Chichester Partnerships Newswire Edition 27 April 2015 NEWS Hope you all had a lovely Easter and did not eat too many chocolate eggs. Below are some highlights of what is going on at the moment. If you wish to submit news articles or want to be our partner profile please get in touch. Events Have you signed up to the Reaching Rio challenge yet? It starts next week. For more information click here There’s still time for teams to sign up to this year’s Reaching Rio workplace challenge. But you’d better hurry – the challenge starts next week. Special forum to be launched for sports clubs and organisations across Chichester District. For more information click here Sports clubs and organisations across Chichester District are invited to be part of the Community Sports Forum being launched in April. Tea & Chat at St Pancras Village Hall, Chichester Free advice over a friendly cup of tea or coffee is available at The St Pancras Village Hall every 2 , 3 and 4 Tuesday of the Month. A group of local housing, health, wellbeing, welfare, work & benefits advisers have clubbed together to provide free information and support in a variety of issues with how to get help and where to get help from. The aim of the Tea & Chat Group of Support Workers is to provide a friendly and relaxed venue for anyone to come along to spend some time, meet with friends and to access information into local services. Everyone is welcome. We also have regular guest specialist providers, such as Shop Mobility and the Fire Services. This social meeting is open house, so available to everyone: including all types of housing needs whether you live in Social Housing, Privately Rented, Home Ownership or you are Homeless. Do you have a group who would like to meet regularly at Tea & Chat? Would you like to volunteer to help our Host make the tea and greet visitors? Next Meetings: 14 , 21 , 28 April 12 , 19 26 May For further information come along between 10am – 12 noon , Or contact: Camilla O’Brennan – Tenancy Sustainment Coordinator – The Hyde Group nd rd th th st th th th th Fundraiser Network - Wednesday 13th May 2015, 9.30am - 12.30pm at Bersted Green Learning Centre. For more information click here Next session will focus on hints and tips on how to write compelling and successful grant applications with advice from South Downs National Park and Sussex Community Foundation Living with Dementia Festival set to begin across Chichester. For more information click here A new festival is being launched in Chichester to encourage people living with dementia to take part in the arts with family and friends. Opportunities Communities across Chichester District can benefit from a share of £400,000. For more information click here Communities in Chichester District where new houses have been built are being offered a share of £400,000 to spend on projects to improve their areas. Prevention & Wellbeing Grants Programme 2015/2016. For more information click here West Sussex County Council is pleased to announce that the Prevention & Wellbeing Grants Programme for 2015/2016 is now open to applications from Voluntary and Community organisations and groups until Friday 24th April, 2015. News An extra pair of #HelpingHands to tackle child sexual exploitation. For more information click here The fight against child sexual exploitation (CSE) has been given a boost by the county’s Police & Crime Commissioner Katy Bourne. Introducing the new local policing model for Sussex. For more information click here Sussex Police have unveiled its vision for policing. It will make significant changes over the next four years to ensure local police services are directed to where they are most needed. A decade of protecting the vulnerable with Community Fire Link. For more information click here Since 2005 West Sussex Fire & Rescue Service has installed over 12,000 Community Fire Link (CFL) smoke detectors as part of their Home Fire Safety Visits for those people using telecare community monitoring systems like Careline and Lifeline. ChooseWork is going rural! ChooseWork our very successful work experience project is now expanding to the rural areas of the district. Steve and Sarah our Choosework coordinators will be running regular drop in sessions in rural areas that any residents can attend. They are basically drop in sessions where anybody can go in and have some help for getting back to work. No need to book them on and its completely free. No age limits, anyone can go. If you would like to support these workshops please contact me on the contact details at the end of this email. Starting in March Fernhurst, the Fernhurst centre, 10.30-12.30, 2 Tuesday of every month Midhurst, South downs national park – 10-12, 3 Monday of every month Tangmere, the Hive, 10-12 , 4 Tuesday of every month Petworth- Sylvia Beaufoy centre, 3 Tuesday of every month 10-12 nd rd th rd Partner Profile – Neighbourhood Policing Team Neighbourhood Policing Teams (NPTs) are the most visible side of policing, offering assistance and reassurance. They let us hear what local people want their local police to do and what their priorities are. They work with local people and our partners to achieve lasting solutions, as this is key to building safer neighbourhoods and stronger communities. Currently they are conducting scam awareness presentations they are asking if anyone runs any groups attended by vulnerable people who would benefit for an input on the types of scams that are going around at the moment to get in touch. Please contact Laura Marmolejo, Public Engagement Officer, Chichester Neighbourhood Policing Team, Chichester Police Station, Tel: 101 Ext : 580213 Mobile : 07775406766, @chi_police Dates for Diaries CIP Core group dates for 2015 11 June, 2pm, Committee Rooms, Chichester District Council 8 September, 2pm, West Sussex County Council th th 2 December, 2pm, Committee Rooms, Chichester District Council nd If you want more information about Chichester in Partnership/ Chichester Community Safety Partnership please contact Amy Loaring at or go to the Chichester in Partnership website If you have any news articles/ Press releases that you want included in this newswire and on our website please use the contact details below. Alternatively if you would like to be added to the circulation list for this newswire, or if you no longer wish to receive it, please contact: Amy Loaring, Chichester District Council, East Pallant House, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1TY, Tel: 01243 534726, email:
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