HISTORICAL TABLE Year f! Potosi 1929 1930 - Clerk Moderator Sermon By A. H. Dorman ' M. M. Hamlin Ben M. Bogard Sullivan A. H. Dorman W. A. Gi1bert W. E. Counts Antioch A. H. Dorman C. D. Crites C. D. Crites 1931 - White Oak GroveA. H. Dorman C. D. Crites A. Studyvin 1932 - Mt. Enon A. H. Dorman C. D. Crites Ben F. Nail 1933 - Oak Grove E. S. Ray C. D. Crites C. W. Penrod 1934 - Potosi E. S. Ray M. B. Hubbard M. L. Winter 1935 - Sullivan E. S. Ray M. B. Hubbard M. B. Hubbard 1936 - Mt. Pleasant C. !A. Darst M. B. Hubbard A. D. Bennett 1937 - Mt. Ararat C. iA. Darst L. H. Owens 1938 - Independence W. S. Gordon L. H. Owens C. A. Darst 1939 -White Oak GroveW. S. Gordon L. H. Owens H. F. Gunn W. S. Gordon L. H. Owens Sol Gilbson W. S. Gordon H. F. Gunn G. E. Jones 1940 - Bethel 1941 - Mt. Pleasant 1942 - Independence 1943 - " Church 1928 - Potosi L. H. Owens W. S. Gordon C. D. Barton W. S. Gordon W. S. Gordon C. D. Barton Geo. Haufuorne 1944 - Mt. Zion W. S. Gordon L. H. Owens H. W. Darst 1945 - Independence W. S. Gordon C. A. Darst E. C. Endicott 1946 - 1st Galena, Kan.W. S. Gordon C. A. Darst F. E. Gimlin 1947 Kewanee W. S. Gordon C. A. Darst J. F. McClain 1948 Independence W. S. Gordon C. A. Darst G. W. Fox 1949 - Galena, Kan. W. S. Gordon C. A. Darst R. A. Brand 1950 Bethel W. S. Go·rdon C. A. Darst Chas. McClain 1951 Potosi G. W. Fox C. A. Darst E. C. !Endicott C. A. Darst J. F. McClain ~eer 1952 - Ellington G. W. Fox 1953 - Chambers Park W. R. C. A. Darst W. R. Speer 1954 - Bethel W. R. Speer C. A. Darst E. V. Davis 1955 - Neelyville W. R. ~eer C. A. Darst H. C. Pape 1956 - Potosi E. Shults W. R. Speer R. E. Jordon 1957 - Cave Springs E. Shults 0. A. Robinson H. M.· Pry. 1958 - West Plains Cecil Burgess o. 1959 - Chambe11s Park E. Shults :•:.~ "-! A. Robinson Cecil Iiurgess R. P. Miltchel!1 Juri M~tCilrell MISSOURI STATE .ASSOCIATION 2 MINUTES OF THE WORK OF THE MESSENGERS of the Churches Comprising the MISSOURI BAPTIST STATE ASSOCIATION ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 9. Association Called to Order. Introductory Sermon. Committee on Enroillment. Permanent Organization. Appointment of Committees. State Missions. Interstate and Foreign Missions. Education. Literature and Publications. Baptist Training Course. Ladies' Auxiliary Work. Finance Committee. Resolution. Miscellaneous Business. Report of Treasury and Old Missionary Committee . • Report of New Missionary Committee. Adjournment. --()o- RULES OF DECORUM 1. The Moderator shall and maintain order. ~preside at all sessions, decide all points 2. Every session of tlle Association shall be opened and closed with prayer. /. 3. Eaoh member wishing to speak shall rise and address the Moderator and shaLl speak respectfully. 4. All officers of this Association shaH be a member of this body. 5. Each day's proceedings shall be recorded by the clerk and be read whenever called for by the body. 6. A:ll questions shall be d'ecided l!Y a majority vote except a change in ou:r articles of cooperation, which must be by a two-thirds majority. 7. In case of necessity the Missionary Committee shall have power to <:hange the place of meeting for any annual session. OF MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES 3 STATEMENT OF PRINCIPALS OR ARTICLES OF AGREEMENT Section 1. This body !When convened shaH be known as the Missouri State Association of Landmark Missionary Baptist Churches. Iii Section 2. The object of this !Association is to encourage cooperation and Christian activity among the churches; to promote interest in, and encourage missions on a New Testament basis among all peopl'e, to stimulate interest in Christian Literature, and to provide a medium through which the churches may cooperate in these enterprises. Se·ction 3. This Association, when assembled shall he composed of messengers duly elected by Baptist Ch'll:rcfnes •that are in sympathy !With its doctrines, purposes and work, and of such messengers only. Each church shall be entitled to three messengers, chos·en from her own membership. Section 4. Any church desiring to cooperate with the Association shall send hy her messengers or by •letter, a petitionary letter, accompimied with satisfactory testimona:ls of her regularity, order and orthodoxy. All churches must be receiv>ed by a majority vote. This Association holds the right to ·withdraw the fellowship from any church she may deem heterodox or disorderly. Section 5. We believe the Bible to be an all-suffici!ent rule of faith and !practice. There are articles of faith found in different manuals written by Missionary Baptists which are generally believed by our ehurches. Section 6. By a Baptist Church in these principles is meant a body of baptized be1ievers in Jesus Christ comrenanted together lin tihe fuJi.lt:h and fellowship of the gospel and who hold and teact1. among other tenets the full essential Diety of Jesus Christ, the full inspiration and authority of the Bible as the written .word of God, the absolute necessity of spiritual regeneration, · salvation by Grace through faitl:J. in the atoning blood of Jesus Christ, scriptural baptism, and a membership in orderly orthodox Baptist Church as ·essential to commune at the Lord's table. Section 7. (1) The officers of the Association shall consist of a Moderator, Assistant Moderator, Clerk and Assistant Clerk to be elected at each annual meeting by nomination and •acclamation. (2) The duties of the offieers shall be such as usually devolve on such officers of a deliberate ·body. Said officers shall not hold office more than two (2) years in succession. (3) The Clerk sh'all act as treasurer of the Association and shall hold all moneys belonging to the Association and !pay it out only on direction of the Association. Section 8. For the purpose of service and information, there sha:ll be a State Missionary Committee composed of one committeeman from each cooperating church in this Association. E'ach committeeman shall be duly elected for this work by the church in which he hOlds membership. The committee shall organize by .electing a chairman and clerk. Ten committeemen shall constitute a quorum. The duties of this committee shall be: (1) Report annually to the messengers, all finances received and disbu.rs·ed. Ailso the work of the missionaries for the year by giving totals or days on the .field'---professions of faith-additions to the churches-and churches organized. 4 MISSOURI STATE ASSOCIATION (2) After hearing the report of the Mission Treasurer, the old committee shall recommend the number of Missionaries to be put on the fjeld and, make any other recommendations deemed necessary ifor the ensuing year. • (3) Should the necessity arise, the chairman sha:ll call the committee together in special meeting to fill any vacancies among the missionaries which migfat occur between association meetings. This committee shall have no control whatsoever over the churches or missionaries, but ke.ep the churches informed of the · needs of the field and of the missionaries, and serve the clhurches as they may direct. !At Associational meetings, men who have been or may be indorsed annuBJliy by their respective churches shall be nominated and selected by the messengers for State Mission work, and a secretary-treasurer shall ,be elected also. "' Section 9. This Association sha:ll ·convene annually on such date, and at such place as the messengers of the cooperative churches may determine when assembled. Section 10. As an Association of Missionary Baptist Churches we do hereby declave our entire condemnation of conventionism WJiJth alii tltat it is and stands for today. Section 11. This statement of prindples may be changed or amended at any annual meeting iby a two-thirds vote of the messengers present and voting, providing notice of proposed change be presented on the first day of the annual meeting, amendment to be voted upon tlhe second day. 1Se·ction 12. (1) Any church not representing to this Association by messenger or by letter, for '!1wo (2) consecutive years, shall be considered as having severed !fellowship with this Association. ---<>OUR DECLARATION OF FAITH Bapltists should know lth.e ground on which t'h.ey stand and be a,ble to give a reason for their faith. We are admonished to "earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints." The following is a brief Declaration of that faith. 