2015-3-18 Tenmon-Gakkai ASTRO-H session ASTRO-H Cluster Physics Takayuki TAMURA ISAS/JAXA On behalf of the ASTRO-H/SWG cluster task force Galaxy Clusters : Facts The largest virialized system in the Universe. R~ 1 Mpc, Mtot 1014-1015 Msun, Tdyn ~ 109 yr. Galaxies, ICM, Dark Matter = 5:15:80 in masses. Intracluster medium (ICM)=optically thin plasma → X-ray emission, Te~107-108K (~keV). X-ray lines from O, Ne…Fe, 1/3 solar metallicity, ICM ← primordial+processed in galaxies. 2015-03 T.Tamura Goals of the ASTRO-H mission (Takahashi+ 2012) 1. Revealing the large-scale structure of the Universe and its evolution 2. 3. 4. observe clusters of galaxies, to reveal the interplay between the thermal energy of the intracluster medium and the kinetic energy of sub-clusters, from which clusters form; measure the nonthermal energy and chemical composition; and to directly trace the dynamic evolution of clusters of galaxies. distant supermassive black holes … Understanding the extreme conditions in the Universe Exploring the diverse phenomena of the non-thermal Universe Elucidating dark matter and dark energy map the distribution of dark matter in clusters of galaxies and determine the total mass of galaxy clusters at different distances (and thus at different ages), and will study the role of dark matter and dark energy in the evolution of these systems. Doppler Measurements of Gas Motions (Bulk/streaming & Turbulent) Cluster Turbulence 5 Clusters form via infalls, accretions, and mergers. → heat the ICM via shocks. The heating depends on the ICM micro physics. Develop gas turbulence, and accelerate cosmic rays, → diffuse radio and X-ray halos. Cluster mergers → The most energetic system after the Big Bang. 1 Mpc Fig. 2. The large scale velocity field on a thin slice though the center of cluster SB shown overtop the logarithm of gas density (image, contours). The maximum velocity vector is 2090 km/s. The image is 6.4 Mpc on a side. Simulations, Norman & Bryan 1999 vation (Navarro, Frenk & White 1995; Bryan & Norman 1998a) that the mean 2015-03 T.Tamura cluster temperatures were, on average, about 0.8 of its virial value. Thus we see that the gas has not completely virialized and sizable bulk motions exist. Since the mean entropy profile increases with increasing radius, X-ray imaging -> gas dynamics Shock/Cold front Assumptions: (1) adiabatic flow (2) Velocity in the plane of the sky → rare case Requires high spatial resolution Shock in 1E~0657-56, M~3±0.4 (Markevitch et al. 2002). Cold front in A3667, M~1±0.2 (Vikhlinin et al. 2001). Shoc k Cold Front Radius (Arcsec.) 5 A2256, X-ray bright, double peaked merging clustergalaxy radial velocities Berrington et al. 2002 SUB Peak SUB MAIN Cold front ? ΔV 〜 2000 km/s MAIN Peak Chandra X-ray Contour + galaxy image (Sun+ 2002). See also Briel+ 1991 2015-03 T.Tamura Radio: a diffuse halo, relics, and tailed emission from galaxies → dynamically young (e.g. Rottgering+ 1994) Discovery of Gas Bulk motion in A2256 with Suzaku (Tamura+ 2011) Fe K line Main Sub T.Tamura X-ray line center energies 2015-03 differs slightly but significantly ASTRO-H SXS simulation the two components in A2256 SXS 100 ks Note the Suzaku-observed energy shift is about 30 eV ~ 1500 km/s. Using the SXS with an energy resolution better than 7eV, → measure gas bulk motions in a fair number of X-ray bright clusters. 2015-03 T.Tamura Gas and Galaxy radial velocities pa_vh_r30_v3.qdp 0.015 Redshift 0.02 0.025 R<30’ A 50.500 50.000 D NNE1 F_2 f N1 49.000 49.500 0.01 H_2 h W1_2 W1 E1 kp C B SW1 S1_2 S1 e c) G_2 g SE1 R =3 0’ (6 60 0 4 9 18 37 74 149 298 594 50 100 150 200 PA (deg., N−>E) 250 300 350 Tamura+ 201412:13 ttamura 11−Sep−2013 2015-03 CfA redshift 94T.Tamura galaxies (Huchra+ 1995, 2012) bright galaxies AH/SXI+HXI X-‐ray (Thermal) Turbulence Black Hole/AGN: Jets and infla=ng bubbles, upli[s the gas, weak shocks Gas Thermal Energy (Ioniza=on, conduc=on, mixing) Dumping. Dissipate energy at Re =λv/ν ~ 1 (?) Shock Hea=ng, Mach ? Mass ? Scale ? Non-‐thermal Radio (← B) & X-‐ray (IC← CMB) Cosmic ray, γ ~ 104, Tcool < 108 yr , How to accelerate ? Scattering on MHD waves Magne=c field Turbulence, Spacial spectrum (λ1/3)? Viscosity (ν) ? Reorder & amplify References: Kitayama+ 2014, Cattaneo+ 2009 AH/SXS Gas Mo=ons (Infall, Collision/Merger, sloshing) Galaxy Mo=ons Dark Ma,er Gravity, move with gas ? Galaxies ? The Perseus core Fabian+ (2008), Fig.1: Image of the Hα emission 140’’ x 150’’. HST Chandra radial fraction difference (Fabian+ 2011) 2015-03 T.Tamura (Not Scaled) Current Limits on Turbulent velocity CCD ΔE ~ 120 eV → 2300 km/s @ Fe-K normalized counts s−1 keV−1 (b) CS5 0.1 0.01 1.4 ratio 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 6 6.5 Energy (keV) 7 Suzaku Limits (TT+ 2014; also Ota+ 2007) Use Line width of Fe-K line. No additional width is required, only upper limit of the velocity Limited by CCD resolution and its calibration. Limits > 1000 km/s ~ sound speed. XMM/RGS constrains on Vturb at the core (e.g. Sanders+ 2013). 2015-03 T.Tamura 0 5 Energy (keV) 10 7.9 8 Energy (keV) 8.1 8.2 Detect and locate ICM turbulence gure 49: Left: A 1 Msec SXS simulated spectrum of a dwarf galaxy. We incorporate a range of hypothetical sterile neutrino lines ed dotted) at 4.0, 8.0, and 10.0 keV for ⌃dm = 100 M pc 2 and sin2 2✓ = 10 10 corresponding to the flux 0.04, 0.65, and 1.6 10 6 ph s 1 cm 2 , respectively, within the field-of-view of SXS. The adopted value of ⌃dm is typical of local dwarf spheroidals d that of sin2 2✓ lies close to the current observational No di↵use galactic emission nor observable line broadening is data andlimits. folded model Perseus simulated spectrum (wabsmodels *bapec) sumed. The sum (black solid) includes instrumental and cosmic background taken from the ASTRO-H internal release xs cxb+nxb 7ev 20110211 1Gs.pha). Right: Same as the left panel, except that the line at 8 keV is zoomed in. normalized counts s−1 keV−1 10 Perseus, 100ks, 3’×3‘ → 11,000 cts in He-‐like Fe w here Eobs is the observed energy of the line. Turbulent Velocity 1 .2 z y j vturb vturb vturb vturb = 0 km/s = 100 km/s = 300 km/s = 1000 km/s x k 0.1 he line-of-sight component of the turbulente velocity measured by line broadening can be a↵ected by calibraon errors in instrumental broadening due to the line spread function and uncertainties in thermal broadening o p haracterized by the ion temperature. To quantify their impacts, let us decompose the observed FWHM of a spectral line, assuming a Gaussian ofile for each component, as 2 2 2 2 Wobs = Winst + Wtherm + Wturb + ··· , (9) here Winst , Wtherm , and broadening, thermal6.7 broadening, and turbulent 6.4Wturb are the FWHMs 6.5 of instrumental6.6 oadening, respectively. Their nominal values Energy are (keV) sekiya 6−Jun−2011 12:36 Winst ' 5 eV, !1/2 p kT ion Wtherm = 8 ln 2 Eobs , mion c2 !1/2 ! 1/2 ✓ kT ion mion Eobs ◆ , = 4.9 eV 5 keV 56 mp 6.7keV ✓v ◆ p turb Wturb = 8 ln 2 Eobs , c !✓ vturb Eobs ◆ = 5.3 eV , 100 km/s 6.7 keV (10) Gain errors (〜2.0 eV) dominate if counts >100 & Vturb < 300 km/s (11) (12) here T ion and mion are the temperature and the mass of the ion producing the line observed at Eobs , mp is the abundance peaking at the radius of ∼50 kpc and declining both towards smaller or larger radii as shown in Fig. 1. The last functional form is closest to the radial abundance profile derived from the deprojection analysis of the Chandra and XMM–Newton observations (Schmidt, Fabian & Sanders 2002; Churazov et al. 2003) under the assumption of a single-temperature optically thin plasma emission model. The abundance ratios used are those of Anders & Grevesse (1989). Using these data we calculated an optical! depth from the centre of the cluster up to a radius of 1 Mpc, τ = n i σ0 dr , where n i is the ion concentration and the cross-section for a given ion is √ πhre c f σ0 = , (3) #E D Resonant Scattering and Gas Motions Strong resonant transition toward the core: absorbed and