The Catholic Parish of the Immaculate Conception North Devon : Diocese of Plymouth under the Patronage of St Cuthbert Mayne COMPRISING THE PARISH CHURCH OF ST MARY, IMMACULATE MOTHER OF GOD, BARNSTAPLE, & THE CHURCH OF ST JOSEPH, SOUTH MOLTON. Website Newsletter: 15/18 Parish Priest: Email: Fr. Paul Andrew Deacon (retired): Rev. John Connors Parish Office Manager: Mavis Eastaugh Email: The Presbytery, Higher Church Street, Barnstaple EX32 8JE 01271 343312 Website: Our Lady’s Catholic Primary School Chanter’s Hill, Barnstaple EX32 8DN 01271 345164 Headteacher: Kelly Dunne Website: SAFEGUARDING. Our Parish Reps. are – Barnstaple: Susan Smale on 01271 377594 South Molton: Sheila Nott on 01769 572741 Please contact them if you have any concerns. TODAY: EASTER 6 Missionary Visit by the White Fathers Sat. 9th May 17.30 VIGIL MASS SM th Sun. 10 May 09.30 SUNG MASS B & Children’s Liturgy RR followed by coffee, etc. RR 10.30 Children’s Liturgists mtg. 18.30 MASS (said) B Weekday Masses & other events Psalter: week 2; Sundays: year B; weekdays: year 1 Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer (as appropriate) is usually said 30 minutes before weekday masses. – NO WEEKDAY MASSES THIS WEEK – Tue 12th th 09.30 C.W.L. Church Cleaning B 19.30 Churches Together in Barnstaple th Tue 12 – Thu 14 : PARISH OFFICE CLOSED Sat 16th 10.00 Mass of the Easter weekday B (for Vincent Hopkins Hogg – Foundation Mass) then Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 10.30 Rosary CM 11.20 Mid-day Prayer & Benediction B Next weekend: The ASCENSION of the LORD Sat. 16th May 17.30 VIGIL MASS SM Sun. 17th May 09.30 SUNG MASS B & Children’s Liturgy RR followed by coffee, etc. RR 18.30 MASS (said) B At all this weekend’s masses we shall use the Ascension Preface with Eucharistic Prayer 1. Unless otherwise noted, all Sunday masses are offered ‘pro populo’ (i.e. for the people of the parish). LAST WEEKEND’S COLLECTIONS: £695.03 THE SHELTERBOX COLLECTION RAISED £1200! What a magnificent effort for Nepal, we presented the cheque to the ShelterBox representative who visited last Tuesday – our very grateful thanks to all those who gave. KEY to abbreviations used in the Newsletter: (events in italics are not in the Church or Presbytery) B = St Mary’s Church, Barnstaple SM = St Joseph’s Church, South Molton CM = The St Cuthbert Mayne Chapel RR = Presbytery Red Room Services & other events at St Joseph’s Church, S. Molton Thu 14th 10.00 The Holy Rosary Sat 16th 17.30 VIGIL MASS of THE ASCENSION FROM THE CHURCH DIARY: MAY Mon 18-Fri 22: EXPERIENCE PENTECOST EXHIBITION Wed 20 1000: Diocesan Council of Priests, St Boniface House Wed/Thu 20/21: Junior clergy at Buckfast Abbey overnight Thu 21: Hosp. Chapl. Conference (Buckfast) – no mass in S/M Fri 22 1400: Resources C’ttee (School) Fri 22: KSC Quiz Night at Fremington SUN 24: PENTECOST Sun 24 – Sun 31: ANNIVERSARY WEEK CELEBRATIONS Mon 25 1930: Tracy Good – Talk on Gambia Wed 27: Clergy Study Day in Exeter Wed 27: Flower Festival opens with tea at 17.00 Sat 30: Oblates Day at Buckfast – no mass in Barnstaple Sat 30: Vigil Mass of TRINITY SUNDAY at South Molton SUN 31: 30th ANNIV. OF THE DEDICATION OF THE NEW CHURCH OF ST MARY, IMMACULATE MOTHER OF GOD JUNE Mon1 1000: WW1 Requiem - anniv. of the Battle of Jutland Mon 1 1100: Flower Festival closes after mass Fri 5 St Boniface – Diocesan Solemnity Tue 9 noon: Jubilarians Mass at Plymouth Cathedral Tue 9 1900: KSC Chapter meeting (without Mass) Wed 10 1600: Service at Norah Bellot Court Fri 12: Sacred Heart of Jesus - Solemnity Tue 16: KSC Quiet Day at St Rita’s, Honiton Thu 18: Fr Paul at St John’s Assoc. AGM – no mass in S/M Sat 20 1400: Baptism at St Mary’s Tue 23 1100: Confraternity of Catholic Clergy at Exeter Uni. Wed 24: Nativity of St John the Baptist – Solemnity Wed 24: School Governors Sat 27: S. Molton Church Mtg. SAT/SUN 27/28: Solemnity of SS Peter & Paul (Holy Day of Obligation transferred to the Sunday) FIRST HOLY COMMUNIONS DAY at St Mary’s THIS WEEK IN THE PARISH: Friday 8th – Friday 15th Fatima Pilgrimage No weekday masses at either church th Tuesday 12 – Church Cleaning The CWL welcome anyone who can manage to hold a duster to join them for church cleaning at 09.30 on Tuesday morning. Tues. 12th–Thur. 14th Parish Office CLOSED Mavis is attending a conference for the Apostleship of the Sea, so will not be in the parish. Please avoid calling the office these days. COMING UP NEXT WEEK & LATER: PARISH CHURCH’S 30TH BIRTHDAY As a part of our birthday celebrations we intend to have a FLOWER FESTIVAL from Weds 27th to Mon 1st