Recycling Green Waste - Boxgrove Parish Council

East Pallant House, 1 East Pallant, Chichester PO19 1TY
Tel: 01243 534679 Email:
Date of Release: 17 April 2015
Ref: 3512
Residents across Chichester District will be able to boost
recycling rates thanks to new technology
Residents across Chichester District will be able to turn more green waste into
compost thanks to new technology.
Chichester District Council has introduced two new trucks to its green waste service.
The vehicles operate using a revolving drum. As material is collected and loaded into
the truck, the drum rotates and pushes it down, compacting it tightly which means
even more green waste can be collected.
The green waste service costs less than £1 a week. Collections take place fortnightly
and the material collected is then turned into compost by The Woodhorn Group,
based in Oving, Chichester. The service currently has 11,000 customers.
The new trucks have a number of benefits:
fewer moving parts which means less maintenance and fewer repairs;
they are lighter than conventional trucks which means less fuel;
unpleasant odours are reduced; and
the trucks produce less noise.
The trucks are also enhanced by an attractive livery design of a lawnmower which
mimics the way the drum works. The trucks have already started to be used on
green waste rounds.
John Hoole, Transport Manager at Chichester District Council, says: “We are always
looking for ways to improve our services to benefit residents. We are really pleased
with the new vehicles and think they will make a huge difference.”
For more information about joining the green waste collection service call 01243
534619, email or see
For further information, please contact Clare Hawkin,
Public Relations Officer, on 01243 534679