May 2015 - Boulevard Park Presbyterian Church

MAY 2015
Senior Pastor Search
Session Makes Recommendation
By Jon Recker, Elder
During the last few weeks the search committee reviewed
and ranked our top four candidates, each of whom had
gone through at least two rounds of phone interviews. All
of these men are excellent pastors, so in order to tighten
our focus the committee created a standardized "score
sheet" to rank each candidate's strengths and weaknesses.
The categories we evaluated were those listed in the job
description drafted by the Session (preaching, teaching,
shepherding, administration, etc.)
Members of the search committee individually scored
each of the four pastors, then we all met to compare our
assessments. This process revealed
two men who clearly stood out as
our top candidates, so the committee asked each of them to participate
in a third interview focused primarily on theology. We quizzed them on
their personal theological beliefs, their
thoughts on the doctrine and practices
of Boulevard Park, and how they would approach numerous hot-button subjects in the modern church. These were
the longest and most intense interviews to date, and the
committee came away with a very solid understanding of
each pastor’s theology.
While both men are outstanding pastors, the committee concluded that one candidate would clearly be a better
fit for Boulevard Park. Although he is currently serving
on the mission field, God had providentially arranged for
him to be in the Seattle area during April, and even to be
guest-preaching at a local church. The full committee was
therefore able to hear him preach in person and to spend
time meeting with him and his wife. So after two intense
months of investigation, discussion, and prayer, the committee decided to recommend this candidate to the Session.
After reviewing his application materials, past sermons,
and several glowing letters of recommendation, the
Session invited him to an in-person interview on April 22.
After a wide-ranging interview of nearly three hours,
the full Session voted unanimously to recommend Pastor
Bud Diener as the next Senior Pastor at Boulevard Park
Presbyterian Church.
Bud, his wife Teresa, and their five children have a long
history in the northwest. He joined the staff of Overlake
Christian Church as a pastoral intern in 1983, became the
youth pastor in 1985, and then in 1989 planted Evergreen
Church in Sammamish. Pastor Bud served as the senior
pastor at Evergreen for 18 years, during which time he also led multiple
short-term mission trips focused on
training pastors overseas. In 2007 God
called Bud to move to South Africa to
train pastors, teach, preach, and share
the Gospel. Due to changes in South
African immigration law his ministry
there will soon be coming to a close, and both the search
committee and the Session believe that God has called him
to Boulevard Park at just the right time.
According to our Constitution, the final step in calling
a pastor is approval by the congregation. The Session has
invited Pastor Bud to preach during the worship service
on June 7, and a congregational meeting will follow. If
approved by the congregation, we expect Bud to join us
full-time in early fall. It will take a few months for him to
wrap up affairs in South Africa and move back to Washington, but we expect a smooth transition and will be in communication with him during the summer.
The search committee and Session thank you for your
continued prayers. Please join us in giving praise to God
who has proven Himself “able to do immeasurably more
than all we ask or imagine!” (Eph. 3:20).
To hear a recent sermon that Pastor Bud preached at Christ’s Church in
Federal Way, go to and find the sermon tab. Select Audio Only
and look for Bud Diener on April 12.
Other Resources: (blog) (twitter) (South Africa Mission)
The Session has invited
Pastor Bud Diener to preach
during the worship service on
Sunday, June 7.
Marc's Remarks
Jars of Clay
By Pastor Marc
Boulevard Park Press
May 2015
Published Monthly by
Boulevard Park Presbyterian Church
1822 S 128th Street
Burien, Washington 98168-2903
Pastor: Marc Gronholz
Service: Sunday at 10:15 a.m.
Press Staff
Editor: Eva Lee Henderson
Reporter: Ellyn Roe
Photography: Celeste Christensen
Proofreader: Peggie Recker
The Press is available in color on
the church website.