June. Would the ladies and gentlemen of the Parish like to show their talents with a floral display with the theme of praise and thanks giving? Please give names to Jane or Mavis so we know how many displays we have coming. Let’s make the Church a riot of colour for its Birthday. It is also intended to give away 30 DONATIONS OF £30 to local charities and voluntary organisations. If you know of any organisation which would value such a donation please let Fr Paul know a.s.a.p. COFFEE & CAKES FOR W.O.R.K. Because Fr Paul has Wednesday commitments elsewhere in May, our usual coffee & cakes will need to be as below for the rest of this month: Wed May 13 – cancelled [Fatima Pilgrimage] Wed May 20 now TUE 19 [Council of Priests mtg.] Wed May 27 now TUE 26 [Study Day in Exeter] but after that all the June Wednesdays appear to be OK at the moment! Apologies for any inconvenience this may cause, but being flexible with the day does mean the fundraising can continue. OTHER NOTICES: NEW HEAD TEACHER AT OUR LADY’S The Governing Body have been unable to find a head of Kelly’s calibre and experience to start at the school in September 2015. We have thus appointed Rob Meech as Acting Principle for the academic year 2015/16. Due to the loss of senior leadership experience within the school (Emma Wilson, Tamsin Blount & Kelly Dunne) we have also appointed Geraldine Herage as Consultant Head. Geraldine will be in school two days a week and her role will be to support and to mentor Rob in his new role. She will also act as deputy head in Rob’s absence. Geraldine has 38 years experience in education both as a Head and as a Director of Education. You already know Rob well and you will be able to meet Geraldine at the next parent’s event. We wish them both a successful year in continuing the terrific progress the school has made under Kelly’s leadership. The search for a new permanent head carries on, so please continue to keep the school in your prayers. THE NUN ON THE STAIRS A number of people have wondered who the new lady in the Presbytery is. The statue on the stairs, with the little girl, is St. Julie Billiart, the foundress of the Notre Dame sisters (and schools). Fr Paul writes: Inevitably, there is a story attached to the statue. I first saw it when visiting the workshops of Peter Carrara in Liverpool in the early ’80s – she had come out of a school or convent somewhere in the area. She was in his showrooms every time I visited for at least five or six years. So when I eventually had a parish of my own, I decided to give her a good home, and subsequently she was with me in Salford and then Hammersmith. Whilst undergoing my “respray” to become a Catholic priest she has been staying with Fr Paul B. as a guest at his presbytery, first in London then in Wales. It’s lovely to have her back home again. This week your prayers are asked for: THE SICK: Jo. Stentiford, Jiff Booth, Evelyn Soqueño, Luz Cerilles, Gavin Bonnet, Marion Rose, Paddy Smyth, Jenny Hey, Rae McCool, Jerome Church, Josie Dunworth Nancy Lee, Chris McKeogh, Sr. Dulai Teodula, Vic Kelly, Sr Guy-Marie Lamontagne SM., Ruth Wiltshire, Ruby (8), Vernon McDonald, Natasha Cooper, Mary Duffy & family, Sue Bennett, Kathie Salter, Christine Laird, Jill McKee, Barbara Hilton, Olivia Daly, Gwen & family, Bill Crumpton, Mary Wallace, Charles Murray, Alan, Greg & Gerald, Trevor Stobart & Pam Crayford. Lord, in your mercy: hear our prayer. THIS WEEK’S ANNIVERSARIES: PAST MONTH’S DEPARTED: Tom Jones [16/4] and Odette Mends-Tickell [11/4] Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. VOTIVE LAMPS This week the lights are sponsored as below: Blessed Sacrament for Jack Stocks RiP The Crucifix for Tony Lloyd, RiP Holy Infant of Prague for Alina’s SATs tests Our Lady & Child for Mavis’ & Chris’s intentions Our Lady of Fatima for pilgrims to Fatima Our Lady of Mercy for Timothy Keohane RiP St Joseph for Cavan Mulvihill’s intentions St Cuthbert Mayne for Michael Cummins, RiP St John Paul the Gt. for Pope Francis ABOUT VOTIVE LAMPS As a number of people seem to wish to sponsor a lamp on a regular basis that means fewer are now available for “occasional” users. So there are now votive lamps at all the shrines giving more opportunities for those who may wish to sponsor one in memory of a loved one or for a particular intention. Please use the brown envelopes on the table to reserve a week. They cost £2.50 each a week. 100 Club for CAFOD There are still numbers available – please fill in a form and return it with your £15 to the Parish Office. NOTE: SUNDAY ALTAR WINE As this