Document 94457

Material Girls Quilt Guild Newsletter
May 2014
 From the President’s Desk
Meeting Information
The Material Girls Quilt Guild meets at 6:30 p.m. on
the second Wednesday of each month* in the
lower level at:
Office of Older Adults
246 Northland Drive
Medina, OH
Happy May!!!! I think that spring has finally arrived. I have
been enjoying a few walks up to the square to my favorite
yogurt shop, Lemonberry. I get the fat free, sugar free flavor
twist so I won’t feel so guilty. I have lots of spring plants
coming up. With this being my first spring in this house, it is
fun to see what comes up that you didn't know about. I’m told
there are some fabulous lilacs in my side yard. I hope
everyone else has had some outdoor time.
The April workshop with Karen Sullivan was a huge success.
The room was full of quilters working on their blocks and quite
a few doing other projects that they brought with them. I made
enough blocks for a 12 block quilt and enough to make a six
block table runner. I used just scraps, but others had some
beautifully coordinated colors; can't wait to see some finished
I can't get over how wonderful the participation has been in the
Block of the Month and the Fat Quarter Swap. To have
enough blocks and fat quarters to divide two or three times,
and have multiple winners each month, just shows we have a
hit on our hands with these programs. Keep up the good work.
*except December
 Hospitality
Laurie Bieniosek–
Edie Landis –
Snack: Laurie Talbott & Peggy Jelen
Drinks: Grace Shanafelt
 Birthdays
On a personal note, I have a new grandson born on April
15, Hayden Aniel Cureton, 7 lbs 14 oz and 21 inches long. On
the other end of the spectrum my oldest grandson, Ethan, has
been accepted at West Virginia University to study petroleum
engineering. His younger sister, Emma, has verbally
committed to play soccer for Roanoke College next year. In
fact, her whole club soccer team has committed to play soccer
for various colleges, lots of work and dedication for these girls.
Bieniosek – May 12
Sandy Kalmeyer – May 19
Walters – May 22
Darla Eberly – May 25
Debbie Cadwell – May 28
 Birthdays
 Treasurer’s Report
See you at the May meeting.
Midge Cureton
Sandy Kalmeyer –
Balance as of April 25, 2014:
 Visit our Newsletter Online
Reba McBride –
 Guild Officers
Chairman – Midge Cureton –
Co-Chairman – Sue Mayes –
Treasurer – Sandy Kalmeyer –
Recording Secretary – Mary Walters –
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 2014 Membership
 Program Notes
Robin Bacho –
Reba McBride –
Elaine Goins –
Sandy Kalmeyer –
Current membership: 60
Our May program will feature our own group members,
who took part in the 2013 ROW BY ROW ROUND
ROBIN, for the REVEAL of their projects. We had 29
ladies participate in this program. Don’t miss out on
this great showmanship of 29 original quilt designs.
Don’t forget your camera.
 Sew Saturdays
Debbi McCloskey –
Diana Metter –
MAY Sew Saturday: MAY 17
 April 2014 Minutes
Midge called the meeting to order at 6:30pm and
welcomed everyone to our second meeting of the year.
(Previous meetings had been cancelled due to old man
Our April gift basket winner was Peggy J.
March BOM received 42 blocks, which were split and
won by Jeanette R. and Cathy V.
April BOM received 31 blocks, which were split and won
by Jeanette R. and Peggy J.
March F.Q. Swap received 24 pieces, which were split
and won by Sandy K. and Laurie T.
April F.Q. Swap received 22 pieces, which were split and
won by Dawn T. and Peggy J.
Our guest speaker, Patty Altier, was then introduced.
Patty spoke about her technique of ‘Improvisational
Piecing’. She provided handouts on her techniques and
shared many samples of her work. After her talk was
finished, she took questions from the audience. We
then broke for refreshment time, where members had
the opportunity to meet Patty and purchase her own
hand-dyed fat quarters.
