The Presbyterian Messenger Monthly Newsletter of First Presbyterian Church Burley, Idaho May 2015 For as the earth brings forth her bud, and as the garden causeth the things that are sown in it to spring forth; so the Lord God will cause righteousness and praise to spring forth before all the nations. —Isaiah 61:11 From the Desk of the Pastor - By Rev. Josyph Andrews Inside this issue • From the Desk of the Pastor • Pastor’s Report • • • • • Scripture Lessons Tithes & Expenses Dates to Remember Committee Chairpersons Birthdays • Calendar • May Servers • Scout News • Presbyterian Women • Committee Reports • Contact Information • Prayer & Praise Report Grace to you and peace! May is finally upon us and hopefully, we can experience some “normal” weather in the designated period. We had spring in winter and then a mild winter so far in spring. It just goes to show that God has a sense of humor and that his plan is not always ours, however, it is still good. Wow, April was busy! It began with the Maundy Thursday meal and service and continued with the Second Annual Easter Egg hunt which hosted approximately 200. Hamburgers and hotdogs were enjoyed by all, as well as hunting approximately 1500 brightly colored, candy filled eggs. The children were first treated to a puppet show telling them about the Easter story and then they sang songs before hunting and dining. I have heard positive results from both the congregation as well as the community. Many thanks go out to everyone who showed up and spent a beautiful Saturday serving God and a whole lot of visitors. As if that was not enough, the men made sausage at Jensen’s on the 16th and the sausage supper was on the 21st. I do not have the final numbers at this writing, but again, early returns suggest it was another successful event. I do know that we served more than 115 people and it appears they were all generous in their freewill offering. Special thanks to all who worked so hard to make the sausage, sell the sausage, cook the dinner and clean up the dinner. All this adds up to a lot of work for an aging congregation, but as always, the meal was excellent and the service exemplary. Continued on page 2. From the Desk of the Pastor - continued What is remarkable about this congregation is your willingness to tackle difficult tasks and do them well. This is a testament to a truly special church family and their ability to look past the difficulties to once again serve God and the community in what seems to be an effortless and gracious manner. I know that the reality is that this month has been anything but effortless. What distinguishes your service to God and community is that you make it look easy and always do so with a smile and open arms. We may complain or grumble in private, but those we are serving are none the wiser. As we close the door on a busy month, let’s not take too much time to rest on our laurels. We live in a community that needs servant leaders and a congregation to lead the way. There is so much need here that is going unnoticed and people who need help that do not receive the help they need because of the great amount of need. How we address the growing need is a topic for discussion but know that the need for help is not diminishing, but growing. We need to determine how we might be able to better serve those in need without duplicating what is already available. We need to find our niche in our community where God needs our help. I urge all of you to rest quickly and then together find out what our niche is and then cultivate that into action. There is nothing that we cannot do together with the help of our loving God. Thank you all for your loving kindness and generous hearts that make this church an even more special place. Pastors Report April 2015 God Bless and Keep you, Pastor Josyph Miles Driven Last month: 438 Visits: 2 (Home 2, Hospital Visits 0, Nursing Home 0) Communion Served: (1st Sunday, Shut Ins 0) Worship Services Conduced: 5+1 Lenten Lunches Weddings: 0 Funerals: 0 Baptisms: 0 Bible Study Groups: 6 (Tuesday Men’s 3, Thursday Afternoon 3) Committee Meetings Attended: 1 Presbytery Meetings— July 21—26 I have been asked to serve as Dean @ Camp Sawtooth July 21—26 Study Leave— April 23-26 (four days and Sunday—KAIROS Outside) Pastor John will preach May 7—9 (three days—Preaching conference @ Zephyr Hills) Special Dates to Remember: May 02: Kendall Presbytery PW Spring Gathering, Twin Falls 07: National Day of Prayer 07: Pastor Josyph’s preaching Conference, Zephyr Hills 7—9 10: Mother’s Day 14: Ascension of the Lord 19: Election Day *we are a polling place 24: Day of Pentecost 25: Memorial Day—Office Closed 31: Trinity Sunday June 18: PW Church Wide Gathering, Minneapolis 18—21 19: Relay For Life 19—20 21: First Day of Summer 21: Father’s Day We must not be content to have the Spirit without the Word or the Word without the Spirit. Our lives must travel along these two, as the locomotive travels along parallel rails. It is only by our devout contact with the Bible that we shall be able to detect the Holy Spirit’s voice. It is by the Word that the Spirit will enter our hearts, as the heat of the sun passes into our homes when its beams of light enter the open windows. —F.B. Meyer Some of the Most Influential Christian Leaders of All Time No doubt the greatest Christian Leader of all time is Jesus of Nazareth, the Savior of the world. As time passes we are blessed by the influence of certain other Christian leaders that leave a legacy unparalleled by any other. No matter what the denomination, most will agree that some Christian leaders have had a huge impact on our community, our nation and even our world. As we look at all the Christian leaders that have been and even still are today, we have chosen those that we believe are some of the most influential Christian leaders of all time. Elder John Leland (1754-1841) John Leland was a faithful minister of the gospel for sixty-seven years. Leland was what some would call a “circuit preacher” traveling on foot or horseback from Massachusetts to South Carolina. He traveled more than a hundred thousand miles in his preaching journeys. He was most famous for his plight for religious freedom in the United States of America. In 1787 Leland was a great supporter of James Madison as he pursued his election to the Virginia Convention to ratify the U.S. Constitution and to adopt the Bill of Rights. He endorsed Mr. Madison and convinced many fellow Baptist’s to do the same because he knew Madison would pursue a federal amendment for religious freedom. Elder Leland spent more than 60 years fighting for what has commonly been called “separation of church and state” in the United States today. Elder Leland wrote his own epitaph: “Here lies the body of John Leland, who labored 67 years to promote piety and vindicate the civil and religious rights of all men.” William Carey (1761-1834) A self-taught English cobbler William Carey set out to evangelize the people of India. When Carey was called to missions the vision of world evangelism was not clear in England. He was, in fact, considered to be the father of modern Protestant missions. Carey’s first six years on the field were nothing short of outrageously awful. He survived malaria, dysentery and cholera. During his years in Bengal, he and his family tolerated inhabitable conditions, disease, grief, and wild animals. He buried 2 wives and one young child in the field. • William Carey was best known for penning the original translations of the Bible into Bengali, Oriya, Marathi, Hindi, Assamese, and Sanskrit, and parts of it into 29 other languages and dialects. • Carey was co-founder of Serampore College and a member of the Baptist Missionary Society • One Famous Quote of William Carey is: “I can plod, I can persevere to any definite pursuit.” • Rev. Billy Graham (Nov. 7, 1918 (age 96) Billy Graham is an Evangelist, best known for his televised crusades. He preached the message of Christianity for forty years. He was advisor to several American Presidents. It is believed that he has led thousands to profess Jesus Christ as personal Savior. • Rev. Graham is best known for his worldwide evangelist crusades • Rev. Graham is Founder of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) • Rev. Graham once said: “It is not the body’s posture, but the heart’s attitude that counts when we pray” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929-1968) Dr. King’s birth name was Michael Luther King and he later changed his name to Martin. He followed his grandfather and father as pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. This strong Christian and civil rights activist led peaceful marches in several southern towns where Negro Americans were unequally treated. He was the youngest man ever to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize and he donated the over $50,000 prize money to further his civil rights cause. He was assassinated in 1968.Dr. King was best known for his civil right activism, which cost him his life. Dr. King was Founder of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC) and pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. and Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, AL. Dr. King once said: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter” Dr. John Vernon McGee (1904-1988) Dr. McGee, pastored churches in Georgia, Tennessee and Texas before settling at the Church of the Open Door in downtown