THE Mardler BROCKDISH & THORPE ABBOTTS Edition No. 198 June - July 2015 THE MARDLER is FREE and delivered to all houses in Brockdish and Thorpe Abbotts Also available on-line at Editorial Team Editor in Charge Christine Longe Advertising Jon Wilkinson Treasurer Janice Stacey Useful Contacts 01379 668405 Surgeries Harleston Bullock Fair Close Emergencies Paddock Road 01379 668119 Eye Health Centre Police 01379 668549 Harleston and Diss (calls routed automatically Linda Bell 01379 669293 Mary Alderton 01379 668537 Robert Buck 01379 668663 Jan Croxson 01379 668630 Cheryl Mounser 01379 741468 __________________________________ ADVERTISING IN THE MARDLER If you are interested in advertising, the current rates are £25 for ¼ page and £50 for ½ page, which covers the 6 issues from 1st March annually. The cost for less than 6 issues is £5 per issue for ¼ page and £10 per issue for ½ page. For further information please contact Jon Wilkinson, see above. ____________________________________ BROCKDISH VILLAGE HALL Monday - Tuesday 1” Tues of each month Wednesday - Ballroom & Latin Dance Classes 8 – 11pm Aerobics 6:45 –7:45pm Whist Drive 7:30pm* Tuesday Group 2 - 4pm Ballroom & Latin Dance Classes 7pm – 11pm Thursday - Tea Dance 2pm - Carpet Bowls 7:30pm Friday - Hall available for hire Saturday - Quizzes, Ballroom Dancing* Sunday - Tea Dance* * See notice board for more information. 0845 4564567 Brockdish Village Hall (bookings) Jill Edwards – During School term M-F 9am-5pm 01379 668284 All other times 01379 669057 Thorpe Abbotts Village Hall Bookings Kelvin Halifax 01379 668705 Brockdish Players Tracy Amies Tuesday Group Betty Chapman The views expressed in The Mardler are not Carpet Bowls Club necessarily those of the Editorial team. The Editor Glyn Catchpole reserves the right to amend or alter any copy Aerobics received. __ 01379 853217 01379 853503 01379 852213 01379 870689 01379 668419 01379 668698 Clare Peed 01379 668715 Whist Drive Liz Eastaugh 01379 852583 Sunday Tea Dance/Ballroom Latin Dance Classes Niall O’Brien 07526 883776 Brockdish School Mandy Reeve (Headteacher) 01379 668284 South Norfolk District Councillor Jenny Wilby 01379 741504 Parish Clerk Teresa Hines 01379 308617 Libraries Harleston Diss 01379 852549 01379 642609 Farmers Markets on the following Saturdays in each month 2nd – Diss & Rickinghall 3rd – Harleston 4th – South Lopham Cover pictures by Wayside Art in East Anglia and Old Greyhead 2 Editorial Summer is just round the corner and there are events advertised in this edition in the villages and surrounding areas in the next couple of months that will welcome both the good weather and support from our readers. We hope you are enjoying Elaine Murphy’s articles which are so interesting and relevant to the villages and all the other information that is in the magazine. Please let me know if you would like to contribute to the Mardler with any articles that would be of interest to our readers. We would also like to welcome Linda Bell to the Mardler Team Christine Longe – Editor REMEMBER Closing date for entries in the August / September issue is Friday 3rd July 2015 Articles received after this date may not be included in the next issue. _________________________________________________ WHAT’S ON Thurs 25th – Parish Council Thorpe Abbotts (p 9) Fri 26th Harleston Cinema (p20) July Sat 4th –Syleham BBQ (p15) Sat 4th Thorpe Abbts Social (p5) Sun 5th – Ladies Tractor Run (p23) Fri 10th – Mobile Library (p22) Sun 12th Open Gardens (p6) Sat 18th – Brockdish Garage sale (p31) Sat 18th –Thorpe Abbts Soc (p5) Tues 28th – Parish Council Meeting – Brockdish (p9) June Tues 2nd Tuesday Group (p5) Fri 5th – Brockdish School 150th Anniversary (p14) Sat 6th Thorpe Abbts Social (p5) Sun 7th _Open Farm Day (p36) Sun 7th – Pet Service (p33) Fri 12th – Mobile Library (p22) Thurs 18th – Quiz Kings Head (p29) Sat 20th – Thorpe Abbotts Social (p5) Sat 20th Quiz Night Brockdish Village Hall (p22) Wed 24th Harleston Medical Practice Open Evening (p28) 3 Village KATHY HOLLOWAY 1948-2015 Her friendship and hard work will be sadly missed by all those who knew and worked with her and our sympathy is extended to her husband Mark. Kathy was a valued member of the Mardler Editorial Team for many years who had been battling with cancer for the last 16 months. Throughout her treatment she was always positive that she would recover and until her illness took a turn for the worse maintained an interest in the running of the Mardler. •••••••••••••• TUESDAY GROUP We were due to have the Body Shop representative coming to our April meeting, but unfortunately we were unable to contact anyone from the Body Shop to come along. We did manage to contact Andrew Bingham from the Independent Funeral Service to give a talk to the meeting. He was a very interesting