This Week at BRPC June 13, 2015 Building Relationships with People in Christ The BRPC Rummage Sale kicks off this Wednesday!! Jana Henderson, Sharon Schroer and Mary Ziegenhorn working on getting things ready. Thanks to EVERYONE who is helping with the sale! This Sunday at BRPC “Holding Fast to What is Good” Dear BRPC Family, Maybe I shouldn’t go there — but oh well, here goes. The Royals are playing the Cardinals in St. Louis this weekend. As some of course know, the Royals play in the American League, the Cardinals in the National League. Same sport — but they don’t play by precisely the same rules. The difference — pitchers in the National league both pitch and then bat when their team is up at the plate. In the American, pitchers only pitch. When their team bats, a designated hitter (“DH”) takes their place at the plate. If you’re a baseball enthusiast, you either love or hate the DH rule. Texts: Deuteronomy 13:1-4 1 Thessalonians 5:16-23 1 John 4:1-3 I’m not going to get mired in that baseball debate, but it does get us toward the theological issue of what is, and what isn’t in our Bibles. We have been looking at “Jesus through the Gospels.” But which gospels? You might think that’s obvious — Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. But there were other gospels written in the first couple centuries. Like the DH rule, they were, and remain, controversial. Do they teach us anything about Jesus? And how is it, after all, that we decided on the “big four” of M, M, L & J? Join us Sunday as we continue to ponder our Savior thru sacred texts! Peace and grace, Pastor Pat p.s. GO ROYALS!!!!! June 17—20 FINAL CALL!!! We are still collecting good used items (no clothes please) for the annual BRPC rummage sale! (Pls clean and price your items.) PLUS, you can donated baked goods for Wednesday., The sale runs June 17-20 and all proceeds support our Christian Education ministries. Thank you!!! BRPC Day Camp!! Calling for Volunteers! We are excited to bring back Heartland's Traveling Day Camp to BRPC! The dates for camp are July 6-10. We are looking for volunteers to do crafts (Heartland provides everything), work in the kitchen (setting up and cleaning up), and anyone who would like to be a counselor for the week! We are also in need of donations for lunches and dinners for our Heartland guests. If you can help in any way, contact Kristen Barton by phone (816-509-7077) or email ( Thanks for helping make TDC a success! Get on the Fridge!! Send your top ten favorite scriptures (or as many as you have) to Pastor Pat by June 28th as part of our celebration of the Bible! You can email them or drop them off at the office. Send us your dad! On Father’s Day (June 21st) we’re going to have a slideshow in worship of our dads! Email a photo of your father to Sharon in the office (Office or drop a hard copy off and we’ll scan and return it. (Pastor Pat with his father above, Dot Mitchell’s parents to the right.) Thank you Al!! Help us salute Al Brown for all of his work for the community and REAP as he retires as the REAP Executive Director at the end of June. Can we fill the barrels in the narthex? People We Are Praying For New Prayer Concerns Bonnie, Devon, Beverly, Ralph Jr., Patty and Angie following the passing of Ralph Withers Sr. A Memorial service was held Friday, June 12th at BRPC. Nicholas Chavez and fiancée Cara as they prepare to wed on June 20th! Ongoing Prayer Concerns Edem Umoren as he begins a new job with the Department of Homeland Security in Lincoln, Nebraska. Edem will be coming back to KC on weekends. His address in Lincoln is: Century House, 1201 Lincoln Mall, Apt. 313, Lincoln, NE 68508. His new email is Gordon and Margaret Neal at the passing of Gordon’s brother Charles. Joy at the births of Eden Spring Lentz to Ebby Bond and Craig Lentz and Gavin Maxwell Weeks to our yoga instructor Sara Drake and her husband Loren! Jean Barton Genevieve Lentz Alice Herreboudt Betty Schroepfer George and Robert Vitela, brothers of Jean Barton Ralph Withers Jr. & Sr. Janet Lee Al Nau Elena Schesser David Schesser Herb Sinden Cindy Thacker Kevin Johannesen and family, son of Bob J ohannesen Herman Corbet, friend of the Withers family Rachelle Powers, friend of J anet Thompson J ackson Ken, a friend of the Urriola family Faith Community Concerns Pastor Pat and the 30 other PCUSA pastors from 18 states who are gathering in Henryville, Indiana for a weeklong vocational retreat. Friday, June 19 BRPC Business Office Closed 10:00AM-4:00PM Rummage Sale 7:00 PM Quiddler (Par lor ) What’s Happening This Week! Sunday, June 21 Today, Sunday, June 14 Delores Lunceford Preaching 9:30 AM - Adult & Youth Sunday School Classes 9:30 AM - Adult & Youth Sunday School Classes 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Nur ser y 9:30 AM - 12:00 PM - Nur ser y 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM - Wor ship Ser vice 10:45 AM - 12:00 PM - Wor ship Ser vice 12:20 PM — Nominating Committee Mtg (Fellowship Hall) 12:15 Rummage Sale open to Congregation Monday, June 15 UPCOMING EVENTS: Pastor Pat away at his Credo retreat in Indiana til 6/22 June 15—22 Pastor Pat at “Credo Conference” in Indiana. Rummage Sale set up r ooms 1-3 each day this week. June 17-20: BRPC r ummage sale, good used items can be brought after Memorial Day, May 25th. 7:00 PM Cub Scouts (Fellowship Hall) Tuesday, June 16 6:30 PM - Boy Scouts (Fellowship Hall) June 28: Summer Homewor k Assignments due to Pastor Pat! Pastor Pat invites each BRPC member (and visitors too!) to give him your 10 favorite verses or passages from scripture. (If you have fewer than 10 choices, that’s okay, just send what you have!) July 6—10 Day Camp at BRPC, 9—5 each day. July 6—10 Wednesday, June 17 Youth Mission Trip to Arkansas August 3—7 Vacation Bible School 9—noon each day 10:00AM-4:00PM Rummage Sale 11:30AM OWLS Thursday, June 18 10:00AM-4:00PM Rummage Sale 6:00PM Gir l Scouts (Fellowship Hall) 7:00PM Session Meeting See FULL church calendar at
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