Temporary Carbon Storage and a Case Study for Orchards Alissa Kendall, PhD Associate Professor Civil & Environmental Engineering © Alissa Kendall - 2015 • Part 1: Life cycle assessment, carbon footprints, global warming potentials and a proposal for warming potential alternatives • Part 2: A case study for California almond orchards and the effect of including temporary carbon storage Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) • A method for characterizing and quantifying environmental sustainability • Applies a “cradle-to-grave” perspective when analyzing products or systems Life cycle assessment • Evaluates a product or system throughout its entire life cycle M,E M,E M,E M,E M,E Raw Material Acquisition Material Processing Manufacturing Use End-ofLife W, P W, P M = Materials E = Energy W = Waste P = Pollution = Transport Recycle W, P Remanufacture W, P Reuse W, P Recycle LCA of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs) • While traditional LCA considers a whole range of environmental impact categories, a GHG LCA, or carbon footprint, only considers the GHG caused by or emitted from the system • A full LCA allows us to understand potential trade-offs across environmental impact categories Standards and protocols for LCA and Carbon Footprints • The ISO (International Organization for Standardization) has an LCA standard (ISO 14040 series) • The British Standards Institute (BSI) has a commonly cited Carbon Footprint Standard, PAS2050 • And many others… GHG Inventory vs Carbon Footprint • Inventories are typically annual snapshots of GHG emissions that occur at a site or over a region • Carbon footprints examine the life cycle GHG emissions of a product, process, region, or even policy • GHG Inventories, Carbon Footprints and LCA use the same indicator – CO2-equivalent (CO2e) emissions – to condense all GHG emissions or credits into a single indicator What are the rules for carbon sequestration in most of these methods? • For carbon to be considered ‘stored’ or ‘sequestered’ it has to be removed from the atmosphere for a minimum of 100 years • The PAS2050 standard, along with most other carbon accounting protocols use this rule • Though PAS2050 does acknowledge that carbon storage less than 100 years could be accounted for. Offsets and Carbon Footprinting Standards Global Warming Potentials • Nearly all methods use the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC’s) 100-year GWPs (GWP100) to turn non-CO2 gases into CO2-equivalent (CO2e) • Typically sum CO2e emissions over the entire life cycle of the product/service/policy evaluated. This is true not just for LCA… The Global Warming Potential Indicator • Most current practices use the IPCC’s Global Warming Potentials (GWP), ignore when GHG emissions occur • Even though the 100 year time horizon is explicitly used/mandated • Ignoring when emissions (or sequestration) occur can cause bias in comparisons of difference technologies or mitigation strategies Time Matters What are GWPs and how are they calculated? Impact Chain for Global Warming Radiative forcing (RF) Cumulative RF (CRF) Temperature Change Atmospheric warming Global Warming Potentials Climate Change End-point Impacts Integral of Radiative Forcing for some GHG AT TH RF dt i GWP Integral of Radiative Forcing for CO2 TH TH AT 0 0 RFCO 2 CRF dt CRF i CO 2 CRF and normalized of 1 kg of CO2, CH4, and N2O Observe how normalizing gets us to GWPs as reported by the IPCC 265 year 1 kg of each GHG at Year 0 28 1 year Timing matters Cumulative Radiative Forcing 0.06 All emissions occur at year zero 0.05 Emissions Profile (30% in years 0-1, 70% Operations) 0.04 0.03 Emissions Profile (5% in years 0-1, 95% Operations) 0.02 0.01 0 0 50 Years 100 CO2 Emissions Indicator of Climate Change 0.07 CO2 Emissions Using GWP these would have identical CO2e values 0.08 CO2 Emissions • Consider three technologies/practices with the same total life cycle GHG emissions and a 40 year life time Time Time Time Timing Matters • There are countless scenarios where emissions timing matters in LCA and carbon footprints • There are at least four that come up frequently 1. In LCA emissions are summed over the