Chichester in Partnership Newswire Edition 29 May 2015 NEWS It seems that this newsletter is proving very popular and there is so much going on that we are going to try for a monthly bulletin. If you have anything you want to put in the bulletin the deadline for input is the 3 Thursday of every month. If you want to be our partner profile please get in touch. Please note the additional logo : this is because it is Dementia Awareness Week and there is some exciting stuff going on in Chichester to support this, as you will see below. rd Events Chichester Core Group Meeting – 11 June 2015, Committee Rooms, Chichester District Council Chichester in Partnership Core Group meeting is being held on the 11June 2015, 2pm Committee rooms. All partners are welcome to come and observe this meeting. Agenda items include: th Review of Chichester In Partnership – A discussion about the future of the partnership Tackling Financial Exclusion – A discussion of the issues and possible solutions University of Chichester will be presenting on its future plans Chichester District Council will be presenting on it Get Healthy Get active Project If you would like to attend please or want more information about the partnership please contact Amy Loaring at Chichester Dementia Action Alliance Launch 23rd May 11-2pm on the Cathedral Green with live music from The Big Pyramid Band. We hope to get people singing and dancing to show that 'life doesn't end when dementia begins'. As part of the Living with Dementia Festival, Chichester Festival Theatre are also holding their celebratory Tea Dance on Saturday 23 May 2.30pm – 4.30pm at Vicar’s Hall, next to Chichester Cathedral. Tickets cost £5, including refreshments and can be purchased online at or by telephone on 01243 813595. If you would like to bring a group please call the Cathedral to book, supporting staff will not be charged but please let them know total numbers so we know how many people to cater for.We do have a bursary fund for those who would otherwise not be able to join us, please let me know if you would like to access this before booking – This project has been part funded by Chichester In Partnership. Become a Dementia Friend Do you come into contact with members of the public through your job or have you got a personal interest in finding out more about living with Dementia and how to recognise the signs and symptoms all you need to do is attend a free 1 hour Dementia Friends session. Dementia Friends Sessions are being held on; 26th May, St Paul's church Hall - 11:30am 26th May, New Park Centre - 2.30 and 5.30pm 27th May, Thomas Eggar Office, 11.30 and 2pm 27th May, New Park Centre, 5.30pm 28th May, Thomas Eggar Office, 11.30, 2.30 and 5.30pm 29th May, New Park Centre, 11.30, 2.30 and 5.30pm 2nd June, No73 Aldingbourne Drop In, 8am, 9am, 10am, 12pm, 1pm, 2pm 5th June, St Wilfrid's Hospice, 9.45am To book online please go to or call 01243 521041 for more information VAAC Networking Event (Volunteering) - Thursday 2nd July 2015, 10am - 12pm at the Base Skate Park, Southern Cross Industrial Estate, Bognor Regis. Join us to look at; writing better role descriptions, recruitment of volunteers, introduction to microvolunteering. To register please contact Carol or telephone the main office on 01243 840305. Please be aware, accessibility is by a short, single staircase to first floor room - read more Monitoring and Evaluation Training - Monday 22nd June 2015, 9.30am - 12.30pm in the Council Chamber, Bognor Regis Town Hall. Come and join us to; identify your outputs and outcomes, find out what date to collect, explore different methods and tools, discuss ways of suing and sharing your findings. To register please contact Carol or telephone the main office on 01243 840305 - read more Opportunities / Consultation Give us your views on what types of public computers should be in our libraries. For more information click here Library customers across West Sussex are being asked to give their views on what types of computer and software will best meet their needs in the future. Chichester In Partnership Working groups. Get involved Chichester in Partnership has a number of working groups developing its projects that are listed below. If you think your organisation would like to get involved in any of these working groups please contact Amy on the contact details below to discuss. Worklessness Group – taking forward the Getting People into work strategy Young people & Working Skills – A sub group of the above looking at how we can develop life skills in young people Mental Wellbeing group - looking at how we can support people with low level mental health needs. Communications Group – Looking at how we can coordinate promotion of campaigns and local community engagement between partners. News New cabinet is announced at Chichester District Council. For more information click here Chichester