Step two of the Mystery Quilt was distributed. Details
on the upcoming quilt retreat to be held in September
were discussed and registration forms were given.
Show & Tell was presented by members.
adjourned at 8:30.
Our Sew Saturdays are held the Saturday following our
scheduled guild meeting at the Medina Presbyterian
Church, 5020 Burgundy Bay Blvd. in Medina. We begin
at 10 a.m. and can sew until 4 p.m.
 Blocks & Swaps
Block of the Month
Dawn Taylor –
Darla Eberly –
Robin Bacho –
May block title: BABY BUNTING BLOCK
Fabric Colors: Yellow and White background
May’s pattern is attached in pdf format for you.
You can find the pattern, guidelines and fabric color
chart on our website also. Deliver your block to the
BOM table and sign in on the sheet provided for the
change to win all the blocks.
Garage Sale Swap
We continue to have a table available each month for
your sewing room extras. Finding a new home for those
fabrics, patterns and books is easy, when you bring
them to the Garage Sale table where someone will find
your trash and turn it into their treasure!
Fat Quarter SWAP
Mary Walters –
Bring us your PINKS! Contribute any hue of a PINK fat
quarter and get a chance to win all the fabric in the Fat
Quarter Drawing at the May meeting.
Deliver to the Blocks & Swaps table and write your
name on the sheet provided.
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 Workshops
Gift Basket Swap
Sandy Miller –
We will continue to have a table designated for
donations for gift basket items created by Sandy Miller.
This year all monies collected from the gift basket raffle
will offset our Christmas dinner cost. Monies collected
to date $212.
Karen Sullivan –
Renate Girardi –
Our first workshop was held on April 12th. Karen lead
the workshop, DRESDEN PLATE. There were 28 ladies
in attendance. Karen and Renate are in the process of
planning future workshops for 2014.
Community Service
 Mystery Quilt
Dawn Taylor –
Darla Eberly –
Diana Metter –
Mary Walters –
Pet Beds – Save Ohio Strays
Thank you to everyone who brought dog beds or scraps
to the April meeting. I delivered another 18 pet beds to
Save Ohio Strays.
If you do not have enough scraps o make a bed on your
own, bring in your bag of scraps or old pillowcases, and
we will match them up with someone.
Quilts of Valor
Thank you to everyone who brought in a QOV quilt
block last month. Currently I have 1 block to send to
QOV for their block drive; 17 blocks to put into a quilt,
and 1 quilt that needs binding and then I will request a
Blocks are collected for QOV and should be 12-1/2
inches unfinished size. Colors used should be red, white
and blue. Any quilt block design is welcome, but stars
are especially nice. Blocks can be brought to any guild
meeting and given to Diana.
 Sunshine
Elaine Goins –
Our sunshine committee continues to provide cards as a
small token of our care and concern, when our
members are celebrating a happy occasion or facing a
challenging time in their lives. Please contact Elaine
when you know of a member who needs our well
To date, Steps 1 & 2 have been distributed. What is a
mystery quilt? ~ A quilt pattern written in steps and
revealed one part at a time to hide the final appearance
of the finished quilt.
 Row by Row 2013/2014
Mary Walters –
The 2013 Row by Row Robin will conclude at our May
meeting with the Reveal. Please have your rows
assembled and your top finished for this program.
Quilts do not necessarily have to be quilted at the time
of the reveal.
 Guild Retreat
Mary Walters –
Karen Sullivan –
Our quilt retreat is scheduled for September 12-15,
2014 and will be held at The Inn at Amish Door in
Wilmot, Ohio. Registration forms have been streaming
in at record pace. We only have a couple spots left.
Please see Mary W. for registration form. If the retreat
is full when your registration arrives, you will be put on
a waiting list and notified if a spot becomes available.
This retreat is for members only.
 Show & Tell
Come and share your latest quilt, wall hanging, table
runner, purse, doll, etc. We all need inspiration and
new ideas for projects.
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