____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Registered Charity SC001688 Magazine Spring 2015 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Auchterarder Parish Church _ EASTER MESSAGE. As you approach Easter this year I want to encourage you to reflect upon the suffering of Jesus on the cross, on the incredible pain he had to endure, and on his humiliation and separation from God. After all, he did not deserve to die! Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ, can help with the process, though quite horrific it does much to convey the truth of what happened. All four Gospels, especially Matthew, Mark, and Luke, concur that Jesus suffered a great deal for us as he gave his life for our salvation so that we could be forgiven of our sins. A price had to be paid. And yet, there is another aspect to the Easter story that we need to remember and reflect upon. In studying John’s gospel since Christmas we have recalled that Jesus knew that “his time had come to depart from this world to the Father.” (John 13:1) and if you read on through the gospel you will note that John is at pains to show that the Cross was not a dead end but a station on Jesus' way back home to the Father! This is why he strikes a triumphant note at the outset of narrating the Crucifixion: The Father had given all things into Jesus' hands, and Jesus was on his way back to his pre-existent glory which he enjoyed with the Father (John 17:5, 24)! So, this Easter please also reflect on the "glory" part whilst remembering the story of Jesus' suffering because he accomplished something quite amazing on that Resurrection Day. Something that we can be a part of if we chose to be. You will often hear me talk of the wonderful ‘peace’ that comes from faith but there is meant to be great ‘joy’ too. Joy at what Jesus has accomplished for those who believe. If you have shared the joy of Easter for many years then I hope you can still do so again this Easter time, but please share your understanding and your joy with others. If on the other hand you have not yet experienced that joy then please look again at the gospels and take the time to reflect on what happened. There is a joy and peace that passes all understanding that can be received, paid for with a heavy price but free to those who ask. May peace and joy be yours this Easter. Rob Barlow – Parish Minister. Magazine Includes Page 1: Page 2: Page 3: Page 4: Page 5: Page 6: Easter Message Church...on Sunday mornings Music in the Kirk Young Families & Supporting the Elderly 50:50 Club & Supporting the Guild Auchterarder Pariah Church 2005 A Word from the Editor Breakfast + Church...Centre Church...Finances The Donkey Random thoughts with the coming of Spring Go and Tell Auchterarder Churches Together 1 Welcome,Welcome, Welcome and Thanks Thanks and Thanks Page 7: The Guild Page 8: The Guild - Quiz Night Easter Story 2015 Kidsteam Update Page 9: Have you heard from......... The Garden of Life St Andrews Day Service Parade Coffee Morning Page 10: Diary of Events Carpet Bowls Congregational Roll Changes Have your magazine in colour Useful Contacts Church … on Sunday mornings has certainly become busier over the last year. We have seen significant growth in the numbers attending the main service, especially in the numbers of children and teenagers. Last autumn Stephen and Sandra Miller encouraged people to consider joining the orchestra and choir with some notable success! Once a fortnight we now have a multi-talented orchestra playing for much of the service and it is great to see, for example, 10 year old Harry Knox playing his trombone alongside (not telling you how old) Miller Long, or young Finlay Yearsley playing his guitar alongside some of the guys from the Bald Eagles band. The choir too has seen a number of new members with the introduction of some new songs to the congregation. We have also seen people return to us after a spell elsewhere, as well as new folk coming along because they have moved into the area. Baptisms, new members and even new elders has been a feature of the last year. However, this encouragement brings some new issues for us to consider. For example whilst I have often preferred to preach from the front of the church I have reverted to the pulpit because with a fairly full church many at the back cannot see what is going on. This is all very well but baptisms and other things cannot be conducted from the pulpit! Failings with the existing sound system have also become more apparent. Beyond this we also find our children’s workers more stretched and we really do need to build our team so that we can properly attend to the Christian education of our children and teenagers. If you can offer some