Mail Type Reference Guide Effective 1 June 2015 Contents Welcome 3 Promo Post 4 The mail classification question 5 The “communication purpose” 6 Promotional mail 7 Promotional mail examples 8 Transactional mail 11 Transactional mail examples 12 Reference guide 14 - A, B, C 14 - D, E 15 - F, G, I 16 - L, M, N 17 - O, P, Q, R 18 - S, T, V 19 This document is intended as a guide only. Although every endeavour has been made to ensure the accuracy of the contents of this document at the time of publication, this information is subject to changes without notice. Australia Post shall not be liable for any loss or damage whatsoever arising howsoever in connection with this document (including but not limited to any errors and omissions in this document, changes to any information, or from the reliance placed on all or part of its contents). Copyright owned by Australia Postal Corporation. Contents 2 Welcome The purpose of this guide? The purpose of this guide is to help users assess the “communication purpose” of their business mail, as either promotional or transactional. This information is required for some Australia Post bulk mail delivery services: • Promo Post is available for organisations making individual lodgements of 4000 or more articles of promotional mail. • Bulk mail lodgement documents (for PreSort, Clean and Impact Mail) also require identification of the “communication purpose”. Classifying the “communication purpose” of mail as promotional or transactional can be open to interpretation and ambiguity. This guide seeks to list the various “mail types” and identify whether their “communication purpose” is promotional or transactional. How to use this guide When completing PreSort, Clean Mail or Impact Mail lodgement documentation or deciding if you are eligible to use Promo Post, use this guide to determine the “communication purpose” for the articles you are lodging. 1.Ascertain the “mail type” (for example; to send a brochure). 2.Locate the entry in the guide that corresponds to the “mail type” and check the “description”. 3.Listed at the far right is the “communication purpose” of the mailing, which is given as either promotional or transactional. If you have a question or it’s not in this guide Some “mail types” may not be listed in the guide or you may be unsure of the “communication purpose” of an article. These articles can be referred to the Australia Post Mail Support Team, by emailing an image of your article to You will receive a response to your query within two business days. This guide will be updated to reflect any new additional “mail types”. For the most up to date version, please download the Mail Type Reference Guide at Contents 3 Promo Post Direct mail remains a highly effective channel for organisations to gain new customers or do more business with existing customers. Promo Post is available for organisations making individual lodgements of at least 4000 addressed mail pieces that are ‘promotional’ in nature. Articles are prepared as PreSort but attract a lower rate than PreSort. Use this guide to confirm that the “communication purpose” of the article you are sending is promotional and thus qualifies for Promo Post. If your “mail type” is not listed in the guide, or you are unsure of the “communication purpose” of an article, either email an image of your article to or lodge the articles using our PreSort Letters service. Full details on how to use Promo Post are available at, or in the PreSort Letters service guide (8833700). Contents 4 The mail classification question The mail classification question is found on bulk mail lodgement documentation for: • PreSort Letters • Clean Mail • Impact Mail nt document PreSort Letters – Lodgement document Do not include on this form items for External Territories lodgement. Refer to the External Territories – Supplementary lodgement form (8838499). Important: See Privacy Notice in the PreSort Letters Terms and Conditions attached. gement. form (8838499). Important: and Conditions attached. his um aid en ice Mail details One of these numbers must appear on all mail tags / labels with this lodgement Your lodgement number What is the main purpose of this mailing? (tick one only) Promotional (eg. advertising, offers, customer relationship material) Your job number Or Mail details Please note: To be eligible for PreSort Letters prices, a minimum of 300 barcoded articles is required. These items must: • be the same article size classification and weight range • be sorted into trays and correctly labelled. • not contain a mix of payment streams, ie metered and postage paid imprint • comply with the addressing and other conditions of the service. Lodgements will be accepted only if official approval has been obtained from Australia Post. Refer to the PreSort Letters service guide (8833700). Don’t know Transactional (eg. statements, invoices, receipts) Are these articles eligible for Charity Mail? Yes A05 C05 Charity Mail Approval No. Article size / weight category (tick one only) Small (B10/C10) Medium (B11) Regular delivery only Large (B12/C12) What is the main purpose of this mailing? (tick one only) Name of facility where lodging mail Promotional (eg.Mailing advertising, offers, agent’s details (if applicable) customer relationship material) Contact name Telephone number Company / business name Up to 125g Up to 125g Up to 125g Over 125g up to 250g Small Plus (B09/C09) Up to 125g Over 125g up to 250g Over 250g up to 500g