May 2015 Covenant - Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Penfield

May 2015
“Peace be with you,” in the name of the Risen Christ.
As I write this article, I am in Florida, having just learned of my fatherin-law’s death following a long and courageous fight against cancer. We as a
congregation have been praying for Karl for quite a while, and many of you
were aware of his declining health. Though his death was not a shock to us, we
didn’t expect it to be quite so soon; we thought we had at least a few more
weeks if not months. Whatever the case, it is difficult ever to be fully prepared
for the death of a loved one.
Experiencing a death during the Easter season has always made this season so much more
real and important to me. Easter, you see, if not just one day, but a full “week of Sundays,” a season seven weeks long. During that seven weeks, we continue to reflect on the Risen Christ and
what this means for us and for our faith. It certainly brings a sense of hope to what can otherwise
be a devastating time of loss. As one person quoted on my Facebook status announcing the death,
“We do not grieve as others do who have no hope” (1 Thessalonians 4:13). Because the whole
point of the resurrection is to show us that death is not the final victor, it is not the end. It is the beginning of a new life, basking in the light and love of our glorious God. Whatever we may imagine
“heaven” to be like, we can be certain of this: that death means the beginning of an eternity being
in the glow of God’s love, where cancer doesn’t hurt, where brokenness doesn’t prevail, where fear
has no say.
I am reminded of this when I feel (or even see!) Karl’s granddaughter moving inside me –
an active new life in the midst of grief! We can experience this when we share stories and love and
compassion with family and friends who shared our love for Karl. We can know the magnitude of
God’s love and promise when we gather around Christ’s table and hear once again those words that
Christ was given “for us,” knowing that when we gather, it is with all the communion of saints –
those still with us on earth and those who have gone before us. We can remember it every time we
hear those oft-uttered words of the risen Christ: “Peace be with you.” The peace he offers to us
these difficult days is the peace that comes from knowing the promise of the resurrection! What a
gracious God to have given us so many ways to know life, even in the midst of death and sadness.
Even as we cling to this hope, this peace, Michael and I have been extremely grateful for
your prayers and support during this whirlwind. We have been so blessed by you in our lives, over
and over again. Thank you for being such beautiful witnesses to Christ’s love and grace in our
In peace and hope,
Pastor Johanna
Worship and Prayer
BLC/SMLC Bible Study
Synod Assembly Mission
Project: 20,000 Meals
We are wrapping up the study of Mark on Sunday, May 10. (May 3 is the Crop Walk so no class
is scheduled that day.) We are waiting until June
to start the video series we are doing next.
Every day 1 in 5 children in the US go to
bed hungry or wake up not knowing
where their next meal will come
from. Join us Thursday evening, May
28 at 6:30 pm in the Rochester Convention Center as we package 20,000 Rice
and Bean meals. All meals will be distributed through Rochester FoodLink
Food bank and benefit local families. It is
not necessary for an individual to be a
voting member of the Synod Assembly to
participate in this event. It is open to all
the people of our Synod. Sign up today
at the MY SIGN UP link that is posted in
the April 1st, Upstate Update. Questions
can also be directed to Rev. Lee Miller II
May 3 - No Class (Crop Walk)
May 10 - 11:45 a.m., final session
Email Prayer Chain - SMLC
To submit a prayer request or to become a praying member
of the prayer chain, contact Sharon Haffen. (Callers are
available for anyone without access to email.) You may call
Sharon at 585-703-1441 or contact her by email,
At Bethlehem…
In Our Prayers
Alice Tynan, The family of Jimmy Cammisso, Carl Bauer, Joe Pickett, Brad, Charles Allen, Gary Ayers, Emily Barber, Shirley Bauer,
John Brayer, Emily Briggs, Steve Jean Gage, Kenneth Galen, Nancy Gotte, Shirley Jennejohn, Lin Maier, Kay Heckle, Jean Lund, Patty Martins, April Peck, Daniel Rose and family, Nancy Smith, Bev Steele, Gladys VanDusen, Tori, and Carol Winters. We also pray
for those in the military and their families: Nicholas Piano, Morgan Hauer, Sharon Verges, Brad Verges, Mark Baker, Jeffery Gaines,
Joe and Melanie Geiger. Also remember in prayer the Shove family.