time to support our children’s team please contact Sandra Miller. Having set one of our ministry priorities as trying to journey with our children into their teens rather than lose them, as has been largely the case, we have seen some progress. We now have a dozen or more teenagers who have formed a fairly energetic peer group and are beginning to take some regular part in our Sunday services. They will be taking a major part in our Palm Sunday Service on 29th March, are planning a camping trip at the end of May and also hope to be a part of the ‘Soul Survivor Scotland’ Christian Festival, Saturday 1st August to Wednesday 5th August at Lendrick Muir in Kinross (take a look at www.soulsurvivor.com). Beyond this we still have a good number of families coming along after 9.30am for a good breakfast menu and what we call a ‘Breakfast Plus’ presentation at around 10am. This is a short and varied presentation from a team of volunteers wanting to give a ‘light touch’ Christian message, song, quiz or testimony. This is a great time of fellowship in the same way that the now regular teas/coffees/cakes are after the main service is too. Church on Sunday mornings is energetic, friendly, challenging and welcoming. Thanks to so many who have prayed for this and for those who support all that goes on. However, if we are to keep growing we continue to need your support in prayer, practical help and finance. We are starting to investigate how we might change the sound system and use technology to help everyone feel more a part of the action, so that we can build on the foundations we have established. Our aim is to try and journey as one church family, whilst recognising diversity, and so tend to have more modern songs and an informal approach at the beginning of the service, followed by more traditional hymns towards the end of the service. This is not always an easy balance but one that seems to be appreciated and understood by the congregation at large. Music in the Kirk - We hope you have been enjoying having some more variety in the music played and sung in the kirk. We aim to have the orchestra with us more often as we build up our repertoire of pieces and, as you will have seen, our numbers are still growing: we are in fact beginning to outgrow the Chancel area! Please remember if you play any instrument and would like to join us, speak to either Stephen or Sandra Miller any Sunday. We can accommodate most abilities and there is no better way to improve than to play along with others. In terms of the singing, we are growing in numbers in the choir too and we are encouraged to see some of the younger members of the congregation from both Grid and Kidsteam joining us more regularly. We now rehearse on one Sunday evening per month in addition to the Sunday morning practice, and this is allowing us to learn some new songs, both traditional and modern, to add to our introits. If you enjoy singing – and remember, it’s very good for your health and wellbeing, never mind enhancing worship – again, speak to Sandra or Stephen any Sunday morning. Stephen and Sandra Miller 2 A word from the Editor YOUNG FAMILIES ? …. We are conscious that we have a number of working families with young children under 5 who find it difficult to attend church on Sunday mornings for a variety of reasons. If anyone has some ideas, or suggestions as to how we might consider alternative means of supporting them and journeying with them at this stage of their family life, please let us know SUPPORTING THE ELDERLY? …. We try to support the elderly, the sick and the bereaved though our pastoral care team. This seems to work quite well but if you are aware of someone who would benefit from some support then please do let us know. If you have some time to spare we would also like to build the team so that we can offer better support. Do remember that a brief visit and a time to chat over a cup of tea can be a great source of encouragement. If you can help in any way please contact Rosemary Lennox or Renee Riddell in the first instance. Thank you. Do remember too to invite or bring along people to the 50:50 Lunch Club which meets on the fourth Tuesday of the month and provides lunch, fellowship, worship and reflection, sometimes with a musical input. Contact: Sheila Wilson tel: 01764 664219 SUPPORTING THE GUILD …. Is another way of becoming involved in our church and supporting its work within our fellowship and its mission outside. If you think it is just about cups of tea you are very much mistaken, so please find out more. Contact: Rosemary Lennox Tel: 01764 662549. · Thank you to all those who have contributed to this edition of your magazine. · A special thank you to our minister Rob who has come