website edition of the newsletter does not have to be printed and folded, it is possible to include extra pages which are not in this week’s print edition; these are items that have appeared in previous newsletters and which are still current or on-going. CARDS I have left a supply of visiting cards on the red mat. I suggest you write in the blank space “in case of emergency please inform…” and keep one in your purse. Then, should you be admitted to hospital, or in some other emergency situation, they will make sure that a priest is called. Fr Paul. COMMEMORATING THE 1st WORLD WAR Along with the rest of the nation, and in line with our own cathedral in Plymouth, we shall be commemorating the centenary of First World War. Over the next four years there will be a series of requiem masses: th 25 April 2015: The Gallipoli Campaign. st st 31 May/1 June 2015: The Battle of Jutland. st 1 July 2016: The Battle of the Somme. st rd 31 July 2017: The start of the 3 Battle of Ypres (Passchendaele). th 11 November 2018: Armistice Day. These masses will be offered for all those who died in the war, for those currently serving in our Armed Forces, and for World Peace. MASS INTENTIONS & VOTIVE CANDLES Please remember, if you would like a mass offered for anyone (living or departed) or for a particular intention at either of our churches please fill in all the details on one of the little GREEN envelopes. In this parish there is no fixed amount for the mass stipend, please just make an appropriate donation. If you would like to arrange for a votive candle at one of shrines to burn for a week in memory of a loved one or for a special intention please fill in one of the little BROWN envelopes with the appropriate details. Brown or green envelopes should be given to Mavis or Fr Paul or posted through the letter box. Please make sure there is a contact number on them so that we can reach you if there are any queries. With the problems of the Holy Land very much in our minds at this time, it’s appropriate to note that the altar wine we use every Sunday is imported from Cremisan, the Salesian winery in Bethlehem. The Salesians of Don Bosco established the vine-yards and winery more than 125 years ago to help Palestinian Christians by providing a livelihood for local families and an education for the children. The Salesians’ original purpose continues unchanged to this day – shining as a beacon of stability and humanity through the tumultuous changes of the last century. Buying this wine directly helps the people of Bethlehem to offset the devastating economic consequences of recent years. PARISH NAME Sister Benignus, the diocesan archivist, has replied to Father Paul’s enquiry to say: With regard to your query about the correct name for Barnstaple Catholic Church: I have no formal documentation supporting the dedication of the present church. However, I have noticed that all pre-1985 documents, such as letters, financial returns, Visitation forms, all have as the title “Church of the Immaculate Conception”, or “The Church of the Immaculate Conception BVM”. Then, 1985 and subsequent titles used are “Church of St Mary, Immaculate Mother of God”, gradually deteriorating to St Mary’s. Furthermore the following is an extract from the Plymouth Diocesan Year Book 1985: “When completed, the church will be dedicated to St. Mary, the Immaculate Mother of God.” I hope you will find these examples convincing enough to confirm your accurate assessment. Re. Anointing of Sick at the RD&E Hospital Fr. John Watkins, the Catholic Hospital Chaplain at the RD&E writes: “In recent years the admission of patients for orthopaedic surgery is booked for early in the day of their operation. Often this is early morning to allow for an early start to the operation. It is rarely possible for the Catholic Chaplain to find a window of opportunity to give the Sacrament before the operation and it would be better if local priests gave the Sacrament well in advance of any surgery.” So if you are scheduled for an operation at the RD&E be sure to arrange to receive the Sacrament of the Sick before you go. The situation is likely to be similar at Derriford, too. ST CUTHBERT MAYNE Do you have a picture of our local saint and martyr on display in your home? Pictures of St Cuthbert, with some biographical information on the back, are on sale at £1 each from the table in the narthex. New DIOCESAN YEAR BOOKS are available at the back of Church (SM) or on the Narthex table (B) This year’s price is £3.50. CHURCH BOOKINGS We like to encourage the use of our church building and