1. The Bible is a divinely inspired Book, a perfect rule of faith and practice for Missionary Baptists, a supreme standard by which we are to be directed and iby which all men shall be judged. 2. There is one God who is Holy, all-wise, the Creator of heven, the earth and the human race, the Supreme ruler of the universe, and that in the unit of the Godhead there are three persons-the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 3. That God created man in the state of holiness, but by voluntary transgression man lfell from that state, in consequence of which all mankind are now sinners. 4. We believe in the Virgin ibirth of Jesus Christ, that He was God manifested in the flesh, yet without sin, the perfect One who was crucified for the sins of the world, was buried, and after three days and ndghts arose for our jusltMication. 5. Sailvatitm is wholly by grace through faith without any admixture of works. . ~ OF M1SSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES 5 6. We believe in the personal work of the Holy Spirit. 7. That the blessing of salvation comes through the preacfaing of "" • the gospel which leads man to repent toward God and to have faith in Jesus Christ. 8 .. That the Bible teaches !lhe personality of Satan. 9. That by man's own inherent depravity and by his voluntary and· final rejection of the gospel in this life he will be eternally condemned in hell. 10. When one is born again, he has eternal life, for in the new birth the soul receives the .nature of God and cannot sin, therefore the believer cannot be lost, for he is kept by the power of God. 11. That every saved person is to walk circumspectly in this worJd, to be just in ihis dealings, honor and obey the ltaw of civil government, e~ept •wlhen such law opposes the wiH of our Lord Jesus Christ. 12. 'I1lat the first day of the week is tihe Lord's Day and is to be l'ept sacred to religious purposes. 13. The establishment of a visible church on earth during His personal ministry on earth. [14. The perpetuity of Missionary Baptist Churches from Christ's day on earth until His second coming. 15. That tihe great commission as recorded in Mattihew 28 :19-20 was giiven to fue local churclh. 16. That (water) baptism (immersion) is to be administered (to betlii.evers) only and dn Scrii.pturral capacity. 17. That baptism to be valid must be administered by the authority of a true . scriptural Missionary Baptist church, and that a so-called Baptist church which knowingly accepts alien baptism is not a scriptural cihurclh and its ordinances are not valid. tl.8. That the Lord's Supper as a church ordinance is rto be administered to her members only and in scriptural church capacity. 19. That all churches orf this !Association ever be held as equal units as to their rights and privileges in their associated capacities. 20. That all scriptural association assemblies and tiheir committees are servants of the churches creating them. 21. 'I1lat we oppose open communion, aJlien baptism, union meetings and pulpit affitliation. 22. That the scriptural oill'ices of the church are bishops (pastors) and deacons, and tlhat such men are to meet the !high standards set forth in the books of Titus and First Timothy. 23. That ·w:e brand as unbaptistic the reception of members from sister clhurches by statement, and tlhe drawing out olf members orf a sister church for the purpose of organization without that churcll:l's consent. 24. The personal, tbodli•ly and imminent return of Christ. 25. That When Christ comes the deceased saints shall •be resurrected and the living saints shall ibe 'translated and bo!lh together shall be caught U1p 1n the adr Ito meet th!e Dord; thi•s is the lfi.rsrt; re.surre:Cfl:;ion. 26. That Christ sihailJ. come with His saints to ·earth where He Shall reign from His tll:lrone dn Jerusalem for a [iteral tlhousand-year reign on ear!lh. 27. That at the close of the mHlennial reign the wicked dead sha:J1 be resurrected and judged at rtlle great white throne. 28. The reality of heaven, involving Divine assurance of eternal ihappiness for the redeemed orf God, and tlhe reality of iheJl, involving everlasting pUil!isi:unent of the incorrigibl-e rwicked. 29. That any church seeking lfeiltlowship with 1this Association must be in harmony rwith this Deo1aration of Faith. Approved by !the Mri:ssouri Miissdoiiiary Baptist !Associa:bion, Oclt'Oiber 30, 1957. 6 MISSOURI STATE ASSOCIATION PROCEEDINGS Thirty Second annual session of the messengers of the ehurches composing the Missouri Ba;ptist State Association. Meeting with the Chambers Park Missionary Baptist Church and Pastor Elder W. S. Gordon, at St. Louis, Mo., October 27, 28, 1959. TUESDAY MORNING Servic.es opened with Elder Elmer ·Shults leading the singing, Sister OharJ:es Ray at tlhe piWJD. Song: "I Am Tihine 0 Lord," prayer by Elder J. H. Gibson. Song: "Blessed Assurance." In the absence of the Moderator, Elder R. P. Mitchell, the Assistant Moderator called on Elder Clyde Ray of Kansas City, Mo., to lead the Devotional. After this good devotional the ,congregation stood and sang, "We'll Work Till Jesus Comes.'' With the sound of the Gavel the Moderator declared the '11hirty-Second Session of the Missouri Baptist Association open !for business. The Moderator called on Eld. W. S. Gordon to introduce the one to bring "ti1.e Annual Message, Elder Juri Mitchell. Bro. Mitchell read: Mark 5:1-17. Subject: "Jesus the Rock of Offense." The hand of appreciation was givcen to Bro. Mitchell for this great message. Appointment of Committees: Enrollment: Eld. J. E. Mason and Eld. W. C. Henson. Finance: Eld. W. H. Newman and Eld. Noah Akins .Song: "The Rock That Is Higher Than I." W:hile singing, the hand of wppreciation was extended to Bro. Mitchell !for a great message. Prayer iby, Eider C. A. Darst. Bro. W. H. Pogue of Chambers Park Churclh ·gave the Welcome address. Response by. ·Elder Noal Meade. Recognition of visitors was given at this time. Bro. and Sister Bailey fl:om Arkansas. Motion and second to go into the Election of Officers for permanent organization. Motion Carried. Elder R. P. Mitchell elected as Moderator. Motion and Second Elder N. J. Gibson serve as Assistant Moderator. Motion Carried. Elder Elmer Shults elected as Clerk, Elder Melvin Scott, Assistant Clerk. The Moderator called for the reading of the, "Articles of Flaith," these were read lby the clerk. Motion and Second to hear Bro. E. F. Gibson