VOL. 2015 ISSUE # 5 MAY 2015 Beymer Memorial UMC The BEAMER MAY HIGHLIGHTS! A “MAY” ZING Youth to Waves of Glory May 2 (Saturday) - 10 a.m. Rays Game Fellowship via Bus May 9 (Saturday) - 3 p.m. Mothers’ Day Children give gifts & *sing! May 10 (Sunday) 8, *9:30 & *11 Tutoring Ministry Recognition May 17 (Sunday) - 11 a.m. FREE Car Wash Fundraiser May 23 (Saturday) - 8 a.m. until 5 p.m. Worship on the Dock Returns Memorial Day Sunday - May 24, 8 a.m. End of School Family Splash May 30 (Saturday) 10 a.m. until Noon Children’s Home Offering & *Graduate Recognition May 31 (Sunday) 8, *9:30, & *11 Often people will say to me in December – bet things are really busy for you. Or Holy Week – same comment. And understandably. IN THIS ISSUE Baseball Game Info ........................................ 3 Bible in 90 Days Challenge Info .................... 5 Birthdays & Anniversaries............................. 3 Calendar........................................................... 4 Children’s Activities .............................2, 5 & 6 Church Contact Info ....................... lower right Church Staff Listing ............................... below Converge Info.................................................. 2 Dinner Club End-of-Year Picnic Info ............ 3 End of School Splash Info ............................. 5 Fellowship Events ......................................... 3 Memorials & Gifts .......................................... 3 Message from Pastor Rob ..................... Cover Mother’s Day Celebration Info....................... 2 New Message Series Info ............................... 5 Nursery Information .................................2 & 3 Puerto Rico Fundraiser Info ....................5 & 6 Summer Camp Info (Children & Youth)........ 2 Vacation Bible School 2015 Info ................... 6 VBS Donation Info .......................................... 6 Weekly Worship & Study Schedule .............. 6 Youth & College Age Activities ..................... 2 The great thing about Beymer is that throughout the year – not just at Christmas and Easter – there are meaningful, joyous, growth-producing, people-serving things happening. In the month ahead, you’ll find: Holy Communion, Baptism, Marriage, Waves of Glory (key youth event), Mother’s Day celebration, children singing, Preschool Grandparent’s Day, Tutor Sunday (honoring our tutors, praying over our kids), Kindergarten graduation, the beginning of worship at the dock, Youth Sunday, End of School “Splash” party for our children, Memorial Day remembrance service, Graduation Sunday, and Children’s Home Sunday. All that points to a healthy, vibrant, growing church that is striving to praise God and serve our community. It’s a joy to be a part of this kind of community of faith with you. Pour over what you find in these pages related to all our May happenings – and keep inviting friends and family not just to worship but to anything that might touch their heart. Here’s to a great month! Pastor Rob BEYMER CHURCH STAFF Dr. Robert Harding...................... pastor@beymer.org .................................Senior Pastor Dr. Steven Felix ........................... youth@beymer.org ........... Youth Dir. & Contemp. Worship Mel Young ................................. finance@beymer.org ............................ Finance Director Lori Roe ................................... preschool@beymer.org .................. Dir. of Pre/K Program Marcia Cuellar .......................... children@beymer.org ..........Children’s Ministry Director Debby Powers ........................... nursery@beymer.org .................... Nursery Coordinator Jason Locker ............................... music@beymer.org ....................Chancel Choir Director Joe E. Jones ................................ jeakjones@aol.com ................. Beymer Bronze Director Patty Muller............................. mullerpatty@ymail.org ...................................... Organist Andy Wingate ............................. office@beymer.org .................................... Media Tech Eddie Bruner............................. facilities@beymer.org ........................ Facilities Manager Joe Knapp ................................. facilities@beymer.org ...................... Assistant Custodian Margie Anderson ........................ office@beymer.org .................Administrative Assistant Marietta Jennings ......................... mdjtej@gate.net ........................ Tutoring Coordinator 700 N. LAKE HOWARD DR. WINTER HAVEN, FL 33881 PHONE: 863-294-3186 FAX: 863-294-3187 PRESCHOOL: 863-294-3188 THRIFT HOUSE: 863-293-9765 WEBSITE: WWW.BEYMER.ORG EMAIL: OFFICE@BEYMER.ORG OFFICE HOURS: M-TH 8 - 4:30 FRIDAYS 8 - 1 2 YOUTH/COLLEGE MINISTRY Steven Felix (youth@beymer.org) Director of Youth & Contemporary Worship SUNDAY MORNING CLASS 6th-12th Grades - All Youth Welcome! Classes for all Youth—Sundays @ 11:00 a.m. Upstairs Stradley Hall in Room B; in-depth study of Genesis led by Steven Felix. THE UNDERGROUND (6th-12th Grades) Sundays 6:00-7:45 p.m. in the Basement If you are interested in being an adult leader, please contact Steven. PAST EVENTS April has been the most eventful month of the year! First, on April 1st we had an awesome Night of Worship in the basement right in the middle of Holy Week. We had guest spoken-word Artist TAL with us, and over 50 people showed up! Next, we had two back-to-back fundraisers serving concessions at two Yankees games on April 2nd and 3rd, we raised just about $2000 from those days for our Puerto Rico Mission Trip! We sent 18 students to the Acquire the Fire youth conference at the Tampa fairgrounds! This was a blast and many of the students truly encountered the Holy Spirit! On April 24th we had our Silent Auction which was a lot of fun and we raised over $3,000 for the mission trip! UPCOMING EVENTS Right away, we have some important events in May as well. On May 2nd the youth will be going to Waves of Glory at Wet n' Wild. This is a cool event, where Wet n' Wild hosts a Christian battle of the bands, and everyone can do all the rides! We will have our FREE CAR WASH fund raiser on Saturday, May 23rd at Havendale Frame and Axle. This is a sponsored car wash, so local businesses will donate $1 for each car we wash. So, please bring out your cars, and tell all your neighbors, because we can make a lot of money at no cost for you! On May 24th we will have a special 5 year anniversary video for The Underground during the 9:30 service. Believe it or not, I (Steven) have been here for 5 eventful years, and we're going to reflect on the good work that our youth ministry has done in that time. Finally, we will honor our graduates on May 31st during the 9:30 and 11 o'clock services. Mark your calendars now for these special summer youth events: June 28th (Sunday), 6-7:40 p.m.: Dividend Dinner July 31st (Friday), 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.: Rainbow River Trip Aug. 7th/8th (Fri/Sat), 10 p.m.-7 a.m.: Youth Lock-In MAY 2015 CHILDREN’S MINISTRY Debby Powers, Nursery (nursery@beymer.org) Marcia Cuellar, Children (children@beymer.org) The NURSERY (babies & children 0-4 years old) Available Sundays for 9:30 and 11:00 worship services and other events as published. CHILDREN’S WORSHIP (5 year olds - 5th Grades) Sunday mornings during *9:30 worship services. We meet upstairs in Stradley Hall. *Children attending at 9:30 will be dismissed from the worship service. Children attending at 11:00 will receive an activity bag and worship with parents. Mother’s Day Celebration Attention Moms: We hope you will plan on joining us on Sunday, May 10th for a special gift from the children’s ministry. The children are hard at work learning a special song just for you. We would like to encourage our children ages 3yrs-5th grade to plan on singing in the 9:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. services if you are able. We would like to take our musical gift and present it at Lake Howard Heights immediately following the 11:00 a.m. presentation around 11:15. We want to celebrate our GREAT Moms! SUMMER CAMP SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE Warren Willis Summer Camp the week of July 20-25 is open to children and youth rising to grades 4th-12th. This is an excited opportunity to grow in faith and friendships at the beautiful Warren Willis Camp near Leesburg. We are providing a limited number of scholarships to those who wish to attend to cover half of the camp cost. If you are interested in attending please contact Marcia Cuellar at the church office. For more info. go to: www.warrenwilliscamp.org. If you would like to provide a scholarship for a camper this summer please contact Marcia Cuellar for more information. CONVERGE (COLLEGE/CAREER) “Converge” is our college and career group for people ages 18-20 somethings. We will be on summer hiatus (last services for this season will be 8 p.m. on May 6th & 13th, Stradley Hall C—2nd floor) and will re-launch on Wednesday, September 2nd, 8:00. VOLUME 2015, ISSUE 5 5 P.R. MISSION TRIP Puerto Rico Mission Trip FUNDRAI$ER$! Learn more about these events by contacting the Church Office (email: office@beymer.org or call: 863-294-3186). Free Car Wash SATURDAY, MAY 23rd This will be a free car wash! A team of great volunteers will go and ask businesses to donate $1 for every car washed and the car wash itself will be free. Last year we raised over $2,000! If you know of any businesses that may be interested