re-emitted, τ >1. Change line profile in energy and in space, depending on (1) column density → liner scale (2) velocity field → gas dynamics XMM line ratio (Ka/Kb He-like Fe) → Lack of scattering → M > 0.5. ASTRO-H will resolve resonance line within the Hetriplet → model-independent spectroscopy for the 1st time. where #E D = E 0 " = E0 $ 2 2kTe Vturb + Am p c2 c2 #1/2 2kTe (1 + 1.4AM 2 ) 2 Am p c %1/2 . (4) In the above equations E 0 is the energy of a given line, A is the atomic mass of the corresponding element, m p is the proton mass, V turb is the characteristic turbulent velocity, M is the corresponding Mach number, r e is the classical electron radius and f is the oscillator strength of a given atomic transition. The wavelengths and absorption oscillator strengths are taken from the compilation of Verner, Verner & Ferland (1996).Limits The ionization equilibrium2004) is that XMM (Churazov+ of Mazzotta et al. (1998). The set of Fe lines with an optical depth larger than 0.2 (for M = 0) is given in Table 1. From this table it is clear that (i) the 6.7-keV line of He-like iron is by far the most optically thick line for the case of pure thermal broadening and (ii) strong turbulence makes resonant scattering effects negligible for all lines as emphasized by Gilfanov et al. (1987). For other types of abundance profiles, the main result is the same; the 6.7-keV line has an optical depth of the order of 3 and accounting for turbulence reduces the optical depth to values smaller than 1. Figure 2. profile) wit scattering. redistribute The res approach. line emiss v1.3.0 res counted fo scattering fact that w which has in Sazono separate b centre. Th due to res is shown i line intens ter outskir without re Fig. 3 for a abundance Gas motions in the core of the Perseus cluster 3120 31 I. Zhuravleva et al. Figure 4. The 5–9 keV spectrum of the 30 arcsec to 2 arcmin annulus centred on NGC 1275 and fitted with APEC and MEKAL models. Figure 3. Ratio of the 6.7-keV radial brightness profiles without accounting for resonant scattering to the profiles including the effect of resonant scattering. The three curves correspond to the three models of the abundance profiles shown in Fig. 1. Dotted vertical lines show the two regions used for spectra extraction. similar for all three cases; the flux in the line is suppressed by a factor of up to ∼2 within the inner 100-kpc region and is enhanced by ∼10–20 per cent outside this region. 3 SPECTRA Obviously the easiest way to reveal the effect of resonant scattering is to derive the line ratios for the central region. The He-like iron K α and K β lines are ideally suited for this purpose because both lines are due to the same ion of iron. Guided by Fig. 3 we accumulated MOS spectra for two annuli, 0.5–2 and 2–4 arcmin, centred on NGC 1275. The inner 0.5-arcmin region was excluded in order to avoid possible contamination from the NGC 1275 nucleus. The spectrum from 5 to 9 keV was fitted with the APEC (Smith et al. 2001) and MEKAL (Mewe, Gronenschild & van den Oord 1985; Mewe, Lemen & van den Oord 1986; Kaastra 1992; Liedahl, Osterheld & Goldstein 1995) models in XSPEC v.11.2 (Arnaud 1996) and is shown in Fig. 4. Temperature, heavy metal abundances (with the abundance ratios of Anders & Grevesse 1989) and redshift were free parameters of the models. We can see that for the MEKAL model there is a clear excess on the left wing of the He-like iron K β line, where the He-like nickel K α line(s) is blended with the iron line. In order to remove this discrepancy we have to either raise the nickel abundance above the standard Ni to Fe ratio (Anders & Grevesse 1989) by a factor of ∼2 or assume that the 6.7-keV complex is suppressed by resonant scattering, thus causing peculiarities in the observed line ratio. On the other hand, the most recent APEC v1.3.0 model provides an almost perfect fit to the whole 5–9 keV portion of the spectrum. A very similar situation is seen for the spectrum of the 2–4 arcmin