Los Angeles, California where he first aired “High Noon Bible Class” on a little radio station. When he retired from the church his radio ministry exploded and he began teaching “Thru the Bible” reaching more than 400 stations in the United States and Canada daily. It soon was broadcasted in more than 100 languages and available worldwide on the Internet. His good ole’ fashioned expository teaching is as relevant today as it was in 1967 when he began the broadcast. • Dr. McGee is best known for his deep southern drawl as broadcasted on the “Thru the Bible” radio show • Dr. McGee, better known as just “J. Vernon McGee” is Founder of “Thru the Bible” and even though he has gone on to be with the Lord, his voice continues to broadcast the 5 year Bible study program. • Dr. McGee once prayed: “Oh, God, help me to always preach so that it can be said, ‘I never knew Jesus was so wonderful.’” Continued on page 8 Scripture Lessons In preparation for Pastor Josyph’s ministry of the Word, he encourages you to read the scripture verses for each Sunday. May 3 Acts 8:26-40; Ps. 22:25-31; 1 John 4:7-21; John 15:1-8 May 10 [Mo ther ’s Day] Acts 10:44-48; Ps. 98; 1 John 5:1-6; John 15:9-17 In all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.—Proverbs 3:6 May 17 Acts 1:15-17, 21-26; Ps. 1; 1 John 5:9-13; John 17:6-19 May 24 [Day o f Pen teco st] Acts 2:1-21 Ps. 104:24-34,35b; Rom. 8:22-27; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15 May 31 [Tr inity Su nday] Isa. 6:1-8; Ps. 29; Rom. 8:12-17; John 3:1-17 Committee Chairpersons Building & Grounds Larry Mulholland Christian Education Erika Wittman Fellowship Terrie Shockey Finance Carleen Clayville Missions, Evangelism & Outreach George McGee Personnel & Nominating Erika Wittman Worship Kristi Pugh 2015 Year to Date Tithes and Expenses March Tithes $9,818.60 Expenses $9,979.89 YTD Totals: Tithes $24,777.60 Expenses $27,566.09 THANK YOU, Thank You, thank you!!! We would like to extend a great big THANK YOU to everyone who helped make APRIL a big success. Starting with Maundy Thursday’s Palestinian Dinner to the Easter Egg Hunt to Easter Sunday Service. And to the Church Yard Clean-up and then The Annual Sausage Supper. We could not have done it without you. You are without a doubt the best congregation ever! Thank you and God bless you for all that you do to make this a great church! May Birthdays 07 Terrie Shockey 15 Madison Wittman 15 Mason Wittman 22 Richard Kicklighter 24 Jarred Burns 29 Anna Hindman God Bless Your Special Day! Maundy Thursday Palestinian Dinner April 2, 2015 May 2015 Mon Tues Wed Thurs A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies. Her husband has full confidence in her and lacks nothing of value. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:...Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. –Proverbs: 31:10-11, 28, 30 3 4 5 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship / Communion Sunday 6 7:30 Men’s Breakfast 11 12 13 7:30 Men’s Breakfast 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship Mother’s Day 7:00 pm Session 18 19 20 7:30 Men’s Breakfast 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship 2 9:30 am Kendall Presbytery PW Spring Gathering in Twin Falls 8 9 Pastor Josyph preaching conference, Zephyr Hills 7—9 National Day of Prayer 14 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir 7:00 Scouts 17 1 Sat 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir 7:00 Scouts 10 7 Fri Ascension of the Lord 21 15 Newsletter Articles Due 16 10:00 am PW Spring Gathering, BD Offering & Elections 22 23 29 30 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir 8am—8pm Election Day *we are a polling place 7:00 Scouts 24 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship Day of Pentecost 25 26 27 7:30 Men’s Breakfast 28 2:30 pm Bible study 4:30 pm Choir Memorial Day— Office Closed 7:00 Scouts 31 Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God commanded you, so that your days may be long and that it may go well with you... —Deuteronomy 5:16 9:30 Sunday School 10:45 Worship Trinity Sunday Servers for May ~ Thank You! Head Usher: Harold Gebauer Head Greeter: Gerald Stoller Communion Servers: Kristi Pugh, Larry Mulholland, Gary Hollinger, Paul Pugh Lay Reader: 5/3 Linda Culley, 5/10 _____, 5/17 _____, 5/24 _____, 5/31 Chris Scott Coffee Hour: 5/3 Fellowship, 5/10 _____, 5/17 _____, 5/24 _____, 5/31 Chris Scott If you are able to serve on any of the unassigned days above please let the office know. Boy Scout Troop 678 Hi I am Gavin Wilkinson, and I am the troop scribe/historian for Troop 678. Lately the troop has been planning for a camping trip up to a cabin in Yost, Utah. We also have been getting ready to serve at the German