in regard to the condition of the paper. Motion Carried. Motion and Second to give Bro. Gibson a standing vote of confidence and appreciation as Editor of The Missouri Missionary Baptist paper. Carried. Motion and Second to' Adjourn until 1 :30 p.m. Motion Carried. Announcements: Dismissed in prayer by Bro. W. B. Duncan. TUESDAY AFTERNOON - 1:30 P-M. Services opened witlh Eld. J. H. Gibson leading the singing, Sister Charles Ray at the piano. Song: "'Sunlight." Prayer by, Eld. E. F. Gibson. Song: "Must Jesus !Bear The Cross Alone." Petitionary letter of Trinity Missionary BaJptist Church read, Motion and Second to accepc this church into the fellowship of the Association and ·seat their Messengers. Motion Carried. Petitionary letter of New Hope Missionary Baptist Church of De Soto, Mo. read, Motion and Second to receive this church into the fellowship of the Association and seat their Messengers, Motion Carried. Petitionary letter of the Bethel Missionary Baptist Church of Potosi, Mo. read, Motion and Second to accept this church into the !feHowship of the Association and seat their messengers, Motion Carred. iAmendment to the Constitution read: Remarks, Eld. Clyde Ray, Eld. W. S. Gordon, Bro. W. H. Pogue, Eld. J. H. Gibson. Amendment laid on tabl~, to be VIOted on rbhe Second day. Rierport of ttle IDcHtor of the Missouri Missionary Baptist Pa;per, by E.lder E. F. Gibson. Motion and Sec- ~ .. # !1 OF MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES .;. 7 ond to adopt the report as read. Remarks: Eld. E. F. Gibson, Eld. Clyde Ray, Eld. W. S. Gordon, Eld. E. C. Endicott, Elq. N. J. Gibson, Eld. :R. R. Brown, Eld. Noafn Akins. Motion Carried. Motion and Second to go into the election of an Editor for the Missc-uri Missionary Baptist Paper. Motion Carried. Eld. E. F. Gibson nominated, and elected. Motion and Second to pay the Editor the same as last year, $75 per month. Motion Carried. Eld. M. M. Henson nominated as Assistant Editor. Bro. Henson elected. 'Appointment of Divine Service Oommiirtltee : Eld. W. S. Gordon and Deacons of Charrn,be11s RM'k Ohurclh. Report of the Old Missionary Committee given by Eid. Noel Meade . Missionary Report of Eld. E. F. Gibson, Missionary report of Eld. Elmer Shults. Motion and Second to adopt ·the report of the Missionaries and the report of the Secretary-Treasurer. Motion Carried. Motion and Second to adopt the Missions report as a whole; "Amendment," the report to be voted on by sections. Amendment Oarried. Section 1. of the Missions Committee read and adopted. Section 2 read and The Ohair declared this se·ction out of order. Section 3 read and !Adopted. Section 4 read and Adopted. Motion and Second to go into the Election of a Secretary-Treasurer of Missions. Motlon Oarried. Eld. E. F. Gi:bson nominated and elected. Eld. E1mer Shults nominated for Missionary. Motion and Second to elect Bro. Shults as Missionary. Motion Carried. Vlis:Ltors recognized: Bro. T. 0. To1letlt Li1Jt1e Rock, Ark!ainsas reoognlized. ' Motion and Second to hire a reliable Auditor to Audit the books of the Secretary-Treasurer of Missions, Missouri Baptist Paper, and the Revolving Loan Fund. Remarks: Eld. J. H. Gibson, Sister J. L. Britton, Bro. Ken McMil'lin, Eld. N. J Gibson, Eld. Clyde Ray, Eld. E. C. Endicott, Eld. C. R. Crites, Eld. C. rw. Wilson. Motion Carried. Motion and Second the Moderator appoint a Committee of three (3) business men from our ranks to secure this Auditor. Motion Carried. Report on Christian Education and Religious Literature given by Eld. C. A. Darst. Motion and Second to Adopt this report. Remarks: Eld. C. A. Darst, Bro. T. 0. To11ett. Motion Oarried. Elder N. J. Gibson was ·called to the chair to Moderator. The divine service committee selected Eld. W. C. Henson to bring the evening message. Report of Enrollment Committee by Eld. J. E. Mason. Motion and Second to ad· journ, to meet ibaok at 7 :30 p.m. Carried. · Announcements: Dismissed in prayer by Eld. G. W. Fox. TUESDAY EVENING-7 :30 P.M. " ~ Services opened by. Moderator Eld. R. P. Mitchell. E<ld. E. F. Gibson led !the .singing with Sister Charles Ray at ,the piano. Songs: "Suniliighlt," "I Will Sing The Wondrous Story," "He Leadeth Me," "When They Ring 'Itl.e Golden Bells." Eld. J. H. Gibson led the devotional, first 1~ fue song, "BreaJbhe On Me," reading: MaJtth<ew 10:6-8; subject: "The Limited Commission." Quartet: "My God Is Real." Congregation song: "Once For All." Prayer by E<ld. E. C. Endicott. Song: "Is Your All On The Altar." Eld. G. W. Fox was called on to introduce the speak:er for the hour, Eld. W. C. Henson. Bro. Henson read from 1 Cor., chapter 15, subject "Victory," text verse 54. While the <Congregation stood and sang, "Just As I Am," an invitation was given to the lost to seek Ghrist as Saviour. No response. The hand of appreciation was given to Bro. Henson for the great message from God's word, as the congregation sang, "Amazing Grace," "Must Jesus Bear The Cross Alone," and "Oh How I Love Jesus." Motion and Second to adjourn until 9:30 a.m. Wednesday morning. Carried. Dismissed in prayer by Bro. A. E. Hulvey. 8 MISSOURI STATE ASSOCIATION WEDNESDAY MORNING - 9:30 A.M. - Oct. 28, '59 Services were opened with Eld. G. W. Fox leading the singing, Sister Fox at the piano. Song: "Sunlight." Prayer by Eld. J. L. Britton. Song: "Standing On The Promises." Committee to secure Auditor appointed at tllis time. They were, Winfred Gambill, Ken McMillin, Charlie Wilkerson. Report on Bapb1st 'Dr'a,irn;ing Service giV'en by Eild. W. S. Gordon. Motion and Second to Adopt this report. Remarks: EJ.d. W. S. Gordon, Eld. Clyde Ray, Bro. T. 0. Tollett. Motion Carried. Elder Craig Branham, assistant Secretary-Treasurer of Missions, recognized as a visitor at this time. State Missions report given by Eld. E. F. Gibson. Remarks: Eid. E. F. Gibson, Eld. W. S. Gordon, Eld. N. J. Gibson, Bro. Ken McMillin, Eld. Clyde Ray, Eld. J. E. Mason, Sister A. E·. Hulvey Elmer Shults. ' ; . Motion Carried. RevolVmg LOan Fund Committee report given by Eld. N. J. Gibson~ Treasurers rE-port of Revolving Loan Fund given by Bro. Ciarence Crawford. Motion and Second to adopt this report: Remarks: Eld. Elmer Shults, Bro. Clarence Crawford, Eld. M. M. Henson, Eld. R. R. Brown, Eld. C. A. Darst. Motion Carried. Motion and Second to go into the election of the Revolving Loan Fund Committee. Motion Carried. Motion and Second to keep the present members on the committee, with one sub.:.titu:tion, that of Eld. G. W. Fox in the place of Eld. Cecil Burgess. Carried. Motion and Second to keep the present treasurer of the Loan Fund, Bro. Clarence CraJWford. Motion Carried. Inter-state and Foreign Missions report given by EJd. G. W. Fox. Motion and Second to adopt trlis report: Remarks: Eld. Craig Branham, Eld. E. C. Endicott. Motion Carried. Motion and Second to pay the clerk the same as last year and leave it to •the d!iscretion of the c•lerk 0\f ;the number of !IlL.nutes lbo h!av;e pr.inrted. Carried. Motion and Second to have inserted in this year's minutes the report of rt!he Mediatolliaa Com!IlL.Itte!e !left ouit 'l!ast y•ear. Motion carried. Jnvitations for Association meeting ·for 1960 were as fo1lows: Immanual Baptist Olmrch, Kansas City, Mo.; Shady Grove Baptist Church, West Plains, Mo.; Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Ellington, Mo.; Immanuel Baptist Church, Kansas City, Mo. chosen