17 O of S and Intimations 26apr2015

Sunday - 26th April 2015
Members and Friends of
Auchterarder Parish Church
Welcome you to worship today
Minister: Rev. Dr Rob Barlow
Session Clerk: Mrs Renee Riddell
The church has a loop system and you may tune in by setting your hearing aid to the loop position.
The Duty Elders are there at the door to assist you and help you with your enquiries.
· If you are new to the community or with us for the first time, please let us have your details before you leave by
signing the Visitors Book and/or filling in the slip on the back of the Welcome leaflet? The Visitors Book is on the
table to the left of the vestibule.
· Rob is happy to visit any new to the congregation and to offer help with regard to baptisms, weddings,
membership or pastoral needs. Please contact him at the door at the close of worship, by telephone at 01764
662399 or by email: rob@miragemedia.co.uk.
· We hope that you will be helped by the service and will come again.
Your Prayer Requests are welcomed and can be recorded (first name only, please) in the book provided for that purpose
on the table as you enter.
26th April 2015
We seek God’s presence
Welcome and Intimations
Welcome – Rob Barlow
Intimations – Renee Riddell
We worship as a family
Praise - CH4 519 Love divine, all loves excelling
PRAYER and Lord’s Prayer
Talk Time
Praise - This little light (Words attached)
Offering and Prayer of Dedication
(Groups leave for Centre)
------------------------We listen to God’s Word
Reading - Genesis 1:1
Psalm 102:25
John 1:1-3
Praise - Teach me to dance (Words attached)
Theme - ‘In the Beginning’
Praise - CH4 153 Great is thy faithfulness
We remember the needs of others
Intercessory prayers
Praise - CH4 154 How great thou art vs 1,3,4 only
(Sung Amen)
Breakfast Plus - Breakfast is available every Sunday
from 9.45am in the Centre and will include a short
worship activity in the lead up to Morning Worship
at 10.30am. if you haven't tried it yet, please come
along…bacon rolls available, but not obligatory!
Diary Date: Dr John Blanchard will be with us again
this year - Wednesday June 17th at 7.30pm in the
Church Centre.
He will be asking the question - 'Where is God when
things go wrong?' Please do spread the word since
this topic is very real to many.
Communion Sunday May 10th: We would like this to
be an all age service with children and families
included throughout.
This sacrament is both solemn and serious but full of
joy as we remember what Jesus has done for us so do
please join us.
All who love the Lord are welcome regardless of
A thank you from Anne Stewart
I would like to record my thanks to those who were
gave me such kind and thoughtful cards. I want to
thank the congregation for their gift and the
beautiful flowers. You have all been very good to me.
I am looking forward to meeting up with you all soon,
and wish to again thank you for your gracious
support. anne.stewart13@btinternet.com
Auchterarder Parish Church -April/May
26th Apr
3rd May
10th May
17th May
24th May
31st May
John Boyd
Kenneth McKay
Alastair Ramage
Robert Farmer
Gordon Wilson
Derek Lumsden
Allan Mordaunt
Allan Russell
Gwen Barlow
Sybil Ryan
Heather Edment
Iris Lough
Our Guild ended on a high with a wonderful Spring Tea. We
were very well entertained by The Jamboree Cabaret
Ensemble with Edna Auld, the variety of their songs
ensured all enjoyed the evening. Thank you to all who
provided baking for both the tables and stall.
We will recommence on Sunday the 13 of September with
our Dedication Service followed by our Coffee Morning and
Sale on the 19 of September.
During the summer months your Committee will be
organising another varied, informative and fun syllabus for
you, Watch This Space!
From all of the Committee we would like to wish you a
healthy and pleasant summer break and look forward to
seeing both old and new members.
Carpet Bowls sessions have now started and are being
enjoyed. We meet on Monday and Thursday at 10.00 and
on Wednesday at 19.00 in the Centre. Sessions last 2 hours
with the opportunity to have tea or coffee with biscuits
and have a chat. The cost is £3 per session including
refreshments. The first session is free! If you are interested
in joining come along to any session. You'll be made very
welcome. For more information contact Alex on 01764
664144 or email: alexglenorchil@aol.com.
Hymn Book Rota The new Hymn Book Rota will shortly be
being made up. We need more members for this very
important part of welcoming people to church on a Sunday
morning. If you would like to help please add your name on
the sheet on the table at the back of the church.
Machany - Garden Opening
The Robertsons are open their garden at Machany on
17th May 2015 - Under the Scotland Garden Scheme.
For more information why not goggle search
‘Scottish Gardens Machany’ or contact
Have an experience of a lifetime and help transform a
child’s life. We have organised a Skydive to help raise
funds for Talia Kum which is an after school care centre in
Romania. The children who attend this come from some
of the poorest households in Jimbolia, Romania. At the
centre they receive help with homework, a nourishing
meal, clothes and a shower once a week. Please consider
taking part in this and tell friends and family.
Contact Adrienne Dempster for more information
adrienne.dempster@blythswood.org or
tel 01349 830777.
Thought for the Week
Proverbs 15;22
Without counsel, plans go awry, but in
the multitude of counsellors they are
Wonderful, wonderful, Jesus is to me,
Counsellor, Prince of Peace, Mighty God is He;
Saving me, keeping me from all sin and shame,
Wonderful is my Redeemer, praise His name!
If you seek wise counsel, you multiply your chances
for sound decisions.
Pennies for Heaven
As part of our fundraising effort for the
new church centre we are looking for
your pennies (and any lose change).
We will give half of it to TEAR Fund and half to the new
church centre.
Please support this unique effort.
Total collected
Distance Distance to Travel
so far:
2008 - 13
12658 m
3,342 metres
Jan - Dec
1404 m
1,938 metres
1,830 metres
Jan 15
108 m
Feb 15
84 m
1,746 metres
Mar 15
90 m
1,656 metres
5 Apr 15
44 m
1,612 metres
12 Apr 15
30 m
1,582 metres
£7,209 @
that is 14,418
metres - 1,582
metres to go!!!
Coffee Morning
Saturday 9th May 2015
10.00 am - 11.30 am
Aytoun Hall, Auchterarder
We look forward to seeing you there
Weekly Intimations - please let Sylvia Elsmere know
by the previous Thursday evening. Intimations can be
posted or handed into the church office, or email
sylvia.elsmere@hotmail.co.uk. (01764 660146
Minister - Rev Dr Rob Barlow
(01764 662399
Session Clerk - Renee Riddell
(01764 652 771
Church Office - 24 High Street, Auchterarder
(01764 660 152
Web Site - www.auchterarderparish.org
Registered Charities SC001688