Lantern The Lutheran Lantern Shedding light on our life together in Christ Shedding light on our life together in Christ Bethel Lutheran LutheranChurch Church && First FirstLutheran LutheranChurch Church Bethel July 2015 Inside this issue: Worship Matters 2 July Events 3 News & Notes for All 4 Reminders 5 News & Notes to the Bethel Family 6 Messages & Memos to Bethel 7 First’s Service Assignments and More 8 News & Notes to the First Lutheran Family 9 Bethel Birthdays, Anniversaries, Shut-Ins 10 First Birthdays, Anniversaries, Shut-Ins 11 SPECIAL DATES SPECIAL DATES SPECIAL OF INTEREST INTEREST DATES OF OF INTEREST Saturday, 7 Thursday,March May 1 Sunday, Dick Bair December Memorial 7 National Day Prayer 2nd Pancake Sunday Breakfast ofofAdvent 8:00 am – 11:00 am Sunday, December Sunday, May 414 3rd Hunger Sunday of Advent Walk March 17 Sunday, St. Patrick’s December Day 21 Sunday, 11 4th Sunday May of Advent Joint March Service 20 Mother’s Day Spring Begins Sunday, December 28 Sunday, May 18 1st SPECIAL Sunday March ofDATES Christmas 25 Confirmation Day Annunciation The OFHoly INTEREST Innocents of our Lord March 29 Saturday, Palm Sunday July 4 Independence Day Monday, May 26 Memorial Day (Observed) Summer has begun, some of you are traveling, many of you are enjoying being out-doors, and the church schedule is not as full of activities and programs. There is a bit of space in most of our schedules, our minds, and our hearts this summer. It is a great time to breathe deeply and immerse yourself in God’s story. So, when you come to worship, I invite you to pick up a copy of The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, take it home, and begin reading. You will be glad you did! Using an English translation of the biblical text, the stories of the Bible are arranged into 31 chapters that allow the stories, poems, and teachings to read like a novel. This is a new way of experiencing the Bible. Because it reads like a novel, it will draw you in just like any other good book. The difference is this book is almost entirely Scripture. There are transitional sentences that tie together word-for-word passages from the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible. Many of you have heard me talk about each one of us having a story that intersects with God’s story. Often, especially at funerals, I have talked about how the stories of those we have loved and God’s story are woven into our own story. Reading The Story is one way of learning more fully how your story intersects with God’s story. On Sundays, starting on July 12, I will begin a sermon series that is intended to help us think about the connections between the section of the Biblical story for that week and our own stories. On the next page of this newsletter you will find the thematic chapters and the focus for the sermon for each Sunday listed. Many of these stories are rich with detail, but for these Sundays we will look at the big picture in the sweeping narrative of God’s action in this world. I hope you will be swept up in God’s love. Pastor Darla Ann WORSHIP MATTERS JULY 2015 Page 2 Sermon Series: The Story First Lutheran – 9:00 am First Lutheran—9:00 am Date Theme & Scripture July 12 The Beginning of Life as We Know It Creation Genesis 1-8 July 19 God Builds a Nation Abraham Genesis 12-13, 15-17, 21-22, 32,33, 35 Romans 4, Hebrews 11 July 26 From Slavery to Deputy Pharaoh Genesis 37, 39, 41-48, 50 Joseph August 2 Deliverance Exodus 1-7, 10-17 Moses August 9 New Commands & Covenant Exodus 19-20, 24-25, 32-34, 40 Moses August 16 Wandering Numbers 10-14, 20-21, 25-27 Moses August 23 The Battle Begins Joshua 2-4, 6-8, 10-11, 23-24 Joshua August 30 A Few Good Men & Women Judges 2-4, 6-8, 13-16 Judges Bethel Lutheran—10:30 am Bethel Lutheran—10:30 am WORSHIP SERVICE SCRIPTURES Sunday, July 5 6th Sunday after Pentecost SCRIPTURES Ezek 2:1-5 2 Cor 12:2-10 Mark 6:1-13 Sunday, July 12 The Story—Week 1 Genesis 1:1-13 Genesis 2:4b-7 John 1:1-5 Sunday, July 19 The Story—Week 2 Genesis 12:1-3 John 1:43-51 Sunday, July 26 The Story—Week 3 Genesis 50:15-21 Luke 6:27-36 *************************** Seasonal Worship Features Simplified Order of Worship Confession, Kyrie & Hymn of Praise will take turns being present in our service Apostle’s Creed Favorite Hymns used often throughout the summer September 6 The Faith of a