O P E N H E A R T S . O P E N M I N D S . O P E N D O O R S . the MESSENGER May 2015 B OW M I L L S U N I T E D M E T H O D I S T C H U R C H * B OW, N H “Our calling is to grow disciples who share God’s love with the world through loving community, spiritual discipline, and daily ministry in the spirit of Christ.” Inside this issue Gratitude/Thanks2 Great & Small 3 Wanakee4 Sunday School/Youth 5 Women Retreat 5 UMW6 BMUMC Happenings 7 NH District 8 NE Annual Conf. 9 Strawberry Festival 10 Kairos Prayer Vigil 11 Past Lourey Awarded 12 Community Info 13 Bible Reading/Prayer 16 Calendar17 Connect With Us 505 South Street Bow, New Hampshire 03304 T: 603-224-0884 E: pastor@bowmillsumc.com W: www.bowmillsumc.com Rev. Virginia Fryer - Pastor Pastor Lourey Savick, Director of Children & Youth Ministries Kathy Smith Admin Assistant Worship Service 9:00 am May 26th thru Sept 1st Childcare provided June News Materials for the Messenger are due 5/20. Pastor’s Reflection: In May, we traditionally celebrate Mother’s Day. Did you know the origins of the day have less to do with cards, candy and dinner for Mom and more to do with the prayer of mothers everywhere for peace? What mother doesn’t wish a better world for her own children?? Mother’s Day historically began in 1872 when Julia Ward Howe (who wrote the Battle Hymn of the Republic) suggested that there be a day dedicated to peace. Howe had seen some of the worst effects of the Civil War, not only the deaths and injuries to the soldiers themselves, but the effect of this on their families and communities along with the economic devastation following the war, and the restructuring of economies of both North and South. Seeing war arise again in the world in the Franco-Prussian War, she called in 1870 for women to rise up and oppose war in all its forms. She wanted women to come together across national lines, to recognize what we hold in common above what divides us, and commit to finding peaceful resolutions to conflicts. She failed in her attempt to get formal recognition of a Mother’s Day for Peace. Her idea was influenced by Anna Jarvis, a young Appalachian homemaker who had attempted starting in 1858 to improve sanitation through what she called Mothers’ Work Days. She organized women throughout the Civil War to work for better sanitary conditions for Contineud to page 2 Contineud from page 1 both sides, and in 1868 she began work to reconcile Union and Confederate neighbors. Anna Jarvis’ daughter, also named Anna Jarvis, would of course have known of her mother’s work, and the work of Julia Ward Howe. Much later, when her mother died, this second Anna Jarvis started her own crusade to found a memorial day for women. The first such Mother’s Day was celebrated in West Virginia in 1907 in the church where the elder Anna Jarvis had taught Sunday School. And from there the custom caught on -- spreading eventually to 45 states. Finally the holiday was declared officially by states beginning in 1912, and in 1914 the President, Woodrow Wilson, declared the first national Mother’s Day. This year, in honor of this tradition of a Mother’s Day for Peace, I encourage you to reflect on what you individually and we collectively can do to attain peace in this world. May God’s peace prevail. Peace Pastor Virg Resources from Wikipedia and womenshistory.com Dear Church Family, We asked and you gave. The Welcome Home Ceremony for the Vietnam Veterans on April 18th was a complete success. The snacks we provided were very much appreciated as witnessed when veteran after veteran came around thank us. Thank you for providing all the wonderful cookies, bars and cupcakes. Thank you to the gracious helpers: Sandy and Steve Fisher, Margaret and Chuck Dinger, Nancy Johns and Al Brack. And a special thank you to Georgette Daugherty and her daughter, Mileva Loo, for being such wonderful inspirations. Bow Mills UMC continues to spread the love. Blessings to all of you, Ruth Brack Page 2 Thank You For Your Support! The Concord Coalition to End Homeless sponsored Community SouperFest was a tremendous success! With over 500 guests throughout the activities of the day, the community support was palpable. The majority of the guests came for