June Deadline: May 15
Phone 206-988-3918
does extraordinary things in and through an
I’ve had the privilege of officiating at three
ordinary clay pot, God gets the glory.
memorial services over the past month, inPaul goes on: 8“We are hard pressed on
cluding the service for my sister Melanie who
finally succumbed to complications from the
every side, but not crushed; perplexed but not
West Nile Virus that she contracted about six
in despair; struck down, but not destroyed.”
years ago. I’ve been impressed all over again
Life feels like that sometimes. We are “hard
with how both incredible and fragile our
pressed” but “not crushed” because we know
bodies are. We have the God-given ability to
that “God is our refuge and strength, a very
do so many things, yet are so susceptible to
present help in trouble” (Ps. 46:1). We become
devastating micro-organisms. We are indeed
“perplexed,” often asking, “Why, God?”
“fearfully and wonderfully made.”
But “not despairing” because we know that
On top of that, “Christ dwells in (our)
“in all things God works together for good…”
hearts through faith” (Eph. 3:17) and “through
(Rom. 8:28). And sometimes we are “struck
us spreads everywhere the fragrance of the
down” – by disease, by death, by persecution
knowledge of Him” (2 Cor. 2:14). So God uses
(as evident with ISIS) – but “not destroyed”
these fragile creations of His to communicate
because we look forward to heaven and
His love and His grace and His glory “among
those who are perishing” (2 Cor. 2:15). This
“16 Therefore we do not lose heart. Though
prompts the Apostle Paul to then write this in
outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we
2 Cor. 4:7-18):
are being renewed day by day. 17 For our light
“ But we have this treasure in jars of clay
and momentary troubles are achieving for us
an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.”
to show that this all-surpassing power is from
My sister experienced that. There were times
God and not from us. 8 We are hard pressed on
when she felt hard pressed with pain and
every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in
bleakness. There
despair; persecuted,
were times when
but not abandoned;
struck down, but not When God does extraordinary things she was perplexed,
“Why, God?”
in and through an ordinary clay pot, asking
She was certainly
He says, “we
God gets the glory.
struck down –
have this treasure
confined to a bed
in jars of clay.” What
and motorized
is this treasure?
wheel chair and at the mercy of her care givers.
The treasure is nothing less than Jesus Christ
But she didn’t lose heart. She experienced
Himself. “But we have this treasure in jars of
God’s love and grace and mercy each day.
clay…” This treasure of Jesus and his transMelanie knew that these “light and momentary
forming power and the privilege of sharing the
troubles were achieving for (her) an eternal glory
gospel is wrapped up in these bodies of flesh
that far outweighs them all.” She’s experiencing
and bones which are “jars of clay” – they are
that “eternal glory” right now.
fragile, and they break easily, and certainly
So how is your “jar of clay”? Don’t forget
they are not much to look at – more true for
it contains a “treasure” – Jesus Himself. And
some than others. Why would God put such
God calls us to share this treasure, wrapped
a valuable treasure in such delicate containin these jars of clay, with a world that is
ers? Paul says, “to show that this all-surpassing
“perishing” so that He gets the glory – even
power is from God and not from us.” You see,
when we are hard pressed, perplexed and
if this treasure were in a Ming Dynasty vase
struck down. These things we are going
(pronounced “vause”), the focus and attention
through result in “eternal glory”. So do not
would be on the vase itself – not the treasure
lose heart.
inside. The vase gets the glory. But when God
2 May 2015 Boulevard Park Press
Tending the Flock
Encouragement and Exhortation
By Siggi Finnsson, Elder
We as a church have just gone through an
assessment led by Dr. Gordon Penfold from
Fresh Start Ministries and assisted by Pastor
Tom Schiave from Gateway Church in Portland, Oregon. We appreciate the fact that
about half the congregation participated by
completing a survey and many took time to
be interviewed by Gordon and Tom.