Foreign Woman Ruth 1-4 Focus Ruth On Sunday July 12, “The Story Chart of Bible References” will be handed out. It shows all 31 weeks of the themes of focus for the Sunday Sermon Series on The Story. We will complete the portion of The Story that comes from the Hebrew Scriptures (the Christian Old Testament) on Sunday, November 22. We will then focus the weeks of Advent and Christmas on preparations for and the celebration of The Birth of the King. After that we will be ready to flow right into the rest of The Story from the beginning of Jesus’ ministry through Revelation during January, February, and early March. JULY EVENTS JULY 2015 UrbanArk Sunday Supper Sunday Supper continues to be held at 5 pm in the First Lutheran Fellowship Hall. The meal is preceded by a thirty minute worship service. Attendance varies by time of month with a low of 27 on a winter day early one month to a high of 80 on the fifth Sunday of May. Overall, the average attendance for the first part of 2015 is 48. The meal teams that purchase, prepare, and serve the food come from seven different congregations (4 Lutheran, 1 Greek Orthodox Christian, 1 nondenominational, and 1 Jewish) and Sharon’s Kitchen (a group of teachers who are named in memory of Sharon Kessler, a former meal team cook). The UrbanArk Board is so thankful for the dedication and compassion of every one who participates in a meal team. Page 3 “Everest” Vacation Bible School at Zion Lutheran, Canton 702 Raff Road SW July 6—10 9:00 am—11:30 am for all children age 4 (potty-trained) through grade 5 (last grade completed) Pre-registration required 330-477-6731 Cost: $10.00 per child/$25 per family (scholarships available for Bethel and First kids) For more information contact Pastor Kratzer UrbanArk Committees The board of UrbanArk is establishing a variety of committees to move us forward in our work of caring for those in need of food and clothing and spiritual support. The committees include: funding, food drives, grants & foundations, staffing, rules & bylaws, and marketing & promotions. Some of these would meet on a regular basis and others less frequently. If you have an interest in any of these committees or would like to discuss their work, please contact Larry Begue (First), Joe Fleming (Bethel), or Pastor Darla Ann. Bags Needed UrbanArk is collecting plastic store bags. They use approximately 250 bags per week. You may bring the bags to church on Sunday morning and volunteers will take them over to the food & clothing distribution site at 701 Walnut Ave NW. Clothing Ministry Collection UrbanArk is collecting summer clothing for men, women, and children. Washable clothing is preferred over dry clean items. Please place donations in the coat room at Bethel or on the Fellowship Hall stage at First. Come as You Are Midweek Service Journey toward a deeper relationship with Christ Thursdays at 6:30 pm Zion Lutheran Church 702 Raff Road SW 330-265-7329 (This is the correct email. It does have a double zero) NEWS & NOTES FOR ALL JULY 2015 Page 4 More Information on recent graduates Chloe Fleming, who graduated from Perry High School in May, will be going to the University of Akron to major in Sales Management. She is the granddaughter of Joe and Valerie Fleming (Bethel). Looking Ahead Summer is picnic time! Plans are being made for our congregations to enjoy a picnic together once again this year. Watch your bulletins and the August newsletter for the date and the details. Some Things to Make You Smile Change in Fireworks Date For several years, First Lutheran has hosted a viewing party on the front lawn when the Hall of Fame Festival held its downtown concert and fireworks. This year the concert and fireworks will NOT be held during the Hall of Fame Festival. Instead, the HOF has planned a special downtown event including fireworks for Saturday, September 12. Portico What is it? Why should you care? Portico Benefit Services is responsible for providing cost-effective benefits, resources, and inspiration to help leaders strengthen their financial, emotional, and physical well -being. As members of congregations in the Canton City Lutheran Parish you are in a partnership with your pastor and Portico Benefit Services. Portico is a very well run and efficient organization that carefully manages retirement plan expenses and health care premiums. Portico