sausage supper. We will be going to a Flag Ceremony at The Burley Inn. We have a new member, Elisha Gage and one thinking of joining. Scouts meet every Wednesday at 7:00 pm at the church Questions? Please call the Dan or Mason Wittman at 678-4846-4846 The 2nd Annual Easter Egg Hunt held April 4, 2015 Approximately 200 folks from the community enjoyed this event. Carleen Clayville is seeking pledges for her Relay for Life Team again this year. This is the 17th year she has been a Team Captain. She's dedica ng her walk this year to her late daughter-in-law Holly Clayville, and others on our prayer list who have lost their ba%le, or are s ll figh ng Cancer. Make checks payable to The American Cancer Society, or it can be done online at The Relay is held this year at the Cassia County Fair Grounds from Friday, June 19 from 5 pm to Saturday, June 20 at 10 am. The Survivor celebra on will be held on Saturday morning. Thank you very much, Carleen We even had our very own live Easter Bunny—thanks to Linda Hollinger! Removing the dread Kara Tippetts, a 38-year-old mother of four, inspired readers while facing the “hard.” In The Hardest Peace (David C. Cook), she described her family’s 2012 move to Colorado Springs to plant a church—only to have a fire destroy 346 homes in their new neighborhood 10 days later. Soon afterward, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, which spread throughout her body. While discussing these trials with her oldest daughter, Tippetts read Proverbs 1:33—”Those who listen to me will be secure and will live at ease, without dread of disaster” (NRSV). Tippetts wrote, “It does not say [God] removes the disaster. But the dread of disaster. … The dread and fear are what so often steal our peace and leave us on the edges of our moments exhausted. We meet the scary of life and forget to turn to God and listen and know his peace. … Dread exposes my fear and weak faith and failure to trust where my eternal security rests.” Together, Tippetts and her daughter prayed “to live present in the gifts and callings of today without dread of tomorrow.” Presbyterian Women THE PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN OF BURLEY, ID The next meeting of the PW of First Presbyterian Church of Burley, ID is scheduled for Saturday, May 16, 2015. At this meeting, we will be joining in with other PW’s of the Presbyterian Church (USA) celebrating and dedicating the 2015 Birthday Offering! Everyone is encouraged to bring money according to their age (or just money) to “help feed His flock” through donations to: The Bethesda Christian Community Center in Barranquilla, Columbia that serves women and children who have been abused. Our gift will build a new community center where it is anticipated that meals can be served to 100 children, and where tutoring and other training, as well as Bible study, will be made available. In Memphis, Tennessee, the Community of St Therese of Lisieux will address the needs of young women seeking to learn a new way of life after prostitution and addiction. This safe residential community will assess needs and provide for education, vocational training and life building skills. Through our gifts to the Birthday Offering, vulnerable children and women will be gathered into community, cared for and nurtured. Our gifts surely will bring comfort to many, in Jesus’ name. Please plan on attending, eat birthday cake and help support our Birthday Offering for 2015, also your Presbyterian Women. We will also be planning for our summer, and the rest of the year. Also, let’s plan on attending the Spring Gathering of P.W. Presbytery in Twin Falls on Saturday, May 2, starting at 9:30 am. We hope to take a car load of women from our Church. Please prayerfully consider attending. They have scheduled a great speaker and will serve lunch. In Christ’s Service, Carleen Clayville, Moderator Mother’s Day is happy for many and hard for some. Let’s be sensitive to those around us. If at first you don’t succeed, do it like your mother told you. A young boy had been misbehaving, so his mother sent him to his room. Sometime later, he came out and told his mom he’d prayed about the matter. “That’s good,” she replied. “If you ask God for help to not misbehave, he’ll help you.” “Oh, I didn’t pray for help behaving,” said the boy. “I prayed for God to help you put up with me.” WELCOME Kadance Lynn Walsh to our church family! Three generations: Terrie Shockey, daughter Jentry, and granddaughter Kadance ~ how lovely! Some of the Most Influential Christian Leaders of All Time—continued Evangelist George Whitefield (1714-1770) Dwight L. Moody (1837-1899) Mr. Moody was a visionary and his success came because of his ability to choose the proper people to