to the rescue by giving me several articles. · It is very difficult to produce a magazine if I do not receive input. · I believe the purpose of the magazine is to keep its members informed of what is happening in our church family. · There are many members who cannot get to church regularly and feel left out on what is going on within the church. · Articles from the various church groups would help to keep members informed. The guild is very good at this as they always send me news of what they are doing. · The organisation of the church – the various committees – is still unclear to some and a summary of what they have discussed since the last magazine would keep members informed . · Similarly a summary of all the activities which happen in the Church Centre would interest members who cannot be part of them. Sylvia Elsmere Breakfast + Breakfast Plus launched on 1st February, adding a moment of worship to go with the cereals, tea and bacon that mark the beginning of Sunday mornings at APC. The idea is simple, we want to build on the wonderful time of breakfast fellowship already in place with some light-touch worship during the runup to the 10.30 Service. Anyone is welcome! Auchterarder Parish Church 2005 There is a team in place to take the lead on Breakfast Plus and it is our intent to provide a variety of approaches to this short, but special worship slot. We’ll be keeping it fresh and light so that all the family can feel part of it, whatever your generation. If you haven’t given it a try then please come along one Sunday. Breakfast is available in the Centre from 9.45am and then at 10.05am we have a pause for worship that lasts 10-15 minutes, giving people plenty of time to make their way into the Sanctuary for the 10.30am service. I thought some may like to be reminded by my photograph of the church centenary in 2005 and the great flower festival with all the old and much loved pews still proudly in place. Now with the passing years, time has proved the advantages of the present seating arrangements. George Stoneley. Come along sometime! 3 Church … Centre use has increased over the Church…Finances have certainly improved and we are very thankful for everyone’s contribution in both direct giving and fund raising efforts. Please remember that giving via the Gift Aid scheme adds 25% to your offering, and giving by direct debit helps us to manage our finances more efficiently. last year and the Facilities Management Group (FMG) have been working hard on a number of fronts to improve the management of the Centre and to look after our buildings. We needed new church boilers last year which cost £16,000 but we have also seen a significant number of works to the building including stonework repairs to the church tower and repairs to the disabled access ramp, just to name a few. The group have also applied for a grant to repair the lead roofing on the side chapel, and continue to identify and repairs maintenance, prioritise and improvements to the church and centre. It is worth noting some remarkable changes in our finances and their management; Total income in 2012 was just under £85,000 and in 2014 had almost doubled to £159,000! This is no small increase but behind the scenes the Finance team under Kenny MacKay have transformed our record keeping to the extent that our audited accounts were fully prepared in January, and the bookkeeping has so improved that the Finance team and Kirk Session are able to see monthly detailed accounts showing profit/loss and even cash flow forecasts and budgets. If we are to continue to meet our obligations and manage our anticipated growth this is a key foundation stone. Thank you all for your giving, and congratulations to the Finance team of volunteers who have worked so hard to transform our accounts and finance management. However, beyond this the group have also computerised the church Centre diary so that bookings can be dealt with online, they have reviewed prices to ensure that we are consistent and competitive in the lettings and services that we offer. We now have 14 people certified to use the kitchens and adhere to modern hygiene standards, and the group is just reviewing Terms and Conditions for letting and plan to implement these over the next few months. With the help of volunteers and coordinated by the new administrator post (part-time) we hope to be ready to publicise the Centre facilities and increase the income accordingly! Oh, what does the Centre earn for us now?....... around £20,000 and we believe this can be increased quite significantly. As we are approaching Palm Sunday and remember that Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. The poet G. K. Chesterton penned this poem about a