the SoupFest portion of the event, and we didn’t run out of soup! Between sponsorships ahead of time and donations at the door, Community SouperFest netted $28,000 for the ongoing work of the Coalition and the City’s Plan to End Homelessness! Volunteers made this all possible , with over 140 participating before, during and after the FEST. We could not have done this without them. Thank you to all you wonderful volunteers!! Kids Night In – What an Adventure! SECOND FRIDAYS: MAY 8 AND JUNE 12TH GREAT AND SMALL BMUMC Children’s & Youth Ministries One Church, One Book Special Event May 11 In an all-church program for the whole family, YOU are invited to dust off, download, or check out Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. We encourage everyone to share this classic about the transformative power of compassion, and the value of friendship for young and old. This book has been chosen in support of the Sunday School and Mission team’s May focus on the work of the SPCA. A celebratory read-athon is planned for May 11th, starting at 1pm. Reading aloud, music, and activities will greet you--just drop by! Child supervision will be available, and we are looking for your help to make this event a success. Mark your calendars, break out your book and stay tuned for more information. Kids4Peace Pancake Breakfast, Sunday June 7th 8:00 – 9:00 am All proceeds benefit Kids4Peace fundraising and our two youth who are participating! Where: Bow Mills UMC, 505 South St, Bow Time: 6:00 to 9:00 pm Cost: FREE Who: children and youth (K- 12th Grade) All welcome church participant or NOT Children and youth can stay for an hour, or two or three! Parents are welcome to drop off and enjoy some alone time. Please invite friends, neighbors, family! Leaders include Nick and Emily Kotkowski, Cindy Sroda and Pastor Lourey Savick We are looking for more adult volunteer support as we seek to make this an every month event! If you are interested and willing to volunteer – contact Nick Kotkowski, Pastor Lourey or Pastor Virg Snacks will be provided, games and other adventures! RSVP or for more information: 603 224-0884 or nickandemily@comcast.net or virg.fryer@comcast. net or drop in! Can You...Pack a Suitcase for Any Situation? Yodel? Breakdance? Burp the Declaration of Independence? Prepare Yourself, Because A BMUMC Talent Show And Dessert Café Is Coming Friday May 29, At 7PM! Proceeds Benefit Camperships...More Info To Come! Pastor Lourey Savick, Director of Children & Youth Ministries To contact Lourey: loureym@gmail.com Available @ BMUMC by Appt. Wed. Afternoons Page 3 Wanakee United Methodist Center Needs YOU! Join us at one of our Work Days May 16 and June 6 Help New Hampshire’s only Methodist camp and retreat center maintain its facilities so it can provide a place for spiritual growth and renewal for all ages. We need volunteers to help “SPRING CLEAN” and open the camp for the summer. Can you do light carpentry, plant flowers, paint tables, clean dishes and buildings, set up crafts or docks, open up the cabins? All skill levels and ages needed! If you can come, you can help. All ages welcome! Meals provided! Church groups encouraged! To Make a difference, contact Wanakee: 603-279-7950 mail@wanakee.org 75 Upper New Hampton Rd, Meredith, NH 03253 CAMP WANAKEE NEWS Sign Up for Camp at Wanakee Wanakee Summer 2015 Theme: “Power Up! Living in the Spirit” Now is the time! Some events are already filling up. Get your Wanakee brochure from the table in fellowship hall or visit www.wanakee.org & send in your registration. There are camps for K - 12th grade. Bow Mills UMC already has FIFTEEN CAMPERS and a few ADULT VOLUNTEERS going this summer! Join our ever growing group!! Our church supports our campers by recognizing them and giving camperships. For more info, talk to Pastor Virg, Jen Flanders or Jen Litchfield (used to be Donoghue!) Congratulations to Jen and Bill Litchfield who were married here at Bow Mills at the end of February! God invites us into relationship with him through his Son Jesus Christ. Come and join us at Wanakee this summer as we discover all that Jesus can bring into our life when we begin a relationship with Him. In our daily Discoveries (or Bible