speaker and gave a full account of how funerals have changed since the 1800’s. including the different sorts of funerals which are now available. We all went home feeling quite pleased with what we had found out from this knowledgeable man. Kathy was a lively, quick witted person, was not afraid to speak her mind and who was always looking for ways to develop the Mardler. She was instrumental in redesigning it 3 years ago in order to make it more user friendly and informative for the villages and its readers and she can be proud of its success. Our May speaker was Anna Hunter, who runs the Waveney Valley Hogspital, dealing with hedgehogs from birth to death. We all found her presentation very interesting and it really showed what a hardworking person she is and so very She served on the team giving her time generously and bringing immense knowledge gained in her working life to the magazine. 4 committed to keeping hedgehogs fit and well. supported. The Hog Roast night in April was enjoyed by more than 60 members that attended. Mary Cubley had people dancing to more of the traditional steps when she played at the hall in early May. Our June speaker is Chris Davies talking about The Ghurkhas, those very brave soldiers from Kathmandu, who have always given their allegiance to the U.K. We are all looking forward to Tuesday, 2nd June. Two additional dates have been added to the normal first Saturday in the month events, they are included in the list that follows: All visitors are very welcome; we have a full programme for the rest of the year. June 6th Dancing to Barry (our regular performer) June 20th The Dave Drain Band (a popular 4 piece group with new steel guitar player) July 4th Susan Jayne (a favourite performer returning to us from two years ago) July 18th Lisa Marie (a new performing artist - this will also be a BBQ night with proceeds to charity) Betty Chapman –Chairman •••••••••••••• THORPE ABBOTTS SOCIAL CLUB AND VILLAGE HALL You may recall that last year I was seeking help in moving two stone plaques left on the grass verge of the A143 near where the bus shelter used to be. Although a good home has been suggested for them, no offers of assistance to help with their removal have been forthcoming so they will remain where they are unless helpers come forward. Linda Halifax 01379 668705 •••••••••••••• BROCKDISH VILLAGE HALL The Village Hall Trustees have taken on the task of starting to apply for grants for a defibrillator for Brockdish. Any ideas for fundraising (or donations) would be gratefully received. I am pleased to say that six people have volunteered to be on the The Social Club is well 5 defibrillator phone list. I have also received an offer to organise a Treasure Hunt around the village, probably in September in aid of this, so please keep a look out for posters nearer the time. Many thanks to you all, we will keep you up to date with our progress. THANK YOU A very big thank you to all the brave folk that turned up for our open garden at the end of March, we were so amazed, the weather was awful, we had rain, wind, hail and even thunder and lightning but it didn’t keep you away. Jan Croxson -Chairman The grand total was £2,400 for Prostate Cancer and local charities. How can we thank you enough for all the support, not forgetting all those that came along and helped, donated prizes and baked cakes, we couldn’t do it without you. BROCKDISH CHURCHYARD A big thank you to all the great people who gave their time to help with a major spring clean at the Village Churchyard, it is very much appreciated. A repeat request to dog owners to clear up any mess left by their animals. Thank you so much. Would people also tending graves please take home their own waste and not leave it in the churchyard. Many thanks. Jackie & John Spooner – The Olde Coach House, Jan Croxson-Churchwarden Open Gardens The Olde Coach House, Brockdish 12th July 2015 2pm -5pm Strawberry tea, tombola, plant stall Please come and support us - proceeds in aid of Brockdish Defibrillator fund. 6 7 THE OLD KINGS HEAD A big thank you to all that have been so supportive for our first few months; we have been totally overwhelmed by the many positive comments on the beer and food as well as the refurbishment of The Old Kings Head. We now finally have gas in the kitchen so will be slowly extending our menu over the coming weeks to include our House Burger, Rib-eye steaks, pan fried Fish, Meat and Game dishes. We shall also be starting our Curry Club Curry Night which will be on the first Wednesday of the month with the first one being on Wednesday 3rd June at 19:30hrs. You will have to buy tickets for this event, as spaces are limited. Our new website is closer to going live and we will have all the information about this and future events on that in due course. If