particular donkey. I first heard it at primary school. The poem and the teacher’s comments on the poem have remained vividly in my memory ever since that time. John Edgar Oh, and who uses the Centre?.... Dance Academy, Slimming World, Tots and Toddlers, British Horse Club, Camera Triathlon, Scottish Society, Auchterarder in Bloom, as well as birthdays, funeral teas, wedding receptions, Guild events and church events… to name just a few! The Donkey by G.K. Chesterton When fishes flew and forests walked And figs grew upon thorn, Some moment when the moon was blood Then surely I was born. With monstrous head and sickening cry And ears like errant wings, The devil’s walking parody On all four-footed things. Have an experience of a lifetime and help transform a child’s life. We have organised a Skydive to help raise funds for Talia Kum which is an after school care centre in Romania. The children who attend this come from some of the poorest households in Jimbolia, Romania. At the centre they receive help with homework, a nourishing meal, clothes and a shower once a week. Please consider taking part in this and tell friends and family. The tattered outlaw of the earth, Of ancient crooked will; Starve, scourge, deride me, I am dumb, I keep my secret still. Fools! For I also had my hour; One far fierce hour and sweet: There was a shout about my ears, And palms before my feet. Contact Adrienne Dempster for more information adrienne.dempster@blythswood.org or tel 01349 830777. 4 RANDOM THOUGHTS WITH THE COMING OF SPRING After all the excitement and anticipation of Christmas and the New Year, the prospects of another Spring is now within our sights. We all sense this wonderful coming event alongside the ancient Christian revival of Easter each year. It brings with it longer and brighter days with bulbs peeping through and the urgent activities of the birds all around us; instinctively driven to the rebuilding their nests and increasing their species. Sadly statistics used to point out the difficulty for older people to survive the month of March after surviving the long hard Winter. Some plants, shrubs and wild life also do not survive it's ravages and like ourselves, some unfortunately will not flourish to enjoy the coming Spring. Perhaps this is nature's way of pursuing the primeval laws of the survival of the fittest. Likewise March and April can also be a hard time for the animals of the fields as they wait for the grass to grow. Those animals that hibernate in Winter may have something to teach us. Yet all around us we hear the buzz and excitement of being young which is never far away. This is what keeps many others young in heart - "blest are the pure in heart". It is good to see so many age groups now taking an active roll in the church activities and their young enthusiasm is kept alive by the dedicated few and catering to the needs of such a variety of church interests is a worthy dedicated task itself. How should we all dress in church? Just how we feel or whatever we happen to be wearing? In years past one's class or status could be quickly recognized by one's dress and where people chose to sit in the pews with a minister all in black and usually with a long serious face. Thankfully this is no longer the way but it is still a chance to put on some bright clothes by those that have them stacked away to brighten up the congregation. The same question arises of what we all sing? If we all sang what was sung in past services, the church might well be more than half empty! What a task keeping everyone happy. I was told by Jimmie Watt that his father left the choir where he had sung for so many years when the church hymnal was revised. Fortunately not many of us would take it so hurtfully now. Jimmie was a fine bass singer whom I had the pleasure of singing next to occasionally and he was one of the many characters that add a little more colour to the church. We all come to church and use the splendid church buildings for a wide range of reasons. In France in the nineteenth century the cathedrals were often filled by people who came mainly to listen to the brilliant organ playing by the cathedral organist who would add his own improvisations to any composer's work that inspired him. Finally as we sit in church we should now and then gaze up and around us at the wonderful construction and remember the craftsmen who built it and also remember those who today make it all possible to happen in maintaining and working to keep the wheels all running smoothly. "To God be the glory, great things He has done" - George Stoneley. Feb. 2015. Auchterarder Churches Together (A.C.T.s) Auchterarder Parish Church members attended a Joint Service in Saint Kessog’s on Sunday 25 Jan 2015 with other members from all four Churches. This was during the “Week of Prayer for Christian Unity”, Titled “It was necessary to walk through Samaria (John 4:4).” All four Churches participated in leading us through the Order of Service, with readings from (John 4:1-24), and singing of Hymns. The Service ended with the Benediction and a Call to share Christ’s mission. Followed by a shared hospitality. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is an international Christian ecumenical observance kept annually between 18 and 25 January. It is actually an octave, that is, an observance lasting eight days. GO… and TELL … have you heard the story about the man who had read the gospels and wanted to become a Christian but could not because he had been told the first thing he should do after becoming a Christian was to tell someone. This had held him back for several years until one day a new minister arrived and said that this was not true, he did not have to tell anyone. The man was overjoyed. He immediately knelt down with the minister and prayed…. And as soon as he had finished he dashed home and told everyone the good news that he had become a Christian and that he ‘did not have to tell anyone about it’! A wise minister methinks… 5 Welcome, Welcome, Welcome and Thanks, Thanks and Thanks A warm welcome has been extended to new people over the last few months. Many have come from other churches and some are new members to the Church of Scotland. We are delighted to welcome them each Sunday and applaud their enthusiasm for the work of the church. It is truly wonderful to see a busy church on Sundays. Auchterarder Parish Church is bucking the current membership trend as at present most churches are in despair at their falling numbers. A busy church seems to be full of energy and we are so encouraged that so many new members are already becoming involved in the life of the church. It is the responsibility of the leaders to ensure new leaders are identified and enabled to ensure the church will continue as long as necessary. The choir also includes many new faces and the congregation greatly appreciates the choir singing at the start of the service, in fact throughout the service, and certainly a highlight of the morning. The orchestra has also grown and now boasts many talented youngsters who play with concentration and dedication. Well done to you all! On Sundays after the Children's Address everyone is amazed at the huge number of children and young people who go off to their own groups. What a joy to see them really enjoying being part of the church family. Breakfast starts at 9.30am and the numbers have grown considerably over last six months. What is the attraction? Is it the bacon, sausages, fruit croissants or muffins or is it the friendly smiling faces of the breakfast team serving them? Everyone is made most welcome by the team and certainly worth trying one Sunday morning. After the service tea is always served and is very popular with all ages. The Minister hosts an "Any Questions" based on the sermon reading but can easily be diverted to other thoughts and questions. This is a time for the serious, the thirsty and the intrigued. The time is spent in discussion and it is very interesting to learn how the sermon has affected each one of the discussion group. That all happens on Sunday mornings but church work continues all week with various group meetings. The Coffee Mornings held monthly are well attended and a precious time for fellowship. Thanks go to the team who organise this event. 50/50 Lunch Club is still a favourite for those who enjoy fellowship and lovely lunches and meets monthly on 4th Tuesday of each month at 12.30pm in the centre. There is a short reflection and usually some form of entertainment or speaker. The team is enthusiastic and the lunch is a happy time. Flowers are arranged for Sundays by a member of the Congregation aided by the Flower group and afterwards delivered to sick or bereaved members. This form of worship makes the church look beautiful and thanks goes to all who are involved. The Guild meets fortnightly and each meeting has a guest speaker or some entertainment. Please see page 7 The new members have been mentioned but the" older/ mature" members should also be thanked for their faithfulness and dedication to the church. Without many there would not be a thriving church. They are greatly loved and appreciated. Thank God for His presence in our midst touching people's hearts and lives. Thanks to Rob for his ministry, vision, enthusiasm and teaching. Thanks to all the Elders and leaders for their ongoing support and commitment to their various groups, Finance, Stewardship, Worship, Facilities