Transactional (eg. statements, invoices, receipts) Does this lodgement contain identical weight articles? Regular delivery (B09/B10/B11/B12) No Don’t know Yes Number of articles Same state Other state Total Number of trays Number of articles Same state Other state Total Number of trays • Direct trays • Residue trays • Unbarcoded trays Total Are these articles eligible for Charity Mail? Customer’s details Yes Contact name Priority delivery Charity Mail Approval No. Telephone number Fax number Department / section (C09/C10/C12) • Direct trays • Residue trays • Unbarcoded trays Total A05 C05 Email Declaration Article size / weight category (tick one only) I hereby declare that: Company / business name 1 2 3 Small (B10/C10) Medium (B11) 4 Address Regular delivery only Up to 125g Postcode 5 Small Plus (B09/C09) Are these mail costs to be charged to your Australia Post Charge Account? Yes Up to 125g Charge Account Number Reference details for invoice services Does thisSpecial lodgement contain identical weight articles? Do you require any special services (eg. Registered Post)? No Yes • Original - Australia Post Specify type Regular delivery (B09/B10/B11/B12) • Direct Contents trays Large (B12/C12) Up to 125g Over 125g up to 250g 6 Payment / invoice details No I am the customer and / or authorised agent of the customer. I have read and agree to the PreSort Letters Terms and Conditions. All information contained on this document is to the best of my knowledge true and correct. I acknowledge that Australia Post will have accepted this lodgement for carriage only when this form is correctly receipted and stamped provided that Australia Post reserves the right to inspect the lodgement to ensure that the mailing details are correct and the terms and conditions have been complied with. Articles lodged under The Charity Mail Service contain contents originating from the approved charity. I certify that the address details contained within this lodgement, including the DPID contained within the 4-state barcode, are current against the latest version of the Postal Address File (PAF) and have been checked using a current version of AMAS certified software. • Duplicate - Customer copy Signature (Customer or Agent) Name (block capitals please) Up to 125g Over 125g up to 250g Date / / Over 250g up to 500g Australia Post use only No Received by FAP220/221/225 number Yes Time Final check performed by ABN 28 864 970 579 Number of articles Same state Other state Total 8835114 • June 2014 Number of trays 5 The “communication purpose” What is meant by the term “communication purpose”? The “communication purpose” refers to the primary reason for the mailing or correspondence. For business mail there are two broad “communication purpose” classifications: Promotional or Transactional. Promotional mail Transactional mail Where the main purpose of a mailing is to promote the business, organisation or institution’s goods, services or cause, the mailing is promotional. Where the main purpose of a mailing is to ‘facilitate transactions’ of a business, organisation or institution with its customers, suppliers, employees or supporters, the mailing is transactional. •Brochure •Flyer •Pamphlet •Loyalty correspondence •Direct mail •Application form •Competition •Fund raising •Entry form •Newsletter •Invitation •Invoices •Statements •Receipts •Bills •Overdue notices •Contracts •Employee payments •Group certificates •Account keeping card •Membership renewal •Coupon •Change notification. •Voucher Transactional articles that also contain a promotional message (sometimes referred as trans promotional) are classified as transactional. They do not qualify for Promo Post. •Offer •Catalogue. Information and examples of promotional and transactional mailings can be found on the following pages. “Descriptions” and classifications of “communication purpose” are provided in Appendix A. Contents 6 Promotional mail Promotional mail is any addressed mail that advertises goods or services, including the promotion of organisations, causes and / or customer relationships. To decide if a mailing is promotional, ask whether the main purpose is to stimulate activity of the business or organisation through: • Promoting the sale or use of products or services? • Promoting the organisation’s cause? • Making an offer, invitation or promotional claim about the organisation’s products, services or “cause”? If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, then the “communication purpose” is promotional. Examples of Promotional mail: • • • • • • • • Advertising letters and brochures Subscription offers Special offers Charity donation solicitations* Competitions Catalogues i.e. to encourage purchase goods Loyalty program information i.e. offers to a loyalty program members Invitation to an event (excluding appointment reminders). *Charity donation solicitations may also qualify to be sent using the Charity Mail service. Charity Mail provides lower prices for mailings of barcode PreSort articles from income tax exempt organisations. A minimum of 300 barcoded articles per lodgement applies. Full details of the Charity Mail service can be found at Contents 7 Promotional mail examples Invitation to a conference IT Loyalty correspondence Goodbuys con nect Dear Sarah SOCIAL MEDIA CONFERENCE Book before July to save up to $500 with our early bird discount Welcome Anna Rewards Points To Book, Call Or Email Competition entry Offer to a former customer Hotel Sands Dear Jenny Dear Gina WIN Thank you for your stay. Book andSand s pay before September to receive a discount off your accomodation YOUR CHANCE TO Hotel 15% How to enter Contents 8 Offer from a utility company Switch Election / political advertising John CANDIDATE MP Energy Dear Alex Dear Mr Citizen Switch to us and save I ask for your support. 