encourages every ELCA health plan member and spouse to take the Mayo Clinic Health Assessment each year. This year for the first time ever, every single synod in the ELCA had over 65% of plan members take the health assessment. The participation of the pastors of this synod and their family members in the health assessment process has resulted in a 2% reduction in health care premiums. That saves money for every congregation. Church Notice: The peacekeeping meeting scheduled for today has been canceled due to a conflict. Deacon Steve is our Internet preacher. His sermons are always filled with reference to e-mails, e-commerce and e-pistles. A little boy’s prayer: “Dear God, please take care of Daddy and Mommy and my sister and my brother and me. And please take care of yourself, God. If anything happens to you, we’re gonna be in a big mess.” -from Church Chuckles Save the Date: 2015 Bishop Gathering, “A Perspective on the Holy Lands” November 1, 3:00—5:00 pm Holy Trinity Lutheran Church, 2551 55th St NE The Reverend Walter F. Taylor, Jr. was one of the leaders of the 2015 traveling seminar to Israel and Palestine that Pastor Kratzer and her husband Thomas enjoyed. The trip included discussions with an Israeli Jewish West Bank settler, Bishop Munib Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan, Pastor Mitri Raheb of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, and several Muslims. His presentation style is clear and easy to follow and you will benefit from hearing his insights. REMINDERS Weekly Bulletin Deadline JULY 2015 Page 5 Please submit all information for the Sunday bulletin to the office NO LATER THAN 9:00 AM on WEDNESDAYS. Weekly Deadline The bulletins are printed on Wednesday at 10:00 Bulletin AM. Please submit all information for the Sunday bulletin to the office NO LATER THAN 9:00 AM on WEDNESDAYS. The bulletins are printed on Wednesdays at 10:00 AM. Newsletter Deadline Please submit all information for the August Newsletter to the office by 9:00 AM on Newsletter Deadline WEDNESDAY, July 22. Please submit all information for the August Newsletter to the office by 9:00 AM on Mary Steiger (Bethel) serves as proofreader.Wednesday, We are looking for a22. new proofreader from First Lutheran to help. July Mary Steiger (Bethel) serves as proof reader for the newsletter. We would love to have a First Please callmember the Parishalso Office at 330-456-0210 with your information. Lutheran review the newsletter before it goes toThank! Please call the Parish Office at 330-456-0210 with your information. Thank you! 2015 Dedication Charts Prayer Chains Bethel Members: Please call Evelyn Bair (330-837-7650) if you wish to have a person’s name added to the Bethel Prayer Chain. First Members: Please call Carole Nichols (330-4843306) if you wish to have a person’s name added to the First Prayer Chain. Hospitalizations If you or a loved one is hospitalized and you desire pastoral care, please call the church office. Due to privacy laws, hospitals cannot tell pastors who has been admitted to the hospital without the patient’s permission. That may mean that your clergyperson will not know of a hospitalization. So, please call the church office if you desire a hospital visit for yourself or a loved one. On evenings and weekends, you may also wish to leave a message for Pastor Kratzer at her cell phone: 330-495-8710. Pub Church Sunday, July 5 and 19 at 3:00 pm Blue Fig Restaurant on Whipple A pub church is a gathering of Christians which meets in a public establishment to explore connections between faith and life, praying, worshiping, and encouraging one another in faith. Please join us. To dedicate the altar flowers or the eternal flame (Bethel), simply enter your name on the chart in the coatroom (Bethel) or see the Sunday office volunteer (First). You can enter your dedication beside your name, or submit it to the church office one week before the date you have selected. Your dedication will be printed in the bulletin on your selected date. Money, which is not due until the day of your dedication, may be given to the Sunday office worker (First) or placed in the offering (Bethel). Please note “altar flowers,” “bulletins,” or “eternal flame” on the offering envelope. The costs are as follows: BETHEL Altar Flowers—$17.50 per vase per week Bulletin Covers—$15.00 per week