studies), we will explore God’s word and see how God sent His Son to be a living example of how we should live our lives. In Wanakee’s community, campers make friends in small groups where they feel safe enough to share their ideas with others and talk about their own faith journey. Through Bible Discoveries, campfire discussions and fun activities, campers will explore God’s call and how they can act on that call to make a difference in the world. Campers are invited to begin or grow their relationship with Jesus. There’s no better place to be to experience God’s transforming love! Page 4 BMUMC Annual Womens Retreat at Geneva Point, Moultonboro, NH Before you know it, the sun will be warming us, the flowers will be popping up, and it will be time to head to Geneva Point for another fun womens’ retreat weekend from May 15-17, 2015! This year’s theme will be “faith mysteries.” You will have a chance to explore some of the mysteries of the Bible that you’ve always wondered about while sharing fellowship with others. The total cost of the weekend will be determined by the number attending but, $25 to register, there is still room so reserve your space today! Please make your check out to BMUMC and give it to Cindy Sroda. PLEASE DO NOT put it in the offering plate. A sign up sheet is posted in Fellowship Hall. Please see Sue Hodgkins, Cindy Sroda, or Pastor Virg with any questions (including financial assistance). If you are new to the church or have never been on retreat, we extend a special invitation to you to join us for a women’s weekend of fellowship and spiritual growth. MEN’S CHORUS Sunday School Mission Project Supporting the Animals sponsored by the Fifth & Sixth Grade classes. The Men’s Chorus will sing at the 10:30 service on May 17. All men are encouraged to be a part of this year’s Men’s Chorus. And for those non-singers among us, imagine this: no singing required! There will be two Thursday evening rehearsals, from 6:45 - 7:15 Thursday May 7, and again next week (May 14). Then we’ll meet at 10:00 on May 17 for a final run-through, and sing the anthem at the 10:30 service. Please join us! Contact Bill Anderson for more information (746-5520, banderson6@aol.com) We are the 5th-6th Grade Sunday School class and we are collecting donations for the SPCA. The collections will run April 21 to May 17. We are looking for Canned Kitten Food, Fleece Blankets, Heavy Duty 33 Gallon Trash Bags and Paper Towels. There will be a collection box in Fellowship Hall. We and the animals will appreciate all donations. Thank you, Abby, Nick, Ashley, Stephanie, Ellie and Ben Page 5 BMUMC UMW Tuesday May 19th at 6:00 PM we welcome all mothers, daughters, daughters-in-law, nieces, granddaughters and their friends to our annual Mother, Daughter, Friends Banquet! Our entertainment this year will be the Electric Praise Band from Wesley United Methodist Church. Please join us for this popular evening, with dinner catered by our very own United Methodist Men, who always provide us with a delectable dinner and scrumptious dessert! The cost is $8.00 per person, $4.00 for girls 6-12, and free for girls 5 and under. Don’t miss it! NH District Spring Meeting Saturday, May 16, 2015 9:00am to 3:00pm North Haverhill United Methodist Church 2900 Dartmouth College Hwy, No. Haverhill, NH (Note: coffee, snacks and registration 9:00 – program starts at 9:30) “Everything’s Coming Up Flowers” Hi Ladies… We are going to present a flowering garden of ideas on May 16th in North Haverhill… c o m e join us for inspiration. We hope you will feel “fresh as a daisy” after viewing our mini play on the history of Methodist Church in America. Of course, we Methodist women couldn’t just sit still and wait to see what would grow from the seeds scattered by the circuit riders. We had to get our hands dirty and work the soil. Come and hear about the beginnings of United Methodist Women. Through skits, we will show how we “harvested” ideas and extended our reach through missions throughout the world. We will learn about our plantings and growth leading to the “legacy program” that will ensure our work will continue for generations to come. The “seeds” were planted 150 years ago; we are still blooming