VOL. 6 ISSUE 63 Adel Adviser Brought to you every Tuesday and Friday by Horizon Printing Co. Mon.-Fri 7 a.m. -5 p.m. Sat. 8:30 -noon Your local medical clinic. 1120 Greene Street Adel, Iowa 50003 (515) 993-4656 New patients always welcome! Dr. Sue Donahue, D.O., Michelle Kurtz, P.A.-C. Brandon Mitchell, P.A.-C ELECTRONICS - APPLIANCES - FLOORING - CABINETS - COUNTERTOPS - BLINDS archerhomecenter.com The Best For Your Home For Less FLOORING - CABINETS FLOORING - CABINETS may 14 , 2010 f r i d a y FREE! ELECTRONICS - APPLIANCES - FLOORING - CABINETS - COUNTERTOPS - BLINDS Relief of pain and stress Fuller Massage Therapy Debra Fuller, LMT 508 Greene St, Adel 993-3826 www.fullermassage.com When life takes it out of you, let massage put it back! Lunch and Learn for Busy Parents Every Tuesday in May from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., bring your lunch and drop in as your schedule allows. Based on the book "Winning at Parenting without Beating Your Kids" by Barbara Coloroso. Topics may include teach your children how to think, not what to think, discipline-giving life to learning, solving problems – it's OK to make a mistake, bedtime – you need their sleep. Offers parents a humorous, yet serious approach to mealtime, bedtime, chores and other parenting challenges. Brought to you by Partners in Family Development, 109 S. 9th Street, Adel. Contact Bonnie at 515-250-8579 for more information dch to Unveil Information Kiosk & Valet Services Dallas County Hospital is excited to announce the addition of an Information Kiosk in the Hospital’s South Atrium. The Information Kiosk will soon be the central point for all hospital patients and visitors. With the addition of the new Information Kiosk, Valet Services will also be adjusted. Effective May 24, Valet Services will be available from 8 a.m. until noon, Monday through Friday. Special accommodations can be made for afternoon valet services by calling 515-465-3547. In addition, the Valet stand in the South Atrium will no longer be available. Instead, those needing Valet Services during the posted times can easily request them through the Kiosk. Once that request is made, a Valet will be called to assist with parking. Dallas County Hospital cares about our community. We are excited to be providing a new Information Kiosk that will give our patients and visitors a more accessible entrance. City of Adel Awarded Tree City USA Growth Award Adel was recognized by the nonprofit Arbor Day Foundation as a Tree City USA community for its commitment to urban forestry. It is the sixteenth year Adel has earned this national recognition. The City of Adel has met the four standards to become a Tree City USA community: Having a tree board or department, a tree care ordinance, a comprehensive community forestry program, and an Arbor Day observance and proclamation. Congratulations to the Parks and Recreation Department and the Park Board for their hard work and dedication to the Adel Park System. free outdoor family picnic this evening Sunnybrook of Adel is having a free outdoor family picnic and family games for the community on Friday, May 14 at 5:30 p.m. We are locted at 1919 Greene St. Everyone is welcome. Call 993-4511 for info. Food Vendors Needed for Book Festival We have room for a few food vendors at the Iowa Book Festival being held on Saturday, June 19 from 11 to 4 p.m. If you have been thinking of a fundraiser for your church, your social organization or youth group, this might be the way to do it. Contact the Adel Partners Chamber Office at 993-5472 or chamber@adelpartners.org. Specialized Care is Close to Home 610 10th Street Perry, Ia 50220 (515) 465-3547 dallascohospital.org Dallas County Hospital offers expanded Radiological Services At Dallas County Hospital, we’ve expanded our radiological hours & have begun offering Ultrasounds, MRI’s and Digital Mammograms on additional days & times. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 515.465.7525. You have a choice for your healthcare and we hope you choose Dallas County Hospital adel's got talenT open mic tonight Don't forget Adel's Got Talent Open Mic Night at the Library on Friday, May 14 at 6:30 p.m. in the community room. We have several individuals signed up for the evening, but more talent is needed. There will be food, prizes, and karaoke. No admission charge. 911 Truth of Central Iowa Monthly Meeting Tuesday, May 18, 7 p.m. at the Adel Public Library. For information, call 993-3399. We want to publish your news! Drop off or mail to: 412 Greene Street (Hwy.6) Email: adeladviser@horizonprintingadel.com 3 993-1187 Forecast Day sunday High 62 Low 49 Rain chance saturday High 67 Low 47 Clear monday high 68 Low 49 Rain chance Adel Public Library B o o k o f t he w e e k Notes Left Behind by Brooke and Keith Desserich Six-year-old Elena Desserich dreamed of being a teacher. And although a rare brain tumor took her life, Elena taught her family and others to appreciate the miracle of everyday living. Written by her parents as a keepsake for their younger daughter, this book traces Elena's journey and reminds parents to cherish each day with their children. MAY CALENDAR S M T W T F 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 S 1 8 15 22 29 Schedule your MANY USED Pre-Season AC Check now. APPLIANCES PRICES REDUCED! FOR SALE Call Today. No reasonable offer refused!! 916 MAIN STREET IN ADEL • 993-4287 ADM Schedules May 16 ADM Commencement: 2:30 p.m. May 17 Varsity girls soccer at Harlan: 5 p.m. May 18 Varsity boys soccer vs. Carlisle: 7 p.m. May 19 District retirement reception: 4 p.m. FULLER'S JCT HWY 6 & 169 993-4001 Adel Adviser ADEL FAMILY FUN CENTER Come bowl with us! Lunch served daily at 10 a.m. 1526 Greene St., Adel • 993-3350 COMPASS FINANCIAL SERVICES Financial advice for the adventures of life. Securities offered through Linsco Private Ledger. Member NASD/SIPC STEVE CONARD 993-1887 • Fee-Based Financial Planning • Investment Services, IRAs & Qualified Plans Book your graduation catering now! Call 371-1993 Home Care & Personal Care Services Pam Walker - Owner 515-993-2253 www.careathomeiowa.com Russell-Slater Insurance Agency A division of River Valley Insurance 819 Main St-Adel-515-993-3515 Our team of independent agents is here to help you with all your insurance needs. Stop in or call today for free insurance review! Arnold Motor Supply Home of the “Parts Smart” people. 602 Greene Street, Adel, IA 50003 800-229-3473 • 993-4228 • Fax: 993-4220 ADEL VILLAGE APARTMENTS 2121 GREENE ST., ADEL | 993-4141 brendakelloway@mchsi.com Efficiencies, 1 and 2BR Secure building • Central Air Water/trash paid • Duplexes also available may 14, 2010 Horizon PRINTING CO. • 412 Greene STREET, ADEL be a deejay for an hour Put all your favorite tunes together and be a "DJ" for one hour June 11 & 12 during Relay For Life at ADM, with a $30 donation. Call Margo at 515-834-2990. tops club meetings TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Club #1211 meets on Mondays at 5:30 p.m. at the Raccoon Valley Community House, 1016 Main St., Adel. Our theme for 2010 is "It's My Time." Is it your time to lose weight and feel better about yourself? TOPS is here to help. For more information call Jane Graber 993-3421. To the community: All garage sales in Adel unless noted. for sale: Snare drum, stand, silence pad, great condition, $65/OBO. Call 515-491-7716. For Sale: 4 chrome wheels, polish chrome, 15x7 6 bolt for Dodge Durango. 