1 Vote this election. Magazine subscription offer Offer to upgrade credit limit Limited Dear Mrs Smith DJ Mag FREE DJ Mag Diary when you subscribe today! Contents Upgrade Now Hello Mark 0% p.a. Credit Card 9 Contents 10 Transactional mail Transactional mail is any addressed mail that primarily relates to facilitating a transaction or contractual / legal agreement between the sending organisation and the receiver. To decide if a mailing is transactional, ask whether the main purpose is: • To convey financial information (e.g. invoices, statement or receipts)? • Necessary for compliance standards? • Information or updates about the current “operating relationship” between the sender and the receiver? If the answer is “yes” to any of these questions, then the “communication purpose” is transactional. Examples of Transactional mail: • Bills / invoices / accounts i.e. anything seeking payment • Statements i.e. anything that provides an update of money available or owed • Payments and payment advices / receipts i.e. anything that is making a payment (e.g. Cheque or credit card) • Periodical financial / business reports i.e. annual reports or business updates sent to shareholders. Transactional articles that also contain a promotional message (sometimes referred to as trans promotional) are classified as transactional. They do not qualify for Promo Post. Contents 11 Transactional mail examples Loyalty card Electoral roll information VOTER INFORMATION LETTER Ca rr cluot b Welcome to the carrot club rewards card program Notice of an annual meeting State Election, Saturday, May Insurance renewal me Fortunate INSURANCE 500 Dear Robert NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING FOR SHAREHOLDERS Contents Dear Bert Insurance Renewal 12 A bill from a service provider Product recall H2O Water Water Bill A financial statement $ YOUR BANK Your Financial Statement Product Safety Recall Dear Car Owner, A tax invoice / receipt Parts‘R’Us Tax Invoice #001 Contents 13 Reference guide Mail type Description Communication Purpose A Account (statement) Convey details and costs of a transaction normally requesting payment. (See also "bill", "invoice", "statement"). Transactional Account keeping card The physical card and / or PIN details for customer account access or welcomes or updates a customer / member. E.g. ATM, credit card, debit card, health care card, automobile club, special interest group. Transactional Acknowledgement Confirm an order or request and / or that a transaction has progressed. Transactional Advertising letters See "direct mail." Promotional Annual report Provide financial status of a company or association normally as part of compliance standards. E.g. Annual, half year and quarterly reports. Transactional Application form (1) When included with a direct mail item inviting the addressee to respond or join. Promotional Application form (2) When dispatched to addressee upon their request. Transactional Bill Conveys details and costs of a transaction normally requesting payment. (See also "account", "invoice", "statement"). Transactional Brochure Contains information about the goods or services of a business, organisation or institution. (See also "catalogue", "flyer", "pamphlet"). Promotional Card (1) See "membership card." Transactional Card (2) See "account keeping card." Transactional Catalogue Contains information about the goods or services of a business, organisation or institution. (See also "catalogue", "flyer", "pamphlet"). Promotional B C Certificate (1) See "gift certificate." Promotional Certificate (2) See "results certificate." Transactional Change notification Inform a customer or member about changes to their account, policy, contract or service agreement. E.g. Price changes, changes to Terms and Conditions. Transactional Contents 14 Change of address advice Inform a customer or member about a business, organisation or institution change of premises. E.g. "We have moved." Transactional Charity See "fund raising." Promotional Cheques The distribution of money (including money orders) as part of a transaction. E.g. Supplier payments, employee pay cheques, dividend payments. (See also “payment"). Transactional Competition Offered by a business, institution or organisation as a promotion. E.g. "To win a holiday, enter your details on this form." (See also “entry form"). Promotional Confirmation Notice to confirm predetermined bookings, meetings, appointments. E.g. "Your appointment is at...”, "Your flight is on…" Transactional Contracts Business, property or personal transactions or agreements. (See also “legal documents"). Transactional Coupon Offered by a business, institution or organisation as part or solely as a promotion. E.g. Free offer, discount or two for one. (See also “gift certificates", "voucher"). Promotional Course information (1) (education) Promote an educational institution with prospectus, course and study information and fees. Promotional Course information (1) (education) Direct request by the receiver for a prospectus, course and study information and fees from an educational institution. Transactional Credit