Pastor Gordon preached on Christ’s vision
which included “Seeking and Saving the Lost”
(Luke 19:1-10); “Serving and Giving His Life
a Ransom” (Mark 10:45); His objective – “For
it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things
and by whom are all things, in bringing many
sons to glory, to make the captain of their
salvation perfect through sufferings” (Hebrews
2:10); and the eternal consequences – “Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and
given Him the name which is above every
name, that at the name of Jesus every knee
should bow, of those in heaven, and of those
on earth, and of those under the earth, and
that every tongue should confess that Jesus
Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father”
(Philippians 2:9-11).
Pastor Gordon then shared his findings.
There was encouragement and exhortation:
We as a congregation place a high value on
the Word of God; we love our church and have
a passion to reach the world and community
with the gospel; we are a welcoming and
caring people who have a strong commitment
to volunteerism.
But like the majority of churches in
America (80-85%), our attendance and
membership are declining. We are getting
older and the younger generation is not well
represented. Communication within our body
needs to be improved.
There is, however, great hope and we as
elders feel very encouraged and excited about
what the future holds. In particular this will
include prayer, and we ask everyone to join us
in that. We as a congregation need to discuss
the findings, and with that in mind we are
planning opportunities such as round table
discussions. Be expecting invitations and
further communication along those lines.
Meet Your Elder
Siggi Finnsson was born in Iceland and by the age of ten, had lived in Denmark, Switzerland and Iceland. He has
a couple of engineering degrees and has worked for two different companies in his career. He’s currently in
his 20th year with Digital Control, an electronics engineering and manufacturing company which is involved in
underground utility construction. Siggi has been married for twenty-six years to Lisa, a faculty member in the
Occupational Therapy Assistant Program of Green River Community College. They have three children, Karl who
is a senior at WSU studying Computer Science, Emma, a freshman at WSU focusing on Mechanical Engineering and
Tomas, a sophomore at Decatur High School.
Siggi has been at BPPC since 1996 and has been an elder since 2009. This is his second term on Session where
his specific responsibility is serving on the business committee. Siggi enjoys reading history and biographies and
enjoys traveling. He still continues to play football of the round ball variety which he has done for most of his life.
with us
Gracious God, Our Heavenly
Our hearts cry out to You in
pain for persecuted Christians around the world.
The images of Your followers
being killed because they
love You are chilling, yet we
are inclined toward forgetfulness and complacency
because such severe persecution has not yet happened in
America. Quicken our hearts
to pray consistently for your
Church to be strong in the
persecution You told us we
should expect. We ask for
Your perfect and complete
comfort for the loved ones
of those martyred.
We ask these things in the
name of Your Son, Whose
Name will be proclaimed in
every nation. Amen.
If you would like to share
a brief prayer that we
can pray as a congregation, please contact the
Press editor.
Prayer-Walking the Talk
By Gail James
Since filling out the questionnaire in early April from Fresh Start Ministries and then hearing
what was said by Dr. Gordon Penfold, I have been praying and asking the Lord what more He
wants me to be doing at BPPC and in the surrounding community. It was pressed upon my heart
to offer to others what I am currently doing in my own neighborhood.
I am taking the Perspectives Class and have been led to pray walk in my Fourth Avenue
South neighborhood. The Lord has started opening doors and opportunities and I’ve had some
talks, which have been very interesting to say the least. It is exciting for me to be used by God
to spread His love in my own little community. If you are interested in pray walking your own
neighborhood, I would be happy to join you. Please give me a call at 206-935-1710 and let’s go
win our neighbors for Christ.
Boulevard Park Press May 2015 3 Youth Update
on the Move!
To All Parents and Friends of Youth!
On April 23, 2015, BPPC New
Tribes missionaries Noe and Lisa
Martinez with daughters Naya
and Jocie moved into the Tigak
tribe in Papua New Guinea.
Their life work there will be
translation, church planting and
discipleship. 2018 or later will
likely be their first furlough
back to the US.
They would love to hear from
you! (A Lot!)
