Welcome! Thank you for worshipping with us. We want to share the good news of Jesus Christ with you. If you desire to commit your life to Jesus Christ or have a pastoral need, call 704-892-0546, or after hours, contact Bill Cain at 704-237-4180. If you would like to become a member of Bethel Presbyterian Church, please come to the front of the sanctuary immediately after the worship service. An elder will take you to our Parlor to meet with Dr. Cain. Childcare for children four and younger is provided at Sunday worship and Sunday School and by reservation for other services and events. Visitors, please ask us and we’ll show you how to register your child. In the Prayer Room praying for Bethel today: Attendance for last week—Sunday School:141; Worship Total: 420 (9am-177; 11am-243) We are all ministers in the name of Jesus Christ. Elder: Don Carnahan Deacons: Betsy Shores, Judy Caldwell, Susan Cook, Beverly Epperson, Sam Fuller, Jim Harrill, Mary Margaret Overcash, Ronnie Rash, Marcia Weatherington Media Team: George Helms, Tom Perkinson, Bill Weatherington, Sloane Adler, Ken Dresser, Sonny Burgess, Ryan Whittington Vision Statement Reflecting the Love and Truth of Christ to Transform Lives. Mission Statement A Community of Christ Followers making disciples by: WORSHIPING the living God TEACHING the truth of Scripture CARING for others SERVING with the compassion of Christ ALL TO THE GLORY OF GOD Staff Bill Cain ....................................... Senior Pastor Jan Boswell .......... Christian Education Director Heath Burchett …Youth & Family Ministries Dir. Leesa Gray ................................. Music Director Beth Moss ...................................... Parish Nurse Teresa Hewitt ........................................Organist Lisa Weber .............................. Admin. Assistant Beth Bynum………………………...Receptionist Debbie Falls ..................................... Bookkeeper Bobby Waugh ...................... Facilities Manager Ginny McCann..... Weekday Preschool Director J. Edward Wayland ................... Pastor Emeritus Mark Moss…….Assistant Pastor for Adult Ed & Life Groups Worship Bethel Youth The Apostles’ Creed (In the front of the Hymnal) 11am Service MUSIC FOR MEDITATION LIFE AT BETHEL PRELUDE The Bethel Foundation PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER WORSHIP THROUGH GIVING “Adagio” from String Quartet, Op. 42 DOXOLOGY “Lean on Me” (Choir) THE SERVICE OF GOD’S WORD Mark 1:21-39, Pew Bible 707 ”A Life of Significance” “Take My Life” (stan 1-2, 5-6) BENEDICTION CHORAL BENEDICTION WELCOME CHIMES OF THE TRINITY “Jesus is the Joy” (Choir) “Our Lord, Master of All” “Bless the Lord, O My Soul” Bless the Lord, O my soul, O my soul; worship His holy name. Sing like never before, O my soul; I’ll worship Your holy name. CALL TO WORSHIP L: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come. P: You are worthy our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power. L: You created all things and by your will they were created and have their being. P: We acknowledge your sovereign control over all and we crown You as the Lord of Lords and King of Kings. HYMN No. 234 CHIMES POSTLUDE “My Faith, It Is An Oaken Staff” GATHERING SONG PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING ANTHEM Jill Cain ENTERING INTO GOD’S PRESENCE CALL TO DISCIPLESHIP Contact Us 19920 Bethel Church Road Cornelius, NC 28031 704-892-0546 or www.bethel-pc.org CCLI# 945092 June 28, 2015 A MESSAGE TO THE CHILDREN (Children in grades Preschool-2 may leave for Children’s Worship) HYMN No. 379 5:30 pm www.bethel-pc.org SHARING AS GOD’S PEOPLE GOING FORTH AS GOD’S PEOPLE TO LOVE & SERVE 9:00 am & 11:00 am A Beacon of Christ’s Love Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. SERMON 10:00 am Bethel Presbyterian Church GLORIA PATRI SCRIPTURE Sunday Schedule Sunday School PROFESSION OF FAITH “Crown Him with Many Crowns” PRAYER OF CONFESSION Almighty God and Everlasting Father, how easy it is for us to confess You as Lord and yet, to live as if we are in control of our lives. Forgive us for our hypocrisy. Forgive us for the inconsistencies which exist between what we say that we believe and how we live. Be gracious to us and forgive us through Jesus Christ our Lord who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen. A Life of Significance Mark 1:21-38 9am Sunday Service INTRODUCTION All of us want to live a “life that counts.” But many of us get distracted by the “Tyranny of the URGENT.” Endless calls, emails, texts, and trivial pursuits take focus away from what is important. We find ourselves coming to the end of a week, a month, a year and lamenting, “Where did the time go? Why did I waste so much time and energy on things which really don’t count?” Announcements ENTERING INTO GOD’S PRESENCE Welcome *Songs and Hymns of Praise “Thou Art Worthy” (Mills) “You Are Holy” (Imboden) Reading: Psalm 99 “This is My Father’s World” (Babcock) Prayers of Praise and Confession The Lord’s Prayer The Apostles Creed LISTENING, LEARNING, AND SHARING GOD’S WORD CONTEXT In this passage Jesus faces a whirlwind of activity in the space of one day. Notice carefully the number of events which Jesus encountered—preaching, ministering to a man who sought to disrupt the service, healing Peter’s mother in law, and praying for the sick of the community throughout the evening. But notice the key activity which follows? Jesus got up early and sought through prayer the directives of his Father in Heaven. CONTENT I. A Day in the Life of Jesus A. Healing of a man vv24-26 B. Teaching with authority v27 Children’s Message (Children in grades K-2 may leave for Children’s Worship) C. Healing of Peter’s mother in law vv30-31 Giving Gifts for God’s Mission D. Praying for the sick in the community vv33-34 “In the Garden” (arr. Wolaver) Instrumental *Doxology and Prayer Scripture Reading The Message in Word Mark 1:21-38, Pew Bible 707 “A Life of Significance” LETTING GOD’S LIGHT SHINE: LEAVING TO BE GOD’S PEOPLE *Songs and Hymns: Our Challenge—Living a Life of Significance #1 Get Away and Get Quiet v35, Mat 4:1-11, Lk 6:12, Ps 46:10 #2 Get with IT v38 Notice v37 “tyranny of the urgent” (and other people’s expectations) Jn 10:10 Jesus promise of LIFE “Sanctuary” (Thompson) *Benediction *Postlude II. “Our Lord, Master of All” Get away and get with the Lord. Ask the Lord, “How do you want me to use the talents and experiences which You have invested in me?” Please turn off or silence your cell phone as you enter the church! The flower arrangement in the front of the sanctuary is to honor our parents, Colin & Myra Kelly, as they celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on July 3rd. Congratulations and much love from your daughters, Kiki, Roxanne and Ashley. June 29—July 5 Mon., 6/29 5:30pm Bethel Basketball 6:45pm Child Protection Training Class Tues., 6/30 7:30am-3:30pm Bethel Youth Group—Rescue Mission Day 7:00pm Session Meeting Wed., 7/1 6:00pm Three Thirds Band Rehearsal Thurs., 7/2 6:30om Lake Norman Lakers Basketball Fri., 7/3 No Meetings Sat., 7/4 6:30pm Narcotics Anonymous Sun., 7/5 5:30pm Alcoholics Anonymous Every Monday - Friday from 6:30-9:00 a.m. Bethel’s Family Life Center is open for walkers. YMCA Sponsored Senior Yoga:1:30pm Mondays YMCA Sponsored Senior Exercise:1:30 p.m. Tuesdays & Thursdays
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