Low-‐Energy Living is Fun! Peter Kalmus h-p://becycling.life Why do I reduce my emissions? It’s fun. I don’t want to harm others. It tells a new story: A life without fossil fuels is within reach. 2 Towards an appropriate response What am I facing? Who/what am “I”? How I respond depends on my answers. A problem has a soluEon. A predicament demands a response. 3 Part 1: What are we facing? This image, stopping in 2009, is from ncdc.noaa.gov 2014 was ho-est year on record 2015 is on track to beat it (as of April) 4 Our ecological predicament: It’s big. 7.3 billion people (and sEll growing exponenEally, 1.1% per year) It’s frozen into our civilizaEon It pervades our everyday lives bigger than me, bigger than you, bigger than Elon Musk 5 It’s nuanced. It resists simplisEc soluEons. What is sustainable anyway? I propose a new term: “biospheric” living with the biosphere, not against it. “Yeah, that’ll fix it.” 6 It’s interconnected. water wars for oil population fossil fuel industry community global trade money system TV myth racism global poverty police violence spiritual ecology poop transportation food system We make the world we think. monocultures money in politics 7 It’s urgent. Global warming is already here and accelera1ng 1970-‐2000: emissions grew 1.3% / year 2000-‐2010: emissions grew 2.2% / year 2014 (projected): 2.5% / year It’s likely that warming will surpass 2°C (IPCC AR5 WG3) 11-‐year old satyagrahi Itzcuauhtli Roske-‐MarEnez; he did not complete his vow 8 Global mean climate departure is expected in 2047. (± 14 years) In 2047 my sons will be 39 and 41 years old. Camilo Mora et al., “The projected Eming of climate departure from recent variability”, Nature 2013 9 A perfect trap for human brains? A threat that’s staEsEcally emergent, seems far away, seems far in the future. “Environmentalists have been crying wolf for decades.” “They” will think of something (myth of progress). It apparently asks us to sacrifice our comforts for the good of others. I believe there’s hope... if we can get beyond the light bulb thing. Part 2: Towards a Response 11 You are a human animal Take a deep breath. 12 You are a human animal Take a deep breath. Can you save the world? 13 human animals Take a deep breath. Can you save the world? Can you change the world? 14 what’s wrong with this picture? Are we ready to go beyond green? Are we ready to change? 15 Part 3: Daily Life Changes 3 scales of response personal – fun, healthy, empowering community – changing the world (locally) naEonal – changing the system 16 2010 Partial Emissions: 19000 kg CO2−eq. nat. gas 1360 kg eq. elec. 460 kg sewage 140 kg eq. food 3000 kg eq. cars 880 kg This simple analysis made one thing clear: I had to stop flying so much. planes 50k miles 13500 kg 17 2012 Partial Emissions: 8800 kg CO2−eq. electric 420 kg nat. gas 1210 kg eq. sewage 10 kg eq. food 700 kg eq. cars 220 kg planes 23k miles 6200 kg In 2 years I cut my emissions in half. I cut down my flying. I became vegetarian (though not for climate reasons). I started growing some of my own food. 18 2013 Partial 2013 Emissions: 2200 kg CO2−eq. trains 110 kg electric 380 kg cars 70 kg food 500 kg eq. sewage 10 kg eq. nat. gas 1110 kg eq. I kept going. 19 2014 Partial 2014 Projected: 1200 kg CO2−eq. cars 70 kg electric 310 kg food 100 kg eq. sewage 10 kg eq. nat. gas 740 kg eq. And going. It was surprisingly fun! 20 It’s helpful to quanEfy. 20 global mean 2012 U.S. mean 2009 18 14 2 metric tonnes CO −eq. 16 Driving 12 10 8 Flying 6 4 2 0 2010 Food Natural gas Electricity 2012 2013 2014 21 US Mean Partial Emissions: 15000 kg CO −eq. 2 planes 10k miles 2700 kg elec. 3610 kg 2010 Partial Emissions: 19000 kg CO −eq. 2 nat. gas 2810 kg eq. sewage 140 kg eq. nat. gas 1360 kg eq. cars 3730 kg elec. 460 kg sewage 140 kg eq. food 2000 kg eq. food 3000 kg eq. cars 880 kg planes 50k miles 13500 kg 22 Daily Life Changes It won’t save the world... but... It saves money. It’s a skillful means to change the world. It makes me happy! Some of my changes may work for you. Some may not. Follow your joy, not your guilt. But do change – gradually. 23 Emission source #1: Flying Not flying was a 13.5 tonne reducEon for me. It took me two years to ramp down. I felt lots of social pressure to fly. There are alternaEves... 20 global mean 2012 U.S. mean 2009 18 metric tonnes CO2−eq. 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2010 2012 2013 2014 24 Maeby runs on waste veggie oil. 40,000 miles on WVO so far. annual trips to IL to see parents and beyond This works for me, may not work for you. Low-‐CO2 but not actually low-‐energy my yard could grow 1 gal. of oil in a year à 25 mi. 25 So many amazing places in our backyard! this IS for everyone 26 27 28 “Maeby we’ll get there. Maeby we won’t.” 29 Awareness that travel is precious 30 Long distance bike riding In 1997, I rode my bike from Denver to Chicago. It was one of the greatest adventures I’ve ever had. 31 Emission Source #2: Driving Ride a bike! Producing my own fuel has changed my perspecEve: fuel is precious 20 18 global mean 2012 U.S. mean 2009 metric tonnes CO2−eq. 