4.5" over 6 bolt pattern, $125/OBO. Call 515-402-8448 ask for Bob or leave a message. OPEN HOUSE: 801 Vine St. in Dallas Center. Sat 5/15 9-3. PRICE REDUCED! Large 4BR, low maintenance exterior. Come check us out. Free: Lowrey organ Virtuoso model to someone who could do some repair. Small size with bench. Call Adel Manor to see 993-5096. VACATION LAWN SERVICE: Have your lawn perfectly manicured before you return home by an expert. Lawns mowed, trimmed, and lawn debris removed. A nice lawn is also security for your property. Charges are reasonable. References available. Regular mowing service also provided. Contact Ron Tryon at 993-3365 or 988-7096. house cleaning: Refs avail. Call Eva 993-4934 cookies: Variety of decorated, $4/doz. Call 993-4934. Wanted: Babysitter for nights and weekends. Call 515865-2207. moving Sale: Fri 5/14 8-11 & Sat 5/15 8-1. Microwave, air conditioner, couch, TV's, living room tables & misc. 1133 Prairie St. Garage Sale: Fri 5/14 8-3. Sansui speakers, kids toys, clothes, and books, paperback Westerns, adult clothes, household items. 1613 S 15th St. Garage Sale: Sat 5/15 8-2. Includes old combination recorder player/8 track/radio. New Pampered Chef bake pan, pancake griddles, and baked goods. Adel Manor, 504 Van Fossen Lane. Garage Sale: Fri 5/14 8-6 & Sat 5/15 8-4. Plants, Teen-Adult Clothes, Collectibles, Tools, Household Items. 1117 Sundance Circle. Moving Sale: Fri 5/14 8-4. Household items, books, plants, spoon collection, other collectibles. 1307 HyVue St. Garage Sale: Fri 5/14 8-5 & Sat 5/15 9-1. Craftsman chest tool box, tools, boys and girls clothing size 6-12, toys, books, and household items. 816 Grove St. Garage Sale: Fri 5/14 5-7 & Sat 5/15 8-2. Rain or Shine! Tools, 3 large area rugs, decorations, antiques, women's clothes, Antique Lion Coffee Bin, old quilts, and much misc. 1811 Greene St. Garage/craft/bake Sale: Fri 5/14 10-2. New Horizon at WCMHC. 2111 W. Greene (west on Hwy 6). Beginner Piano Lessons: Summer lesson openings for children. Please call Bethany Thompson at 979-3051 for more information. For Sale: Wilson junior golf clubs and bag. Putter, 7 & 9 irons. Right-handed. Includes tees and wiffle balls. $40. Leave message at 993-3417. For Rent: Adel, 2BR w/family room or 3rd BR, 1BA, 1 car att garage w/opener. W/D hook ups. $695 + sec. deposit. Call 993-3592. want to rent: Young couple with 2 children transferring to Adel looking for 3BR home to rent in Adel School District. Please call 515-971-6146. RIBS TO GO: Save the date! Sat 5/29. Order by Thurs 5/27. Cafe In The Park Catering and BBQ. Call 993-4121. For Sale: 2004 Buick LeSabre, CR/AC/PL/PW, maroon, 120,000 miles, mint cond, $4,600. Call 515-710-4558. Adel Veterinary Clinic Puzzle of the week: A thimble, top hat, Capt. Tony Nelson,a Albert Miller, a terrier dog J.R. Ewing See answer in Friday’s Adviser. Characters played by Larry Hagman 619 Greene St. Phone: 993-4707 Dr. Pat Rohret Dr. Elizabeth Holland Eric Schepers ChFC, CASL, CPCU 34!4%&!2-).352!.#% 516 Nile Kinnick Dr. S. Suite A • 993-3482 #HECKOUTOUR#$RATES 611 Nile Kinnick Dr. S., Adel | 993-3916 M-F 8-6 | Sat. 8-5 | Sun. 10-4 www.harveysgreenhouse.com “Your team at the State Capitol” Sen. Jerry Behn (R) 515-432-7327 Rep. Ralph Watts (R) 515-993-4850 jerry.behn@legis.state.ia.us ralph.watts@legis.state.ia.us Paid for by Behn for Senate. ★ Paid for by Watts for House. “We are proud to serve you in the ★ Iowa Legislature.” ★★
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