Management and Pastoral Care. A great job is being done. Thanks to Heather for keeping the church clean and shining and beautiful. If you feel that you would like to be part of any of the teams please speak to me or one of the elders. We do always need new people who love the Lord. We welcome fresh ideas and of course expertise whether baking, reading, in finance or singing and playing an instrument and everything else Continue to Love God with all your Heart, Mind and Soul Renee Riddell – Session Clerk P.S. The magazine is a very important source of communication within the congregation and community but we need to share that information, stories etc. Sylvia does a wonderful job but she needs material to produce a magazine! Next time let us have a bumper edition. 6 Auchterarder Parish Church Guild Whose we are and Whom we serve - A World to Serve This year has seen our Guild host many great events. On the 16th of November our Guild hosted a “Soup and Sweet” lunch after the Sunday service. It was a very busy affair with extra tables required! Like the feeding of the 5,000 all seemed well satisfied both with the food and the company and fellowship. The event was in aid of the Children in Syria. On a lighter note we had ourselves another fun Christmas Party. Our entertainment for “the do” was Jeanette Bain and friend. It was really great listening to them play their harps and enjoy listening to their stories, all very amusing. Weather prevented our first meeting of 2015, but luckily our speakers, Sylvia and Graham Elsmere, gave their talk at our AGM which was on 19th March. At the meeting on 29th January which was a very interesting meeting, our speaker was Linda Kelly from Heart for Art. This is one of the projects we support and it helps and assist people with dementia reach out and communicate through the help of art. Art does not only mean paintings, although there were some beautiful ones shown to us, but can be pottery and anything the client would like to try. I think we all gained some insight into the help and assistance on offer, although more venues required, that both helpers and staff can give. On the 5th February we had a visit from Graeme Addison of Castlebrae Police Home. This was both an interesting and informative talk and slide show. I think we were all amazed at the size and facilities on offer. The 19th February saw the Guild host The Church Quiz Night. This was a very successful and fun evening. The Choir Team won, as well as beautiful singers lots of clever people too. Well Done! See page 8 for pictures. On Thursday 5th March The Guild were brought up to date by Helen May Bain on one of our projects, ‘Out of Africa into Malta’. We were shown slides and heard moving stories of the families that have been helped to settle into Malta after fleeing their own country. The Guilds annual outing to the theatre took place on Wednesday the 18th March. They went to see ”The Drowsy Chaperone” (a musical within a comedy) at The McRobert Theatre in Stirling University. The Guild Annual General Meeting was held on the 19th March and Sylvia and Graham Elsmere presented lots of photos of their trip to India. Forthcoming Events Spring Tea To round off our very enjoyable and successful year we will be holding our Spring Tea on the Thursday 16th April at 7.30pm. This is always a very entertaining evening and we will be entertained by The Jamboree Cabaret with Edna Auld. The tickets are £8.00 each and are available from any member of the Guild Committee should you wish any tickets. As always, we would love to welcome anyone to our meetings, male and female. Come and enjoy good company, speakers and a great cuppa. Kate Torkington The Guild meets fortnightly and each meeting has a guest speaker or some entertainment. Each year the Guild supports 2 projects for a 3 year period and works hard to raise money for these international, national and local charities. The National Guild raised £525,353.21 for the six charities being supported and that figure was quoted last November and will have increased by now. Each project is usually very challenging and sometimes quite heart breaking. The Guild is known and respected worldwide for its work sometimes in areas where others do not tread. Auchterarder Guild has held 2 lunches for the children in Syria and other war torn countries in addition to the project work raising huge amounts of money. The congregation has supported the Guild events faithfully and deserve many thanks for their continued support. For last 2 winters the Guild has also led a church appeal for the Food Bank. The Guild supported by the congregation provided the food and the Guild ladies delivered to the Food Bank. Are you interested in Mission? Join the Guild. 