from these original seeds. C o m e ...enjoy our mission history and promote our future through the “legacy program”. We invite you to “spring in “...be part of it...make it happen! We look forward to seeing you at the Spring Meeting, May 16th. Registration and coffee starts at 9am; program starts at 9:30am. Directions North Haverhill United Methodist Church (Church Phone: 603-787-6411) 2900 Dartmouth College Hwy, No Haverhill, NH From the north: Follow Route 302 West from Littleton, NH for approximately 22 miles to Woodsville. At the point at which Route 302 intersects with Route 10 near the Rite-Aid Pharmacy continue straight on Route 10 (Route 302 bears right). About 4miles. From the south: Take Interstate 93 North to Exit 26 in Plymouth, NH. Take Route 25 (Tenney Mountain Highway) West for a distance of 34 miles through many small towns to the “T” intersection of Route 25 and Route 10 in Haverhill, NH. Turn right onto Route 10 heading North. Less than half a mile. From southwestern New Hampshire/Southern Vermont: Take Interstate 91 North to Exit 16 in Bradford, VT. Bear right off the exit ramp. At the intersection ahead turn left at the traffic lights heading North on Route 5. Follow Route 5 for 7.5 miles from the traffic lights to Newbury, VT. Following the signs for Route 10 and North Haverhill, NH turn right and cross a bridge over the Connecticut River. At the stop sign, turn left onto Route 10. Proceed North approximately 4 miles. Page 6 What’s Happening at BMUMC Date Has Been Changed To May 30Th. 8:00 am to 1:00 pm The church yard sale will be held May 30th from 8 am to 1 pm . Items may be dropped off on Friday starting at 9 AM until 4:30. Please contact Beth Titus at 717-8254 if you cannot drop things off during those times or if you need to have your items picked up. Just about anything is accepted for the sale - clothing, jewelry, books, craft items, holiday items, toys & games, DVD’s, tools, kitchen items.... Remember the saying “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure!” Proceeds will go to the church General Fund. Mommy And Me, Thursday mornings 10:00 to 10:45 am, a weekly gathering for parents/grand parents and children 0 – 3 years; conversation, singing and games to play with your baby. Prayer And Praise 1st Tuesday of the month; 10 -11 am co-led by Rita McDonald and Pastor Virg 2nd Monday of the month, 6:00 – 6:30 co-led by Adam Heard and Pastor Virg Come join us as we pray together and express our praise to our Lord and Savior in a variety of ways. Intercession on behalf of our fellow parishioners, families, friends and neighbors around the world is our Christian duty. As God told Ezekiel, someone must stand in the gap. ~ Ezekiel 22:30. All are welcome. Choosing Foods For A Healthier Planet And A Healthier You Wednesday, May 6th, 2015 Presented by Susan Duddy, RD with slides and research by Sharon Palmer, RDN 6:00 pm for plant based foods potluck (recipe ideas: check out SharonPalmer.com or forksoverknives. com for starters) 6:45 pm for presentation, discussion and goal setting LOCATION: Bow Mills United Methodist Church , Phone: 2240884 ~ email: bowmillschurch@comcast.net Worship Notes: Upcoming Important Dates to note: • Sunday, May 17th – last day of Sunday School • Sunday, May 24th – move to summer schedule of one service only at 9:00 am, Youth Led Worship • Sunday, May 31st – Confirmation Sunday with communion • Sunday, June 14th – Children’s Day Worship – an Intergenerational Worship celebrating the ways God is at work among all ages here at Bow Mills! Tuesday Yoga Session INSTRUCTOR: Karen Kenney DAYS: Tuesday Nights DATE: March 24 – June 2 (No class 4/7, 4/14 & 5/19) TIME: 5:45 – 7:00pm COST: Drop-Ins $15/class PLACE: Bow UMC – Bow, NH Page 7 NH District Resource Day - with Elaine Heath 5/16/2015 Starts 8:30 am Rev. Dr. Elaine Heath is a highly sought theologian, apostolic preacher, teacher and prophet. She will discuss the church as a missional community of faith and the centrality of the Holy Spirit in Prayer, discernment and ministry. Communities that follow the Holy Spirit are nimble, open, trusting, risktaking, and embody Jesus in the world. Spirit-led faith communities are the future of the church