for the 1960 meetir.g place for the State Association. Motion and Second to go into the selection of someone to preach the annual sermon. Motion Carried. Nominations were: Eld. C. A. Darst, Bro. Darst elected. Motion and Second that Eld. W. S. Gordon be the alternate. Motion Carried. Amendment to constitution reread and voted on at this time, it Carried. Report of Resoultion committee given by Sister C. R. Crites. Motion and Second to Adopt the report. Remarks: Sister C. R. Crites. Motion Carried. Women's Amcilli!rury report given by S~ster A. E. Hulvey. Mown and Second to Adopt. Motion Carried. Motion and Second to re<lease the Editor of the paper from one (1) issue so as not to interrupt his vacation. Remarks: Eld. W. S. Gordon, Eld. C. A. Da11st, Eld. Noah Akins, Eld. J. H. Gibson. Motion Carried. .Enrollment Committee report given by Eld. J. E. Mason. Motion and Second to Adopt this report, Carried. Bro. T. 0. Tollett led songs while the New Missionary Committee met for organization. Report of New Missionary Committee read by the clerk Eld. Noel Meade. Motion and Second to Adopt the report. Carried. Motion and Second to adjourn to meet with Immanual Baptist Olurch in Kansas City, Mo. at 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday before the First Sunday in November in 1960. Motion Carried. Dismissed in prayer by Eld. W. H. Newman. . ~ " 41 OF MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES 9 MEDIATORIAL COMMITTEE REPORT " t ""' (Left Out Last Year) The Mediatorial Committee met together at West Plains, Mo. in the West Plaiiil!S MissionJary Baptist Church rut 2 p.m., October 20, 1959. Moderator 0. A. Robinson 'Called the meeting to order. Prayer by Bro. E. F. Gibson. Minutes of previous meetings were read. Motion and Second to Adopt tlhe Minutes, Carried. Motion and Second that each letter of response from the churches be read with the minutes to the Association, also the letter of opology from Bethany to Faith Church, and also Bro. Robinson's letter to Faith. Motion Carried. A Resolution was presented by Bro. E. F. Gibson. This resolution was read and thoroughly discussed and Adopted. Motion and Second to Adjourn. Carried. Dismissed in prayer by Eld. W. H. Newman. --'(>- RESOLUTION Hav.ing ·tried a:s rt:he Assoc1i:ation direclted 1n Annuail Session rto try and effect a reconciliation between Calvary Baptist Church, Faith Baptist Church and Bethany Baptist Church, and because Calvary and Faith Churches declined to cooperate with tro.e Committee in affecting this reconciliation be it resolved that we offer the following: WHEREAS, the withdrawal of fellowship by a single church of an Association of churches from a relative church is un-Baptistic and destructive of Associational fellowship and co-operaiton; and WHEREAS, Calvary Baptist Church and Faith Baptist Church withdrew fellowship from Bethany Baptist Church before counciling with the Churches of the Missouri Baptist Association; and WHEREIAS, Calvary and Faith Baptist Churches declined a request for a conference by and with the Mediatorial Committee, appointed by the Missouri Baptist Association a year ago at Sullivan, Missouri, to effect reconciliation between Calvary and Faitro. Baptist Churches, and Bethany Baptist Church; be it resolved, The Calvary Baptist Church and Faith Baptist Church be dismissed from the fellowship of the Missouri Baptist Association until they are reconciled to Bethany Baptist Church. --'(>- OLD MISSIONARY COMMITTEE REPORT ~ ~ Missionary Committee met witro. the Chambers Park Baptist Church, St. Louis, Mo., October 26, 1959 at 2 p.m. Services opened by singing, Prayer by Eld. E. F. Gibson. Moderator called the meeting to order. Devotional by Eld Noel Meade, reading 2 Peter 3 :1-7. Roll call of churches: Bethesda, Chambers Park, 1st Middle Brook, Mt. Zion, Ellington. Kewanee, Northside, St. Charles. Shady Grove, Immanuel, Kansas City. Breton Creek, Temple, Bethany. Bro. E. F. Gibson was called to make his report, also Bro. Shults gave his report. Motion and Second to adopt both reports of the Missionaries and the Treasurer's report. Motion Carried. Motion and Second that tfo.e Committee recommend that two full time Missionaries be elected and one serve as Se·cretary and Treasurer. :Motion Carried. We further recommend tlhat the Secretary and Treasurer be paid $325.00 per month, providing that the messenger body elect the same MISSOURI STATE ASSOCIATION 10 man as Editor of the Missionary Baptist Paper; and pay him a reasonable salary. We recommend that the other Missionary be paid $350.00 per month. We furt!!her recOI!lUilend •tlhat rthe Sec!I"elt:ary-Treasurer rund Missio11181ry be granted a Two (2) weeks vacation with pay. M'Oibion and second <IJhJaJt t!hJis committee go on record as expressing our appreciation of the work done by both, our Secretary-Treasurer and our Missionary the past year. Motion Carried. Motion and Second to adjourn, subject to call of the Moderator. Motion Carried. (:· 'I t N. J. GIBSON, Moderator NOEL MEADE, Clerk ---{)- REPORT OF MISSOURI MISSIONARY BAPTIST Receipts (subscriptions and offerings) -------------------------- $3,102.96 EXPENSES: Printing -------------------------------------------------------Postage and Supplies ------------------------------------------Editor ---------------------------------------------------------Deficit from Last Year ---------------------------------------TOTAL EXPENSES ----------------------------------------Balance ------------------------------------------------------One Half Month Expense, $112.50 Present Deficit ------------ $1,725.00 $ 253.74 $ 862.50 $ 170.94 $3,012.18 $ 90.78 $ 21.72 EQUIPMENT: 2 Typewriters, 1 Polaroid Camera and Accessories, 1 File Cabinet, 1 Stapling Machine and Assortment of cuts and mats. File of past issues of the paper. Ccpies mailed semi-monthly ----------------------------------------1850 E. F. GIBSON. ---{)- TO WHlOM IT MAY CONCERN: This is to certify that "The Missouri Missionary Baptist ' printing account is Paid in full through October, 1959. Signed, JOHiN S. SCHNEIDER. ~ ~ OF MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES 11 MISSIONS SECRETARY'S REPORT (Financial Report) ¥ -~ Balance October 28, 1958 -------------------------------------- $ 72.57 Receipts to October 15, 1959 ---------------~------------------ $7,694.58 TqTAL ------------------------------------------------------ $7,767.15 DISBURSEMENTS: Elmer Shults (1 month at $300.00) (10% months at $350.00) $3,975.00 E. F. Gibson (1 month $350.00) (10% months $325.00) -------- $3,762.50 TOTAL ------------------------------------------------------- $7,737.50 Balance October 15, 1959 --------------------------------------- $ 29.65 INCIDENTAL FUND: Balance October 28, 1958 -------------------------------------- $ 232.93 Expenses (Postage and SUipplies) ---------------------------- $ 9.60 Present Balance ----------------------------------------------- $ 233.33 PERSONAL REPORT Services Attended -------------------------------------------------- 266 Sermons Preached --------------------------------------------------- 109 Bible Lessons Taught ---------------"------------------------------ 54 Conversions --------------------------------------------------------- 12 Additions (5 baptism, 5 otheiWise) ------------------------------- 10 Church Organi2lations (New Hope, De Soto; Bethel, Potosi) -----2 Miles Traveled --------------------------------------------------- 32,000 E. F. GIBSON. -()- ANNUAL REPORT OF MISSIONARY I have worked principaHy with the Palmer Heights Missionary Bap- tist Church at Springfield, Mo. 