you love to play scrabble do come and join in with the scrabble night on the last Wednesday of the month with the next being on 27th May, tiles down at 7pm. We have had many guest real ales over the last 12 weeks of which I shall now list! Adnams: Ghost Ship, Fat Sprat. Barrell & Sellers: Best Bitter, Pale Ale. Buffy’s: Norfolk Terrier. Calvors: Loadstar, Smooth Hoperator. Grain: YOH Goldings, Redwood, Oak, 3.1.6. Green Jack: Drifter, Trawlerboys, Golden Best. Humpty Dumpty: Red Mill, Little Sharpie. Moon Gazer: Golden IPA, Ruby Ale, Golden Ale St Peters: Best Bitter. Shortts Brewery: Blondie, Skiffle, The Cure, Indie Please tick off those that you had and weep at those you missed……. We are also delighted to have Andrew Vessy, artist and Reverend Canon open an exhibition of his work here on Wednesday 1st July. You are welcome to join him for a personal introduction to his work, followed by lunch with Andrew and a short question and answer session at the end. To book please call us on 01379 668843. The exhibition opens on Thursday 2nd July and runs until Sunday 16th August. Jonathan 8 Parish Council BROCKDISH PARISH COUNCIL (Including Thorpe Abbotts) CHAIRMAN – Christine Mackenzie Clerk – Teresa Hines Tel: 01379 308617 e-mail: Planning Decisions ( ● 2015/0321 Erection of country house and associated landscaping works. Red Farm Barn, Brockdish, Needham Bypass, Brockdish. Amended/revised plans which include a new access drive from Whitepost Lane. ● 2015/0443 Outbuildings at Thorpe Abbotts Place. Repositioning of windows/doors and change of material for windows to upvc. Rearrangement for internal layout. ● 2015/0783 Pink Cottage, 1 The Street, Brockdish. Replacement of windows. ● 2015/0939 & 2015/0966 Home Farm Barn, The Street, Thorpe Abbotts Replacement of 2 windows with 1 pair of doors and 2 full height windows. Little Barn Conversion of double garage to habitable room. Erection of gates. Please Slow Down! The speed of vehicles travelling through the villages is causing concern to many residents. It is felt that much of the speeding ‘offenders’ are local residents please be considerate and drive below the speed limit. Speed survey/monitoring will be taking place shortly. Date of next scheduled meetings: Thursday 25th June 2015 at 19:30 at Thorpe Abbotts Village Hall. Tuesday 28th July 2015 at 19:30 at Brockdish Village Hall. No meeting is held during August. 9 Kung Fu Needham Village Hall, Thursdays Juniors 6.30-7.30pm - Seniors 7.30-9pm Kickboxing Jay’s Green Centre Harleston, Fridays Juniors 4-5pm - Senior’s 6.30-7.30pm We also run weekly Kung Fu & Kickboxing classes at Eye, Diss, Dickleburgh & Bungay E-Mail: Adrian Poulter 07949 187169 – 01379 853894 10 11 COFFEE BREAK JOKES Q. Why do ducks often look so sad when they are preening their feathers? Ans. Because they get down in the mouth. Q. Who can shave three times a day and still have a beard? Ans. A barber. Q. What happened when the chicken drank whisky? Ans. It laid scotch eggs Congratulations to Joyce and Glyn Catchpole who celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary in April. What an achievement in this day and age. Birthdays HAPPY BIRTHDAY to SAFFRON CLARKE who will be 5 on July 3rd QUIZ QUESTIONS 1. Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days, but how many have 28 days? 2. What is the next number in the sequence? 31 28 31 30 31 3. Lateral thinking. I've hardly ever played chess, but I just beat a grandmaster who was trying his hardest on the chess board. How did I do it? 4. If CASH PIN is a new variety of SPINACH, what sort of vegetable is each of the following? 1. RIP SPAN 2. COOL CRIB 3. ROBOT TEE 4 CLEAR ICE 5 AURA GASPS 6 EGO CUTTER 12 School The Easter Bunny was hopping around the school delivering chocolate eggs to all the children in March. He was a welcome sight to new children who had not experienced this yearly event at Brockdish. In addition to the Easter Bunny we also celebrated Easter with the children reproducing the story outside in the school grounds. Photographs of this were displayed in the Church and we also enjoyed a church assembly with the children wearing their Easter bonnets. Our SIAMS Church Inspection took place before this and we are very pleased to let you know that we were graded ‘good’ with the children’s behaviour being given a special mention by the inspector who asked me to thank them all for their exemplary behaviour and the warm welcome he received. We have several visits arranged for the summer including Duxford Air Museum in June. The younger children visited The Owl Sanctuary at Stonham this week and were surprised to find other birds of prey and meerkats there too! We have been observing a pair of owls on our new interactive whiteboard as they are looking after their six eggs. The older children are going