7 The Guild - Quiz Night The guild hosted a very successful quiz night on 19th February, which included the whole church, we had a good turnout in spite of the weather. There were several teams, and much laughter and a great deal of banter from the various tables. The winning team was from the members of the choir, and young Holly (pictured) collected the silver cup from Rob who was our quiz master and did a great job keeping us all in order. A splendid tea followed provided by the ladies from the guild. It was a good evening of fun and fellowship. DO YOU SHOP ONLINE ? … if Easter Story 2015 The extended choir will be performing the musical setting of ‘Easter Story’, written by Sandra and Stephen Miller, on Palm Sunday this year – Sunday 29 March. The venue is St. Margaret's RC Memorial Church, Dunfermline, Fife and the performance begins at 7.30 pm. As usual, we would be delighted to have a large travelling support to swell the audience, so please begin your Easter celebrations with us there. you do, you can get some income for the church with no effort or cost! Simply go to our web site and click on the Easyfundraising link at the bottom of the homepage for full directions, or go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk, click on support a good cause and type in Auchterarder Parish Church, then follow the instructions. Thank you. Kidsteam Update Well, almost Easter already – and yet it seems like the Nativity Service was only 10 minutes ago! We have just this week as I write, begun to fill in our ‘40 Acts’ sheets where the young folk in the Kidsteam are encouraged to perform 1 simple act of kindness to others over the 40 days of the Lent period. All of them are achievable – things like being polite to someone they don’t really know, buying 2 lots of sweeties and giving one away – so please encourage any children you know who are involved to go for the whole 40! And who knows, there may be some kind of benefit to the congregation – you may remember the chocolate crispy and marshmallow cakes of last year!!! On another note, we would VERY MUCH like to encourage anyone with an interest in helping with the children’s work to either speak to Rob or to me. As our numbers are increasing – a great sign of a growing, family church – so does our need for extra adults to help with the teaching. Please take some time to consider whether you could help in this really important work. Sandra and the Kidsteam Leaders 8 Have you heard from…………… We continue to update our Communion Roll of members. Can you help us to trace the following members? We don’t have their current address and would very much like to get in touch with them. If you have any information please contact me or one of our elders. Mr David Beal, formerly 8 The Paddock now Dundee Mr Arthur Beck, formerly 39 Feus, now Perth Miss Pauline Bell, formerly 48 Castlehill Drive, Cradlehall Mrs Elaine Cant, formerly Viewfield, 11 Townhead now Australia Mrs Dawn Clow, formerly 28 Victoria Road, now moved to Perth Mrs Mame Craig, 10 Greencrofts Mr Graham Dickson, 17 Belvidere Place Mrs Catriona Dickson, 31C Gowans Terrace, Perth Mrs Gillian Mailer, formerly Broadgates, Duchally Road, now Comrie Mrs Isabella Malone, last known address Mill Pond Cottage, West Third, Greenloaning Mrs Andrea McFarlane, formerly 2 Townhead Mrs Mary McKay, now Leeds Mr Brian Pirie Mrs Jayne Rowe, RAF Lossiemouth Mrs Lesley Scott, formerly 44 Feus, now Perth Mr John Young, formerly Clarence College, Rushton Richmond If you are in contact with any of them please pass them our sincere regards and remind them that they are in our thoughts and prayers. Mrs Susan M. Ross, Roll Keeper 22 Abbey Park susanmross@btinternet.com Tel 01764 663044 February, 2015 St Andrews Day Service Parade - Auchterarder 30th November 2014 with members of Perth & Kinross Council The Garden of Life Plant Three Rows of Peas 1. Peace of mind 2. Peace of heart 3. Peace of soul Plant Four Rows of Squash 1. Squash gossip 2. Squash indifference 3. Squash grumbling 4. Squash selfishness Plant Four Rows of Lettuce 1. Lettuce be faithful 2. Lettuce be kind 3. Lettuce be patient 4. Lettuce really love one another Coffee morning last Saturday of every month No Garden Is Without Turnips 1. Turnip for meetings 2. Turnip for service 3. Turnip to help one another 1. 2. 