life cycle of a product and presented as a single outcome 2. When amortizing upfront emissions 3. When crediting a material or product with recycling (i.e. future avoided emissions) 4. When CO2 is sequestered for less than 100 years (carbon storage is a special case of emissions timing – where you remove atmospheric CO2 and then release at certain point in time.) Goals for New Methods Development 1. Develop CO2e metrics that include timing • Keeping the ‘CO2e’ unit to facilitate adoption and to comply with existing policies, standards and protocols 2. Develop an easy way for practitioners and policymakers to calculate/use metrics Alternative metrics/approaches for carbon dioxide equivalency factors that account for timing • Time-adjusted warming potentials (TAWPs) • Yields units CO2e equivalent ‘today’ for various analytical time horizons and GHGs • Kendall (2012) International Journal of LCA • Time correction factors (TCFs) for amortized CO2 emissions • Useful for emissions intensity estimates (e.g. gCO2e/MJ, gCO2e/mi, etc.) • Kendall et al. (2009), and Kendall and Price (2012) Environmental Science & Technology • Note: There are other proposed metrics, many of which rely on similar underlying principles Time Adjusted Warming Potential (TAWP) AT RF dt i GWP 0 AT RF CO2 0 dt CRFi CRFCO2 Emission occurring y years in the future AT y TAWP RFi (t )dt 0 AT RF CO2 0 Source: Kendall (2012) (t )dt How is this useful? • If a tree sequesters approximately 40 kg CO2 per year for 50 years, how much sequestration credit should it receive? kg CO2e Sequestered 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 No Timing Timing with 100-year AT Timing with 50-year AT • Thus when comparing the value of different sequestration credits, timing may play an important role in determining preferences for one strategy over another. Source: Kendall (2012) User-friendly excel tool for TAWP calculation NOTES Time horizon of emissions profile must be less than or equal to 99 years. Enter emissions by year below, be sure to use consistent units. Blanks will be treated as zeros. Step 2. Run TAWP Calculator Step 2. Run TAWP Calculator Step 1. Clear Emissions Profiles Any emissions occuring after the specified analytical time horizon (see column P) will be treated as zero Analytical Time Horizon Greenhouse Gases to be modeled Analytical Time CO CH Horizon 2 4 N2O SF6 PFC-14 PFC-116 HCFC-22 20 TCF for amortize emissions? 30 If Y, what is the amortization period? Y 50 N 100 500 No TAWP Y/N Y N N N N N N Y 15 year 0 CO2 as time1 corrected2 3 CO2e 4 5 -2.67E+0467 -2.65E+0489 -1.36E+041011 -6.18E+031213 -1.14E+031415 0.00E+001617 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 CO2 CH4 N2O CH as timecorrected CO2e 0 4 -95.5452 -9162.89 -5359.95 -3802.94 -2949.79 -2410.16 -2037.76 -1765.19 -1557 -1392.79 -1259.93 -1150.23 -1058.11 -979.653 -912.035 -853.151 -801.413 -755.592 -714.729 -678.059 -644.97 -614.96 -587.619 -562.607 -539.637 42646.7 SF6 PFC-14 PFC-116 HCFC-22 N2O as timecorrected CO2e 20 SF6 as time30 corrected50 100 CO2e 500 No TAWP OPTIONAL Step 3. Draw CRF Charts This optional step takes approximately 1 minute to run and will take you to a new page. CO2 as timecorrected CO2e -2.67E+04 -2.65E+04 -1.36E+04 -6.18E+03 -1.14E+03 0.00E+00 CH4 as timecorrected CO2e N2O as timecorrected CO2e SF6 as time- PFC-14 as timecorrected corrected CO2e CO2e PFC-116 as PFC-14 as timetimecorrected corrected CO2e CO2e OPTIONAL Step 3. Draw CRF Charts This optional step takes approximately 1 minute to run and will take you to a new page. PFC-116 as timecorrected CO2e HCFC-22 as timecorrected CO2e HCFC-22 as timecorrected CO2e Total timecorrected CO2e Total time-26684.94 corrected -26536.07 CO -13615.66 2e -6179.42 -1140.43 -26684.94 -26536.07 -13615.66 -6179.42 -1140.43 Demonstration of the tool Part 2: Almond LCA • UC Davis research team: Elias Marvinney Doctoral Student, Horticulture and Agronomy Alissa Kendall Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering Sonja Brodt Agricultural Sustainability Institute Funded by the Almond Board of California Scope of our study Key Inputs and Outputs CoProducts Almond Yield Other Irrigation Fertilizer