District Council has announced its new Cabinet, Chairman and Vice-Chairman, following the recent district elections. The Novium Museum in Chichester wins public vote to work with award-winning artist. For more information click here Thousands of people have backed The Novium Museum in Chichester and helped it come top in a national public vote to work with an acclaimed artist. Recent rise in thefts from sheds and outbuildings Over the last two weeks in the Chichester District there have been a significant amount of thefts from garages, sheds, outbuildings and stables. Offenders are cutting padlocks and forcing secure doors and the majority of thefts are occurring during night time hours. The items that are being stolen are garden machinery, tools, ride on mowers, quad bikes and horse tack. We are urging all residents, predominantly those in rural areas, to ensure that their property is identifiable by taking photographs. Store all valuable equipment and tools in a secure building with a well built, locked door. Use British Standard locks, good quality locking bars and high security padlocks. Windows can be protected with metal bars. Always lock outbuildings when they're not in use. A worthwhile investment is fitting outside security lights controlled by an automatic time-switch or infra-red beams. Consider installing CCTV. 'Follow' us on Twitter and Instagram @chi_police and 'Like' us on to be kept up to date with the latest news and crime prevention advice from your local officers. You can also follow @ChiCityTeam, and @CInspBurtenshaw. Theft from Vehicles The Chichester Community Safety Partnership is working hard to reduce criminal activity across the district by raising awareness of car crime. Beauty spot car park thefts increase over the Spring / Summer period and we would urge you to follow our top tips below to reduce the chances of you becoming a victim of car crime. Not only will you be making yourself less vulnerable, but you will be actively helping to reduce car crime in your neighbourhood. You may think that you already do everything possible to prevent your car being targeted, but you need to be constantly aware of the threat of car crime. Here are some of our top tips: Always secure your vehicle; Park safely, be aware of who might be watching you in the car park remove all valuables from your vehicle, if possible do not take them out with you in the first place, Remove the Sat Nav holder from your windscreen and rub off any marks left behind. If possible leave your parcel shelf partly open and your glove compartment open to show there is nothing of value in them, this may make your vehicle less attractive to thieves. remove personal mail and documents; Fit an immobiliser and alarm. ChooseWork is going rural! ChooseWork our very successful work experience project is now expanding to the rural areas of the district. Steve and Sarah our Choosework coordinators will be running regular drop in sessions in rural areas that any residents can attend. They are basically drop in sessions where anybody can go in and have some help for getting back to work. No need to book them on and its completely free. No age limits anyone can go just tell people about them and encourage them to go. If you would like to support these workshops please contact me on the contact details below. Starting in March Fernhurst, the Fernhurst centre, 10.30-12.30, 2 Tuesday of every month Midhurst, South downs national park – 10-12, 3 Monday of every month Tangmere, the Hive, 10-12 , 4 Tuesday of every month Petworth- Sylvia Beaufoy centre, 3 Tuesday of every month 10-12 nd rd th rd Partner Profile – Chichester Dementia Action Alliance. The role of the alliance is to work towards removing the stigma around dementia, and educate the public about how it can impact on people’s lives. We want to work with local people and businesses to ensure that when people use local services they can do so knowing that their staff are trained to understand their needs. The alliance wants people to use social media to say ‘I am a #ChichesterDementiaFriend’ or ‘We’re #ChichesterDementiaFriends’ to promote awareness of the disease. We also want to form a focus group so that we can better understand what it’s like for people living with Dementia in Chichester. If you have dementia or care for someone who has dementia and would like to be part of a focus group please call Chichester wellbeing on 01243 521041 or email Dates for Diaries CIP Core group dates for 2015 11 June, 2pm, Committee Rooms, Chichester District Council 8 September, 2pm, West Sussex County Council 2 December, 2pm, Committee Rooms, Chichester District Council th th nd If you want more information about Chichester in Partnership/ Chichester Community Safety Partnership please contact Amy Loaring at or go to the Chichester in Partnership website
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