'Dhe church has now received from the Architect pla!'.S for the new auditorium. As soon as a loan can be secured they plan on building. · ~ ,fl. ~, Sermons Preached -------------------------------------------------- 138 Souls Saved ------------------------------------------------------4 Additions ----------------------------------------------------------- 1;) Conducted 3 Revivals. Attended 5 Associational Meetings. Approx. Miles Traveled ------------------------------------------ 26,000 CoLlected on the Field (Turned over to Missions Treasurer ____ $329.00 Received from Treasurer -------------------------------------- $4,150.00 Paid in full through October, 1959. The prayers and support of the churches and Brethren have been appreciated very mucih. Humbly Submitted, ELMER SHULTS. -oAMENDMENT TO ARTICLES. OF AGREEMENT Section 12: (1) ·Any church not representing to this Association by messenger or by letter, for two (2) consecutive years, shall be considered as hav· ing severed fellowship with this Association. Amendment Carried. 12 MISSOURI ST.ATE ASSOCIATION ~ "@ p. i :E ., "'a> ... <ll<:r> ~;;b <ll~ ~rl Antioc:lh, Ellington ____ 45 Bates Creek ---------- 29- 31 Bethany -------------- 175-178 Bethesda ------------- 32- 32 Breton Creek -------- 169-153 Bethel, Petitionary ____ 25 Bethlehm ------------- 62- 37 Cane Creek ---------H:lmwood ------------- 66- 61 Emmanuel, Poplar Bluff 18- 14 Friendship ------------ 61- 56 1st, Middile'brook _____ 24- 25 1st Chambers Park ____ 138- 95 1st, Matthews -------- 147-141 Gethsemane ---------- 34- 38 Emmanuel, K. · c. ____ 26- 36 Independence --------- 130-131 Kewanee ------------- :L12-118 Lower Doe Run ------ 46- 46 Little Bethel ________ 37- 34 Mt. Zion, Poplar Bluff 79- 90 Maple View ----------- 43- 51 Mt. Zion, EUington ___ 37- 43 Northside, St. Charles 58- 67 New Hope, De Soto __ - 14 New Providence ______ 54- 50 Ohlman, Bunker ______ 30- 33 Palmer Heights ______ ct.7- 25 Pond Creek ---------- 68- 67 Providence, Puxico ___ 130-118 Bleasant Grove ------ 44- 41 Point Pleasant ------- 24- 29 Sikeston -------------- 127-111 Spi>i:ngilill ------------ 96- 96 Stony Point ----------- 49- 49 Skyline, Ellington ---- 15- 15 Shady Grove ---------- 42- 43 remple, Belgrade ----- 69- 75 rrinity, Florissant ---32 West Plains ----------- 13- 13 West Domphan ------- 27- 31 Wailnut Grove, Harvill 114-116 Zalma ---------------- 35- 40 r:tl -"'... B ~ ll< 240.00 360.00 5,515.00 1,350.00 3,120.00 "' s::: -g.~ t<lm .&~ ~.§ ... <ll <1l ... .... 0 .Eir:.:. <1l "'ol ..... r:n. "'s::: 2"'... 0 rll ~ l"i '.~ ii.i :§ s::: "'=!·... ...., <) ·;::: ti l p.o 'al~ . P=~ iS ' '1:1, @~ 80.00 71.49 920.49 222.55 250.00 28.46 73.00 50.00 71.49 70.4l 982.12 .593.5( 385.28 200.9( 155.00 llO.Ol 28.46 80.00 86.10 43.05 533.50 60.85 679.20 60.85 28.28 663.34 5.09 655.00 127.11 70.15 5,200.00 1,649.38 1,356.33 690.00 110.00 1,210.00 160.86 255.19 1,370.00 83.71 204.93 75.25 37.63 1,400.00 1,890.00 115.82 173.73 480.00 231.14 31.08 34.00 34.00 890.00 263.71 276.55 2,377.00 1,200.00 51.71 40.00 2,860.00 199.88 199.88 2,360.00 89.59 57.79 72.74 72.74 342.68 35.50 34.34 240.00 373.32 573.32 58.76 121.99 264.14 630.00 70.00 920.00 30.00 22.00 275.00 47.00 51.00 370.00 22.25 15.00 152.22 137.31 3,371.05 1,425.00 •133.76 133.76 760.00 90.00 101.12 38.16 264.00 32.13 42.13 128.00 153.40 1,560.00 38.32 38.32 510.00 129.00 517.00 13.78 21.29 771.25 60.00 104.00 900.00 49.57 49.57 780.00 55.64 75.0 60.85 40.86 64.71 1,270. 76 585.8 312.95 81.34 "'§ 'iii "' ~ 693.99 182.55 120.00 28.46 61.49 226.11 135.0 75.25 120.0 106.7 165.59 76.31 45.( 588.12 125.( 66.00 155.( 199.88 141.68 100.( 96.72 17.l 131.96 383.32 9.16 146.50 75.00 10.1 51.00. 8.41 33.' l.: 589.34 140.00(1.( 23.40 . 17.13. . 225.3'1 215. 38.32 f 122.03 124.00 90. 99.14 OF MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES '0 '0 '0 rn-~ 1'1 § ~ Sf! r=.. :E '0 1'1 ol ~ .3 s 1'::s1 .!<:1-< ~ J.~ ~ ~0 ~~ L> ·~ Q) B~ Q) C) s::Q) > '* 1'1 <1l ~ <1l §§ :D:g tile.> -~ ::s a~ Ol ""'1'1 Q) '0 '8 1'1 H rom "'iii .-a ~ W.P., ,..::; :;:l §' ow. ·r::: '0~ g <1) • ::l 1-< '"'E-i ol • .::'1~ '!-< p..~ 13 ~p.. '0 gp§ ~r=.. ~1'1 Q)crl ~.3 r:n. ~ E-1 0 E-1 608.87 25.00 48.47 36.06 48.00 58.81 24.08 16.22 42.00 724.55 3 10.00 ). 11.00 4,067.63 138.02 370.25 1,723.98 533.28 180.00 83.77 15,713.03 ) 20.00 351.13 25.00 466.22 72.63 116.00 3,391.36 4,933.60 9.00 54.95 8.10 78.35 756.70 118.30 153.20 32.69 27.81 5.00 155.88 5.00 3.00 280.83 17.41 131.00 60.59 480.53 3.00 3.00 0 5.00 176.00 25.00 921.18 139.64 60.41 24.00 8.00 247.00 1,341.40 42.50 96.74 48.24 8.00 930.05 19.00 114.85 12.00 94.9'6 143.76 10.00 1,311.54 5 20.00 3,202.00 42.27 1,399.00 3,753.00 477.39 516.01 175.64 19,648.23 10.00 143.54 288.91 86.85 1,329.30 0 8.00 3,764.03 55.00 615.39 147.13 9'7.49 6,674.20 8.00 1,874.51 25.50 137.58 41.85 83.71 3,839.79 0 30.00 326.43 50.56 18.00 387.00 80.00 2.56 2,602.68 '9 11.00 120.95 49.71 329.08 104.79 112.09 3,003.95 22.00 . 75.23 20.00 21.45 48.22 2.00 1,096.71 10 10.00 93.89 30.00 149.71 67.30 18.00 1,448.21 10 10.00 74.57 38.00 5,265. 73 io.oo 1,303.94 138.84 60.00 1,853.26 10 25.00 217.33 88.22 39.00 1,249.37 21.51 3'52.00 96.23 70.00 5,284.75 3,369.82 lO 9.00 125.00 10.57 .. 318.17 86.56 )0 8.00 (Petitionary) 1,291.84 607.158 18.64 45.00 651.47 3.00 103.99 35.00 80.00 23.07 2,337.19 35.00 346.52 99.64 145.00 14.00 660.58 86.41 67.14 38.98 1,585.05 10.00 420.45 15.00 207.13 72.45 13.32 1,255.17 50 5.00 78.00 114.67 561.54 1.00 6.00 95.00 27.54 2.00 686.25 10 . 5.00 121.08 5.00 20.00 37.60 29 20.00 717.38 102.85 632.25 124.26 34.92 5,664.37 2,957.23 20.00 374.68 196.12 84.57 )2 5.00 275.39 64.00 1,706.53 60.00 42.00 59.00 60.00 4.00 417.94 9.00 27.32 22.06 283.83 00 5.00 30.00 25.00 72.44 3,501.21 128.50 215.00 751.00 120.00 00 5.00 734.67 15.00 455.07 34.84 14.53 55.34 (Petitionary) 9.00 231.76 77.80 1,096.97 92.71 39.20 9.55 147.56 63.02 26.00 1,302.71 2.00 126.23 160.67 13.00 31.00 50.75 54.48 1,587.90 00 1,835.62 108.93 34.61 3.00 710.80 14 MISSOURI STATE ASSOCIATION MISSIONARY COMMITTEE GETHSEMANE MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH, HILLSBORO, MO. FEBRUARY 3, 1959 Committee meeting opened by Moderator Eld. N. J. GiJbson. Eld. Elmer Shults leading the song service. Song: "His Way With Thee.'' Prayer by Eld. C. W. Wilson. Eld. Dale Blount elected clerk pro tern in the a.bsence of clerk. •Song: ''His SOOJL Is On My Soul.'' Devotional Eld. S. D. Gibson. Text I Cor. 15:1-6. Eld. Elmer Shults chosen by the body to bring 1lhe message in the absence of one previously chosen and tihe ali1Jernate, Elid. E. F. Gdibson Jed song: "Amamig Gmce.'' Sclii!pture reading for morning message Acts 26 :17-23. Song: ''Praise Him, Praise Him." The hand of appreciation given to Eld. Shults. Motion and Second to meet back at 1:30 p.m. Motion Carried. Announcements called for. Eld. Melvin Scott led in dismissal prayer and offering of thanks for noon meal. Afternoon services opened by singing. Eld. C. W. WHson leading songs: "He leadeth Me," and "Revive Us Again." Led in prayer by Eld. J. E. Mason. Devotional :by Bro. Ken McMillin. Not enough committeemen present to transact business. The service was open for discussion of Missions. Eld. Freeman