CATHOLIC NEW YORK 38 Father McMahon, Chaplain to Navy and Yankees Father Edward McMahon, S.J., who served as a U.S. Navy chaplain as well as ministering to veterans and to the New York Yankees, died July 16 at Murray-Weigel Hall in the Bronx. He was 84. He was assistant director of the Jesuit Seminary and Mission Bureau, in New York City, 1962-1965. He became a missionary, serving as chaplain at the University of Nigeria, 1965-1967. Because of the local civil war, he returned to the United States and directed retreats at Gonzaga Retreat House, Monroe, 1967-1970. Father McMahon began his service as a Navy chaplain in 1970, retiring in 1990 as commander and chaplain. He served with Seal Team One in Vietnam, as well as in Alaska, Panama and other locations. He was involved with retreat ministry in Auriesville, 1991-1993. In 1993, he returned to the Jesuit community at Xavier High School in Manhattan where he had been a student and where he had taught Latin and English as a seminarian, 1954-1957. He was director of the Catholic Medical Mission Board, 1994-1995, then became part-time chaplain at the Veterans Administration Center. He spent 11 years as chaplain to the New York Yankees, which included celebrating Sunday Mass for team members and staff. Born in Bergenfield, N.J., he entered the Society of Jesus in 1947. He was ordained in 1960 at Fordham University Church in the Bronx. He completed his formation in Port Townsend, Wash., 1961-1962. In 2013, he retired to Murray-Weigel Hall on the Fordham campus. A Funeral Mass was offered July 21 at the chapel of Murray-Weigel Hall. Interment was at the Jesuit cemetery at Auriesville. Deacon Hogan, Served Poughkeepsie Parish Deacon Patrick Hogan, who served at St. Martin de Porres parish, Poughkeepsie, died March 12 in Poughkeepsie, CNY has learned. He was 80. As deacon at St. Martin de Porres, he was involved with sacramental preparation and ministering to the sick and homebound. He also ministered at weddings and baptisms. He was ordained a permanent deacon for the archdiocese in 1986. Along with his wife Louise, he presented Marriage Encounter weekends in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland and Virginia. They origi- Sister Lorraine, Taught in Bronx, Manhattan Sister Lorraine Bunnell, A.S.C.J., who taught at schools in the Bronx and Manhattan, died July 12 at Sacred Heart Manor, Hamden, Conn. She was 82. In the Bronx, she taught at Sacred Heart, 1952-1961, and Santa Maria schools, 1968-1974. She taught at St. Joseph’s, 1961-1963, 1965, 1978-1981, 19861992, 1996-2002, and Our Lady of Pompeii, 1993-1996, both in Manhattan. Sister Lorraine was also a teacher in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Illinois, Missouri and California. Born in New Haven, Conn., she en- OMMUNITY LASSIFIEDS ATHOLIC NEW YORK tered the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 1951 and made her final vows in 1958. She earned both a bachelor’s and a master’s in education from Fordham University, and a master’s in religious studies from St. Joseph Seminary and College, Dunwoodie. She retired to Sacred Heart Manor in 2008. Her sister, Dorothy O’Neil, survives her. A Funeral Mass was offered July 15 at Sacred Heart Manor Chapel, followed by interment at All Saints Cemetery, North Haven, Conn. 212.688.2399 NEED A JOB? HELP WANTED Visit us at: or Email us at: SEEKING EMPLOYMENT - SITUATIONS WANTED SECRETARIAL SERVICES AIDES / COMPANIONS TO THE ELDERLY Retired Executive Assistant with excellent computer skills desires typing projects using Microsoft Word and Excel. Excellent professionalism and references. Call evenings: 914-479-7524 WEBMASTER / VIDEO EXPERT Experienced