in post-Christendom cultures. Come and explore the contours of a faith community that is deeply contemplative and apostolic. Register Today! Online Registration Available at www.neumc.org, Email: nhdistrict@neumc.org or Phone: 603225-3455 Up Coming Lay Servant Courses BASIC Course taught by Pam Maden Saturdays June 6 & 13, 2015 9am - 3pm Sanbornville UMC, Must attend both days. Registration at http://www.neumc.org On Line Courses Available BeADisciple.com offers several on-line courses each year that have been approved by the General Board of Discipleship as advanced courses in Lay Servant Ministries. Go to http://www.beadisciple.com/ layspeakingministries.html and be sure to scroll down to view them all. 2015-2016 New England Conference Scholarship Applications Available The New England Conference Scholarship Committee has announced the application for the 2015-16 academic year is now available. The deadline for submission is Wednesday, May 15. Scholarships are available to high school graduates who are current members of a United Methodist church in the New England Conference and currently attending or planning to attend college or a post-secondary educational institution (Post-graduate students are not eligible). Applicants for ministerial education assistance should consult the Board of Ministry. Please contact the Bow Mills UMC Office at 224-0884 or email at bowmillschurch@comcast. net for an application form. Annual Conference News We have started a page of Frequently Asked Questions to help folks through the process of registering/ preparing for the 2015 Annual Conference session. Wisit www.neumc.org for more information. We will update the page as new questions arise. If you have a question, send it to registrar@neumc.org, and we will get an answer for you. Page 8 New England United Methodist ANNUAL CONFERENCE EVENTS Manchester, NH Thursday to Saturday, June 18-20, 2015 Mosquito Stomp June 18 at 5:30PM starting in the Park outside Radison Hotel. Register for this walking witness through your Annual Conference Registration or at this Change the World Day page. Please use this Sponsor Form to collect pledges for you or your team. Paper registrations are available in the church office. To volunteer to help or other questions about the Mosquito Stomp, contact Scott Masters by email pastorscott2007@yahoo.com. New Life Old Shoes - New Life An ingathering of shoes for Africa and local agencies will take place outside the Radison Hotel between 3 and 6pm on Thursday June 18. Bring your new or gently used shoes to help us stomp out malaria and change the world! Drop off box will be available at BMUMC, starting mid May.Our goal is to give new life to at least 4,000 pairs of shoes! Quality Jewelry Donations With over 140 lives already saved through this project, Prema Devadhar invites donations of quality jewelry to be available during Annual Conference June 18-20, 2015 to benefit Imagine No Malaria. Quality Art and African items for the Silent Auction are also welcome. Send donations to the NH Distric Office, 19 Norwich St, Concord, NH 03301. Please send items as soon as possible. INM Contributions and Pledges Imagine No Malaria contributions and goal forms can be submitted during Annual Conference. Help us track our progress toward our goal by completing a goal form or submitting funds either during Conference or in advance. Form is in the church office. Volunteers Are you available and interested in helping any of these projects? Join one of the teams that make each of these exciting events successful! We look forward to hearing from you! Email to bonnie@ umfne.org to volunteer or for more information. Page 9 The Strawberries are coming June 27th - 10 to 2 The Strawberries Are Coming! Bow Mills United Methodist Church will hold its 7th Annual Strawberry Festival on Saturday, June 27th 10 am - 2 pm. There will be *delicious food *animals *great vendors with activities *a Balloon Artist *Kids Craft Castle for fun creation of tiaras and crowns *musical entertainment by Cat Tierney (traditional Irish music), The Dykens Boys (Hugh and Michael), The Bow Mills Junior Choir. Pastor Lourey will offer her *Blessing of the Animals at 10:15. Bring your pets or