Gibson gave his report on State Treasurer and paper. Eld. Elmer Shults gave his report. Invitations for next meeting extended from Breton Creek and Temple. Committeemen voted unofficially to meet next quarter with Temple Church. Ofifering taken and divided between State and District Missions of Washington County. Eld. Mason led in singing, "Victory In Jesus.'' Hand of 3ippreciation was given to Elders E·lmer Shults, E. F. G1bson and S. D. G1bson., Dfsmissed in prayer by Bro. Moses. Offering $17.00. ELD. DALE BLOUNT, Clerk Pro tern. TEMPLE CHURCH, BELGRADE, MO. MAY 5, 1959 ·Services opened by singing. Elder J. E. Mason leading. Song: "Anywhere With Jesus.'' Led in prayer by Elder Cecil Burgess. Song: "Stand Up, Stand Up, For Jesus." Prayer by Elder Elmer Shults. Devotiona1 Service by Elder 0. A. Robinson using II Cor. 5:1, 7, 17, 21. Another song, "I Need The Ever Hour," and then prayer led by Bro. R. R. Brown. Another song: "Take Time To .Be Holy.'' Services then turned over to Brother Noel Meade for the morning message. His scripture reading found in John 17:1-19. Another song, "Will Jesus Find Us Watching," while the hand of appreciation was given to Brother Robinson and Brother Meade. MOitii.on and Second to adjotirn to mCielt bacik a.t 12 :45. Pvaye•r of dismissal and offering of 1lhanks for the noon meal by Brother Fondren. Afternoon session called to order by singing, "Ring Out The Message," lder Jimmy Gibson leading. Another song, "Send The Light,'' and prayer by Brother Ken McMillin. Another song, "Anywhere With Jesus." _ · Elder Cecil Burgess asked to give the devotional using for text, II Timothy 3 :1, John 14:1, and Isa. 53 :5. In the Business Session, Elder Cecil Burgess was elected as clerk. Reports from both missionaries were given and adopted by the. committeemen. · Kewanee asked for the next meeting and the invitation was accepted. OF MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES 15 KEWANEE CHURCH, KEWANEE, MO.- AUGUST 11, 1959 Services began witlh Bro. J. H. Gibson leading, "Beautiful Gleanings Bring." Sister Nolley at the piano. Brother Cecil Burgess welcomed visitors and committeemen in behalf of the Kewanee Association. Brother J. H. Gibson welcomed everyone in behalf of the Kewanee Church. Second song was led by Bro. Gibson, "When The Redeemed Are Gathering In.'' Clerk acting as moderator pro tern asked Brother Hiopper to 'lead in player. Upon absence of moderator, Eld. J. H. Gibson was elected moderator pro tern. Motion and Second to have Bro. Hopper bring the morning message. Motion carried. Two other songs were led by Bro. Gibson: "In The Morning of Joy," and "Kneel At The Cross." After these good songs, Bro. Hopper took the stand. Prayer by Bro. Gordon. Brother Hopper's message was taken from Gen. 3:22, John 14:1-6, and Rev. 22:1-5. His subject was regaining the Tree of Life. Song 1ed by Bro. Gibson with Sister Burgess at the piano. Song was "Amazing Grace." Hand of appreciation was given Bro. Hopper for the great message. There was many tears of joy and shouting as a result of the Grace of God's presence. Morning session closed with prayer led by Bro. Shutls. Thanks given in prayer for the morning meal. Brother Newman was elected to give the afternoon devotional. Motion and Second to adjourn until 1 :30. Motion carried. Opening song: "Some Glad Day," led by Bro. Tollison, Sister Nolley at the piano. Second song: "Joy Unspeakable." Devotional given by Bro. Newman using Matt. 16 :13-18 and Matt. 28:16-20. Prayer by Bro. Meade. Roll call oL., churches were: Bethesda, Flat River; Chambers Park, First Middlebrook, Mt. Zion, Poplar Bluff; Antioch, Oxley; Mt. Zion, Elilii:ngrt;on; Maplewew, Ke!Wanee, Gethsemane, and Sikeston. Brother Freeman Gibson spoke· in belnalf of Missions and Paper. Bro. Gibson gave I'eport of his mission work at De Soto and Potosi. Motion and Second to adopt report. Carried. Bro. Gibson spoke on Revolving Loan Fund. Brother Shults gave his report on his mission work. Motion and Second to adopt report. Carried. Motion and Second to adjourn until meeting at Chambers Park Church at day before our annual Association at 2 :00. Motion Carried. Announcements. Dismissed in prayer by Brother Joe Brandon. REPORT ON STATE MISSIONS State Missions is the primary reason for the existence of our State Association. We have seen sound, seady progress in our Missions work. Two, churches !nave been organized during the year with 1lhe assistance of our State ll£issions force, another church which had previously been organized as a result of State Missions work has been strengthened. However, there are many needy fields yet to be entered. May we pray that the Lord will open these fields and supply the men to enter them. !We recommend that our churches continually increase their Missions oiferings to. the end ·that our Missions force may be increased. We also recommend that our people suppport our Missionaries with tbeir prayers and with pertinent information pertaining to needy fields. E. F. GIBSON - M. M. HENSON 16 MISSOURI STATE ASSOCIATION INTERSTATE AND FOREIGN MISSIONS Missouri Missionary Baptist have long been supporters of Interstate a.nd Foreign Missions in cooperation wi1Jh other Missionary Baptist churches over the United States and we urge a continued effort on our pv.rt through the North American Baptist Association. Perhaps we hold many romantic ideas concerning Foreign Missions which would vanish if we were in the Missionaries place. The field is hard, and the Missionaries work under trying circumstances. They must deny themselves and live for Missions. Our Foreign Missionaries are to be commended for their sacrificial service. Missouri Baptist should heed the Master's command to pray that He send laborers ir:to the harvest. While we are praying, let us ask Him to prepare some oi our young men and call them into the Foreign fields. Very often Interstate Missions are given the place of a step-child in our thinking. This. may be due in part to the fact that we are closer to tlhe work and partly due to the practice of some Missionaries in the past serving as E)vangelists among the churches instead of es· tablishing churches in the unworked fields of this country. We like to see something of a solid nature accomplished in our Mission work. We should not, however, make our Missionaries feel that they must have a good roport even at the expense of organizing churches too hurriedly. We stould be grateful to the Missionary who moves to a hard field and though he does not have a big report, works faithfully in establishing a witness of the truth in a community. Let us remember to pray for and support tlie Missionaries of the North American Baptist Association and we give our support to the idea of providing Missionaries for 1Jhose of tlhe world, who have never heard the gospel in its purity. We may keep in touch with Interstate and Foreign Missionaries by sucribing to "The Gleaner," a monthly pubilca·tion, and support such missions by sending our offerings to 716 Main Street, Little Rock, Ark. In realizing that the Commission was given to Missionary Baptist and to no one else, the need for cooperative effort among our churches in support of this work becomes a necessity. GLEN W. FOX - R. R. BROWN --o- REVOLVING LOAN FUND CO~TTEE MINUTES Three members of the Revolving Loan Fund Committee met at New Hope Churclh, De Soto, Mo., September 14, 