Barwon Heads Primary School ‘It takes a village to raise a child’ 1574 Barwon Heads Primary School Newsletter #14 28th May 2015 Calendar Dates Term Dates: Term 2: 13th April – 26th June Term 3: 13th July – 18th September Term 4: 5th October – 18th December Important Dates: 24/6/15: Parent Teacher Interviews 2/06/15: 5 – 6 Connewarre District Soccer 9/06/15: Queens Birthday Public Holiday 24/07/15: 5 – 6 Connewarre District Girls Football 6/08/15: 5 – 6 Hooptime Basketball 11/08/15: 3 – 4 Hooptime Basketball 12/08/15: BHPS Grades 3 - 6 House Athletics 24/08/15 – 28/08/15: Children’s Book Week – theme is: “Books light up our world!” 26/08/15: Connewarre Grades 3 - 6 District Athletics *2nd of September will be the backup day for this event if need be 7/09/15 – 09/09/15: Grade 3 Camp 14/09/15: Bellarine Division Athletics 2/11/15 – 4/11/15: Grade 4 Camp 16/11/15 – 18/11/15: Grade 5 Camp School Banking on Wednesdays Phone: 5254 2324 Fax: 5254 3073 Website: Email: Now Accepting 2016 Enrolments Please note that you can find our 2016 Enrolment forms online. Using the link provided: Enrolment packs are also available at the front office and via email. Number of preps enrolled for 2016: 27 A word from our Principal Once again the school experienced and enjoyed large parent numbers that were able to attend their child’s classrooms to celebrate Education Week last week. Students had been working on Numeracy activities based around the theme ‘Crack the Code with Maths’ with an artistic twist which culminated in an extremely visual display in the Multi-Function Centre. Congratulations to all students and staff for their work. Thank you for those parents who were able to share in the learning experience with their children. School Review - Parent Forum Schools undertake a school review every 4 years which results in the production of a 4 year Strategic Plan. We are hoping to gain as much information and feedback as possible to support us in this review. On June the 5th BHPS will be hosting a parent forum as part of our school review processes. An independent facilitator will meet with parents to seek feedback from them. This feedback will form part of the school’s self-evaluation, a key document that is part of our school review. Schools engage in one of two types of review every 4 years: peer review, or priority review. The type of review a school undertakes will be determined following assessment of the school’s performance against a consistent set of statewide measures about students’ achievement, engagement and wellbeing, and the productivity of their school. Measures will Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. be drawn from the School Performance Framework. Schools performing above key performance thresholds will engage in a peer review. Schools performing below the thresholds will engage in a priority review. BHPS will be undertaking a peer review. The forum will be held in the staff room at 9am Friday 5th June. Camps, Sports and Excursions Funds The Camps, Sports and Excursions Fund has been provided to ensure that no student will miss out on the opportunity to join their classmates for important, educational and fun activities. School camps provide children with inspiring experiences in the great outdoors, excursions encourage a deeper understanding of how the world works and sports teach teamwork, discipline and leadership. All are part of a healthy curriculum. CSEF will be provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. If you hold a valid means-tested concession card or are a temporary foster parent, you may be eligible for CSEF. The allowance will be paid to the school to use towards expenses relating to camps, excursions, or sporting activities for the benefit of your child. The annual CSEF amount per student will be: • $125 for primary school students • $225 for secondary school students. We are sending home an CSEF application form to all families or one can be downloaded from Closing Date: You should lodge a CSEF application form at the school by 26 June 2015. For more information about the CSEF visit School Council Report School Council met last Thursday. . President: Steve Copland Executive Officer: Darren Roskosch Vice President: Cathy Crane Treasurer: Mark Duval Maureen Cross Viva Partos Megan Allender Sharna Sutas Georgie Imhoff Matt Walsh Modesty Kneebone Cathy Crane Linda Jordan Lisa Kebbell Key Items of Discussion included: Item 1: An environmental architect will be engaged to create a master plan of the school site which will enable the identification of potential major projects and grounds developments Item 2: School Councillors are assessing the 3 quotes that have been obtained for the installation of shade sails over the senior playground equipment. Item 3: SC approved the recommendation of the environment committee to erect suitable fencing along the north side of the school grounds – from the alley way to the existing wooden paling fence at the front of the school Item 4: SC approved the ratification of the anaphylaxis policy pending one addition to the tabled policy PREP Enrolments 2016 We are now taking enrolments for 2016. If you have a child who you wish to attend Barwon Heads Primary School in 2016, please collect and return the necessary enrolment forms. These are available at the school office. If you know of any other community member who may wish to enrol their child please feel free to inform them also. We have already had many inquiries from the nearby areas and are very conscious of the fact that our room availability and staffing will be significantly impacted by late enrolments. We begin our planning at the end of this term. Darren Roskosch Principal Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. An update on Teaching and Learning at our school. Following is the recent Curriculum Report presented to School Council. Staff Professional Learning Professional Learning Communities – Weekly meetings occur between Educational leaders and teams. Staff have been very productive in these meetings discussing data and how to provide intervention, extension