«CAFÉ CROQUIS» EXPERIMENTATION Analyzing the image of the city in a playful way VÉRONIQUE SEEL EUROPEAN PROJECT MANAGER, RESEARCH DPT A collaboration between a territorial mkg researcher & a SME “Experiences Touristiques” GIAMBIASI / VIALLE / SEEL La Rochelle - France Camille Chamard Ph. D – IAE/CREG University of Pau - France La Rochelle, first experimentation in 2009 • 2009-2010 : La Rochelle 12 boxes into selected places 1 Event • Then twice in Paris: 2012 & 2013 Publications • • • CHAMARD C., VIALLE D., SEEL V., GIAMBIASI B., 2011, "A New Tool for City Decision-makers Based on Lived Experiences: The Experiences Touristiques Approach" 2nd International Place Branding Conference, Bogotá. POITEVIN M., PENNINGTON A., CHAMARD C., SEEL V., 2012, "A new tool for city decision makers: the new "Expériences Touristiques Company" branding tool approach", VISTAS Education, Economy and Community, vol. 2, n° 1, p. 49-73 SEEL Véronique et CHAMARD Camille, 2014, « Analyse l’image de marque territoriale à travers une animation ludique» Espaces, Septembre 2014 The NHDI score index (classical approach) • Based on 1610 representatives of the French population aged 15 and over • Two questions: ‐ - “please indicate all the terms words, verbs, expressions- that come to mind when you think about (CITY X)” “What is your opinion about these terms?” (1=very negative to 5 very positive, 3= neutral) • 15 categories / 4 dimensions N / natural characteristics H / hospitality D / dynamism & cultural activities I / Influence of the Place NHDI score index (exemples of representations) From sketches to quantitative city image results HOW ? • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFNO0Z64xyA 3 steps / 2 coders : - Categorization of the sketch - Level of realism - Valency - Description of the sketch in relation to the NHDI categories (15) - Results - In global - with Positive valency STEP 1 : level of realism • For each sketch, determination of the level of realism Real 42% Mix of imaginary and reality 40% Totally imaginary 18% STEP 2 : the valency 1 > very negative 2 > negative 3 > neutral 4 > positive 5 > very positive 3/5 ‣ Valence average : 3,40 ‣ Normal distribution of the valence ! 4/5 5/5 STEP 3 : description in relation to the NHDI categories for example : 5 categories = 1 & 10 categories = 0 ‣ Landscape Geographical proper nouns Flora and fauna Residents features Local culture and tradition ‣ ‣ ‣ ‣ La Rochelle results (220 sketches) Tourists vs residents : 158 sketches French nationality vs foreigners : 157 sketches LA ROCHELLE Results In global, evocations of: a) b) c) d) e) Landscape (mostly the sea) Flora and Fauna (also specific fishes of the Aquarium) Transport (all kinds) Climate Local culture and traditions With POSITIVE valency: a) b) c) d) e) Climate Quality of life Residents features Demography Gastronomic THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION veronique.seel@eigsi.fr research blog: www.experiencestouristiques.fr
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