webmaster for parish website, retreat house, Catholic media, etc. / Video production expert email: • Tel 914-288-5369 Leonardo nated Marriage Encounter weekends for couples in 12 Step programs. They did youth evangelization missions in Aruba, St. Croix and Puerto Rico. Deacon Hogan was a graduate of Queens College and studied chemical engineering at City College. He worked for the Mobil Oil company and at IBM, first as a manufacturing engineer and then as a programmer. He married Louise Cavaliere, who survives him, in 1956. They had four children, Kevin, Brian, Marguerite and Christine, who also survive him along with their grandchildren. A Funeral Mass was offered March 18 at St. Martin de Porres Church. Interment was at Calvary Cemetery, Poughkeepsie. Deacon Romagosa, 81 Deacon Guillermo Romagosa, who served as Hispanic coordinator for the diaconate program in the archdiocese, died July 14. He was 81. He also had served at St. Paul the Apostle, Yonkers. He was ordained in 1976. He was a longtime professor of religious studies at Manhattan College. A Funeral Mass was offered July 19 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral. A full obituary will run in the next issue. HELP WANTED ADDICTION RECOVERY SEEKING EMPLOYMENT - SITUATIONS WANTED See Your Ad Every Issue In Our Community Classifieds July 24, 2014 POLISH CAREGIVERS New York Employment Agency LLC No Fee • Expd. & Refs. • Anna @ 516-829-3051 E-mail: • *LICENSED & BONDED* CLEANER / HOUSEKEEPER I am an Exp’d Housekeeper/Cleaner looking for immediate employment. Avail hourly or live-in jobs. Hardworking, dedicated, punctual, honest, committed & always perform to the best of my ability. Call 347-266-1544 CERT HOME HEALTH AIDE / CERT NURSES AIDE Santa Cruz, Serag Caregivers Inc. provide the best Caregivers in America - The Filipino people. Hardworking, experienced & educated, can work Live-In or Out. 347-444-0960 COMPANIONS TO THE ELDERLY IRISH AIDES/COMPANIONS - EXCLNT REFS/ EXPERIENCED & DRIVER LICENSES. CALL JOAN 914-803-1122 & 718-930-3834 “PRIVATE DUTY” HOUSE MANAGER Beartooth Mt Ascent, a Transitional Life Skills & Sober Living Program w/Catholic focus for young men (18-26) on 40,000 acre cattle ranch nr Yellowstone. All faiths welcomed 307-645-3381 HELP WANTED NY CPA firm needed for assistance in audit and taxes for non-profit organization. 212-2338040 or FT LIVE-IN HOUSEMOTHER Several Source Shelters, is a ProLife, Christian based, registered 501c (3) charity organization based in No. New Jersey. Ideal candidate must be PROLIFE, Christian to work as role model for pregnant/parenting women & their babies. Valid/clean driver’s lic & HS graduate/some college pref’d. Generous salary, 3 weeks’ vacation (after 1 yr) & holiday/ floaterdays-quarterly contribution to health insurance. Email resume: 132,000 Catholic Households - A.A.M. Audited See Your Ad Every Issue In Our Community Classifieds Catholic, pro-life mission seeking passionate house manager able & willing to oversee Good Counsel’s busiest home in the South Bronx caring for pregnant & parenting mothers with children. Creative, caring, compassionate person will supervise employees, oversee all aspects of daily activities and other related duties. Ideal candidate will have a Bachelor’s degree (B.A.) in Human Services or related field or 2 to 4 years related experience or equivalent combination of education and experience plus driver’s license. Email resume to and HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MID-HUDSON MANAGED HOME CARE, INC. SUBSTITUTE TEACHER Sept 2014 to Dec 2014. Earth Science and Living Environment Email Resume to: Licensed home care agency in the Hudson Valley needs