a picture for this blessing. *Strawberry Shortcake! And much, much more. Check out Bow Mills website for the latest “to date” vendors and activities. www.bowmillsumc. com Proceeds benefit the Concord Coalition to End Homelessness and Youth Mission Scholarships. Bring your family, friends and neighbors. Bow Mills invites you to come out, enjoy the day, the people and have lots of fun. Mark your calendar for June 27th. Free Admission – Rain or Shine Page 10 A Letter from CASA Dear Friends at Bow Mills UMC, By the time you finish reading this, more than 30 cases of child abuse will have been reported to authorities nationwide. By the end of today, that number will swell past 9,000. And four of those children will die at the hands of their abuser. All in a single day. When we take stock of these sobering statistics during April – National Child Abuse Prevention Month – it’s easy to be overwhelmed and to ask yourself, “What can I possibly do to make a difference?” The answer is, you can do a lot. Everybody can play a role in preventing child abuse and neglect by becoming advocates for children. For some of us, that advocacy comes in a formal role. Teachers, child care workers, health care providers and others who come into daily contact with children can be vigilant for signs of abuse and neglect. Their actions to report suspected abuse or to offer extra time and attention to fragile children can do more than make a difference. It can save lives. CASA (court-appointed special advocate) volunteers stand up for abused and neglected children, giving them a voice in an overburdened child welfare system that is hard-pressed to meet their individual needs. A CASA volunteer’s intense advocacy can break the cycle of abuse and neglect. Children with CASA volunteers find safe, permanent homes more quickly, are half as likely to re-enter the foster care system, and do better in school. That’s making a profound difference in the lives of hundreds of thousands of abused and neglected children across the country – over 1,000 on any given day right here in New Hampshire. But there are still far too many NH children who don’t have a CASA. CASA of NH is one of more than 900 CASA programs across the country committed to more than doubling our corps of volunteers by 2020 so that every child who needs a CASA volunteer has one. CASA volunteers are people who are: • Willing to participate in an in-depth training program • Strong communicators • Willing to commit to the life of at least one case • Able to pass a criminal and Child Protective Services background check • Over age 21 Your advocacy for children will not only help end child abuse, it will improve our community for everyone who lives here. Children who are abused and do not get the support they need to heal are more likely than other kids to drop out of school, end up homeless, turn to crime, and rely as adults on social welfare programs. When we work together to protect vulnerable children, we save lives. If you have any questions or need more information please do not hesitate to call me at 800-626-0622. Together we can create a powerful voice for New Hampshire’s children. Warm regards, Diane Valladares, Statewide Training & Recruitment Director. Kairos Prayer Vigil May 14Th Prayer is the foundation of a Kairos weekend and the prayers of the Christian community are so important for the team, the prison staff and especially the participants. Knowing they are being held in prayer every moment throughout the weekend by Christians locally - and all over the world - is very real and very powerful for these men who need so badly to experience Christ and His love for them. On the pass-through in fellowship hall are "Prayer Vigil Sign-Up" sheets for the coming weekend. They are broken down into one-half hour time slots. Please consider selecting one or more time slots and enter your name and hometown or church. Your commitment to, and participation in, this time of prayer is every bit as important as the act of going into the prison with the team members. Please accept this invitation to participate in the Kairos Ministry! Page 11 Pastor Lourey Receives Young Alumni Award from Wartburg College Posted on April 14, 2015 