put into leadership. He had great dreams of getting rich in shoe sales, and as a young man was approached by his Sunday School teacher with the gospel of salvation. He accepted Jesus as Lord and from that time on devoted his life to serving the Lord. He was involved with the YMCA, Mission Sunday School and even evangelized Union and Confederate soldiers during the Civil War. The Great Chicago Fire of 1871 was a turning point in his devotion to God, it was that event that helped him to know that he needed to preach the Word of God to the world. His approach was nondenominational and because of this he was able to reach all peoples, regardless of religious ties, with the Gospel of Christ. • D. L. Moody is best known as the Founder of Moody Bible Institute formerly known as the Chicago Evangelization Society • D. L. Moody also opened Northfield Seminary for Young Women; Mount Hermon School for Boys; and Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions to reach Europe and South Africa • D.L. Moody once said: “Some day you will read in the papers that D.L. Moody of East Northfield, is dead. Don’t you believe a word of it! At that moment I shall be more alive than I am now; I shall have gone up higher, that is all, out of this old clay tenement into a house that is immortal- a body that death cannot touch, that sin cannot taint; a body fashioned like unto His glorious body.” Evangelist Lester Roloff (1914-1982) Brother Roloff was saved when he was fourteen years old. He paid his way through Baylor University with four gallons of milk per day from his beloved jersey cow “Marie”. He became the Pastor of People’s Baptist Church in Corpus Christi, Texas in 1969 where he began his outreach to troubled teens and adults. He fought the state of Texas for eight years because he did not want the state to control his church ministries. He won that battle and the Lester Roloff homes continue today as an outreach of People’s Baptist Church. • Brother Roloff is best known for his battle and protection of the People’s Baptist Church’s ministries in Texas. • Brother Roloff is the Founder of Rebecca Home for Girls, Anchor Home for Boys, Lighthouse for Men and Boys, and the Jubilee Home for Women. • Brother Roloff once said: “This is going to be the greatest day of my life” and it was — as his plane crashed and he went home to be with his Father in Heaven on November 2, 1982 Pastor Whitefield was a clergyman at the Church of England. He was small in stature but known for his huge preaching voice. He is said to be one of the greatest evangelists of all time. He was the spark of America’s 1st Great Awakening. If you do not know the history behind George Whitefield (pronounced “Whitfield”) you should read about it to learn that he had an amazing way of simplifying the message of Christianity to a very large population. He is a great contributor to our heritage. • George Whitefield is best known as an aggressive evangelist who was the fire behind America’s Great Awakening. • George Whitefield was the Founder of the movement called Methodism • George Whitefield said: “The reason why the Son of God took upon him our nature, was, the fall of our first parents.” John Calvin (1509-1564) A powerful French theologian and pastor, John Calvin is one of the well known Protestants, whose name prominently figured during the Protestant Reformation. Famous for his involvement in Calvinism, a theological system that defines Christian theology, Calvin was raised in a Roman Catholic family. Though he had been trained as a humanistic lawyer, destiny had some other plans for him. He parted from the Roman Catholic Church in the 1520s, around which time his religious conversion also took place. From thence, till his death, he worked as a reformer. Calvin authored several books, letters, treatise and doctrines during his lifetime. Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) Jonathan Edwards is considered to be one of the greatest and most influential American philosophers and theologians. He played a very significant role in the religious revival known as “The First Great Awakening” that revolutionized the Protestant religion in Europe and British America during the mid 18th century. As a theologian his works covered various aspects of the Christian religion though he was primarily regarded as a pioneer in the Reformed faith or Calvinism. He was the only son among the several children born to his parents and his family had great aspirations for him. He was accepted into the Yale College when he was just 13 and graduated as the head of his class. He was deeply influenced by the philosopher John Locke and scientist Isaac Newton. He became a pastor of the church at Northampton and played a significant