to the museum in Great Yarmouth to learn about Lord Nelson and visit his statue. They have also been enjoying swimming at the High School this term. As I write this we have just had our St. George’s Day celebration in School with a performance by the children and a cup of tea for the parents who came to watch; over 86% of our families came. Thank you all so much for your support. It means a lot to the children to have you all here. The School now has new interactive whiteboards that up to eight children can use at any time. These are in both classrooms. In addition we have new laptops and iPads so the children can access learning through the latest media. Enjoy the summer weather! Best wishes from us all at Brockdish C of E VC Primary School. School A funny thing happened… Our Classroom Assistant was explaining the next sound the children were going to be looking at in phonics. She asked the children, “Do you know any words with the ‘tion’ sound in them?” A variety of words were given such as station and ration before one little girl put her hand up and exclaimed, “You tion do that!” Children’s Work Summer Haiku by Lily C age 8 Fun outside today warm I’m toasty like the sun Butterflies are out Summer Cinquain by Tallulah age 9 Summer The blasting light Ignites the sun awake Everyone hot in the sun here Warm breeze Brockdish C of E VC Primary School 150 Year Birthday Celebrations On Friday 5th June 2015 we will be holding a celebration from 9am—9pm. If you have any memories you would like to share with us or would like to come along please contact the School on 01379 668284 and ask for Mandy Reeve or e-mail: We would love to hear from past pupils, staff and residents. You will be made most welcome and can look round the school as it is today 14 Events SYLEHAM & WINGFIELD SPORTS AND SOCIAL CLUB Regular Events: Monday 7pm Carpet Bowls Tuesday 8 pm Jive Classes 3rd Thursday of each month, 1.30 – 4 pm Craft Group Friday 9.30 am Line Dancing Last Friday of each month, Bingo 7.30 for 8 pm There will be a Family BBQ on Saturday 4th July Food will be served from 5.00 pm – All welcome Alison on 668251 or BILLINGFORD WINDMILL Open Days Sunday 14th June and 19th July (Classic / Visiting Vehicles on the 19th ) Mill Tours from 12.30 – 4.00pm . Admission Adults £3, Senior Citizens £2, Children Free. Refreshments available from The Shepherds Hut The Mill needs work on Cap and Sails – if you would like to donate to the restoration please contact us – Julie & Herbert – Tel 853967 15 HISTORY OF BROCKDISH AND THORPE ABBOTTS Commander Charles Lindsay 'KP' Keighly-Peach DSO, RN 1902 – 1995 Biplane Fighter Ace by Elaine Murphy Several people have asked me to write something about the World War II fighter ace, ‘KP’ Keighly-Peach, who lived in the village for the 40 years of his retirement. Few realised what an outstanding war record he had. I remember him as a tall, distinguished looking older man, a man of considerable ‘presence’. He and his wife Trixie (Beatrice) moved to the village when he retired from the Royal Navy in the mid 1950s, living in a house in Brockdish Street but after Trixie died KP moved to a modern bungalow at the top of Hall Lane and was joined by his sister, Rowena Ball-Greene and Rowena’s son, Michael. Throughout the 1960s ‘KP’ was active in parish affairs, serving as an efficient Chairman of the Brockdish Parish Council. He also served as Road Safety Officer to Norfolk County Council. But who was he before that? KP was born to the naval life on 6 April 1902, the son of an Admiral, G. W. Keighly-Peach DSO, RN. Charles attended the Naval Colleges at Osborne and Dartmouth, graduating in 1919 Portrait of Charles Keighly-Peach in 1945 by Henry T Lamb, in the Maritime Museum at Greenwich In 1925, he was seconded to the RAF to learn to fly, qualifying in Fairey Flycatchers. The Flycatcher was the first fighter plane to be purpose built. It was popular with pilots because it was durable and strong in spite of looking rather flimsy. It had a short take-off and also the ability to fly onto aircraft carrier decks without using arrestor wires. 