To mail cards or packages to
PNG, contact Ellyn Roe
(turn page sideways for email
and social media options)
Youth and leaders are still gathering regularly
on Sundays at 6 p.m. for Youth Group. If you
know a junior high or high school student who
may be looking for some Christian community, please invite them to Youth Group!
We plan to continue gathering during the
summer months (likely Wednesday evenings)
for things like barbecues, bon-fires, local
adventures, music, small-group discussion,
storytelling and more. Obviously we want students to invest their summer with an eternal
perspective in mind – not waste it.
If you'd like to receive my emails about
youth activities and opportunities, please
email me at
By Craig Hall
How you can be praying for us:;; (Lisa), (Lisa’s Blog)
The majority of Boulevard's young disciples are in 7th, 8th and 10th grade. Please
pray for wisdom that we might understand
which experiences or ministries will most
clearly and contextually point them to Jesus.
A few of us are planning to join Young
Life for a High School Discipleship weekend at
their Malibu property in B.C. Please pray that
the Holy Spirit would transform young hearts
with a desire to love and trust Jesus and to not
conform to the spirt of this world.
We also plan to travel across the mountains for an all-youth group camping trip. Not
scheduled until July, we still have many things
to plan and friends to invite!
Lastly, please be in prayer for those who
are preparing for a trip to serve this summer
for a week with Mexico Caravan Ministries.
Please pray both for the lives of those we
will help, and also that our own perspectives
would be changed so that through this experience many more would be emboldened to
leave their comfortable bubbles and engage
the lost for Christ.
Ed. Note: Please note information on page 8
regarding plans for graduation at BPPC.
Sorting Things Out
Spring Fling!
By Becca Cantrell
Come one, come all for our Spring Fling on
Saturday, June 6, from 1–3 p.m.! With activities and games for families and kids both young
and old, this outdoor event is a perfect opportunity to invite your friends and neighbors for
some fellowship and fun. Gospel presentations
will be scattered throughout the afternoon so
that all who come can encounter the great story
of Jesus’ love. If this sounds like something up
your alley, we’re looking for volunteers to help
make this outreach event a success! Contact
Becca Cantrell at 480-250-6542 or becca. for more information.
4 May 2015 Boulevard Park Press
By Kathy Rainey
Our church housekeepers do a superb job
of keeping our kitchens well-stocked, clean
and organized. We need to do our part
intentionally by sorting food scraps from
general garbage whenever we use the
There is a clearly-labeled container
for food scraps. Please use it to dispose of
all items listed below. None of those items
is to be placed in the garbage cans. The
housekeepers appreciate your attention to
this important detail.
Food Scraps Are Yard Waste, Not Garbage
tea bags
coffee grounds
coffee filters
Care Net
It’s Almost Baby Bottle Time!
By Ellyn Roe
Dedicated Mariners’ fans (not mentioning any
names like…uh…Marc) know that $13.95
buys two Seattle Mariners Baby Bottles. Wow!
Dedicated Care Net Pregnancy Resource
Centers fans (names too numerous to mention!) know that on Mother’s Day, May 10,
there will be a bit of a scramble for FREE
Care Net Baby Bottle banks, available in the
MPR before and (maybe) after the morning
service. These bottle-banks can be returned
on Father’s Day, June 21, with ANY amount
in coins, bills and checks, all of which will
enable Care Net of Puget Sound to continue
providing life-affirming support to anyone
who finds herself in an unplanned pregnancy,
hurting from a previous abortion, needing
parenting support or seeking sexual and relational guidance.
Long after the baseball season ends, Care
Net will continue bringing year-round support
to women and their families in all areas of
their lives by serving their practical, emotional
and spiritual needs. Services are provided free
of charge at seven pregnancy centers throughout Pierce and King counties, as well as
through various programs. Care Net of Puget
Sound is a volunteer-led ministry, receiving
no federal or state funding, and relying solely
Lance Jacob Peterson
March 22, 2015
Parents: Erik & Katie Peterson
Grandparents: Patrick & Jo Ann
Chloe Hudson has become
engaged to Eric Lamb. An
August 2016 wedding is planned.
