AuchterarderParishChurch Sunday - 31st May 2015 Members and Friends of Auchterarder Parish Church Welcome you to worship today Minister: Rev. Dr Rob Barlow Session Clerk: Mrs Renee Riddell The church has a loop system and you may tune in by setting your hearing aid to the loop position. The Duty Elders are there at the door to assist you and help you with your enquiries. · If you are new to the community or with us for the first time, please let us have your details before you leave by signing the Visitors Book and/or filling in the slip on the back of the Welcome leaflet? The Visitors Book is on the table to the left of the vestibule. · Rob is happy to visit any new to the congregation and to offer help with regard to baptisms, weddings, membership or pastoral needs. Please contact him at the door at the close of worship, by telephone at 01764 662399 or by email: · We hope that you will be helped by the service and will come again. Your Prayer Requests are welcomed and can be recorded (first name only, please) in the book provided for that purpose on the table as you enter. AUCHTERARDER PARISH CHURCH 31st May 2015 10.30am We seek God’s presence INTROIT Welcome and Intimations Welcome – Rob Barlow Intimations – Renee Riddell We worship as a family Praise - When I was lost (words on separate sheet) PRAYER and Lord’s Prayer Talk Time Praise - (I’ve got) Peace like a river (words on separate sheet) Offering and Prayer of Dedication (Groups leave for Centre) ------------------------We listen to God’s Word Reading - Genesis 3:14 -20 Romans 5: 6-14 Praise - CH4 378 Praise to the holiest Theme - The Fall and Salvation Praise - CH4 549 Before the throne of God above We remember the needs of others Intercessory prayers Praise - CH4 459 Crown him with many crowns BENEDICTION (Sung Amen) This morning there will be a retiring collection for Christian Aid. There will be a short communion today after the main service. Next week we will be looking at Genesis 4 and asking what we can learn about ourselves from the story of Cain and Abel Auchterarder Churches Together are having their Annual Safari Service today starting at Our Lady’s Catholic Church at 6.30pm. We then move onto the Episcopal Church, the United Free Church and finally to the Parish Church. A short service takes place in each church and light refreshments will be available after the final service. Do join us for this ecumenical event if you can. Breakfast Plus - Breakfast is available every Sunday from 9.45am in the Centre and will include a short worship activity in the lead up to Morning Worship at 10.30am. if you haven't tried it yet, please come along…bacon rolls available, but not obligatory! Summer Edition Magazine Do you have something interesting to gazine share with other members of the Church? Ma Are you doing anything exciting in the summer months that you would like to tell us about? All contributions including notices, photos, poems and prayers are welcome for the next edition of the magazine. Please make sure all articles are available by Sunday 8 June. Material can be e-mailed to Sylvia Elsmere at (01764 660146 or handed into the church office. This year we will be putting up the 17 Church Hanging Flowering Baskets. If any members of the Congregation would like to consider sponsoring a Basket, Allan Russell would be happy to accept any donations. There are also 10 Sundays available for putting flowers in the church, Thankyou Auchterarder Churches Together Services - Future Dates Care Homes Below are dates for APC attendance at Care homes in the town. Kind request for any members of the congregation to support Rob on these Sunday afternoons. 14th June Parkdale 19th July Ruthven Towers 6th September Glencairn 4th October Parkdale 1st November Ruthven Towers 6th December Glencairn Summer Choir Members of the Auchterarder Churches Together Choirs will sing on Garries corner on Saturday 6th June - 11am 12noon. Community School of Auchterarder Concerts by the pupils Thu 4th and Fri 5th June at 12.45pm both days in the Aytoun Hall. These will be different concerts and so people are invited to attend both days should they wish. Community School of Auchterarder Families Fun Day Saturday 20th June, from 10.00 am - 2.00pm in the Aytoun Hall. Auchterarder Parish Church - June Date 7th June 14th June 21st June Beadle Reader Irvine Small Ellen Menzies John Mills Gordon King Fiona McFarlane Ruth Buchan Diary Date: Dr John Blanchard will be with us again this year - Wednesday June 17th at 7.30pm in the Church Centre. He will be asking the question - 'Where is God when things go wrong?' Publicity leaflets are at the back of church – please do spread these around the parish and beyond to promote John’s visit. Green Knowes Windfarm Extension Public Information Days Thursday 4th June 2015 3.00pm to 8.00pm Aucherarder Community Church Centre Weekly Intimations - please let Sylvia Elsmere know by the previous Thursday evening. Intimations can be posted or handed into the church office, or email (01764 660146 Thought for the Week 1 Samuel 17:37 The Lord......will deliver me *************** Not to the strong is the battle, Not to the swift is the race But to the true and the faithful Victory is promised through grace. **************** Don’t tell God how big your giants are, Tell your giants how big your God is. Pennies for Heaven As part of our fundraising effort for the new church centre we are looking for your pennies (and any lose change). We will give half of it to TEAR Fund and half to the new church centre. Please support this unique effort. Date Amount 2008 - 14 £7031 14062 m Distance Distance to Travel 1,938 metres Jan - Apr £194 388 m 1,550 metres 3 May 15 £10 20 m 1,530 metres 10 May 15 £50 100 m 1,430 metres 17 May 15 £20 40 m 1,390 metres 24 May 15 £30 60m 1,330 meters Total collected so far: £7,335 @ 50p/metre that is 14,670 metres - 1,330 metres to go!!! AUCHTERARDER PARISH CHURCH GUILD SUMMER EVENTS – DATES FOR YOUR DIARY 4th JUNE AT 7.30PM Summer Meeting at Kinross Parish Church with the Very Rev. Lorna Hood, Ex Moderator of the Church of Scotland. 6th AUGUST AT 7.00PM Summer Get Together in Glenfarg Village Hall. Should you require a lift to either venues please see Rosemary or call on 662549 WOOL APPEAL If any of our congregation has any spare wool they would like to donate to the Guild it would be very much appreciated. It would be used to knit blankets, jumpers, hats etc. to send to help keep those in need keep warm. Please pass to Kate Torkington, Rosemary Lennox, or any member of the Guild Committee. Thank you. Minister - Rev Dr Rob Barlow (01764 662399 * Session Clerk - Renee Riddell (01764 652 771 * Church Office - 24 High Street, Auchterarder (01764 660 152 * Web Site - Registered Charities SC001688
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