16 Over the interwar years KP was steadily promoted up through the Navy, all the while gaining valuable practical experience with the RAF and expanding his leadership command. By 1932 he was back with the Navy as a Lieutenant Commander and on the staff of Rear Admiral (Destroyers) in 1935, then back aboard a ship, the cruiser HMS London, in 1937-39. He was promoted Commander in 1938. He later joined 711 Flight operating Walrus amphibians (supermarine biplanes) from the heavy cruiser HMS Sussex. At the start of World War II, KP was an experienced senior commander. He was recognized as a gifted and inspirational teacher of other pilots so his earliest war time job from 193940, rather frustratingly for a man who wanted to be where the action was, was Commander of Royal Naval Air Station Leeon-Solent (HMS Daedalus), the main training establishment and administrative centre of the Fleet Air Arm. He finally got his wish in June 1940, sent aboard the aircraft carrier HMS Eagle as Commander of flights in the Mediterranean. He arranged for four Sea Gladiators to be collected from Malta on the outbreak of war with Italy, training two other pilots to fly these with him. This trio provided the early fighter defence of the Mediterranean Fleet. A model of a Sea Gladiator 1940 bearing KP’s personal markings KP became a legendary fighter pilot. HMS Eagle was under constant attack from Italian bombers and fighter planes, one 17 skirmish leaving KP with a thigh wound which was never properly sorted out until the mid 1970s. Many crew were badly burnt or wounded but the carrier sailed on, supporting the crucial convoys across the Mediterranean. On HMS Eagle's deck Charles Keighly-Peach unstraps from Sea Gladiator N5517. The aircraft is being unhooked from the arrester wire. In August 1940 the carrier was supporting a new convoy and was also looking to damage the Italian Fleet. On 31 August, KP, flying a Gladiator, was scrambled from HMS Eagle to intercept a 'shadower'. He later wrote: "Off Crete I came across a Cant Z.506B - I think the crew must have been asleep as I was offered no opposition and felt almost I was committing murder - it was too easy. The Cant ditched off the coast off Crete and I saw the crew descending via parachutes and they must have landed close enough to land to be able to swim ashore." A telegraphist recorded that day “Keighly-Peach had done it again, and we hoped the shadower had been downed before he had time to signal our position back to his base. But it was wishful thinking on our part, for, from about eleven o’clock in the forenoon until about six in the evening the fleet was subjected to ten more bombing attacks.” On 11th September 1940, KP was awarded the DSO for meritorious and distinguished service during combat for his service on HMS Eagle. Towards the end of the war re returned 18 to the UK to serve in various senior roles in the Admiralty and as a teacher, although after the liberation of Singapore, he commanded HMS Sultan - the land base at Changi, until 1947. His final role was as advisor to the Royal Canadian Navy from 1951-53, then he retired and decided to move to Brockdish. Charles Keighly-Peach died in early 1995 after a long illness. His sister Rowena, a former dancer, predeceased him, as did his nephew Michael, a troubled young man who died tragically young of alcoholism. KP’s own son flew Sea Furies with 807 Squadron aboard HMS Theseus during the Korean war, becoming the third generation of Keighly-Peaches to be awarded a DSO. KP, his wife Beatrice, Rowena and Michael Ball-Greene are all buried in Brockdish Churchyard. Several people supplied their memories of KP for this article. I am particularly grateful to Shirley Pretty. Next time….The History of Brockdish and Thorpe Abbotts Schools. Elaine Murphy’s book, The Moated Grange, is now available on Amazon, at Waterstones and from other booksellers. Full Steam Ahead BORED WITH IRONING AND HOUSEHOLD CHORES? LET ME HELP DOMESTIC CLEANING IRONING SERVICE COLLECTION AND DELIVERY CALL WENDY 01379 650380 07880726783 19 Information Cinema At Harleston Our film for June 2015 to be shown at the Archbishop Sancroft School in Harleston is: ‘Trash’ (1 hr 55 mins). Set in the slum area of Brazil, three teenagers make a discovery in the garbage dump and realise that they have found something important. They soon find themselves running from the cops and trying to right a terrible wrong. Directed by Stephen Daldry and with some very fine acting, this film is an adventure thriller with some comedy. There are some sub-titles. Date: Friday, 26th June 2015. starts at 7.30pm Doors open at 7.15pm, film Entry is £4. Refreshments will be available during the interval. To book, please telephone Harleston Information Plus at 01379 851917. You pay at the door. R.A.F.A. Fundraisers are pleased to announce BBMF aircraft have been allocated for events in Harleston. June 20th Armed Forces Day, RAFA and RBL collections at Budgens car park :- Dakaota August 31st Harleston and Waveney Festival Fun Day, Recreation Grounds:- Lancaster Please support our fund raising at both events 20 21 Information MOBILE LIBRARY Visits Brockdish and Thorpe Abbotts every four weeks on a Friday, calling at: Thorpe 10:20am Abbotts Telephone box/ Village Pump Brockdish 10:45am Church Road Brockdish 11:00am Waveney Heights Brockdish 11:20am Grove Road Brockdish 11:35am - The Street (outside Waveney Cottage) Next scheduled visits are on 12th June 2015 and 10th July 2015. QUIZ NIGHT SATURDAY 20th June 7:30 for 