Flows Nitrogen Potassium Boron Zinc Micro-sprinkler or Sprinkler (45% of area) Drip (25% of area) Flood (30% of area) Saplings Pollination Unit/ha 0 kg N kg K2O gB kg Z 0 0 0 0 1 Inputs 22 22 448 5.6 m3x103 0 2.8 2 3 Years 4 5 6 7-25 Clearing 45 90 135 45 90 135 448 448 448 5.6 5.6 5.6 179 179 448 5.6 224 224 448 5.6 224 224 448 5.6 ----- 5.3 11.2 11.2 11.2 -- m3x103 0 1.7 2.7 5.8 8.3 8.3 8.3 8.3 3 3 m x10 0 3.3 6.4 9.7 13.0 13.0 13.0 13.0 accumulated # 128Carbon 1.3 is1.3 1.3 1.3 and 1.3 stored 1.3 in 1.3 hives 0 trees 0 (and0 soils) 4.9 over 4.9the4.9 4.9life 4.9 orchard OutputsAt the end of the orchard life cycle. Non-flood irrigated - 70% of kg and used 0 cycle, 0 trees 0 are 203removed 407 813 1017 for 2242 total area kernel bioenergy production (95%). When Flood irrigated - 30% of total kg the 407 atmospheric carbon2466 0 combusted 0 0 all203 712 1017 area kernel stored in the tree is released. kg Weighted average yield 0 0 0 203 407 783 1017 2309 kernel Shells kg 0 0 0 448 897 1793 2242 2242 Hulls kg 0 0 0 897 1793 3587 4483 4483 Woody Biomass (at 32% kg 0 30 94 147 185 215 239 260 moisture) ----- 8.1 8.3 --- ---35073 Reminder - the Life Cycles of Inputs are Modeled too • Life cycle inventory datasets are required for each material or process included in the LCA • The inventory datasets reflect the life cycle of each component material or process, for example: • Assuming diesel fuel is part of the life cycle, the diesel LCI dataset would reflect the following • This means we always examine energy starting at the original resource…we track all the energy it takes to make the energy we consume M, E Petroleum Exploration and Extraction W, P M, E Crude oil transportation W, P M, E Crude oil refining W, P M, E Delivery of Diesel Fuel W, P Co-products from the orchard: Biomass Generation for Electricity • Each kilogram of green (wet) biomass generates approximately 2.57 MJ of electricity • that means 1 ha of orchard produces more than 25,000 kWh of electricity • 95% of orchard clearing biomass goes to biopower (remaining 5% are mulched in field or burned), while prunings are either mulched and left in-field or burned. • Thus prunings do not store carbon for significant time periods. Co-products and their uses Two ways to handle co-products • Displacement methods – where we model co-products as if they are preventing the production of products that are substitutable in the market • Economic allocation – where we simply allocate all the inputs among the various coproducts using economic value • For almonds (and biofuels) this leads to very different outcomes Biomass power from orchard waste ‘displaces’ the average kWh of grid electricity used in California 2012 Total System Power in Gigawatt Hours Fuel Type Coal Large Hydro California In-State Generation (GWh) Percent of California In-State Generation Northwest Imports (GWh) Southwest Imports (GWh) California Power Mix (GWh) Percent California Power Mix 1,580 0.8% 561 20,545 22,685 7.5% 23,202 11.7% 12 1,698 24,913 8.3% Natural Gas 121,716 61.1% 37 9,242 130,995 43.4% Nuclear 18,491 9.3% - 8,763 27,254 9.0% Oil 90 0.0% - - 90 Other 14 0.0% - - 14 0.0% 0.0% 34,007 17.1% 9,484 3,024 46,515 15.4% N/A N/A 29,376 20,124 49,500 16.4% 199,101 100.0% 39,470 63,396 301,966 100.0% Renewable s Unspecified Sources of Power Total Co-Product Treatment with Displacement • Since co-products have some value to them and displace some other product in the market, some “credit” to the primary product (almonds) should be assigned Business as Usual With Co-Product in Market We give credit to almonds for avoiding silage Alternative: Economic Allocation Almond Production System (Orchard + Hulling and Shelling) Per Hectare Shells Woody Biomass Hulls Shell Lifetime Production 22,221 Mass (kg ha-1) Total Value (2014 $) 166 Proportion of Total 0.06% Value: Bedding Biopower Dairy Feed Hulls 6% Kernels 94% Raw Brown-skin Almond Hull Processing Biomass Orchard Clearing Biomass Orchard Pruning Biomass Kernel 76,783 1,289 37,024 19,157 49,183 15,843 2 124 0 269,617 5.54% 0.00% 0.04% 0.00% 94.35% Results by life cycle stage GWP100 (kg CO2eq) Total Energy (MJ/10) Emission or Energy Use 1.63 3.50 