livein PCA’s and HHA’s. $105-120/ day+ travel expenses. Uniforms, paid vacation, more. Immed work available. Call 800-505-6165 UES GOURMET MARKET NEEDS COUNTER PERSON (PT & FT) - AM flex hrs. Send resume to INFO@NYCOTTO.COM Private Owners... In The Market To Sell? Give CNY Classifieds Your Best Shot! Send in Your House Photo and We ’ll Run It FREE OF CHARGE With Your Paid Classified Ad Scheduled for 2 or more issues! Catholic New York’s Real Estate Classified section offers you a true photo opportunity to sell your home to 132,000 households in the Archdiocese of New York. Simply send us a recent photograph of your house and we’ll run it FREE OF CHARGE with your paid classified ad scheduled for 1 or more issues. PHOTO TIPS: Please send only color or black & white prints. Ideally, your house should fill approximately 3/4ths of the frame. To enhance the reproduction of your photo, try to avoid including trees, telephone poles or cars; do not shoot into direct sunlight; if possible, photograph on overcast or partly cloudy days. Take Advantage of A Picture-Perfect Combination: Your House + CNY’s Real Estate Classifieds! July 24, 2014 OMMUNITY LASSIFIEDS ATHOLIC NEW YORK SEEKING EMPLOYMENT - SITUATIONS WANTED A truly loving, responsible, and caring Nanny w/lots of Child Care Experience seeks a FT, live-out pos. Refs avail. 347-687-1887 Aide trained w/Alzheimer’s Association, sks pos to take care of the elderly or persons w/ dementia or suffering from fall. Angela 347-791-4223 or Annette 917-312-0719 Able Adult Aide/Companion caring, compassionate &very expd working w/elderly. I have 16+ yrs exp, refs avail. Call Suzzette 347-455-3525 Able Adult Aide, Caring, experienced, understanding, kind and patient sks Health Aide job. Refs avail. Velma 914-308-9408 An Expd Companion, Caregiver, Housekeeper w/10+ yrs exp willing & able to care for the sick, elderly, newborn, impeccable refs. Marvalyn 347-679-9016 Caring, reliable & compassionate Aide avail to care for the Sick or Elderly, 4 yrs experience w/refs. Call 609-892-3697 Cert Caregiver, loving, caring, compassionate can take care of your loved ones, 12 yrs exp. Call Paulette 718-612-0912 Cert CNA/HHA sks pos to take care of the Elderly. Reliable, 15 yrs exp, Night/day, refs, PT/FT. Hyacinth 917-346-0486 Cert Home Health Aide avail for Home care. Exp’d w/Alzeimer’s/ Parkinson patients. PT/FT Call Elizabeth 646-641-8917 European woman, experienced maid, will work 2 days per week in the East side, refs. Call in the evenings, Yvette 212-838-3948 Experienced Aides w/exclnt refs sks job pos to Care for the Sick/ Elderly. Live-in/out. Joyce 718414-5216 Dainty 718-304-3823 Exp’d CNA - 13 yrs (Elderly Care) & 3 yrs (Babysitting) exp, sks livein/out pos, exclnt refs. Call Carol 917-627-4093 or 646-659-4311 Exp’d HHA, Housekeeper, Babysitter, 20 yrs exp, sks job w/ drivers lic, spks English & Spanish, flex hrs, refs. 914-646-5239 39 CATHOLIC NEW YORK Experience Aide looking for a job to take care of the elderly. Live in or live out, excellent refs. Call Maria 347-829-1091 Exp’d, Compassionate Caregiver for your loved one skg FT Livein job to care for your loved one. Refs av. Leonara 347-243-1599 Exp’d Irish woman avail to care for your elderly loved one. PT/ FT, drivers lic, refs avail. Call Geraldine 718-824-6420 Experienced Caregiver sks job pos, 5-6 days to Care for the Elderly Loved Ones, refs avail. 732-720-4333 12+ yrs Experience as Caregiver/ Cleaning/Housekeeping sks live out pos, exclnt refs avail. Call Carol 347-526-1664 Honest, reliable, exp’d, caring woman sks pos to care for your loved ones, 23 yrs exp, day/night, refs avail. Detia 646-228-5781 Honest, reliable experienced woman sks 5 days work (babysitting, companion), house cleaning, live-in/out, refs. Sharon 718-469-0937 or 718-930-0243 I am an Expd Driver, sks job to Drive the Elderly or a Private family. 