Eternal Flame—$17.50 per month FIRST Flowers—$35.00 Altar Vases or Floor Vases $17.00 Piano or Organ Vase Bulletin Covers—$15.00 per week Friends and Family Prayer List When you become aware of a status change of someone you’ve submitted to the Prayer List, please call Marie at 330-495-7481 and let her know. Any updates and/or deletions will be very helpful in keeping our Prayer List current from week to week. Thanks for your help! NEWS & NOTES TO THE BETHEL LUTHERAN FAMILY JULY 2015 Page 6 Keeping Our Cool in Summer Last year our property team worked out a system of opening certain doors, closing certain windows, and using fans to keep us as cool as possible during hot summer Sunday mornings. Of course, each week the outdoor temperature is different, so if the outdoor temperature is below 80o, we will simply open all the windows and use the four floor fans and the big exhaust fan. But, if the temperature at worship time is to be above 80 o, here’s the way we will be set up to draw cool air up from the basement into the sanctuary: 1) The large exhaust fan at the back of the balcony is turned on. It sucks the warm air out of the nave (seating area) and pulls air up from the basement, through the two corner offices, into the chancel and down the center aisle. So, if you want to be in the coolest part of the nave, sit near the center aisle. 2) In order to pull that basement air up into the chancel and nave, we must close the windows along the sides of the aisles. (The minute we open those windows, the exhaust fan pulls air from outside the building in through the windows. If the outdoor air is warmer than the sanctuary air, we then suck the heat into our worship space.) The doors to the stairwells by the two corner offices must also be closed. But, the doors into the corner offices and the doors from the offices to the chancel must be open. The exhaust fan will be turned on each Saturday so that it sucks the hot air out of the building during the cooler evening hours. Dale will take care of that. Gary and Pastor will determine each Sunday morning at 8 am, which windows and doors to close and which ones to open. Noisy Offering Thank you for your gifts totaling $52.00 on May 31st during our Noisy Offering which will go to Trinity Lutheran Seminary. “SON OF GOD” & “GOOD AND EVIL” The Bethel Sunday School Class meets in the Lounge at 9:15AM each Sunday. We will be starting a new lesson on Sunday July 19th. This will be a 6 DVD lessons titled “Son of God: the Life of Jesus in You” by Pastor Rick Warren. After that lesson we will study a 4 DVD lesson on “Good and Evil” by Pastors’ Tom Holladay & Kay Warren. Come and join us and learn from the lessons and the discussions that follow. Bring a friend, all are welcomed. MESSAGES & MEMOS TO THE BETHEL LUTHERAN FAMILY JULY 2015 Page 7 Congregational Meeting Sunday, July 19 Immediately following the worship service on July 19th there will be a meeting of the congregation to receive additional recommendations from your Bethel Council. These recommendations pertain to the resolutions passed by the congregation at the Annual Meeting on February 22nd. Please come to worship July 19, stay for the meeting, and vote on the recommendations. That will help us make wise decisions as we move forward in the direction you, the members of Bethel, have asked the Council to pursue. Council Meeting The Bethel Council will meet on Tuesday, July 28 at 7:00 pm in the Lounge. Council meetings are open to ALL members of the congregation. If you have something to bring before the council, please contact the council president, Rick McMichael, so he can reserve enough time on the agenda. Bethel Church Council 2015-2016 President: Rick McMichael Vice President: Cindy Leasure Secretary: Gary Sepanik Treasurer: Cheryl Sepanik Pastor: Darla Ann Kratzer Property: Dale Studer Stewardship: Nada Hershberger Communications: Mary Steiger Please support the Bethel Church Council with your prayers throughout the year! Bethel’s Address: 701 Broad Avenue NW, Canton, OH 44708 Phone: 330-454-3978 Email: Men In Mission Breakfast Saturday, July 11th 8:30 am Jane’s Restaurant, 5386 Fulton Dr. NW, Canton, OH 44718. This small group, which is in its 21st year, welcomes all who are interested to join them in Bible study and supporting one another in the life of faith. July 13 7:00 pm