Adding value to nutrition research Belgian Nutrition Society Fifth annual meeting, April 3 , 2015 rd This year’s congress will focus on strategies to add value to nutrition research. Recent research shows 1 how an unacceptable amount of efforts devoted to medical research produces too little benefit, in terms of more effective policies, practices, increased knowledge or commercial returns. Research funders, academics, journal editors and decision makers that use findings of research need to think critically what can be done to reduce waste and to increase return of funded research. The meeting will raise awareness in the Belgian nutrition research community and spark discussions on what can be done increase effectiveness and quality of the nutrition research in Belgium. 1 Recommended reading: Chalmers I et al. Research: increasing value, reducing waste 1: How to increase value and reduce waste when research priorities are set Lancet 2014; 383:156–65, • Ioannidis J (2005) Why Most Published Research Findings Are False 2:8 e124 • 1 Programme Welcome Session 8.30 – 9.10: Registration and welcome coffee 9.10 – 9.20: Introduction by BNS - N. Delzenne (UCL- President BNS) 9.20 – 9.30: Presentation of the scientific program – C. Lachat (UGent– Chair of the Organizing Committee) Session 1: Chair Prof. Patrick Kolsteren 9:30-9:50 Keynote 1: No Escape from Wasteland? Increasing value in nutrition research Prof. Wim Pinxten UHasselt, Belgium This presentation will look into the findings from the Lancet series ‘increasing value, reducing waste’ (2014) from an ethical perspective. Selected oral presentations 10:00-10:15 The butyrate metabolism is not affected by colonic bacterial metabolites in ulcerative colitis Deroover Lise (KULeuven) 10:15-10:30 Strain-specific fermentation of inulin-type fructans by bifidobacteria does not correlate with colon region Marija Selak (VUB) Session 2: Chair Prof. John Van Camp 10:30 – 10:50 Keynote 2: Nutrition research for sports sciences Prof. Peter Hespel, KULeuven, Belgium In a challenging environment as sport at the highest levels (Olympics, world championship), athletes are constantly seeking for opportunities to optimize their performance. Legal supplements are often used, however the evidence of these supplements is sometimes lacking. Prof Hespel will elaborate on study design and the number of studies needed before ‘food supplements hypes’ (e.g. beetroot juice) can be translated and/or incorporated in recommendations for athletes. Prof. Hespel leads the Exercise Physiology Research Group at KULeuven and the Bakala Topsport Academy. Selected oral presentations 11:00-11:15 Recent updates on the flavonoid paradox: are conventional methods still valid? Gerard Bryan Gonzales (UGent) 11:15-11:30 Incorporation of colonic derived propionate in glucose: an in vivo stable isotope study in humans Eef Boets (KULeuven) 2 11:30-13:00 Lunch and Poster presentations Session 3: Prof. Kristin Verbeke 13:00-13:30 Keynote 3: Making better use of existing data in nutrition: the ENPADASI project Dr. Jildau Bouwman, TNO, The Netherlands ENPADASI “European Nutrition Phenotype Assessment and Data Sharing Initiative” will establish an open access research infrastructure that will integrate existing databases from a wide variety of nutritional studies (genotype, phenotype, and epidemiology) in Europe. The presentation will introduce the project and scope for future research. In addition, it will open a discussion on how to organize the data infrastructure of nutrition data, involvement of research groups and training activities for the data infrastructure in Belgium. Dr. Bouwman coordinates ENPADASI. Selected oral presentations 14:00-14:15 Evaluation of the dietary pattern of European obese pregnant women Goele Jans (KULeuven) 14:15-14:30 Diet quality in European preschoolers: evaluation based on the Diet Quality Indices and association with overweight An-Sofie Pinket (UGent) 14:00-14:45 Coffee break Session 4: Chair Prof. Stefaan De Henauw 14:45-15:15 Keynote 4: Crafting effective policies from nutrition research Dr. Dominique Roberfroid, Belgian Health Care Knowledge Centre (KCE), Belgium The presentation will outline the KCE and Health Technology Assessment approach to guide the development of effective policies from research findings in Belgium. The presentation will elaborate on how to capitalize better on current nutrition research efforts and capacity for the formulation and evaluation of nutrition policies in Belgium. Dr. Roberfroid is a senior scientific staff at KCE with a long-standing expertise in nutrition research. Selected oral presentations 15:15-15:30 Bifidogenic and butyrogenic effects of prebiotic arabinoxylanoligosaccharides: a kinetic and molecular approach Audrey Rivière (VUB) 15:30-15:45 Bioactivity of malvidin 3,5-diglucoside on endothelial cells as evidence of the antioxidant potential of V. labrusca L. grape juices Isabela Maia Toaldo (Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil, UGent) Closing session 3 15.45 – 16.00: Presentation of the BNS prizes for best communication (oral and poster) (Nathalie Delzenne UCL- President BNS) 16.00 – 16.15: Conclusions of the symposium – Patrick Kolsteren (Institute of Tropical Medicine Belgium – Chair of the Organizing Committee) Updates and announcements will feature on our website 4 PRACTICAL INFORMATION Venue: Royal library of Belgium (near the central station in Brussels) Koninklijke Bibliotheek van België - Royal Sky Room / Keizerslaan 2, 1000 Brussel Plan: Bibliothèque royale de Belgique - Royal Sky Room / boulevard de l'Empereur 2, 1000 Bruxelles Plan: How to get there: Detailed information: Catering: Food and drinks will be provided for free for participants during the breaks. Language: English. No translations are provided. ! Registration All participants need to register electronically. The congress is free for BNS members. There will be an opportunity to register as BNS member on-site (please consult membership procedures and application form on our website ( go2/Membership/) for more info. Membership fees are 35€ and 15 € for students and PhD students. Speakers and posters The programme of the symposium consists of different sessions. Each session has a keynote speaker who will give a “state of the art” lecture. Each keynote lecture of all sessions is followed by ‘local’ speakers. For this part of each session, young Belgian scientists will be selected on the basis of the submitted abstracts to orally present their research work. These parts of the sessions aims to provide postgraduate students, PhD students or scientists at all stages of their research, the opportunity to present their work (via oral or ‘live’ poster presentations), independently of the topic of the symposium. Organising Committee Chairs: Carl Lachat (UGent) and Patrick Kolsteren (UGent/ITM) Christophe Matthys (KULeuven) Johan Van Camp (UGent) Kristin Verbeke (KULeuven) Nathalie Delzenne (UCLouvain) Stefaan De Henauw (UGent) BNS is structurally supported by Fevia and FOD Health, food chain safety and environment and embedded in the National Food and Health Plan. Bronze sponsor 5
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