card See "account keeping card." Transactional Direct mail Solicited or unsolicited letters. Promotional Dividend cheques The distribution of money (including money orders) arising from the ownership of a company or company shares. Transactional Donations (soliciting of) See "fund raising." Promotional Election / political advertising Political or election campaign information, member, party or policy information intended to win favour of constituents. Promotional Election / voting information Information that provides details about where and how to vote for an upcoming election. Transactional Electoral roll information Forms and information intended to update and maintain electoral rolls. Transactional Employee payments Cheques or notice of payment to employees from a business, organisation or institution. (See also “cheques”). Transactional Entry form (1) Offered by a business, institution or organisation as part of a promotion. E.g. "To win a holiday, enter your details on this form." Promotional Entry form (2) When dispatched to addressee upon their request. Transactional D E Contents 15 F Flyer Contains information about the goods or services of a business, organisation or institution. (See also "brochure", "catalogue", "pamphlet"). Form (1) See "application form." Form (2) See "entry form." Form (3) See "order form." Form (4) See "registration form." Fund raising Encourage or solicit a recipient to make a purchase, donation, join or contribute to a cause. E.g. Community service, social service, clubs. Promotional Gift Certificates (1) Offered by a business, institution or organisation as part of or solely as a promotion. E.g. Free offer, discount or two for one. (See also "coupon”, “voucher"). Promotional Gift Certificates (2) Sent as payment or part payment to employees by a business, institution or organisation. Transactional Government correspondence (1) Announcements, newsletters and information intended to promote the activity, views and opinions of parliamentarians, mayors, councillors, political parties and / or members. Promotional Government correspondence (2) Government, local government, council, forms, information, licence renewals requested or not by constituents or in the normal course of servicing the community excluding promotional information. Transactional Greeting cards Season’s greetings cards to a group of customers or members, current or otherwise. E.g. Religious holiday cards, birthday cards. Promotional Group Certificates Annual employee payments and taxation information from a business, organisation or institution. Transactional Inserts (1) A promotional item such as a brochure, catalogue, flyer or invitation when included in a mailing of transaction statements. E.g. A wine club (affiliated or not) leaflet accompanying a credit card statement. Transactional Inserts (2) A promotional item such as a brochure, catalogue, flyer or invitation when accompanying direct mail or loyalty mailings. E.g. A wine club (affiliated or not) leaflet accompanying a loyalty program points statement. Promotional Insurance See "policy document." Transactional Investment offer Investment fund information relating to share portfolio or investment plans. Promotional Invitation (1) Invitation to customers or members, existing or potential to purchase, inspect, attend or participate in a promotional event. E.g. "You're invited to our new store at." Promotional Promotional G I Contents 16 Invitation (2) Invitations that are normally part of compliance standards. (See also “meeting notice", "notices"). Transactional Invoice Convey details and costs of a transaction normally requesting payment. (See also "account", "bill", "statement"). Transactional IPO (Initial Public Offer) See "share offer." Promotional Legal documents Business, property or personal transactions or agreements. (See also "contract"). Transactional Loyalty card (1) See "membership card." Transactional Loyalty card (2) Invitation to apply for a loyalty card. (See "application form"). Promotional Loyalty correspondence Statements to customers, clients, club members or special groups of customers detailing their frequent buyer, frequent flyer or club status which may also include privileges, price lists, and product / service lists. Also updating a customer / member about their shopping habits, accumulated bonus points or points redemption scheme. E.g. Customer rewards program, frequent shopper program. Promotional Loyalty gift certificate Gift certificate with value sent as a thank you or for reaching a certain points value. (See "gift certificate"). Promotional Medical results Results associated with medical or health related tests. Transactional Meeting notice Convey compulsory notice of meetings to shareholders, members or a group. E.g. "Annual General Meeting to be held at." Transactional Membership card / pack Delivery of the physical card and / or membership details, welcoming or upgrading a customer or member and conveying information about the membership scheme. E.g. Customer card, frequent shopper card, frequent flyer card, rewards card. Transactional Membership offer Mailing pieces designed to gain new members by encouraging the recipient to become a member of a club, or a mailing sent to lapsed members to encourage them to rejoin the club. Promotional Membership renewal See "renewals." Transactional Money order See "cheques" and "payments." Transactional Newsletter (1) Information bulletins directed to