Questions, please call Tom Jingo How are Hymns Chosen? Every two to three months the Board of Worship and Music spends most of their meeting looking at the scriptures and Prayer of the Day for each of the coming Sundays. Then they think about the themes and images in those scriptures and the prayers as they look through a list of possible hymns. They add to the list other hymns they know that come to their minds. Then they talk about which of the many possible hymns might enrich worship the most for a particular Sunday. They think about which hymns the congregation knows well and which are a bit newer. Sometimes they even consider a brand new hymn. Then they place the hymns in the order they believe will best reinforce the scriptures, prayers, and actions of worship on that day. SERVICE ASSIGNMENTS & MORE FOR FIRST MEMBERS JULY 2015 Page 8 Donations Given in June Keeping Cool at First this Summer The two portable air-conditioning units donated two years ago by Ralph and Judy Reisinger are already in use cooling the Fellowship Hall each Wednesday for Cut-Ups and for Soup Kitchen on the first and last Wednesday of each month. There is also a dehumidifier in the kitchen. Soup Kitchen Bob & Gayle Brown, George & Geri Keeler and John & Donna Salmen Special Offering Tyler Koleski Noisy Offering Thank you for your gifts totaling $96.00 on May 31st during our Noisy Offering which will go to Trinity Lutheran Seminary. In the sanctuary, windows are opened in the each evening to let cool air in and warm air is sucked out using the big fan. The windows are then closed in the morning to keep the hot air of the day out of the sanctuary. A dehumidifier also is used to keep the humidity low in the sanctuary. On Sunday mornings, there are four floor fans that circulate air throughout the worship space. We try to keep the windows closed as long as possible because, upon opening them, we get approximately 20 minutes of breeze as the indoor and outdoor air mixes. But, once the outdoor air comes in, the humidity in the sanctuary spikes. So, if it looks like we will have to open the windows, we will try to time it to get the maximum cooling effect during our worship time. MONTHLY ASSIGNMENTS: JUNE OFFICE ........................................................................................................... Lissa Rehfus SECURITY ................................................................................................. Fred Stuhldreher USHER ............................................................. Cheryl DeNayer, Kelly Stuhldreher, Fritz Miller ALTAR GUILD.......................................................................... Kelly Stuhldreher, Elaine Bray GUEST FOLLOW-UP ............................................................................................. Fritz Miller 2015 GREETERS ACOLYTE LECTOR SERVERS July 5 July 12 July 19 July 26 Robert Marchbank Judy Reisinger Sandra Marchbank Gayle Brown Tim Stuhldreher Dave Herritt Nancy & Ed Zelmer Abby Nichols None Tyler Koleski None Abby Nichols Ed Rehfus, Jr. Samantha Nichols Lissa Rehfus Steve & Cheryl DeNayer Kelly Stuhldreher Dorothy Breniser Steve & Cheryl DeNayer Kelly Stuhldreher Dorothy Breniser NEWS & NOTES TO THE FIRST LUTHERAN FAMILY Page 9 JULY 2015 Lovin’ Livin’ Donation Given We now have new signs for the Lutheran Ladle Soup Kitchen which were generously donated by Laad Sign & Lighting. The donation was given in memory of Jack Nichols and Bill & Grace Berger. UrbanArk Needs Your Bags UrbanArk is in need of plastic bags. Please save & bring in your plastic store bags to the church for UrbanArk. They use approximately 250 bags a week. Thank you. 2nd Annual Neighborhood Get Together RESULTS Although the weather may have worked against us on Saturday, June 20th, spirits were not dampened! The firemen came to show off their truck but got the opportunity to play drums with the band. The volunteers gave generously of their time and energy. Aultman was there to check our blood pressure and give tips on wellness. Despite the rain a total of $56 was collected in our yard sale. Thank you to all the volunteers who helped in every capacity. You are greatly appreciated! Thank You Thank you so much for allowing me to be a part of your loving community. Thanks for all you help with the 2nd Annual Neighborhood Get Together. It brings me so much