8:00pm Admission £4 BROCKDISH VILLAGE HALL Proceeds to Church Fabric Fund Bring your own drink Jan 668630 ANSWERS TO COFFEE BREAK – April / May Edition Riddle A shadow 5. L – STALL Quiz 6. E – SEIN 1. P - PATCH 7. Y – DI 2. A – AWARD Full answer Parsley 3. R – BREAK 4. S – MANSE 22 Information HARLESTON LIBRARY NEWS Book start week 8th – 15th June is a celebration of picture books and reading with babies & toddlers. We’ve recently extended our Bounce & Rhyme time so that there are two sessions; at 10.15 for babies up to 18 months and at 11am for toddlers up to school age. Sessions run on Wednesday in school term and new faces are always welcome; you don’t need to be able to sing! The school summer holidays will soon be starting, and the library will once again be running a Summer Reading Challenge. This year we have different themes for each age group so there is something for every child and young person in this free activity. Look out for details of our special events to launch the challenge on Saturday 18th July and Saturday 25th July. Did you know we run a housebound library service for anyone who is temporarily or permanently unable to get to the library? We are currently looking both for more volunteers to deliver this service, and for more readers who would like to get books delivered to their home. You can make use of this service if you’re just out of hospital or convalescing, or if you are permanently unable to come to the library, and you don’t have to be already a library user. If you want to know more, please ring the library. For library opening times and more information on all our events and services visit:, or call 01379 852549. For mobile library dates and details call 01603 222267 or follow the links to mobile libraries on our website. The 12th Anniversary Ladies’ Tractor Run On Sunday 5th July 2015 at 11.30am Thorpe Abbotts Airfield Everyone is invited to bring a picnic lunch to Gawdy Hall Meadow Redenhall In Aid of Cancer Research (Breast Cancer Appeal) N J Rush Painting and Decorating General Maintenance Gardening Tiling Pressure washing Garden Clearance Re-felting Sheds Fast and friendly service For free, no obligation quotes Call Nick 01379 741542 07931653197 24 We will ‘forget you not’ this Fathers Days This month, while many celebrate Father’s Day, there will be a group of people spending this special day without their dad and we have commissioned a special book of memories from which people may draw comfort by expressing how they feel or sharing prayers, poems, thoughts and inspirational sayings. Anyone who has been bereaved of their dad can contribute to the book, and children and young people are also encouraged. There will be a Father’s Day book of memories in our Rosedale Funeral Home in Diss From all of our Funeral Homes we have available beautifully presented ‘forget me not’ seeds for families to take away and plant in memory of their dad. If you would like to receive a sachet of seeds, please contact Diss 01379 640810 The seeds and the book of memories will be available in the week prior to Father’s Day for those wishing to contribute. Our Funeral Homes are open 9am-5pm every week day. Rosedale is pleased to be supporting a special service of Remembrance on Father’s Day at GreenAcres Woodland Burials – Colney, near Norwich. The service will begin at 11am and will be held in the Woodland Hall and it is free to attend and open to all. Advance booking is advisable on 01603 811 556 or 25 All Saints Church News Ner’ caste a clout…… Well the sun is shining with wild flowers getting into their stride all awaiting that late frost. As I think I mentioned last time the green house is full to overflowing with young plants just waiting for me to gather my nerve and get them planted out…… Mind you all the onions are in as well as the broccoli and caulis so things cannot be that bad. The allotment is looking good with a good crop of asparagus now in its third year so almost into full cropping, but that will need to wait till next year. The raspberries also looking good so will have to make sure that I get the netting out so that we do not end up merely feeding all the local blackbirds. Lovely to see the Martins and Swallows arrive although I think what we are seeing are birds passing through on their way further north just at the moment. To my mind the real harbingers of summer proper are the Swift which are generally here late May. My Swift box is up and I am pretty sure it was at the very least well investigated last year so hopeful of a full occupancy this year. The buzzards are also around so as we think last year will be nesting in the area, keeping good company with our other much loved raptor the Barn Owl which I continue to see around the airfield. I have just popped into the kitchen to top up the coffee cup