annulus. In what follows we assume that we can rely on the predictions of the newest APEC model, which has a significantly richer set of lines in the region of interest. The best-fitting temperature and abundance values for the two annuli are T e = 4.29 ± 0.05 keV, Z = 0.501 ± 0.007 relative to the solar abundance (Anders & Grevesse 1989) and T e = 5.18 " C ± 0.06, Z = 0.446 ± 0.007. The values of temperature are higher than we would infer from fitting a broader 0.5–9 keV spectral band, which is expected for projected spectra, given the radial dependence of the temperature in the Perseus cluster (see equation 2). The best-fitting value of the abundance for the 5–9 keV spectrum is, of course, dominated by the contribution of the 6.7-keV line. We fixed all parameters (except abundance) at their best-fitting values and recalculated the abundance, first ignoring part of the spectrum containing the 6.7-keV complex and secondly ignoring the part containing 7.9-keV complex. Because only the 6.7-keV complex is affected by resonant scattering, the different values of abundance in the two fits would indicate an important role for scattering. The ratio of abundances calculated this way is shown in Fig. 5 with two crosses (for two annuli). Resonant scattering is expected to increase the ratio of abundances well above unity for the inner annulus. However, the observed ratio is consistent with unity, indicating that any effects from resonant scattering are small. Finally, we have demonstrated that projection effects do not significantly affect the determination of the spectral parameters by using the outer 2–4 arcmin annulus as a background for the inner 0.5– 2 arcmin annulus. The resulting spectrum has a lower best-fitting temperature ∼3.8 keV, as expected, but the line flux ratio again does not show any obvious anomalies. 4 RO L E O F G A S M OT I O N S The resonant K α He-like iron line contribution to the 6.7-keV (6.6– 6.8 keV) complex varies from 40 to 52 per cent for the gas temperature range from 3 to 5 keV. Therefore, suppression of the resonant line flux in the inner regions due to resonant scattering would strongly affect the intensity of the whole complex. On the other hand, the 6.9- and 7.9-keV complexes can be treated as effectively optically thin. The good fit of the spectra with the APEC model of an optically thin plasma with the solar mix of heavy elements can be considered as an indication that the resonant scattering effects are suppressed. As noted by Gilfanov et al. (1987) turbulent motions of the gas may significantly reduce the optical depth of the lines. The effect is especially strong for heavy elements, which have thermal velocities much smaller than the sound velocity of the gas. For Energy resolution In FWHM 120 eV → 5 eV 2004 RAS, MNRAS 347, 29–35 2015-03 T.Tamura Dickey J Dupke R Ezawa H Foster A 128 Gastalde Gilfanov 13, 3 Kahn S. Vol. 3 San F Kalberla Morr Lodders Loewens Mazzotta 403 Molendi J., M Sanders J Sanders J Sanders 349, Sanders 1797 Sazonov 191 SXS simulation (Zhuravleva+ 2013) Figure 9. Simulated spectra from the core (0.5–1.5 arcmin annulus) of the Perseus Cluster as Astro-H will obtain from 100 ks pointing observation. We used the whole field of view (2.85 arcmin on a side) with excluded Contribution to cosmology(WP:Ota & Bautz) Independent cosmology probes: ① ② Growth rate of cosmic density inhomogenities (cluster mass function) & the cosmic expansion history. “growth-of-structure”, e.g. Vikhlinin+ 2009. Cluster baryon fractions (angular diameter distance) & expansion history. E.g. Sasaki 1996. Accurate Mtot of many systems, ← mass-observable relations and X-ray observations → Future surveys (eROSITA) Uncertainty in H.E. assumptions limits the power in cosmology Simulations → Mach (bulk/turbulence) ~ 0.1-0.2 at 1/5-1/2 Rvirial. (e.g. Lau+2009). → <10-15% error in Mtot. X-ray H.E. vs. G-lens masses → deviation from H.E. e.g Okabe+ 2014 (recent Suzaku/Subaru WL). Reduce systematic error on the total mass estimates amount ICM hydrostatic equilibrium (H.E)? → reduce error on the Mtot → precise cluster cosmology ✓ ◆2 ✓ µ ◆ p v turb amount where v2turb is ⇢gas kT/µmp is ptherm ' 1.3 ⇥ 10 2 turb 100 km s 1 0.6 kT 5 keV ! ✓ ◆2 ✓ µ ◆ kT ! 