Parents: Brian and Susie Hudson
Grandparents: Bob and Lou Huff
on private donations such as, you guessed it,
those made in the Baby Bottle Campaign.
The Mariners bring us a lot of fun and
excitement, so here’s hoping for a great
season, M’s!
The Care Net Baby Bottle campaign brings
fun and the excitement of investing in a
Christ-centered local ministry. Here’s hoping
you might be able to contribute generously
again this season.
Questions? Contact Ellyn Roe, Care Net
Liaison to BPPC (
Awana Wraps Up the Year
by Larry Rice
On the Awana front, we have a lot going on in
May as we bring this year to a close. (See the
adjacent box for detailed information).
Tuesday, May 12, will be an extra special
night as there are five graduating seniors who
have earned their Citation awards as well as
Linda Rice, my mom! To receive a Citation
award, each person will have had to complete
ten years of book work and to memorize over
800 verses, read the entire Bible and make a
report on each book. (Ed. note: WOW!)
Sandy and I have resigned as the Awana
commanders at BPPC so this will be our last
year. We will still be involved with the Awana
program here but not as the commanders.
Bill and Kris Turner will be taking over.
Awana Events in May
Tuesday, May 5
6:30 - 8: 30 p.m.
Awana Awards Night for Cubbies (two years
through pre-school) and Sparks (kindergarten
through 2nd grade)
Tuesday, May 12
6:30 - 8:30 p.m.
Awana Awards Night for 3rd grade through
high school
June Kriskovic
April 1, 2015
mother of Tom Kriskovic
Where in the
World is Anna?
Anna Dubnow is on a journey
to 11 countries in 11 months,
serving the body of Christ.
In early April, Anna shared this
on her blog: “Goodbye to Asia
for now. I will try to come back
somehow, but I still have four
months to go, and now I go forward into the unknown. Thanks
to my supporters for all of your
help. I really thank you and
appreciate all that you’ve done.
It’s because of you that I’ve
gone where I’ve gone.” Her
next stop is Swaziland, Africa!
Please check out Anna’s blog at
for a “rap” update of her travels.
Send her an encouraging email
Ed. Note: We will be featuring the Awana leadership at BPPC in the June issue of the Press.
Boulevard Park Press May 2015 5 May 2015
Sun MonTue WedThu Fri Sat
National Day
of Prayer
Outriggers Outing
Parade of Hats Women’s Event (MPR)
Thursday, May 7, 2015
Celebrate Recovery
of prayer
Sunday School
WM Branch Ldrs (157) Men’s Huddle
Worship Service
Risk Mgmt (306)
Youth Group
Sweet Hour of
Prayer (157)
MOPS Leadership
Schooners' Hike
Deaconess (431)
Perspectives Class
Deacons (306)
Potluck Fellowship Friends in the Word 7:00pm
CR Men’s Step Study (MPR)
Business Comm. (306) (157)
Mission Prayer (435) 6:30pm
Awana – Cubbies & CR Women’s Step Celebrate Recovery
Choir Rehearsal (151)
Grief Share (157)
Sparks Award Night Study (QR)
press articles due
mother’s day
Sunday School
Worship Service
No Youth Group
Ladies Fellowship Circle (Outing)
Mission Prayer (435)
Grief Share (157)
Men’s Huddle (431)
MOMS Connection (139)
CR Women’s Step Awana – Trek &
Journey Award Night Study (QR)
CR Men’s Step Study 6:00pm
CR Potluck
Choir Rehearsal (Sanctuary)
Celebrate Recovery
Sunday School
Worship Service
Men’s Huddle
Mission Prayer (435)
Youth Group
Trustees (306)
CR Women’s Step Study (QR)
Grief Share (157)
Women@Work (151)
CR Men’s Step Study (QR)
Celebrate Recovery
YOUTH TRIP (may 23-26)
memorial day –
Sunday School
Men’s Huddle
Worship Service
No Youth Group
Reveal Breakfast
Sunday School
Worship Service
Psst! Secret Friend
Reveal Breakfast for
Children’s Sunday
School and Seniors
on Sunday, May 31,
at 9 a.m.