role in the Christian revival movement “The First Great Awakening”. He preached about the sovereignty of God and encouraged people to develop a profound spiritual conviction. One of his very famous sermons, ‘Sinners in the hands of an Angry God’ projects vivid descriptions of hell and is a classic example of the sermons of the Great Awakening. His followers became known as New Light Calvinist ministers. Committee Reports FINANCE REPORT Go Figure Giving really is a joy by Angie Andriot They say money can’t buy happiness, but research indicates this may not be entirely true. The trick is to focus on what you give, rather than what you get. So where should you go to “purchase” this elusive state of joy? The answer: your church, charities, community donation drives—any place you can donate money. The key word? Donate. Those who donate money tend to be happier than those who don’t. According to our research, Presbyterians in households that have pledged money to their church are happier than those in non-pledging households. However—and this is important—giving more money does not make you happier, and the link between pledging and happiness exists at all income levels. It’s not the quantity that counts; what matters is the habit of giving. Happiness comes from giving regularly. Our research finds that donating just once to a cause does not impact general happiness—no matter how much you give. And it’s not just happiness that is part of the equation. People in pledging households are also more optimistic about their future and are more likely to believe that people can generally be trusted. One caveat to this research is that we cannot determine what causes what—does giving away money make people happier, or are happy people more likely to give away money? Either way, one thing is clear: donating money is the sign of a happy person. And it’s not likely to make the recipient too sad either. Angie Andriot is a research associate with Research Services for the Presbyterian Mission Agency. In Christ’s Service, Your Finance team FELLOWSHIP Thank you to all who helped with and attended the Maundy Thursday dinner. It was a very meaningful time together. May is fast approaching and we will be serving Birthday/ Anniversary cupcakes on the 3rd . Mother's Day is the10th, so please come and let us honor the Mother's with a flower to take home. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Please consider hosting coffee hour one Sunday and thank you to all who have. Classes continue as scheduled. Respectfully submitted, Erika Wittman Respectfully submitted, Terrie Shockey Pastor: Rev. Josyph A. Andrews Pastor’s office hours: Tues—Thurs 9am—3pm (also available after hours by appointment) First Presbyterian Church (USA) 2100 Burton Avenue Burley ID 83318 Josyph’s E-mail: Josyph’s cell: 312-9373 Visit us on the web at: Clerk of Session: Kathy Poulton Office Administrator: Barbra Moore Office Hours M—F 9am—1pm Office phone: 678-5131 Office email: Newsletter Editor: Barbra Moore & Judy Meyer Director of Music: Dr. Paul Pugh Pianist: Susan McGee Organist: Mayna McGill Custodian: Linda Culley Prayer Chain: Gay Neiwert 678-2760 Return Service Requested Service Times: Sunday School 9:30 am Worship 10:45 am The Presbyterian Messenger and The Lord’s Day Bulletin are published by The First Presbyterian Church of Burley, Idaho. Please submit your Newsletter items by the 15th of the month and Bulleting items by Wednesday. PRAYER CORNER Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Lamentations3:21-23 PLEASE PRAY FOR: Healing, Strength and Encouragement for: Darla Holl and family—Randy died April 26th. Paul Pugh. Dale Martin. Jerry Vegwert. Gay Neiwert. Terri (Larry Mulholland’s daughter), Leanna (5 year old burn victim), Elaine Victor, Anna Hindman, Billie (Hazel Vegwert’s sister-in-law), Lewisa (Josyph & Jean Andrew’s daughter), and Barbra. All who are sick or injured. All who have lost jobs. Those facing financial uncertainties. Wisdom for those making difficult decisions. KAIROS prison ministry. Pastor Saeed Abidini-imprisoned in Iraq. And we encourage you to join other congregations in praying for Church of the Big Wood in Ketchum. • Our Church Leaders: Elder s Kathy Poulton, Kr isti Pugh, Lar r y Mulholland, Car leen Clayville, Erika Wittman, and George McGee. Deacons Paul Pugh, Gary Hollinger, Janell Martin, Sharon Napier, Chris Scott and Tom Clayville • Pastor Josyph and Jean Andrews as they shepherd our flock • World unrest • Wisdom for our National and Local Leaders • Service Men & Women around the world. • Our Church family; strength & wisdom and to keep our eyes on Jesus —James 1:2-4 “consider it all joy…” May 2015
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