employees, agents, dealers or distributors or members of an organisation that promotes an organisation and/or its activities without mandated legal or regulatory information. Promotional Newsletter (2) Information bulletins directed to employees, agents, dealers or distributors or members of an organisation that contains mandated legal or regulatory information. Transactional Notices Convey compulsory notices, changes, information or occurrences to shareholders, members, customers or a group. Transactional L M N Contents 17 O Offer Letters to customers or members, existing or potential that invite or encourage the addressee to purchase, inspect attend or participate. Promotional Order form (1) When included with a direct mail item inviting the addressee to respond or join. Promotional Order form (2) When dispatched to addressee upon their request. Transactional Overdue notice Notice to inform customers or members of payment not received. Transactional Pamphlet Contains information about the goods or services of a business, organisation or institution. (See also "brochure", "catalogue", "flyer"). Promotional Payment Cheques or money orders sent as part of a transaction. E.g. Supplier payments, employee pay cheques or dividend payment. (See also "cheques", "employee payments"). Transactional Payment advice Documentation that supports a payment that has occurred. (See also "remittance advice"). Transactional Policy documents Policy related documentation distributed to members or customers including renewals, changes to policy, terms and conditions. E.g. "You're policy has changed." Transactional Price changes Notices to customers or members about changes to existing agreements, contracts or policies. E.g. Periodic CPI increases. (See also "rate changes"). Transactional Price lists Contains product descriptions and prices for the products or services of a business, organisation or institution. Transactional Product recall Notice to a customer to advise a product they have purchased is being recalled. Transactional Prospectus (1) Offer of investment fund information relating to share portfolio, shareholder information or investment plans when conveyed as part of a promotion. Promotional Prospectus (2) Request for investment fund information relating to share portfolio, shareholder information or investment plans by the receiver. E.g. The receiver responds to an advertisement requesting a prospectus. Transactional Requests or invitations to participate in research and / or questionnaires for respondents to complete. (See also "survey"). Promotional Rate change Notices to customers or members about changes to existing agreements, contracts or policies. E.g. Periodic CPI increases. (See also "price changes"). Transactional Receipt Confirmation of payment, goods or services ordered / received. Transactional Registration form (1) When included with a direct mail item inviting the addressee to respond or join. Promotional P Q Questionnaire R Contents 18 Registration form (2) When dispatched to addressee upon their request. Transactional Reminders (1) Notice to remind a customer of an upcoming service or event. E.g. "It is time to make your next appointment." Promotional Reminders (2) Reminder of action outstanding. E.g. Failure to meet, pay, appear. (See also "overdue notice"). Transactional Remittance advice Documentation that supports a payment that has occurred. (See also "payment advice"). Transactional Renewals (1) Notices calling for the renewal of existing customer contracts or memberships. E.g. Insurance renewals, membership renewals Transactional Renewals (2) Notices calling for the renewal of lapsed customer contracts or memberships. E.g. Insurance renewals, membership renewals. Promotional Results / results certificate Notice to students relating to exam results and course grading. E.g. Certificates, results. Transactional Sample Example of product or service, free or otherwise and / or gift, novelty to promote a product or service. Promotional Share certificates / issue Documentation arising from the sale or purchase of company shares. Transactional Share offer Notification of forthcoming company float on the stock exchange or capital raising. (See also "IPO"). Promotional Statement Convey financial transactions and status of a customer account. E.g. From a bank, credit card institution. Transactional Store card See "membership card." Transactional Subscription offer Encourage the recipient to become a new subscriber to a publication. (Mailing pieces designed to gain subscribers), or sent to lapsed subscribers or to a totally new list. Promotional Subscription renewal Notices calling for the renewal of existing publication subscriptions. Promotional Survey Requests or invitations to participate in research and / or questionnaires for respondents to complete. (See also "questionnaire"). Promotional Taxation forms Including BAS, personal income tax, and group certificates. Transactional Tax invoice See "invoice." Transactional Thank you notices Conveying gratitude to customers or members for their custom or otherwise. Promotional Voting information See "election information" Promotional Voucher Offered by a business, institution or organisation as part of or solely as a promotion. E.g. Free offer, discount or two for one. (See also "coupon”, “gift certificates"). Promotional S T V Contents 19 For the most up to date version of this guide, visit
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