in sponsoring please contact Bill Clark (sealarkthree@aol.com or contact the church office). We project that we will raise $2,000. MAY 2015 VOLUME 2015 ISSUE 5 THE BIBLE IN 90 DAYS The Bible in 90 days! Does this sound like an impossible feat? Are you willing to take the challenge? Just 12 pages a day and you can read through the Bible from Genesis to Revelation in only 90 days. Beymer Church is placing the challenge before you to dive into God’s word like never before this summer. We will be reading the Bible in 90 days from May 31st – August 30th. You may read on your own but we encourage you to attend an accountability group. We will begin our first accountability group on May 31st, from 5-6 p.m. in Stradley Hall. Everyone is encouraged to attend as we begin this journey. A nursery will be provided so even busy parents can come be a part. The Bible in 90 days works best with the NIV version created for this course in order to meet the 12 pages a day more precisely. These reader friendly Bibles will be available in the office, and a donation of $10 is appreciated to offset the cost. Youth and children’s versions are also available upon request, so your family can engage in the challenge together. Will you take the challenge? Look for sign-ups located throughout the church or contact Marcia Cuellar for more information. children@beymer.org or 294-3196 Dividends Dinner SUNDAY, JUNE 28th This will be our final fundraiser of 2015! You can buy "stock" in the mission trip before we leave, and upon our return, on 6/28, we will have a dinner for all the shareholders. Here we will share about our trip, show pictures, and tell the stories from our mission trip! We are hoping to raise at least $1,200. Still Important SPECIAL MAY EVENT FOR CHILDREN & THEIR FAMILIES Come join us for this fun event for children and families. We’ll have a giant water slide, fun water balloons, splish-splashing games, and even some wading pools for the little ones. Don’t forget your towel, sunscreen and folding chair. All kids Birth-5th grade are welcome. Adult supervision is required so all parents come and play, too. Contact Marcia Cuellar for more info: children@beymer.org or (863)294-3186. 6 Thrift House Report MISSION TRIP FUNDRAISER 700 N. LAKE HOWARD DR. WINTER HAVEN, FL 33881 On Saturday, April 18th, our Beymer Thrift House proceeds were $80 which were matched for a total donation of $160 to our Puerto Rico Mission trip from the Thrift House. NAME TAGS! If you’d like a name tag to wear while at Beymer, use the bulletin Tear-Off or contact the Church Office. Worship & *Study Schedule Sundays 8:00 - Casual Worship (May 3, 10, 17) 8:00 - Worship on the Dock Returns on MAY 24th (thru Labor Day) 9:30 - Contemporary Worship-Sanctuary Adult Sun. Sch. & Children’s Church 10:30 - Fellowship Time-Fellowship Hall 11:00 - Traditional Worship in Sanctuary Adult & Youth Sunday School 5:00 - Bible in 90 Days (begins May 31) 6:00 - The Underground (youth group) The BEAMER is a monthly publication of Beymer Memorial United Methodist Church.. Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Permit No. 1130 Lakeland, Florida Current Resident or . . . Wednesdays 8:00 - Converge (college/career) * Check the Calendar for classes and other LABEL HERE details inside this issue. www.beymer.org office@beymer.org VBS 2015 Everest VBS is coming!! June 21-25, 5:30 – 8:00 p.m. Come and be a part of this amazing weeklong event where kids will learn about “Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power.” Children will engage in Bible adventures, crafts, snacks, skits, music, games, and more. Our closing ceremonies will be June 25th at 7 p.m. followed by an ice cream party for everyone in the Fellowship Hall. Register online today at www.beymer.org and invite your friends to join the fun. Volunteers are still needed and can register online as well. For more information or to register by phone call Marcia Cuellar @ 863-294-3196 or email children@beymer.org. Like us on facebook: We have a new children’s ministry page please “Like” us at Beymer Kidz. Here you will find the latest happenings in the children and family ministries at Beymer MUMC. VBS DONATIONS NEEDED: Everest VBS will soon be here and we are asking the entire congregation to get involved. Can you donate some items to make our event a hit? Donation boxes are located in the Narthex and Fellowship Hall with donation slips attached. Simply chose your items to bring, attach the slip, and drop them in the box. Your donations help make our VBS an exciting week where kids will learn about Conquering Challenges with God’s Mighty Power! Contact the Church Office to get your free copy of the Pictorial Directory!
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