Youth Group
6 May 2015 Boulevard Park Press
CR Women’s Step Study (QR)
Celebrate Recovery
Awana Leader’s
Dinner (MPR)
Get Out Your Hats and Wear Them!
•View decades of hat fashions from the showcase collection of Seattle Children’s Hospital.
•Special speaker will be Katy Lynch.
Early June Birthdays
Saturday, May 2, 2015
r came s!
nt hat
All you part in
ill ta e
girls w t parade.
a ha
May Birthdays
– from floppy to formal!
$5 per for
(or $15
person 3 or more)
at 1:30 p.m. in the MPR
•Ladies from five years of age and up are invited to attend and enjoy a special dessert.
•Childcare will be provided for children up to four years of age.
•Check with the church office to see if tickets are still available.
Grief Share
GriefShare continues to meet on
Monday evenings from 7- 9 p.m.
in Room 157. If you are grieving
the death of someone close, please
know that you are welcome to come
on any Monday to find support and
information to help you through this
difficult time. Grief Share is facilitated
by Lynda Eck and Katy Lynch.
Noah Harder
William McCreary
Nancy Lindquist
Brian Jamison
Virginia Samples
Pat Peterson
Don Hartley
Glenn Kimes
Laci Jamison
Eugene Prince
Melissa Will
Nona Linden
Ellyn Roe
Jim Cowin
Fred Volkers
Josh Burt
Mark James
Mallory Kent
Jim Shoe
Steve Whitbeck
Marlon Hovland
Richard Jordan
Jon Recker
Kim Fabrizio
Eva Lee Henderson
Larry Gray
Dick Frederick
Hope MacDonald
Kris Sybouts
Rae Weller
Luke Nelson
Lisa Siedenburg
Norma Chapman
Stephan Pearson
Kian Conroy
Gene Deda
Ian Faulkner
Matthew Will
Lisa Jones
Larry Rice
Madelyn Siedenburg
Cora Miller
Nathan Recker
If your birthday is not listed,
please contact the church office.
Boulevard Park Press May 2015 7 Return Service Requested
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Session Makes Pastor
Recommendation (page 1)
Jars of Clay (page 2)
Missionaries on the Move
(page 4)
Spring Fling (page 4)
Awana Wrap-Up (page 5)
Attention: Class of 2015
By Peggie Recker and Kathy Rainey
Our high school graduates will be honored during the
worship service on Sunday, June 14. Craig Hall will preach,
Luke Pettengill will return to lead the worship and the
celebration will continue after the service with a reception in
the Multipurpose Room.
Seeing our precious young people seated together and wearing their caps and gowns is a special blessing for those of us
who have watched them grow up, taught them in Sunday School
and Awana, sung with them, and gone with them on mission
trips and retreats. Please be in prayer for these young people in
their new endeavors.
Submit your grad info to appear in the bulletin
Graduates, including high school, college and graduate
school, will be listed in the bulletin so please notify the church
office with your information at least a week ahead. Include
the name of the grad, name of the high school or college from
which he or she is graduating, college or graduate degree earned
and future plans (name of college to be attended? Military? Job?)
Construction Update
Enjoy the New Entry
By Kathy Rainey
The inside construction work is finished
and we are nearing completion of our new
entry. The window sunshades are now
installed, and in June we are expecting
the stained glass window to be finished.
Furniture will be selected – specifically a
small couch, an upholstered chair and a
side table.
Contractors are being interviewed for
the work outside still to be done. Steps need
to be installed from the parking lot leading
to the new entry way. Several garden pots
and a couple of benches will also be added.
Please enjoy all that has been done!