1959. Meeting was opened by Eld. E. F. Gibson, prayer by Bro. Clarence Crawford. Ohairman: C. A. Darst took charge of the service and stated the purpose of the meeting, which was to consider a request for a loan by the New Hope Church. Bro. E. F. Gibson was asked by the chairman tc give details regarding the request and plans of the churclh with regards to the requested loan. Information was given and a motion was made and second that we au1Jhorize a loan to the New Hope Church of $2500.00 subject to the rules governing loans. Motion and Second to adjourn. Carried. Dismissed in prayer by Eld. N. J. Gibson. ELD. C. A. DARST, Chairman. ELD. N. J. GIBSON, Clerk. OF MlSSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES 17 RESOULTIONS COMMITTEE Be lirt resolved that we the messenger body of the Missouri State Association and Visitors praise the Lord for one of the greatest settings of this body and the wonderful f,ellowship that prevails among our churches. Be it further resolved that we thank the Pastor W. S. Gordon and Chambers Park Church for such wonderful entertainment and for the use of their facilities. MRS. C. R. CRITES, MRS. C. W. WILSON. ---{)-- LADIES AUXILIARY We, your co:mmlittee wish to submit the following report: We be'lieve that Women have a very important place to fiil in the services of the Lord. The Ladies Auxiliary is one way of reaching and encouraging every Woman to work in the church. As we work together in the great field of labor for our Lord, it briings a;bout a oloser fellowship. It creates a greater interest in the ,study of the Bible, while preparing topics for discussion. Distribution of tracts, Our Milssionary Baptist Paper, Visitation and raising extra money for the 0hurcib. expenses. We feel that our churches should take a greater interest in the Auxiliary. MRS. MELVIN SCOTT, MRS. J. L. BRITTON, MRS. LELA HULVEY. ---<(}- REPORT OF ENROLLMENT COMMITTEE We, your co~ittee on Enrollment wish to report 36 churches representing by 1\'Iessimger. 93 Messengers listed. 3 churches representing by letter. 39 churches being repres·ented at thiDs tim. JAMES E. MASON, W. C. HENSON. 4 churcib. letters were received after the Association adjourned and their reports have been placed in these minutes. This brings the number of churches representing in the Association to 43. ELMErR SHULTS, Clerk. ---<0-- 0HRISTIAN EDUCATION AND LITERATURE Missionary Baptilst:s believe that Christian Education is an important factor in our Christian life and church work. This can be done by self-discipline and !Jhrough our religious schools, regardless whether WJe· study aJt home or :in the school room it wiill be necessary .fuaJt we study. We are commanded to study to show ourselves approved unto God. Since it is understood that we are to study, to educate ourselves, to prepare ourselves for the Lord's work, it behooves us to take care as to what we study and read. The Bible. Is the first and foremost of all the books that Missionary Baptist shouild study, However, a;long with llhe Bible, there are many reiigious books and sound literature that may be secured from our book store, 716 Maiin St., Little Rock, Arkansas. Last but not least, we recommend our own Missouri Missionary Baptist Paper. Signed: C. A. DARST, JESSE M. RAYFIELD. 18 MliSSOURI STATE ASSOCIATION FINANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Palmer Heights --------------$5.00 Springhill --------------------- 5.00 Qethsemane ------------------ 5.00 Bethei -----------------'------- 5.00 Sikeston ---------------------- 5.00 Antioch ---------------------- 5.00 Lower Doe Run ------------ 2.00 Skyline ----------------------- 2.00 Mt. Zion ---------------------- 5.00 1st Middle Brook ------------ 4.00 Bates Creek ------------~----- 5.00 Pond Creek ------------------- 2.00 Bethesda ---------------------- 5.00 Zalma ------------------------ 3.00 Stony Point -------~---------- 5.00 Chambers Park -------------- 5.00 Ohlman ---------------------- 10.00 New Hope -------------------- 3.00 Walnut Grove ---------------- 3.00 Be1Jhany ---------------------- 6.00 Breton C!'eek ---------------- 5.00 Norttrstde ------------~-------- 2.00 Immanuel -------------------- 3;00 West Doniphan -------------- 2.00 Temple ----------------------- 5.00 Bethlehem -------------------- 3.00 Pleasant Grove --------------- 1.00 Trinity ______________________ Jo.oo Independence ----------------- 5.00 Kewanee ---------'----'------- 5.00 Shady GroV'e -----'------------- 5.00 West Plains ------------------ 2.00 Little Bethel ------------------ 3.00 Cane Creek ------------------ 3.00 Friendship ------------'------- 3.00 Prov.idence ------------------- 5.00 Mit. Zion, Pop}ar Bluff ------ 5.00 Map1eVI1ew ------------------- 5,00 1st Mat1Jhews ---------------- 10.00 Emmanuel ______________ ;: __:_ 3.00 -;()- MO. REVOLVING LOAN FUND TREASURER'S REPORT October 1st, 1959 Gethesmane, Hi:llsboro _________________ ;..___________________' _____ $. 195.12 Temple, Belgrade ---------------------------------------------Ohl·man, Bunker -----------------------------------------------Be1Jhany, St. Louis ______________________ _:______________________ 22.68 9.46 77.27 Breton Creek,. Potosi -------------------------------------------Chambers Par, St. Louis Co. _______________________ _: __ ;________ Immanuel, Kansas Oilty ------------------------------------,-,-Bethesda, Flat River -----,--------c:-----------------------------Trinity, Florissant --------------------------------------------East De Soto Mission, De Soto -------------------------------Washington Co. Dist. FellO!Wship Meeting ___________ :.._..: __ _;_____ 8.10 169.89 33;01 10.00 3.00 .80 25.37 Total Collected ----------------------------------------------$ 554.70 Brought forward ------------------------------------'-----------$2,127.41 Loan to HiHsboro ----------------------------------------------$6,500.00 TOTAL ASSETS ---------------------------------------------~$9,182.11 Less Loan to Gethsemane --------------------------------------$6,600.00 Balance on· hand ____________________ ;_ ____________________ ..;_:..$2,682.11 CUARENCE E. CRAWFORD, Treasurer 10150 Bon Oak Drive, St. Louis 36, Missouri. OF MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES 19 REPORT ON BAPTIST TRAINING SERVICE iWe your committee on "Training Service" report the following: Many of our churches have training services and are finding them to be of much he1p training the membershtp in various fields of needed endeavors. The training service provides much needed J.nformation causing tihe church member to become better acquainted with his Bible. We Wish to commend our Publications Committee for the good Bible centered Quarterlli,es which stress our doctrine and their importance in our lives. Furthermore we recommend all our churches make sacrifices to organize and maintain the Baptist Training Service. W. S. GORDON, J. L. BRITTON. ---{)----- CHURCHES AND PASTORS Anrtlioch, Ellington, Mo.-G. W. Hawthorne-El'lington, Mo. Bates Cre·ek, Potosi, Mo.-Luther Jarvis-Franlw.lay, Mo. Bethesda, F1at River, Mo.-J. E. Mason--404 Olive, Leadwood, Mo. Bethany, St. Louis, Mo.--C. A. Darst-7144 Manette Dr., St. Louis, Mo. Br~ton Creek, Potosi, Mo.-J. L. Britton--'1012 Richeson Rd., Potosi, Mo. Bethel Potosi, Mo.-N. J. Gtbson-Potosi, Mo. Bethlehem, Doniphan, Mo.-1W. C. Henson-Doniphan, Mo. Cane Creek, Poplar Bllllff, Mo.