and ongoing programs to improve student learning. Staff have adapted well to discussing and monitoring student learning in this way. Whole School Assessment Schedule is currently being modified to reflect how assessment is conducted across the school. Literacy – Coach Julie Bennett’s last visit was very successful as she discovered teachers are engaged in and implementing the Reader’s Workshop. Julie will continue to assist staff in their areas of need and will be modelling the Reader’s workshop in a number of rooms. New professional texts have been provided to staff to support the teaching of reading and writing and teachers are in the process of moderating writing samples and assessing reading in order to prepare for report writing. Words Their Way continues to form the basis of word study across the school as well as Fountas and Pinnell the uniform approach to reading assessment. Both areas are assessed as per the assessment schedule. Numeracy - Andrea Hillbrick continues fortnightly to work with the staff in developing teaching menus for Numeracy topics. All staff have had an opportunity to work with Andrea in developing these useful planning tools which will be created for all areas of maths. Inquiry Based Learning – Following further professional learning, PLCs are developing Inquiry units based on the Kath Murdoch model. During Inquiry units students are given the tools to develop their own research skills and self-directed learning is promoted to enhance differentiation and personal learning. Parent Assistance in the school –Following the parent helpers program many parents have taken up the opportunity to work in their child’s class this term. Parents who work in our school are asked to sign an agreement form which outlines the parent role, considerations and protocols for confidentiality. Assessment and Reporting- Term 2 is an assessment and reporting term. Reports will be written in a similar format as before however it will now be within the parameters of the Compass Program currently being implemented across the school. Three way parent –teacher-student interviews will occur in June with students highlighting work they wish to share with their parents. Education Week- Education week was held last week. All classes have prepared a mathematical display entitled ‘Cracking the Code with maths’ in readiness for this week’s activities. Parents are welcome to come into the school on Friday 23rd between 12.30 and 1.30 to observe and participate in the different activities in which the students will be engaged at this time. Technology: “Techy brekkies” for staff are held on a needs basis to assist teachers to increase their own knowledge and technological skills. The use of Google Drive has become common practice now across the school. Teachers use this program to share whole school documents. So a very busy time for both teaching and learning Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. “YOU CAN DO IT AWARDS” Prep A Prep B Prep C 1A 1B 12C 2A 2B 3A 3B 3C 4A 4B 4C 5A 5B 5C 6A 6B Skye Howard Riley Dalley Eliza Obrien Lachlan Blacket Charlie Whitehead Spencer Graham Hayden Yacoub Sonny Gilmour Max Frahm Baz Maclean Calum Pate Abi Woodward Charlie Harrison Eva Darcy Lily Harris Sienna Wright Hero Partos – Slattery Finn Trickey Cooper Barsby Harvey Robertson Archie Tribe James Barry Sophie Fitzgibbon Ivy Dalley Jack May Beatrix Bent Ruby Lo May O’Sullivan Ginger Osbourne – Grigg Monique Guest Joseph Cincotta Maddie Heafield Hugh Hanrahan Mitchell McCAhon Archie Wiltshire Jazmin Squires Harvey Lardner Rhys Mckinnon Language Awards Well done to the following students for their hard work in Indonesian Jema Hely 4B, Rocker Ramage 4B, Joel Bartley 1B, Ivy Daly 1B Book Club Issue 4 Book Club has been given out to students. There are lots of great books on offer including the latest book Weir Do by Ahn Do. All orders are due in by next Friday 5th June. No late orders will be accepted. Premier’s Reading Challenge Update Congratulations to Prep B, Prep C, 1A and 5C. All children in these grades have completed this year’s challenge. So far 162 children in the school have read and entered all their books on the website, to complete the challenge. Many other children are almost there. Keep up the reading everyone. The challenge finishes in August. Chris Browne, Librarian. Cross country The regional Cross country was held at Eastern Gardens on Tuesday. 11 BHPS students competed with 3 advancing to the next stage (1 First, 1 Second, and 1 third) – with the aim of making the State team. Typically our students performed exceptionally well overall in every aspect. Thank you to those parents who were able to attend in support. Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. BHPS Superstars During the long weekend in June, Jet Kneebone, Leo Burgess and Cooper Schwarz will represent Bellarine Storm at the under 12 National Junior Basketball Classic. They won the right to attend this tournament by winning the country Victorian Basketball Classic held in Bendigo last school holidays. They will be the only Vic country team at the Australian wide tournament. This will be a great challenge for them as they will be playing against the best under 12 sides from all over Australia. Good luck boys! Special Religious Instruction SRI forms and information brochures were handed out to the eldest child in every family. All forms are due back now. If you wish for your child to attend Religious Education please make sure that you fill in the form and hand it back to school. There will be no charge for the program. Registering your child to ANZ Tennis Hot Shots Our School is one of only 314 official venues of Tennis Australia’s National School Partnership Program (NSPP) in Victoria which means students will experience the national kids’ starter program ANZ Tennis Hot Shots in their health and physical education curriculum. As a valued supporter of the NSPP, your child can register with ANZ Tennis Hot Shots and will receive a free T-shirt as well as the opportunity to enter competitions which could win them $5,000 (the Hot Shots Kid of the Year competition) or an opportunity to meet a tennis legend (last year’s winner of the relevant competition got to meet Roger Federer). On top of that, prep students will receive a FREE racquet to take home as part of the program! You can collect a registration form from Mrs Sing. Division Cross Country Congratulations to the students who represented our school at the Division Cross Country on Tuesday at Eastern Gardens. Leo Burgess, Emily Benson and Archer Wiltshire will be competing at the Regional Cross Country on Thursday June 11 at Brimbank Park in Keilor East. 10 Boys Leo Burgess 1 Finn Cornell 26 Rocker Ramage 30 Will McGregor 39 11 Boys Archer Wiltshire 2 Will Duncombe 20 10 Girls Emily Benson 2 Lily Harris 11 Charlotte Liebhardt 13 11 Girls Chloe Dillon 13 Jayde Young 26 CLK2SELL CLK2SELL is a free application you can download on your smartphone if you would like to sell/purchase second hand school uniform. It is so easy, free and convenient for all to use. Please head to the following website to see how you can download clk2sell. If you start using the Application please feel free to offer your feedback to the front office. Entertainment Book We still have Entertainment books for purchase up at the front office. If you wish to purchase either a hard copy or a digital version of the Entertainment Book please head to this website: If you have been provided with an Entertainment Book from the school and you don’t wish to purchase it they must be returned now. If you do wish to purchase it please do so at the office or online. Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. Sushi Tuesday Please note that orders for Sushi on the week of the Queen’s birthday (8th Of May) must be in on Friday the 5th of May (The week prior.) Barwon Heads Golf Club news The Barwon Heads Golf Club is excited to announce the launch of its new Junior Golf Program on Sunday 31st May and would like to invite Barwon Heads children to participate in this new program. The BHGC Junior Program will be branded and known as the BHGC ACES program. The BHGC ACES program features: • BHGC Professional will provide tuition and range balls between 1.00pm and 2.00pm each Sunday • ACES tee times on the main course to be formally set aside on the Club timesheet for exclusive use of ACES participants from 2.00pm each Sunday • ACES will play 9 holes with the support of rostered supervisors • Younger children and beginners would play the Par 3 course following the Professional’s tuition Cost to participants: • BHGC Junior Members will pay no fees to participate in the program • All other participants pay $10 per week payable on the day Participation: • Participants will be expected to have a basic understanding of the game golf and have their own golf equipment • It is intended that a program for complete novices will be developed and integrated into the BHGC junior program at a future date. The details of this program will be communicated to the Barwon Heads community at that time If you would like to participate please contact Hague Shier on or on 0419887429 to receive a registration form. After School Care News Hi Everyone! This week at OSHC again, the children have been busy with creating, designing, colouring and painting. Last week there was a new found love for creating bracelets! The letter bracelets have been particularly popular! We have also been able to go into the gym to play several group games such as tiggy, line tiggy, green light & red light, soccer and last but not least basketball! There has been plenty of participation from everyone which is always good to see! We have also started announcing our buddy bear leaders for those who come to after school care which has been very exciting! This week at after school care, everyone seems to be quite excited and bursting with energy so we have been spending a lot of our time playing outside on the playground while we have the good weather and also a lot of group games inside. There was also an interest in board games this week. This week has also been the first of our theme weeks, starting with a theme that the children are used to, 'colouring in', to ease them into the theme idea. Although this is our theme week, not many children have participated which is still good as we like after school care to be child orientated and do what the children want to do! Look out for some of our buddy leaders talking at assembly in the upcoming weeks. Once again, Families please note that although we currently only provide after school care we are taking expressions of interest for BEFORE SCHOOL CARE. We have had some more interest but we need a couple more families to get involved so that we have the numbers to provide the before school care service. Please let us know if you are interested to ensure we can try and provide this service as soon as possible. You can let us know by calling the OSHC phone (number is provided below.) We would love to hear from you :) If you have any questions please, feel free to call us on 0432 636 625. Suzanne Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. Community News Are you a parent that would like to help but can’t commit to the classroom? Teachers have jobs that need doing… and parents are helping; jobs that can even be done at home in front of the telly! Join the volunteers who are spending a little time helping to create the resources used in the classroom. The more helpers, the less work. I don’t contact you directly, I just add the jobs to the Facebook group. You only put up your hand when a job suits you. Typically jobs are things like laminating, typing, photocopying, contacting, cutting and pasting (with oldfashioned scissors and glue)… they are easy jobs for us to do, but time consuming for the teachers. Do you want to join “Teachers’ PAs”? Send an email to Pip at or join the Facebook group: Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence. Barwon Heads Primary School promotes integrity, life-long learning and the attainment of excellence.
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