1 p v the one-dimensional velocity dispersion of turbulence, ⇢gas is turb turb ' 1.3 ⇥ 10 2 . 1 0.6 5weight, keV km smolecular the thermalptherm pressure, µ is the100 mean and mp is terms contribute the hydrostaticvelocity mass via where v2turb is thetoone-dimensional dispersion of turbulence, ⇢gas is the gas ma ⇢gas kT/µmp is the thermal pressure, µ is the mean molecular and mp is the proton m 2 weight, Ω : the present dark r d(p therm + pturb ) X terms contribute to the hydrostatic massM(< via r) = . energy density G⇢gas dr 2 r d(ptherm + pturb ) W0 ≡ pX/ρX a M(< r) = . dr constant energyto measure forG⇢the gas first time Our primary goal dark is hence the contribution of equation of state support with agoal percent order accuracy to infer itscontribution impact onofthe mass e Our primary is hence to measure for and the first time the turbulence (Vikhlinin et al. measurements around the2009) bright cluster center will be limited by systemati support with a percent order accuracy and to infer its impact on the mass estimates of 2015-03 T.Tamura measurements the brightbroadening cluster centerfor willwhich be limited by systematicestimation errors on t spread functionaround and thermal a conservative Current Model*bapec) Perseus modelTheoretical spectrum (wabs z y 1 j 6.4 x 100 ks central 3’×3’ 5 eV resolu3on u o p l 2015-03 T.Tamura = 0 km/s = 100 km/s = 300 km/s = 1000 km/s t KLn s v h 6.5 6.6 Energy (keV) Sekiya & Tamura 20011 vturb vturb vturb vturb k a e 0.1 keV2 (Photons cm−2 s−1 keV−1) 10 w 6.7 *%&&+&*C&D sekiya 6−Jun−2011 12:04 B;1 *%&&+&*C&# 9 30 8 28 7 26 24 6 22 5 20 4 18 3 14 1 12 0 1 2 3 4 10−6 10−5 10−4 10−3 0.01 0.1 0 normalized counts s−1 keV−1 High energy processes (WP: Kawaharada & Madejski) 16 2 1 2 5 Energy (keV) 10 5 6 7 8 10 9 Wide-band and sensitive imaging spectroscopy with SXS, SXI, and HXI. Search for - Very high temperature gas (T>12 keV) - Inverse Compton radiation by cosmic-rays and magnetic fields. 20 Figure 32: Simulated observations of A3667 North West relic for a 200 ks exposure, including the non-thermal emission with = 2.0 as described in the text. Top left: The HXI field of view (90 ⇥ 90 ) which covers the NW relic and its edge (red box), overlaid on the 20-cm ATCA image (R¨ottgering et al. 1997). Top right: Simulated HXI raw image (NXB and CXB are included) of the potential sharp edge in hard X-ray band. The image is binned to 20 ⇥ 20 pixels. The color scale is in counts per pixel and indicated in the legend on the right. The PSF and vignetting e↵ects are taken into account. Bottom: Background (NXB+CXB) subtracted SXI (black cross) and HXI (red cross) spectra. For reference, solid lines show the thermal spectra with kT = 5 keV. ASTRO-H White Paper Clusters of Galaxies and Related Science (Kitayama+ASTRO-H SWG) Sec3on 3tle (coordinators) Main targets & keywords 1. Nature of gas mo3ons in the X-‐ray brightest galaxy cluster (Tamura, Werner, Allen) Perseus core and offsets 2. A detailed view of AGN feedback (Simionescu & Matsishita) M87 core 3. Plasma kinema3cs and clusters masses (Ota & Bautz) A2029, A2199, A1795+ 4. Mapping gas flows and turbulence in merging galaxy clusters (Markevitch & Akamatsu) Coma core, A3667, A754, A2319, A2256 5. High-‐energy processes (Kawaharada & Madejski) A3667 (relic & center), Coma, hard X-‐ray, non-‐thermal 6. Chemical composi=on and evolu=on (de Plaa & Sato) Virgo, Centaurus, Perseus, NGC5044+ 7. Detec=ng and characterizing the warm-‐hot intracluster medium (Galeazzi & Kitayama) Pair clusters in superclusters 8. A spectroscopic search for dark maCer (Kitayama, Tamura, Allen) Perseus and clusters, Milky way, dwarf galaxies, right-‐ hand neutrino 2015-03 T.Tamura
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