to see a Turtle Dove hoovering up left over niger seed under the bird table!! I thought I had spotted a couple yesterday but now delighted to confirm their arrival here. The All Saints Churchyard is at the moment really between winter and summer with everything just getting into its stride. The Meadow Saxifrage is looking lovely although not quite a prolific as last year and much of the Churchyard is covered with the blue of Bugle. The Churchyard will have a survey done this year to confirm its wildflower population possibly during June when it is well worth a visit so if you are passing do feel free to have a wander. Simon Beet 26 Information BORD BORDER HOPPA Need help with transport? Borderhoppa Outings: Borderhoppa is a local Community Transport charity operating in this area. June: 2015 Mon 8th – Lowestoft - £15 Mon 15th – Taverham Country Shopping Centre - £15 th Sat 20 June – Scole Village Fete -£3.50 nd Mon 22 – Aldeburgh & Thorpeness - £17 th Mon 29 – Waveney Stardust, Beccles - £25 (includes boat trip) Spaces limited We can pick you up from your home and take you shopping, to work, to your local job club/ job centre or to visit a friend or relative, for appointments at doctors, dentists, hairdressers, vets etc. and take you home again. Borderhoppa is here to help you make all of your journeys with ease. July: 2015 Mon 6th – Southwold - £15 Sun 12th – Car Boot, Banham £7 th Thurs 16 – Lunch at Jolly Farmers, Forncett St Peter - £5 (lunch extra) th Mon 20 – Great Yarmouth - £17 rd Thurs 23 – Great Yarmouth Races - £25 (includes entrance fee) Mon 27th – Waveney Stardust, Brundall - £25 (includes boat trip) We also run members outings to the seaside, gardens, shopping trips, boat trips, pub lunches etc. and we hire our mini buses with a driver to local not for profit community groups. Become a member and enjoy all the benefits of our door to door service and join us on our monthly organised outings. (Membership £6 for 6 months or £10 for 12 months and journeys are priced on distance travelled) Unfortunately we are no longer able to accept concessionary bus passes. If you would like to make a booking please call 01379 854800 Email: adminborderhoppa@ or for more information visit our website: 27 Information Harleston Medical Practice Diabetes Health Promotion Event Harleston Medical Practice and the Patient Participation Group are hosting an open evening on Wednesday 24th June 2015 from 6.308.30pm. Our guest speaker will be Barbara Hammond, Diabetes Nurse Facilitator, Elsie Bertram Diabetes Centre. The presentation will focus on: What is diabetes? Type 1&2 Risk factors and complications Preventative measures including diet and lifestyle Medication Diabetes support services Please come along and join us in the main waiting room at the Bullock Fair Close Surgery. Refreshments will be available. Wednesday 24th June 2015 from 6.30-8.30pm Bullock Fair Close Surgery Information Old Kings Head, Brockdish Quiz Night on Thursday June 18th 8pm start, £2 per person, monies to charity 01379 668843 Open Tues-Sun 9am-10pm and Bank Holiday Mondays 29 Information Honey Bee Swarms We are now approaching the time of year when the honey bees become very active in collecting honey and increasing bee numbers in the hive. The hive becomes congested and the colony prepares to divide and some move away to form another colony. This is the natural method of propagation of the honey bee colony. The queen bee lays eggs in special elongated cells (look like a small peanut shell) in the honey comb; these eggs are specially fed by the worker bees to produce new queens. A few days before the new queens hatch the old queen accompanied by worker bees and drone bees leave the hive to form a new colony. This is a swarm. This swarm will sometimes settle on a nearby tree or some where they can hang but sometimes they will go straight to what they consider is a suitable place. Unfortunately this can sometimes be the eves of a house, a chimney, a house ventilation brick or any other suitable hole. These are almost impossible to remove and if causing problems unfortunately have to be destroyed. The ideal resting place for a swarm is on a low branch of a tree or hedge or any projection were they can hang in a cluster. These clusters of bees can easily be collected and removed to be placed in a hive to form a new colony for the bee keeper. There is an old bee keepers saying. A swarm in May is worth a load of hay A swarm in June is worth a silver spoon A swarm in July is not worth a fly This was because the new colony would have to build up numbers to bring in honey and the later in the season for the swarm the less time to build up numbers and produce quantities of honey. If you get a swarm in your garden then call me 01379 668279 and I will come and see if I can remove