At St. Martin…
Jim Matteson, Debbie Lester, Darrell Ost (Ann Mitchell’s son-in-law’s uncle), Diana (cousin of Cindi Gomez), Jack Shaw (friend of
Marge Nowak), Betty Clancy, Laura and son, Jamie, Emma, Elsie Forest, Ruth Gulde, Karin Ewanow, Barb Moeller, Amy Moeller,
Lisa M., Rich Keller, Ray and Grace Skopin, Scott, Lance, Ian Cummings, Dena Jackson, James Simmons, Jan Weishaar and her husband and grandson, Sue Carleton Jahn, Tim Wesley and his family, Colin Gillis and his family, Mildred Kreutter (mother of Gene
Kreutter), Patrick Campo, Noah Banister, Mikayla Clancy, Dawn, Ray, and people serving in the military, especially Bryan Podgorski,
Jennifer Arbaugh, Chad, Derrick, Jeff, Jim and Evan. We also pray for the safety of our police officers, especially Eric, son of Becky
and Harry Hilbert.
If you would like names added or removed from the prayer list, please contact the church office at St. Martin, and Laurie Brigden if
you’re at Bethlehem.
Chicken Barbeque and Fun Fest
St. Martin Lutheran Church
813 Bay Road, Webster, NY
Saturday, May 2, 2015
4:30 pm—Gone
1/2 Chicken, Salt Potatoes, Coleslaw, Rolls and Butter,
Hot dogs for Kids—$1.00
Luscious pie slices and other
desserts also available for
Webster Food Cupboard
Needs List for May
Cleaning Products:
Spray Cleaner
Toilet Bowl Cleaner, etc.
Also, it is that time of year again to begin
planning your garden. Please remember
your neighbor in need and our “Plant A
Row” project We would love to have any of
your surplus fruits and vegetables. Thank
Walworth Food Pantry Giving List
The Walworth Food Pantry tries to give out a specific set of items to each family depending on the number of
people in the family. They have a one person, 2 people, and family of 3 or more. The larger the family, the
more items are selected, but the basic list stays the same. Based on packing for a few years, the following
items are always appreciated:
 July—Tuna/Salmon
 August—Crackers/Coffee/Tea
 January—Boxed cereal
 September—Fruit/Applesauce
 February—Peanut Butter/Jelly
 October—Rice/Macaroni and Cheese
 March—Pudding/Jello mix
 November—Boxed potatoes and
 April—Toilet paper/Soap
toiletries (Shampoo, cond, soap, tissues, etc.
 May—Canned Meat/Stew/Hash or Chili Fixings
 December—Canned Spaghetti/Ravioli
 June—Baked beans
Online Giving at SMLC
You can give online during worship or at home by using your smartphone! To the side is a QR Code,
which can be read by the QR Code reader app on your smartphone (free to download). Scan it, and it
will bring you to Vanco, the company with which St. Martin has set up an online giving program.
St. Martin Garage Sale
June 11-13, 2015
As we considered during Lent the many ways we all can simplify and de-clutter our lives, the Garage Sale
Committee encourages you to set aside some of the “stuff” you want to get rid of, and donate it to the garage sale. This is a win-win-win situation: You get rid of stuff, someone else gets to purchase items they
need, the “stuff” doesn’t go in a landfill, and 20% of the proceeds from the garage sale are
donated to another charity.
Dates for this year’s garage sale are June 11 to 13. We will be accepting donations after
the chicken barbeque. Things we can’t accept are cribs, child car seats, encyclopedias, and televisions except flat screens. Items should be clean and in good working order,
Team Leaders Needed for the Garage Sale
We’re looking ahead to the garage sale, and doing some planning. The committee has decided to approach the sale a little differently this year. We have divided the work load into several areas of responsibility, and are looking for a team leader for each of those areas. The team leader will be responsible for
getting whatever additional help he or she needs to complete the job. Several of the committee members
have already agreed to be team leaders, but we still need volunteers for some of the other team leader
Please note: Team leaders will be approaching other people to help with their areas of responsibility.
The team leader is not expected to complete the work alone.
Team leaders still needed:
Someone to organize the pick-up of items from garage sales.
Someone to organize each of the following areas of the sale.
Someone to schedule outside sales people during the sale.
Someone to schedule general help and carry out people during the sale. (We already have someone scheduling cashiers and cashier helpers.)
Someone to organize the cleanup at the end of the sale on Saturday.
Please let Dick Detwiler or Jim Alexander know if you are willing to be a team leader. The garage sale is a
big undertaking, and requires many hands to make it flow smoothly. Please consider volunteering for one
of these jobs, and also giving some time to help with the organizing and set-up of the sale, as well as
helping during the sale. We will be starting to collect items after May 2nd.
Mother’s Day
Diaper and
Formula Drive
This Mother’s Day, why not help out some mothers in dire need?