-B. M. Smuthee-Naylor, Mo. lEmmanuel, Poplar Bluff, Mo.-Noel Boyer-Ellsinore, Mo. m.tmwood-LonedeU, Mo.-Boy Eye-Potosi, Mo. Friendship, Harvill, Mo.-T. A. Hines-Rt. 5, Poplar Bluff, Mo. 1st Midd'le Brook, Middle ~rook, Mo.-C. W. Wilson-Bismarck, Mo. 1st Chambers Park, St. Lows 36, Mo.-W. S. Gordon-10156 Bon Oak Dr. 1st Matllie'\Vs, .Matthews, Mo.--Charles Rhodes-Matthews, Mo. Gethsemane., Hillsboro, Mo.-S. P. Oilitwood, Jr.--'Hi1Jsboro, Mo. Immanuel, Kansas City, Mo.--Clyde Ray-2501 Blue Rlklge Blvd. Independence, Neelyvi'lle, Mo.--,'B. F. McMiHan~rning, Ark. Kewanee, Kewanee, Mo.-J. H. Grbson-Kewanee, Mo. Lower Doe Run, Ellington, Mo.-S. P. Chitwood-EUington, Mo. L~ttle. Bethel, Fairdealing, Mo.-R. J. Brewer--Corning, Ark. Mt. Zion, Poplar Bluff, Mo.-G. W. Fox-723 N. lOth Poplar BlUJ£f, Mo. Mapleview, Deering, Mo.-Gerald Presiey-Kennett, Mo. Mt. 2'Ji?n, Ellington, Mo.-Noel Meade-E'llington, Mo. Northside, St. Charles, Mo.-Charles Ray-1920 N. 4th, St. Charles, Mo. New Hope, De Soto, Mo.-E. F. Gibson-Missionary Pastor, Hillsboro. New Providence, Richwoods, Mo.-None. Ohlman, Bunker, Mo.-Noah Akins-Bunker, Mo. Ballmer Heigihts, Spvingfd.eUd, Mo.-None. Pond Creek, Bonne Terre, Mo.-Melvin Scott--'Leadwood, Mo. Providence, Puxico, Mo.-J. A. Brandon~1608 S. 11th Poplar Bluff, Mo. Bleasant Grove, Caledonia, Mo.-Bobby Eye-Potosli, Mo. Point Pleasant, Point Pleasant, Mo.--Charles Freeman-Sikeston, Mo. Springhill, Fairdeailing, Mo.-~None. Skyline, Ellington, Mo.-S. P. Ohitwood-Ellington, Mo. Stony Point, Stony Point, Mo.-John CampbeU~04 Clara, Potosi, Mo. SIJ\.eston, Sikeston, Mo.-Elmer Shults--420 Marian, Sikeston, Mo. Shady Grove, Hocomo, Mo.-None. Tempile, Be~grade, Mio.--'None. Trinity, Florissant, Mo.-R. R. B1·own-Rt. 1, West Aiton, Mo. West Plains, West Plains, Mo.-KendaJl Ford-West Plains, Mo. West Doniphan, Doniphan, Mo.~arles Dorsett-EHington, Mo. Walnut Grove, HarviH, Mo.-Harlan Thurman-Harvill, Mo. Zalma, alma, Mo.--C. R. Crites-MiHersvHle, Mo., Rt. 1. 20 MISSOURI STATE ASSOCIATION CHURCHES AND CLERKS Antioch EI!Jington, Mo.-Zelpha Beck-E'llington, Mo. Bates Creek, Potosi, Mo.-Mrs. Ellen Evans-Potosi, Mo.; Rt. 2. . Bethany, St. Louis, Mo.-L. F. Herrington----4973 Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo. Bethesda, Flat River, Mo.-Philiss Parmeley----409 Monroe, Desloge, Mo. Breton Creek, Potosi, Mo.-Pauline Goodson-606 Raymond, Potosi, Mo. Bethel, Potosi, Mo.-Ruth Ann Ormsby-505 Pine St., Potosi, Mo. Bethlehem, Do:n;Lplhan, Mo.--Clint Calhun-Doniphan, Mo. Cane Creek, Poplar Bluff, Mo.--,Alta CampbeH-Poplar Bluff, Mo., Rt. 1. Emmanuel, Poplar Bluff, Mo.-Fern Saulsbury-Poplar Bluff, Rt. 4. Eimwood, Lonedell, Mo.~Frances Maupin-Grubville, Mo. Friendship, Harville, Mo.-Howard E. Durrlap--Harville, Mo., Rt. 1. 1st Middle Brook, Middle Brook, Mo.-Mrs. N. Duree-MiddJe Brook, Mo. 1st Chambers Park, St. Louis, Mo.--C. E. Crawford~10150 Bon Oak Dr. 1st Mathews, Matthews, Mo.-Thelma GiUess---'Matthews, Mo. Gethsemane, HiUsboro, Mo.-Mrs. Lela Hulvey-Hilsboro, Mo., Rt. 1. Immanuel, Kansas City, Mo.-Geral<Xne Price-835 E. 15th Terr., K. C. Independence, Neelyville, Mo.-Neva Ramsey-Nee~yville, Mo. Kewanee, Kewanee, Mo.-Una Rlhodes_,1216 Davis, Nw Madrid, Mo. Lower Doe Run; Ellington, Mo.-Betty Rayfi.eld-El'lington, Mo. Little Bethel, Fairdealing, Mo.-Opal Pennington-Harville, Mo., Box 63. MJt. Zion, Popl:ar Bluff, Mo.-Mrs. Acel Hays-PopLar Bluff, Mo., Rit. 5. Maple Vl1ew, Deering, Mo.-J. H. Hankis-Deering, Mo. , Mt. Zion, Ellington, Mo.-Mrs. Georgia Lee Rayfield~Uington; Mo. Northside, St. Charles, Mo.-EUzabeth Ray-1920 N. 4th St. Clharles, Mo. New Hope, De Soto, Mo.-Mrs. Mary Sloan-De Soto, Mo, Rt. 2. New Providence, Richwoods, Mo.--Clara E. Lewis---LonedeH, Mo. Ohlman, Bun~er, Mo.--M1~s. Dona Marilin-Brunker, Mo. Pla1mer He1g1hts, SpringHeid, Mo.-Mrs. Pansy Biinglh:am-916 S. Ne1J!Jl.eil:on. Pond Creek, Bonne Terre, Mo.-Ruth Ann Hedrick-Bonne Terre, Rt. 2. Providence, Puxico, Mo.-Mrs. Mary Harty-Puxico, Mo., Rt. 2. Pleasant Grove, Caledonia, Mo.-Mildred M. Akers--Bel:grade, Mo., Point Pleasant, Point Pleasant, Mo.-Mrs. Pearl Freeman-Sikeston, Mo. Springhill, Falirdealing, Mo.-Laura Jarrett-Fairdealing, Mo. Skyline, El'lington, Mo.-Miss Freda Rayfield-EUington, Mo. Stony Point, Stony Point, Mo.-Roy Henson-Frankclay, Mo. Sike·ston, Sli.keSl!:on, Mo.---Rell€n ToUisen-404 W. Murray Lane. Shady Grove, Hocomo, Mo.-Mrs. E. C. Endicott-Hocomo, Mo. Temple, Belgrade, Mo.--<Franoes Pierce--Potosi, Mo., Rt. 1. Trinity, Florissant, Mo.-Wayne Ridlen~1140a Ursula, St. Louis 30, Mo. West Plains, West Plains, Mo.-Lorene Baumgardner-West Plains, Mo. ·Walnut Grove, HarviUe, Mo.-D. F. Magruder-.NeelyviUe, Mo. Za;lma, Zalma, Mo.-Mrs. C. R. Crites-MHlersville, Mo., R. R. 1. OF MlSSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCHES 21 ENROLLMENT Church Breton Creek Trinity Messengers J. L. Britton - Joe Wilkerson R. R. Brown - Wdnfred Gambel Dempsey Baker Betlb!esda Ken McMiliJ.in - Mary McMiUin J. E. Mason Ohllman Olara Akins - Dan Hays NoaJh Akins 1st M!lddle Brook Nancy Wilson - Mrs. Zingrich 1st Chambers Park W. S. Gordon - Henry Pogue Jonnie Armstrong Zalma C. R. Or1tes - Mrs. C. R. Crites Charles liamberrt; Any Member Present Stony Point John Edwards - John McPiheeSpringhill ters - Sinme Edwards Wilma Asberry - Delores Gibson Gert!hsemane - Lela Huilv.ey D. F. Magruder - Junanita MaWalnut GroY.e gruder - Curt Reinbolt Charles Ray - Mrs. C. Ray Northside Sis. Benefie·ld Melba Asberry- Norman Scag'gs Lower Doe Run - Linda Scaggs C. A., Darst - Ml'S. C. A. Dars:t Betrn.any Ruth Eye Mt. :ffion, EHin:gton N1oe1 Meade - Marie Meade Joy Rayfield Skyrl:ine Sikeston Antioch Immanuel, K. C. Pond Creek Bethel Palmer Heights Bertih!Lehem West Doniphan Bates Creek Temple Committeemen Roy .Essmyer R. R. Brown J. E. Mason Noah Ak.d.ns C. W. Wilson Henry Pogue C. R. Crites Leo Fitz;water Jd!m Edwards E. F. Gtbson Harland Thurman Clharles Ray WiUi•am Asber>ry C. A. Darst Noeil Meade Arnold Hi!!! T. B. Hi·11 - L. C. Hopper Any Member Present Eilmer Shults S. P. Chitwood Clyde Ray - Sis. Alice R:ay Clyde Ray Violet Vandergr~etf - Earl Van- Melvin Scott dergrJ.ef - M. Scott M. M. Henson - Mrs. M. M. Hen- M. M. Henson son - Geo. Richeson Laura Jolhnson Elilmer S!hults - Dollie Shults W. C. Henson - Alpha BaumgaJ:dneP- J. Baumgardner Any Member Presenrt: Luther Jarvis - Mrs. L. Jannis Charles Akers - Leo Dick!ey Elmer Shults W. C. Henson Charles Dorsett J. L. CampbeLl Geo. Pi!erce 22 Pleasant Grove Kiewanee Indepedence Little Bethel Mit. Zion West Plains Sha;dy Grove Providence Friendship Oane Creek Mia.pleVJiew Elmwood Poinlt Pil:easant 1st Mattlhews New Hope New Providence Emmanuell MISSOURI STATE ASSOCIATION Le:tJter Only J. H. Gibson- Mrs. J. H. Gilbson Maude Hy!land - Eve·lyn Semtt Billie Ormsby- Sis. R. J. Brewer - R. J. Bre!Wer E.Ivie Stanley - Sis. G. W. Fox Letter Only J. W. Pl~erce J. H. Gibson R. J. Brewer Glen W. Fox Mrs. W. B. Duncan - Mrs. Ann W. B. Duncan Manis - Mrs. Eagl!eman Mary Harty - Ruby Page Euel Page Eue.l P.age Vennie Hines - Ruth Rogers T. A. Hines Le~ter Only T. A. Hines J.E. Hankins - W. L. Green Pr(ce Bullington Letter Only Chas. Freeman - Plea~! FreemaJil - Linda Freeman By Letter Only Elldon Moses - Anna Moses Goldie Wilker.son S. D. Sloa;n ., Any Member Present Eld. J. H. Le!Wis Sis. Essie Conover - Sis NetJUe Kienneth Sparkman Ketchum lh
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