rooms for use by community groups, both religious and non-religious, for regular meetings or for one off concerts or other events. BUT please be sure to check the parish diary and the notice board to see when there are things already booked – for instance, from September a choir will be rehearsing every Wednesday from 7 – 9 pm and our own choir and music group meet every Friday evening. If in any doubt, please call the Presbytery and check BEFORE MAKING ANY ARRANGEMENTS YOU MAY HAVE TO CANCEL. We don’t want people to be disappointed. UNWANTED GREETINGS CARDS POST CARDS and STAMPS The Presentation Sisters at Exeter are grateful for any greetings cards – birthday, get well, Easter, Christmas, etc. – and will recycle them in aid of their charitable work. They also collect postcards and stamps. Please leave any of the above in the box on the table (B) or give them to Fr Paul (SM). BUYING SHOES??? We now continually collect Shoe boxes throughout the year; so If anyone buys a pair of shoes at any time during the year please save the box and bring it to Church. A steady stream of boxes through the year will mean we have plenty to fill by next Christmas! Thank you. THURSDAY DEADLINE 11.00 Thursdays is the deadline for this bulletin also for votive lamps & mass intentions. Names added to the intercession books in South Molton or in Barnstaple after Thursday morning will not appear in the bulletin. CHRISTIANS AGAINST POVERTY [CAP] The CAP Debt Advice Centre for Barnstaple and its surrounding area, based at Holy Trinity Church, opened st on April 1 2014. The centre is always looking for volunteer “befrienders” to go with the Centre Manager when potential clients are interviewed, and to support them in the long-term. Not being afraid to talk about one’s faith is much more important than any financial acumen. If you think you might be interested then speak to Fr Paul. Find out more about C.A.P. at <> RECEIVING COMMUNION In this season of coughs and colds: just a reminder to everyone that the extra-ordinary ministers of communion are taught that if someone wishes to receive by intinction the minister is to take the Host from the person, intinct it in the Precious Blood and the communicant is to receive directly on to the tongue from the minister. These are the rules of the universal church, not just here; in no circumstances is “self-intinction” permitted. Anyone unhappy with this regulation should receive in one kind only. CAFOD VIGIL FOR PEACE We have decided to keep an hour of silent prayer for world peace on the FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH beginning. All are welcome to drop in, even if only for a few minutes. SAFEGUARDING QUERIES Sue and Mavis will be in the Parish Office every month rd on the 3 Thursdays, 10.30–11.30 to deal with any safeguarding enquiries. LOST Deacon John has lost his silver pyx. This is precious to him as it was a gift. Has another extra-ordinary minister picked it up by mistake, and got it at home? Please have a look. It is quite distinctive, as it is the only pyx around that has a separate lid. “IT IS THE LORD” Bishop Mark’s Pastoral Message to the Diocese is available on the table. Please take a copy if you would like one. The contents are very important for the future of the Church and the Diocese. GETTING MARRIED THIS YEAR? Or even just thinking about it. Please sign up for Marriage Preparation Classes now! FROM: THE MARIST WAY Since the 13th century Our Lady has been honoured especially for the month of May. Many of us will remember the May processions and crowning of Our Lady with a wreath of flowers; we will remember too the hymns sung on that special occasion. Many of our most recent popes have had a particular devotion to the Mother of God: St John Paul often mentioned Our Lady. She has been the quiet presence in so many lives and helped in so many dire situations. The Marist Way has been praying for Peace, and will continue to do so, in addition we will pray for vocations. Saying the Rosary will encompass all our requests. It is prayed on Saturdays after Mass. Everybody is welcome for the May devotions. ABOUT VOTIVE LAMPS As a number of people seem to wish to sponsor a lamp on a regular basis that means fewer are now available for “occasional” users. So there are now votive lamps at all the shrines giving more opportunities for those who may wish to sponsor one in memory of a loved one or for a particular intention. Please use the brown envelopes on the table to reserve a week. They cost £2.50 each a week.
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