Mothers in Need of Others (MINO) is a local ministry that serves
mothers of infants who do not have the resources they need. They
have a deep need right now for diapers and for formula (especially
Enfamil with Iron). For Mother’s Day this year, let’s take up a collection of these necessary items. You will find bins at both Bethlehem and St. Martin for this collection, and they will be delivered
after May 10 to MINO. Thank you for your generosity!
Vacation Bible School
July 6 to 9, 2015
9:00 am to Noon at St. Martin
This year’s theme is “Taking Root”.
It will focus on mission and feeding
the world.
Youth and Children
BLC & SMLC—Family Night at the Bayview Y
Looking for a fun evening you can enjoy with your whole family? How about one
that includes dinner, with tons of different activities, something for everyone to enjoy? You’re in luck! We are planning a Family Night at the Bayview Y!
Event includes: use of Epi-center (climbing rope maze, video games attached to
bikes, gaga floor, and balls to use in that area), pool, gathering room, gymnasium
(with either inflatables, or we can use the entire space for basketball or otherwise),
craft, and snacks. We’ll also order some pizzas, so you don’t even have to worry
about cooking dinner.
This evening of fun begins at 6pm on Friday, May 1. Pool will be open and staffed until 9:30;
other activities close at 8pm.
This event is a chance to have fun with the whole family, and also to get to know parents of schoolage children from both St. Martin and Bethlehem. We hope this will also plant some relationship
seeds for our up-and-coming youth group, both between the kids and between families. To that end,
families with school-age children are especially encouraged to attend, but all are welcome!
(NOTE: You do NOT have to be a member at the Y to come.)
Find the event on Facebook to RSVP, OR contact Amie Kulak at SMLC
( or Chris Reilly at BLC (
Youth and Children
Confirmation Class in May
Confirmation this month will take place at St. Martin Lutheran Church, 6-8 pm.
May 12
St. M.
Second year students only: Help with projects, overview of
the Rite of Confirmation
Note: We will determine a day for project presentations that works for everyone, toward the end of
May. The above class is a chance to learn about what actually happens on Confirmation Sunday, as
well as to receive any help the students might like on their projects. Regardless of your status on the
project, please plan to attend.
Confirmation Day!
May 24 at Bethlehem - May 31 at St. Martin
With joy we will celebrate the confirmations of a wonderful (and large!) group of young people in our congregation. They have worked hard for two years, learning about the Bible and about Lutheran theology,
they have allowed their faith to be challenged and pushed so that it would grow deeper, they have been
faithful attenders of class, worship, and service projects. We are so proud of them! Congratulations to you
Bethlehem Confirmands (May 24, Pentecost)
Anthony Grimshaw
Patrick Reilly
St. Martin Confirmands (May 31, Trinity Sunday)
Delaney David
Eric Podgorski
Douglas David
Matthew Taylor
Kirsten Kildal
Meghan Taylor
Jake Kroft
Confirmands are encouraged to attend both celebrations to support their classmates!
May 2015 SMLC—Sunday School Schedule
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
4-6 Barbara Washburn
Family Sunday
St. Martin Birthdays:
Mary Lou Alexander
Gracie Frank
Robert Dengler
Kirsten Kildal
Nancy Lewis
Melanie Simmons
James Hubbard
Bethlehem Anniversaries:
No anniversaries for May
Starting on Wednesday, May 27, Prayer First will meet at 10:30 am in
the prayer garden. This will continue through June, July and August.
Sally Steinmiller will announce when we will switch back to the evening
Volunteers Needed for St. John’s—May 10
Bethlehem Birthdays:
William Southwell Sr.
Brandon Reilly
Amy Barber
Mike Gage
Billy Hess
Ryan Anderson
Taylor Gage
Matthew Bergen
Michael Webb
Lauren Griffin
Kerri Donahue
Ann Fridman
Tracey Lasch
Roger Seeber
Mary Kummerow
Tina Bauer
Debbie Morse
David VanDusen
Ben Gage
Shirley Luke
Emma Grimshaw
Laurie Brigden
Prayer First Meetings
St. Martin Anniversaries:
Walt and Marge Nowak
BLC News
Volunteers are needed from St. Martin to transport residents to worship on Sunday, May 10th at St. John’s
Home. You must arrive by 1:15 pm. If you are able to
help out, please contact Nancy P., church office secretary
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!
I am feeling grateful for so many things these past few weeks. A special “thank you” goes to Laurie Brigden of Bethlehem for the use of her
computer in making the April 12th bulletin. She graciously gave of her
morning to guide me in its creation as the one at St. Martin was taken
down by viruses. I thank St. Martin for the rapid turnaround in purchasing a new computer with the latest software—it works great! And last of all, thank you for the
lovely dish garden for Admin Professionals Day and other gifts of appreciation. Your thoughtfulness and kindness is most appreciated. ...Nancy P.
