Bytown Bulletin 200609

Bytown Lodge
A.F. & A.M. No. 721
WBro Robert Farrell
Phone: 613-271-6428
Thirty-seventh year of Publication
Number 5
May 2015
WBro Mark Paine
Phone: 613-612-1611
Lodge News
Regular Meeting 16 Apr 15
Since our WM was out of town on business, the IPM,
WBro Jeff Hawkins sat in the east. We were
pleased to have two visitors on our election night.
Both are military officers but only one is a brother.
Accordingly, after the routine business of the lodge
was conducted, and the election of officers was
completed, the lodge was called off for 20 minutes,
and the non-Mason invited in for a period of Masonic
education, given by your Editor. The text of the
material presented can be found on the "Sunday
Masonic Papers" page of our website, issue 744.
We were please to see two members back in lodge
after a long absence. WBro George Ingraham has
been posted back to Ottawa from Halifax, where he
has been serving with the Navy for the past three
years. And WBro Keith Kemp has returned from his
annual sojourn in the sunny south.
With VWBro John Hawkins and WBro George
Ingraham acting as scrutineers, the following officers
of Bytown were elected by ballot for the ensuing
Masonic year:
Worshipful Master
Senior Warden
Junior Warden
Two visitors and the Brethren, at the close of our annual
Election Night. Bro Joe Pound, the WM-elect, stands
directly under the portrait of Her Majesty.
Bro Joe Pound
Bro Brodie Fraser
WBro Jean-François Legault
WBro Robert Farrell
WBro Scott Macdonald
WBro Nick Montero was elected by open vote to the position of Tyler for the 2015 - 2016 Masonic Year.
Our Regular Meeting in April will be our Annual Installation of Officers. This is one of the most
important meetings, and the last of the Masonic year. Every brother is expected to attend, if
within he length of his CT. The Installation ceremony is a once-per-year event, and is different
from any other meeting. It is also the oly time that you can hear the General Charge presented in
its entirety. Finally, the pre-meeting banquet, given by the WM-elect is not to be missed.
See you all there!
Milestones We would like to extend our greetings to the members having anniversaries and birthdays over the summer
Affiliated Bytown
Worshipful Master
Bob Farrell
1 Nov 73
20 May 82
Mark Paine
5 Jun 00
18 Mar 10
Member Birthdays, Ladies’ Birthdays and Anniversaries
Member Birthday
Ladies Birthday
5 May
8 May
Nicole & Brian Lebreton
10 May
14 May
16 May
18 May
24 May
Charles Alexander
Louise White
Patricia Lucas & Thitikorn Chuchinnawat
Rose & Don Osborne
Mark Frazier
Helen Guigues
25 May
Helen Gourlay
2 Jun
June Moffatt
Rebecca St. Pierre
4 Jun
Carrole Orr
7 Jun
10 Jun
Amanda Bennett
Maja Maricic
15 Jun
Sherryl Armstrong
16 Jun
Tamara Macdonald
Heather & George Ingraham
26 Jun
Julie & John Hawkins
28 Jun
Helen & George Gourlay
2 Jul
4 Jul
Joanne Heinbuch
Nick Montero
7 Jul
Pixie Vradenburg
8 Jul
Joyce Lee
16 Jul
Myrtle Sage
18 Jul
Olive Nelson
19 Jul
Frances Alexander
Helen Arbuckle
26 Jul
8 Aug
10 Aug
Pixie & Bill Vradenburg
Les Davis
Marlyn Kemp
Ann & Derk Duermeyer
12 Aug
Tamara & Scott Macdonald
20 Aug
Elizabeth Hood
23 Aug
Barbara Craig-Paul
24 Aug
Vera Heffel
29 Aug
Patty Davis
Patty & Les Davis
Wisdom of the General Charge:
Although the General Charge is only heard at Installations,
it contains much wisdom, and parts of it need to be
repeated during the rest of the Masonic year. Consider the
truth of the following quotation:
“....for there is no right without a parallel duty, no liberty
without the supremacy of law, no high destiny without
earnest perseverance, and no real greatness without selfdenial.”
We all need to ponder the meaning of this quotation, and
apply it in our daily lives.