it. Philip Thompson 30 7th Brockdish Annual Village Garage/Yard Sale Saturday, July 18th 2015 (10:00am-2:00pm) To book a stall/garage, and be included on the village map, showing which households are taking part, please call 668284 School and ask for Diane or Tracey 31 Information Hospice launches brand new team challenge St Elizabeth Hospice is launching a brand new team challenge event – a Truck Pull. Teams of 8-10 are wanted to join the St Elizabeth Hospice Truck Pull to compete to pull a truck 50 metres – in the fastest time possible. The new event – which is the first of its kind for the local charity – will take place on Saturday 18th July, from noon, outside Mannings Amusements, Felixstowe. As well as the Truck Pull, individuals can challenge themselves further by trying their hand at the Car Lift – testing their strength and stamina as they see how many times they can lift the car – with the most repetitions winning. Teams for the Truck Pull can be male, female or mixed. Each team is asked to raise sponsorship with all funds raised going towards providing vital care and support to more than 2,000 local people living with a progressive illness every year.The event will be as much fun for spectators as it is for participants and there will be entertainment for all ages – so bring all the family along too for a fun day out! To find out more visit or to request a registration form please call 01473 723600 or email CONTACT CARE Contact care is about reaching the vulnerable e.g. Recently bereaved. Single parents. Young family carers. The disabled old/young. Recently returned from hospital Whatever the situation we can give reassurance and peace of mind by the press of a button. The cost of the Lifeline is £3.40 per week and normally there is a one off £30.00 installation fee. However we have joined forces with South Norfolk Council and anyone living within South Norfolk Council will will not pay the installation fee, therefore giving you a £30.00 saving. Please see our advert on Page 7 32 Church Service Times Rector Revd Nigel Tufnell 01379 308905 Benefice Administrator Brockdish Church Wardens Thorpe Abbotts Church Warden Lucy Cooke, Mon-Fri 9am – 1pm Ann Cork Jan Croxson Christine McDonald 7th June Thorpe Abbotts Brockdish 9.30am 3.00pm Morning Prayer PET SERVICE 14th June Harleston St John’s 10.30am 21st June Brockdish 9.30am Benefice Holy Communion with the Archdeacon Holy Communion 28th June Brockdish 9.30am Morning Prayer 5th July Brockdish 9.30am Morning Prayer 12th July Brockdish Thorpe Abbotts 9.30am 9.30am Morning Prayer Morning Prayer 19th July Brockdish 9.30am Holy Communion 26th July Brockdish 9.30am Morning Prayer 01379 851148 01379 668635 01379 668630 01379 669116 PET SERVICE Brockdish Church Sunday 7th June 3pm Bring your pets and your family to Church for a service to thank God for all our pets and the special part they play in our lives. All pets welcome either on leads or in cages please. 33 The Old Kings Head Review. Thorpe Abbotts and Brockdish have been without a pub for too long and finally landlords have opened up and started on the right foot! Jonathan and Louise have hit the ground running, creating a Social hub full of ambience with loads of local good art on display, blended with a mix of eclectic modern and antique furniture and chandeliers, all thrown together making the whole place, a breath of fresh air we should all relish. The place is split into two, with one side as a hearty cafe serving Lavazza coffee and homemade cakes, and plenty of things to read scattered around, the other side a welcoming pub/restaurant. The kitchens are currently only warming up, creating terrific pizzas with proper toppings, not your usual 1kg of processed cheese here on a 3 inch thick base, rather well infused authentic toppings delivering a taste sensation on a thin crispy base! Try the Goats Cheese and Rocket pizza. Fab! There is a wonderful selection of beers, wines by the glass and up market spirits, all served with friendly albeit nervous staff, but they are only warming up! If you just want a drink ask for the garlic flat bread as an accompaniment. Delicious! There is fresh bread baked every Saturday and I can't wait for the kitchens to fire on all guns, as if what’s being served is a foretaste of how things are going to be, watch this space! Aren't we lucky to have this culinary oasis in a sea of emptiness, within walking distance. I only wish more locals would support it rather than waiting to see it fail. Come on use it or lose it! You won't be disappointed. Food cost £7-£10.00pp Cleanliness: 5 star. P.S. I’ve now heard that gas has been connected, so I’m sure we can all look forward to the sumptuous delights ahead. 34 Printed by 321 Print - 01473 210321 36
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