10 yrs exp, refs. Simon 646-500-0830, 646-245-7896 C N Y. O R G / C L A S S I F I E D S . H T M L 212.688.2399 • When Your Classified Ad Appears in Catholic New York, it also works for you on our webpage CNY.ORG for a full 2 weeks! SERVICES OFFERED Senior Care at Home Senior Care at Home is the lower cost alternative to nursing homes or assisted living. Family Care Employment Agency provides live-in caregiver allowing the comfort of their own house. We specialize in placing FILIPINO caregivers, nannies and housekeepers. All candidates are fluent in English with excellent references. For our personalized placement services, call Dell at 212-961-6993 or 908-416-7976 CO-OPS FOR RENT HOUSES FOR SALE Wakefield - Spacious 1 BR w/ renov kitch, on site pvt lndry rm, cls to transp, hwys, prks & schls. Refs & credit check. 347-637-0745 HOME INSPECTIONS BUYING OR SELLING A HOME, CONDO, CO-OP, TOWNHOUSE? A Professional Home Inspections For the Buyer, Seller or Owner. Call: 718-815-1570 Lic # 16000005108 HOUSES FOR SALE Shokan in Catskills - 1.9 acres, 9 rms, 3 BR, 2 bths, lrg stor bldg, frplcs, FR, porches, $20K to buyer. $325,900, Qualified Buyers only! Low taxes. 845-657-8233 LAND FOR SALE I am an HHA avail to take care of the Elderly. Reliable, Honest, 15 yrs exp, exclnt refs, Live in & out. 516-528-9921 Charming, year-round Catskills log cabin for sale. 2 BR, 2 bths, Frplc, deck, screened-in front porch. Wlkng dist to lake. 2 miles from Bethel Woods Arts Center. $123K. Marcia 845-583-4488 I am a Cert HHA w/experience & refs. I can take care of your sick or elderly/companion. Margaret 347-420-7622 or 347-634-5064 Looking for someone to care of your loved ones? Trained HHA sks ELDERLY CARE pos, 5+ yrs exp. Doreen 347-969-0344 Mature female HHA w/20 yrs exp sks pos, 4-8 hrs daily to Care for the Elderly. Exclnt refs. Call Valerie 347-413-9546 When Your Classified Ad Appears In Catholic New York, It Keeps Working For You All Month Long On Catholic New York’s Website! Visit us at: orEmail us at: GOLD & ITEMS WANTED MARTY PAYS TOP CASH WANTED - Books • Gold & Silver Coins • Paintings & Prints Baseball Items • Stamps • Costume Jewelry • Comics • DVD/CDs Any Condition • Retired Police Officer 914-262-4494 WANTED TO BUY Religious medals, costume jewelry, rosary beads, handbags, powder compacts, cufflinks, vintage clothing, books, perfume and perfume bottles. Cash Paid. Call Carol 914-261-6464 ITEMS FOR SALE Baby crib, solid wood, light colour, Askg $140. Baby armoire solid wood, light colour. Askg $450. Baby dresser combo solid wood, light colour - Askg $295. 2 bug a boo strollers - chameleon - green, Asking $150 each. Basinette $55. Many other baby items incl clothing. 845-695-1518 (lv msg) Collectible Home Ornaments including porcelain, china, 2 dolls for collection, main clothings, cameras, polaroids, binoculars. Selling in good price. Call 212371-7096 Yolanda. Large selection of dolls for sale. Beautiful German World War I Child’s Piano. Call 718-984-1133 Pecan Dining Room set - Table 5 chairs, china cabinet, server w/slate top $700. Call 845-6348239 I am Reliable & Available, My Services are: Elderly Care & Home Care, 8 yrs exp, refs avail. Call 646-675-3195 I am skng a PT/FT Housekeeping job, 14 yrs exp from nice families from the Upper East Side. I also do prof lndry/iron. 917-482-1535 132,000 Catholic Households (A.A.M. Audited) Catskills/New Kingston - 2 surveyed parcels 5+ acres ea. Easy yr-round access. Great views! Maintd dead-end rd. Nearby hiking, skiing, kayaking, fishing. 