Welcome to the Smarter Living Panel

Welcome to the
Smarter Living Panel
Smarter Living
Honeywell Evohome is one of the most advanced smart heating systems
available and may take a little time to get used to. However don’t worry,
we’re on hand to help and answer any questions that you may have.
Any questions?
• Online: Getconnected.honeywell.com
• Email: James.curran@electricireland.ie or smarterliving@electricireland.ie
• Phone: Our call centre on 1850 372 372 (8am - 8pm, Mon - Sat)
or James Curran on 01 893 4496 (9am - 5pm, Mon - Fri)
Have you downloaded the Honeywell Evohome App?
Remember, you can enjoy maximum efficiency and simple control over your heating wherever you are, by downloading the Honeywell remote access app for your smartphone.
• Android and Apple ‘Total Connect Comfort Europe’
• Windows (third party developed) ‘Evohome Remote’
Top Tip
• Never unplug the main controller (Evohome Touch), as it will lead to your radiators coming on when the batteries are gone .
Thank you for being part of our Smarter Living Panel.
We look forward to hearing your feedback and will be
in contact with you again soon.