BLC & SMLC—Night Out with the Red Wings
Friday, June 5th
On Friday, June 5th, the Rochester chapter of Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is hosting a fund raiser for the 2015
Thrivent Build in Rochester. All Lutherans and their guests
are invited to a picnic and Red Wings baseball game The
picnic begins at 6:00 pm and the game begins at 7:05. The
Rochester Chapter is subsidizing the cost of the picnic. Tickets for the picnic and game are a bargain at only $10 for
adults and $6.00 for children under 14. The cost of the game only ticket is
$4.00. For tickets, please contact Cindi Smith, 585-698-7785, or email
Attention Members of Bethlehem, I regret to hear from several of you that you hadn’t received your email
copy of the newsletter the past few months. With a new computer now, I’m in the process of reconstructing a new distribution list. Please let me know by email or phone if you still aren’t receiving yours. Meanwhile, hard copies are at the church. Please bear with me during the transition. Thanks, Nancy P.
585-671-1899, email:
Upcoming 2015 Activities at St. Martin
May 2nd—Chicken BBQ
June 11—13—Garage Sale
August 22—Pork BBQ
September 19—Chicken BBQ
SMLC—Sunday, June 14th
Annual Congregational Meeting
following worship
A St. Martin “Face Lift”
Do you have a good eye for making a space welcoming and gracious? We are looking for a group of such folks who would like
to give the inside of our building a “face lift.” This may include
using the space more efficiently, getting rid of things we don’t
need, improving signage… and whatever else you might dream!
If this would be a fun project for you, talk to Pastor Johanna, so
we can get this project underway this summer.
BLC—CROP Hunger Walk—May 3rd
Walworth United Methodist Church, Walworth, NY
Let’s fight against hunger together at the 2015 Walworth Communities Responding to Overcoming
Poverty Hunger Walk.
The 25th Annual Walworth CROP Hunger Walk will be held Sunday, May 3, 2015 begins at 1:00 pm
at the Walworth United Methodist Church, 3679 Main St., Walworth. Registration starts at 12:15 pm
and donation information can be found at or by contacting
Amy Barber, 585-301-2852, or email: Walkers collect pledges and donations and walk a 2 mile sidewalk route to Ginegaw Park and back.
CROP Hunger Walks are community-wide events that bring people together in a common mission:
helping hungry people at home and around the world.
Note from Amy Barber:
I became involved in the Walworth Food Pantry when a next door neighbor had a real need. It’s
amazing to me that hunger strikes that close, but it does. The CROP Hunger walk supports
fighting poverty in my community by returning 25% of the funds I raise back to the Walworth
Food Pantry. The rest go to providing nutrition to others around the world, ensuring they have
fresh water, helping refugees, and providing assistance during disasters. Thank you for partnering with me on this journey.
Council Highlights
The Crop Walk is May 3rd at 1:00 pm. At the Walworth United Methodist church. (For more details, see the article in
this issue.)
The last day of Sunday School will be on May 10th, with a celebration on May 17th.
Jan Mohrman is doing well following knee surgery. Lorilynn Schlinger is also doing well following her shoulder surgery.
** Next Joint Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 20, 6:30 pm, at SMLC **
St. Martin
Council reviewed the goals set at our last retreat. Looks like we have a 75% completion rate, with a need to focus on
facilities. The “Aesthetics Team” will be publicized. We will re-visit the YMCA’s cleaning of the carpet going upstairs,
possibly replacing it soon due to the condition of the carpet. We also discussed ways to increase the traffic on our website, utilizing visual and sound elements from upcoming activities.
The final draft of the Child Protection Policy was reviewed and approved. It will now be sent to the insurance company
for their review.
The office computer was recently infected with a virus. Since we had already talked about purchasing a new computer,
council approved the expenditure of up to $1,500 for a new computer. ‘Geek on the Go’ will be consulted regarding installation, applications, and switching data over from the old computer.
Due to the overwhelming list of responsibilities of the treasurer, Jim recommended splitting the duties between a treasurer and a financial secretary. Council is on board with the change.
Recent property projects completed: view lites (windows) have been installed in education wing doors, boiler has been
replaced, bathrooms have been painted and baby changing tables installed, Wi-Fi has been extended to the fellowship
hall, landscaping, replacement of water-damaged ceiling tiles, and repair of pipe connection in kitchen that was leaking
at the fitting.