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2010 2012 2013 2014 32 biking is my “gym membership” and saves money & precious fuel 33 Emission Source #3: Natural gas Partial 2014 Projected: 1200 kg CO2−eq. cars 70 kg food 100 kg eq. electric 310 kg sewage 10 kg eq. My current challenge furnace, stove, water heater Kill the dryer with a clothes lines Kill pilot lights 1 pilot light has more climate impact than your fridge! Insulate Solar hot water (in progress, but $$$) If you count leaking methane, natural gas has same impact as coal. nat. gas 740 kg eq. 20 18 global mean 2012 U.S. mean 2009 metric tonnes CO2−eq. 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2010 2012 2013 2014 34 130 feet of line 35 Emission Source #4: Electricity A small part of my emissions. (may not be true for you) Why let a small thing (solar panels) distract me from a big thing (flying)? Do you really need AC? Partial 2014 Projected: 1200 kg CO2−eq. cars 70 kg Shade tree, cool roof, aqc insulaEon, window fan food 100 kg eq. electric 310 kg sewage 10 kg eq. Kill-‐a-‐Wa- power meter can help you prioriEze One fridge off the grid fellow Altadenan Markus Loeffler Awareness that electricity is precious nat. gas 740 kg eq. 20 global mean 2012 U.S. mean 2009 18 metric tonnes CO2−eq. 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 try going without electricity for 3 days 2 0 2010 2012 2013 2014 36 Emission Source #5: Food Was my 2nd biggest source of emissions. Vegetarianism Cut my food emissions in half Food actually tastes be0er to me now Consistent with my principle to help, not harm, other beings alignment with internal principles à peace, happiness 20 global mean 2012 U.S. mean 2009 18 16 metric tonnes CO2−eq. Further cuts: Freeganism – 60% of my food Growing & sharing food – 20% Awareness that food is precious 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 2010 2012 2013 37 2014 38 39 Food is beauEful An everyday miracle 40 41 42 Revenue-‐neutral carbon fee We also need change at the system level. Climate change is a market failure. So: Revenue neutral carbon fee • Collect a fee from fossil fuels at point of extracEon or import • Start at e.g. $15 per tonne CO2– 15¢ per gallon gas – ramp it up • 100% of the fee back to ciEzens: not a tax. It will improve the economy by adding millions of jobs in renewable energy and puqng more money in the average person’s pocket. BriEsh Columbia implemented one in 2008; no adverse affects It reduces emissions by rewarding the low-‐energy lifestyle every step of the way. 43 44 Engage with community! Enhances connecEon, enhances happiness. Find a group you like and pitch in – or start a group TransiEon Pasadena; CiEzens Climate Lobby; RIPE Altadena There’s a lot to do Poli4cians rely on us for guidance. TransiEon Pasadena’s Repair Cafe 45 MeditaEon We don't do si:ng medita4on in order to become a Buddha or even to become enlightened. We sit to be happy. — Thich Nhat Hanh MeditaEng, I directly experience change. This leads me to be less a-ached to my self. It teaches me to be happy with what I have. 46 Be-‐Cycling I do this stuff because I like to. So I keep going. I like it more than the industrial lifestyle. Helping others makes me happy. Happy people, animals, plants h-p://becycling.life 47 I challenge you to make a change. 48 How can one person respond to global warming? Ideas: 1. Model a new story: reduce your own emissions. 2. Advocate for a revenue-‐neutral carbon fee. 3. Get involved in your community. 4. Use your unique abiliEes, passion, and situaEon to spread the word and help others. US Mean Partial Emissions: 15000 kg CO −eq. Reducing your emissions planes 10k miles Annual kg CO2 equivalents: 2700 kg elec. 3610 kg st flying 0.27 * annual coach miles you flew (1 class, 0.54) electric 0.6 * annual kWh (your porEon) nat. gas 13 * annual therms (your porEon) food meat=2000, veg=1000, vegan=500 driving 9 * annual gallons you burned cars 3730 kg nat. gas 2810 kg eq. Be creaEve. Gradually change your life. Enjoy it! Re-‐quanEfy in a year. sewage 140 kg eq. food 2000 kg eq. Revenue-‐neutral carbon fee: systemaEcally fixing market failure A fee per ton of CO2 added to all fossil fuels, 100% of which is returned to households on an equal basis. Look into it, and if it seems good consider joining CiEzens Climate Lobby. Ask me quesEons, stay in touch, and check out my book at: hZp://becycling.life 2 Who am I? I live in Altadena, CA. I have two sons, 6 and 8 years old. I grew up in LaGrange IL, a middle class Chicago suburb. I have a PhD in physics. CounEng my PhD, I spent 8 years doing astrophysics. About 2 years ago I switched to climate science. I study how clouds feed back into global warming. I’m expressing my own views in this talk, not those of NASA or the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. 50 make the diagram showing connecEons something is happening in community: different groups are starEng to interact, like food coop asking bread bakers for bread take out even more text add this point: we can start seeing things with fresh eyes. for example, instead of taking cars for granted, see that their good is outweighed by their bad. other example: yes, humans have always had wars. but we don’t need to always have wars. we can actually come out of selfishness and fear. 51
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