4 miles to Margaretville. Electric. No fracking. Lic Broker Phil O’Beirne 845-586-4486 LOT FOR SALE Perfect Little Catskill Getaway 2.5 hrs NYC - Singlewide mobile, 1 BR & bth Guest Rm Encl Deck Gar AC 700 sf 3.4 wood acres $49M, EasyMaint. Anne Lafferty Realty 518-966-4425 MOVING SERVICES DEPENDABLE MOVERS LOCAL, LONG DISTANCE. FREE ESTIMATES. Eddie, 718-461-1935, 24 hrs DEPENDABLEMOVERSNYC@ GMAIL.COM Staten Isl - William Rogers Silverware “Pattern April” service for (8) place settings - total 8 extra teaspoons. 732-710-5894 lv msg (also includes storage chest). Staten Isl - William Rogers Silverware “Pattern Eternally Yours”, service for (12) place settings, total of (78) pieces, incl (6) serving pieces and (12) extra teaspoons, also includes storage chest. 732-710-5894 lv msg. Staten Isl - Fine china by Arlen “Pattern Biltmore” 1842 imported from Japan, service for (16) Place settings, total (112) pcs incl (8) serving pcs and (4) extra cups and (4) extra saucers. 732-7105894 lv msg. NEED A JOB? Walden - Nice bldg lot in the Village of Walden, wlkng dist to amenities. Water, sewer, gas, elect & cable avail. $39,500. 845-542-8983 ROOM & BOARD PRIVATE & SEMI-PRIVATE RMS - Try our family boarding homes where you can enjoy fresh air in the Catskills. SS, VA, SSI accepted. Call 845-292-6384 HELP WANTED Largest Catholic paper in the country seeks experienced, dedicated candidates to fill the employment positions listed in its Classified section. All thatʼs needed to apply is a visit to Catholic New Yorkʼs Community Classifieds located in the back pages of this paper. EMail us at: Fax us at: 212-688-2642 PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY ATTORNEYS ATTORNEYS EDWIN I. GORSKI ATTORNEY AT LAW 750 Third Ave., NY, NY 10017 212-499-0768 RICHARD G. FONTANA, ESQ. WILLS • CLOSINGS • INJURY Yonkers/Scarsdale Office 914-233-5150 PSYCHOTHERAPY OLD PAINTINGS DOMENICA MONDO, ACSW-R Licensed PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Catholic female helps individuals, couples, families. Manhattan & Westchester 212-947-7111 or 914-725-3726 AAALLL OLD PAINTINGS: Any condition. Old frames, oils, watercolors. Cash paid. 914-664-0805 JOHN SCROOPE ACSW PSYCHOTHERAPIST Individual - Marital 22 W. 21st St.,10th Flr, NYC (212) 242-4887 - By App’t W ’chester Office - Dobbs Ferry EXPERT PIANO TUNING REPAIRS Prof ’l musician. Prompt service on all makes & models. 718-358-8882 PERSONAL NOTICES PRAYERS OF THANKSGIVING Prayers of Thanksgiving may be offered to St. Jude, The Blessed Virgin, or The Holy Spirit at a cost of $50 per issue. To place your Prayer of Thanksgiving, please contact Catholic New York Classifieds by phone: 212-6882399, ext. 3142; fax: 212-688 -2642; e-mail:, or by mail: Catholic New York, 1011 First Ave., New York, NY 10022. Prepayment by check, money order, Amex, Discover, MasterCard or Visa, is required. When ordering, please indicate the initials to be included at the end of the prayer. PIANO TUNING PRAYER NOTICES PRAYER TO THE BLESSED VIRGIN Most beautiful Flower of Mount Carmel, Fruitful Vine, Splendor of Heaven, Blessed Mother of the Son of God, Immaculate Virgin, assist me in this my necessity. Star of the Sea, help me and show me herein you are my mother. Holy Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven and Earth, I humbly beseech you from the bottom of my heart to assist me in this necessity; there are none that can withstand your power. Show me herein you are my Mother, conceived without sin, and pray for us who have recourse to thee. Sweet Mother, I place this cause in your hands. Amen. M.R.B.
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