Wartburg College has traditionally encouraged its faculty, staff, students, and alumni to serve others in response to God’s grace. Alumni awards have been established to recognize alumni and friends of Wartburg College for their special achievements and contributions to the college, the church, their community, and the workplace. By recognizing these special achievements, we give living testimony to the goals and ideals of Wartburg College. Lourey Middlecamp Savick, Boston, Massachusetts Providing comfort in tough times comes with the territory of being a pastor. In Lourey Middlecamp Savick’s case, compassion is a calling, not a competency. Her journey since graduating with a religion degree has been only seven years, but at every step ahe has sought out ways to lift spirits. Savick singly shepherds a small, but growing flock at Peterborough United Methodist Church in New Hampshire. Despite a 77-mile commute from Boston, she has laid roots beyond the small town’s sanctuary. At a funeral home, she volunteers to officiate services for the unchurched. At a senior home, she holds a monthly service. She also serves as BMUMC Director of Children and Youth Ministries. Boston University School of Theology prepared her to lead a congregation. She co-founded a preaching club to gain experience beyond the curriculum and put her theater minor to use in aiding the ministry of the Seminary Singers choir. Between her first two years of seminary, Savick continued her education at an institute for cross-cultural studies in Ghana. She immersed herself in the experience, living in a hut for part of the summer while ministering to a village. While a student in Boston, the pastor of Savick’s church mentored her in pastoral care. She preached, performed music, and helped the congregation cope with transitioning out of its longtime home. Savick earned her Master of Divinity degree in the spring of 2011, married Wesley that summer, and began her ministry at Peterborough United Methodist the following summer. Pastor Lourey Savick holds a Masters in Divinity from Boston University School of Theology, and a BA in Religion, with a Minor in Theater from Wartburg College in Waverly, Iowa. She completed three months of contextual education in Tamale, Ghana in 2009. She is originally from Minnesota, smiles a lot, and loves “hot dish”. Pastor Lourey and her husband Wes live in Boston, MA, where Wes writes and directs theater. Pastor Lourey’s favorite form of worship is singing, and her favorite hymn is “Blessed Assurance.” Page 12 Parenting the Second Time Around This is a free 8 week workshop series for grandparents, relatives, and others who are parenting AGAIN! Tuesdays, beginning May 5th Riverbend Children’s Intervention Program, 105 Loudon Rd., Bldg. 3, from 10:30 - 12:00 For more information or to register, call Kathleen Egan at 228-0547 ext. 4041 Funding generously provided by: Healthy Beginnings Endowment of Concord Hospital Helping Hands, Healing Hearts Saturday, May 16 9am-1:30 pm at the Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Concord, 55 Bradley Street, Concord. This age appropriate, activity based program provides the opportunity for creative expression of grief and for the making of a commemorative “take home” craft. This program is for children ages 5-18 and their families who are adjusting after the loss of a loved one. Support and resources for parents and family members will be available. Pre-registration is required. To register, please call 224-4093, ext. 2828 or e-mail Carmella.dow@crvna. org Exhibition Of Civil Rights Icons An exhibition of Icons of the Civil Rights Movement will be on display at the Historical Society of Cheshire County, 246 Main Street, Keene through May 10. The exhibition consists of thirty icons of martyrs and leaders of this most transformative moment in American history. Using the classical medium of iconography, Cape Cod artist Pamela Chatterton-Purdy paints portraits and events using paint and gold leaf on wood. Blood Sunday, The Children’s Campaign, Martin Luther King, Jr., Rosa Parks, and Keene’s own Jonathan Daniels are among the images portrayed in the exhibition. Each icon is accompanied by a biographical or historical