** Next Joint Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 20, 6:30 pm, at SMLC **
Pastor Johanna’s Contact Info
Cell: 585-270-0712
Bethlehem: 585-872-1425
St. Martin: 585-671-1899
Pastor’s Office Hrs: BLC on Mondays and by appt.,
SMLC on Tuesday-Thursday
Congregational Deacon: Sharon Haffen
Sharon can be reached at: 703-1441
Jim Alexander, St. Martin Treasurer
March Operating Funds
May—St. Martin Worship Assistants
May 3
May 10
May 17
May 24
May 31
Anne Mitchell
Carol Geier
Family Sunday
Nancy Currier
Kris Weingartner
Mary Lou Alexander
Karen Kunzer
Nancy Currier
Mary Lou Alexander
Sharon Haffen
Eric Podgorski
Sebastian Kulak
Lydia Wuertzer
Sebastian Kulak
Cindy Gomez
Melinda Spry
Dick & Cheryl
Maurice Kildal
Tom Potucek
Jim Lockwood
George Oriel
Cindy Gomez
Milford Apetz
George Oriel
Jim & Jeannette
Nancy Elder
Nancy Elder
Nancy Elder
Nancy Elder
Nancy Elder
Men’s Group
Cindi Bouchard
Nancy & Nancy
Kris Weingartner
Jeff Peters
Altar Guild
Coffee Hour
Sunday School
K-3 C. Bouchard
4-6 B. Washburn
Christian Kulak
Lay Readers: Nancy Currier
Altar Guild: Nancy Lewis
Greeters: Evangelism Team
Ushers: Doug Gomez
Coffee Hr: Jeff & Mary Ann Peters
June Newsletter
Deadline - May 15th
Items can be left in the mailbox outside my door, mailed to my address below or sent by email. Would you like the
church to be more “green”? You may also consider switching to the electronic version of Covenant Connections
by emailing me at Thank you, Nancy Panneitz, Editor
Laurie Brooks
Nancy Panneitz
Bethlehem Lutheran Church,
St. Martin Lutheran Church
1767 Plank Rd, Webster, NY 14580
813 Bay Rd, Webster, NY 14580
May 2015
1:00 pm CROP
Walks in Webster
and Walworth
11:00 am Bible
Study at BLC
6-8 pm
Family Night at
Bay View Y
4:30 pm
Chicken BBQ
7:30 pm Mutual
Ministry @
7 pm Prayer
First @ BLC
6—8 Confirmation Class at
SMLC (2nd yr.
class only)
7 pm Prayer
First @ BLC
8am Men’s
Group at T’s
Sunday School
celebration @ BLC
7 pm Prayer
First @ BLC
6:30 pm Joint
Council @
8am Men’s
Group at T’s
10:30 am Prayer
First @ BLC in
the prayer garden.
8am Men’s
Group at T’s
Bible Study at
SMLC-final session
8am Men’s
Group at T’s
Transport St.
John’s residents
Mother’s Day
Pentecost—Rite of
Confirmation @
Memorial Day
Synod Assembly
31 Trinity Sunday
Rite ofConfirmation
Sunday Worship & Council Mtgs.
Bethlehem: 9:00 am Worship
9:00 am Sunday School during worship
Communion on 1st & 3rd Sundays
Council meets on 2nd Monday of month
Sunday Worship & Council Mtgs.
St. Martin: 10:30 am Worship
Sunday School during worship
Communion on 1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays
Council meets on 2nd Wednesday of the month
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
1767 Plank Road
Webster, NY 14580
St. Martin Evangelical Lutheran Church
813 Bay Road
Webster, NY 14580
St. Martin Lutheran Church
813 Bay Road
Webster, New York 14580
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
1767 Plank Road
Webster, New York 14580
Office Hours: Tues, Wed, & Thurs., 9—1:00 pm
Worship: 10:30 am, Sunday School during worship
Holy Communion offered on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the
Worship: 9:00 am, Sunday School during worship , except the
3rd Sunday of the month, Holy Communion offered on the 1st
and 3rd Sundays of the month
St. Martin Church Council Members
Bethlehem Church Council Members
Michael Moeller
Vice President:
Doug Gomez
Treasurer: J. Alexander/L. Moeller
Sharon Haffen
Kris Weingartner
Nancy Currier
Music & Worship: Barb Washburn
Christian Ed.
Mutual Ministry:
Nancy Elder
Jason Simmons
Amie Kulak
Kristine Light
Christian Kulak
Melanie Geiger
Ed Borkhuis
Contacting Pr. Johanna Rehbaum
Phone: 585-270-0712
Dick Howard/
Laurie Howard
Sandy Borkhuis
Steve Borkhuis
May 2015 Newsletter Articles
Are Due On:
April 15, 2015