Co-Product Credits (displacement) -1.63 -1.17 Net -1.81×10-3 2.33 Economic allocation 1.53 3.30 Scenario Analysis showed large possible ranges for results – some of these are up to grower practice, others are not 5.36 5 type is a key BaU factor here…a 50 4.30 4 kg CO₂e kg kernel -1 b. 60 Mean Pump 3 1.57 2 1 0 0.16 -1 BaU Scenario Results 1.04 0.68 0.64 0.64 0.76 0.37 40 35.12 -2.14 35.12 30 20 Best case – Gasification and stable C in biochar 0 23.31 23.31 20.86 16.02 12.05 8.13 -1.86 32.96 23.31 10 -2 -3 Mean 52.67 Scenario Results MJ kg kernel -1 a. 6 Carbon Accounting Rules and New Ideas • Carbon accounting rules state that carbon must be stored for 100 years to be counted as sequestration – so previous figure did not include carbon storage • What happens when we include carbon storage using TAWP? • Remember this is CO2e today Carbon Flows over an Orchard Life Cycle Natural Gas Crude oil Electricity Atmospheric CO2 Water Agrochemicals Diesel / Equipment Almond Orchard Cropping System Stored C Transport Biomass for power Edible Food Supply Time Biogeochemical Emissions Combustion Emissions Biogenic carbon in above ground orchard biomass Carbon in trees is lost at the end of the orchard lifespan when removed trees are used in biomass power plants. Though carbon is also stored in below ground biomass (not burned for power), no sequestration is included because of high uncertainty in values. *Note that this method includes accounting for biogenic carbon emissions CRF of Carbon in above ground biomass CRF of CO2 temporarily stored in above-ground orchard biomass 2E-10 W-yr/m2 0 -2E-10 -4E-10 -6E-10 -8E-10 -1E-09 0 100 200 years 300 400 500 Q: What happens when we account for temporary carbon storage in orchard trees and soils? A: It reduces CO2-equivalancy by 1/5 *Note, this reflects field-to-farm gate Conclusions • Almond orchards are relatively short-lived compared to other orchard crops • C-storage credits might be even more significant • Interesting trade-offs when displacement calculations are used for electricity co-products (near-term displacement will displace more fossil CO2 than future displacement) • Temporary carbon storage is an issue that the forestry industry has also been confronting • We are working on adding short-lived climate forcing pollutants to the calculation tool Questions? My contact info, in case you have questions later: Alissa Kendall amkendall@ucdavis.edu References • Kendall, A., Marvinney, E., Brodt, S.B., Zhu, W. (under review) Life cycle-based assessment of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in almond production - Part 1: Analytical framework and baseline results Journal of Industrial Ecology • Marvinney, E., Kendall, A., Brodt, S.B. (under review) Life cycle-based assessments of energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in almond production - Part 2: Uncertainty analysis through sensitivity analysis and scenario testing Journal of Industrial Ecology • Kendall, A. 2012. Time-adjusted global warming potentials for LCA and carbon footprints. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 17(8): 1042-1049. • Kendall, A. and L. Price. 2012. Incorporating Time-Corrected Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Vehicle Regulations. Environmental Science & Technology 46(5): 2557-2563. • Kendall, A., B. Chang, and B. Sharpe. 2009. Accounting for Time-Dependent Effects in Biofuel Life Cycle Greenhouse Gas Emissions Calculations. Environmental Science & Technology 43(18): 7142-7147. Suggested additional reading for temporary carbon storage -Brandão, M., A. Levasseur, M. F. Kirschbaum, B. Weidema, A. Cowie, S. Jørgensen, M. Hauschild, D. Pennington, and K. Chomkhamsri. 2013. Key issues and options in accounting for carbon sequestration and temporary storage in life cycle assessment and carbon footprinting. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 18(1): 230-240. -Levasseur, A., P. Lesage, M. Margni, L. Deschênes, and R. Samson. 2010. Considering Time in LCA: Dynamic LCA and Its Application to Global Warming Impact Assessments. Environmental Science & Technology 44(8): 3169-3174.
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