background paragraph written by the artisit’ husband, The Rev. Dr. David Purdy. The exhibition has been presented at more than twenty colleges and on Capitol Hill during the first inauguration of President Barack Obama. It is presented in the Monadnock area throught the coalition of churches and arts organizations and the Historical Society of Cheshire County. Page 13 April Bible Readings May 3rd Acts 8:26-40 Psalm 22:25-31 1 John 4:7-21 John 15:1-8 May 10th Mothers Day Acts 10:44-48 Psalm 98 1 John 5:1-6 John 15:9-17 May 17th Acts 1:15-17, 21-26 Psalm 1 1 John 56:9-13 John 17:6-19 May 24 Day of Pentecost Acts 2:1-21 Psalm 104:24-34, 35b Romans 8:22-27 John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 May 31st - Peace with Justice Sunday Isaiah 6:1-8 Psalm 29 Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17 PRAYER CALENDAR Prayer is the lifeblood of the church. We pray for everyone in the church for a week at a time, holding them in God’s light, that they may know God’s blessing and do God’s will in their daily ministry as followers of Christ. Join us in praying for one another Prayer List for May 2015 Week of 3rd Abby Dean & Bobby Koenig, Leah Dean, Matthew Koenig, Amelia Dean-Koenig, Izabella Dean-Koenig Evelyn Dean Thom & Patti Dean, Rebekah Week of May 10th Louise Demain George & Joyce Demirjian Margaret & Charlie Dinger, Talia, Anya & Xavier Week of May 17th Jim & Brenda Dodson, Julia, Kevin, Stephanie & Brian Marge Drake Sandy Drouin, Kyle & Teresa Drouin, Ariana Week of May 24th Ron & Susan Duddy Hugh & Susan Dykens, Ian, Caleb & Anna Bob & Sandy Eldredge, Brian & Christie Week of May 31st – June 6th Dan & Mearlene Filkins, Jacob & Quentin Steve & Sandy Fisher Jennifer Flanders, Tyler & Rafe Baker Page 14 May 2015 – Bow Mills UMC SUNDAY 3 Worship 8:00 & 10:30 am Friends of Forgotten Children Collection MONDAY 4 Sacred Dance Children 6--6:30pm Adult 6:30-7:30pm TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 1 2 Friday Open Doors 8:00 - noon Trustee Clean Up Day 8:30-12:30 5 (TOPS 8:30 am) 7 8 6 Friday Open Piano Lessons Mommy & Me 10-10:45am Doors 3:15-6:15 pm 8:00 - noon Prayer & Praise Confirmation (OEA 10am 4-6pm 5:15 – 6:45 p.m.) Junior Choir Kids Night In 6-9pm (TOPS - 5:00 pm) ( Book Group at 6– 6:45 pm the Blackadar’s CHOIR – 7:00 p.m Missions 7pm – 7:00 p.m.) Sustainable Church World Church World Service Depot Service Depot Kairos of NH Lifestyle Mis9-2pm 9-2pm 7-9pm (S) sion Program 6pm 9 (Kairos Outside – Executive Council – 9:00 a.m. – noon) 14 15 13 Piano Lessons (Concord VNA Friday Open Doors 3:15-6:15 pm Senior Clinic 8:15 am–12:30 pm) 8:00 - noon Bible Study 9:30am Trustees-6:45pm Mommy & Me 10-noon (Bow Quilter’s (OEA Club 6:30pm) (TOPS - 5:00 pm) Confirmation 5:15 – 6:45 p.m.) Yoga 5:45-7pm 4-6pm Junior Choir SPRC 7pm 6– 6:45 pm Church Council Womens CHOIR – 7:00 p.m. 7pm Retreat 16 (Kairos Outside Retreat 11-3) 11 One Book One Worship Church 1pm 8:00 & 10:30 am Sacred Dance Children Sunday School 9:15 am 6--6:30pm Adult 6:30-7:30pm Prayer&Praise 6pmStephen Ministry– 6:45 pm 12 (TOPS 8:30 am) 17 18 Worship (SEA-Retired 8:00 & 10:30 am Chapter Last Day of 11am-3:30pm) Sunday School 9:15 am Sacred Dance Womens Children 6--6:30pm Retreat Adult 6:30-7:30pm 19 (TOPS 8:30 am) 10 Mothers Day (Outside organizations in parentheses) 20 Snowman Fair Meeting 9:30qm (Stamp Club Piano Lessons 1:30pm) 3:15-6:15 pm (TOPS - 5:00 pm) Confirmation 4-6pm ( Book Group at the Blackadar’s Mother – 7:00 p.m.) Daughter UMC Mentor Banquet 6pm Group 6:30-8:30p (S) 21 22 Friday Open Mommy & Me Doors 10-noon (OEA 8:00 - noon 5:15 – 6:45 p.m.) Wanakee Work Day District Day @ First UMC Gilfrod 9:00 Womens Retreat 23 Junior Choir 6– 6:45 pm CHOIR – 7:00 p.m. Messenger Deadline 24 Worship 9 am Friendly Kitchen 25 Memorial Day 26 (TOPS 8:30 am) Bible Study 9:30am (TOPS - 5:00 pm) Yoga 5:45-7pm 28 29 30 27 Rummage Sale Piano Lessons Mommy & Me Friday Open 10-noon Doors 3:15-6:15 pm 8:00 - noon UMM 5:30pm (OEA 5:15 – 6:45 p.m.) Confirmation Junior Choir BMUMC Talent 4-6pm 6– 6:45 pm Show & Dessert CHOIR – 7:00 p.m. Cafe 7pm 31 Peace & Justice Sunday Confirmation 9am Worship 9 am Page 15
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