VOLUNTEER SCHEDULE Children’s Church: Phil & Amanda Howell Altar Guild: Judy Moretz & Linda Page Nursery Workers: Elizabeth Rhodes, Les Miller & Rick Weaver Greeters: Suzanne Randolph Acolyte: Rachel Weaver CHURCH CALENDAR SUNDAY, April 5, 2015: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School is cancelled for today 11:00 a.m. Worship; Nursery MONDAY, April 6, 2015: Church Office Closed WEDNESDAY, April 8, 2015: 6:30 p.m. Chancel Choir 7:30 p.m. Handbell Choir SUNDAY, April 12, 2015: 9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Worship; Nursery 2015 STEWARDSHIP REPORT Needed for 2015 Budget to date: $49,175.01 Total Tithes and Income 2015 to date: $46,778.53 Additional income needed to meet the budget to date: $2,396.48 March 29, 2015 Church Budget Offering…………………..……..........................$3,600.00 Lent Study…………………………………………………………...$50.00 District Retreat……………………………………………………....$50.00 Sunday School…………………………………..……………………….60 Worship……………………………………….......................................140 Bethany United Methodist Church Pastor: A. Owen Peeler Organist: Allison Weaver Adult Choir Director: Grady Lonon Pianist: Joyce Kilby Bell & Children’s Choirs: Jane Lonon Custodian: Michael Houck Secretary/Treasurer: Marilyn Miller Lay Leader: Don Church 495 Highway 194 South, West Jefferson, NC 28694 Church: (336) 877-2801 Fax: (336) 877-2185 Kitchen: (336) 877-2833 Parsonage: (336) 877-3285 Email: bethanyumcwj@skybest.com Kitchen: (336) 877-2833 bumcwj.org BETHANY UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 11:00 a.m. Worship Service April 5, 2015 Easter Day “And he led them out as far as Bethany, . . . and he blessed them.” Luke 24:50 GATHERING ANNOUNCEMENTS PRELUDE…………………..............................Allison Weaver, Organ “Crown Him with Many Crowns” John Chapman, Trumpet; Al Hines, Trombone LIGHTING OF THE ALTAR AND CHRIST CANDLES CHIMING OF GOD’S PRESENCE PRAISE CALL TO WORSHIP Jesus Christ is Risen today! Christ is risen, Indeed! The tomb could not hold him. The grave is empty. Christ is risen! Humanity’s sin could not condemn him. He shattered sin’s power over us. Christ is risen! Death could not contain him. He conquered earth for all eternity. Christ is risen! Jesus Christ is risen today! Christ is risen, Indeed! *HYMN NO.302….…...............(v. 1-4)......................EASTER HYMN “Christ the Lord Is Risen Today” John Chapman, Trumpet; Al Hines, Trombone OPENING PRAYER Living God, rejoicing in this day of resurrection, we have come to celebrate the strength of your love—a love that triumphs even over death. As we exult in the miracle of your incarnate love, we thank you for the opportunity to encounter the Risen Christ here in our midst. Amen. *GLORIA PATRI….........................................................................p. 70 *PASSING OF THE PEACE ANTHEM.……………………………………………Hand Bell Choir “Up From the Grave He Arose” TIME FOR CHILDEN *HYMN NO.310………………………..................................ACKLEY “He Lives” CONCERNS AND PRAYERS PRAYER REQUESTS PRAYERS OF INTERCESSION AND THANKSGIVING GIVING THANKS DEDICATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS OFFERTORY……………………...............................Allison Weaver “See What A Morning” *DOXOLOGY……………………………………...…………......p. 95 PROCLAMATION ANTHEM………………………………….……..........Chancel Choir “Now Is Christ Risen” John Chapman, Trumpet and Al Hines Trombone *GOSPEL LESSON……………………………….............Mark 16:1-8 (Red Bible NT p. 54 Navy Bible NT p. 51 LP Navy NT p. 66) SERMON….......................................................Reverend Owen Peeler “He Is Risen” RESPONSE *HYMN NO.308……………….......................JUDAS MACCABEUS “Thine Be the Glory” BENEDICTION Christ is with us in this place. Alleluia! Christ goes with us into the world. Alleluia! Go now in peace. Christ is risen! Risen indeed! Alleluia! CHORAL RESPONSE………………….………...........Chancel Choir “Hallelujah Chorus” (The Congregation may remain seated) POSTLUDE CIRCLE OF CONCERN Ed Baker, Malachi Brooks, Kinney Edwards, Logan Tyler Hollars, Juanita Houck, Elinor Howell, Melba Miller, Edna Santana, Natasha Schoonover, Nancy Seal, Don Sloan, and Mildred Wallace. Serving in the military: Lynn Ashley, Adam Barlow, Will Cameron, Allison Daniels, Evan Daniels, Casey Ellis, Wayne (Joseph) Harsha, Jennifer Pellegrini, Jamie McKeithan and Zach Walter WOMEN OF BETHANY will be meeting this month on Monday, April 27th 12:00 pm at the Winner’s Circle AMERICAN FLAG AT THE CEMETERY Members of Bethany Church, I have replaced the American Flag at the Cemetery dedicated to all the Veterans who served defending our country, and who are buried here. I have been doing this for several years now. This date, March 30th, was the date I was wounded in Viet Nam. This year, I further dedicate this Flag in honor of Philip Walter, a Marine Veteran who served in Afghanistan. Philip died on March 27th 2013, and was laid to rest here. I would be honored to dedicate a flag to be flown at Bethany Church Cemetery for any Veteran each year on March 30th, just let me know. Jim Judson MINISTERIAL INTERN Natasha Schoonover is a rising senior with Duke Divinity School, a single parent with two children, and she will be commuting this summer from her home in Blowing Rock. She is a member of Boone UMC, Boone NC. She enjoys painting, ceramics, music, hiking, walking, and reading. She was in the US Military and served 13 months in Iraq and over a year in disaster relief after Hurricane Floyd. Her first Sunday will be at the end of May. We will have a sign-up sheet in the future to invite her to a meal or activity. CALLING ALL VBS VOLUNTEERS! "Everest," our VBS this year, will be held at West Jefferson UMC July 9-11. We are in need of 2 craft directors (materials are provided), crew leaders (not teachers, just staying with a group of kids as they rotate through the different lessons), 2 nursery workers for July 10, and people to help serve sub sandwiches and fixin's on July 10th for dinner. All activities will be from 5:008:00, and if you serve food, you will be done by 6:00. Please contact Suzanne Randolph at 977-2092 or suzcolsim@yahoo.com if you are willing to help! LECTIONARY FOR APRIL 12th: Acts 4:32-35 Psalm 133 1 John 1:1-2:2 John 20:19-31 MARCH/APRIL EVENTS April April April April April 11 & 18 10:00 am Appalachian District Lay Servant Training 14 8:00 am Character Award Breakfast 19 8:00 am United Methodist Men’s Breakfast 19 12:00 pm Worship Committee 27 12:00 pm Women of Bethany-Winner’s Circle Hearing aids, large print hymnals, and Orders of Worship are available at the entrance. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A nursery is provided during Sunday School and the Worship Hour for children ages 0 - 3. Children’s Church is available for age 4 - 2nd grade.
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