joy to work with all of you. Role Call Sincerely, On Sunday, July 5, First Lutheran will conSue Neddy-Scopelite tinue its annual tradition of a Role Call of all members – past and present – who served in any branch of the military of the United States of America. We ask members to be ready to come forward to receive a small flag when either your name or the name of one of your relatives is Testing Your called. Knowledge: First Lutheran Church Council 2015 Steve DeNayer Tim Stuhldreher Elaine Bray Larry Begue Vernon Nelson Fred Stuhldreher Treasurer: Judy Reisinger Pastor: Darla Ann Kratzer Please support the First Lutheran Church Council with your prayers throughout the year! 909 East Tuscarawas St Canton, OH, 44707 Phone: 33-456-0210 Email: Lets see how well you know your church… The June Question was… What is the oldest object in the congregation’s possession? The answer is: a small covered pewter pitcher, probably used originally for the communion wine. Its date of origin is not known. The July Question is…when was the Educational Unit built? The answer will be in the August newsletter. BETHEL’S PAGE Page 10 JULY 2015 JULY BIRTHDAYS 7-2 7-3 7-3 7-4 7-6 7-7 7-7 7-11 7-13 7-15 7-16 7-18 7-18 7-18 7-20 7-21 7-25 Ryan Shackle Aaron McMichael Ryan McMichael Gage Skeen Samuel Speer Joshua Large Lindsay McMichael Jeanne Shaw Abigail Messerly Andy Gabrik Madeline Spencer Adrienne Price Bob Nichols Ina Mae Varn Brianna McCrea Dena McKee Barbara Stanfield JULY ANNIVERSARIES AUGUST BIRTHDAYS 8-1 8-2 8-7 8-7 8-13 8-27 8-28 8-31 Dale Studer Maxwell McKee Janice Deibel Dominic Oaks Ray Studer Eugene Rue Robert Resseger Jacy Hamilton 7-10-1980 John & Mary Steiger 7-13-2003 Andrew & Sarah Boydston 7-15-2011 Greg & Jean Long AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES 8-09-1975 Howard & Cindy Leasure BAPTISMAL BIRTHDAYS Loretta Anderson 2832 34th St NE Canton, OH 44705 Rebecca Brakus Mayfield Manor 3844 11th St SW, Apt 522 Canton, OH 44710 Jim Lab 836 34th St NW Room 149B Canton, OH 44709 Bob Resseger Canterbury Villa of Alliance 1785 Freshley Ave, Rm 202 Jeanne Shaw 1818 St. Elmo Ave. NE Canton, OH 44705 Ina Mae Varn 2938—20th St NW Canton, OH 44708-2968 Virginia Wartluft Canton Christian Home 2550 Cleveland Ave NW Canton, OH 44709 Alverta Young 2917 Joseph Pl NW Canton, OH 44708 JULY 7-4-04 Makayla McCrea 7-18-10 Alaina Renee Price AUGUST 8-3-08 Lillyannah Brielle McCrea 8-19-12 Adrienne Ronna Price FIRST’S PAGE Page 11 JULY 2015 JULY ANNIVERSARIES AUGUST BIRTHDAYS JULY BIRTHDAYS 7-8 7-12 7-14 7-16 7-17 7-21 7-23 7-24 7-30 Alvin Nuske Virginia Woessner Carole Nichols Erika Begue Shirley Bower Cheryl DeNayer Esther Daniels Shirley Clark Jen Nuske 8-1 8-3 8-5 8-5 8-6 8-11 8-12 8-17 8-22 8-22 8-25 8-26 8-28 Lissa Rehfus Aaron Schlegel Renee Reisinger Ralph Scott Shannon Warstler Arthur Koehler Elaine Bray John Salmen, III Angela Koehler Sandra Marchbank Sandy Kimble Dona Ridge Timothy Stuhldreher 7-16-1983 7-18-1970 7-19-2008 7-19-1986 7-20-2013 7-22-2002 AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES 8-6-2005 8-17-1968 8-26-1989 8-58-1999 Shirley Bower 862 E Iron Ave, Apt 129 Dover, OH 44622 Ralph & Judy Reisinger III Richard & Sandy Kimble Doug & Laura Nohl Bob & Vicki Beck Samuel & Tiffany Rehfus Bob & Gayle Brown Eric & Joy Muehlenbein George & Geri Keeler Arthur & Andrea Koehler Cary & Tammy Warstler Irma Klemens Jackson Ridge Rehabilitation & Care 7055 High Mill Ave NW Canal Fulton, OH 44614 Marie Cook St. Luke Lutheran Community 220 Applegrove North Canton, OH 44720 Donald Misch 1800 Clearbrook Rd NW Massillon OH 44646 Esther Daniels 2426 Daleford Ave NW Canton, OH 44705 Richard & Martha Nelson 1424 Harrisburg Rd NE Canton, OH 44705 Norma Jean Davis Reynolds Manor 560 Park St NW, #503 Navarre, OH 44662 Evelyn Sell 4178 Red Oak NW Massillon, OH 44646 First Evangelical Lutheran Church 909 East Tuscarawas Street Canton, OH 44707 RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED TIME SENSITIVE MATERIAL: Please Deliver by June 30 [] [] 2015 Parish Council Tim Stuhldreher (First) - 1st year Tom Jingo (Bethel) - 1st year Larry Begue (First) - 1st year Mary Steiger (Bethel) - 1st year Ralph Reisinger (First) - 3rd year Gary Sepanik (Bethel) - 1st year Treasurer—Judy Reisinger Pastor—Darla Ann Kratzer Non-Profit Org. 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