3. Community Church Centre from 10am till 12 noon Every Garden Needs Thyme Thyme for each other Thyme for family Thyme for friends You are invited to come along to enjoy the coffee, baking (of course) and meeting old and new friends. Taken from the book ‘A Little bit of Life’ by Father Brian D’Arcy The Auchterarder Flower Club is holding its Charity Evening on Wednesday 25 March in The Aytoun Hall. The demonstration starts at 7.30pm - doors open at 6.30pm Tickets are priced £10 and include light refreshments. A donation from the proceeds will be given to First Response 9 Everyone will be made most welcome. We raised £300 at our January coffee morning Church Website www.auchterarderparish.org For all the latest news, magazine and events taking place in Auchterarder Parish Church and the Community Church Centre. Diary of Events Please note Sunday Worship Starts at 10.30 am (followed by communion, last Sunday in the month) Breakfast + at 9.45am March 2015 Wed 25th Auchterarder Flower Club - Charity Evening - p9 Sun 29th 7.30pm Easter Story - see page 8 April 2015 Thurs 16th 7.30pm Guild Spring Tea - see page 7 June 2015 Sat 13th Jump for Joy - see page 5 50:50 Lunch Club - 4th Tuesday of the month Last Saturday of every month Coffee Morning 10am-12noon Carpet Bowls It is hoped early in April to start Carpet Bowling in the Centre. This is an excellent form of gentle exercise to enjoy in an not too competitive environment. Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided and there will be plenty of time to chat. To start with it is we intend have three two hour sessions. These will be Monday and Thursday 10am to Noon and Wednesday 7pm to 9pm. The cost will be £3.00 per session with no charge for the refreshments. For more information and to register your interest please contact Alex at the church or telephone him on 01764 664144 or email: alexglenorchil@aol.com. Congregational Roll Changes Dec 2014 to Feb 2015 New members by Certificate of Transference Mrs Doreen McFarlane, 59 High Street, from St Johns Parish Church, Hamilton. Mr George Reynolds, Dalryburn Cottage, Auchterarder, from St Leonards, Forres. Mrs Alison Reynolds, Dalryburn Cottage, Auchterarder, from St. Leonards, Forres. New members by Profession of Faith Michelle Barlow, 39 Townhead Christopher Cameron, 51 Abercairney Place, Blackford Margaret Rose Gilmour, Lothlorian, 28 Abbey Park Lawrence Gilmour, Lothlorian, 28 Abbey Park Ian Menzies, 16 Cherrylea Ann Robertson, 2 Colt Gardens Deaths Mr John Mair, Heathlands, Muirton Mr James Miller, 14 Kincardine Road Dr G.A.G. Crease, Struie, 5 Glenorchil Terrace Mr James MacRae, 17 St Margaret’s Crescent Mr Thomas McCormack, Castle Lea, Castleton Removal by Transference Certificate Mrs Joan Angus, 2 Grand Eagles, to Forteviot Parish Church. Communion Roll as at 16th February, 2015 Communicants…….. 590 Adherents……………. 6 Members on Supplementary Roll……….123 Susan M.Ross Roll Keeper Have your magazine in colour! We are trying to reduce our costs for the publication of the magazine and we would like to be able to send the magazine to you in an email as a pdf file, or you can view the magazine yourself by logging onto www.auchterarderparish.org and click on the link for the magazine. When you view the magazine as a pdf or view it on the web the magazine will be in colour and you can still print off any page you want to keep. I would be most grateful if you could let me know if you would rather have a pdf file by email or if you wish to view the magazine yourself on the web please let Sylvia know, by emailing sylvia.elsmere@hotmail.co.uk Visit the Church of Scotland website for everything you want to know about the national church. There are pages of Worship, The General Assembly, CrossReach, and the latest developments in different aspects of the Church’s life & witness, including emerging ministries. www.churchofscotland.org.uk Useful Contacts Church Office 24 High Street, PH3 1DF 01764 660 152 info@auchterarderparish.org Minister Rev Dr Rob Barlow 01764 662 399 rob@miragemedia.co.uk Session Clerk Renee Riddell 01764 652 771 reneeriddell@btinternet.com Worship Team Stephen Miller 01764 663 998 Finance Team Ken MacKay The deadline for the next edition Property Team Alastair Ramage 01764 662 377 of the magazine is Sunday 14 June 2015. Stewardship Team Keith Allan 01764 664 826 Articles, photographs and artwork Kids Team Sander Miller 01764 663 998 are all welcome. Material can be FWO Envelopes Alan Mordaunt 01764 662 725 e-mailed to Sylvia Elsmere, Gift Aid Convener Susan McIntosh 01764 660 948 sylvia.elsmere@hotmail.co.uk, Guild Secretary Rosemary Lennox 01764 662 549 or handed in to the church office. Roll Keeper Susan Ross 01764 663 044 Contact Church Office 660152 if Magazine Editor Sylvia Elsmere 01764 660 146 you want to advertise your local Flower Convenor Barrie Thom 01764 662 903 business. Each edition goes out to Home Group Stewart Robertson 01764 664 528 600 local homes. Life & Work Magazine Reader Anne Stewart 01738 828 367 Church web site - www.auchterarderparish.org 10
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