm, Conference Rm Mass at 9am @ Assumption Church Mass 10:30am O. Devaud Soup Kitchen 11am, St. Joseph’s Hall, A. Centre 16 17 St. Kateri Tekawitha Senior Rosary 2pm A. Church 7pm Mass Choir PracticeAssumption Ch 3pm PREP Classes 3:45pm PEC Meeting Mass at 9am @ Assumption Church Mass 10:30am O. Devaud Soup Kitchen 11am, St. Joseph’s Hall, A. Centre 23 St. George; St. Adalbert 24 St. Fidelis of Sigmaringen Senior Rosary 2pm A. Church 7pm Mass Choir PracticeAssumption Ch 3pm PREP Classes 3:45pm Mass at 9am @ Assumption Church Mass 10:30am O. Devaud Soup Kitchen 11am, St. Joseph’s Hall, A. Centre 11 Confessions from 11am to 12 noon Mass @ 4:30pm A Parish Pot Luck Dinner arranged by CWL 18 Bl. Marie-Anne Blondin Confessions from 11am to 12 noon Mass @ 4:30pm A PTA Dance 25 WALK FOR LIFE 10am— Conference Room Confessions from 11am to 12 noon Mass @ 4:30pm A 30 St. Marie of the Incarna- tion; St. Pius V Sunday Mass Schedule Senior Rosary 2pm A. Church 7pm Mass Choir PracticeAssumption Ch 3pm PREP Classes 3:45pm Assumption Church, Westview—Saturday, 4:30pm anticipated Assumption Church, Westview—Sunday, 10am, 7pm Sacred Heart Church, Sliammon—Sunday, 12 noon St. Gerard’s Church, Wildwood—Sunday, 4:00pm Archdiocesan Stewardship Award Our Parish thanks Archbishop Miller for recognizing the long standing work of Antoinette Knight. She will be among those receiving the Archdiocesan Stewardship Award, in the ceremony at Holy Rosary Cathedral on Divine Mercy Sunday. We thank God for her service as choir director, organist, teacher, and other services she has offered. Antoinette will be honoured at one of our coffee and muffin gatherings after the 10 am Mass in May. Father Patrick “Serve with Joyful Hearts” Sisters’ Easter Message Sister Rose and Sister Claire sent their Best Wishes to Father Tepoorten , Father Dass and all parishioners a Holy and Happy Easter. Thank you and God bless you. United in the Risen Lord, Sister Claire. Palm Sunday—"T Time": Today's liturgy explains the drama of Jesus' triumphal welcome and subsequent rejection. It makes us ask ourselves: am I committed to my faith? If you were looking for some practical ways to be more supportive of your faith, how about some of these: Parents: consider sending your teens to our senior youth ministry! This happens at St Gerard's Church, Wildwood, in the newly refurbished gathering space (former ugly basement). Many parents don't realize we have a Parish youth group in Wildwood, each Saturday night at 7pm. Teens: pick up an information sheet which is passed out today at mass. Get in on the fun filled faith happening Prep: we always need helpers/teachers/teachers' helpers with this important ministry. Our co-ordinator Noeleen Owton has moved to Port Alberni. Anybody interested in helping replace her? We need you! Greeters: If you like people, and welcoming them, we could use you! Let us know at the parish office. May God bless us all as we enter this most special of weeks. Fr. Patrick Tepoorten “Christ became obedient for us to death, even death on a Cross” CONFESSION SCHEDULE—Assumption Church Mon—Wed ½ hour before Weekday Masses Holy Thursday, April 2nd after Mass Good Friday, April 3rd 9am—10am Holy Saturday, April 4th 11am—12pm 4pm—5pm EASTER TRIDIUM SCHEDULE Holy Thursday, April 2nd Mass of the Lord’s Supper 7pm Please Note: NO 8am Mass on Holy Thursday Good Friday, April 3rd Celebration of the Lord’s Passion Stations of the Cross Holy Saturday , April 4th Blessing of Easter Baskets Vigil Mass Easter Sunday Masses, April 5th Assumption Sacred Heart, Sliammon St. Gerard’s, Wildwood 3pm 7pm 10am 9pm 10am & 7pm 12 noon 4pm May all the blessings of this holy season be with all of you.
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